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The segregation and maintenance of eye-specific inputs in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) during early postnatal development requires the patterned spontaneous activity of retinal waves. In contrast to the development of the mouse, ferret eye-specific segregation is not complete at the start of stage III glutamatergic retinal waves, and the remaining overlap is limited to the C/C1 lamina of the dLGN. To investigate the role of patterned spontaneous activity in this late segregation, we disrupted retinal waves pharmacologically for 5 day windows from postnatal day (P) 10 to P25. Multi-electrode array recordings of the retina in vitro reveal that the cholinergic agonist epibatidine disrupts correlated retinal activity during stage III waves. Epibatidine also prevents the segregation of eye-specific inputs in vivo during that period. Our results reveal a novel role for cholinergic influence on stage III retinal waves as an instructive signal for the continued segregation of eye-specific inputs in the ferret dLGN.  相似文献   

The morphology of confirmed projection neurons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) of the rat was examined by filling these cells retrogradely with biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) injected into the visual cortex. BDA-labeled projection neurons varied widely in the shape and size of their cell somas, with mean cross-sectional areas ranging from 60–340 µm2. Labeled projection neurons supported 7–55 dendrites that spanned up to 300 µm in length and formed dendritic arbors with cross-sectional areas of up to 7.0×104 µm2. Primary dendrites emerged from cell somas in three broad patterns. In some dLGN projection neurons, primary dendrites arise from the cell soma at two poles spaced approximately 180° apart. In other projection neurons, dendrites emerge principally from one side of the cell soma, while in a third group of projection neurons primary dendrites emerge from the entire perimeter of the cell soma. Based on these three distinct patterns in the distribution of primary dendrites from cell somas, we have grouped dLGN projection neurons into three classes: bipolar cells, basket cells and radial cells, respectively. The appendages seen on dendrites also can be grouped into three classes according to differences in their structure. Short “tufted” appendages arise mainly from the distal branches of dendrites; “spine-like” appendages, fine stalks with ovoid heads, typically are seen along the middle segments of dendrites; and “grape-like” appendages, short stalks that terminate in a cluster of ovoid bulbs, appear most often along the proximal segments of secondary dendrites of neurons with medium or large cell somas. While morphologically diverse dLGN projection neurons are intermingled uniformly throughout the nucleus, the caudal pole of the dLGN contains more small projection neurons of all classes than the rostral pole.  相似文献   

The output of individual neurons is dependent on both synaptic and intrinsic membrane properties. While it is clear that the response of an individual neuron can be facilitated or inhibited based on the summation of its constituent synaptic inputs, it is not clear whether subthreshold activity, (e.g. synaptic “noise”- fluctuations that do not change the mean membrane potential) also serve a function in the control of neuronal output. Here we studied this by making whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from 29 mouse thalamocortical relay (TC) neurons. For each neuron we measured neuronal gain in response to either injection of current noise, or activation of the metabotropic glutamate receptor-mediated cortical feedback network (synaptic noise). As expected, injection of current noise via the recording pipette induces shifts in neuronal gain that are dependent on the amplitude of current noise, such that larger shifts in gain are observed in response to larger amplitude noise injections. Importantly we show that shifts in neuronal gain are also dependent on the intrinsic sensitivity of the neuron tested, such that the gain of intrinsically sensitive neurons is attenuated divisively in response to current noise, while the gain of insensitive neurons is facilitated multiplicatively by injection of current noise- effectively normalizing the output of the dLGN as a whole. In contrast, when the cortical feedback network was activated, only multiplicative gain changes were observed. These network activation-dependent changes were associated with reductions in the slow afterhyperpolarization (sAHP), and were mediated at least in part, by T-type calcium channels. Together, this suggests that TC neurons have the machinery necessary to compute multiple output solutions to a given set of stimuli depending on the current level of network stimulation.  相似文献   

The lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) is increasingly regarded as a “smart-gating” operator for processing visual information. Therefore, characterizing the response properties of LGN neurons will enable us to better understand how neurons encode and transfer visual signals. Efforts have been devoted to study its anatomical and functional features, and recent advances have highlighted the existence in rodents of complex features such as direction/orientation selectivity. However, unlike well-researched higher-order mammals such as primates, the full array of response characteristics vis-à-vis its morphological features have remained relatively unexplored in the mouse LGN. To address the issue, we recorded from mouse LGN neurons using multisite-electrode-arrays (MEAs) and analysed their discharge patterns in relation to their location under a series of visual stimulation paradigms. Several response properties paralleled results from earlier studies in the field and these include centre-surround organization, size of receptive field, spontaneous firing rate and linearity of spatial summation. However, our results also revealed “high-pass” and “low-pass” features in the temporal frequency tuning of some cells, and greater average contrast gain than reported by earlier studies. In addition, a small proportion of cells had direction/orientation selectivity. Both “high-pass” and “low-pass” cells, as well as direction and orientation selective cells, were found only in small numbers, supporting the notion that these properties emerge in the cortex. ON- and OFF-cells showed distinct contrast sensitivity and temporal frequency tuning properties, suggesting parallel projections from the retina. Incorporating a novel histological technique, we created a 3-D LGN volume model explicitly capturing the morphological features of mouse LGN and localising individual cells into anterior/middle/posterior LGN. Based on this categorization, we show that the ON/OFF, DS/OS and linear response properties are not regionally restricted. Our study confirms earlier findings of spatial pattern selectivity in the LGN, and builds on it to demonstrate that relatively elaborate features are computed early in the visual pathway.  相似文献   

Biphasic neural response properties, where the optimal stimulus for driving a neural response changes from one stimulus pattern to the opposite stimulus pattern over short periods of time, have been described in several visual areas, including lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), primary visual cortex (V1), and middle temporal area (MT). We describe a hierarchical model of predictive coding and simulations that capture these temporal variations in neuronal response properties. We focus on the LGN-V1 circuit and find that after training on natural images the model exhibits the brain's LGN-V1 connectivity structure, in which the structure of V1 receptive fields is linked to the spatial alignment and properties of center-surround cells in the LGN. In addition, the spatio-temporal response profile of LGN model neurons is biphasic in structure, resembling the biphasic response structure of neurons in cat LGN. Moreover, the model displays a specific pattern of influence of feedback, where LGN receptive fields that are aligned over a simple cell receptive field zone of the same polarity decrease their responses while neurons of opposite polarity increase their responses with feedback. This phase-reversed pattern of influence was recently observed in neurophysiology. These results corroborate the idea that predictive feedback is a general coding strategy in the brain.  相似文献   

The early postnatal development of the A-layers of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd) was investigated in kittens aged 0–34 days by immunohistochemistry for the selective marker for neuronal differentiation (NeuN protein) and parvalbumin. We report two new facts about the LGNd development. First, there is a transient stratification of NeuN labelling in layer A, and to a lesser extent in layer A1, in kittens aged 0 and 4 days. Second, a transient population of large cells that are located between the LGNd A-layers (interlaminar cells) showed high expression levels of both NeuN and parvalbumin. These neurons possessed both the morphological and immunohistochemical features, similar to cells in the neighbouring perigeniculate nucleus. Both NeuN-stratification and double-stained interlaminar cells gradually disappeared during the second postnatal week, and almost completely vanished by the opening of the critical period. We discuss a possible linkage between these observed transitory networks and the ON-/OFF- and X-/Y-cells development and propose that the data obtained reflect the functioning of the early environmentally independent geniculate networks.  相似文献   

Inhibitory interneurons (INs) in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) provide both axonal and dendritic GABA output to thalamocortical relay cells (TCs). Distal parts of the IN dendrites often enter into complex arrangements known as triadic synapses, where the IN dendrite plays a dual role as postsynaptic to retinal input and presynaptic to TC dendrites. Dendritic GABA release can be triggered by retinal input, in a highly localized process that is functionally isolated from the soma, but can also be triggered by somatically elicited Ca2+-spikes and possibly by backpropagating action potentials. Ca2+-spikes in INs are predominantly mediated by T-type Ca2+-channels (T-channels). Due to the complex nature of the dendritic signalling, the function of the IN is likely to depend critically on how T-channels are distributed over the somatodendritic membrane (T-distribution). To study the relationship between the T-distribution and several IN response properties, we here run a series of simulations where we vary the T-distribution in a multicompartmental IN model with a realistic morphology. We find that the somatic response to somatic current injection is facilitated by a high T-channel density in the soma-region. Conversely, a high T-channel density in the distal dendritic region is found to facilitate dendritic signalling in both the outward direction (increases the response in distal dendrites to somatic input) and the inward direction (the soma responds stronger to distal synaptic input). The real T-distribution is likely to reflect a compromise between several neural functions, involving somatic response patterns and dendritic signalling.  相似文献   

THERE has been little success in the search for a specific antagonist of the actions of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) on central neurones, although several compounds reduce the effects of both tryptamine derivatives and catecholamines in the central nervous system1,2. The recent report that lysergic acid diethylamide blocked the excitant action of 5-HT, but not that of noradrenaline, on medullary reticular neurones3 has not been confirmed4. Moreover, an earlier investigation of olfactory bulb neurones indicated that lysergic acid diethylamide blocked the action of noradrenaline more readily than that of 5-HT5.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study attempts to determine whether the pathways from the guinea pig dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) to the inferior colliculus (IC) use γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as a transmitter. Injections of kainic acid (KA) were used to destroy neurons in the left DNLL. Two to 4 days after the injection, Nissl-stained sections through the lesion site showed destruction of the DNLL neurons. The lesions varied in size; 12–100% of the DNLL neurons were destroyed on the injected side without damage to the ipsilateral IC. Two to 4 days after the injection, the electrically evoked, Ca2+-dependent release and high-affinity uptake of [3H]GABA were measured in dissected pieces of the left and right IC. These activities were compared with those in the IC taken from unlesioned controls and from sham controls, which received injections of saline instead of KA. Each IC was divided into a dorsal piece, which contained the dorsal cortex and dorsomedial nucleus, and a ventral piece, which contained the central and lateral nuclei. Lesions of the left DNLL depressed the release and uptake of [3H]GABA in the ventral pieces of the IC, but there was a greater depression in the ventral IC contralateral to the lesioned DNLL. There were good correlations between the percentage of neuronal loss in the left DNLL and deficits in [3H]GABA release and uptake activities in the ipsi- and contralateral ventral IC. By contrast, there was no depression of [3H]GABA release and uptake in the dorsal pieces of the IC. The localization of the deficits in release and uptake appears to match the distribution of the synaptic endings of the DNLL pathways in the IC. This correspondence associates GABA release and uptake activities with the DNLL projections to the IC and, therefore, suggests that GABA may be a transmitter of these pathways. The release and uptake of [14C]glycine was also measured to determine whether glycine might be a transmitter of the DNLL pathways to the IC. Lesions of the left DNLL failed to alter the Ca2+-dependent release or the uptake of [14C]glycine, suggesting that DNLL neurons are unlikely to use this compound as a transmitter.  相似文献   

Simultaneous Recording of Input and Output of Lateral Geniculate Neurones   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
TO understand the way in which the cat dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) processes visual information it would be useful to know the number and type of retinal inputs to individual LGN neurones. Using electrical stimulation of the optic nerve Bishop et al.1concluded that an impulse in a single optic nerve fibre is sufficient to excite a single LGN neurone. From the appearance of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) recorded essentially intracellularly, Creutzfeldt suggested that LGN neurones are driven by perhaps one2 or a few3 retinal ganglion cells. Hubel and Wiesel4 proposed models of convergence of several retinal inputs on single LGN neurones based on analyses of receptive fields. Guillery5 produced anatomical evidence that some types of LGN neurones receive inputs from several different retinal fibres. Now we report direct observations which were made by recording simultaneously from single LGN neurones and from individual retinal ganglion cells which provided excitatory input to them. We shall not consider inhibitory influences, which are currently under study.  相似文献   

Working memory is important for a wide range of high-level cognitive activities. Previous studies have shown that the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) plays a critical role in working memory and that behavioral training of working memory can alter the activity of DLPFC. However, it is unclear whether the activation in the DLPFC can be self-regulated and whether any self-regulation can affect working memory behavior. The recently emerged real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rtfMRI) technique enables the individuals to acquire self-control of localized brain activation, potentially inducing desirable behavioral changes. In the present study, we employed the rtfMRI technique to train subjects to up-regulate the activation in the left DLPFC, which is linked to verbal working memory. After two rtfMRI training sessions, activation in the left DLPFC was significantly increased, whereas the control group that received sham feedback did not show any increase in DLPFC activation. Pre- and post-training behavioral tests indicated that performance of the digit span and letter memory task was significantly improved in the experimental group. Between-group comparison of behavioral changes showed that the increase of digit span in the experimental group was significantly greater than that in the control group. These findings provide preliminary evidence that working memory performance can be improved through learned regulation of activation in associated brain regions using rtfMRI.  相似文献   

We studied spatial organization of the receptive fields (RF) of neurons of the lateral geniculate body (LGB) on unanesthetized cats (pretrigeminal brainstem section). After identification of localization and borders of the RF of the neuron under study, we scanned with a sufficient resolution the entire visual field and tried to find additional space zones, whose stimulation could influence the impulse activity of the neuron. These experiments demonstrated that 24 neurons of 167 examined units (14%) could react to the presentation of visual stimuli within the visual space outside the main RF, but we were unable to determine borders of these additional zones with a sufficient accuracy. In 12 neurons (7% of the group under study), localization, dimensions, and specific features of an additional RF (RF-2) could be clearly determined. As a rule, the center of the RF-2 was localized at a distance of 20-40O; or even farther from the center of the main RF (RF-1). To activate the neuron from the RF-2, application of greater visual stimuli was necessary (as compared with stimulation of the RF-1). Thus, two RF of one and the same neuron had dissimilar spatial organizations and qualitatively differed from each other in their stationary and dynamic characteristics. Considering our findings, we hypothesize that the RF-2 of LGB neurons can play a certain role in perception of large objects within the visual field of the animal by promoting formation of the avoidance reaction.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide galanin and its three receptor subtypes (Gal R1-3) are highly expressed in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN), a region of the brain that contains a large population of serotonergic neurons. Galanin is co-expressed with serotonin in approximately 40% of the DRN neurons, and galanin and GALR2 expression are elevated by antidepressants like the SSRI fluoxetine, suggesting an interaction between serotonin and galanin. The present study examines the effect of galanin (Gal 1–29), a pan ligand for GalR (1–3) and the GalR2/GalR3-selective ligand, Gal 2–11, on the electrophysiological properties of DRN serotonergic neurons in a slice preparation. We recorded from cells in the DRN with electrophysiological characteristics consistent with those of serotonergic neurons that exhibit high input resistance, large after-hyperpolarizations and long spike duration as defined by Aghajanian and Vandermaelen. Both Gal 1–29 and Gal 2–11 decreased the amplitudes pharmacologically-isolated GABAergic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) in these putative serotonergic neurons. Furthermore, based on paired pulse facilitation studies, we show that Gal 1–29 likely decreases GABA release through a presynaptic mechanism, whereas Gal 2–11 may act postsynaptically. These findings may enhance understanding of the cellular mechanisms underlying the effects of antidepressant treatments on galanin and galanin receptors in DRN. Special issue article in honor of Dr. Frode Fonnum.  相似文献   

Information maximization has long been suggested as the underlying coding strategy of the primary visual cortex (V1). Grouping image sequences into blocks has been shown by others to improve agreement between experiments and theory. We have studied the effect of temporal convolution on the formation of spatiotemporal filters—that is, the analogues of receptive fields—since this temporal feature is characteristic to the response function of lagged and nonlagged cells of the lateral geniculate nucleus. Concatenated input sequences were used to learn the linear transformation that maximizes the information transfer. Learning was accomplished by means of principal component analysis and independent component analysis. Properties of the emerging spatiotemporal filters closely resemble the three major types of V1 cells: simple cells with separable receptive field, simple cells with nonseparable receptive field, and complex cells.  相似文献   

There were studied characteristics of gamma-oscillations in responses of neurons of the lateral geniculate body (LGB) in cat to exposure in their receptive fields (RF) of half-tone and binary test images. The gamma-oscillations were observed in 38.8% of cases (69 cells). The spectral characteristics (SC) (the band 20–100 Hz) of the neuronal responses to adequate stimuli (on- and off-responses correspondingly of on- and off-neurons) were analyzed. The total of 5930 poststimulus histograms (PSTH) of responses constructed from 177 900 neuronal impulse responses were considered. The mean value of the SC dominant frequencies of the whole sample of the neuronal responses amounted to 44.74 ± 21.46 Hz. In this cell sample, the neurons were revealed, which generated oscillations with markedly different frequencies in response to the same stimuli. Based on this property, three types of neurons were determined, with the mean oscillation frequencies of 26.95 ± 4.35, 52.02 ± 9.05, and 85.79 ± 7.19 Hz. The histograms of distribution of peak frequency values in SC of the neuronal responses and of index values of these oscillation peaks also revealed three maxima that corresponded to the frequencies of the three described types of neurons. The mean values of dominant frequencies of gamma-oscillations in responses of all three types of neurons remained constant (within the limits of dispersion) at changes of spatial-brightness parameters of test stimuli as well as at changes of the neuronal excitation level (the number of impulses in responses). The oscillation index values of dominant frequencies depended on parameters of the test images and correlated with the neuronal excitation level (the coefficient of correlation was 0.78 from data of 5930 CX). The suggestion is made about the existence in the neuronal network of the synchronization mechanisms functioning on the principle of multiple synchronization.   相似文献   

Multisensory neurons in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) show long-lasting enhancement or suppression of sound-evoked responses when stimulated with combined somatosensory-auditory stimulation. By varying the intervals between sound and somatosensory stimuli we show for the first time in vivo that DCN bimodal responses are influenced by stimulus-timing dependent plasticity. The timing rules and time courses of the observed stimulus-timing dependent plasticity closely mimic those of spike-timing dependent plasticity that have been demonstrated in vitro at parallel-fiber synapses onto DCN principal cells. Furthermore, the degree of inhibition in a neuron influences whether that neuron has Hebbian or anti-Hebbian timing rules. As demonstrated in other cerebellar-like circuits, anti-Hebbian timing rules reflect adaptive filtering, which in the DCN would result in suppression of sound-evoked responses that are predicted by activation of somatosensory inputs, leading to the suppression of body-generated signals such as self-vocalization.  相似文献   

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