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The globalization process of the last half century entailed a growing trade in agricultural and food products. As a result, water has been transferred among countries, embodied in these goods. This paper studies the evolution of virtual water flows over the long term, analyzing the main driving factors through Decomposition Analysis. It contributes to the existing literature by offering a dynamic and economic interpretation of the historical changes in virtual water trade flows. In particular, this study points to a gradual increase in virtual water exchange, related to the upsurge of agricultural and food products trade in the world from 1965 to 2010. Although the origins and destinations of virtual water have changed, North America stands out as the primary net exporter of virtual water. Europe and Asia, on the other hand, with a high dependency on foreign water resources, appear as net importers of virtual water. Despite improvements in agricultural yields and the reallocation of production, the virtual water trade continues to increase globally via these significant commercial exchanges.  相似文献   

基于投入产出分析的北京市虚拟水核算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘雅婷  王赛鸽  陈彬 《生态学报》2018,38(6):1930-1940
城市化进程的加快与工农业的迅速发展使城市水消耗量日趋增加。水资源短缺不仅会造成居民生活质量下降,还会制约社会经济的可持续发展。从贸易和消费的角度核算虚拟水可为研究城市水资源管理提供新的视角。通过投入产出分析了构建了城市系统虚拟水核算模型,利用虚拟水直接和完全用水系数、虚拟水消费量等指标分析城市虚拟水消耗和虚拟水进出口特征。以北京市为例,利用2012年北京市投入产出表和部门的水资源消耗数据核算不同部门的用水系数、最终消费虚拟水量、虚拟水进出口贸易量及部门间虚拟水流转量。结果表明:北京市为虚拟水净进口城市,净进口虚拟水量6.77×10~9m~3,相当于北京市虚拟水用水总量(8.25×10~9m~3)的82%,农业和制造业为主要虚拟水进口部门;北京市虚拟水出口结构存在不合理之处,经济投入产出表中各部门出口总额占最终消费的79.9%,但出口产品消耗的虚拟水占了最终消费隐含虚拟水的85.04%,其中农产品消耗6.7%虚拟水但经济收益仅占1%,说明北京市出口以较大的虚拟水消耗量换取了较少的经济收益,需要减少虚拟水含量较大但经济价值不高的产品出口(如农产品);识别出的主要虚拟水流出-流入关系部门包括农业-制造业,农业-服务业和制造业-建筑业等部门的关联关系,可成为减少间接水消耗的关键路径。  相似文献   

We analyze the patterns of import/export bilateral relations, with the aim of assessing the relevance and shape of “preferentiality” in countries’ trade decisions. Preferentiality here is defined as the tendency to concentrate trade on one or few partners. With this purpose, we adopt a systemic approach through the use of the tools of complex network analysis. In particular, we apply a pattern detection approach based on community and pseudocommunity analysis, in order to highlight the groups of countries within which most of members’ trade occur. The method is applied to two intra-industry trade networks consisting of 221 countries, relative to the low-tech “Textiles and Textile Articles” and the high-tech “Electronics” sectors for the year 2006, to look at the structure of world trade before the start of the international financial crisis. It turns out that the two networks display some similarities and some differences in preferential trade patterns: they both include few significant communities that define narrow sets of countries trading with each other as preferential destinations markets or supply sources, and they are characterized by the presence of similar hierarchical structures, led by the largest economies. But there are also distinctive features due to the characteristics of the industries examined, in which the organization of production and the destination markets are different. Overall, the extent of preferentiality and partner selection at the sector level confirm the relevance of international trade costs still today, inducing countries to seek the highest efficiency in their trade patterns.  相似文献   

Worldwide, food supplies often contain unavoidable contaminants, many of which adversely affect health and hence are subject to regulations of maximum tolerable levels in food. These regulations differ from nation to nation, and may affect patterns of food trade. We soughtto determine whether there is an association between nations'' food safety regulations and global food trade patterns, with implications for public health and policymaking. We developed a network model of maize trade around the world. From maize import/export data for 217 nations from 2000–2009, we calculated basic statistics on volumes of trade; then examined how regulations of aflatoxin, a common contaminant of maize, are similar or different between pairs of nations engaging in significant amounts of maize trade. Globally, market segregation appears to occur among clusters of nations. The United States is at the center of one cluster; European countries make up another cluster with hardly any maize trade with the US; and Argentina, Brazil, and China export maize all over the world. Pairs of nations trading large amounts of maize have very similar aflatoxin regulations: nations with strict standards tend to trade maize with each other, while nations with more relaxed standards tend to trade maize with each other. Rarely among the top pairs of maize-trading nations do total aflatoxin standards (standards based on the sum of the levels of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, and G2) differ by more than 5 µg/kg. These results suggest that, globally, separate maize trading communities emerge; and nations tend to trade with other nations that have very similar food safety standards.  相似文献   

基于多区域投入产出分析的京津冀地区虚拟水核算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
曹涛  王赛鸽  陈彬 《生态学报》2018,38(3):788-799
通过贸易与消费调控实现区域水资源优化配置已成为缓解地区水资源压力的途径之一。跨区域投入产出分析可为地区间虚拟水贸易战略提供依据。基于2012年京津冀地区投入产出表与生产用水量构建了跨地区虚拟水核算模型,计算了隐含在经济贸易中的虚拟水总量及各地区各部门的直接用水系数、完全用水系数和拉动系数,分析了各部门虚拟水进出口情况,识别了重点耗水部门。结果表明:京津冀地区呈现虚拟水净出口状态,其中净出口部门主要为北京的服务与交通业,河北的农业和制造业。京津冀的农业、矿业和水供应业在生产过程中直接消耗水量大,应注重提升用水效率及节水技术的开发;三地制造业、建筑业和服务与交通业的平均拉动系数较大,这说明其他部门生产活动对该部门依赖性较大,其单位产出的提高将带动整个地区更多虚拟水量的投入。此外,河北的农业和制造业为京津冀各部门输送了大量虚拟水,为各部门生产提供了支撑,是节水的重点部门,应着重调整其产业结构,并从直接和间接用水两方面入手减少水资源消耗。计算了京津冀地区不同部门的直接、间接水资源消耗、水资源消耗拉动系数,以及部门间的虚拟水贸易情况,结果可为该地区部门间水资源配置和虚拟水战略的制定提供基础。  相似文献   

基于投入产出方法的甘肃省水足迹及虚拟水贸易研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
蔡振华  沈来新  刘俊国  赵旭 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6481-6488
随着社会化进程的加快,地处西北内陆的甘肃省正面临日益严峻的水资源短缺危机,社会经济发展受到一定程度的制约,水生态环境也呈现出恶化的趋势。水足迹是近年来提出的衡量人类活动对于水生态系统影响的指标,能够帮助决策者制定水资源管理及保护的政策,从而实现地区水资源的可持续利用。运用单区域投入产出方法计算并分析了甘肃省1997、2002和2007年第一产业、第二产业和第三产业部门的虚拟水强度、水足迹以及虚拟水贸易情况。结果显示:(1)甘肃省第一产业的虚拟水强度最高,但呈现出逐年下降的趋势,水足迹也因此有所下降;(2)虚拟水贸易方面,甘肃省以虚拟水净出口为主,尤其是第一产业,每年虚拟水净出口量约全省总水资源量的10%。建议甘肃省继续巩固已有的节水成果,调整产业结构,大力发展节水型产业和高新技术产业。同时建议适当调整贸易格局,合理控制虚拟水出口,以缓解当地水资源短缺危机,保障地区水安全与生态安全。  相似文献   

This paper models and analyzes international trade flows using open flow networks (OFNs) with the approaches of flow distances, which provide a novel perspective and effective tools for the study of international trade. We discuss the establishment of OFNs of international trade from two coupled viewpoints: the viewpoint of trading commodity flow and that of money flow. Based on the novel model with flow distance approaches, meaningful insights are gained. First, by introducing the concepts of trade trophic levels and niches, countries’ roles and positions in the global supply chains (or value-added chains) can be evaluated quantitatively. We find that the distributions of trading “trophic levels” have the similar clustering pattern for different types of commodities, and summarize some regularities between money flow and commodity flow viewpoints. Second, we find that active and competitive countries trade a wide spectrum of products, while inactive and underdeveloped countries trade a limited variety of products. Besides, some abnormal countries import many types of goods, which the vast majority of countries do not need to import. Third, harmonic node centrality is proposed and we find the phenomenon of centrality stratification. All the results illustrate the usefulness of the model of OFNs with its network approaches for investigating international trade flows.  相似文献   

The issue of growing water scarcity has been increasingly perceived as a global systemic risk. To solve it, an integrated approach considering different perspectives of water scarcity is at a premise. In this study, we developed an approach to calculate the blue water scarcity (BWS) and integrated the production, consumption, and water transfer perspectives into a single framework. The results are as follows: The average BWS in the Hetao irrigation district was 0.491 during the 2001–2010 year period, which was much larger than the threshold of 0.30, indicating a high water stress level. From the production perspective, the agricultural sector was the largest contributor to regional water scarcity and the average BWS was as high as 0.479. From the consumption perspective, BWS related to virtual water export was much larger than that related to water consumption for making products to be consumed locally and the values were 0.422 and 0.069, respectively. Under the influence of physical and virtual water transfer, BWS changed from 0.242 (medium to high water stress level) to 0.491 (high water stress level). Strategies for reducing agricultural water consumption, such as increasing crop water productivity, improving irrigation efficiency, and promoting more reasonable irrigation water price, could be adopted in the Hetao irrigation district to alleviate regional BWS. Compared with physical and virtual water import, the virtual water export played a more important role in influencing the regional water scarcity, and the increase in crop water productivity, decrease in crop export volume, or adjustment of trade pattern from water-intensive crops to water-extensive ones could be feasible measures to decrease virtual water export for lower water stress, while the trade-offs in the product-consuming regions should be considered.  相似文献   

Water availability in the root zone (green water) is a critical component of plant production, but is often deficient in many Third World regions. When deficient, runoff water (blue water) can be added. Focusing on ten physiographic regions in Africa and Asia, characterized by mainly or partly dry climates and rapid population growth, this study analyses whether in a 30-years'' perspective enough blue water could be provided to allow food self-sufficiency. It is assumed that for food self-sufficiency some 900 cubic metres of water per person per year has to be provided. In judging the realism it is assumed that a maximum 25 per cent increase in water mobilization rate would be manageable in a 30-year period. The study suggests that by 2025, water scarcity will make regions populated by some 55 per cent of the world''s population dependent on food imports. For water-wasting regions in Central Asia, water saving might, however, free the water needed. The paper closes by proposing some urgent measures. <br>  相似文献   

贾小乐  周源  延建林  魏亿钢 《生态学报》2019,39(17):6487-6499
采用能值理论与分析方法,研究2015年环太湖城市群生态经济系统的能值流量,并构建多维度的生态经济系统指标体系,综合评价环太湖城市群可持续发展程度和健康水平。研究结果表明:(1)可更新资源利用不足,在能值利用总量中占比最大值仅为7.95%;(2)不可更新资源消耗过度,在能值利用总量中占比最小值达到56.95%;(3)(除苏州市外)可更新资源产品中肉类与水产品占比最小值已达63.08%,急需对传统的农业结构进行调整;(4)不可更新资源产品均以水泥和钢铁为主,占比最小值已达88.02%,应该加快传统的工业转型升级;(5)输入能值占比最大值仅为36.27%,商品进出口呈现贸易顺差,对外经济开放仍有发展空间;(6)废弃物与可更新能值比率最大值仅为12.8%,废弃物能值比最小值仅为0.19%,废弃物排放和利用水平有待提高;(7)湖州市可持续指标ESI和能值可持续发展指标EISD为1.59和2.99,在环太湖城市群中更具可持续发展潜力;(8)苏州市健康能值指数EUEHI和改进的健康能值指数EUEHI''为8.22和1.65,在环太湖城市群中健康水平较低。据此结果提出了有助于环太湖城市群经济社会发展与自然生态环境和谐共赢的可持续发展对策。  相似文献   

China has experienced unprecedented economic development in recent years and is now facing severe challenges caused by the over-consumption of resources and by ecological and environmental degradation. To assess the influence of resource exploitation and ecological trade, we have developed an index of excessive resource consumption based on the concepts of ecological deficit and ecological over-shoot, and we have used the ecological trade deficit to assess the pressure created by the export and import of resources and products. Our analysis indicated that China's consumption footprint surpassed its biocapacity in 1983, leading to an ecological deficit, and the production footprint surpassed its biocapacity in 1986, leading to an ecological over-shoot, as the over-consumption of natural resources grew. By 2010, 3.6 times the current area of bioproductive land was needed to provide sufficient resources to meet the consumption. China has been encouraging the development of exporting enterprises by implementing a series of financial and tax incentives, which have stimulated the economy in the short-term but have gradually increased the ecological trade deficit since 2000.  相似文献   

Almost universally, wealth is not distributed uniformly within societies or economies. Even though wealth data have been collected in various forms for centuries, the origins for the observed wealth-disparity and social inequality are not yet fully understood. Especially the impact and connections of human behavior on wealth could so far not be inferred from data. Here we study wealth data from the virtual economy of the massive multiplayer online game (MMOG) Pardus. This data not only contains every player''s wealth at every point in time, but also all actions over a timespan of almost a decade. We find that wealth distributions in the virtual world are very similar to those in Western countries. In particular we find an approximate exponential distribution for low wealth levels and a power-law tail for high levels. The Gini index is found to be , which is close to the indices of many Western countries. We find that wealth-increase rates depend on the time when players entered the game. Players that entered the game early on tend to have remarkably higher wealth-increase rates than those who joined later. Studying the players'' positions within their social networks, we find that the local position in the trade network is most relevant for wealth. Wealthy people have high in- and out-degrees in the trade network, relatively low nearest-neighbor degrees, and low clustering coefficients. Wealthy players have many mutual friendships and are socially well respected by others, but spend more time on business than on socializing. Wealthy players have few personal enemies, but show animosity towards players that behave as public enemies. We find that players that are not organized within social groups are significantly poorer on average. We observe that “political” status and wealth go hand in hand.  相似文献   

【目的】印度尼西亚与我国有着多元素的农产品贸易往来,通过统计印度尼西亚输华植物及植物产品所携带的有害生物,分析其对我国农产品进出口的影响,能为应对印度尼西亚技术性贸易措施提供思路,并为我国农产品企业"走出去"提供参考。【方法】经动植物检验检疫信息资源共享服务平台查询,统计印度尼西亚输华植物及植物产品所携带的有害生物类别、截获途径及截获地区。【结果】我国在印度尼西亚输华植物及植物产品中检出有害生物共计2512种96958批,鉴定至种且检出超过1000批次的有害生物共计14种,检疫性有害生物共计72种5286批。昆虫类有害生物占比达78.5%,检疫性昆虫达65.2%。【结论】在首要做好木材类有害生物检疫的同时,也需警惕一些非检疫性的仓储害虫,保持并加强南方各省份港口的有害生物查验力度,加强印度尼西亚输华货物的检疫。  相似文献   

The global trade of goods is associated with a virtual transfer of the water required for their production. The way changes in trade affect the virtual redistribution of freshwater resources has been recently documented through the analysis of the virtual water network. It is, however, unclear how these changes are contributed by different types of products and regions of the world. Here we show how the global patterns of virtual water transport are contributed by the trade of different commodity types, including plant, animal, luxury (e.g., coffee, tea, and alcohol), and other products. Major contributors to the virtual water network exhibit different trade patterns with regard to these commodity types. The net importers rely on the supply of virtual water from a small percentage of the global population. However, discrepancies exist among the different commodity networks. While the total virtual water flux through the network has increased between 1986 and 2010, the proportions associated with the four commodity groups have remained relatively stable. However, some of the major players have shown significant changes in the virtual water imports and exports associated with those commodity groups. For instance, China has switched from being a net exporter of virtual water associated with other products (non-edible plant and animal products typically used for manufacturing) to being the largest importer, accounting for 31% of the total water virtually transported with these products. Conversely, in the case of The United states of America, the commodity proportions have remained overall unchanged throughout the study period: the virtual water exports from The United States of America are dominated by plant products, whereas the imports are comprised mainly of animal and luxury products.  相似文献   

The virtual water concept has received significant attention through manifesting the role of human activities such as consumption and international trade on water resources. However, few studies have focused on how the interactions of local supply chain exert impact on local water resources associated with virtual water flows. In this study, we introduce an indicator which is attached to the virtual water concept, termed the “internal water use of products” (IWUP), to examine the direct and indirect water use from local water supply for goods and services in Beijing for the years 1997, 2000, 2002, 2007, and 2010. This indicator links the pressure on local water resources to the final products with sectoral details, highlighting the importance of economic analysis in local water resource management. A structural decomposition analysis revealed that the increase in economic water productivity would have caused Beijing's IWUP to decrease by 196% from 1997 to 2010, if other determining factors remained constant. Such great efficiency improvements have allowed Beijing to fulfill its objectives of economic growth, whilst in the meantime reducing the water used in production. However, we also found that production structure adjustment would increase the IWUP, mainly due to a shift from agricultural and industrial sectors to service sectors.  相似文献   

This study examines the validity of the assumption that international large-scale land acquisition (LSLA) is motivated by the desire to secure control over water resources, which is commonly referred to as ‘water grabbing’. This assumption was repeatedly expressed in recent years, ascribing the said motivation to the Gulf States in particular. However, it must be considered of hypothetical nature, as the few global studies conducted so far focused primarily on the effects of LSLA on host countries or on trade in virtual water. In this study, we analyse the effects of 475 intended or concluded land deals recorded in the Land Matrix database on the water balance in both host and investor countries. We also examine how these effects relate to water stress and how they contribute to global trade in virtual water. The analysis shows that implementation of the LSLAs in our sample would result in global water savings based on virtual water trade. At the level of individual LSLA host countries, however, water use intensity would increase, particularly in 15 sub-Saharan states. From an investor country perspective, the analysis reveals that countries often suspected of using LSLA to relieve pressure on their domestic water resources—such as China, India, and all Gulf States except Saudi Arabia—invest in agricultural activities abroad that are less water-intensive compared to their average domestic crop production. Conversely, large investor countries such as the United States, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and Japan are disproportionately externalizing crop water consumption through their international land investments. Statistical analyses also show that host countries with abundant water resources are not per se favoured targets of LSLA. Indeed, further analysis reveals that land investments originating in water-stressed countries have only a weak tendency to target areas with a smaller water risk.  相似文献   

Many authors have estimated the virtual water content of good and services traded internationally, and many have calculated national water footprints that account for the volumes of virtual water imported and exported. Some authors have suggested that international trade of virtual water has been harmful to selected exporting countries with limited water endowments. Some suggest also that current patterns of international trade should be rearranged to make better use of global water resources. Yet, countries do not actually trade in virtual water. They trade in goods and services for which water is one of many inputs. Wise choices regarding water resources and smart strategies regarding international trade cannot be determined by focusing on water alone. The notions of virtual water and water footprints are not helpful indicators of optimal strategies regarding water resources, particularly when considering issues such as water scarcity or international trade. I describe four perspectives regarding virtual water and water footprints, with the goal of demonstrating the inadequacies of these notions in policy discussions and in efforts to determine the optimal allocation and use of water resources. The four perspectives are: (1) international trade should not be modified or regulated to reflect the virtual water content of traded commodities or water footprints in the countries of trading partners, (2) countries do not save water by engaging in virtual water trade, (3) consumers in one country cannot alleviate water scarcity or improve water quality in other countries, and (4) water footprints are not analogous to carbon or ecological footprints.  相似文献   

Achieving global food security is one of the major challenges of the coming decades. In order to tackle future food security challenges we must understand the past. This study presents a historical analysis of global food availability, one of the key elements of food security. By calculating national level dietary energy supply and production for nine time steps during 1965–2005 we classify countries based on their food availability, food self-sufficiency and food trade. We also look at how diets have changed during this period with regard to supply of animal based calories. Our results show that food availability has increased substantially both in absolute and relative terms. The percentage of population living in countries with sufficient food supply (>2500 kcal/cap/d) has almost doubled from 33% in 1965 to 61% in 2005. The population living with critically low food supply (<2000 kcal/cap/d) has dropped from 52% to 3%. Largest improvements are seen in the MENA region, Latin America, China and Southeast Asia. Besides, the composition of diets has changed considerably within the study period: the world population living with high supply of animal source food (>15% of dietary energy supply) increased from 33% to over 50%. While food supply has increased globally, food self-sufficiency (domestic production>2500 kcal/cap/d) has not changed remarkably. In the beginning of the study period insufficient domestic production meant insufficient food supply, but in recent years the deficit has been increasingly compensated by rising food imports. This highlights the growing importance of food trade, either for food supply in importing countries or as a source of income for exporters. Our results provide a basis for understanding past global food system dynamics which, in turn, can benefit research on future food security.  相似文献   

Growing prosperity in the South is accompanied by human diets that will claim more natural resources per capita. This reality, combined with growing populations, may raise the global demand for food crops two- to four-fold within two generations. Considering the large volume of natural resources and potential crop yields, it seems that this demand can be met smoothly. However, this is a fallacy for the following reasons. (i) Geographic regions differ widely in their potential food security: policy choices for agricultural use of natural resources are limited in Asia. For example, to ensure national self-sufficiency and food security, most of the suitable land (China) and nearly all of the surface water (India) are needed. Degradation restricts options further. (ii) The attainable level of agricultural production depends also on socio-economic conditions. Extensive poverty keeps the attainable food production too low to achieve food security, even when the yield gap is wide, as in Africa. (iii) Bio-energy, non-food crops and nature compete with food crops for natural resources. Global and regional food security are attainable, but only with major efforts. Strategies to achieve alternative aims will be discussed. <br>  相似文献   

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