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The global trade of goods is associated with a virtual transfer of the water required for their production. The way changes in trade affect the virtual redistribution of freshwater resources has been recently documented through the analysis of the virtual water network. It is, however, unclear how these changes are contributed by different types of products and regions of the world. Here we show how the global patterns of virtual water transport are contributed by the trade of different commodity types, including plant, animal, luxury (e.g., coffee, tea, and alcohol), and other products. Major contributors to the virtual water network exhibit different trade patterns with regard to these commodity types. The net importers rely on the supply of virtual water from a small percentage of the global population. However, discrepancies exist among the different commodity networks. While the total virtual water flux through the network has increased between 1986 and 2010, the proportions associated with the four commodity groups have remained relatively stable. However, some of the major players have shown significant changes in the virtual water imports and exports associated with those commodity groups. For instance, China has switched from being a net exporter of virtual water associated with other products (non-edible plant and animal products typically used for manufacturing) to being the largest importer, accounting for 31% of the total water virtually transported with these products. Conversely, in the case of The United states of America, the commodity proportions have remained overall unchanged throughout the study period: the virtual water exports from The United States of America are dominated by plant products, whereas the imports are comprised mainly of animal and luxury products.  相似文献   

Galli L  Capurro M  Torti C 《ZooKeys》2011,(146):19-67
The Italian Protura were studied basing on 5103 specimens from 198 sampling areas, along with bibliographic data from 49 collecting sites. 17 out of the 20 Italian regions are covered. As a result, 40 species have been identified (belonging to 8 genera and 4 families), 6 of which are new records for the Italian fauna.A key to the Italian species is reported, followed by a series of distribution maps and brief remarks for some of them. A preliminary biogeographical overview allowed us to delineate the chorological categories of these species, 10 of which are actually known only in Italy. The comparison with the species richness known for some best studied Central and Eastern European Countries leads us to speculate that widening our research, Italian Protura check-list will be much implemented.  相似文献   

We present a list of Italian freshwater and marine Oligochaeta in the families Lumbriculidae, Haplotaxidae, Tubificidae, Naididae, Propappidae, Criodrilidae, and Lumbricidae, representing 57 genera and 130 species. Published data reflect the incomplete knowledge of the Italian oligochaete fauna, restricted to certain geographical areas. Subterranean aquatic and marine fauna are of particular interest as these have been studied the least. We provide a comprehensive review of the Naididae including, for the first time, southern Italy and the islands of Sicily and Sardinia. The distribution of species is discussed and taxonomic problems arising from the morphological variability of Italian material are examined.  相似文献   

Integration of molecular genetic techniques and geometric morphometrics represent a valuable tool in the resolution of taxonomic uncertainty and the identification of significant units for conservation. We combined mitochondrial DNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit II gene sequence data and geometric morphometric analysis to examine taxonomic status and identify units for conservation in four species of the hypogean beetle Duvalius (Coleoptera, Trechinae) using mainly museum specimens collected in central Italy. Previous taxonomic studies based on morphological traits described several subspecies often inhabiting geographically distinct caves. Phylogenetic analysis identified two well supported monophyletic lineages and a number of different clades with relatively small genetic differences, suggesting a short divergence time in line with known geological history of the study area. Geometric morphometrics, on the other hand, recovered a high level of distinctiveness among specimens. Both genetic and morphometric analyses did not entirely corroborate former taxonomic nomenclature, suggesting possible rearrangements and the definition of evolutionary significant units. Beetles of the genus Duvalius are protected by regional laws and the majority of taxa considered in this study inhabit caves located outside protected areas. Our study advocates the importance of devoting protection efforts to networks of cave ecosystems rather than single locations or species.  相似文献   

This study reports on the carbon, water, and energy footprints of tomatoes grown in a greenhouse in Northern Italy and two possible future variations of heating and carbon dioxide (CO2) fertilization on the current setup. The heat supply in place, consisting of natural gas (NG) and canola oil combustion, is compared to cogeneration and incineration of municipal solid waste for heating and CO2 from industrial exhaust for fertilization. As a benchmark, the current system is also compared to a conventional system, in which heat is delivered solely based on NG. Each kilogram (kg) of fresh tomatoes (“Cuore di Bue” variety) produced in the current greenhouse emits 2.28 kg CO2 equivalents (eq) and uses 95.5 megajoules (MJ) eq energy and 122 liters (L) of water. Relative to the system in place, the carbon footprint (CF) is 57.5% and 18% higher with conventional NG heating and cogeneration and is 40% lower with waste valorization. Further, 33%, 55%, and 63% less energy and 9%, 96%, and 14% less water are used in the conventional, cogeneration, and waste valorization scenarios, respectively. This confirms that there are multiple strategies to reduce the impact of the tomato production under consideration.  相似文献   

A general method is suggested for the implementation of polarization in molecular dynamics simulations of small molecules. Induced dipole moments are evaluated on selected polarizability centers and represented by separation of charges. The positive polarization charges reside on the selected atoms. The negative polarization charges are treated as additional particles. The positions of these polarization charges are determined from the electrical fields due to the permanent charges of the system. Thus the induction is treated explicitly, while the higher order contributions, the polarization due to induced dipoles, are taken into account in an average way by modification of potential parameters. The forces can be evaluated for the new charge distribution in the conventional way. As an illustration of this approach initial results are reported for the development of a polarizable water model. The higher order polarization is treated in an average way by slight increase of the permanent charges as compared to the values that would give the gas phase dipole moment. The increase in CPU time is comparable to the addition of one atom per polarizable center.  相似文献   

Optimal fluoridation has been defined as that fluoride exposure which confers maximal cariostasis with minimal toxicity and its values have been previously determined to be 0.5 to 1 mg per day for infants and 1 to 1.5 mg per day for an average child.Total fluoride ingestion and urine excretion were studied in Marin County, California, children in 1973 before municipal water fluoridation. Results showed fluoride exposure to be higher than anticipated and fulfilled previously accepted criteria for optimal fluoridation. Present and future water fluoridation plans need to be reevaluated in light of total environmental fluoride exposure.  相似文献   

试验以玉米品种'金海五号'幼苗为材料,在分根条件下采用聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)模拟局部根区水分胁迫,设置3种供氮形态(硝态氮、铵态氮、两者各占50%的混合氮)和2种供氮部位(水氮同区,氮加入到无PEG侧;水氮异区,氮加入到含PEG侧),研究局部根区水分胁迫下氮形态与供应部位对玉米水分吸收和利用的调节与作用机制,为局部根区灌溉水分高效利用提供理论依据.结果发现:(1)同一氮形态下水氮同区供应的植株蒸腾速率、耗水量、木质部汁液流速和生物量较高,加有硝态氮源处理无PEG侧根系的导管数目及单一氮形态处理无PEG侧根系的导管直径较高,但木质部汁液、叶片中脱落酸(ABA)浓度以及水分利用效率均较低.(2)同一供氮部位下,植株的蒸腾速率、耗水量、木质部汁液流速和生物量的顺序均为混合氮>硝态氮>铵态氮依次,但单一铵态氮处理植株的ABA浓度较高,水分利用效率较高.研究表明,同一氮形态下水氮同区供应植株生长较好、水分吸收能力较强,但水氮异区供应下植株的水分利用效率较高;同一供氮部位下,植株生长和水分吸收能力的顺序为混合氮>硝态氮>铵态氮,但单供铵态氮植株的水分利用效率较高.  相似文献   

Water is an increasingly scarce resource worldwide and irrigated agriculture remains one of the largest and most inefficient users of this resource. Low water use efficiency (WUE) together with an increased competition for water resources with other sectors (e.g. tourism or industry) are forcing growers to adopt new irrigation and cultivation practices that use water more judiciously. In areas with dry and hot climates, drip irrigation and protected cultivation have improved WUE mainly by reducing runoff and evapotranspiration losses. However, complementary approaches are still needed to increase WUE in irrigated agriculture. Deficit irrigation strategies like regulated deficit irrigation or partial root drying have emerged as potential ways to increase water savings in agriculture by allowing crops to withstand mild water stress with no or only marginal decreases of yield and quality. Grapevine and several fruit tree crops seem to be well adapted to deficit irrigation,but other crops like vegetables tend not to cope so well due to losses in yield and quality. This paper aims at providing an overview of the physiological basis of deficit irrigation strategies and their potential for horticulture by describing the major consequences of their use to vegetative growth, yield and quality of different crops (fruits, vegetables and ornamentals).  相似文献   

Water is an increasingly scarce resource worldwide and irrigated agriculture remains one of the largest and most inefficient users of this resource. Low water use efficiency (WUE) together with an increased competition for water resources with other sectors (e.g. tourism or industry) are forcing growers to adopt new irrigation and cultivation practices that use water more judiciously. In areas with dry and hot climates, drip irrigation and protected cultivation have improved WUE mainly by reducing runoff and evapotranspiration losses. However, complementary approaches are still needed to increase WUE in irrigated agriculture. Deficit irrigation strategies like regulated deficit irrigation or partial root drying have emerged as potential ways to increase water savings in agriculture by allowing crops to withstand mild water stress with no or only marginal decreases of yield and quality. Grapevine and several fruit tree crops seem to be well adapted to deficit irrigation, but other crops like vegetables tend not to cope so well due to losses in yield and quality. This paper aims at providing an overview of the physiological basis of deficit irrigation strategies and their potential for horticulture by describing the major consequences of their use to vegetative growth, yield and quality of different crops (fruits, vegetables and ornamentals).  相似文献   

While some consensus exists about the roles of southwestern China and northeastern India in the origin and diversification of the genus Citrus, the scarcity of its archaeological remains, as well as some methodological limits in unequivocally identifying taxa, do not facilitate reconstruction of the tempo and mode of spread of the genus towards other areas, notably the Mediterranean. Recent discoveries of archaeobotanical macro-remains (seeds and fruits) and pollen records from some important Italian sites in the Vesuvius area and Rome can be used to shed new light on this history. However, due to their morphological variability and the changes derived from the preservation processes, Citrus seeds appear difficult to recognise. In this paper, we present criteria to facilitate their precise identification, based on the observation of the morphology of modern seeds, and most of all the seed-coat patterns. The reference material consisted of “archaic” varieties of C. medica L. (citron), C. × limon (L.) Burm. f. (lemon) and seeds of C. × aurantium L. (bitter or Seville orange), C. × aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle (lime) and C. reticulata Blanco (tangerine, mandarin orange). Considering the fact that the general morphology of seeds, especially when mineralised, can confuse the identification of Citrus with Maloideae types, we also add criteria for the recognition of Cydonia oblonga Mill. (quince), Malus domestica Borkh. (apple), Pyrus communis L. (pear), Sorbus aria (L.) Crantz (whitebeam) and S. domestica L. (service tree). The observation of the keels and cell patterns was mostly useful to identify new material from Pompeii and Rome dating from the 3rd/2nd century b.c. and the Augustan period around the beginning of the Common (Christian) Era as C. medica L. (citron) and C. cf. × limon (L.) Burm. f. (possible lemon). The classical Greek and Latin sources helped us to understand the use and status of citrus fruits in the ancient world and, in combination with all available archaeobotanical remains compiled in this paper, have allowed us to discuss the spread of Citrus from its regions of origin to the eastern Mediterranean and then within the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Pollen data collected with a Hirst spore-trap from 1981 to 1988 are presented and related to flora, vegetation and climate of the city of Turin. A comparison of vegetational and aerosporological data collected in other European cities show that, from this point of view, Turin is more similar to the Central-European area than to the Mediterranean one.  相似文献   

The ability of the Canalco Model CF-3 electro-osmosis (EO) apparatus to concentrate viruses from artificially seeded distilled water was improved. Modification of the physical arrangement of the equipment allowed for a 10–25 fold increase in concentration efficiency and a concomitant decrease in the process time. The major improvements involved modifications of the cell arrangement (which increased the membrane transport area), a change in the salt replenishing solution and the use of different membranes of higher flux. Viruses concentrated by E0 from seeded tap water resulted in lower recoveries when compared to distilled water. The lower yields were probably due to instability or aggregation of the agents in the menstruum and not directly related to the physical apparatus. Under the conditions used, one could detect virus at levels as low as 0.01 plaque forming units (PFU) per ml of initial input. The efficacy of a modification of the Canalco forced-flow electrophoretic (FFE) system was also evaluated. The maximum potential was applied with a constant value for pump rates. A 6-fold concentration of virus and a 12-fold decrease in water volume was obtained.  相似文献   



In several volcanic areas of Italy, arsenic levels exceed European regulatory limits (10 μg/L in drinking water). There is still uncertainty about health risks from arsenic at low-medium doses (<100 μg/L).


A large population-based study using an administrative cohort of residents in the Viterbo province (Central Italy), chronically exposed to low-medium arsenic levels via drinking water, was investigated to evaluate the effects of a lifetime exposure to arsenic on mortality from cancers and chronic diseases.


The study population consisted of 165,609 residents of 17 municipalities, followed from 1990 until 2010. Average individual arsenic exposure at the first residence (AsI) was estimated through a space-time modeling approach using residential history and arsenic concentrations from water supply. A time-dependent Cumulative Arsenic dose Indicator (CAI) was calculated, accounting for daily water intake and exposure duration. Mortality Hazard Ratios (HR) were estimated by gender for different diseases using Cox proportional models, adjusting for individual and area-level confounders. A flexible non-parametric approach was used to investigate dose-response relationships.


Mean AsI exposure was 19.3 μg/L, and average exposure duration was 39.5 years. Associations of AsI and CAI indicators with several diseases were found, with greatest risks found for lung cancer in both sexes (HR = 2.61 males; HR = 2.09 females), myocardial infarction, peripheral arterial disease and COPD in males (HR = 2.94; HR = 2.44; HR = 2.54 respectively) and diabetes in females (HR = 2.56). For lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases dose-response relationship is modelled by piecewise linear functions revealing effects even for doses lower than 10 μg/L, and no threshold dose value was identified as safe for health.


Results provide new evidence for risk assessment of low-medium concentrations of arsenic and contribute to the ongoing debate about the threshold-dose of effect, suggesting that even concentrations below 10 μg/L carry a mortality risk. Policy actions are urgently needed in areas exposed to arsenic like in the Viterbo province, to comply with current EU regulations.  相似文献   

North American raccoons (Procyon lotor) have been introduced to several European countries, where they may represent a sanitary threat as hosts of several pathogens such as the zoonotic ascarid Baylisascaris procyonis. We carried out parasitological analysis on raccoons introduced to Italy to verify whether the species had carried along B. procyonis or any other gastro-intestinal helminths that may threaten humans, livestock or native wildlife. We examined 64 raccoons culled in Northern Italy during control activities and 3 roadkills opportunistically sampled from a separate population located in central Italy. Helminths were collected from the gastro-intestinal tract through standard parasitological techniques and identified based on a combination of morphology and molecular methods. Overall, examined raccoons showed a poor parasitic fauna, with almost 30% of individuals free of any helminth infection. The most prevalent species were the nematodes Strongyloides procyonis (26.9%), Aonchotheca putorii (25.4%) and Porrocaecum sp. (19.4%). Plagiorchis sp. trematodes were also common (13.4%), whereas cestodes were scarcely represented. With the exception of S. procyonis introduced from North America, all the other identified taxa have either a Eurasian or a wide Holarctic distribution. Despite not finding any B. procyonis in the examined raccoons, passive surveillance for this parasite should be implemented, especially in Tuscany, since the limited host sample examined in the present survey does not allow to exclude its presence.  相似文献   


New trends of numerical models of human joints require more and more computation of both large amplitude joint motions and fine bone stress distribution. Together, these problems are difficult to solve and very CPU time consuming. The goal of this study is to develop a new method to diminish the calculation time for this kind of problems which include calculation of large amplitude motions and infinitesimal strains. Based on the Principle of Virtual Power, the present method decouples the problem into two parts. First, rigid body motion is calculated. The bone micro-deformations are then calculated in a second part by using the results of rigid body motions as boundary conditions. A finite element model of the shoulder was used to test this decoupling technique. The model was designed to determine the influence of humeral head shape on stress distribution in the scapula for different physiological motions of the joint. Two versions of the model were developed: a first version completely deformable and a second version based on the developed decoupling method. It was shown that biomechanical variables, as mean pressure and von Mises stress, calculated with the two versions were sensibly the same. On the other hand, CPU time needed for calculating with the new decoupled technique was more than 6 times less than with the completely deformable model.  相似文献   

Sedimentary records provide important information for understanding changes in the history of eutrophication in Lake Taihu. In addition, the catchment nutrient model SWAT provides a powerful tool to examine eutrophic changes in a long-term context. Since it is difficult to evaluate impacts of natural eutrophic development and anthropogenic changes in catchment discharge and land use, simulation of past changes provides a mirror on processes and dynamics. Boundaries in the simulations are set to a pre-industrial time to evaluate natural-agricultural nutrient changes in Taihu Basin a 100 years ago. Total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in the main channel flowing into the lake are simulated in four sub-basins for 200 model years. Results show that modeling can capture basic features of basin nutrient development, where mean TN concentration (0.12 mg l−1) can be compared in broad scale to mean TN concentration (0.17 mg kg−1) from Lake Taihu sedimentary cores dating back about 100 years. Spatial nutrient simulations suggest that the two major nutrient sources are from the southwestern sub-basin (48% TN and 68% TP of the basin total) and the northwestern sub-basin (18% TN and 17% TP). There are differences of +7.3 × 104 kg TN and +2.0 × 105 kg TP between total input and output values, simulating mean annual amounts of nutrient deposited into the lake. TN and TP concentration differences between input and output sub-basins become smaller in the second 100 years than the first 100 years, suggesting a 100 year period to reach a balance of net nutrients. Catchment nutrient modeling provides a basis to evaluate how nutrient production and balance responded to environmental changes over 200 years in Taihu Basin.  相似文献   

As the human population grows, the demand for living space and supplies of resources also increases, which may induce rapid change in land-use/land-cover (LULC) and associated pressures exerted on aquatic habitats. We propose a new approach to forecast the impact of regional land cover change and water management policies (i.e., targets in nutrient loads reduction) on lake and reservoir water eutrophication status using a model that requires minimal parameterisation compared with alternative methods. This approach was applied to a set of 48 periurban lakes located in the Ile de France region (IDF, France) to simulate catchment-scale management scenarios. Model outputs were subsequently compared to governmental agencies’ 2030 forecasts. Our model indicated that the efforts made to reduce pressure in the catchment of seepage lakes might be expected to be proportional to the gain that might be obtained, whereas drainage lakes will display little improvement until a critical level of pressure reduction is reached. The model also indicated that remediation measures, as currently planned by governmental agencies, might only have a marginal impact on improving the eutrophication status of lakes and reservoirs within the IDF region. Despite the commitment to appropriately managing the water resources in many countries, prospective tools to evaluate the potential impacts of global change on freshwater ecosystems integrity at medium to large spatial scales are lacking. This study proposes a new approach to investigate the impact of region-scale human-driven changes on lake and reservoir ecological status and could be implemented elsewhere with limited parameterisation. Issues are discussed that relate to model uncertainty and to its relevance as a tool applied to decision-making.  相似文献   

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