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Thyroid hormones (THs) must pass from mother to fetus for normal fetal development and require the expression of placental TH transporters. We investigate the compensatory effect of placental organic anion transporting polypeptide 1c1 (Oatp1c1) and monocarboxylate transporter 8 (Mct8) on maternal thyroid dysfunction. We describe the expressions of these two transporters in placental barriers and trophoblastic cell populations in euthyroidism and thyroid dysfunction resulting from differential iodine nutrition at gestation day (GD) 16 and 20, that is, before and after the onset of fetal thyroid function. Immunohistochemistry revealed that in the blood-placenta barrier, these two TH transporters were strongly expressed in the villous interstitial substance and were weakly expressed in trophoblast cells. Levels of Oatp1c1 protein obviously increased in the placental fetal portion during maternal thyroid deficiency at GD16. Under maternal thyroid deficiency after the production of endogenous fetal TH, quantitative PCR analysis revealed down-regulation of Oatp1c1 occurred along with up-regulation of Mct8 in trophoblast cell populations isolated by laser capture microdissection (LCM); this was consistent with the protein levels in the fetal portion of the placenta. In addition, decreased D3 mRNA at GD16 and increased D2 mRNA on two gestational days were observed in trophoblast cells with thyroid dysfunction. However, levels of Oatp1c1 mRNA at GD16 and D3 mRNA at GD20 were too low to be detectable in trophoblast cells. In conclusion, placental Oatp1c1 plays an essential compensatory role when the transplacental passage of maternal THs is insufficient at the stage before the fetal TH production. In addition, the coordinated effects of Oatp1c1, Mct8, D2 and D3 in the placental barrier may regulate both transplacental TH passage and the development of trophoblast cells during thyroid dysfunction throughout the pregnancy.  相似文献   

Elevated intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) inhibition of NHE3 is reconstituted by NHERF2, but not NHERF1, by a mechanism involving the formation of multiprotein signaling complexes. To further evaluate the specificity of the NHERF family in calcium regulation of NHE3 activity, the current study determined whether NHERF3 reconstitutes elevated [Ca2+]i regulation of NHE3. In vitro, NHERF3 bound the NHE3 C terminus between amino acids 588 and 667. In vivo, NHE3 and NHERF3 associate under basal conditions as indicated by co-immunoprecipitation, confocal microscopy, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Treatment of PS120/NHE3/NHERF3 cells, but not PS120/NHE3 cells, with the Ca2+ ionophore, 4-bromo-A23187 (0.5 μm): 1) inhibited NHE3 Vmax activity; 2) decreased NHE3 surface amount; 3) dissociated NHE3 and NHERF3 at the plasma membrane by confocal immunofluorescence and fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Similarly, in Caco-2BBe cells, NHERF3 and NHE3 colocalized in the BB under basal conditions but after elevation of [Ca2+]i by carbachol, this overlap was abolished. NHERF3 short hairpin RNA knockdown (>50%) in Caco-2BBe cells significantly reduced basal NHE3 activity by decreasing BB NHE3 amount. Also, carbachol-mediated inhibition of NHE3 activity was abolished in Caco-2BBe cells in which NHERF3 protein expression was significantly reduced. In summary: 1) NHERF3 colocalizes and directly binds NHE3 at the plasma membrane under basal conditions; 2) NHERF3 reconstitutes [Ca2+]i inhibition of NHE3 activity and dissociates from NHE3 in fibroblasts and polarized intestinal epithelial cells with elevated [Ca2+]i; 3) NHERF3 short hairpin RNA significantly reduced NHE3 basal activity and brush border expression in Caco-2BBe cells. These results demonstrate that NHERF3 reconstitutes calcium inhibition of NHE3 activity by anchoring NHE3 basally and releasing it with elevated Ca2+.In normal digestive physiology, the brush border (BB)2 Na+/H+ exchanger, NHE3, mediates the majority of the NaCl and NaHCO3 absorption in the ileum (1). Sequential inhibition and stimulation of NHE3 occur as part of digestive physiology. Short-term regulation of NHE3 activity is achieved through a variety of factors that affect NHE3 turnover number and/or surface expression and often involve a role for the cytoskeleton and accessory proteins, including the multi-PDZ domain containing proteins, NHERF1 and NHERF2 (1, 2). However, many details of this regulation are not understood.The NHERF (Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor) family of multi-PDZ domain containing proteins consists of four evolutionarily related members, all of which are expressed in epithelial cells of the mammalian small intestine (2). NHERF1 and NHERF2 have been previously shown to contribute to acute NHE3 stimulation and inhibition (310). Recently, two additional PDZ domain containing proteins, termed NHERF3/PDZK1 and NHERF4/PDZK2/IKEPP, have been demonstrated to possess sequence homology with NHERF1 and NHERF2 (1114). However, unlike NHERF1 and NHERF2, which are comprised of two tandem PDZ domains flanked by a C-terminal ezrin/radixin/moesin binding domain, NHERF3 and NHERF4 consist of four PDZ domains but no other protein-protein interacting domains (12).NHERF3 was initially identified by a yeast two-hybrid screen from a human kidney cDNA library using the membrane-associated protein MAP17, as bait (12). NHERF3 is expressed in the brush border of epithelial cells of the kidney proximal tubule and the small intestine (12). NHERF3 associates with and, in a few cases, has been shown to regulate the activity of multiple apical membrane ion transporters including the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR), urate anion exchanger 1 (URAT1), sodium-phosphate cotransporter type IIa (NaPiIIa), proton-coupled peptide transporter (PEPT2), and organic cation/carnitine cotransporter (OCTN2) (1519). Furthermore, NHERF3 directly binds the C terminus of NHE3 (20). Recent studies have begun evaluating the effect of NHERF3 on mouse intestinal Na+ and Cl transport. Basal electroneutral sodium absorption was decreased by >40% in the NHERF3 null mouse jejunum (21) and by >80% in the colon (22). In addition, Cinar et al. (22) demonstrated that cAMP and [Ca2+]i inhibition of NHE3 activity was abolished in the NHERF3 null mouse colon. However, the mechanism by which NHERF3 regulates NHE3 activity was not resolved.Several physiological and pathophysiological agonists, acting through [Ca2+]i-induced second messenger systems, are known to inhibit electroneutral NaCl absorption in the small intestine (1, 23). Elevation of [Ca2+]i has previously been demonstrated to inhibit NHE3 activity in a NHERF2-, but not NHERF1-dependent manner (5). NHERF2 regulation of NHE3 involves the formation of multiprotein complexes at the plasma membrane that include NHE3, NHERF2, α-actinin-4, and PKCα, which induce endocytic removal of NHE3 from the plasma membrane by a PKC-dependent mechanism (5, 24). Because multiple PDZ proteins exist in the apical pole of epithelial cells (2), the current study was designed to determine whether NHERF3 could reconstitute Ca2+ regulation of NHE3 activity and to define how that occurred.  相似文献   

Dysbindin and DISC1 are schizophrenia susceptibility factors playing roles in neuronal development. Here we show that the physical interaction between dysbindin and DISC1 is critical for the stability of dysbindin and for the process of neurite outgrowth. We found that DISC1 forms a complex with dysbindin and increases its stability in association with a reduction in ubiquitylation. Furthermore, knockdown of DISC1 or expression of a deletion mutant, DISC1 lacking amino acid residues 403–504 of DISC1 (DISC1Δ403–504), effectively decreased levels of endogenous dysbindin. Finally, the neurite outgrowth defect induced by knockdown of DISC1 was partially reversed by coexpression of dysbindin. Taken together, these results indicate that dysbindin and DISC1 form a physiologically functional complex that is essential for normal neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

Dicotyledonous plants growing under limited iron availability initiate a response resulting in the solubilization, reduction, and uptake of soil iron. The protein factors responsible for these steps are transmembrane proteins, suggesting that the intracellular trafficking machinery may be involved in iron acquisition. In search for components involved in the regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana iron deficiency responses, we identified the members of the SORTING NEXIN (SNX) protein family. SNX loss-of-function plants display enhanced susceptibility to iron deficiency in comparison to the wild type. The absence of SNX led to reduced iron import efficiency into the root. SNX1 showed partial colocalization with the principal root iron importer IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER1 (IRT1). In SNX loss-of-function plants, IRT1 protein levels were decreased compared with the wild type due to enhanced IRT1 degradation. This resulted in diminished amounts of the IRT1 protein at the plasma membrane. snx mutants exhibited enhanced iron deficiency responses compared with the wild type, presumably due to the lower iron uptake through IRT1. Our results reveal a role of SNX1 for the correct trafficking of IRT1 and, thus, for modulating the activity of the iron uptake machinery.  相似文献   

Kidney anion exchanger 1 (kAE1) plays an important role in acid–base homeostasis by mediating chloride/bicarbornate (Cl?/HCO3?) exchange at the basolateral membrane of α‐intercalated cells in the distal nephron. Impaired intracellular trafficking of kAE1 caused by mutations of SLC4A1 encoding kAE1 results in kidney disease – distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA). However, it is not known how the intracellular sorting and trafficking of kAE1 from trans‐Golgi network (TGN) to the basolateral membrane occurs. Here, we studied the role of basolateral‐related sorting proteins, including the mu1 subunit of adaptor protein (AP) complexes, clathrin and protein kinase D, on kAE1 trafficking in polarized and non‐polarized kidney cells. By using RNA interference, co‐immunoprecipitation, yellow fluorescent protein‐based protein fragment complementation assays and immunofluorescence staining, we demonstrated that AP‐1 mu1A, AP‐3 mu1, AP‐4 mu1 and clathrin (but not AP‐1 mu1B, PKD1 or PKD2) play crucial roles in intracellular sorting and trafficking of kAE1. We also demonstrated colocalization of kAE1 and basolateral‐related sorting proteins in human kidney tissues by double immunofluorescence staining. These findings indicate that AP‐1 mu1A, AP‐3 mu1, AP‐4 mu1 and clathrin are required for kAE1 sorting and trafficking from TGN to the basolateral membrane of acid‐secreting α‐intercalated cells.   相似文献   

Polycystin-2 (PC2, TRPP2) is a Ca2+-permeable, nonselective cation channel implicated in Ca2+ transport and epithelial cell signaling. Although PC2 may contribute to Ca2+ transport in human term placenta, the regulatory mechanisms associated with Ca2+ handling in this tissue are largely unknown. In this work we assessed the regulation by Ca2+ of PC2 channel function from a preparation of apical membranes of human syncytiotrophoblast (PC2hst) reconstituted in a lipid bilayer system. Addition of either EGTA or BAPTA to the cis hemi-chamber, representing the cytoplasmic domain of the channel, and lowering Ca2+ to ∼0.6–0.8 nM, inhibited spontaneous PC2hst channel activity, with a time response dependent on the chelator tested. EGTA reduced PC2hst channel currents by 86%, with a t1/2 = 3.6 min, whereas BAPTA rapidly and completely (100%) eliminated channel activity with a t1/2 = 0.8 min. Subsequent titration with Ca2+ reversed the inhibition, which followed a Hill-type function with apparent dissociation constants of 1–5 nM, and 4 Ca2+ binding sites. The degree of inhibition by the cis Ca2+ chelator largely depended on increasing trans Ca2+. This was consistent with measurable Ca2+ transport through the channel, feeding the regulatory sites in the cytoplasmic domain. Interestingly, the reconstituted in vitro translated PC2 (PC2iv) was completely insensitive to Ca2+ regulation, suggesting that the regulatory sites are not intrinsic to the channel protein. Our findings demonstrate the presence of a Ca2+ microdomain largely accessible through the channel that controls PC2 function in human syncytiotrophoblast of term placenta.  相似文献   

Trafficking of mRNA molecules from the nucleus to distal processes in neural cells is mediated by heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2/B1 trans‐acting factors. Although hnRNP A2/B1 is alternatively spliced to generate four isoforms, most functional studies have not distinguished between these isoforms. Here, we show, using isoform‐specific antibodies and isoform‐specific green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐fusion expression constructs, that A2b is the predominant cytoplasmic isoform in neural cells, suggesting that it may play a key role in mRNA trafficking. The differential subcellular distribution patterns of the individual isoforms are determined by the presence or absence of alternative exons that also affect their dynamic behavior in different cellular compartments, as measured by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Expression of A2b is also differentially regulated with age, species and cellular development. Furthermore, coinjection of isoform‐specific antibodies and labeled RNA into live oligodendrocytes shows that the assembly of RNA granules is impaired by blockade of A2b function. These findings suggest that neural cells modulate mRNA trafficking by regulating alternative splicing of hnRNP A2/B1 and controlling expression levels of A2b, which may be the predominant mediator of cytoplasmic‐trafficking functions. These findings highlight the importance of considering isoform‐specific functions for alternatively spliced proteins.  相似文献   

Organic anion-transporting polypeptides (human, OATPs; other animals, Oatps; gene symbol, SLCO/Slco) form a transport protein superfamily that mediates the translocation of amphipathic substrates across the plasma membrane of animal cells. So far, OATPs/Oatps have been identified in human, rat and mouse tissues. In this study, we used bioinformatic tools to detect new members of the OATP/SLCO superfamily in nonmammalian species and to build models for the three-dimensional structure of OATPs/Oatps. New OATP/SLCO superfamily members, some of which form distinct novel families, were identified in chicken, zebrafish, frog, fruit fly and worm species. The lack of OATP/SLCO superfamily members in plants, yeast and bacteria suggests the emergence of an ancient Oatp protein in an early ancestor of the animal kingdom. Structural models were generated for the representative members OATP1B3 and OATP2B1 based on the known structures of the major facilitator superfamily of transport proteins. A model was also built for the large extracellular region between transmembrane helices 9 and 10, following the identification of a novel homology with the Kazal-type serine protease inhibitors. Along with the electrostatic potential and the conservation of key amino acid residues, we propose a common transport mechanism for all OATPs/Oatps, whereby substrates are translocated through a central, positively charged pore in a rocker-switch type of mechanism. Several amino acid residues were identified that may play crucial roles in the proposed transport mechanism. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

Human mitochondrial voltage-dependent anion channel 2 (hVDAC-2), the most predominant isoform seen in brain mitochondria, is not only crucial for cell survival but is also implicated in Alzheimer disease. The abundance of cysteines in this isoform is particularly fascinating, as hVDAC-1 cysteines have no associated functional role. We report a detailed biophysical examination of a Cys-less mutant of hVDAC-2, and its behavioral comparison with the wild type protein. Our findings suggest that cysteine mutation results in the formation of a better barrel at the expense of weakened protein-lipid interactions. The wild type protein displays stronger lipid association, despite being less structured. A reversal in behavior of both proteins is observed in the case of chemical denaturation, with the Cys-less mutant exhibiting lowered unfolding free energies. In bicellar systems comprising 14-C phosphocholines, we observe that protein-lipid interactions are weakened in both constructs, resulting in barrel structure destabilization. Our biochemical and biophysical studies together reveal key structural roles for the cysteine residues. We find that minor conformational variations in local residues are sufficient to define the membrane protein dynamics in hVDAC-2. Such subtle sequence variations contribute to differential stability of VDACs and may have implications in their in vivo regulation and recycling.  相似文献   

Organic anion transporter 3 (OAT3) plays a vital role in removing a broad array of anionic drugs from kidney, thereby avoiding their possibly toxic side effects in the body. We earlier demonstrated that OAT3 is subjected to a specific type of post-translational modification called SUMOylation. SUMOylation is a dynamic event, where de-SUMOylation is catalyzed by a class of SUMO-specific proteases. In the present investigation, we assessed the role of SUMO-specific protease Senp2 in OAT3 SUMOylation, expression and function. We report here that overexpression of Senp2 in COS-7 cells led to a reduced OAT3 SUMOylation, which correlated well with a decreased OAT3 expression and transport activity. Such phenomenon was not observed in cells overexpressing an inactive mutant of Senp2. Furthermore, transfection of cells with Senp2-specific siRNA to knockdown the endogenous Senp2 resulted in an increased OAT3 SUMOylation, which correlated well with an enhanced OAT3 expression and transport activity. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments showed that Senp2 directly interacted with OAT3 in the kidneys of rats. Together these results provided first demonstration that Senp2 is a significant regulator for OAT3-mediated organic anion/drug transport.  相似文献   

The AE1 (anion exchanger, band 3) protein is expressed in erythrocytes and in the A-type intercalated cells of the kidney distal collecting tubule. In both cell types it mediates the electroneutral transport of chloride and bicarbonate ions across the lipid bilayer, and, in erythrocytes, it also serves as the critical attachment site of the peripheral membrane skeleton. We have characterized the human AE1 gene using overlapping clones isolated from a phage library of human genomic DNA. The gene spans 20 kb and consists of 20 exons separated by 19 introns. The structure of the human AE1 gene corresponds closely with that of the previously characterized mouse AE1 gene, with a high degree of conservation of exon/intron junctions, as well as exon and intron nucleotide sequences. The putative upstream and internal promoter sequences of the human AE1 gene used in erythroid and kidney cells, respectively, are described. We also report the nucleotide sequence of the entire 3′ noncoding region of exon 20, which was lacking in the published cDNA sequences. In addition, we have characterized 9 Alu repeat elements found within the body of the human AE1 gene that are members of 4 related subfamilies that appear to have entered the genome at different times during primate evolution.  相似文献   

BST-2 blocks the particle release of various enveloped viruses including HIV-1, and this antiviral activity is dependent on the topological arrangement of its four structural domains. Several functions of the cytoplasmic tail (CT) of BST-2 have been previously discussed, but the exact role of this domain remains to be clearly defined. In this study, we investigated the impact of truncation and commonly-used tags addition into the CT region of human BST-2 on its intracellular trafficking and signaling as well as its anti-HIV-1 function. The CT-truncated BST-2 exhibited potent inhibition on Vpu-defective HIV-1 and even wild-type HIV-1. However, the N-terminal HA-tagged CT-truncated BST-2 retained little antiviral activity and dramatically differed from its original protein in the cell surface level and intracellular localization. Further, we showed that the replacement of the CT domain with a hydrophobic tag altered BST-2 function possibly by preventing its normal vesicular trafficking. Notably, we demonstrated that a positive charged motif “KRXK” in the conjunctive region between the cytotail and the transmembrane domain which is conserved in primate BST-2 is important for the protein trafficking and the antiviral function. These results suggest that although the CT of BST-2 is not essential for its antiviral activity, the composition of residues in this region may play important roles in its normal trafficking which subsequently affected its function. These observations provide additional implications for the structure-function model of BST-2.  相似文献   

Polycystin-2 (PC2) is a TRP-type, Ca2+-permeable non-selective cation channel that plays an important role in Ca2+ signaling in renal and non-renal cells. The effect(s) of the cAMP pathway and kinase mediated phosphorylation of PC2 seem to be relevant to PC2 trafficking and its interaction with polycystin-1. However, the role of PC2 phosphorylation in channel function is still poorly defined. Here we reconstituted apical membranes of term human syncytiotrophoblast (hST), containing endogenous PC2 (PC2hst), and in vitro translated channel protein (PC2iv). Addition of the catalytic subunit of PKA increased by 566% the spontaneous PC2hst channel activity in the presence of ATP. Interestingly, 8-Br-cAMP also stimulated spontaneous PC2hst channel activity in the absence of the exogenous kinase. Either stimulation was inhibited by addition of alkaline phosphatase, which in turn, was reversed by the phosphatase inhibitor vanadate. Neither maneuver modified the single channel conductance but instead increased channel mean open time. PKA directly phosphorylated PC2, which increased the mean open time but not the single channel conductance of the channel. PKA phosphorylation did not modify either R742X truncated or S829A-mutant PC2iv channel function. The data indicate that the cAMP pathway regulates PC2-mediated cation transport in the hST. The relevant PKA site for PC2 channel regulation centers on a single residue serine 829, in the carboxyl terminus.  相似文献   

Na+-coupled ascorbic acid transporter-2 (SVCT2) activity is impaired at acid pH, but little is known about the molecular determinants that define the transporter pH sensitivity. SVCT2 contains six histidine residues in its primary sequence, three of which are exofacial in the transporter secondary structure model. We used site-directed mutagenesis and treatment with diethylpyrocarbonate to identify histidine residues responsible for SVCT2 pH sensitivity. We conclude that five histidine residues, His109, His203, His206, His269, and His413, are central regulators of SVCT2 function, participating to different degrees in modulating pH sensitivity, transporter kinetics, Na+ cooperativity, conformational stability, and subcellular localization. Our results are compatible with a model in which (i) a single exofacial histidine residue, His413, localized in the exofacial loop IV that connects transmembrane helices VII-VIII defines the pH sensitivity of SVCT2 through a mechanism involving a marked attenuation of the activation by Na+ and loss of Na+ cooperativity, which leads to a decreased Vmax without altering the transport Km; (ii) exofacial histidine residues His203, His206, and His413 may be involved in maintaining a functional interaction between exofacial loops II and IV and influence the general folding of the transporter; (iii) histidines 203, 206, 269, and 413 affect the transporter kinetics by modulating the apparent transport Km; and (iv) histidine 109, localized at the center of transmembrane helix I, might be fundamental for the interaction of SVCT2 with the transported substrate ascorbic acid. Thus, histidine residues are central regulators of SVCT2 function.  相似文献   

真核细胞伴侣素CCT及其与细胞骨架的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CCT(the chaperonin containing tailless complex polypeptide 1)是一种广泛存在于细胞浆中的异型寡聚蛋白,也是迄今为止真核细胞胞浆中发现的唯一伴侣素。目前认为大约15%的哺乳动物蛋白折叠需要CCT的参与,其中研究得最多的是肌动蛋白和微管蛋白。研究发现,CCT的异常会导致细胞骨架蛋白发生改变,甚至影响细胞骨架的形成与解聚。由此推测,一些细胞骨架相关疾病可能与CCT异常有关。  相似文献   

The voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC), also known as mitochondrial porin, is a large channel permeable to anions, cations, ATP, and other metabolites. VDAC was purified from sheep brain synaptosomes or rat liver mitochondria using a reactive red-agarose column, in addition to the hydroxyapatitate column. The red-agarose column allowed further purification (over 98%), concentration of the protein over ten-fold, decreasing Triton X-100 concentration, and/or replacing Triton X-100 with other detergents, such as Nonidet P-40 or octylglucoside. This purified VDAC reconstituted into planar-lipid bilayer, had a unitary maximal conductance of 3.7 ± 0.1 nS in 1 M NaCl, at 10 mV and was permeable to both large cations and anions. In the maximal conducting state, the permeability ratios for Na+, acetylcholine+, dopamine,+ and glutamate, relative to Cl, were estimated to be 0.73, 0.6, 0.44, and 0.4, respectively. In contrast, in the subconducting state, glutamate was impermeable, while the relative permeability to acetylcholine+ increased and to dopamine+ remained unchanged. At the high concentrations (0.1–0.5 M) used in the permeability experiments, glutamate eliminated the bell shape of the voltage dependence of VDAC channel conductance. Glutamate at concentrations of 1 to 20 mM, in the presence of 1 M NaCl, was found to modulate the VDAC channel activity. In single-channel experiments, at low voltages (±10 mV), glutamate induced rapid fluctuations of the channel between the fully open state and long-lived low-conducting states or short-lived closed state. Glutamate modification of the channel activity, at low voltages, is dependent on voltage, requiring short-time (20–60 sec) exposure of the channel to high membrane potentials. The effect of glutamate is specific, since it was observed in the presence of 1 M NaCl and it was not obtained with aspartate or GABA. These results suggest that VDAC possesses a specific glutamate-binding site that modulates its activity.  相似文献   

Human Connexin26 gene mutations cause hearing loss. These hereditary mutations are the leading cause of childhood deafness worldwide. Mutations in gap junction proteins (connexins) can impair intercellular communication by eliminating protein synthesis, mis-trafficking, or inducing channels that fail to dock or have aberrant function. We previously identified a new class of mutants that form non-functional gap junction channels and hemichannels (connexons) by disrupting packing and inter-helix interactions. Here we analyzed fourteen point mutations in the fourth transmembrane helix of connexin26 (Cx26) that cause non-syndromic hearing loss. Eight mutations caused mis-trafficking (K188R, F191L, V198M, S199F, G200R, I203K, L205P, T208P). Of the remaining six that formed gap junctions in mammalian cells, M195T and A197S formed stable hemichannels after isolation with a baculovirus/Sf9 protein purification system, while C202F, I203T, L205V and N206S formed hemichannels with varying degrees of instability. The function of all six gap junction-forming mutants was further assessed through measurement of dye coupling in mammalian cells and junctional conductance in paired Xenopus oocytes. Dye coupling between cell pairs was reduced by varying degrees for all six mutants. In homotypic oocyte pairings, only A197S induced measurable conductance. In heterotypic pairings with wild-type Cx26, five of the six mutants formed functional gap junction channels, albeit with reduced efficiency. None of the mutants displayed significant alterations in sensitivity to transjunctional voltage or induced conductive hemichannels in single oocytes. Intra-hemichannel interactions between mutant and wild-type proteins were assessed in rescue experiments using baculovirus expression in Sf9 insect cells. Of the four unstable mutations (C202F, I203T, L205V, N206S) only C202F and N206S formed stable hemichannels when co-expressed with wild-type Cx26. Stable M195T hemichannels displayed an increased tendency to aggregate. Thus, mutations in TM4 cause a range of phenotypes of dysfunctional gap junction channels that are discussed within the context of the X-ray crystallographic structure.  相似文献   

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