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Summary (1) The distribution of the extracellular space (ECS) in the outer part of the locust compound eye has been mapped with lanthanum and ruthenium red, applied to the retina. (2) In the photoreceptor zone, about 2.4% of the volume is ECS, in agreement with radiotracer and electrical estimates. Of this ECS, about 70% lies in lacunae between ommatidia, but only 1–2% adjacent to the photosensitive rhabdom. The lacunae are filled with material which binds applied tracers, and are thought to be structural spaces. (3) It has been suggested several times that such a small cation pool is insufficient to sustain more than a few large photoresponses, but this is shown to be incorrect. Enough Na+ lies within the rhabdomal ECS and within rapid diffusional access to it, to impose no immediate limitation. (4) The palisade vacuoles surrounding the rhabdom are intracellular, and are typical of light as well as dark-adapted eyes. (5) Tracers fail to penetrate more than about 30 m into the axon zone, in agreement with electrical, dye and radiotracer indications of a blood-eye barrier near this point. Septate and gap junctions between glial membranes proliferate at this level, the lacunae disappear, and the axonal clefts narrow, but no tight junctions were seen. Comparison is made with the barrier around the nerve cord. (6) The secondary pigment cells in the retina may function as osmotic/ionic buffers, in conjunction with the blood-eye barrier.  相似文献   

The protein design rules for engineering allosteric regulation are not well understood. A fundamental understanding of the determinants of ligand binding in an allosteric context could facilitate the design and construction of versatile protein switches and biosensors. Here, we conducted extensive in vitro and in vivo characterization of the effects of 285 unique point mutations at 15 residues in the maltose‐binding pocket of the maltose‐activated β‐lactamase MBP317‐347. MBP317‐347 is an allosteric enzyme formed by the insertion of TEM‐1 β‐lactamase into the E. coli maltose binding protein (MBP). We find that the maltose‐dependent resistance to ampicillin conferred to the cells by the MBP317‐347 switch gene (the switch phenotype) is very robust to mutations, with most mutations slightly improving the switch phenotype. We identified 15 mutations that improved switch performance from twofold to 22‐fold, primarily by decreasing the catalytic activity in the absence of maltose, perhaps by disrupting interactions that cause a small fraction of MBP in solution to exist in a partially closed state in the absence of maltose. Other notable mutations include K15D and K15H that increased maltose affinity 30‐fold and Y155K and Y155R that compromised switching by diminishing the ability of maltose to increase catalytic activity. The data also provided insights into normal MBP physiology, as select mutations at D14, W62, and F156 retained high maltose affinity but abolished the switch's ability to substitute for MBP in the transport of maltose into the cell. The results reveal the complex relationship between ligand binding and allostery in this engineered switch.  相似文献   

Scleractinian corals are known to suffer bleaching or loss of their symbiotic zooxanthellae under conditions of elevated seawater temperatures often associated with climate change (i.e. global warming). This can occur on a massive scale and has caused the decimation of reefs on a global basis. During the bleaching process, the expelled zooxanthellae suffer cell damage from heat stress, characterized by irreversible ultrastructural and physiological changes which are symptomatic of cell degeneration and death (called apoptosis) or necrosis. A question that remains unanswered, however, is whether the coral hosts themselves are sensitive to seawater temperatures, and, if so, to what degree? In a controlled experiment, we exposed corals Acropora hyacinthus (Dana, 1846) and Porites solida (Forskål, 1775) with their symbiotic zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium sp.) to temperatures of 28 °C (control), 30 °C, 32 °C, and 34 °C for 48 h and also to 36 °C for 12 h. We assessed coral and zooxanthellar cells in-situ for symptoms of apoptosis and necrosis using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), fluorescent microscopy (FM), and flow cytometry (FC). We found that the coral host cells in-situ exhibited, for the most part, little or no mortality from increased seawater temperatures. Damage to the coral hosts only occurred under conditions of prolonged exposure (≥ 12 h) at high temperatures (34 °C), or at exceptionally high temperatures (e.g. 36 °C). On the other hand, we found high levels of apoptosis and necrosis in the zooxanthellae in-situ under all treatment conditions of elevated seawater temperatures. We found that during bleaching, the host cells are not experiencing much mortality - but the zooxanthellae, even while still within the host, are. The host corals exhibit exaptation to accommodate temperatures as high as ≥ 34 °C. Temperature stress within these highly specific and coevolved symbiotic systems is derived not from host sensitivity to temperature, but from the symbiont's sensitivity and the loss of the coral's endosymbiotic partners.  相似文献   

Survival of coral planulae, and the successful settlement and healthy growth of primary polyps are critical for the dispersal of scleractinian corals and hence the recovery of degraded coral reefs. It is therefore important to explore how the warmer and more acidic oceanic conditions predicted for the future could affect these processes. This study used controlled culture to investigate the effects of a 1 °C increase in temperature and a 0.2-0.25 unit decrease in pH on the settlement and survival of planulae and the growth of primary polyps in the Tropical Eastern Pacific coral Porites panamensis. We found that primary polyp growth was reduced only marginally by more acidic seawater but the combined effect of high temperature and lowered pH caused a significant reduction in growth of primary polyps by almost a third. Elevated temperature was found to significantly reduce the amount of zooxanthellae in primary polyps, and when combined with lowered pH resulted in a significant reduction in biomass of primary polyps. However, survival and settlement of planula larvae were unaffected by increased temperature, lowered acidity or the combination of both. These results indicate that in future scenarios of increased temperature and oceanic acidity coral planulae will be able to disperse and settle successfully but primary polyp growth may be hampered. The recovery of reefs may therefore be impeded by global change even if local stressors are curbed and sufficient sources of planulae are available.  相似文献   

The adaptation of translocated organisms to a new environment in the first years after their release is crucial in translocation programs because it may affect survival and reproductive success. Therefore, identifying the factors determining resource selection by the relocated animals is essential to improve the planning and the outcome of such programs. Using data collected in 2006–2009 in the framework of a restocking program, we studied the temporal variation of habitat selection in 14 translocated Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) during the year of their release and the following 3 years. We hypothesized a progressive adaptation of the translocated individuals, highlighted by a gradual decrease in the dissimilarities between translocated and resident individuals in ecological characteristics and social behavior. We tested the differences in habitat selection and home range size between the translocated and resident individuals and compared the spatial overlap between the groups. As expected, the dissimilarities decreased annually. The translocated and resident ibex almost immediately selected the same habitat resources, but the translocated individuals required 3 years to become fully socially assimilated. Our results indicated that habitat selection by gregarious species in a new environment is primarily driven by specific ecological requirements and that sociality plays a significant role. The translocated individuals tended to colonize areas already occupied by residents, either to fulfill social requirements and/or because the location of resident individuals may indicate high-quality habitat. This pattern of behavior must be considered in the planning of translocation programs because habitat selection can affect the outcomes of the programs. © 2013 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The unfolded protein response (UPR) is a conserved adaptive reaction that increases cell survival under conditions of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. The UPR controls diverse processes such as protein folding, secretion, ER biogenesis, protein quality control and macroautophagy. Occurrence of chronic ER stress has been extensively described in neurodegenerative conditions linked to protein misfolding and aggregation, including Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Prion-related disorders, and conditions such as Parkinson's, Huntington's, and Alzheimer's disease. Strong correlations are observed between disease progression, accumulation of protein aggregates, and induction of the UPR in animal and in vitro models of neurodegeneration. In addition, the first reports are available describing the engagement of ER stress responses in brain post-mortem samples from human patients. Despite such findings, the role of the UPR in the central nervous system has not been addressed directly and its contribution to neurodegeneration remains speculative. Recently, however, pharmacological manipulation of ER stress and autophagy - a stress pathway modulated by the UPR - using chemical chaperones and autophagy activators has shown therapeutic benefits by attenuating protein misfolding in models of neurodegenerative disease. The most recent evidence addressing the role of the UPR and ER stress in neurodegenerative disorders is reviewed here, along with therapeutic strategies to alleviate ER stress in a disease context.  相似文献   

Long‐distance migrant waders breeding in the Arctic often have globally structured populations, largely because they were isolated in glacial or interstadial refugia or were restricted to fragmented coastal wetlands in winter. Conversely, inland species using continentally distributed wetlands appear to be less structured (more often panmictic), presumably because they are less likely to have been isolated by multiple refugia or by current events. We analyzed genetic variation in a widely distributed inland species, the ruff (Philomachus pugnax), sampled from seven Eurasian breeding localities, and from migration routes and wintering areas in Europe and Africa. One mitochondrial marker (N = 118) and eight nuclear microsatellites (N = 170) showed: (1) high genetic variation; (2) large genetic distances among mitochondrial (private) haplotypes within breeding populations; (3) the absence of a signature of isolation‐by‐distance; and (4) a distribution of private microsatellite alleles indicating dispersal between Scandinavia and Siberia but not between western and eastern Siberia. These results were consistent with a large refugial population during the Last Glacial Maximum, and postglacial long range expansions spreading ancestral polymorphisms, and not with a stepping‐stone model of gene flow. The divergence between breeding populations in Europe and Siberia was dated to approximately 12 000 years ago. Although genetic population structure is presently statistically non‐existent, support for evolving population structure came from analyses of geographical variation in two relevant phenotypic traits: wing length and the timing of migration. Analysis of 6077 individuals sampled on migration in 2002–08 revealed that, in each year, shorter‐winged birds migrated through significantly later than longer‐winged birds. The late‐passing birds were associated with more westerly breeding localities. In conclusion, the lack of genetic structuring in ruffs (and other inland species we examined) contrasts with strong structuring in many coastal species. This suggests that the ability to use more widely available inland habitat influences the evolution of genetic structure and the maintenance of genetic variation in waders. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 641–656.  相似文献   

1. The relationship between plant traits and the frequency of attack by a stem galling midge, Neolasioptera sp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), on Eremanthus erythropappus (Asteraceae) was studied. The morphological changes of the host after a galler attack and the potential effects of these changes on attacks by the next generation of gallers were analysed. The study was conducted in the Serra do Japi, São Paulo, south-eastern Brazil. 2. Galled branches were significantly longer, thicker, and had more leaves than ungalled branches. Accordingly, gall establishment was higher in the longer and more foliose branches. Hence, it is suggested that ovipositing females are maximizing their performance by selecting larger branches. 3. Galled branches were larger than ungalled branches of the same age. Two hypotheses, not necessarily exclusive, can explain this pattern: (1) the plant vigour hypothesis that the females are choosing the more vigorous, fast-growing branches, which still remain more vigorous after galling; or (2) the resource regulation hypothesis that galling increases branch growth rates, thus increasing resource quality for forthcoming conspecifics. 4. Co-occurrence frequencies of current and past generation galls showed that the likelihood of a branch being galled increased when it, or the branch from which it stemmed, had been galled before. The data indicated that this preference was conditioned by the number of previous attacks. Heavier attack intensities, such as one gall in the same branch and another in the branch from which it stemmed, decreased the probability of further galling. 5. The suggested links between herbivore attack and plant traits indicate that studies on host selection by phytophagous insects must take into account that herbivory itself may change the plant traits that are postulated to be selected by the insects.  相似文献   

Kunert G  Weisser WW 《Oecologia》2003,135(2):304-312
Natural enemies not only influence prey density but they can also cause the modification of traits in their victims. While such non-lethal effects can be very important for the dynamic and structure of prey populations, little is known about their interaction with the density-mediated effects of natural enemies. We investigated the relationship between predation rate, prey density and trait modification in two aphid-aphid predator interactions. Pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum, Harris) have been shown to produce winged dispersal morphs in response to the presence of ladybirds or parasitoid natural enemies. This trait modification influences the ability of aphids to disperse and to colonise new habitats, and hence has a bearing on the population dynamics of the prey. In two experiments we examined wing induction in pea aphids as a function of the rate of predation when hoverfly larvae (Episyrphus balteatus) and lacewing larvae (Chrysoperla carnea) were allowed to forage in pea aphid colonies. Both hoverfly and lacewing larvae caused a significant increase in the percentage of winged morphs among offspring compared to control treatments, emphasising that wing induction in the presence of natural enemies is a general response in pea aphids. The percentage of winged offspring was, however, dependent on the rate of predation, with a small effect of predation on aphid wing induction at very high and very low predation rates, and a strong response of aphids at medium predation rates. Aphid wing induction was influenced by the interplay between predation rate and the resultant prey density. Our results suggests that density-mediated and trait-mediated effects of natural enemies are closely connected to each other and jointly determine the effect of natural enemies on prey population dynamics.  相似文献   

Meristem allocation models suggest that the patterns of compensatory regrowth responses following grazing vary, depending on (i) the number of latent meristems that escape from being damaged, and (ii) the activation sensitivity of the meristems in relation to the degree of damage. We examined the shape of compensatory responses in two late-flowering populations (59°20′N and 65°45′N) of the field gentian. Plants of equal initial sizes were randomly assigned to four treatment groups with 0, 10, 50 and 75% removal of the main stalk. The plants were clipped before flowering, and their performance was studied at the end of the growing season. The northern population showed a linear decrease in shoot biomass and fecundity with increasing biomass removal, while the response in the southern population was quadratic with maximum performance at the damage level of 50% clipping. This nonlinear shape depended upon the activation sensitivity of dormant meristems in relation to their position along the main stem. The highest plant performance was achieved by inflicting intermediate damage which induced regrowth from basally located meristems. In contrast, the topmost branches took over the dominance role of the main stem after minor apical damage (10% clipping). Consequently, the breakage of apical dominance is a necessary precondition of vigorous regrowth in this species. However, compensation in the field gentian is unlikely to be a mere incidental by-product of apical dominance. The ability to regrow from basally located meristems that escape from being damaged by grazing may well be a sign of adaptation to moderate levels of shoot damage. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The aim was to review knowledge about the interface betweenplant growth regulators and molecular checkpoints of the cell cycle. Atwhat level of biochemical regulation of the cell cycle do plant growthregulators interface? Are there different levels of interfacingdependent on the plant growth regulator involved? As a preamble totackling these questions, we overview the eukaryotic cell cycle withparticular emphasis on checkpoints that regulate the transition fromG0-G1-S-phase and G2-M. Cytokinins feature strongly as activators ofcell division in plants both in vivo and in vitro.Recent research has shown that zeatin treatment led to the up-regulationof CycD3 in Arabidopsis. This is a D-type cyclin showing stronghomology with vertebrate D cyclins which themselves are up-regulated byextracellular growth factors. Benzyladenine treatment can also shortenthe duration of S-phase through recruitment of latent origins of DNAreplication. Kinetin is involved in the phosphoregulation of the G2-Mcheckpoint; the major cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) at this checkpointhas recently been shown to be dephosphorylated as a result of cytokinintreatment, an effect which can also be mimicked by the fission yeastCdc25 phosphatase. Hence, a picture emerges of a cytokinin-inducedcontinuum of cell cycle activation through the up-regulation of a plantD-type cyclin at the G1 checkpoint and the phosphoregulation of the Cdkat the G2/M checkpoint. During S-phase, we argue for a link betweencytokinins and the proteins associated with replication origins.Gibberellic acid (GA) treatment induces internode elongation. Indeepwater rice, this response is mediated, at least partly, by aGA-induced up-regulation of a cyclin-Cdk at the G2-M checkpoint. Recentevidence has also linked abscisic acid to a cyclin-dependent kinaseinhibitor. These, so-called CKIs are negative regulators of Cdks whichfits with ABA's general role in growth inhibition; we await news ofethylene interactions. We highlight two instances of plant growthregulator-cell cycle interfacing during development, arguing for aninvolvement in microtubule orientation as a prerequisite to leafinitiation, and suggest a link between IAA and the activation of celldivisions in the pericycle required for lateral root initiation. A newD-type cyclin, recently discovered in Arabidopsis, may have akey role in this process. Finally, a model is presented which features ageneralised cyclin-Cdk checkpoint exhibiting various interfaces with theplant growth regulators.  相似文献   

Since 1991 the NHS has attempted to identify and prioritise its needs for research and development in a systematic manner. This has not been done before and there is little evidence on which to draw. Multidisciplinary expert groups have identified priorities in different topics using explicit criteria and after widespread consultation within the NHS and research community to identify pressing problems and opportunities for research. This paper focuses on a review completed in 1993 to identify research and development priorities for the NHS in relation to the interface between primary and secondary care. The review covered several recent developments which require evaluation. The authors describe the process used to identify research and development priorities in this complex subject and examine the strengths and weaknesses of the approach. This case study should help to stimulate a wider debate on methods of identifying priorities, particularly those using participatory approaches, in research and non-research contexts.  相似文献   

Thachuk A 《Bioethics》2007,21(9):511-514
In North America, prenatal testing and genetic terminations are becoming clinically normalized. Yet despite this implied social acceptance, open discussions surrounding genetic terminations remain taboo and silenced. Women are socially isolated, their experiences kept secret, and their grief disenfranchised. The lack of social consensus regarding genetic terminations, the valorization of scientific knowledge, and the bioethical framing of the issue as a matter of personal choice and autonomy collectively serve to reify this silence. In many respects genetic screening offers a form of technological surveillance procuring security from the unwanted kind of child. Yet the manner in which 'the unwanted kind of child' is understood varies from context to context. While we carry with us the consequences of decisions made elsewhere, the institutionalized discourses upon which these decisions are made are not always so readily transportable. One must somehow reconcile 'the unwanted kind of child' of the biomedical model with 'the unwanted kind of child' who was to be a member of one's family. In this paper, my intention is not to engage in the broader debate surrounding prenatal testing and genetic terminations. Rather, I employ my clinical encounters with these practices to illustrate the absence of an ethical language that might do justice to the experiences such practices construct. The limitations of a bioethical discourse that remains abstracted from lived experience are discussed.  相似文献   

Interference with the water-air interface, both direct (by contact with a flat, rigid surface) and indirect (by inducing a meniscus) caused the ciliated protozoa we investigated to actively collect in the water column or on the substrate directly under the area of altered surface tension. A crowding effect is observed in this "rest area" reaching plateau values within one hour after onset of the experiment. The simple experimental procedures described here induced analogous behaviour in both Paramecium caudatum (a swimmer) and Oxytricha bifaria (a crawler). The ciliates seem in this reaction to be seeking a refuge from vibrations transmitted by the free interface. Our discovery is discussed in its implications for the adaptive biology and ecology of these micro-organisms.  相似文献   

Larvae of wild type (WT) strain of Chymomyza costata Zetterstedt (Diptera: Drosophilidae) enter diapause (stop developing) in response to short‐day signal at a constant 18 °C, whereas larvae of a non‐photoperiodic‐diapause (NPD) strain do not respond to photoperiodic signalling and continue in larval development irrespective of daylength. The present study shows that WT larvae also respond reliably to thermoperiodic signalling (daily cycles of temperature) under constant darkness, whereas the NPD larvae do not, suggesting that the pathways transducing the environmental token stimuli (photoperiod and thermoperiod) onto the diapause developmental programme might merge functionally in the central biological clock system known to be mutated in NPD strain. Temperature and larval population density modify the output of token stimuli signalling. High temperatures (>24 °C) tend to avert, whereas low temperatures (<18 °C), especially in combination with constant darkness, stimulate diapause induction in WT strain. Overcrowding (>200 larvae per 5 g of larval diet) lengthens the duration of larval development and induces a ‘diapause‐like’ developmental arrest of relatively weak intensity in up to 60% of larvae of both strains. At high temperatures (>30 °C), all WT larvae continue direct development but subsequently die during the pupal stage. Low temperature exposure (<12 °C) causes quiescence in the majority of the larvae of both strains. Starvation blocks development and causes mortality when applied in larvae younger than day 3 of the third instar. Older larvae survive starvation and their photoperiodically‐induced developmental pre‐programming is not affected. Collectively, the results show that diapause induction in C. costata is a result of various interacting effects of multiple environmental factors.  相似文献   

Our previous studies indicate that hMRE11 plays a role in MMR, and this function of hMRE11 is most likely mediated by the hMLH1-hMRE11 interaction. Here, we explored the functional implications of the hMLH1-hMRE11 interaction in MMR and the effects of hMLH1 mutations on their interaction. Our in vitro MMR assay demonstrated that the dominant-negative hMRE11452-634 mutant peptide (i.e., harboring only the hMLH1-interacting domain) imparted a significant reduction in both 3′ excision and 3′-directed MMR activities. Furthermore, the expression of hMRE11452-634, and to a lesser extent hMRE111-634 (ATLD1), impaired G2/M checkpoint control in response to MNU and cisplatin treatments, rendering cells resistant to killings by these two anticancer drugs. Analysis of 38 hMLH1 missense mutations showed that the majority of mutations caused significant (>50%) reductions in their interaction with hMRE11, suggesting a potential link between aberrant protein interaction and the pathogenic effects of hMLH1 variants.  相似文献   

Comment on: Zhu HH, et al. Blood 2011; 117:5350-61 and Chan G, et al. Blood 2011; 117:4253-61.  相似文献   

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