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哺乳动物是一类最进化并在地球上占主导地位的动物类群,重建其系统发育关系一直是分子系统学的研究热点。随着越来越多物种全基因组测序的完成,在基因组水平上探讨该类动物的系统发育关系与进化成为研究的热点。本文从全基因组序列,稀有基因组变异及染色体涂染等几个方面简要介绍了当前系统发育基因组学在现生哺乳动物分子系统学中的应用,综合已有的研究归纳整理了胎盘亚纲的总目及目间的系统发育关系,给出了胎盘动物19 个目的系统发育树。本文还分析了哺乳动物系统发育基因组学目前所面临的主要问题及未来的发展前景。  相似文献   

朊病毒病,即传染性海绵状脑病(transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, TSEs),是一类传染性、致死性神经退行性疾病。在朊病毒病的病理过程中,细胞正常朊蛋白PrP。转化为异常构象的PrP是至关重要的,但是PrP‘的正常生理功能仍不清楚。国外学者利用比较基因组学发现了-个新的朊蛋白相关蛋白-shadoo(Sho)。Sho与PrP。在氨基酸序列和细胞定位的相似性及主要在脑组织表达,使它成为-个非常值得研究的PrP相关蛋白。对Sho可能存在的与PrP。重叠的功能甚至直接相互作用的研究工作,将对今后揭示PrPc正常生理功能以及揭示Pfion病发病机制具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

疯牛病(mad cow disease),即牛传染性海绵状脑病(bovine transmissible spongiform encephalopathy,BSE)的俗称,是一种慢性消耗性、致死性、中枢神经系统退行性疾病。疯牛病被认为与朊毒体(Prion)有关,朊毒体是由正常朊蛋白(Prion protein,或者PrPC)发生构象改变后形成的异常蛋白(PrPSc)。疯牛病的发生引起了世界各国政府和科学界的高度重视,PrP的起源及其功能研究已成为研究热点。鱼类PrP相关蛋白的研究正在展开中,由于鱼类PrP相关蛋白与朊蛋白的结构相似,鱼类感染TSE类似病存在理论上的风险。本文全面地综述了疯牛病的概况、朊毒体的特性、朊毒体与哺乳动物朊蛋白、鱼类PrP相关蛋白(PrP1、PrP2和PrP3)及鱼类其他PrP相关蛋白的研究情况,为国内水生动物PrP相关蛋白研究提供参考。  相似文献   

朊蛋白的细胞生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朊蛋白病是人和牛羊等哺乳动物所患的致命性的神经系统变性疾病,它是由机体内正常的朊蛋白改变构象后所引起的疾病。本综述对朊蛋白在细胞生物学领域的认知和理解进行了归纳总结,阐述了正常和异常朊蛋白的翻译、表达、定位、裂解、转化等一系列过程,是对疾病本质的有益探索。  相似文献   

朊蛋白研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朊蛋白(prion protein,OPrp^c)是一个非传统的感染原,尚未发现含核酸,可引起人和动物的传染性脑退化病。PrP^c是一个正常的蛋白,主要分布于神经元表面,属于肌醇磷脂锚蛋白类。由PrPc向PrP^sc转变即产生疾病。本综述简单介绍了朊蛋白结构、功能及发病机理,并提出了目前尚待研究的问题。  相似文献   

构建并表达人朊蛋白N-糖基化修饰位点突变的真核表达载体,有助于进一步研究朊蛋白N-糖基化修饰的生物学功能。定点突变野生型人朊蛋白基因PRNP,将获得的突变体亚克隆至真核表达载体pcDNA3.1中,并在人宫颈癌细胞株HeLa中瞬时表达各种朊蛋白糖基化修饰位点突变体,利用免疫印迹和糖苷酶消化等糖蛋白分析方法鉴定表达产物的糖基化形式。经Western blot鉴定,野生型和突变型朊蛋白表达产物出现不同形式的泳动特征,分别出现特异性糖基化修饰的多个条带,单糖基化修饰的两条条带和无糖基化修饰的一条条带。经PNGase F糖苷酶消化,野生型和糖基化单点突变型表达产物均能被糖苷酶消化,其分子量下移,去糖基化突变型表达产物的分子条带位置不变。通过突变野生型人朊蛋白基因PRNP的N-糖基化修饰位点,获得单糖基化修饰和去N-糖基化修饰的6种人朊蛋白突变体,并能够在HeLa细胞株中瞬时表达单糖基化修饰和去N-糖基化修饰朊蛋白,为进一步研究朊蛋白的相关功能建立良好基础。  相似文献   

朊蛋白作为一种高度保守的细胞膜糖蛋白,广泛分布于机体各组织器官,参与信号跨膜传导、细胞黏附、铜离子代谢、抗细胞凋亡、抗氧化应激等过程。近年来,随着对朊蛋白结构、生理功能、变构机制等的深入研究,对它的认识已不再局限于一种单纯的致病因子,朊蛋白在遗传进化、生理功能上所表现出的重要作用已成为新的研究热点。我们首先分析了朊蛋白的细胞定位、转运及组织分布,其次对朊蛋白在神经系统、肿瘤发生、胚胎发育过程中发挥的生理功能做简要介绍,最后对该蛋白的研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

使用分子生物学的方法对Dan亚科鱼类的单系性进行了探讨。通过PCR方法,获得了13种鲤科鱼类S7核糖体蛋白基因第1内含子序列,其中包括6种Dan亚科鱼类。使用MEGA软件中的Neighbor-Joining法和Most-Parsimony法分别构建分支系统图。研究结果显示目前所确认的Dan亚科鱼类实际上没有形成单系类群。其中Dan属、波鱼属和低线Lie属位于系统树基部,显示出原始性,而由细鲫属、马口鱼属和Lie属构成的类群相对于Dan亚科中的原始种类起源较晚,可能和较晚起源的东亚鲤科类群之间有更为密切的关系。  相似文献   

微管相关蛋白tau与朊蛋白的相互作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
微管相关蛋白tau参与了许多神经退行性疾病的发生, 其中包括一些人类可传播性海绵状脑病. 为了探讨tau与朊蛋白(PrP)之间可能存在的关系, 首先通过GST pull-down和免疫共沉淀等技术发现重组tau蛋白可通过微管结合区与来源于正常叙利亚仓鼠脑组织中的正常细胞膜朊蛋白(PrPC)和羊瘙痒因子263K感染仓鼠脑组织的异常朊蛋白(PrPSc)相结合. 利用免疫共沉淀实验发现在正常和羊瘙痒因子感染的仓鼠脑组织中存在tau蛋白与PrPC和PrPSc的相互作用, 并且利用激光共聚焦方法检测到PrP和tau蛋白在CHO细胞内具有共定位的关系. 为了确定PrP与tau蛋白相互作用的部位, 构建了不同区域的PrP片段, 从而证明PrP与tau蛋白相互作用的区域位于PrP的N端序列(23~91 aa). PrP与tau蛋白分子间相互作用的直接实验证据提示tau蛋白可能参与PrP的正常生理功能以及朊病毒病的病理过程.  相似文献   

以光间受体视黄类物质结合蛋白基因(IRBP)为研究对象,从GenBank中下载了棉鼠亚科66个种的IRBP序列,分析IRBP的结构及其在棉鼠亚科的进化关系.G+C含量高于A+T,密码子第3位点的G+C含量高达61.2%,并且呈现出较低的核苷酸多样性(3.786%).IRBP在棉鼠亚科没有经历正向达尔文选择.以IRBP构建的系统发育树和以往研究的结果总体上是一致的,但由于本文样本数量的增加,发现Oryzomyini还存在第3个分支,不同于以往研究只划分了2个分支.同时系统发育树的结构表明Ichthyomyini和Sigmodontini很可能不是两个独立的族.另外和前人以细胞色素b基因构建的系统发育树相比较,树的结构总体上也是一致的.这些都表明IRBP在棉鼠亚科中有较好的应用效果,但要更好地解决此亚科存在的系统发育问题,重点在于增加用于分析的物种数量.  相似文献   

This study was designed to analyze variation of ovine prion protein in sheep breeds in Iran and Turkey. A competitive approach was used to analyze the open reading frame (ORF) of the ovine PRNP gene using a total of 186 samples from five indigenous sheep breeds. The ARQ allele was found to be the predominant allele in five breeds. The ARR allele was not observed in homozygous combination among the 11 genotypes found in the study. In addition, six other polymorphisms were indicated. These findings have great significance for estimating genetic variability in the PRNP gene with regard to Iranian and Turkish sheep. Since no information on the susceptibility of some genotypes identified in this study has been reported, no grouping was made on the basis of susceptibility.  相似文献   

Six polymorphic sites of the bovine prion protein gene (PRNP) were genotyped in 569 animals of Asian native cattle, Japanese breeds, purebred mythun (Bos frontalis), and mythun × cattle composite animals. At the 23-bp indel site, a deletion (23?) allele was a major allele in all populations except mythun. At the 12-bp indel site, an insertion (12+) allele was a major allele in all populations. The 14-bp indel site was polymorphic in all Asian native cattle. In the octapeptide repeat region, a six-repeat allele was a major allele in all populations, and 5/5 and 4/6 genotypes were detected in Japanese Black and Mongolian cattle and in mythun, respectively. Two nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (K3T and S154N) were detected in Asian native cattle and mythun. Haplotype analysis using the genotypes of the six sites estimated 33 different haplotypes. The haplotype 23? 12? K 6 S 14+ was found in all populations.  相似文献   

中国小尾寒羊朊病毒蛋白基因的基因型属于PrP^ARH   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从中国小尾寒羊血液分离的白细胞中提取基因组DNA,用PCR反应扩增出羊的正常朊病毒蛋白(OvPrP^c)基因,将其克隆到质粒pUC19中。序列分析结果表明该克隆里含有771bp的OvPrP^c基因,其中有7个碱基与已报道的OvPrP^c基因不同,并导致了3个氨基酸的改变,基因型属于PrP^ARH,这3个密码子的多态性可能与羊对羊瘙痒病的敏感性或抵抗力有关。将编码成熟蛋白质的朊病毒蛋白基因插入质粒pET30a,在大肠杆菌表达了约23kD的PrP25-231蛋白,并用洗涤包涵体、离子交换层析、反相层析纯化PrP25-231蛋白,经SDS-PAGE及免疫印迹分析表明,得到纯化的蛋白质是PrP25-231。  相似文献   



Existing mathematical models for scrapie dynamics in sheep populations assume that the PrP gene is only associated with scrapie susceptibility and with no other fitness related traits. This assumption contrasts recent findings of PrP gene associations with post-natal lamb survival in scrapie free Scottish Blackface populations. Lambs with scrapie resistant genotypes were found to have significantly lower survival rates than those with susceptible genotypes. The present study aimed to investigate how these conflicting PrP gene associations may affect the dynamic patterns of PrP haplotype frequencies and disease prevalence.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A deterministic mathematical model was developed to explore how the associations between PrP genotype and both scrapie susceptibility and postnatal lamb mortality affect the prevalence of scrapie and the associated change in PrP gene frequencies in a closed flock of sheep. The model incorporates empirical evidence on epidemiological and biological characteristics of scrapie and on mortality rates induced by causes other than scrapie. The model results indicate that unfavorable associations of the scrapie resistant PrP haplotypes with post-natal lamb mortality, if sufficiently strong, can increase scrapie prevalence during an epidemic, and result in scrapie persisting in the population. The range of model parameters, for which such effects were observed, is realistic but relatively narrow.


The results of the present model suggest that for most parameter combinations an unfavourable association between PrP genotype and post-natal lamb mortality does not greatly alter the dynamics of scrapie and, hence, would not have an adverse impact on a breeding programme. There were, however, a range of scenarios, narrow, but realistic, in which such an unfavourable association resulted in an increased prevalence and in the persistence of infection. Consequently, associations between PrP genotypes and fitness traits should be taken into account when designing future models and breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Scrapie eradication efforts cost 18 million dollars annually in the United States and rely heavily upon PRNP genotyping of sheep. Genetic resistance might reduce goat scrapie and limit the risk of goats serving as a scrapie reservoir, so PRNP coding sequences were examined from 446 goats of 10 breeds, 8 of which had not been previously examined at PRNP. The 10 observed alleles were all related to one of two central haplotypes by a single amino acid substitution. At least five of these alleles (M142, R143, S146, H154, and K222) have been associated with increased incubation time or decreased odds of scrapie. To the best of our knowledge, neither S146 nor K222 has been found in any goats with scrapie, though further evaluation will be required to demonstrate true resistance. S146 was more common, present in several breeds at widely varying frequencies, while K222 was observed only in two dairy breeds at low frequency. Overall, this study provides frequency data on PRNP alleles in US goats, shows the pattern of relationships between haplotypes, and demonstrates segregation of multiple scrapieassociated alleles in several breeds not examined before at PRNP.  相似文献   

Converging evidence leaves little doubt that a change in the conformation of prion protein (PrPC) from a mainly α-helical to a β-sheet rich PrP-scrapie (PrPSc) form is the main event responsible for prion disease associated neurotoxicity. However, neither the mechanism of toxicity by PrPSc, nor the normal function of PrPC is entirely clear. Recent reports suggest that imbalance of iron homeostasis is a common feature of prion infected cells and mouse models, implicating redox-iron in prion disease pathogenesis. In this report, we provide evidence that PrPC mediates cellular iron uptake and transport, and mutant PrP forms alter cellular iron levels differentially. Using human neuroblastoma cells as models, we demonstrate that over-expression of PrPC increases intra-cellular iron relative to non-transfected controls as indicated by an increase in total cellular iron, the cellular labile iron pool (LIP), and iron content of ferritin. As a result, the levels of iron uptake proteins transferrin (Tf) and transferrin receptor (TfR) are decreased, and expression of iron storage protein ferritin is increased. The positive effect of PrPC on ferritin iron content is enhanced by stimulating PrPC endocytosis, and reversed by cross-linking PrPC on the plasma membrane. Expression of mutant PrP forms lacking the octapeptide-repeats, the membrane anchor, or carrying the pathogenic mutation PrP102L decreases ferritin iron content significantly relative to PrPC expressing cells, but the effect on cellular LIP and levels of Tf, TfR, and ferritin is complex, varying with the mutation. Neither PrPC nor the mutant PrP forms influence the rate or amount of iron released into the medium, suggesting a functional role for PrPC in cellular iron uptake and transport to ferritin, and dysfunction of PrPC as a significant contributing factor of brain iron imbalance in prion disorders.  相似文献   

朊病毒病是一种由朊病毒侵染动物神经系统并引发神经退行性症状的传染性疾病。朊病毒是由正常朊蛋白PrP^C通过构象转化形成具蛋白酶抗性的异常朊蛋白PrP^Se的病原微生物。最新研究表明,朊蛋白通过构象转变形成新的功能分子的现象在生物界中普遍存在,并与正常生物功能密切相关。通过研究类朊蛋白现象可以有助于揭示朊病毒感染机制以及深化对生物遗传多样性的了解。  相似文献   

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