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Seed dispersal networks are often organized in nested structures in a way that a few core species can disproportionally affect the remaining species in a network, in both the ecological and evolutionary sense. Yet, the relative importance of core and peripheral species has not been properly tested in seed dispersal network studies. We determined core species from 10 local seed dispersal networks composed by fleshy‐fruited plants and frugivorous birds. Each of those local quantitative networks was characterized with a core quality value, a core score for each species and a threshold value between core and peripheral species. From a total of 52 bird and 69 plant species that interacted in the study area, only 8 and 15, respectively, were identified as core. Each local network had a core that comprised a small number of birds and plants, always lower than 30% of the interacting species. There was no difference in the quantitative component of seed dispersal effectiveness (QC) provided by the frugivorous bird assemblage to plant functional groups clustered according to their growth form and fruit characteristics. Core birds dispersed seeds from each of these plant functional groups with a higher QC than peripheral species. Thus, we empirically demonstrate for the first time that seed dispersal networks at a regional scale have a small core set of fruit‐eating birds, upon which heavily rely most fleshy‐fruited plants for their seed removal. Hence, the activity of just a few core frugivores could deeply impact the demography of an entire assemblage of fleshy‐fruited plants.  相似文献   

Natural regeneration of vegetation is a frequent outcome of land abandonment, although the rate and diversity of such regeneration may be severely restricted by seed dispersal limitation, among other factors. In spite of this, studies aiming to quantify seed rain and test methods to enhance it, such as artificial perches, are still underrepresented in the Mediterranean. In our study, we quantified seed rain density and richness and tested the effects of artificial perches on such rain over a distance gradient on seven Mediterranean island old fields. In each of the seven sites, we positioned three sampling stations, each consisting of 1 seed trap under an artificial perch and 1 as a control on the ground, distributed at 30, 60, and 90 m from natural vegetation remnant. All traps received seeds, suggesting no overall dispersal limitation. Of the 11 seed species found, 10 were fleshy‐fruited and dispersed by vertebrates. Seed traps under perches received significantly higher seed rain of fleshy‐fruited species dispersed by birds, while ground traps received significantly more seeds of the species also dispersed by mammals, especially Rubus ulmifolius. The distance from the seed source was nonsignificant in all cases. Our study demonstrates the key role of vertebrate‐mediated seed dispersal services to overcome dispersal limitation in old fields, as well as the effective contribution of even small artificial perches in contrasting such limitation. The lack of differences over the distance gradient reveal that the upper spatial limit of dispersal limitation was not achieved.  相似文献   

Plant–animal mutualistic interactions, such as pollination and seed dispersal, affect ecosystem functioning by driving plant population dynamics. However, little is known of how the diversity of interactions in these mutualistic networks determines plant regeneration dynamics. To fill this gap, interaction networks should not only account for the number of seeds dispersed by animals, but also for seed fate after dispersal. Here, we compare plant–animal networks at both the seed dispersal and seedling recruitment stage to evaluate how interaction diversity, represented by different network metrics, changes throughout the process of plant regeneration. We focused on a system with six species of frugivorous birds and three species of fleshy‐fruited trees in the temperate secondary forest of the Cantabrian Range (northern Iberian Peninsula). We considered two plant cohorts corresponding to two fruiting years showing strong differences in fruit and frugivore abundance. Seed dispersal interactions were estimated from a spatially‐explicit, field‐validated model predicting tree and bird species‐specific seed deposition in different microhabitats. These interactions were further transformed into interactions at the seedling recruitment stage by accounting for plant‐ and microhabitat‐specific seed fates estimated from field sampling. We found that network interaction diversity varied across plant regeneration stages and cohorts, both in terms of the evenness and the number of paired interactions. Tree–bird interactions were more evenly distributed across species pairs at the recruitment stage than at the seed deposition stage, although some interactions disappeared in the seed‐to‐seedling transition for one plant cohort. The variations in interaction diversity were explained by between‐plant differences in post‐dispersal seed fate and in inter‐annual fruit production, rather than by differences between frugivores in seed deposition patterns. These results highlight the need for integrating plant traits and disperser quality to predict the functional outcome of plant–animal mutualistic networks.  相似文献   

A double mutualism (DM) occurs when two interacting species benefit each other in two different functions, e.g. when an animal species acts both as pollinator and seed disperser of the same plant. Besides the double benefit, a DM also imposes a larger risk to both functions if the performance of one partner declines. We conducted the first global review of DMs involving pollinators and seed dispersers, aiming to: 1) assess their prevalence across ecosystems and biogeographical regions; 2) identify the main plant and animal taxa, and their traits, implicated in DMs; and 3) evaluate the conservation status of double mutualist species. We compiled published and unpublished DM records using specific search terms, noting the species involved, their conservation status and geographic location, as well as the type of study (species vs community‐level) in which the DM was detected. We identified 302 DM cases involving 207 plant and 92 animal species from 16 mainland and 17 island areas. Most records come from tropical regions and islands. Animals included birds (62%), mammals (22%), and reptiles (16%), mostly opportunist species; only 18% were nectarivores. Plants were mainly fleshy‐fruited shrub or tree species (59%) with actinomorphic flowers that were visited by several or many pollinator species (87%). Most (56%) DMs were detected in community‐level studies. DMs are mostly prevalent in ecosystems with limited food resources and mutualist partners, and with high generalization levels. Nearly 30% of the species involved in DMs are threatened according to IUCN criteria, 68% of which are found on islands. The high prevalence of DM on islands paired with the threat status of island species suggest that the loss of a double mutualists and its cascading consequences may have a severe impact on community composition and functioning of fragile island ecosystems.  相似文献   

Fruit type has a major impact on seed dispersal, seed predation and energy allocation, but our understanding of large‐scale patterns in fruit type variation is weak. We used a dataset of 4008 Australian species to provide the first continental‐scale tests of a series of hypotheses about the factors that might affect fruit type. We found a significant latitudinal gradient in the proportion of fleshy‐fruited species, with the percentage of fleshy‐fruited species rising from 19% at 43.75°S to 49% at 9.25°S. Species bearing fleshy fruits were more frequent on the coastal fringes of Australia, while species bearing non‐fleshy fruits became more frequent toward the arid centre. Wet, warm and stable climates favoured fleshy‐fruited species, with the two best predictors of the proportion of fleshy‐fruited species being maximum precipitation over five days (R2 = 0.40), and precipitation in the wettest month (R2 = 0.25). These results remained consistent after accounting for phylogenetic correlation among species. A combined model including variables of precipitation, temperature, and climatic variation explained 67% of the variation in the proportion of fleshy‐fruited species. Our results are consistent with the idea that plant reproductive strategies are more often tied to conditions during the parts of the year in which they grow than to conditions during the harsh parts of the year. Overall, our findings demonstrate strong relationships between plant reproductive traits and environmental gradients, and improve our understanding of the factors that shape large‐scale patterns in plant ecological strategies.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the importance of various island characteristics in determining spatial patterns of variations in beta diversity for various animal groups. Location Analyses are presented for 10 animal groups living on the Aeolian Islands, a volcanic archipelago in the central Mediterranean, near Sicily. Methods Three hypotheses were formulated to explain patterns of beta diversity: the target‐area–distance effect, stepping stone dispersal and island age. Matrices of inter‐island dissimilarities were constructed under each hypothesis and correlated with matrices of faunal dissimilarities using Mantel tests. For the ‘target‐area–distance effect’ hypothesis, inter‐island dissimilarities were calculated using island sizes and distances to nearest mainland areas. For the ‘stepping stone dispersal’ hypothesis, inter‐island distances were measured. Finally, for the ‘island age’ hypothesis, inter‐island dissimilarities were calculated on the basis of the geological age of the islands. Cluster analysis was used to investigate inter‐island faunal relationships. Results Support for a target‐area–distance effect was found only for birds. For these highly mobile animals, inter‐island distances had no significant effects on beta diversity. Birds are known to colonize islands by crossing large sea barriers and thus they can easily reach the Aeolian Islands, which are close to source areas (notably Sicily). Inter‐island distances had a significant role in determining patterns of beta diversity in most invertebrates. For Mollusca, Opiliones, Chilopoda, Heteroptera, coprophagous Scarabaeoidea, and Tenebrionidae, even relatively short distances preclude invertebrates from colonizing an island regularly from the mainland, and most colonization probably results from inter‐island faunal exchanges. Island age was proved to be important only for orthopterans. Main conclusions The origin of most of the Aeolian invertebrate fauna is quite recent, and species appear to have established on the islands predominantly by stepping stone dispersal. Birds, which are highly mobile organisms, follow more direct mainland–island dynamics. As further studies on other islands become available, comparative analyses will confirm whether the factors influencing variations in beta diversity in this study and their relationships with species dispersal ability are consistent across scales and geographical context.  相似文献   

Long‐distance dispersal (LDD) is a pivotal process for plants determining their range of distribution and promoting gene flow among distant populations. Most fleshy‐fruited species rely on frugivorous vertebrates to disperse their seeds across the landscape. While LDD events are difficult to record, a few ecological studies have shown that birds move a sizeable number of ingested seeds across geographic barriers, such as sea straits. The foraging movements of migrant frugivores across distant populations, including those separated by geographic barriers, creates a constant flow of propagules that in turn shapes the spatial distributions of the genetic variation in populations. Here, we have analysed the genetic diversity and structure of 74 populations of Pistacia lentiscus, a fleshy‐fruited shrub widely distributed in the Mediterranean Basin, to elucidate whether the Mediterranean Sea acts as a geographic barrier or alternatively whether migratory frugivorous birds promote gene flow among populations located on both sides of the sea. Our results show reduced genetic distances among populations, including intercontinental populations, and they show a significant genetic structure across an eastern‐western axis. These findings are consistent with known bird migratory routes that connect the European and African continents following a north‐southwards direction during the fruiting season of many fleshy‐fruited plants. Further, approximate Bayesian analysis failed to explain the observed patterns as a result of historical population migrations at the end of Last Glacial Maximum. Therefore, anthropic and/or climatic changes that would disrupt the migratory routes of frugivorous birds might have genetic consequences for the plant species they feed upon.  相似文献   

Aim We analysed the interdependence of avian frugivore‐ and fruited plant‐species richness at the scale of major river basins across Europe, taking into account several environmental factors along different spatial gradients. Location Continental Europe and the British Isles. Methods We focused on wintering birds and autumn/winter fruiting plants, and used major river basins as geographical units and Structural Equation Modelling as the principal analytical tool. Results The statistical influence of disperser species richness on fleshy‐fruited plant species richness is roughly double that of the reverse. Broad‐scale variation in frugivore richness is more dependent on environmental factors than on fruited plant richness. However, the influence of disperser richness on plant richness is four times higher than the influence of environmental factors. Environmental influences on both birds and plants are greater than purely spatial influences. Main conclusions Our results are interpreted as indicating that biotic dispersal of fruits strongly affects broad‐scale geographical trends of fleshy‐fruited plant species richness, whereas richness of fruited plants moderately affects frugivore richness.  相似文献   

Understanding the mutualistic services provided by species is critical when considering both the consequences of their loss or the benefits of their reintroduction. Like many other Pacific islands, New Zealand seed dispersal networks have been changed by both significant losses of large frugivorous birds and the introduction of invasive mammals. These changes are particularly concerning when important dispersers remain unidentified. We tested the impact of frugivore declines and invasive seed predators on seed dispersal for an endemic tree, hinau Elaeocarpus dentatus, by comparing seed dispersal and predation rates on the mainland of New Zealand with offshore sanctuary islands with higher bird and lower mammal numbers. We used cameras and seed traps to measure predation and dispersal from the ground and canopy, respectively. We found that canopy fruit handling rates (an index of dispersal quantity) were poor even on island sanctuaries (only 14% of seeds captured below parent trees on islands had passed through a bird), which suggests that hinau may be adapted for ground‐based dispersal by flightless birds. Ground‐based dispersal of hinau was low on the New Zealand mainland compared to sanctuary islands (4% of seeds dispersed on the mainland vs. 76% dispersed on islands), due to low frugivore numbers. A flightless endemic rail (Gallirallus australis) conducted the majority of ground‐based fruit removal on islands. Despite being threatened, this rail is controversial in restoration projects because of its predatory impacts on native fauna. Our study demonstrates the importance of testing which species perform important mutualistic services, rather than simply relying on logical assumptions.  相似文献   

生境片段化伴随的面积效应和边缘效应, 可改变分散贮食动物的竞争强度、觅食行为以及隐蔽条件, 影响种子捕食和扩散模式。阐明生境片段化对多物种种子捕食和扩散的影响, 对理解片段化生境中的植物更新和生物多样性维持十分重要。该研究在浙江省千岛湖地区的岛屿和大陆上开展了针对6种壳斗科植物的种子捕食和扩散实验, 分析了物种、分散贮食动物相对多度、种子产量、岛屿大小和边缘效应如何共同影响种子命运和种子扩散距离。主要结果: (1)种子命运和扩散距离在物种间存在显著差异; (2)大陆比岛屿有更长的种子留存时间, 小岛种子留存时间最短, 岛屿内部比岛屿边缘有更长的种子留存时间; (3)物种和岛屿大小对种子原地取食率存在交互作用, 白栎(Quercus fabri)种子在大岛上有更高的原地取食率; (4)种子在小岛上有最高的扩散率, 分散贮食动物相对多度对种子扩散后贮藏率有负效应。表明在千岛湖地区, 生境片段化改变了种子捕食和扩散模式, 且面积效应对不同物种的种子捕食和扩散模式产生了不同作用, 从而影响森林群落更新和生物多样性维持。  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation and local disturbance are prevailing threats to tropical forest ecosystems and affect frugivore communities and animal seed dispersal in different ways. However, very little is known about the effects of anthropogenic forest edges and of local disturbance on the structure and robustness of plant–frugivore networks. We carried out focal tree observations to record the frugivore species feeding on eight canopy tree species in the forest interior and at forest–farmland edges in a little and a highly disturbed part of a Kenyan rain forest. For each frugivore species, we recorded its body mass and its forest dependence. We examined how forest edge and local disturbance affected the abundance, the richness and the composition of the frugivore community and tested whether forest edge and local disturbance affected plant frugivore networks. Abundance and species richness of frugivores were higher at edges than in the forest interior. Forest visitors and small‐bodied frugivores increased, while forest specialists decreased in abundance at forest edges. The changes in frugivore community composition resulted in plant–frugivore networks that were more connected, more nested and more robust against species extinctions at forest–farmland edges than in the forest interior. Network specialization was lower at forest edges than in the forest interior because at the edges plant specialization on frugivores was very low in small‐fruited species. In contrast, small‐fruited plants were more specialized than large‐fruited plants in the forest interior. Our findings suggest that forest‐visiting birds may stabilize seed‐dispersal services for small‐fruited plant species at rain forest margins, while seed‐dispersal services for large‐fruited plant species may be disrupted at forest edges due to the decrease of large‐bodied frugviores. To assess the ultimate consequences of bird movements from farmland to forest edges for ecosystem functioning, future studies are required to investigate the seed‐dispersal qualities provided by forest‐visiting bird species in the tropics.  相似文献   

Aim This study aims to explain the patterns of species richness and nestedness of a terrestrial bird community in a poorly studied region. Location Twenty‐six islands in the Dahlak Archipelago, Southern Red Sea, Eritrea. Methods The islands and five mainland areas were censused in summer 1999 and winter 2001. To study the importance of island size, isolation from the mainland and inter‐island distance, I used constrained null models for the nestedness temperature calculator and a cluster analysis. Results Species richness depended on island area and isolation from the mainland. Nestedness was detected, even when passive sampling was accounted for. The nested rank of islands was correlated with area and species richness, but not with isolation. Idiosyncrasies appeared among species‐poor and species‐rich islands, and among common and rare species. Cluster analysis showed differences among species‐rich islands, close similarity among species‐poor and idiosyncratic islands, and that the compositional similarity among islands decreased with increasing inter‐island distance. Thus, faunas of species‐poor, smaller islands were more likely to be subsets of faunas of species‐rich, larger islands if the distance between the islands was short. Main conclusions Species richness and nestedness were related to island area, and nestedness also to inter‐island distances but not to isolation from the mainland. Thus, nestedness and species richness are not affected in the same way by area and distance. Moreover, idiosyncrasies may have been the outcome of species distributions among islands being influenced also by non‐nested distributions of habitats, inter–specific interactions, and differences in species distributions across the mainland. Idiosyncrasies in nested patterns may be as important as the nested pattern itself for conservation – and conservation strategies based on nestedness and strong area effects (e.g. protection of only larger islands) may fail to preserve idiosyncratic species/habitats.  相似文献   

Questions: Are island vegetation communities more invaded than their mainland counterparts? Is this pattern consistent among community types? Location: The coastal provinces of Catalonia and the para‐oceanic Balearic Islands, both in NE Spain. These islands were connected to the continent more than 5.35 million years ago and are now located <200 km from the coast. Methods: We compiled a database of almost 3000 phytosociological relevés from the Balearic Islands and Catalonia and compared the level of invasion by alien plants in island versus mainland communities. Twenty distinct plant community types were compared between island and mainland counterparts. Results: The percentage of plots with alien species, number, percentage and cover percentage of alien species per plot was greater in Catalonia than in the Balearic Islands in most communities. Overall, across communities, more alien species were found in the mainland (53) compared to the islands (only nine). Despite these differences, patterns of the level of invasion in communities were highly consistent between the islands and mainland. The most invaded communities were ruderal and riparian. Main conclusion: Our results indicate that para‐oceanic island communities such as the Balearic Islands are less invaded than their mainland counterparts. This difference reflects a smaller regional alien species pool in the Balearic Islands than in the adjacent mainland, probably due to differences in landscape heterogeneity and propagule pressure.  相似文献   

Island communities are exposed to several evolutionary and ecological processes that lead to changes in their diversity and structure compared to mainland biotas. These phenomena have been observed for various taxa but not for parasitoids, a key group in terms of community diversity and functioning. Here we use the parasitoid communities associated with the moth Acroclita subsequana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in the Macaronesian region, to test whether species richness differs between islands and mainland, and whether island parasitoid faunas are biased towards generalist species. Host larvae were collected on several islands and adjacent mainland, carefully searched for ectoparasitoid larvae and dissected to recover any endoparasitoids. Parasitoids were classified as idiobionts, which usually have a wide host range (i.e. generalists), or koinobionts that are considered specialists. Mainland species richness was lower than expected by chance, with most of the species being koinobionts. On the other hand, island communities showed a greater proportion of idiobiont species. Overall parasitism rates were similar between islands and mainland, but islands had higher rates of parasitism by idiobionts than expected by chance, and mainland areas showed the highest koinobiont parasitism rates. These results suggest that island parasitoid communities are dominated by generalists, in comparison to mainland communities. Several hypotheses may explain this pattern: (1) generalist parasitoids might have better dispersal abilities; (2) they may be less constrained by ‘sequential dependencies’; and (3) island parasitoids probably have fewer competitors and/or predators, thus favouring the establishment of generalists. New studies including multiple hosts, other habitats, and/or more islands are necessary to identify which of these processes shape island parasitoid communities.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the dispersal of plant seeds to oceanic islands is largely attributable to birds. However, few studies have assessed the role of adhesive dispersal by birds even though this mechanism has long been recognized as a major vector of seed transport. Some data point to the possibility that adhesive transport by seabirds transfers alien plant seeds in island ecosystems. In the present study, we examined the seed-dispersing ability of seabirds among islands in the oceanic Ogasawara Islands, Japan. We used capture surveys to examine the frequency of seeds adhering to seabirds and tested the salt tolerances of the seeds. The distributions of the plant species were examined and the relationships between plant and seabird distributions were analyzed using generalized linear models. Seeds of nine plant species, including aliens, were detected on 16–32?% of captured seabirds. Seeds included those generally considered to be dispersed by wind or internally transported by birds in their guts. Seeds exposed to NaCl solution isotonic with seawater for up to 8?h suffered little or no loss of viability. Analyses of plant distributions demonstrated positive relationships between the distributions of some plants and seabirds. These results show that seabirds effectively disperse seeds of both native and introduced plant species. This is the first study to comprehensively assess adhesive seed dispersal by seabirds; it provides essential information on long-distance dispersal.  相似文献   

  • Flowering and fruiting are key events in the life history of plants, and both are critical to their reproductive success. Besides the role of evolutionary history, plant reproductive phenology is regulated by abiotic factors and shaped by biotic interactions with pollinators and seed dispersers. In Melastomataceae, a dominant Neotropical family, the reproductive systems vary from allogamous with biotic pollination to apomictic, and seed dispersal varies from dry (self‐dispersed) to fleshy (animal‐dispersed) fruits. Such variety in reproductive strategies is likely to affect flowering and fruiting phenologies.
  • In this study, we described the reproductive phenology of 81 Melastomataceae species occurring in two biodiversity hotspots: the Atlantic rain forest and the campo rupestre. We aim to disentangle the role of abiotic and biotic factors defining flowering and fruiting times of Melastomataceae species, considering the contrasting breeding and seed dispersal systems, and their evolutionary history.
  • In both vegetation types, pollinator‐dependent species had higher flowering seasonality than pollinator‐independent ones. Flowering patterns presented phylogenetic signal regardless of vegetation type. Fruiting of fleshy‐fruited species was seasonal in campo rupestre but not in Atlantic rain forest; the fruiting of dry‐fruited species was also not seasonal in both vegetation types. Fruiting showed a low phylogenetic signal, probably because the influence of environment and dispersal agents on fruiting time is stronger than the phylogenetic affinity.
  • Considering these ecophylogenetic patterns, our results indicate that flowering may be shaped by the different reproductive strategies of Melastomataceae lineages, while fruiting patterns may be governed mainly by the seed dispersal strategy and flowering time, with less phylogenetic influence.

Microsites where seeds arrive during the dispersal process determine plant reproductive success, affecting the quality of dispersal. Despite their crucial role for plant recruitment, very few studies have addressed spatio–temporal variations in microsites of seed arrival in complex seed‐disperser networks. Using an endozoochorous dispersal system, we characterized the microsites of seed arrival of eight fleshy‐fruited plant species dispersed by five mammal species during two consecutive seasons across three sites in a Mediterranean environment (n = 383 feces with seeds; 261 453 seeds). We evaluated spatial and temporal variations in the probability of a seed to arrive at open microsites or at microsites with varying plant cover, considering selection by frugivores and assessing the extent to which seeds of particular species arrived under conspecifics or heterospecifics. We found strong spatio–temporal variations in the amounts of seeds of the eight target species arriving at different microsites. These variations were strongly driven by frugivores’ selection of different landscape elements (i.e. open areas and microsites dominated by different plant species), which differed from expectations based on their local availability. In general, more seeds than expected arrived at vacant (open) microsites. Using bipartite network graphs to connect seeds with their arrival microsites, we found that the proportion of seeds of fleshy‐fruited species arriving near conspecifics or heterospecifics, or at vacant microsites, varied depending on the target plant species, but also on the frugivore species dispersing it, on the study site and on the dispersal season. Our study revealed marked spatio–temporal variations in the microsites of seed arrival, which will potentially have implications for the quality of dispersal effectiveness, ultimately affecting plant population dynamics and community structure. Such a strong context‐dependence in the microsites of seed arrival is likely to confer resilience against unpredictable environmental conditions, like those typical of Mediterranean ecosystems.  相似文献   

beta多样性描述群落物种组成如何随环境梯度而变化。海岛具有边界清晰、面积和离岸距离不同以及环境变化剧烈等自然禀赋。目前, 我们对离岸距离、岛间距离和气候因素在海岛植物beta多样性变化格局中的相对贡献仍认识不足。本研究基于中国东部36个海岛的维管植物物种名录, 以Jaccard相异性指数度量beta多样性, 利用Mantel偏相关分析和beta多样性的变异分解, 探究了海岛不同生活型维管植物的beta多样性格局及其非生物影响因素。结果显示: 36个海岛共记录维管植物1,404种, 其中木本植物481种, 草本植物859种, 藤本植物64种。植物beta多样性随岛间距离和离岸距离差的增大而显著增加(P < 0.001); 海岛面积和气候要素对植物beta多样性无显著影响(P > 0.05)。岛间距离单独对beta多样性总变异的解释度为29.3%, 离岸距离独立解释了2.8%, 面积和气候共同解释了0.5%。木本植物与草本植物的beta多样性格局与总体一致, 距离因子对木本植物beta多样性的解释度高于草本植物(37.5% > 25.3%)。综上, 海岛植物beta多样性主要受岛间距离和离岸距离的影响, 反映了扩散限制是塑造中国东部海岛植物beta多样性格局的主要生态过程。  相似文献   

The Ionian archipelago is the second largest Greek archipelago after the Aegean, but the factors driving plant species diversity in the Ionian islands are still barely known. We used stepwise multiple regressions to investigate the factors affecting plant species diversity in 17 Ionian islands. Generalized dissimilarity modelling was applied to examine variation in the magnitude and rate of species turnover along environmental gradients, as well as to assess the relative importance of geographical and climatic factors in explaining species turnover. The values of the residuals from the ISAR log10‐transfomed models of native and endemic taxa were used as a measure of island floristic diversity. Area was confirmed to be the most powerful single explanatory predictor of all diversity metrics. Mean annual precipitation and temperature, as well as shortest distance to the nearest island are also significant predictors of vascular plant diversity. The island of Kalamos constitutes an important plant diversity hotspot in the Ionian archipelago. The recent formation of the islands, the close proximity to the mainland source and the relatively low dispersal filtering of the Ionian archipelago has resulted in islands with a flora principally comprising common species and a low proportion of endemics. Small islands keep a key role in conservation of plant priority sites.  相似文献   

Few data exist on seed dispersal by frugivorous birds in fragmented landscapes, originating from tropical dry forests, in contrast to more abundant data from tropical rain forests. In this study, we assessed the effect of frugivorous birds in a fragmented landscape of Veracruz, Mexico, now occupied by remnant fragments of tropical semi‐deciduous forest and dry deciduous forest, grassland, and shrubby patches on sand dunes. We determined four characteristics related to seed dispersal by birds: the interacting species of plants and birds, the characteristics of these species, spatio‐temporal variation in the dispersal system, and the outcome of the process. During one year, we recorded 54 frugivorous bird species and 33 ornithochorous plant species, which engaged in 176 different bird‐plant species interactions. Similarity (Sorensen index) of frugivorous bird communities using different vegetation types was high (>70%), suggesting that many bird species used all of the vegetation types. In contrast, the similarity of ornithochorous plant communities among vegetation types commonly was low (<37%), suggesting that most plant species were restricted to particular sites in this landscape. At the landscape level, as well as for tropical deciduous forest, we detected a significant positive relationship (Spearman's correlation of rank coefficient >0.65, P <0.05) among richness per month of frugivorous birds and plant species bearing fleshy fruits. Seeds of many plant species previously detected in studies of seed rain at the site were eaten by birds during this study. Most seeds of zoochorous species, which are deposited in the dry and decidous tropical forests patches, are produced within these vegetation types (i.e., they are autochthonous species), whereas bird‐dispersed seeds arriving in grassland and shrubby patches are produced outside (i.e., allochthonous) and are mostly woody species. Birds are important seed dispersers among vegetation types in this landscape but they have different effects in each one. The four characteristics studied, as well as the landscape approach of this research, allowed us to detect spatial and temporal patterns that otherwise would have remained undetected.  相似文献   

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