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In vitro culture of silver fox embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This experiment was designed to establish in vitro culture methods for silver fox embryos in order to develop the methods for evaluation of the post-thaw viability of frozen embryos in future studies. Artificially inseminated silver fox females were killed humanely on predetermined days after insemination and oviducts and uteri were flushed for embryos. The embryos were cultured in modified TCM 199 or in the same medium supplemented with silver fox oviductal tissue suspension for varying periods, from 6 days to 3 weeks. A total of 60 embryos was recovered. Only embryos beyond the 8-cell stage up to expanded blastocysts developed in vitro (28 % of all embryos). Early stage blastocysts developed most reliably and were of the best quality.  相似文献   

Summary The lengthy dormancy requirement of yew seeds can be overcome with a simple in vitro method. Viable embryos were excised from seeds ofTaxus brevifolia and four cultivars ofT. media over a range of developmental stages. Embryos were cultured in several basal media formulations (Whites’, Gamborg’s B5 and Murashige and Skoog’s) under dark or light. After a lag period of 1 to 2 wk, embryos of both species germinated precociously. Germination rates of up to 70% were obtained withT. media cv. Hicksi embryos. The highest rates of germination were obtained in White’s and MS media. Embryos excised from green seeds with undeveloped arils showed the highest germination rates. As the seeds approached maturity, in vitro germination rates of the excised embryos declined dramatically. Green seeds and seeds with developing arils could be stored at 5° C without large loss in embryo germination. Seeds with fully developed arils could be stored frozen at −20° C for 1 wk while still allowing about 50% of embryo germination. At least 30% of the precociously germinated embryos of both species were able to develop into full seedlings. Our method appears to be generally applicable toTaxus spp. This research was supported by a grant from the Hawaii Biotechnology Group, Inc.  相似文献   



Secreted molecules could be correlated with the potential of embryonic development. The development of new technologies, such as mass spectrometry (MS), has enabled analyzes in culture medium to favor the determination of embryos viability in order to improve embryo selection.


To perform a non-invasive characterization of the secretome of in vitro produced embryos with different kinetics of cleavage and in different stages of development to obtain specific patterns based on embryonic phenotype through MALDI–TOF–MS.


Bovine embryos were produced in vitro by standard protocols. The zygotes were transferred to individual culture medium and divided into two groups: Fast [4 cells-22 hours past the beginning of culture (hpc)] and Slow (2 cells-22 hpc). Culture media drops were collected at 22, 96 and 168 hpc. Analysis of embryonic secretome was made by MALDI–TOF–MS after extractions of the metabolites. Spectra were acquired in positive ionization mode. Univariate (Fold-change) and multivariate (Partial Least Squares Discriminants Analysis) analyses were performed by the online software Metaboanalyst.


It was demonstrated that embryos with different kinetics have different spectrometric profiles during embryonic development. Moreover, secreted molecules in each developmental stage are differentially represented in embryos with different kinetics, and are related to specific pathways such as lipid and amino acids metabolism and cell proliferation.


We propose that the analysis of culture media by MALDI–TOF–MS can be used for qualitative characterization of bovine embryos, allowing the identification of key molecules during in vitro culture.

In vitro production of embryos in swine.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In recent years, progress has been achieved in the production of pig embryos through IVM and IVF techniques. Cytoplasmic maturation of oocytes has been improved by modifications to IVM procedures. However, the historical problem of polyspermic penetration still remains a major issue to be solved. Recent studies indicate that the type of IVF medium and certain modifications to that medium can reduce polyspermy. Efforts should be directed to increase the developmental competence and quality of embryos. At present, many embryo culture (EC) media are available that can overcome the historical 4-cell block and support development of early in vivo derived embryos to the blastocyst stage. In contrast, blastocyst development of in vitro produced embryos in these culture media varies significantly. Furthermore, morphology and cell numbers in in vitro produced blastocysts are inferior to their in vivo counterparts. However, several modifications to EC techniques have improved embryo quality and developmental competence. Testing embryo viability through surgical transfer to recipient animals has resulted in acceptable pregnancy rates with moderate litter sizes. Although reliable in vitro systems are available for the generation of pig embryos, the problem of polyspermy and poor embryo development hamper their large-scale implementation. Further research efforts should be directed to improve oocyte/embryo quality and the methods to minimize polyspermy through development of novel IVM, IVF, and EC techniques.  相似文献   

Practical considerations for the in vitro production of pig embryos   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The routine maturation, fertilization, and development of pig embryos in vitro has only recently been achieved. Many of the conditions for in vitro production of embryos have been undefined and thus difficult to replicate. The major problems of in vitro production of pig embryos have included maturation of oocytes, both nuclear and cytoplasmic, and development from one-cell to blastocyst. While these barriers have been at least partially overcome there is still a significant problem with polyspermy. Nevertheless, numerous offspring have been produced from in vitro maturation, in vitro fertilization, followed by a brief culture prior to embryo transfer. Here is provided a review of the literature encompassing the current status of the in vitro production of pig embryos.  相似文献   

Embryogenesis of flowering plants establishes a basic body plan with apical-basal, radial and bilateral patterns from the single-celled zygote. Arabidopsis embryogenesis exhibits a nearly invariant cell division pattern and therefore is an ideal system for studies of early plant development. However, plant embryos are difficult to access for experimental manipulation, as they develop deeply inside maternal tissues. Here we present a method for the culture of zygotic Arabidopsis embryos in vitro. The technique omits excision of the embryo by culturing the entire ovule, thus greatly facilitating the time and effort involved. It enables external manipulation of embryo development and culture from the earliest developmental stages up to maturity. Administration of various chemical treatments as well as the use of different molecular markers is demonstrated together with standard techniques for visualizing gene expression and protein localization in in vitro cultivated embryos. The presented set of techniques allows for so far unavailable molecular physiology approaches in the study of early plant development.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the overall process of in vitro production and cryopreservation of bovine embryos in Belgium. Three laboratories are involved in this field, one at the University of Liège, one at the University of Ghent and ours at the University of Louvain-La-Neuve. Each one uses this technology as a tool to reach different goals. This paper refers mainly to the work done in Louvain-La-Neuve. Oocytes are obtained by punction of 2-4 mm follicles on slaughtered cow ovaries. They are matured in hormone-supplemented TCM199 containing 10% heat-treated fetal calf serum. In vitro fertilization by Percoll-selected spermatozoa is followed by in vitro culture in oviduct-conditioned medium for 7-9 days. Six calves have been born from in vitro produced blastocysts. Recently, full development was obtained in conditioned medium without protein supplementation. This finding will allow further investigations on oviduct/embryo molecular communication and research of oviduct-secreted embryotrophic proteins which were impaired in previous culture systems using serum-supplemented media. In vitro produced blastocysts were frozen-thawed and non-surgically transferred: 7/19 recipients remained pregnant beyond 2 months. Embryo loss was high between day 21 and 35 (31%).  相似文献   

Eggs were flushed from the oviducts of slaughtered gilts that had been inseminated after synchronization of estrus and ovulation with pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG). Of 347 eggs collected at a recovery rate of 73.8%, 41.8% had not cleaved by 32 h after expected ovulation time. Of those cleaved, 86.9% were at the two-cell stage.Two-cell embryos were cultured in Dulbecco's medium containing either no protein or 20% of one of the following: lyophilized bovine serum albumin, lyophilized fetal calf serum or heat-inactivated serum from slaughter heifers, rabbits or barrows. Dulbecco's medium without protein did not support further development of embryos. Addition of heat-inactivated blood serum from slaughter heifers, rabbits or barrows resulted in development rates similar to those obtained by using commercially available products. Optimal embryonic development rates of 54.5% were obtained with addition of heat-inactivated bovine serum. Of the two-cell embryos only three (2.1%) developed past the four-cell stage in these culture media.  相似文献   

In vitro culture and mtDNA fate of ibex-rabbit nuclear transfer embryos   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Rabbit oocyte can be used as the recipient in interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer (iSCNT). This work was undertaken in order to study the developmental competence of Capra ibex somatic cells reprogrammed by rabbit oocytes and the fate of mitochondria in iSCNT embryos. Metaphase II (MII) oocytes from superovulated rabbit were used as nuclear recipients. The nuclear donors were Capra ibex somatic cells with different proliferative status: population doubling time (PDL) = 15 +/- 2 (group 1), 35 +/- 2 (group 2), 55 +/- 2 (group 3) and 70 +/- 2 (group 4). Oocytes reconstructed with electrical pulses (2.1kV/cm, 10 micros, 2 times) were activated (1.4kV, 20 micros, 2 times) and then cultured in Medium199 containing 10% fetal bovine serum at 38.5 degrees C, 5% CO2 in air. In groups 1, 2, 3 and 4, the fusion rates were 35.83%, 66.03%, 65.40% and 35.35%, respectively. Similar cleavage rates were observed among the four groups. However, the developmental potential to morula/blastocyst from early nuclear donor embryos (16.42%/10.45%) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than in terminal donor embryos (9.52%/3.81%). Polymerase chain reaction analysis of the mitochondrial (mt) DNA cytb gene demonstrated that mtDNAs from ibex and rabbit could be detected at various developmental stages before implantation. In conclusion, our results provide some original information about rescuing Capra ibex using the iSCNT technique. These results indicate that: (1) enucleated rabbit oocytes make Capra ibex fibroblast nuclei reprogramme; (2) the proliferative status of donor cells affects the efficiency of iSCNT; and (3) rabbit ooplasm rescues the donor-derived mtDNAs, resulting in mtDNA heteroplasmy before implantation.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and other media factors during oocyte maturation, and the presence of different compositions of amino acids in embryo culture medium, on the development of equine embryos. Oocytes recovered from slaughterhouse-derived ovaries were matured in vitro for 24 h and those with a polar body were subjected to intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) or nuclear transfer with adult fibroblasts (NT). For ICSI embryos, there were no significant differences in rates of morphological cleavage, cleavage with normal nuclei or average nucleus number at 96 h post-ICSI between the absence and presence of IGF-I in maturation medium, or between embryos cultured in G1.2 or a modified CZB medium (CZB-C). Embryos produced by interspecies NT (equine donor cells into bovine cytoplasts) also showed no difference in cleavage rate or average nucleus number whether cultured in G1.2 or in CZB-C. The rates of cleavage, cleavage with normal nuclei and average nucleus number of equine NT embryos were not significantly different among oocytes matured in M199 with FSH in the presence or absence of IGF-I, or in EMMI medium, which contains IGF-I, epidermal growth factor, steroid hormones, FSH and LH. There were no differences in development of equine NT embryos cultured in any of three amino acid treatments (with or without non-essential amino acids, or containing taurine, hypotaurine and cysteine only). The cleavage rate and average nucleus number of parthenogenetically activated oocytes (treated similarly to NT oocytes but not enucleated or subjected to donor cell injection) were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those for NT embryos. These results indicate that the presence of IGF-I or of EMMI medium during in vitro maturation of equine oocytes does not have a beneficial effect on their developmental competence as assessed at 96 h. Presence or absence of non-essential amino acids in embryo culture medium does not affect development of NT embryos within the first 96 h of culture. Factors associated with enucleation or nuclear transfer decrease the developmental competence of equine NT embryos. CZB-C medium may be used for culture of equine embryos with results similar to those obtained with G1.2 medium, thus providing a base medium that may be modified for further study of culture requirements of equine embryos.  相似文献   

The development of a bovine in vitro embryo production system where individual oocytes could be followed through to the morula or blastocyst stage would be of interest to several fields of study and would allow us to characterise developmentally competent oocytes and their corresponding follicular environment. Several studies have, however, reported significantly reduced embryo development when oocytes or embryos were cultured individually compared to in groups. The aim of this study was to establish such an embryo production system, with embryo development rates similar to that observed under control (grouped) conditions. This study showed that conservation of the oocyte/embryo medium densities generally employed for grouped culture does not facilitate embryo development if oocytes/embryos are cultured individually. However, individual oocytes could effectively undergo IVM/IVF/IVC to the expanded blastocyst stage with some small modifications to the standard protocol. Individual IVF was effective if carried out in either 100 μl of medium in wells or in 50 μl droplets. Individual IVC, if carried out in 10 or 20 μl droplets of SOF with FCS added at either 0 or 24 hr, was effective in terms of blastocyst yields but 20 μl droplets did yield significantly fewer hatched blastocysts compared to grouped controls (P < 0.05). An entirely individual embryo production system was effective when it included individual IVM in 10 μl droplets of M199 + 10 ng/ml EGF resulting in day 8 blastocyst yields not significantly different from controls (38% vs. 35% respectively). The use of 10% FCS during individual IVM appeared, at least under our experimental conditions, to be detrimental to subsequent development. The uses of an individual system for embryo production are many and varied. The results of this study show clearly that a large proportion of bovine oocytes can develop to the blastocyst stage when matured, fertilized, and cultured individually. This opens the way for studies regarding the quality of specific oocytes in such a way as will greatly improve our understanding of the events of late folliculogenesis. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the suitability of sex-sorted sperm for producing viable in vitro embryos for subsequent transfer into recipient cows and heifers on commercial dairy farms. From August 2002 to June 2003, ovaries were collected from 104 producer-nominated Holstein donor cows on seven Wisconsin farms via colpotomy or at slaughter. Oocytes (N=3526) were aspirated from these ovaries, fertilized 22+/-0.2h later, and cultured to the morula or blastocyst stage. The fluorescence-activated cell sorting ("Beltsville") approach was used to produce (primarily) X-bearing sperm from the ejaculates of three young Holstein sires, and 365 transferable embryos were produced. On average, 3.6+/-0.3 (means+/-S.E.M.) transferable embryos were produced per donor, including 1.4+/-0.2 (Grade 1), 1.5+/-0.2 (Grade 2), and 0.7+/-0.1 (Grade 3) embryos. Number of usable oocytes per donor (33.9+/-3.3) and percent cleavage (51.1+/-1.9) were significant predictors of the number of blastocysts that developed. Mean conception rates for the resulting in vitro embryos were 34.2+/-1.6% in yearling heifer recipients and 18.2+/-0.7% in lactating cow recipients. Additional oocytes (N=3312) from ovaries of anonymous donors (N unknown) collected at a commercial abattoir were fertilized using unsorted sperm, and the percentage of these that developed to blastocyst stage (20.1+/-2.9) was greater (P<0.05) than the corresponding percentage (12.2+/-2.3) achieved with sex-sorted sperm using oocytes (N=1577) from the same source. In summary, we inferred that in vitro embryo production may be a promising application of sex-sorted sperm in dairy cattle breeding, but that the biological causes of impaired embryo development in vitro and compromised conception rates of transferred embryos should be further investigated.  相似文献   

Immature zygotic embryos of Coffea arabica L. Cv. Cauvery (Catimor) were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (1962) (MS) medium supplemented with abscisic acid (ABA) at 0, 0.4, 3.8, 18.9, 37.8 and 75.6 μM., L-cystein hydrochloride at 50 mg 1-1 and sucrose at 3%. Cultures were preserved in parafilm sealed Petri dishes in dark at a temperature of 25 ± 1 °C for up to two years. The preserved embryos were taken out from the media at 6 month intervals in order to test their viability by germination on MS + NAA (0.5 μM) + BA (4.4 μM). On the preservation media devoid of ABA or with a low concentration (0.4 μM) of ABA, the embryos germinated and showed higher mortality with increasing duration of storage. In contrast, the embryos became increasingly dormant with increasing concentrations of ABA and a 74.2% survival was found even after 2 years on medium supplemented with 18.9 μM or 37.8 μM of ABA. The results suggest that embryos can be preserved with a little loss of viability in the presence of ABA even at the normal room temperature (25 + 1 °C) up to two years without any transfer. Application of this technique for germplasm preservation of coffee is discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effect of simple and sequential embryo culture media on the preimplantation development of mouse nuclear transfer (NT) embryos reconstructed with cumulus cell nuclei using a mechanical NT technique was studied. Blastocyst formation rate was evaluated using CZB medium and the sequential media G1/G2 and KSOM/G2. Arrested two- and three-cell NT embryos were Hoechst-stained to check for nuclear abnormalities. Nonmanipulated and sham-manipulated parthenogenetic embryos served as controls for, respectively, the medium and the handling technique. Rates of blastocyst formation for medium and handling control embryos were similar in CZB (58% and 61%), in G1/G2 (94% and 85%), and in KSOM/G2 (88% and 84%). Development of NT embryos was significantly impaired from the two-cell stage onwards, reaching the blastocyst stage at a rate of 5% in CZB, 14% in G1/G2, and 28% in KSOM/G2. Arrested two- and three-cell stage NT embryos showed a high rate of binucleation. These data demonstrate not only that NT embryos are more sensitive to in vitro culture conditions than parthenogenetic control embryos but also that selection of culture media can influence the preimplantation development of NT embryos.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether there is a cooperative interaction among bovine embryos during in vitro culture. Furthermore, culture medium was supplemented with the growth factors, epidermal growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1), to determine if these factors had a stimulatory effect on bovine embryo development similar to that seen in mouse development. In vitro matured - in vitro fertilized bovine embryos (2- to 8-cell) were cultured singly and in groups of five in 25 mul of medium (CR1 + amino acids + fatty acid-free bovine serum albumin) with or without EGF and TGF-beta1. Bovine embryos cultured in groups had a significantly higher rate of development to the blastocyst stage than embryos cultured singly. Neither EGF (10 ng/ml) nor TGF-beta1 (2 ng/ml) affected blastocyst development, hatching or the cell number of the embryos cultured in groups. Epidermal growth factor stimulated hatching of embryos cultured singly from the 8-cell stage, but did not significantly affect blastocyst development.  相似文献   

Immature zygotic embryos from Howea forsteriana Becc. were cultured on the Murashige and Skoog medium, supplemented with myo-inositol, thiamine-HCl and activated charcoal, in the absence of growth regulators. The fruits were stored for 4 weeks at +4°C and at –18°C. The excised embryos from the fruits stored at +4°C developed into plantlets, showing a well developed primary root, after 40 days in culture, while those excised from fruits stored at –18°C exhibited no growth.This is the first time that in vitro culture and plantlet regeneration from immature embryos of Howea forsteriana has been obtained.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2003,47(2):155-158
Oocytes were aspirated from caprine ovaries, washed and cultured in TCM-199 containing penicillin, streptomycin and 10, 15, or 20% of fetal bovine serum (FBS), estrous sheep serum (ESS) or estrous goat serum (EGS). After 24–26 h culture, oocytes were separated from cumulus and corona cells by hyaluronidase and by passing through a fine pipette, fixed in acetic alcohol, stained with aceto orcein and observed under a phase-contrast microscope for evidence of maturation. High maturation rates (74–94%) were observed in all concentrations of the three different sera examined. No significant difference was observed between different concentrations and among different sera. Almost no maturation (4%) was observed in the medium lacking protein supplement. In conclusion, these sera with the concentrations examined can be substituted for one another for in vitro maturation of caprine oocytes.  相似文献   

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