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Due to historical and legislation reasons, the category of bioweapons is rather poorly defined. Authors often disagree on involving or excluding agents like hormones, psychochemicals, certain plants and animals (such as weeds or pests) or synthetic organisms. Applying a wide definition apparently threatens by eroding the regime of international legislation, while narrow definitions abandon several important issues. Therefore, I propose a category of ‘biological weapons sensu lato’ (BWsl) that is defined here as any tool of human aggression whose acting principle is based on disciplines of biology including particularly microbiology, epidemiology, medical biology, physiology, psychology, pharmacology and ecology, but excluding those based on inorganic agents. Synthetically produced equivalents (not necessarily exact copies) and mock weapons are also included. This definition does not involve any claim to subject all these weapons to international legislation but serves a purely scholarly purpose. BWsl may be properly categorized on the base of the magnitude of the human population potentially targeted (4 levels: individuals, towns, countries, global) and the biological nature of the weapons’ intended effects (4 levels: agricultural-ecological agents, and non-pathogenic, pathogenic, or lethal agents against humans).  相似文献   

The new Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 has significant implications in terms of record keeping. In many designated establishments, however, most of the records are already collected as part of good working practice and the new Act merely formalizes this situation. Recording the required information may be tedious, but it can be carried out using either a paper-based system or its computerized equivalent. The new legislation imposes no additional record-keeping requirements on personal licence holders and the real burden falls on the project licence holder, particularly for large projects involving several personal licence holders. In the case of an animal house operating a computerized system, considerable assistance with project record keeping can be given by the designated establishment and project status reports will be very helpful in this respect. Computerization also enables automatic production of cage labels which ensures uniformity of labelling and compliance with the Home Office guidelines.  相似文献   

The introduction of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 brought the problems of product liability directly into hospital bioengineering and medical physics departments. This law makes great demands upon manufacturers, but also on suppliers and maintainers of medical equipment. Departments which manage medical equipment carry a responsibility for ensuring the requirements of product liability are known by all those whose actions may affect the potential of a piece of equipment to injure or damage a patient. This paper addresses these problems from a bioengineering, rather than a legal, viewpoint. The problems of design, manufacture, modification, maintenance and use are discussed and examples of potential problems are identified. The paper concludes that as long as good standards of quality control and professionalism are applied in bioengineering and medical physics departments then there is little to be feared from this piece of legislation.  相似文献   

At a conference organised by the Law Society, Mental Health Act Commission, and Institute of Psychiatry possible reform of mental health legislation in England and Wales was discussed. It was concluded that radical legal reform was required, and that the law should be designed specifically for provision of care in both hospital and the community. Reform should be based on principle rather than pragmatism, particularly the principle of reciprocity--patients'' civil liberties may not be removed for the purposes of treatment if resources for that treatment are inadequate. Protection of society from nuisance or even violence is insufficient reason for detention. Legal provision for compulsion of patients, whether in hospital or the community, must be matched by specific rights to treatment.  相似文献   

The premise of the CMA guidelines is that legislation on health care occupations should protect the public and therefore should be based on the needs of the patient rather than on the wishes of the health care worker. Health care should be provided by personnel with appropriate training; thus, the scope of practice of any group must be based on relevant educational preparation. In a review of legislation the procedure for amending both the statutes and the regulations should be examined.  相似文献   

Several new plant breeding techniques (NPBTs) have been developed during the last decade, and make it possible to precisely perform genome modifications in plants. The major problem, other than technical aspects, is the vagueness of regulation concerning these new techniques. Since the definition of eight NPBTs by a European expert group in 2007, there has been an ongoing debate on whether the resulting plants and their products are covered by GMO legislation. Obviously, cover by GMO legislation would severely hamper the use of NPBT, because genetically modified plants must pass a costly and time‐consuming GMO approval procedure in the EU. In this review, we compare some of the NPBTs defined by the EU expert group with classical breeding techniques and conventional transgenic plants. The list of NPBTs may be shortened (or extended) during the international discussion process initiated by the Organization for Economic Co‐operation and Development. From the scientific point of view, it may be argued that plants developed by NPBTs are often indistinguishable from classically bred plants and are not expected to possess higher risks for health and the environment. In light of the debate on the future regulation of NPBTs and the accumulated evidence on the biosafety of genetically modified plants that have been commercialized and risk‐assessed worldwide, it may be suggested that plants modified by crop genetic improvement technologies, including genetic modification, NPBTs or other future techniques, should be evaluated according to the new trait and the resulting end product rather than the technique used to create the new plant variety.  相似文献   


This article aims to examine the implications of improving urban resilience that emerge from Chinese practices for reducing urban disaster risk. First, the concept of urban resilience is discussed, the goal of which is to shape a “culture of resilience” to the largest extent possible in order to reduce urban risk. Urban resilience encompasses broad and diverse areas, and thus can be improved in many ways. This article primarily discusses the planning process. Second, the main focus of the discussion on planning process to improve urban resilience is that of the urban risk management planning of Shenzhen, China. This was the first local urban government project in China to have comprehensively and broadly assessed and reduced urban risk, and it is covered along with the Chinese legislation system and current urban resilience programs in China. The findings show that both the Chinese central government and local governments are paying more and more attention to urban resilience through various legislation and programs, even if they are not using the same terminology as other countries.  相似文献   

The RUBICODE project draws on expertise from a range of disciplines to develop and integrate frameworks for assessing the impacts of environmental change on ecosystem service provision, and for rationalising biodiversity conservation in that light. With such diverse expertise and concepts involved, interested parties will not be familiar with all the key terminology. This paper defines the terms as used within the project and, where useful, discusses some reasoning behind the definitions. Terms are grouped by concept rather than being listed alphabetically.  相似文献   

A major trend in foster care in developed countries over the past quarter century has been a shift toward placing children with “kin” rather than with unrelated foster parents. This change in practice is widely backed by legislation and is routinely justified as being in the best interests of the child. It is tempting to interpret this change as indicating that the child welfare profession has belatedly discovered that human social sentiments are nepotistic in their design, such that kin tend to be the most nurturant alloparents. Arguably, however, the change in practice has been driven by demographic, economic, and political forces rather than by discovery of its benefits. More and better research is needed before we can be sure that children have actually benefitted.  相似文献   

Physician groups are concerned that legislation requiring physicians to report illegal immigrants to immigration authorities will delay curative care. In particular, patients with tuberculosis may delay seeking care for infectious symptoms and spread the disease. We surveyed 313 consecutive patients with active tuberculosis from 95 different facilities to examine the relationship of immigration-related variables, symptoms, and delay in seeking care. Most patients (71%) sought care for symptoms rather than as a result of the efforts of public health personnel to screen high-risk groups or to trace contacts of infectious persons. At least 20% of respondents lacked legal documents allowing them to reside in the United States. Few (6%) feared that going to a physician might lead to trouble with immigration authorities. Those who did were almost 4 times as likely to delay seeking care for more than 2 months, a period of time likely to result in disease transmission. Patients potentially exposed an average of 10 domestic and workplace contacts during the course of the delay. Any legislation that increases undocumented immigrants'' fear that health care professionals will report them to immigration authorities may exacerbate the current tuberculosis epidemic.  相似文献   

In the United States, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) provides a specific framework for the disposition of Native American Ancestral remains within its purview. However, samples such as a bone fragment, tooth, or other biological tissue taken from the remains of these Ancestors have been treated by institutions and researchers as independent of the individual from whom they were removed and used in destructive research such as paleogenomic and other archaeometric analyses without consultation, consent, and collaboration from Native American communities; are not cared for in keeping with the current best practices for Indigenous Ancestors; and are not likely to be repatriated to their communities. Here, we demonstrate that any biological samples removed from Ancestors who are covered under NAGPRA must also be handled according to the stipulations defined for “human remains” within the legislation. As such, we are not proposing a change to existing legislation, but rather best practices, specific to the context of the United States and NAGPRA, relating to the use of and care for biological samples taken from Native American Ancestors.  相似文献   

Aspiration biopsy in the context of the new Medicare fiscal policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The new Medicare legislation requires hospital reimbursement on a per case, rather than cost per test, basis. This policy emphasizes selectivity in hospitalization, increased efficiency in diagnosis and therapy and abbreviated hospital stays. Aspiration biopsy is discussed as a procedure that responds to needs stimulated by fiscal demands, with particular attention given to cost containment and outpatient care and aspiration biopsy's value as a vehicle that ensures high-quality medical care.  相似文献   

I knew nothing and had thought nothing about parasites until 1971. In fact, if you had asked me before then, I might have commented that parasites were rather disgusting. I had been at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine for three years, and I was on the lookout for a new project. In 1971, I came across a paper in the Journal of Molecular Biology by Larry Simpson, a classmate of mine in graduate school. Larry''s paper described a remarkable DNA structure known as kinetoplast DNA (kDNA), isolated from a parasite. kDNA, the mitochondrial genome of trypanosomatids, is a DNA network composed of several thousand interlocked DNA rings. Almost nothing was known about it. I was looking for a project on DNA replication, and I wanted it to be both challenging and important. I had no doubt that working with kDNA would be a challenge, as I would be exploring uncharted territory. I was also sure that the project would be important when I learned that parasites with kDNA threaten huge populations in underdeveloped tropical countries. Looking again at Larry''s paper, I found the electron micrographs of the kDNA networks to be rather beautiful. I decided to take a chance on kDNA. Little did I know then that I would devote the next forty years of my life to studying kDNA replication.  相似文献   

This article is the preamble to a set of articles describing initial results from an on-going European Commission funded, 5th Framework project called OMNIITOX, Operational Models aNd Information tools for Industrial applications of eco/TOXicological impact assessments. The different parts of this case study-driven project are briefly presented and put in relation to the aims of contributing to an operational life cycle-impact assessment (LCIA) model for impacts of toxicants. The present situation has been characterised by methodological difficulties, both regarding choice of the characterisation model(s) and limited input data on chemical properties, which often has resulted in the omission of toxicants from the LCIA, or at best focus on well characterised chemicals. The project addresses both problems and integrates models, as well as data, in an information system- the OMNIITOX IS. There is also a need for clarification of the relations between the (environmental) risk assessments of toxicants and LCIA, in addition to investigating the feasibility of introducing LCA into European chemicals legislation, tasks that also were addressed in the project. Keywords: Case studies; characterisation factor; chemicals; environmental risk assessment; hazard assessment; information system; life cycle impact assessment (LCIA); potentially toxic substances; regulation; risk assessment; risk ranking  相似文献   

Many commercial fisheries seek to maximise the economic value of the catch that they bring ashore and market for human consumption by discarding undersize or low value fish. Information on the quantity, size and species composition of discarded fish is vital for stock assessments and for devising legislation to minimise the practice. However, except for a few major species, data are usually extremely sparse and reliant on observers aboard a small sample of fishing vessels. Expanding these data to estimate total regional discards is highly problematic. Here, we develop a method for utilising additional information from scientific trawl surveys to model the quantities of fish discarded by the commercial fisheries. As a case-study, we apply the model to the North Sea over the period 1978-2011, and show a long-term decline in the overall quantity of fish discarded, but an increase in the proportion of catch which is thrown away. The composition of discarded catch has shifted from predominantly (∼80%) roundfish, to >50% flatfish. Undersized plaice constitute the largest single fraction of discards, unchanged from the beginning of the 20th century. Overall, around 60% of discarded fish are rejected on the basis of size rather than for reasons of species value or quota restrictions. The analysis shows that much more information can be gained on discarding by utilising additional sources of data rather than relying solely on information gathered by observers. In addition, it is clear that reducing fishing intensity and rebuilding stocks is likely to be more effective at reducing discards in the long term, than any technical legislation to outlaw the practice in the short term.  相似文献   

Past records indicate that legislation, be it extreme or moderate in design, will be the goal of the proponents of restrictive animal legislation in the 89th Congress. Bills similar to those introduced in past sessions almost surely will appear again. If the President succeeds in soliciting congressional support for his goals of the Great Society, Congress may have little time for other legislative matters. The medical and scientific forces that oppose the use of federal legislation as a means of upgrading the standards of animal care and improving the validity of the results of biological research can be expected to continue their support of voluntary control through education and research. Continued support of the effective “task forces” and public relations programs that developed during the 88th Congress must come from all segments of the organized health professions.  相似文献   

As the density of development increases, there is a growing need to address the cumulative effects of project developments on the environment. In Canada this need has been recognized in legislation whereby new project developments that require an environmental assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act are required to address the cumulative effects of proposed project activities relative to the existing environmental condition. Unfortunately, existing stressor-based and effects-based approaches to environmental assessment do not adequately address cumulative effects as defined under the Act when used in isolation. However, elements from each approach can be conceptually incorporated into a holistic cumulative effects assessment framework. Key framework components include: (1) an effects-based assessment to determine existing accumulated environmental state, (2) a stressor-based assessment to predict potential impacts of new development relative to the existing environmental state, (3) post-development monitoring to assess the accuracy of impact predictions and to provide an avenue for adaptive management, and (4) decision-making frameworks to link scientific information to public opinion and managerial action. The key advantage of this framework is that it provides a more holistic, systematic approach for incorporation of ecological information into a scientific and management framework for cumulative effects assessment.  相似文献   

1. This study summarises our development and application in developing countries of a process for assessing the ecological, social and economic costs and benefits of water-resource developments, as an aid to basin planning.
2. During 15 years of work in Africa and Asia, the process sequentially included the whole river ecosystem and the whole flow regime in the assessment; used a multidisciplinary team and a scenario-based approach that gave equal weighting to the ecological, social, resource-economic and macro-economic costs and benefits of development; quantified or semi-quantified the costs and benefits in data-poor situations, capturing expert opinion and local wisdom as well as data; recognised that the final allocation of water for ecosystem maintenance should be a societal choice of trade-offs between resource protection and development.
3. Flow assessments were increasingly done at the basin rather than project level and introduced the concept and practicality of Development Space as a tool to aid basin planning.
4. Later assessments included valuation of regulating, cultural and provisioning services provided by rivers as part of the cost-benefit analysis.
5. Implementation of managed flows as outlined above is a complex and long-term process that should include a number of major steps, from development of the appropriate legislation to monitoring of management decisions and adaptive management. Country or region-wide implementation at this scale could well take one to two decades, even where the political will and technical skills exist.
6. We conclude by offering eight principles that we believe would promote genuinely sustainable use of rivers.  相似文献   

The main needs for most people with physical disabilities are housing and help with daily living. Thus, many of them will find the new emphasis on social aspects of community care particularly relevant. Peter Swain is a disabled man who leads a project in east Devon which ensures that disabled people have a voice in helping to shape the services they need. In this article he explains how the project, Living Options East Devon, works and how the new legislation for community care might affect disabled people.  相似文献   

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