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This study explores whether ecological factors, such as pollinators and pollen flow, or variation in pollen and ovule development account for the observed differences (approximately twofold) in the reproductive output of pin and thrum individuals of Erythroxylum havanense. The importance of ecological factors was assessed by means of comparison of the identity of pollinators and the rates of flower visitation, and by performing controlled hand pollinations and measurements of fruit set. In addition, we described the pollen and ovule development of thrum and pin individuals. Our results indicate that pollinators of E. havanense do not distinguish between floral morphs. The differences in fruit set between pin and thrum plants held even after hand pollination and, therefore, the observed differences in reproductive output between floral morphs of E. havanense cannot be explained in terms of asymmetrical pollen flow. There were no differences in the pattern of gynoecium development between the pin and thrum morphs, however androecium development showed marked differences between the morphs, and there was a resemblance between the developmental pathways leading to male sterility of the thrum morph of E. havanense with that of species with cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS).  相似文献   

The evolution of dioecy from a monomorphic hermaphroditic condition requires two mutations, one producing females and one producing males. Conversely, a single mutation sterilizing one sexual function in one morph of distylous species would result in functional dioecy because such a mutation also affects the complementary function in the other morph. In this study, we tested these ideas with Erythroxylum havanense, a distylous species with morph-biased male sterility. Based on sex allocation theory we evaluated whether the invasion of thrum females is favoured over the maintenance of this morph cosexuals. Completely male sterile thrum plants obtained higher fitness returns than hermaphrodites or partial male sterile individuals of the same morph, thus favouring the invasion of female thrum plants. We concluded that because fruit production of pin individuals depends on the pollen produced by thrum plants, the invasion of thrum females would result on the evolution of functional dioecy.  相似文献   

1. Maternal carotenoids in the egg yolk have been hypothesized to promote maturation of the immune system and protect against free radical damages. Depending on availability, mothers may thus influence offspring quality by depositing variable amounts of carotenoids into the eggs. Sex allocation theory predicts that in good quality environments, females should invest into offspring of the sex that will provide larger fitness return, generally males. 2. In a field experiment we tested whether female great tits bias their investment towards males when carotenoid availability is increased, and whether male offspring of carotenoid-supplemented mothers show higher body condition. We partially cross-fostered hatchlings to disentangle maternal effects from post-hatching effects, and manipulated hen flea Ceratophyllus gallinae infestation to investigate the relationship between carotenoid availability and resistance to ectoparasites. 3. As predicted, we found that carotenoid-supplemented mothers produced males that were heavier than their sisters at hatching, while the reverse was true for control mothers. This suggests that carotenoid availability during egg production affects male and female hatchlings differentially, possibly via a differential allocation to male and female eggs. 4. A main effect of maternal supplementation became visible 14 days after hatching when nestlings hatched from eggs laid by carotenoid-supplemented mothers had gained significantly more mass than control nestlings. Independently of the carotenoid treatment, fleas impaired mass gain of nestlings during the first 9 days in large broods only and reduced tarsus length of male nestlings at an age of 14 days, suggesting a cost to mount a defence against parasites. 5. Overall, our results suggest that pre-laying availability of carotenoids affects nestling condition in a sex-specific way with potentially longer-lasting effects on offspring fitness.  相似文献   

Abstract Under a semi-natural setting the between-morph pollen exchange patterns were studied in distylous Primula sieboldii flowers by measuring pollen removal from the anthers on a single visit by a Bombus diversus tersatus queen, and stigmatic pollen deposition along the sequence of the visitation of the opposite-morph flowers by the bee. Despite the twofold larger number of pollen grains produced in a single flower of the long-styled morph compared to that of the short-styled morph, no significant difference in pollen removal from a flower was found between the morphs. The stigmas of the long-styled morph received significantly more opposite-morph pollen grains than those of the short-styled morph on a single visit by the bee. Sufficient legitimate pollen grains, surpassing the ovule number, were loaded on the stigmas of 27% and 17% of visited flowers of the long- and short-styled morphs, respectively. The short-styled morph could more efficiently donate pollen to the opposite morph stigmas than the long-styled morph.  相似文献   

The shape of the fitness function relating the decline in fitness with coefficient of inbreeding (f) can provide evidence concerning the genetic basis of inbreeding depression, but few studies have examined inbreeding depression across a range of f using noncultivated species. Futhermore, studies have rarely examined the effects of inbreeding depression in the maternal parent on offspring fitness. To estimate the shape of the fitness function, we examined the relationship between f and fitness across a range off from 0.000 to 0.875 for components of both male and female fitness in Cucurbita pepo ssp. texana. Each measure of female fitness declined with f, including pistillate flower number, fruit number, seed number per fruit, seed mass per fruit, and percentage seed germination. Several aspects of male fitness also declined with f, including staminate flower number, pollen number per flower, and the number of days of flowering, although cumulative inbreeding depression was less severe for male (0.34) than for female function (0.39). Fitness tended to decline linearly with f between f = 0.00 and f = 0.75 for most traits and across cumulative lifetime fitness (mean = 0.66), suggesting that individual genes causing inbreeding depression are additive and the result of many alleles of small effect. However, most traits also showed a small reduction in inbreeding depression between f = 0.75 and f = 0.875, and evidence of purging or diminishing epistasis was found for in vitro pollen-tube growth rate. To examine inbreeding depression as a maternal effect, we performed outcross pollinations on f = 0.0 and f = 0.5 mothers and found that depression due to maternal inbreeding was 0.07, compared to 0.10 for offspring produced through one generation of selfing. In at least some families, maternal inbreeding reduced fruit number, seed number and mass, staminate flower number, pollen diameter, and pollen-tube growth rate. Collectively these results suggest that, while the fitness function appears to be largely linear for most traits, maternal effects may compound the effects of inbreeding depression in multigenerational studies, though this may be partially offset by purging or diminishing epistasis.  相似文献   

In order to test the "anti-interference" hypothesis for adaptive significance of reciprocal herkogamy, patterns of illegitimate pollination and effects of self-pollen on the legitimate pollination and fertility were investigated in a naturally pollinated experimental population of distylous Persicaria japonica. Pollen deposition was compared among the emasculation treatments, i.e., emasculation of a single flower from individual inflorescences, emasculation of all the flowers of individual inflorescences, and no emasculation control. In both morphs, considerable illegitimate pollination was found to occur in all the treatments, and there was no significant difference in incompatible pollen load among the treatments. Therefore, it is suggested that herkogamy of P. japonica can sufficiently reduce both intraflower and intra-inflorescence self-pollinations, but not interinflorescence geitonogamous and-or interclonal illegitimate pollination. Measurements of pollen load after the repetitive pollen addition showed that space on the stigma surface may not limit the legitimate pollination under natural pollination conditions. Seed sets after legitimate pollination following prior self-pollination did not differ from the controls without self-pollination. Therefore, there is little possibility that incompatible pollen load interferes with either pollination or fertilization by compatible pollen, suggesting that "anti-interference" is unimportant for adaptive significance of reciprocal herkogamy at least in P. japonica.  相似文献   

Cross-generational effects refer to nongenetic influences of the parental phenotype or environment on offspring phenotypes. Such effects are commonly observed, but their adaptive significance is largely unresolved. We examined cross-generational effects of parental temperature on offspring fitness (estimated via a serial-transfer assay) at different temperatures in a laboratory population of Drosophila melanogaster. Parents were reared at 18 degrees C, 25 degrees C, or 29 degrees C (Tpar) and then their offspring were reared at 18 degrees C, 25 degrees C, or 29 degrees C (Toff) to evaluate several competing hypotheses (including an adaptive one) involving interaction effects of parental and offspring temperature on offspring fitness. The results clearly show that hotter parents are better; in other words, the higher the temperature of the parents, the higher the fitness of their offspring, independent of offspring thermal environment. These data contradict the adaptive cross-generational hypothesis, which proposes that offspring fitness is maximal when the offspring thermal regime matches the parental one. Flies with hot parents have high fitness seemingly because their own offspring develop relatively quickly, not because they have higher fecundity early in life.  相似文献   

Parents adjust their reproductive investment over their lifespan based on their condition, age, and social environment, creating the potential for inter-generational effects to differentially affect offspring physiology. To date, however, little is known about how social environments experienced by parents throughout development and adulthood influence the effect of parental age on the expression of life-history traits in the offspring. Here, I collected data on Drosophila melanogaster offspring traits (i.e., body weight, water content, and lipid reserves) from populations where either mothers, fathers both, or neither parents experienced different social environments during development (larval crowding) and adulthood. Parental treatment modulated parental age effects on offspring lipid reserves but did not influence parental age effects on offspring water content. Importantly, parents in social environments where all individuals were raised in uncrowded larval densities produced daughters and sons lighter than parental treatments which produced the heaviest offspring. The peak in offspring body weight was delayed relative to the peak in parental reproductive success, but more strongly so for daughters from parental treatments where some or all males in the parental social environments were raised in crowded larval densities (irrespective of their social context), suggesting a potential father-to-daughter effect. Overall, the findings of this study reveal that parental ecological history (here, developmental and adult social environments) can modulate the effects of parental age at reproduction on the expression of offspring traits.  相似文献   

Epigenetic parental genetic effects are important in many biological processes but their roles in the evolution of adaptive traits and their consequences in naturally evolving populations remain to be addressed. By comparing two divergent blind cave-dwelling cavefish populations with a sighted surface-dwelling population (surface fish) of the teleost Astyanax mexicanus, we report here that convergences in vibration attraction behavior (VAB), the lateral line sensory receptors underlying this behavior, and the feeding benefits of this behavior are controlled by parental genetic effects, either maternal or paternal inheritance. From behavioral studies and mathematical evolutionary simulations, we further demonstrate that disparity in nuclear and mitochondrial DNA in one of these cavefish populations that has hybridized with surface fish can be explained by paternal inheritance of VAB. The results suggest that parental genetic effects in adaptive behaviors may be important factors in biasing mitochondrial DNA inheritance in natural populations that are subject to introgression.  相似文献   

Some of the factors governing seed-set in three populations ofLythrum salicaria are examined during two seasons. Plants spatially segregated from legitimate neighbours by distances exceeding 1m set few seeds. Plants with small inflorescences set fewer seeds than those with medium or large inflorescences. Flowers having self pollen applied to the stigma before legitimate pollination set fewer seed per flower than those pollinated with legitimate pollen only. Seeds of the mid-style morph germinated more effectively than those of the long style morph and seeds of the short-style morph showed very low levels of germination.  相似文献   

The Australian zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata, is a widely used model organism, yet few studies have compared domesticated and wild birds with the aim of examining its relevance as an evolutionary model species. Domestic and wild broods hatch over approximately 4 and 2 days, respectively, which is important given that nestlings can fledge after as little as 12 days, although 16–18 days is common. We aimed to evaluate the extent to which the greater hatching asynchrony in domestic stock may effect reproductive success through greater variance in size hierarchies, variance in within‐brood growth rates, and partial brood mortality. Therefore, by simultaneously controlling brood sizes and experimentally manipulating hatching intervals in both domesticated and wild birds, we investigated the consequences of hatching intervals for fledging success and nestling growth patterns, as well as trade‐offs. Fledging success was similarly high in domestic and wild broods of either hatching pattern. Nonetheless, between‐brood analyses revealed that domestic nestlings had significantly higher masses, larger skeletal characters, and longer wings than their wild counterparts, although wild nestlings had comparable wing lengths at the pre‐fledging stage. Moreover, within‐brood analyses revealed only negligible differences between domestic and wild nestlings, and larger effects of hatching order and hatching pattern. Therefore, despite significant differences in the hatching intervals, and the ultimate size achieved by nestlings, the domestication process does not appear to have significantly altered nestling growth trade‐offs. The present study provides reassuring evidence that studies involving domesticated zebra finches, or other domesticated model organisms, may provide reasonable adaptive explanations in behavioural and evolutionary ecology. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 763–773.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Alternative ontogenetic pathways among heterostylous species of Rubiaceae may reflect differences in their evolutionary histories. In this study, measurements were taken at different developmental stages on a series of long-styled (LS) and short-styled (SS) buds of the heterostylous taxa Psychotria chiapensis, P. poeppigiana , and Bouvardia ternifolia (all Rubiaceae). Results indicated that modifications in growth rates of stamens relative to corollas in all three species led to differences in anther heights between LS and SS flowers. Distinct style heights for LS and SS flowers of P. chiapensis and P. poeppigiana originate in the earlier stages of bud development and are maintained as styles elongate at equal rates. This contrasts with B. ternifolia , which has differences in style heights resulting from unequal relative growth rates between floral morphs. The "approach herkogamous" floral morphology, defined by having stigmas positioned above anthers, has been proposed as a potential evolutionary precursor for heterostylous taxa. To examine this hypothesis, floral development of two species with approach herkogamous morphologies, Psychotria pittieri and P. brachiata , was compared to that of the three heterostylous taxa. Differences in the relative rates of style elongation for flowers of approach herkogamous versus heterostylous species predict additional steps in the original model for the evolution of heterostyly from an approach herkogamous ancestor. The diversity of heterostylous ontogenies found within Rubiaceae provides insight into potential evolutionary pathways for this sexual system in other angiosperm families.  相似文献   

In Thymus vulgaris L., sex determination involves both the nuclear and the cytoplasmic genomes: the cytoplasm is responsible for male-sterility (the female phenotype) while specific nuclear genes may restore male fertility (the hermaphrodite phenotype). Previous observations have shown high variation among hermaphrodites for pollen and seed production. In order to investigate the origin of this variation, 12 female plants, four from each of three populations, were hand-pollinated with pollen from hermaphrodites from three different paternal populations. The sex-ratio (i.e. the frequency of hermaphrodites) produced and the reproductive functions of these offspring were measured. A strong positive correlation was observed between the sex-ratio within a family and both female and male reproductive functions of its hermaphrodites. No such correlation was found for females. This result suggests that restorer genes may be directly or indirectly involved both in sex determination and in the efficiency of resource allocation to reproductive functions. As a consequence, female advantage, i.e. the relative fecundity of females to hermaphrodites, is larger in families with low sex-ratio, and this might affect the evolution of this gynodioecious breeding system.  相似文献   

Environmentally induced maternal effects on offspring phenotype are well known in plants. When genotypes or maternal lineages are replicated and raised in different environmental conditions, the phenotype of their offspring often depends on the environment in which the parents developed. However, the degree to which such maternal effects are maintained over subsequent generations has not been documented in many taxa. Here we report the results of a study designed to assess the effects of parental environment on vegetative and reproductive traits, using glasshouse-raised maternal lines sampled from natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana . Replicates of five highly selfed lines from each of four wild populations were cultivated in two abiotic environments in the glasshouse, and the quality and performance of seeds derived from these two environments were examined over two generations. We found that offspring phenotype was strongly influenced by parental environment, but because the parental environments differed with respect to the time of seed harvest, it was not possible to distinguish clearly between parental environmental effects and the possible (but unlikely) effects of seed age on offspring phenotype. We observed a rapid decline in the expression of ancestral environmental effects, and no main environmental effects on progeny phenotype persisted in the second generation. The mechanism of transmission of environmental effects did not appear to be associated with the quantity or quality of reserves in the seeds, suggesting that environmental effects may be transmitted across subsequent generations via some mechanism that generates environment-specific gene expression.  相似文献   

A complete and genetically stable male sterile line with high outcrossing rate is a prerequisite for the development of commercial hybrid soybean. It was reported in the last century that the soybean male sterile ms2 mutant has the highest record with seed set. Here we report the cloning and characterization of the MS2 gene in soybean, which encodes a protein that is specifically expressed in the anther. MS2 functions in the tapetum and microspore by directly regulating genes involved in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites and the lipid metabolism, which is essential for the formation of microspore cell wall. Through comparison of the field performance with the widely used male sterile mutants in the same genetic background, we demonstrated that the ms2 mutant conducts the best in outcrossing rate and makes it an ideal tool in building a cost-effective hybrid system for soybean.  相似文献   

Despite growing evidence for nongenetic inheritance, the ecological conditions that favour the evolution of heritable parental or grandparental effects remain poorly understood. Here, we systematically explore the evolution of parental effects in a patch‐structured population with locally changing environments. When selection favours the production of a mix of offspring types, this mix differs according to the parental phenotype, implying that parental effects are favoured over selection for bet‐hedging in which the mixture of offspring phenotypes produced does not depend on the parental phenotype. Positive parental effects (generating a positive correlation between parental and offspring phenotype) are favoured in relatively stable habitats and when different types of local environment are roughly equally abundant, and can give rise to long‐term parental inheritance of phenotypes. By contrast, unstable habitats can favour negative parental effects (generating a negative correlation between parental and offspring phenotype), and under these circumstances, even slight asymmetries in the abundance of local environmental states select for marked asymmetries in transmission fidelity.  相似文献   

To determine the evolutionary importance of parental environmental effects in natural populations, we must begin to measure the magnitude of these effects in the field. For this reason, we conducted a combined growth chamber-field experiment to measure parental temperature effects in Plantago lanceolata. We grew in the field offspring of controlled crosses of chamber-grown parents subjected to six temperature treatments. Each treatment was characterized by a unique combination of maternal prezygotic (prior to fertilization), paternal prezygotic, and postzygotic (during fertilization and seed set) temperatures. Offspring were followed for three years to measure the effects of treatment on several life-history traits and population growth rate, our estimate of fitness. Parental treatment influenced germination, growth, and reproduction of newborns, but not survival or reproduction of offspring at least one year old. High postzygotic temperature significantly increased germination and leaf area at 17 weeks by approximately 35% and 2%, respectively. Probability of flowering and spike production in the newborn age class showed significant parental genotype x parental treatment interactions. High postzygotic temperature increased offspring fitness by approximately 50%. The strongest contributors to fitness were germination and probability of flowering and spike production of newborns. A comparison of our data with previously collected data for chambergrown offspring shows that the influence of parental environment on offspring phenotype is weaker but still biologically meaningful in the field. The results provide evidence that parental environment influences offspring fitness in natural populations of P. lanceolata and does so by affecting the life-history traits most strongly contributing to fitness. The data suggest that from the perspective of offspring fitness, natural selection favors parents that flower later in the flowering season in the North Carolina Piedmont when it is warmer. Genotypic-specific differences in response of offspring reproductive traits to parental environment suggest that parental environmental effects can influence the rate of evolutionary change in P. lanceolata.  相似文献   

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