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Phase imaging with a tapping mode atomic force microscope (AFM) has many advantages for imaging moving DNA and DNA-enzyme complexes in aqueous buffers at molecular resolution. In phase images molecules can be resolved at higher scan rates and lower forces than in height images from the AFM. Higher scan rates make it possible to image faster processes. At lower forces the molecules are imaged more gently. Moving DNA molecules are also resolved more clearly in phase images than in height images. Phase images in tapping mode AFM show the phase difference between oscillation of the piezoelectric crystal that drives the cantilever and oscillation of the cantilever as it interacts with the sample surface. Phase images presented here show moving DNA molecules that have been replicated with Sequenase in the AFM and DNA molecules tethered in complexes with Escherichia coli RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Bacterial plasmids with two origins of replication in convergent orientation are frequently knotted in vivo. The knots formed are localised within the newly replicated DNA regions. Here, we analyse DNA knots tied within replication bubbles of such plasmids, and observe that the knots formed show predominantly positive signs of crossings. We propose that helical winding of replication bubbles in vivo leads to topoisomerase-mediated formation of knots on partially replicated DNA molecules.  相似文献   

We have used two techniques to isolate and characterize eye-specific genes from Drosophila melanogaster. First, we identified genes whose expression is limited to eyes, photoreceptor cells, or R7 photoreceptor cells by differential screening with [32P]cDNAs derived from the heads of mutant flies that have reduced amounts of these tissues and cells (Microcephalus, glass3, and sevenless, respectively). Secondly, we identified opsin genes by hybridization with synthetic [32P]oligonucleotides that encode domains that have been conserved between some opsin genes. We found seven clones that contain genes expressed only in the eye or optic lobes of Drosophila; three are expressed only in photoreceptor cells. One is expressed only in R7 photoreceptor cells and hybridizes to some of the previously mentioned oligonucleotides. The complete DNA sequence of the R7-specific opsin gene and its 5' and 3' flanking regions was determined. It is quite different from other known Drosophila opsin genes, in that it is not interrupted by introns and shares only 37-38% amino acid identity with the proteins encoded by these genes. The predicted protein structure contains many characteristics that are common to all rhodopsins, and the sequence differences help to identify four domains of the rhodopsin molecule that have been conserved in evolution.  相似文献   

Adenovirus type 2 DNA replication. II. Termini of DNA replication.   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Complete, mature adenovirus type 2 DNA molecules were isolated from virus-infected HeLa cells, pulse-labeled at 20 h postinfection in [3H]thymidine pulses shorter than the time necessary for one round of viral DNA replication. After digestion with the restriction endonucleases Eco RI, Hpa I, and Hind III, a temporal order of synthesis of different regions of the viral genome was established from the relative specific radioactivities in the restriction enzyme fragments. A comparison with the physical order of these fragments revealed the existence of two termini of DNA replication towards both the molecular right and left ends, respectively, of the viral chromosome.  相似文献   

Isolated nuclei from adenovirus type 2-infected HeLa cells catalyze the incorporation of all four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates into viral DNA. The observed DNA synthesis occurs via a transient formation of DNA fragments with a sedimentation coefficient of 10S. The fragments are precursors to unit-length viral DNA, they are self-complementary to an extent of at least 70%, and they are distributed along most of the viral chromosome. In addition, accumulation of 10S DNA fragments is observed either in intact, virus-infected HeLa cells under conditions where viral DNA synthesis is inhibited by hydroxyurea or in isolated nuclei from virus-infected HeLa cells at low concentrations of deoxyribonucleotides. Under these suboptimal conditions for DNA synthesis in isolated nuclei, ribonucleoside triphosphates determine the size distribution of DNA intermediates. The evidence presented suggests that a ribonucleoside-dependent initiation step as well at two DNA polymerase catalyzed reactions are involved in the discontinuous replication of adenovirus type 2 DNA.  相似文献   

Viral DNA was found to be tightly associated with the nuclear matrix from HeLa cells lytically infected with human adenovirus type 5. The bound viral DNA, like cell DNA, was resistant to nonionic detergent and to extraction with high-salt (2 M NaCl) solution. However, whereas over 95% of the cell DNA was recovered in the matrix fraction, the amount of associated viral DNA varied during infection. Throughout the lytic cycle, the amount of matrix-associated adenovirus type 5 DNA increased until it reached a plateau level at 20 to 24 h after infection. At this stage, the matrix-bound DNA represented 87% of the total viral DNA; after this stage, additional newly synthesized viral DNA accumulated as non-matrix-associated DNA. DNase digestion studies revealed that all viral DNA sequences were equally represented in the matrix-bound DNA both early and late in infection; thus, unlike cell DNA, there seem to be no preferred attachment sites on the viral genome. An enrichment of viral DNA relative to cell DNA was found in the matrix-associated DNA after extensive DNase I digestion. This finding, together with an in situ hybridization study, suggests that the viral DNA is more intimately associated with the nuclear matrix than is cell DNA and probably does not exist in extended loops.  相似文献   

KB cells productively infected with human adenovirus type 2 contain an alkalistable class of viral DNA sedimenting in a broad zone between 50 and 90S as compared to 34S for virion DNA. This type of DNA is characterized as viral by DNA-DNA hybridization. It is extremely sensitive to shear fragmentation. Extensive control experiments demonstrate that the fast-sedimenting viral DNA is not due to artifactual drag of viral DNA mechanically trapped in cellular DNA or to association of viral DNA with protein or RNA. Furthermore, the fast-sedimenting DNA is found after infection with multiplicities between 1 and 1,000 PFU/cell and from 6 to 8 h postinfection until very late in infection (24 h). Analysis in dye-buoyant density gradients eliminates the possibility that the fast-sedimenting viral DNA represents supercoiled circular molecules. Upon equilibrium centrifugation in alkaline CsCl density gradients, the fast-sedimenting viral DNA bands in a density stratum intermediate between that of cellular and viral DNA. In contrast, the 34S virion DNA isolated and treated in the same manner as the fast-sedimenting DNA cobands with viral marker DNA. After ultrasonic treatment of the fast-sedimenting viral DNA, it shifts to the density positions of viral DNA and to a lesser extent to that of cellular DNA. The evidence presented here demonstrates that the 50 to 90S viral DNA represents adenovirus DNA covalently integrated into cell DNA.  相似文献   

A clone, EC1, has been isolated from a cDNA library prepared from 4-day embryoid bodies formed by suspension culture of PSMB EC cells. This clone has been used to screen a variety of RNA sources including adult tissues, embryonal carcinoma (EC), and endoderm cell lines. A 3-kb poly(A)+ RNA species was found to be present only in undifferentiated EC cells and adult mouse testes. This species was significantly reduced in testes of W/Wv mice compared with wild-type at this locus. Germ cells and their progeny are therefore implicated as the source of the RNA in testes. Hybrid-selected RNA from PSMB could be translated in vitro into a 35-kd protein, but no translatable message was evident in either PYS-2 (parietal), or PSA5-E (visceral) endoderm cell lines. DNA sequencing of the EC1 insert revealed that it is 744 bp in length, the 3' 460 bp of which are in open reading frame. Comparison with known sequences have shown no significant homology. EC1 subclones in M13 have been used to generate single-stranded probes for hybridisation to RNA in situ in tissue sections. Hybridisation of the strand complementary to RNA produces a signal limited to the central regions of embryoid bodies formed on suspension culture of embryo-derived EK cells coinciding with the presence of undifferentiated cells. Probing of a mouse genomic library and Southern blots of liver DNA with EC1 reveals that the gene is present as a single copy.  相似文献   

Adenovirus vectors for gene expression.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Adenoviruses possess a combination of features that make them highly suitable as vectors for expression of heterologous genes. Non-conditional and non-defective adeno-vectors have been constructed to obtain high level expression of a number of foreign genes and some of them have been shown in animal models to exhibit excellent promise as vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

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