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一小的甲龙,作为甲龙科(Ankylosauridae)中一新属新种,明星天池龙(Tianchisaurus nedegoapeferima gen. et sp. nov.)被记述。化石是1974年,新疆大学地质地理系的师生在新疆阜康县三工河地区作野外实习时采得,其产地的地层层位经新疆石油管理局东疆石油指挥部彭希龄核对为中侏罗世头顿河组。化石包括破的头骨碎片,五个颈椎,六个背椎,一个完整荐部(由七个椎体组成),三个尾椎,和许多膜质的甲胄,甲板,以及一些四肢骨。标本编号:V.10614,新属新种的特征是:一个小的,原始的,体长约三米的甲龙;头骨较高,有小的膜质的甲片复盖;下颚高,外侧无甲片复盖,有纵的饰纹,环椎与枢椎不愈合;颈椎椎体短,双凹型;背椎椎体较长,双平型,横突与背肋不愈合;荐部由七个愈合脊椎组成:前两个是背椎,形成一个荐前棒(presacral rod),最后的一个是尾椎,四个荐椎的椎体是整个椎柱中最大的,荐椎的神经棘愈合,形成一个纵的板状脊,远端的尾椎愈合形成小的,扁的尾锤。股骨直,骨干上有饰纹,第四转子呈嵴状。蹠骨和趾骨为甲龙型,与晚期甲龙的蹠骨和趾骨比较显得瘦小。在肩部有一个由四对大的膜质的甲板愈合形成肩甲带,甲板厚有发育的中嵴。在身体覆盖着许多大小不同,形状各异的甲片。Tianchisaurus nedegoapeferima的种名是应著名科幻电影导演Steven Splelberg之约请赠送给大型科幻电影片-侏罗纪公园之明星们:Sam Naill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Richard Attenborough, Bob Peck和Martin Ferrsro.我们称之明星天池龙(Tianchisaurus nedegoapeferima gen. et sp. nov.)。Tianchisaurus nedegoapeferima是目前甲龙亚目在亚洲的最早纪录。它的发现将甲龙的化石记录推到中侏罗世。  相似文献   

10舞毒峨勿mant丙a diB即r成分用量(克/开,{成分用量(克/升)洋菜粉末混合物其中: 麦芽磨粉 胆固醉 怀逊氏盐 洋愧豆佼 纤维素 山梨酸 抗坏血酸 金霉素20.056.2 1 .010.3 4 .231.0 工2 52 2 .2 肌醇 酪素蛋白 对一径基苯甲酸甲酮脂肪一糖类其中: 果塘 氯化胆碱 亚麻酸 甲基亚麻酸凡德萨氏改良复合维生素 0 .225.7 1 .0190 1 .1 1 .0 1 .0 1.刁11红铃虫矛。etinophora 90,砂piella 成分洋菜酩素蛋白4M氢氧化钾液粉末混合物其中: 蔗糖 麦芽细粉用量(克Z升)2舟.033.35.0毫升::‘: 成分 怀逊氏盐 纤维素纤维 对一经基苯甲酸甲酮 氯化胆碱 甲醛…  相似文献   

近几十年,华北的二马营组上部地层以产出中国肯氏兽-山西鳄四足动物化石组合而闻名.最近在山西临县白道峪于上覆的铜川组一段发现了中国肯氏兽.本文描述了同一地点同一层位产出的主龙型类化石,包括一具山西鳄的部分骨架以及一些可以归入suchian的主龙类.它们是铜川组一段首次记述的主龙型类.最有鉴定特征的suchian材料包括一个大的髂骨以及一个小的、形状很奇特的、可能是跟骨的骨骼.髂骨可能可以归入一个奇异的波波龙类(poposauroid).因为中国肯氏兽与山西鳄同时出现在白道峪,表明中国肯氏兽-山西鳄组合可以向上延伸到铜川组一段.髂骨与跟骨大小悬殊,可能代表两个从未在中国肯氏兽-山西鳄组合报道过的物种.白道峪发现了特化的波波龙类,支持了波波龙类在中三叠世大量分化的观点.  相似文献   

记新疆准噶尔盆地中侏罗世一新甲龙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一小的甲龙,作为甲龙科中一新属新种,明星天池龙被记述。化石是1974年,新疆大学地质地理系的师生在新疆阜康县三工河地区作野外实习时采得,其产地的地层层位经新疆石油管理局东疆石油指挥部希龄核对为中侏罗世头河组。化石包括破的头骨碎片,五个颈椎,六个背椎,一个完整荐部(由七个维体组成),三个尾椎,和许多膜质的甲胄,甲板,以及一些四肢骨。标本编号:V.10614.新属新种的特征是:一个小的,原始的,体长约  相似文献   

目的评价可吸收螺钉结合克氏针治疗跟骨骨折的疗效。方法采用可吸收螺钉结合克氏针对17例跟骨骨折行切开复位内固定。按Sanders分型[1]:其中Ⅱ型6例,Ⅲ型10例,IV型1例。结果 17例均获得随访,随访时间6~42个月,平均11.6个月,骨折全部愈合。疗效优6例,良8例,可2例,差1例,优良率82.4%。结论可吸收螺钉结合克氏针用于治疗跟骨骨折,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的 构建一个简单、经济的新的甲真菌病体外模型.方法 制备猪甲板,在其腹侧面中央黏贴一个“O”型圈,将受试菌液加入“O”型圈内,将甲板放置培养皿中培养,用大体观察及组织病理的方法动态观察不同真菌侵袭甲板的情况.结果 用猪甲板制备甲真菌病体外模型,通过该模型观察了红色毛癣菌、须癣毛癣菌以及白念珠菌穿透甲板的能力.通过组织病理学方法观察到了真菌动态穿透甲板的过程.结论 该模型适用于评估真菌对甲板的致病作用.  相似文献   

目的观察红色毛癣菌、白念珠菌、红酵母、短帚霉、串珠镰刀菌、烟曲霉、绳状青霉是否具有侵犯离体甲板的能力,并比较其侵袭能力的强弱。方法将无菌甲板接种于红色毛癣菌、白念珠菌、红酵母、短帚霉、串珠镰刀菌、烟曲霉、绳状青霉7种真菌的3种不同培养基(固体沙氏培养皿、液体沙氏试管及生理盐水试管)中,定期用NaOH溶甲法分析甲板受侵程度。结果某些非皮肤癣菌性丝状真菌侵犯体外甲板的能力与红色毛癣菌基本相同,但丝状真菌比酵母菌强,酵母菌中白念珠菌比红酵母强。同一种真菌在固体培养基上对甲板的侵袭力远比在液体培养基中或生理盐水中强。结论一定条件下,某些非皮肤癣菌也能直接侵犯甲板。真菌侵犯甲的能力与其形成菌丝的能力及其与甲板接触的稳定性成正比。  相似文献   

洞庭湖克氏原螯虾肌肉成分分析及品质特性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对洞庭湖克氏原螯虾肌肉成分进行分析, 并与其他产地克氏原螯虾进行比较, 进而较为科学的评定其品质特性。结果表明: 克氏原螯虾含肉率为20.21%, 水分和灰分含量分别为79.46%和1.17%, 粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量分别16.67%和0.77%; 对肌肉的质构特性分析表明克氏原螯虾肌肉硬度小, 易咀嚼; 肌肉中含18种氨基酸, 其中包括8种必需氨基酸, 必需氨基酸指数为80.02%, 氨基酸总含量为16.06%, 鲜味氨基酸含量为5.98%; 依据氨基酸化学评分, 克氏原螯虾的第一限制性氨基酸是含硫氨基酸(甲硫氨基酸和胱氨酸), 第二限制性氨基酸是缬氨酸。测定了克氏原螯虾肌肉中15种脂肪酸占肌肉鲜质量的含量, 其总脂肪酸含量为6.66‰, 其中不饱和脂肪酸含量为4.94‰, n-3与n-6多不饱和脂肪酸比值为1.73。综上所述, 洞庭湖克氏原螯虾具有较高的食用价值和养殖价值。  相似文献   

文在根 《蛛形学报》1992,1(1):31-38
本文报道了新近采得的我国土壤甲螨六种,其中新种和新亚种定名为:中华弯步甲螨Gibbicepheus chinensis sp. nov.,长新领甲螨帽尔山亚种Caenosamerus spatiosus maoershanensis subsp. nov.,克氏蕾甲螨帽尔山亚种Gemmazetes crosby maoershanensis subsp. nov.,并记述了我国新纪录甲螨三种:大全罗甲螨Perlohm(?) gigantea(Aoki,1960)、水沢,德之甲螨乳Tolamocecheus mizusouai Aoki,1966及沼沢梁甲螨Lamellobates palustris Hammer,1958。  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾在20世纪初作为重要的水产品引入中国,但因其繁殖能力强、生长迅速、适应性强、喜掘洞穴,对农作物、池埂及农田水利有一定破坏作用,降低入侵地区当地物种多样性,对当地生态系统造成严重危害。因此,研究未来气候情景下克氏原螯虾适生区的变化,可为其监控和管理措施提供关键信息,有效预防和控制其蔓延。本研究基于克氏原螯虾的分布点,应用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型和规则集遗传算法(GARP)模型模拟了当前气候条件下克氏原螯虾在中国的潜在适生区,并预测了2041—2060年和2061—2080年克氏原螯虾在4种气候变化情景下(RCP 2.6、RCP 4.5、RCP 6.0、RCP 8.5)的分布,采用ROC曲线对预测结果进行检验和评价。结果表明: 在当前气候条件下克氏原螯虾集中分布在上海、江苏、浙江、安徽等长江沿岸地区;最冷季平均温度、最冷月最低温度对克氏原螯虾分布影响最大,其次是温度季节性变化、最暖月最高温度和最干月降水量。在未来气候情景下,2061—2080年克氏原螯虾的适生区面积有不同程度的变化,在RCP 2.6和RCP 4.5情景下总适生面积增加,但在RCP 8.5情景下呈先增后减趋势,而在RCP 6.0情景下无明显变化;克氏原螯虾适生区在空间分布上不仅有纬度方向上的扩散,也有向海拔较高地区迁移的趋势。  相似文献   

Peter M. Galton 《Geobios》1980,13(3):451-457
The holotype of the nodosaurid ankylosaur Dracopelta zbyszewskii n. gen. and n. sp. is described from the Kimmeridgian(Upper Jurassic) of Ribomar on the west coast of Portugal. This is the first Upper Jurassic ankylosaur to be described that is represented by articulated bones. The specimen consists of a partial rib cage with thirteen dorsal vertebrae and five different types of dermal armor, two of wich show a partial overlap between adjacent plates.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地克拉美丽地区的鸟脚类   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本文记述了一个小型鸟脚类——五彩湾工部龙(新种)Gongbusaurus wucaiwanensis sp.nov.,讨论了它们的分类位置和产出地层时代。  相似文献   

A nearly complete skeleton of a juvenile sauropod from the Lower Morrison Formation (Late Jurassic, Kimmeridgian) of the Howe Ranch in Bighorn County, Wyoming is described. The specimen consists of articulated mid-cervical to mid-caudal vertebrae and most appendicular bones, but cranial and mandibular elements are missing. The shoulder height is approximately 67 cm, and the total body length is estimated to be less than 200 cm. Besides the body size, the following morphological features indicate that this specimen is an early juvenile; (1) unfused centra and neural arches in presacral, sacral and first to ninth caudal vertebrae, (2) unfused coracoid and scapula, (3) open coracoid foramen, and (4) relatively smooth articular surfaces on the limb, wrist, and ankle bones. A large scapula, short neck and tail and elongate forelimb bones relative to overall body size demonstrate relative growth. A thin-section of the mid-shaft of a femur shows a lack of annual growth lines, indicating an early juvenile individual possibly younger than a few years old. Pneumatic structures in the vertebral column of the specimen SMA 0009 show that pneumatisation of the postcranial skeleton had already started in this individual, giving new insights in the early ontogenetic development of vertebral pneumaticity in sauropods.

The specimen exhibits a number of diplodocid features (e.g., very elongate slender scapular blade with a gradually dorsoventrally expanded distal end, a total of nine dorsal vertebrae, presence of the posterior centroparapophyseal lamina in the posterior dorsal vertebrae). Although a few diplodocid taxa, Diplodocus, cf. Apatosaurus, and cf. Barosaurus, are known from several fossil sites near the Howe Ranch, identification of this specimen, even at a generic level, is difficult due to a large degree of ontogenetic variation.  相似文献   

在陕甘宁盆地东北缘二马营组发现的两种假鳄类,经鉴定均属Euparkeridae。其中之一与Euparkeria较相近;根据肩胛骨、肱骨和骨质背板等的显著不同,定名为侨家梁哈拉寨鳄(Halazhaisuchus qiaoensis),新属、新种。依据骨髂形态,另一标本归入世鲁番鳄属(Turfanosuchus),取名沙圪堵吐鲁番鳄(Turfanosuchus shageduensis)、新种。  相似文献   

Hungarosaurus tormai is a medium-sized nodosaurid ankylosaur that was described on the basis of four partial skeletons from the Santonian (Upper Cretaceous) of Hungary. In this paper, a new fifth skeleton and several isolated remains are described which greatly improve our knowledge of this primitive nodosaurid ankylosaur. Isolated cranial remains referred to juvenile individuals provide new information on the development of cranial ornamentation in nodosaurid ankylosaurs. Apart from both preserved mandibles with in situ dentition, the fifth partial skeleton contains several previously unknown limb elements (humerus, ulnae, radius) that indicate unusual limb proportions for Hungarosaurus compared with other ankylosaurs. On the basis of the five partial skeletons and the isolated remains, a skeletal and dermal armor reconstruction is attempted. Body mass calculations using three different methods yield an estimate of 650 kg for H. tormai.   相似文献   

四川盆地一新蛇颈龙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述了蛇颈龙一新属种——杨氏壁山上龙(Bishanopliosaurus youngi gen.et sp.nov.)。它的形态特征与欧洲里阿斯[Lias]期的 Rhomaleosaurus 的相似。因此可以推测产壁山上龙的地层——自流井组的东岳庙段的时代为早侏罗世。  相似文献   

A new specimen, comprising eight articulated caudal vertebrae in a cut slab of blue/grey carbonate mudstone, is comparable to the early thyreophoran dinosaur Scelidosaurus harrisonii Owen from the English Lower Jurassic. Palynological analysis indicates that the specimen is probably late Hettangian–Sinemurian (Early Jurassic), but the exact horizon and locality remain uncertain. The slab has been cut longitudinally in a parasagittal plane along the vertebral series and exposes several articulated centra, haemal arches, neural arches and osteoderms. An envelope of preserved soft tissue wraps around the vertebrae and includes osteoderms with organic material on both the upper and lower surfaces. Basal thyreophoran dinosaur osteoderms were covered by a horny sheath during life.  相似文献   

四川盆地蛇颈龙一新属   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文记述了四川盆地蛇颈龙—新属种——澄江渝州上龙 (Yuzhoupliosaurus cheagjiangensis gen. et sp. nov.) 并依据形态特征将它归于拉玛劳龙科 (Rhomaleosauridae).  相似文献   

Nodosaurids are poorly known from the Lower Cretaceous of Europe. Two associated ankylosaur skeletons excavated from the lower Albian carbonaceous member of the Escucha Formation near Ariño in northeastern Teruel, Spain reveal nearly all the diagnostic recognized character that define nodosaurid ankylosaurs. These new specimens comprise a new genus and species of nodosaurid ankylosaur and represent the single most complete taxon of ankylosaur from the Cretaceous of Europe. These two specimens were examined and compared to all other known ankylosaurs. Comparisons of these specimens document that Europelta carbonensis n. gen., n. sp. is a nodosaur and is the sister taxon to the Late Cretaceous nodosaurids Anoplosaurus, Hungarosaurus, and Struthiosaurus, defining a monophyletic clade of European nodosaurids– the Struthiosaurinae.  相似文献   

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