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Dehalococcoides ethenogenes is the only known cultivated organism capable of complete dehalogenation of tetrachloroethene (PCE) to ethene. The prevalence of Dehalococcoides species in the environment and their association with complete dehalogenation of chloroethenes suggest that they play an important role in natural attenuation of chloroethenes and are promising candidates for engineered bioremediation of these contaminants. Both natural attenuation and bioremediation require reliable and sensitive methods to monitor the presence, distribution, and fate of the organisms of interest. Here we report the development of 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes for Dehalococcoides species. The two designed probes together encompass 28 sequences of 16S rRNA genes retrieved from the public database. Except D. ethenogenes and CBDB1, all the others are environmental clones obtained from sites contaminated with chlorinated ethenes. They are all closely related and form a unique cluster of Dehalococcoides species. In situ hybridization of probe Dhe1259t with D. ethenogenes strain 195 and two enrichment cultures demonstrated the applicability of the probe to monitoring the abundance of active Dehalococcoides species in these enrichment samples.  相似文献   

A 16S rRNA-targeted, Cy3-labeled oligonucleotide probe was designed to detect members of the genus Bdellovibrio by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Specific hybridization conditions were established; however, the detection of bdellovibrios in environmental samples required enrichment, confirming that Bdellovibrio spp. are not present in large numbers in the environment.  相似文献   

Methanotrophic bacteria play a major role in the global carbon cycle, degrade xenobiotic pollutants, and have the potential for a variety of biotechnological applications. To facilitate ecological studies of these important organisms, we developed a suite of oligonucleotide probes for quantitative analysis of methanotroph-specific 16S rRNA from environmental samples. Two probes target methanotrophs in the family Methylocystaceae (type II methanotrophs) as a group. No oligonucleotide signatures that distinguish between the two genera in this family, Methylocystis and Methylosinus, were identified. Two other probes target, as a single group, a majority of the known methanotrophs belonging to the family Methylococcaceae (type I/X methanotrophs). The remaining probes target members of individual genera of the Methylococcaceae, including Methylobacter, Methylomonas, Methylomicrobium, Methylococcus, and Methylocaldum. One of the family-level probes also covers all methanotrophic endosymbionts of marine mollusks for which 16S rRNA sequences have been published. The two known species of the newly described genus Methylosarcina gen. nov. are covered by a probe that otherwise targets only members of the closely related genus Methylomicrobium. None of the probes covers strains of the newly proposed genera Methylocella and “Methylothermus,” which are polyphyletic with respect to the recognized methanotrophic families. Empirically determined midpoint dissociation temperatures were 49 to 57°C for all probes. In dot blot screening against RNA from positive- and negative-control strains, the probes were specific to their intended targets. The broad coverage and high degree of specificity of this new suite of probes will provide more detailed, quantitative information about the community structure of methanotrophs in environmental samples than was previously available.  相似文献   

Four 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes were designed for the detection of thermophilic members of the domain Bacteria known to thrive in marine hydrothermal systems. We developed and characterized probes encompassing most of the thermophilic members of the genus Bacillus, most species of the genus Thermus, the genera Thermotoga and Thermosipho, and the Aquificales order. The temperature of dissociation of each probe was determined. Probe specificities to the target groups were demonstrated by whole-cell and dot blot hybridization against a collection of target and nontarget rRNAs. Whole-cell hybridizations with the specific probes were performed on cells extracted from hydrothermal vent chimneys. One of the samples contained cells that hybridized to the probe specific to genera Thermotoga and Thermosipho. No positive signals could be detected in the samples tested with the probes whose specificities encompassed either the genus Thermus or the thermophilic members of the genus Bacillus. However, when simultaneous hybridizations with the probe specific to the order Aquificales and a probe specific to the domain Bacteria (R. I. Amann, B. Binder, R. J. Olson, S. W. Chisholm, R. Devereux, and D. A. Stahl, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 56:1919-1925, 1990) were performed on cells extracted from the top and exterior subsamples of chimneys, positive signals were obtained from morphologically diverse bacteria representing about 40% of the bacterial population. Since specificity studies also revealed that the bacterial probe did not hybridize with the members of the order Aquificales, the detected cells may therefore correspond to a new type of bacteria. One of the observed morphotypes was similar to that of a strictly anaerobic autotrophic sulfur-reducing strain that we isolated from the chimney samples. This work demonstrates that application of whole-cell hybridization with probes specific for different phylogenetic levels is a useful tool for detailed studies of hydrothermal vent microbial ecology.  相似文献   

小单孢菌在生态环境中占有重要地位,也是寻找新的抗生素的重要来源.为了探索小单孢菌的生态分布和在未培养情况下的生态位,在分离和鉴定一定数量的小单孢菌的情况下利用小单孢菌属的16S rDNA基因同源性,采用ClustalX软件进行序列分析,设计了小单孢菌属的16S rRNA特异寡核苷酸探针Mn1和Mn3两个序列,将这两个序列与GenBank中小单孢和非小单孢菌属的16S rRNA序列进行Blastn比对分析,先在理论上确认Mn1和Mn3对小单孢菌属是特异的.收集小单孢和非小单孢菌株19株,通过原位杂交试验的方法对设计的探针进行特异性验证,结果证明,Mn1能和试验用到的所有小单孢菌属的标准菌株杂交和非小单孢菌均不能杂交;Mn3能和所有小单孢菌属的标准菌株杂交,但也能与链霉菌CGMCC4.891(Streptomyces microflavus)杂交.初步证明Mn1可作为小单孢菌属的特异性探针.并通过杂交条件试验优化了Mn1荧光原位杂交的条件:甲酰胺浓度为30%,溶菌酶处理时间为37℃ 40 min,HCl处理时间为60 min,杂交时间为3 h.  相似文献   

Whole-cell hybridization with non-radioactively labeled oligonucleotide probes was used to detect and identify Frankia strains in pure cultures and in nodules. Digoxigenin-labeled probes, which were detected with antibody-alkaline phosphatase conjugates, were more suitable for in situ detection of Frankia strains than fluorescent probes since the sensitivity of the former was higher and problems arising from the autofluorescence of cells and plant material were avoided. Successful detection of Frankia strains in paraformaldehyde-fixed cell material with digoxigenin-labeled oligonucleotide probes depended on pretreatments to permeabilize the cells. Specific hybridization signals on vesicles were obtained after lysozyme pretreatment (1 mg ml-1 for 30 min at 20°C). Reliable penetration of the antibody-enzyme conjugate into hyphae required additional washing with the detergent Nonidet P-40 (0.1%) and toluene (1% in ethanol) after lysozyme treatment. Identification of Frankia vesicles in nodule homogenates was possible only after the removal of the polysaccharide capsule surrounding the vesicles. Incubation with H2O2 (15% in water for 1 h at room temperature) before lysozyme and detergent treatments was found to facilitate specific hybridization. No filaments or spores could be detected in nodule homogenates. This technique should be a powerful tool in the identification of Frankia isolates, in the characterization of as-yet-uncultured nodule populations, and in the confirmation of the origin of unusual Frankia isolates.  相似文献   

Species-specific 16S rRNA-targeted, Cy3 (indocarbocyanine)-labeled oligonucleotide probes were designed and validated to quantify different Eubacterium species in human fecal samples. Probes were directed at Eubacterium barkeri, E. biforme, E. contortum, E. cylindroides (two probes), E. dolichum, E. hadrum, E. lentum, E. limosum, E. moniliforme, and E. ventriosum. The specificity of the probes was tested with the type strains and a range of common intestinal bacteria. With one exception, none of the probes showed cross-hybridization under stringent conditions. The species-specific probes were applied to fecal samples obtained from 12 healthy volunteers. E. biforme, E. cylindroides, E. hadrum, E. lentum, and E. ventriosum could be determined. All other Eubacterium species for which probes had been designed were under the detection limit of 107 cells g (dry weight) of feces−1. The cell counts obtained are essentially in accordance with the literature data, which are based on colony counts. This shows that whole-cell in situ hybridization with species-specific probes is a valuable tool for the enumeration of Eubacterium species in feces.  相似文献   

Water samples were collected at three therapeutic thermal spas in the area of Brescia, between February and October 2000: 34.8% of the samples contained Legionella pneumophila; the predominant isolates (30%) belonged to Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1. The microorganism was present in the spa water at high concentrations, generally higher than 10000 cfu/l. The large number of positive Legionella pneumophila samples indicates a potential risk of infection to patients, especially those undergoing inhalation treatment with thermal water, or those using a whirlpool or taking a shower even if, during the study, no clinical cases of Legionnaires' disease were observed. In some inhalators in use we detected Legionella pneumophila: after a treatment to eradicate the microorganism, no sanitary fittings currently show contamination. Thus, in our opinion, they are not sources of infection when they are mantained and serviced properly. Thermal disinfection and service checks at regular intervals are suggested for contaminated systems.  相似文献   

The microbial community composition of colonized cotton and leachate samples from a landfill was quantified using small subunit (SSU) rRNA probes (quantitative rRNA hybridization). Relative quantification of bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea revealed variations in the landfill microbial community between samples from different areas of the landfill site and indicated the presence of potentially novel archaea. Anaerobic fungi were quantified in rumen fluid samples but were not sufficiently abundant for direct detection in the landfill samples.Molecular ecological studies should now be focused on assigning functions to the recognized microbial assemblages in any given environment. However, with respect to landfill microbiology, even the identity and abundance of the indigenous microbiota are barely understood. This is in part due to the unfeasibility of obtaining representative samples of the highly heterogeneous solid waste fraction, together with the inability to retrieve waste samples other than leachate from capped landfill sites (2). PCR-based molecular ecological studies of landfill leachate have nevertheless enabled the direct detection of species known to be involved in primary degradation of cellulose, the main carbon source in landfill (29), and more recently, taxa that had previously been thought to occur only in the herbivore gastrointestinal tract, i.e., anaerobic fungi (16) and fibrobacters (20). Landfill microcosms or leachate bioreactors have also been used to provide source material for DNA and culture-based analyses (3, 4), but the composition of these microbial communities has not been directly compared to those of the landfill sites themselves. In the field of molecular microbial ecology, the overreliance on analysis of sequences generated by PCR amplification of environmental DNA extracts has recently been questioned (13), primarily on the basis of the recognized variation in amplification efficiency with different DNA templates, a shortcoming which also applies to quantitative PCR techniques. Furthermore, there is evidence that probe-based methodologies for the detection of rRNA genes in environmental microarrays reveal a greater diversity of microbial taxa than does the traditional sequencing of clones from PCR amplification products (9).In this study, domain- and group-specific oligonucleotide probes were applied in slot blot hybridization experiments to quantify different obligately anaerobic microbial groups associated with cellulose degradation in rumen fluid, landfill leachate, and landfill microcosm RNA samples. The identity and molecular ecology of microorganisms capable of cellulose hydrolysis in the rumen are relatively well understood, and these samples therefore provided a reference point for evaluation of this approach as well as for providing fresh information on the abundance of anaerobic fungi in rumen fluid. Two landfill leachate microcosms were constructed with material from different waste cells within the same landfill site. Dewaxed cotton string (19) was incubated in each microcosm, and the RNA extracted from the cotton biofilm and the planktonic leachate-associated community was subjected to quantitative hybridization with domain-targeted probes and probes specific for particular subgroups of cellulolytic microorganisms.The almost entire small subunit (SSU) (16S/18S) rRNA gene in DNA extracted from each bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryotic control strain was amplified using the primer sets pA and pH′, 1Af and 1404R, NS1-Euk and Univ 1390, respectively (10, 21, 30, 33), and Phusion high-fidelity (HF) DNA polymerase (Finnzymes). PCRs were performed in 50-μl volumes containing the following: 0.2 mM each primer, 0.2 mM each deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP), 1× Phusion HF buffer (Finnzymes), 3% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 1× bovine serum albumin (BSA), 1 unit Phusion HF DNA polymerase (Finnzymes) and double-distilled water (ddH2O). PCR cycling conditions were as follows: 98°C for 45 s, 30 cycles of 98°C for 10 s, 30 s at the specific annealing temperature for each primer set, 72°C for 20 s, and a final extension of 72°C for 8 min. PCR amplification products were cloned into Escherichia coli JM109 cells (Promega) by using the pGEM-T Easy vector system I (Promega) according to the manufacturer''s protocol. Plasmid DNA was extracted and sequenced in both orientations by Macrogen, Inc. (South Korea). Cloned DNA sequences were assembled into contigs by using PreGap 4 and Gap 4 software (25), and base calling was visually checked using the sequencing traces. Reference rRNAs were synthesized from linearized plasmid DNA (3 μg) by using either T7 or SP6 RNA polymerase (Promega), and plasmid DNA was digested using a Turbo DNA-free kit (Ambion).To determine the specificity of an oligonucleotide probe for its target group, each probe was hybridized against a panel of 32 reference rRNAs from control strains, which included representatives of phylogenetic groups indigenous to landfill and rumen environments, and control rRNAs possessing 1- to 4-bp mismatches within the probe target site. Stock reference rRNAs (100 ng μl−1) were denatured by adding 3 volumes of 2% (vol/vol) glutaraldehyde in 50 mM NaH2PO4 (pH 7.0), followed by incubation for 10 min at room temperature. The rRNA was then diluted to 2 ng μl−1 by using a hybridization sample buffer (RNase-free water containing 1 μg ml−1 poly[A] [Sigma] and 0.004% bromophenol blue). A 100-μl volume of each reference rRNA (200 ng) was blotted onto positively charged nylon membranes (Hybond) by using a slot blot device (Bio-Rad) under slight vacuum. Membranes were air dried, and rRNA was fixed to membranes by using a Stratalinker 2400 UV cross-linker (Stratagene). DNA oligonucleotide probes were 5′-end labeled with 32P by using a T4 polynucleotide kinase (New England Biolabs) and [γ-32P]ATP (Perkin Elmer) (8). Membranes were placed in glass hybridization tubes (Hybaid) and 100 μl hybridization buffer (0.9 M NaCl, 50 mM NaH2PO4 [pH 7.0], 5 mM EDTA, 10× Denhardt''s solution, 0.5% SDS, and 0.1 mg poly[A] ml−1) added per cm2 of membrane. Membranes were prehybridized for 2 h at 40°C. A labeled probe (400 μl) was subsequently added and hybridized at 40°C for 16 to 18 h in a Techne hybridizer HB-1 (Techne) and then washed for 15 min at 40°C in wash buffer (1× SSC [0.15 M NaCl plus 0.0015 M sodium citrate], 1% SDS) and washed two subsequent times for 30 min each at the optimum wash temperature (Tw) for each probe (Table (Table1).1). Phosphor screens (Molecular Dynamics) were used to visualize membranes, and hybridization signals were determined using a Storm 860 scanner (Molecular Dynamics) and quantified using TotalLab TL100 software (Nonlinear Dynamics).


SSU (16S/18S) rRNA oligonucleotide hybridization probes used in this study and their wash temperatures (Tw)
ProbeTarget siteaSequence (5′-3′)bTarget groupcTw (°C)Reference
Univ 13901,390-1,407GACGGGCGGTGTGTACAAAll known organisms4433
Eub 338338-355GCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGTDomain Bacteria571
Cther 13521,352-1,370GRCAGTATDCTGACCTRCCClostridium III6329
Erec 482482-500GCTTCTTAGTCARGTACCGClostridium XIVab5711
Euk 516502-517ACCAGACTTGCCCTCCDomain Eukarya511
Chyt 719719-738CAGTACACACAATGAAGTGCChytridiomycetes4416
Arc 915915-934GTGCTCCCCCGCCAATTCCTDomain Archaea6426
Open in a separate windowaProbe position according to Escherichia coli 16S rRNA gene numbering.bAmbiguities: K = G or T; S = G or C; W = A or T; Y = C or T; H = A, C, or T; R = A or G; M = A or C; D = G, A, or T; V = A, C, or G.cRoman numerals refer to phylogenetic cluster of the Clostridiaceae as previously designated (6).All probes were checked using the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) probe match function (5) and the Probebase website (17) and found to be specific for their target group (Table (Table1).1). Probe specificity was initially tested using the published Tw for each respective probe. If hybridization with nontarget reference rRNAs was observed after washing at the published Tw, the membrane was subsequently washed with increasing temperatures of 1 to 2°C until hybridization with nontarget reference rRNAs could not be observed. The Tws of the new probes, Chyt 719 and Cther 1352, were determined in this manner (Table (Table1).1). The universal and domain-specific hybridization probes performed as expected, and hybridization was observed only with target organisms (Fig. (Fig.1).1). The bacterial probe (Eub 338) did not hybridize to the Clostridium pasteurianum reference rRNA (Eub 338 membrane, position 11 [Fig. [Fig.1])1]) because the probe target site had a 1-bp mismatch with the Eub 338 probe, and this observation therefore confirmed the absolute specificity of probe Eub 338 under the hybridization conditions applied. Although signal intensities varied (Fig. (Fig.1),1), this is not unexpected in quantitative RNA probing (22, 24) and is obviated here by our inclusion of additional controls in which known mixtures of control RNAs were used to demonstrate that quantitation was nevertheless achievable (Fig. (Fig.22).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Hybridization probe specificity tests. (A) Membrane layout of reference SSU rRNAs generated from 32 target and nontarget species. (B) Phylogenetic affiliation of reference rRNA species. (C) Hybridization of universal and domain-specific probes to target and nontarget SSU reference rRNAs. The membrane layout was as shown in panel A. Sulfate-reducing bacterium (SRB) groups as defined by Daly et al. (7); Clostridiaceae clusters as described by Collins et al. (6). The universal probe did not hybridize with the archaeal control rRNAs (position 31 and 32 on the universal membrane), as the archaeal control RNAs were generated from cloned sequences containing an incomplete 16S rRNA gene product. Therefore, the probe binding site for Univ 1390 was absent from the rRNA molecules.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Quantification of SSU rRNA in a “spiked” mixture containing known quantities of reference rRNA, using domain- and group-specific hybridization probes. Error bars represent standard deviations; samples were blotted in triplicate on each membrane; and results represent the average of triplicate blots. For probe targets and specificity, see Table Table11.Probes Cther 1352 (Clostridium cluster III), Erec 482 (Clostridium cluster XIV), and Chyt 719 (Neocallimastigales) hybridized only with their target reference rRNAs (data not shown). Dewaxed cotton string (32) in nylon mesh bags was suspended from nylon ropes inside the necks of two 10-liter carboys (Nalgene). The carboys were transported to the Bromborough Dock landfill site (Wirral, United Kingdom) where they were filled to the top with fresh landfill leachate pumped directly from risers 3 and 5. Once filled to the brim, the microcosms were immediately sealed and transported to the laboratory, where they were incubated at ambient temperature. Nylon mesh bags containing cotton were retrieved after 6 weeks of incubation in the microcosm. One bovine and two ovine rumen fluid samples were kindly provided by Richard Kemp (University of Liverpool). For RNA extraction, 500 μl of rumen fluid containing fibrous plant material, a small piece of colonized cotton (∼0.5 g) from landfill microcosms, or an entire 0.2- and 0.7-μm-pore-diameter filter membrane through which 2 liters of leachate had been filtered was processed according to the method of Griffiths et al. (12) and DNase treated with a Turbo DNA-free kit (Ambion). RNA extracts at a concentration of 100 ng μl−1 were denatured by adding 3 volumes of 2% (vol/vol) glutaraldehyde in 50 mM NaH2PO4 (pH 7.0), incubated for 10 min at room temperature, and diluted in a hybridization sample buffer to a final concentration of 4 ng μl−1. A 100-μl volume of sample (400 ng RNA) was applied in triplicate to positively charged nylon membranes and hybridized as described above. A dilution series of known RNA quantities from an appropriate reference rRNA positive control recognized by the oligonucleotide probe target group was included on each membrane as a standard. Following hybridization, each membrane was washed at the optimum wash temperature (Tw) for each probe (Table (Table1).1). To determine rRNA abundance for each oligonucleotide probe target group, a standard curve was constructed using linear regression from the known quantities of rRNA standards applied to each membrane. The relative abundance of each target group was calculated as a percentage of the total SSU rRNA abundance as determined by hybridization of each sample with a universal probe (Univ 1390). Abundances of target groups relative to total bacterial 16S rRNA and eukaryotic 18S rRNA were determined by comparison with data from application of the general bacterial and general eukaryotic probes, Eub 338 and Euk 516, respectively (1). Quantitative hybridization of the spiked rRNA mixture also demonstrated that all seven of the probes applied in this study were stringent and capable of accurate quantification of the mixed rRNA template sample (Fig. (Fig.22).Community RNA preparations from bovine and ovine rumen fluid samples were hybridized with the suite of rRNA probes described and validated above. Quantitative data were obtained for bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea (Fig. (Fig.3),3), in addition to Clostridium cluster XIV and Neocallimastigales (Table (Table2).2). Although the Clostridium cluster III probe was successfully applied to the spiked rRNA mixture (Fig. (Fig.2),2), a very low hybridization signal was obtained for rumen fluid samples. Clostridium cluster III has been quantified in equine colonic samples, and the relative abundance varied from 1.3% to 3.0% of the total rRNA (8). It may be, therefore, that the relative proportion of cluster III clostridia is also low in the rumen fluid samples analyzed here and abundances of 1 to 3% are below the threshold for accurate quantification. Similar abundances of bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes were observed across the three rumen fluid samples. The total abundances for the three domain probes combined were 142%, 115%, and 98% for each of the rumen samples (bovine, ovine A, and ovine B), respectively, indicating that the universal probe does not bind to all SSU rRNA molecules. The relative abundance of bacteria in the rumen samples varied from 67% to 106% (Fig. (Fig.3),3), indicating that bacteria are the most abundant microbial group in the rumen. Archaea were the second most abundant group, with relative abundance values ranging from 19% to 32%, and the relative abundance of eukaryotes varied from 9.4% to 17.6% (Fig. (Fig.3).3). A previous study using the same probe (Eub 338) by Lin et al. (15) assessed the microbial community structure in samples from domestic animals (including bovine and ovine samples) and also reported bacteria as the most abundant group, with relative abundances similar to those obtained in this study.Open in a separate windowFIG. 3.Quantification of SSU rRNA in bovine and ovine rumen fluid community RNA samples using domain-specific hybridization probes. Error bars represent standard deviations; samples were blotted in triplicate on each membrane; and results represent the average of triplicate blots. For probe targets and specificity, see Table Table11.


Quantification of members of Clostridium cluster XIVab and anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigales) compared to total SSU rRNA and total bacterial and eukaryotic rRNA, respectively, in ovine and bovine rumen samples
Sample% Total of indicated rRNA in:
Clostridiaceae cluster XIVab
Anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigales)
Bovine rumen26.5 ± 2.925.1 ± 0.513.8 ± 1.178.4 ± 1.5
Ovine rumen A15.3 ± 1.121.1 ± 2.46.8 ± 1.069.7 ± 1.7
Ovine rumen B8.3 ± 1.212.4 ± 0.95.1 ± 3.058.5 ± 1.8
Open in a separate windowThe relative abundance of Clostridium cluster XIV, as determined using probe Erec 482, varied from 8 to 27% for the rumen samples (Table (Table2).2). These data are in agreement with the study of Daly and Shirazi-Beechey (8), in which the abundance of cluster XIV as determined with the same probe (Erec 482) was found to represent the highest proportion of rRNA found in any one of the equine intestinal samples studied (28%). The abundance of cluster XIV clostridia was found to vary greatly in their study, and this was also the case here. Quantitative data for the anaerobic fungi also compared favorably with previously published data. The average abundance of Neocallimastigales in the rumen samples was 9% (range, 5 to 14%) (Table (Table2),2), and it has been suggested that anaerobic fungi represent about 8% of the rumen biomass based on quantification of lipid biomarkers (14). The data reported here therefore suggest that anaerobic fungi account for between 59 and 78% of the eukaryotic rRNA in ovine and bovine rumen samples (Table (Table2),2), further supporting their importance in cellulose hydrolysis in rumen environments (27). Members of this fungal order possess the most-potent cellulase systems known in the biological world (31) and are recognized as major colonizers of plant biomass (27).It was not possible to obtain quantitative data for any of the Clostridium clusters or the Neocallimastigales in the landfill leachate or colonized cotton samples because only low levels of hybridization were observed. However, domain-level relative abundances of the samples were obtained and demonstrated marked differences in the microbial community composition between the two microcosm experiments. No eukaryotic rRNA was detected in community RNA from Bromborough Dock riser 3 leachate or colonized cotton samples that had been suspended in leachate samples taken from riser 3 (Fig. (Fig.4).4). However, eukaryotes were detected in the riser 5 samples, and their relative abundances were 7% (±0.5%) and 17% (±0.5%) for the leachate and colonized cotton samples, respectively (Fig. (Fig.4).4). These differences in the detection levels for eukaryotes are probably a reflection of the inherent heterogeneity of the microbial community in samples drawn from different areas of the same landfill site.Open in a separate windowFIG. 4.Quantification of bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes in community RNA samples extracted from colonized cotton and leachate from the riser 3 (A) and riser 5 (B) landfill leachate microcosms, using domain-specific hybridization probes targeting the SSU rRNA gene. Error bars represent standard deviations; samples were blotted in triplicate on each membrane; and results represent the average of triplicate blots. For probe targets and specificity, see Table Table11.An encouraging observation is that there appears to be a close correlation between the abundances of bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes in landfill leachate and the colonized cotton samples in leachate microcosms. These data therefore support the use of leachate-based laboratory simulators of landfill microbiology, at least in terms of comparable relative abundances of bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. The relative abundance of archaea in the riser 3 microcosm samples was, however, surprising. Abundances of 225% (±42%) and 215% (±34%) were obtained for the colonized cotton and leachate samples, respectively. As the Arc 915 probe performed so effectively in quantifying the spiked RNA and rumen samples (Fig. (Fig.22 and and3)3) and in probe specificity tests (Fig. (Fig.1),1), it is unlikely that this is erroneous. The most likely explanation is the presence of archaea that have sequence diversity within the probe target site for the universal probe (Univ 1390) and are therefore not detected by that probe. This implies the existence of as-yet-uncharacterized members of the Archaea in the landfill microbial community. Bacteria were the most abundant group in the riser 5 microcosm samples (Fig. (Fig.4)4) and represented 84% (±5%) and 80% (±12%) of the total rRNA in the colonized cotton and leachate samples, respectively.A major concern in the study of landfill site microbiology is the question of whether a leachate sample is representative of the microbial community that colonizes biodegradable organic material within the site. Furthermore, the heterogeneity of landfill waste across a given site means that obtaining a representative sample of the waste fraction is impossible (23). A network of leachate collection pipes and pumps (or risers) removes leachate from the base of the waste cell to a treatment plant, and thus, leachate is the only sample type available for direct analysis. As leachate results from the percolation of liquid through the site, it potentially provides a comprehensive sample of the landfill microbiota. Lab-scale landfill bioreactors have also been used in previous studies of landfill microbiology (3, 4). In this study, the construction of laboratory-based landfill leachate microcosms enabled the comparison of the microbial community composition of colonized cellulosic material and leachate samples derived from the same area of a landfill site. For the first time, these data have highlighted two important observations: (i) the composition of microbial populations in different areas of the same landfill site can be significantly different (Fig. (Fig.4);4); and (ii) at the domain level, the relative abundances of bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes in colonized cotton substrates from microcosm experiments and landfill leachate samples from the same region of the landfill site in most cases are not significantly different. To our knowledge, there have been no previous reports on the relative contributions of bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes to the total microbial community in leachate or colonized cellulosic substrates in landfill, and this study therefore provides an indication of the importance of each microbial domain in situ.A limitation of the slot blot hybridization method used here is the sensitivity of detection that can be achieved, and this method has now almost entirely been replaced by quantitative PCR methodologies that offer up to 1,000-fold greater sensitivity of detection than do RNA hybridization experiments (18). Single probes may, however, be more capable of detecting a greater diversity of sequences in SSU rRNA than that which would be detected by amplification with a PCR primer pair (28). This has certainly been the case for the phylogenetic microarray, the PhyloChip (9), where the application of 16S rRNA gene probes identified a greater diversity of microbial taxa in environmental samples than that of cloned and sequenced universal PCR amplification products from the same samples.  相似文献   

Six 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes were designed, validated, and used to quantify predominant groups of anaerobic bacteria in human fecal samples. A set of two probes was specific for species of the Bacteroides fragilis group and the species Bacteroides distasonis. Two others were designed to detect species of the Clostridium histolyticum and the Clostridium lituseburense groups. Another probe was designed for the genera Streptococcus and Lactococcus, and the final probe was designed for the species of the Clostridium coccoides-Eubacterium rectale group. The temperature of dissociation of each of the probes was determined. The specificities of the probes for a collection of target and reference organisms were tested by dot blot hybridization and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The new probes were used in initial FISH experiments to enumerate human fecal bacteria. The combination of the two Bacteroides-specific probes detected a mean of 5.4 × 1010 cells per g (dry weight) of feces; the Clostridium coccoides-Eubacterium rectale group-specific probe detected a mean of 7.2 × 1010 cells per g (dry weight) of feces. The Clostridium histolyticum, Clostridium lituseburense, and Streptococcus-Lactococcus group-specific probes detected only numbers of cells ranging from 1 × 107 to 7 × 108 per g (dry weight) of feces. Three of the newly designed probes and three additional probes were used in further FISH experiments to study the fecal flora composition of nine volunteers over a period of 8 months. The combination of probes was able to detect at least two-thirds of the fecal flora. The normal biological variations within the fecal populations of the volunteers were determined and indicated that these variations should be considered when evaluating the effects of agents modulating the flora.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila has been recognized as the major cause of legionellosis since the discovery of the deadly disease. Legionella spp. other than L. pneumophila were later found to be responsible to many non-pneumophila infections. The non-L. pneumophila infections are likely under-detected because of a lack of effective diagnosis. In this report, we have sequenced the 16S-23S rRNA gene internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of 10 Legionella species and subspecies, including L. anisa, L. bozemanii, L. dumoffii, L. fairfieldensis, L. gormanii, L. jordanis, L. maceachernii, L. micdadei, L. pneumophila subspp. fraseri and L. pneumophila subspp. pasculleii, and developed a rapid oligonucleotide microarray detection technique accordingly to identify 12 most common Legionella spp., which consist of 11 pathogenic species of L. anisa, L. bozemanii, L. dumoffii, L. gormanii, L. jordanis, L. longbeachae, L. maceachernii, L. micdadei, and L. pneumophila (including subspp. pneumophila, subspp. fraseri, and subspp. pasculleii) and one non-pathogenic species, L. fairfieldensis. Twenty-nine probes that reproducibly detected multiple Legionella species with high specificity were included in the array. A total of 52 strains, including 30 target pathogens and 22 non-target bacteria, were used to verify the oligonucleotide microarray assay. The sensitivity of the detection was at 1.0 ng with genomic DNA or 13 CFU/100 mL with Legionella cultures. The microarray detected seven samples of air conditioner-condensed water with 100% accuracy, validating the technique as a promising method for applications in basic microbiology, clinical diagnosis, food safety, and epidemiological surveillance. The phylogenetic study based on the ITS has also revealed that the non-pathogenic L. fairfieldensis is the closest to L. pneumophila than the nine other pathogenic Legionella spp.  相似文献   

rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes have become powerful tools for describing microbial communities, but their use in sediments remains difficult. Here we describe a simple technique involving homogenization, detergents, and dispersants that allows the quantitative extraction of cells from formalin-preserved salt marsh sediments. Resulting cell extracts are amenable to membrane blotting and hybridization protocols. Using this procedure, the efficiency of cell extraction was high (95.7% ± 3.7% [mean ± standard deviation]) relative to direct DAPI (4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole) epifluorescence cell counts for a variety of salt marsh sediments. To test the hypothesis that cells were extracted without phylogenetic bias, the relative abundance (depth distribution) of five major divisions of the gram-negative mesophilic sulfate-reducing delta proteobacteria were determined in sediments maintained in a tidal mesocosm system. A suite of six 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes were utilized. The apparent structure of sulfate-reducing bacteria communities determined from whole-cell and RNA extracts were consistent with each other (r2 = 0.60), indicating that the whole-cell extraction and RNA extraction hybridization approaches for describing sediment microbial communities are equally robust. However, the variability associated with both methods was high and appeared to be a result of the natural heterogeneity of sediment microbial communities and methodological artifacts. The relative distribution of sulfate-reducing bacteria was similar to that observed in natural marsh systems, providing preliminary evidence that the mesocosm systems accurately simulate native marsh systems.  相似文献   

We report on the development and validation of a simple microarray method for the direct detection of intact 16S rRNA from unpurified soil extracts. Total RNAs from Geobacter chapellei and Desulfovibrio desulfuricans were hybridized to an oligonucleotide array consisting of universal and species-specific 16S rRNA probes. PCR-amplified products from Geobacter and Desulfovibrio were easily and specifically detected under a range of hybridization times, temperatures, and buffers. However, reproducible, specific hybridization and detection of intact rRNA could be accomplished only by using a chaperone-detector probe strategy. With this knowledge, assay conditions were developed for rRNA detection using a 2-h hybridization time at room temperature. Hybridization specificity and signal intensity were enhanced using fragmented RNA. Formamide was required in the hybridization buffer in order to achieve species-specific detection of intact rRNA. With the chaperone detection strategy, we were able to specifically hybridize and detect G. chapellei 16S rRNA directly from a total-RNA soil extract, without further purification or removal of soluble soil constituents. The detection sensitivity for G. chapellei 16S rRNA in soil extracts was at least 0.5 μg of total RNA, representing approximately 7.5 × 106 Geobacter cell equivalents of RNA. These results suggest that it is now possible to apply microarray technology to the direct detection of microorganisms in environmental samples, without using PCR.  相似文献   

Most studies focusing on detecting microorganisms in air by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) have used a liquid impinger to sample bioaerosols, mainly because a liquid sample is easy to be processed by PCR analysis. Nevertheless, the use of multiple-hole impactors for the analysis of bioaerosols by PCR has not been reported despite its great utility in culture analysis. In this study we have modified the impaction onto an agar surface sampling method to impaction onto a liquid medium using the MAS-100 air sampler (Merck) (single-stage multiple-hole impactor). To evaluate the recovery of airborne microorganisms of both sampling methods, a suspension containing Escherichia coli was artificially aerosolized and bioaerosols were collected onto Tergitol-7 agar and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with the MAS-100. A linear regression analysis of the results showed a strong positive correlation between both sampling methods (r = 0.99, slope 0.99, and y intercept 0.07). Afterwards, the method of impingement into a liquid medium was used to study airborne Legionella pneumophila by PCR. A total of 64 samples were taken at a wastewater treatment plant, a chemical plant, and an office building and analyzed by culture and PCR. Results showed that three samples were positive both by PCR and plate culture, and that nine samples negative by plate culture were positive by PCR, proving that L. pneumophila was present in bioaerosols from these three different environments. The results demonstrate the utility of this single-stage multiple-hole impactor for sampling bioaerosols, both by culture and by PCR.  相似文献   

目的:建立针对嗜肺军团菌Mip基因的实时荧光定量TaqMan PCR检测方法,并进行自来水和空调冷却水模拟标本的检测评价。方法:根据嗜肺军团菌Mip基因的特异性序列设计引物和TaqMan探针,建立嗜肺军团菌的实时荧光定量TaqMan PCR快速检测方法,对方法进行灵敏度及特异性评价,并对自来水和空调冷却水模拟标本中的嗜肺军团菌进行检测。结果:建立的方法对嗜肺军团菌的检测具有高度特异性,与3种非嗜肺军团菌和6种其他呼吸道病原均没有交叉反应;基因组DNA的检测灵敏度为1.6pg/μL,模拟自来水和空调冷却水标本的检测灵敏度为10CFU/mL。结论:建立的TaqMan荧光定量PCR方法特异、灵敏、快速,适于嗜肺军团菌的日常监测和暴发疫情的应急诊断。  相似文献   

The usability of the DNA microarray format for the specific detection of bacteria based on their 16S rRNA genes was systematically evaluated with a model system composed of six environmental strains and 20 oligonucleotide probes. Parameters such as secondary structures of the target molecules and steric hindrance were investigated to better understand the mechanisms underlying a microarray hybridization reaction, with focus on their influence on the specificity of hybridization. With adequate hybridization conditions, false-positive signals could be almost completely prevented, resulting in clear data interpretation. Among 199 potential nonspecific hybridization events, only 1 false-positive signal was observed, whereas false-negative results were more common (17 of 41). Subsequent parameter analysis revealed that this was mainly an effect of reduced accessibility of probe binding sites caused by the secondary structures of the target molecules. False-negative results could be prevented and the overall signal intensities could be adjusted by introducing a new optimization strategy called directed application of capture oligonucleotides. The small number of false-positive signals in our data set is discussed, and a general optimization approach is suggested. Our results show that, compared to standard hybridization formats such as fluorescence in situ hybridization, a large number of oligonucleotide probes with different characteristics can be applied in parallel in a highly specific way without extensive experimental effort.  相似文献   

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