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Exposure of Avena coleoptile sections to 8% O2 brought aboutrespiration decrease, resulting in a decrease of ATP production.The pH at the cell wall surface slightly rose in sections exposedto 8% O2, while their growth was greatly accelerated. Moreover,this growth acceleration was observed even in sections treatedwith CCCP known to make membranes permeable for protons. Weconcluded that the growth acceleration with reduction of O2concentration is probably not the result of secretion of H+ions into cell wall compartments. Results of this study provided evidence to support the hypothesisthat there is an inverse relationship between hydroxyproline-proteinlevel and the ability of a cell to undergo rapid cell elongation.Total labeling of the cell wall fraction with 14C-proline wasunaffected by 8% O2 treatment, although the radioactivitiesof hydroxyproline incorporated into this fraction during thetreatments fell to about 45% of the control. Moreover, the radioactivitiesof hydroxyproline incorporated into the SLS-insoluble cell wallfraction of sections exposed to 8% O2 decreased to about 30%of the control. This decrease of hydroxyproline was also observedin sections treated with cycloheximide, which inhibits the secretionof H+ ions into the cell wall compartment. Reduction of O2 concentrationin the surrounding atmosphere affects not only the hydroxylationof peptidyl proline, but also the binding of hydroxyproline-protein(s)to cell wall polysaccharides, and the resulting decrease ofthe protein rigidly bound to them may induce cell elongation. (Received December 5, 1975; )  相似文献   

A system of nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations is derived using mixture theory to model the formation of biofilms. In contrast with most of the existing models, our equations have a finite speed of propagation, without using artificial free boundary conditions. Adapted numerical scheme will be described in detail and several simulations will be presented in one and more space dimensions in the particular case of cyanobacteria biofilms. Besides, the numerical scheme we present is able to deal in a natural and effective way with regions where one of the phases is vanishing.  相似文献   

Fetal growth disorders are common in pregnancy complicated by diabetes. Whereas macrosomia often occurs in infants of diabetic women, growth retardation is almost a rule in spontaneous and experimental diabetes in animals. However, it is not clear when during development growth inhibition starts and how placental pathology might affect fetal growth in maternal diabetes. In this study pregnant Wistar rats were injected (ip) with a single dose of 50 mg/kg of streptozotocin (STZ) on gestation day (GD) 2 and a blood glucose level of 200 mg/dl or more determined 24 hrs later indicated diabetes. The controls were non-treated, buffer treated or, following confirmation of diabetes, injected with a single dose of 2--6 IU of insulin (Novo Ultralente) once daily. Fetuses and placentae were collected from GD 14--20. Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) in STZ group was significant as early as GD 15 and persisted to GD 20. Insulin produced a significant recovery in fetal weight gain. The placentas of STZ-treated group were significantly heavier than those of the control groups. The reduction in cord length of the STZ group became apparent on GD 16 and remained so to term. The placenta of GD 14 STZ group had a thicker decidua basalis and dilated maternal sinusoids. By GD 16, the decidua basalis contained glycogen-containing decidual cells and scattered glycogen cells confirmed by Best's carmine with or without diastase. The glycogen cells of the basal zone were more abundant, and had degenerated in some sites leaving behind cysts with eosinophilic mass. The giant cells had proliferated enormously. The labyrinthine zone appeared spongy with persistent fetal mesenchyme, peri-vascular fibrosis, and enhanced placental barrier. The trophoblasts of the labyrinths also contained traces of glycogen unlike the controls. By GD 18, the decidua basalis of the STZ group was thinner than that of the controls and contained necrotic giant cells and lymphocytic aggregations. In the basal zone, the giant cells had proliferated further; more glycogen cells had degenerated. Perivascular fibrosis was still extensive in the labyrinthine zone. Bloodless maternal sinusoids, extensive vacuolization, degeneration of glycogen islands and formation of cysts characterized the labyrinthine zone. These changes varied in intensity from one area to another in the same placenta and between placentas of the same and of different litters. The development of the upper and lower jaws, elevation and fusion of palatal shelves, reduction of physiological umbilical hernia, descent of the testes, fusion of the urethral folds and separation of digits of the paws were significantly delayed in the STZ group. The consistent association of placental pathology with fetal growth retardation is suggestive of an alteration in placental function possibly contributing to IUGR in STZ-induced diabetes in rats.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is induced not only during morphogenesis and embryogenesis but also under various pathological conditions, especially related to oxidative stress. Apoptotic cells are phagocytized by neighboring cells while necrotic cells cause local and general reactions sometimes lethal to our bodies. Data have been accumulated to demonstrate that the switch of the cell death mode from apoptosis to necrosis does occur. However, detailed mechanisms involved in the switch mechanism remain unsolved although decreases in the intracellular level of ATP and a burst in the cellular level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been proposed. Recently, we have shown that the population of apoptotic cells reaches maximum in human osteosarcoma 143B cells treated for 6h with menadione (MEN) while necrotic cells become predominant at 9h of the treatment. In the present study we have attempted to clarify the role of cellular ATP in the switch mechanism using rho(0) cells derived from human osteosarcoma rho+ cells. Results are summarized as follows: (1) Apoptotic and necrotic changes in rho(0) cells are much faster than rho+ cells after the treatment with MEN. (2) Cellular level of ATP in rho(0) cells remains essentially in the same level before and after the MEN-treatment while intracellular levels of superoxide continuously increase after the MEN-treatment. (3) rho+ cells treated with MEN in the presence of antimycin A plus oligomycin show similar changes to those of MEN-treated rho(0) cells. (4) MEN-induced increases in the cellular level of superoxide are distinctly suppressed by inhibitors of NADPH oxidase. These results suggest that the intracellular level of superoxide may be a key factor directly related to the switch mechanism from apoptosis to necrosis, and that decreases in cellular level of ATP accelerate both apoptotic and necrotic changes of the cells.  相似文献   

Plasmodium berghei infected C3H mice had lower parasitemias than the control mice on 4 (Days 4, 5, 7, and 8; P < 0.001, 0.02, 0.001, and 0.02, respectively) out of 7 check days when treated with 0.1% 6-propylthiouracil (6-PT) in water ad lib. The 6-PT-treated mice also survived longer than the control mice in 2 experiments: 11.8 (8–13) days vs 10.7 (8–13) days (P < 0.001); and 10.4 (9–11) days vs 9.4 (9–10) days (P < 0.001). Parasitemias of mice treated with 0.1% 6-PT + D-thyroxine (T4) were consistently higher on 6 of 7 check days than the 6-PT-treated group, with the 9th day count of 69.0 ± 11.6 for the 6-PT + T4 group being significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the count of 52.9 ± 19.9 for the 6-PT only group. Reduced T4 production, due to the 6-PT-induced hypothyroidism (lower 131I uptakes), may have caused the parasitemia reduction. Differences in temperature and metabolism do not appear to be involved. More experiments (in vitro) are necessary in order to determine definitely whether T4 is involved in the growth and metabolism of malaria parasites.  相似文献   

This review examines the effect of prolonged cold exposure on muscle capillary supply in mammals and fishes. In rats and hamsters, the response to a simulated onset of winter is to conserve the microcirculation and maintain a constant capillary to fibre ratio (C:F), implying either an unaltered vacular bed or angiogenesis matched by muscle hyperplasia, while chronic acclimation to low environmental temperature induces a variable degree of muscle atrophy, which in turn increases capillary density (CD). In striped bass and rainbow trout, cold-induced angiogenesis results in an increase in C:F, but also a cold-induced fibre hypertrophy that is accompanied by a powerful angiogenic response such that CD is much less sensitive to changes in fibre size. Endothelial cells can act as mechanotransducers such that angiogenesis may be initiated by changes in their physical environment. It is hypothesised that in mammals, the metabolic consequences of cold exposure increases the luminal shear stress, while in fishes the stimulus for angiogenesis is abluminal stretch following an increase in fibre size.  相似文献   

Stress-related activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) is associated with suppression of the reproductive axis. This effect has been explained by findings indicating that corticotropin-releasing hormone suppresses hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion via an opioid peptide-mediated mechanism, and that glucocorticoids suppress both GnRH and gonadotropin secretion and inhibit testosterone and estradiol production by the testis and ovary, respectively. To evaluate whether glucocorticoids suppress the effects of estradiol on its target tissues, we examined the ability of dexamethasone to inhibit estradiol-stimulated uterine and thymic growth in ovariectomized rats. Estradiol alone, given daily for 5 days, caused dose-dependent uterine and thymic growth. Dexamethasone alone, given daily for 5 days, caused a dose-dependent decrease in body weight gain and in thymic growth. When estradiol and dexamethasone were administered simultaneously, however, body weight gain and thymic growth were also inhibited (p less than 0.05). Dexamethasone decreased estradiol-induced uterine cytosolic and nuclear estrogen receptor concentrations (E2 R0, p less than 0.05; E2nR0, respectively), but had no effect on estradiol-induced progesterone receptor concentrations (P4R0, p greater than 0.05). Levels of uterine glucocorticoid receptors were not affected by estrogen and/or dexamethasone treatment. These findings suggest that stress levels of glucocorticoids, administered over a 5-day interval, block the estradiol-stimulated growth of female sex hormone target tissues. This effect may be partially mediated by a glucocorticoid-induced decrease of the estradiol receptor concentration. Thus, another mechanism by which the HPA may influence reproductive function during stress is by a direct effect of glucocorticoids on the target tissues of sex steroids.  相似文献   

Singlet oxygen, an electronically excited form of molecular oxygen, is a primary mediator of the activation of stress-activated protein kinases elicited by ultraviolet A (UVA; 320-400 nm). Here, the effects of singlet oxygen (1O2) on the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 and Akt/protein kinase B pathways were analyzed in human dermal fibroblasts. While basal ERK 1/2 phosphorylation was lowered in cells exposed to either 1O2, UVA or photodynamic treatment, Akt was moderately activated by photochemically generated 1O2 in a phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)-dependent fashion, resulting in the phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3). The activation of ERK 1/2 and Akt as induced by stimulation with epidermal growth factor (EGF) or platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) was inhibited by 1O2 generated intracellularly upon photoexcitation of rose Bengal (RB). Photodynamic therapy (PDT)-induced apoptosis is known to be associated with increased formation of ceramides. Likewise, both 1O2 and UVA induced ceramide generation in human skin fibroblasts. The attenuation of EGF- and PDGF-induced activation of ERK 1/2 and Akt by 1O2 was mimicked by stimulation of fibroblasts with the cell-permeable C2-ceramide. Interestingly, EGF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGF receptor was strongly attenuated by 1O2 but unimpaired by C2-ceramide, implying that, although ceramide formation may mediate the above attenuation of ERK and Akt phosphorylation induced by 1O2, mechanisms beyond ceramide formation exist that mediate impairment of growth factor signaling by singlet oxygen. In summary, these data point to a novel mechanism of 1O2 toxicity: the known 1O2-induced activation of proapoptotic kinases such as JNK and p38 is paralleled by the prevention of activation of growth factor receptor-dependent signaling and of anti-apoptotic kinases, thus shifting the balance towards apoptosis.  相似文献   

Chemotrophic growth capacities of the purple sulfur bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina strain M1 were studied in continuous culture under thiosulfate limitation.Pigment synthesis was completely inhibited upon a shift from anaerobic to semi-aerobic conditions (52 μM O2) in the light, but no active breakdown occurred. During the transient state, the cells grew in a mixed photo- and chemolithotrophic mode; the specific respiration rate gradually increased with a concomitant drop in the bacteriochlorophyll a content. Photolithotrophically grown cells have the ability to respire. It was concluded that photosynthesis and respiration compete for electrons, but that photosynthesis is preferred under electron donor-limiting conditions, when the cells still contain large amounts of pigments. Eventually, a fully chemolithotrophic steady state was attained.The chemolithotropic growth of T. roseopersicina was studied in the dark under semiaerobic conditions at various dilution rates. The maximum specific growth rate was 68% of the maximum attainable growth rate under photolithotrophic conditions. The growth affinity for thiosulfate was high (Km = 1.5 μM). The yield on thiosulfate under chemolithotrophic conditions exceeded that of thiobacilli. Oxygen uptake was studied in short-term experiments. It was shown that respiration in T. roseopersicina has a Km of approx. 1 μM O2. the ecological importance for T. roseopersicina of chemolithotrophic growth and pigment content is discussed with respect to the occurrence of T. roseopersicina in laminated microbial ecosystems and its possible competition with colorless sulfur bacteria.  相似文献   

An indigenous strain of the purple non-sulphur phototrophic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas palustris strain B1, was selected for the utilization and treatment of wastewater from a sago-starch-processing decanter. Growth of Strain B1 under anaerobic–light conditions in the carbohydrate-rich effluent was optimized by using 50% (v/v) effluent diluted in a basal minimal mineral medium with the addition to 0.1% (w/v) yeast extract. The optimum level of nitrogen source supplement, ammonium sulphate, was 1.0g/l. Highest cell mass concentration was achieved by using tungsten lamps as the light source with a light intensity of 4 klux. Under these optimal conditions, a maximum biomass of about 2.5g dry cell/l with a pigment content of about 1.1mg carotenoid/g dry weight cell was achieved after 96h of anaerobic cultivation. There was a 77% reduc n the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the effluent. A cell yield of about 0.59g dry weight cell/g COD was obtained.  相似文献   

Abstract The anoxygenic phototrophic purple sulfur bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina was grown in illuminated continuous cultures with thiosulfate as growth limiting substrate. Aeration resulted in completely colorless cells growing chemotrophically, whereafter the conditions were changed to a 23 h oxic/1 h anoxic regime. After 11 volume changes at a dilution rate of 0.031 h−1 (35% of μmax) a time dependent equilibrium was established. During the 23 h oxic periods bacteriochlorophyll a synthesis (BChl a ) was not observed, whereas during the 1 h anoxic periods synthesis was maximal (i.e. 1.1 μg (mg protein)−1 h−1). As a result the BChl a concentration gradually increased from zero to an average value over 24 h of 1.9 μg (mg protein)−1. Concomitantly, the protein concentration increased from 13.9 mg 1−1 during continuous oxic conditions to 28.8 mg 1−1. For comparison, the protein concentration during fully phototrophic growth at an identical thiosulfate concentration in the inflowing medium was 53.7 mg 1−1. The specific respiration rate was 8 μmol O2 (mg protein)−1 h−1 during full chemotrophic growth and gradually decreased to 3.5 μmol O2 (mg protein)−1 h−1 after 11 volume changes at the regime employed. These data show that T. rosepersicina is able to simultaneously utilize light and aerobic respiration of thiosulfate as sources of energy. The ecological relevance of the data is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to withstand high light (HL) stress, plants have evolved both short-term defense and repair mechanisms and long-term acclimation responses. At present, however, the underlying signaling events and molecular mechanisms are still poorly understood. Analysis of the mutants coe1, coe1 gun1 double mutant and oeGUN1coe1 revealed increased sensitivity to HL stress as compared to wild type (WT), with oeGUN1 coe1 plants displaying the highest sensitivity. Accumulation of FTSH2 protein and degradation of D1 protein during the HL stress were shown to depend on both COE1 and GUN1. Overexpression of COE1 enhanced the induction of FTSH2 and the tolerance to HL stress. These results indicate that the COE1-GUN1 signaling pathway plays an important role in regulating the adaptation of plants to HL.  相似文献   

The values of gross metabolic flows in cells are essentially interconnected due to conservation laws of chemical elements and interrelations of biochemical coupling. Therefore, the overall stoichiometry of cellular metabolism, such as the biomass quantum yield, the ratio between linear and circular flows via the electron transport chain, etc., can be calculated using balances of metabolic flows in the network branching points and coupling ratios related to ATP formation and expenditures. This work has studied the energetic stoichiometry of photosynthetic cells by considering the transfer of reductivity in the course of biochemical reactions. This approach yielded rigorous mathematical expressions for biomass quantum yield and other integral bioenergetic indices of cellular growth as functions of ATP balance parameters. The effect of cellular substance turnover has been taken into account. The obtained theoretical estimation of biomass quantum yield is rather close to experimental data which confirms the predictive capacity of this approach.  相似文献   

Hyaluronic acid (HA) accumulates around actively growing normal and tumorigenic mammary epithelial cells and has been implicated as a modulator of cell proliferation. We have tested the role of exogenous HA presented in several different forms in in vitro growth regulation of a cell line (CL-S1) derived from preneoplastic mouse mammary tissue. This cell line grows slowly and synthesizes very little HA. We first assessed growth of CL-S1 cells seeded onto actual matrix generated by CL-S1 cells themselves (which has a low HA content) or by a related tumorigenic cell line, +SA, that generates an HA-rich matrix. Growth on both these HA-containing substrata was significantly enhanced above control values on plastic. Growth on the +SA biomatrix was over 5 times greater than on tissue culture plastic and significantly greater than that seen with all other treatments. Differences in growth responses of CL-S1 cells seeded atop CL-S1- and +SA-derived matrices could be attributable to differences in matrix HA content. As a more direct test of this possibility, growth responses of CL-S1 cells to HA covalently bonded to tissue culture dishes and to HA dissolved in culture media were tested. Growth on the prepared HA substrata was consistently twice that on plastic. In soluble form, HA at a concentration of 100 micrograms HA/ml culture medium, stimulated CL-S1 growth 196 and 125% of control in monolayer cultures, respectively, seeded at low (approximately equal to 10(2) viable cells/cm2) and high (approximately equal to 10(4) viable cells/cm2) densities on plastic. Higher HA concentrations inhibited growth at low seeding densities.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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