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Cyanobacteria dominance is often associated with economic, ecological and health problems. The potential production of toxic compounds calls for frequent monitoring of cyanobacteria and their toxin production in many aquatic systems. Methods to simplify this process and facilitate management responses to sudden environmental changes are needed to improve the capability of risk-assessment. We tested the effectiveness of two different functional approaches (Functional Groups – FG, Reynolds et al., 2002; and Morphology-Based Functional Groups – MBFG, Kruk et al., 2010) as well as single species and taxonomic classifications as the best proxy of spatio-temporal phytoplankton dynamics and dominance of toxic algae in an impacted transitional river–reservoir system in the tropics. The Paraíba do Sul River and Funil Reservoir are located in one of the most heavily impacted regions of Brazil, and the latter system has a history of intense, long-lasting toxic cyanobacteria blooms. Sampling was conducted over the two climatological periods of the region: warm-rainy (October/2011 and January/2012) and cold-dry (July/2011 and May/2012), with stations in the following areas: tributary, reservoir and river (downstream from the dam). Our results showed that the MBFG classification was the most effective approach, i.e., best explained the response of the phytoplankton community to environmental variations. Environmental factors including light, nutrients, water temperature and hydrology increased the occurrence of different MBFGs on both spatial and temporal scales. The lotic areas showed a more diverse composition of MBFGs, including species with high to moderate tolerance to light limitation and flushing conditions (MBFGs I, III, IV, V and VI). In Funil Reservoir, phytoplankton biovolume was dominated by bloom-forming cyanobacteria (MBFGs III and VII) and remained high throughout the study. This dominance was related to the overall eutrophic conditions, low light availability and increased water-column stability of the reservoir. The seasonal dynamics in the reservoir was mainly related to changes in temperature and hydrology. Our results show for the first time that morphology captures efficiently eco-strategies of bloom-forming cyanobacteria and the MBFG approach can be used to predict and monitor the development of cyanobacteria HABs in temporal and spatial scales. 相似文献
The Danjiangkou Reservoir, constructed in 1970s, is the water source area of the middle route of China's interbasin South-to-North Water Transfer Project. To serve such purpose, the Danjiangkou Reservoir Dam will be increased from its present 162.0 m to 176.6 m, and its regular water level from 157 m to 170 m above mean sea level. Vegetation development in the new reservoir margins is therefore one of great environmental concerns. To explore the potential origin of species in the present reservoir margin vegetation, we investigated and quantified the composition in the soil seed banks and established vegetations of the reservoir margins and its upstream- and downstream-wetlands. In both existent vegetation and seed banks, most species and seedlings were found in upstream wetlands, followed by reservoir margins and downstream wetlands. Seedling density of downstream wetlands was reduced by 75–80% compared to upstream wetlands and reservoir margins. This suggests that presence of the dam reduced the diversity and abundance of downstream propagules. Sørensen's coefficient and the comparisons of rare species indicated that the seed bank composition of reservoir margins was evidently associated with upstream wetlands. It implies that hydrochorous transport of seeds from the upstream catchment is critical for plant colonization of the reservoir margins. 相似文献
Edwin O. Lpez‐Delgado Kirk O. Winemiller Francisco A. Villa‐Navarro 《Freshwater Biology》2019,64(2):367-379
- Understanding processes driving patterns of species distribution and diversity is one of the main objectives of community ecology. There has been a growing recognition that local environmental conditions are not the only factor structuring ecological communities, and that large‐scale spatial variation and dispersal also have major influences.
- The aim of our study was to evaluate spatial variation in fish assemblage structure along the longitudinal fluvial gradient of the Bita River, a nearly pristine tributary of the Orinoco River in the Llanos region of Colombia. Standardised surveys conducted at 34 sites throughout the basin during the low water period in January and March 2016 yielded 25,928 fish specimens representing 201 species. Twenty‐seven environmental variables were recorded at each site, and asymmetric eigenvector maps were used to model spatial variables.
- To understand spatial variation in local fish assemblages and their relationships with the environmental and spatial variables, two approaches were used. First, we applied the elements of metacommunity structure framework, followed by a variation decomposition analysis that allowed the metacommunity to be classified according to six alternative patterns of species distribution and four alternative metacommunity paradigms.
- We hypothesised that at a basin scale a major fraction of variation in structure is explained by a pure environmental effect and metacommunity patterns should reveal a Clementsian distribution. At a more regional scale (localities within a river section), assemblages in upstream and downstream regions may reflect different metacommunity processes. Because headwater streams are isolated within the river network, they should receive fewer migrants and may have local assemblages strongly influenced by local environmental conditions and species sorting with one of three possible distributional patterns (Clementsian, Gleasonian, or evenly spaced) would be observed. Conversely, downstream sites closer to the river mouth should be influenced by high dispersal, resulting in a greater importance of spatial factors and the mass effect, with metacommunity patterns nested along the longitudinal gradient.
- Our results suggest that the fish metacommunity in the Bita River exhibits a Clementsian distribution, implying that species respond to the environmental and fluvial gradient as groups along the longitudinal gradient. These replacements were associated with environmental heterogeneity, especially regarding habitat features. Similarly, the variation partitioning analysis showed that the pure environmental component was higher than the pure spatial component, which is consistent with species sorting.
- In this paper, we demonstrated that variation partitioning and metacommunity structure analyses provided complementary findings to infer processes structuring fish assemblages in the Bita River. Both approaches identified species sorting as the principal structuring processes in this system. Therefore, strategies to preserve fish diversity in this system must emphasise maintenance of habitat heterogeneity and connectivity.
The global decline in biodiversity is causing increasing concern about the effects of biodiversity loss on ecosystem services such as productivity. Biodiversity has been hypothesised to be important in maintaining productivity of biological assemblages because niche complementarity and facilitation among the constituent species can result in more efficient use of resources. However, these conclusions are primarily based on studies with plant communities, and the relationship between diversity and productivity at higher trophic levels is largely unknown, especially in the marine environment. Here, we used a manipulative field experiment to test the effects of species richness and species identity on biomass accumulation in coral reef fish assemblages at Lizard Island. Small patch reefs were stocked with a total of 30 juveniles belonging to three planktivorous damselfish (genus Pomacentrus) according to three different levels of fish species richness (one, two and three species) and seven different combinations of fish species. Species richness had no effect on the relative growth in this assemblage after 18 days, but relative growth differed among individual fish species and the different combinations of species. Patterns of increase in biomass were best explained by species-specific differences and variable effects of intra- and interspecific competition on growth. These results suggest that niche complementarity and facilitation are not the most influential drivers of total productivity within this guild of planktivorous fishes. Total productivity may be resilient to declining reef fish biodiversity, but this will depend on which species are lost and on the life-history traits of remaining species. 相似文献
Community structure may differ dramatically between clear-water and turbid lakes. These differences have been attributed to differences in the cascading effect of fish on prey populations, owing to the reduced efficiency of fish predation in the presence of macrophytes. However, recent theoretical ideas suggest that water turbidity may shape predator–prey interactions, and it is predicted that prey will relax its antipredation behaviour in turbid water (H1). As a result, the nature of predator–prey interactions is expected to shift from both direct and indirect in clear water to dominantly direct in turbid water (H2). We tested these ideas in a fish–damselfly predator–prey system. In a first behavioural experiment, we looked at antipredation behaviour of damselfly larvae isolated from habitats that differ in turbidity, in the presence of fish in clear and turbid water. As predicted in H1, the larvae were more active in turbid than in clear water. In a complementary enclosure experiment, we reared larvae in a clear-water pond and a turbid pond, respectively, and manipulated the origin of the larvae (clear-water, turbid pond), fish presence (absent, present), and vegetation density (sparse, abundant). In both ponds, fish had a direct negative effect on survival of the larvae, which was mitigated in the presence of vegetation. In the fish treatment, the change in average body mass tended to be higher in the turbid pond than in the clear-water pond, suggesting indirect effects of fish were mitigated in the turbid pond. This was supported by a negative effect of fish on the effective growth rate of larvae in the clear pond, but not in the turbid pond. These results are compatible with the idea that predator–prey relationships are mainly governed by direct effects in turbid water, and by direct and indirect effects in clear water. 相似文献
C. M. Bice S. L. Gehrig B. P. Zampatti J. M. Nicol P. Wilson S. L. Leigh K. Marsland 《Hydrobiologia》2014,722(1):205-222
Understanding the cause–effect response of aquatic biota to hydrological variability is fundamental to the restoration of regulated rivers. Spatio-temporal variation in fish assemblage structure, microhabitat cover and fish–habitat associations were investigated in the main channel of the regulated lower River Murray, Australia, during a prolonged period of low within-channel flows and following a high flow event and flood. Several small-bodied species (e.g. carp gudgeon, Hypseleotris spp.), were abundant and significantly associated with submerged macrophytes during low flows, but were absent or significantly less abundant following flooding, and the loss of these microhabitats. Large-bodied riverine species that spawn in response to increases in flow (e.g. golden perch, Macquaria ambigua ambigua) or spawn and recruit in inundated floodplain habitats (e.g. common carp, Cyprinus carpio), exhibited flexible microhabitat use and were significantly more abundant following flooding. In the lower River Murray, high flow events appear integral in structuring fish assemblages, indirectly influencing the abundance of small-bodied fish by re-structuring macrophyte cover and directly influencing the abundance of large-bodied species by facilitating critical life history processes (e.g. recruitment). These results highlight species-specific differences in cause–effect responses to flow variability and have implications for managing flow in regulated rivers. 相似文献
This study aimed at evaluating phytoplankton as a monitoring tool for water quality assessment in an urban shallow eutrophic reservoir considering temporal and vertical scales. Garças Reservoir is located in the Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga Biological Reserve (23°38′08″S and 23°40′18″S; 46°36′48″W and 46°38′00″W) that lies in the southeastern part of the Municipality of São Paulo, southeast Brazil. Samplings were carried out monthly during 8 consecutive years (1997–2004) following the water column vertical profile (5 depths: subsurface, 1, 2, 3 m and ~20 cm from the bottom). Abiotic variables analyzed were: water temperature, electric conductivity, DO, pH, total alkalinity, free CO2, dissolved inorganic carbon, N series, P series and SiO4H4. Biological variables studied were: total density, total biomass and chlorophyll a, which were integrated arithmetically. At the beginning of the 8 year series, Garças Reservoir was an eutrophic ecosystem with 20% of its surface covered by Eichhornia crassipes (phase I: January 1997–March 1998). Water hyacinth reached 70% of pond surface coverage (phase II: April 1998–August 1999), and then it was mechanically removed (phase III: September 1999–December 2004). After this intervention, drastic alteration in the limnological features was detected, leading to the conclusion that removal of the aquatic macrophyte modified nutrient dynamics drastically reduced water transparency and led to photosynthetic productivity and phytoplankton biomass increase, the latter becoming a physical barrier to light penetration. Twenty one functional groups ‘sensu’ Reynolds were identified. Cyanobacteria contribution played the main role during the drastic alterations that occurred after water hyacinth removal. Results of ecological status of reservoir using Q index showed statistical difference among the 3 limnological phases (one way ANOVA; F = 119.4; P = 0.000). Regarding Q index classification, Garças Reservoir limnological phases were characterized as follows: (1) phase I: 0 ≥ Q ≤ 2.9, medium to bad; (2) phase II: 1.4 ≥ Q ≤ 3, tolerable to medium; and (3) phase III: 0 ≥ Q ≤ 1.5, bad to tolerable ecological states. 相似文献
C P Stanners M Rojas H Zhou A Fuks N Beauchemin 《The International journal of biological markers》1992,7(3):137-142
The CEA family consists of two structurally and functionally distinct sub-groups; the group including CEA, NCA and CGM-6 which are cell surface-bound by phosphatidyl-inositol (PI) linkages, and the group of BGP splice variants which have trans-membrane and cytoplasmic domains. Although all CEA family members mediate intercellular adhesion in vitro, the PI-linked group show Ca++ and temperature independent adhesion whereas the BGP group show rapidly reversible Ca++ and temperature dependent adhesion. From the close alignment in cDNA nucleotide sequences between family members and between repeated domains in one family member, it is apparent that the CEA family is now rapidly evolving; in fact, analogs of only the trans-membrane BGP group have been found so far in the mouse. The addition of a new group of potent adhesion molecules to complex species at some time after the rodent radiation has strong evolutional implications, which are discussed. 相似文献
B. S. Marimon J. M. Felfili C. W. Fagg T. C. da Silveira Anacleto R. K. Umetsu 《Plant biosystems》2016,150(1):124-130
Monodominant tropical forests occur on several continents, including the Brazilian Amazon. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that seedling escape from leaf herbivory contributes to the maintenance of the monodominant Brosimum rubescens forest. The study was undertaken both in a monodominant forest of B. rubescens and in an adjacent seasonal forest in the transitional zone between the Cerrado and the Amazonian forest biomes. Percentage of leaf area damaged and herbivory rates were evaluated on young and mature leaves of seedlings of Brosimum rubescens, Protium pilosissimum and Tetragastris altissima in the understory and in the gap between the monodominant and seasonal forests. Little evidence of any significant relationship between leaf herbivory and seedling density indicates that the monodominant species does not follow the hypothesized pattern of an intensive herbivore attack in areas of higher seedling density. The escape of Brosimum rubescens from herbivore pressure under conditions of high seedling density may be part of a set of conditions that determine the maintenance of this monodominant forest. 相似文献
Moi Dieison André Ernandes-Silva Jéssica Baumgartner Matheus Tenório Mormul Roger Paulo 《Limnology》2020,21(2):219-232
Limnology - Extreme climatic events, such as flooding and drought, can abruptly modify the amplitude of the river level of a river, promoting new environmental conditions and impacting aquatic... 相似文献
《Animal : an international journal of animal bioscience》2013,7(2):322-329
Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture takes advantage of the mutualism between some detritivorous fish and phytoplankton. The fish recycle nutrients by consuming live (and dead) algae and provide the inorganic carbon to fuel the growth of live algae. In the meanwhile, algae purify the water and generate the oxygen required by fishes. Such mechanism stabilizes the functioning of an artificially recycling ecosystem, as exemplified by combining the euryhaline tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron heudelotii and the unicellular alga Chlorella sp. Feed addition in this ecosystem results in faster fish growth but also in an increase in phytoplankton biomass, which must be limited. In the prototype described here, the algal population control is exerted by herbivorous zooplankton growing in a separate pond connected in parallel to the fish–algae ecosystem. The zooplankton production is then consumed by tilapia, particularly by the fry and juveniles, when water is returned to the main circuit. Chlorella sp. and Brachionus plicatilis are two planktonic species that have spontaneously colonized the brackish water of the prototype, which was set-up in Senegal along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline. In our system, water was entirely recycled and only evaporation was compensated (1.5% volume/day). Sediment, which accumulated in the zooplankton pond, was the only trophic cul-de-sac. The system was temporarily destabilized following an accidental rotifer invasion in the main circuit. This caused Chlorella disappearance and replacement by opportunist algae, not consumed by Brachionus. Following the entire consumption of the Brachionus population by tilapias, Chlorella predominated again. Our artificial ecosystem combining S. m. heudelotii, Chlorella and B. plicatilis thus appeared to be resilient. This farming system was operated over one year with a fish productivity of 1.85 kg/m2 per year during the cold season (January to April). 相似文献
Einar Kärgenberg Finn Økland Mart Thalfeldt Eva B. Thorstad Odd Terje Sandlund Meelis Tambets 《Journal of fish biology》2020,97(4):996-1008
Potamodromous fishes require safe migration routes between spawning, feeding and wintering habitats to complete their life cycle. As knowledge on asp migrations is restricted, this work investigated the movements of adult asp tagged with acoustic transmitters for 3 years in the large Peipsi-Emajõgi-Võrtsjärv lake–river system, Estonia, which is free of migration barriers. Asp showed complex migration patterns, moving between and within different waterbodies (lakes, river, tributaries) in all seasons, but with a tendency to repeat habitat use patterns between years. Lakes were mainly used for feeding during spring and summer (after spawning 65% of the fish migrated to Lake Peipsi), and more so by large fish. The majority (80–96%) of the fish spent the winter in the rivers, mostly close to their subsequent spawning area. Spawning areas were in swift-flowing waters in tributaries and the main river. The results indicate that asp may benefit from an extensive and diverse complex of habitats, and any migration barrier during any season may restrict the natural habitat use by asp. Maintenance and restoration of habitat heterogeneity and connectivity is critical to protect behaviourally diverse fish populations and increase resilience in rivers negatively impacted by various human activities. 相似文献
Analysis of trawl catches in the southeastern Barents Sea was performed for the period of 1980–2008. One lamprey and 48 fish
species were defined, including 38 marine fish species, 8 anadromous and amphidromous species, and 1 freshwater species. The
ichthyofauna of several areas of the southeastern Barents Sea was described (Cheshskaya Inlet, Pomorskiy Strait, southeastern
Pechora Sea, Pechora Sea, Khaipudyrskaya Inlet and adjacent areas). Biodiversity indexes and Shannon Index were applied to
describe the species diversity. Cluster analysis was applied to compare the species lists from different areas. Multiyear
dynamics of ichthyofauna was studied. The tendency of geographical range expansion eastward was observed for boreal species. 相似文献
John S. Stephens Jr. Pamela A. Morris Kim Zerba Milton Love 《Environmental Biology of Fishes》1984,11(4):259-275
Synopsis We conducted underwater fish assemblage surveys, benthic quinaldine sampling, and ichthyoplankton collections over high and
low relief reefs at Palos Verdes Point, California from 1974 through 1981. Seventy-three species (adults and larvae) were
collected or observed at Palos Verdes. Of the 24 most abundant species, 8 showed significant abundance trends correlated with
changes in sea surface temperatures; four increasing, and four decreasing. Two taxa occurred predominantly in the kelp canopy,
while seven others were distributed at least 20% of the time between the canopy and the bottom. There was little significant
change in the Palos Verdes benthic fish assemblage with development of the kelp bed. Only the kelp bass, Paralabrax clathratus, showed a significant increase in abundance that correlated with the kelp bed formation. Similarly, we did not note an increase
in juvenile fish during this period. In general, we suggest that the presence or absence of kelp has little effect on the
abundance of most fish species in a high relief environment. Analysis of our data and that of other studies indicate that
kelp bed fish assemblages within the Southern California Bight vary in a south-north direction. The Palos Verdes Point kelp
bed appears to be more productive than those nearer the limit of the Bight, but was consistently lower in both fish abundance
and diversity then the nearby breakwater at King Harbor. This difference has been maintained even though changes in the species
structure at King Harbor has altered sufficiently since 1976 for the two formerly distinct assemblages to be significantly
concordant. 相似文献
In the Warnow River and its tributaries in North Germany, measurements were made to characterise the longitudinal patterns of nutrients in the riverbed and lake sediments. The sediment composition was analysed based on dry weight, organic matter, mean grain size and concentration of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, aluminium and sulfur. Sediment phosphate was investigated in more detail by means of a sequential chemical extration. The phosphate was differently bound to the sediment particles in the upstream region than in the impounded section of the Warnow River and ist tributaries. Accumulation of fine sediment with high P-concentrations was recorded in the lake sediments and in the impounded section of the river. These impounded sections were the most important P-pool in the whole catchment area and played an important role in P-retention in the river system. Organic matter concentration, P-accumulation and P-binding in the sediment of the impounded section is corresponding with those of lake sediments. During the summer, anoxic P-release from the sediment in the impounded section was measured and calculated. The reductant-soluble fraction of the P-fractionation underestimated the release under anoxic condition. Adsorbed phosphorus and organic phosphate play an important role in P-release in the impounded part of the river. 相似文献
Jun Wang Ting Ma Lingxia Zhao Jinghua Lv Guoqiang Li Fenglai Liang Rulin Liu 《World journal of microbiology & biotechnology》2008,24(9):1981-1987
Different PCR–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) protocols were employed to investigate bacterial communities
in a high temperature and water flooded petroleum reservoir in Dagang oil field, China. Bacterial universal primers sets frequently
used in PCR–DGGE were evaluated. Three primers sets P1 (341F-GC and 534R), P2 (341F-GC and 907R) and P3 (1055F and 1406R-GC)
showed different DGGE patterns. Good separation and quality of patterns were obtained in DGGE analysis with the set P3. A
total of 12 DNA fragments were excised from the DGGE gels and their sequences were determined. Clustering analysis of the
DGGE profiles showed that bacteria in this petroleum reservoir belonged to four clusters. These results indicate that the
procedure of DGGE analysis with the primer P3 (1055F and 1406R-GC) is suitable for investigating microbial community in petroleum
reservoirs. 相似文献
Synopsis We sampled the Baía River (Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil) monthly, to survey taxonomic composition and temporal and spatial distribution of fish larvae. The ichthyoplankton was mainly composed by larvae of small and medium sized sedentary species and it was numerically dominated by six taxa: Plagioscion squamosissimus, Hypophthalmus edentatus, Hoplias aff. malabaricus, Bryconamericus stramineus, Serrasalmus spp. and Catathyridium jenynsii. These taxa present distinct temporal and spatial occurrence patterns: H. edentatus, B. stramineus and C. jenynsii are abundant between September and March in lentic areas; H. aff. malabaricus and Serrasalmus spp. were caught between October and February in lotic areas; whereas P. squamosissimus occurs in all sampled areas, with peak of capture in January. Hypophthalmus edentatus, H. aff. malabaricus, Serrasalmus spp. and B. stramineus were the taxa that most contributed to structure the assemblages temporally and spatially, and their abundances were influenced by the interaction of several environmental variables. 相似文献
The distribution range of fishes along an upstream–downstream gradient within a river basin is determined by the ecological requirements of each fish species. This differential pattern of distribution may suggest the occurrence of fish zones, where different functional guilds would prevail. The earliest concept of fish zonation highlighted the preferential position of several species in European rivers. Nowadays, there is a consensus that for a broad application of this concept, it is necessary to consider the division in functional groups along the downstream profile as related to reproductive, feed and population dynamics traits. However, for a number of tropical systems, such information does not exist. In this case, it is possible to use the fish family as a surrogate metric, by assuming that it fully covers common aspects of morphology, feeding, and behavior. Using this surrogate metric, we analyzed the distribution range of fish species along an elevation gradient in a typical Atlantic Forest basin in southeast Brazil. Our objective was to delimit fish zones based on the representativeness of some dominant fish families. Between 2006 and 2008, we sampled 42 sites from the estuary to the headwater creeks in elevations that varied from 3 to 783 m. The data were explored using the species (or family) occurrence, relative numerical abundance (N′), relative biomass (B′), and the importance index (IP). We applied the non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) to ordinate the sampling sites using the Jaccard distance calculated on the species occurrence matrix. Data on family importance were superimposed to the NMDS to check how the distribution and the abundance of the families were correlated to the ordination. We caught 64 species distributed among 25 fish families. Based on the dominance of some families, we propose that the fish assemblage in the Itanhaém river basin can be organized in four fish zones (FZ) and three transitory zones (TZ), which replace each other along the longitudinal gradient. The marine/estuarine fishes dominated in FZ1 and TZ1. The freshwater fishes were dominated by Characidae (FZ2), Heptapteridae (FZ3), and Gymnotidae (FZ4). TZ2 was equally dominated by Characidae, Loricariidae, and Heptapteridae. The distinct assemblage composition along the FZ’s may relate to complex interactions involving seasonal patterns of variation in salinity levels (next to estuary), slope, presence of downstream barriers, and availability of food resources. We expect that the patterns observed in our study will also be presented in other coastal Atlantic Forest basins in Southeast Brazil. 相似文献
- Increased turbidity and siltation caused by rock quarrying, mining, and deforestation are pervasive disturbances in aquatic systems. Turbidity interferes with vision for aquatic organisms, potentially altering predator–prey interactions.
- We studied the effects of these disturbances in Trinidadian streams by surveying predators and their shared prey both in streams with versus without quarries as well as in a focal stream before and after the establishment of a quarry. Then, to evaluate whether differential foraging success in turbid water might underlie abundance patterns of predators, we experimentally induced turbidity in mesocosms and measured predator foraging success.
- Upstream quarry presence had a dramatic effect on the benthic structure of streams, greatly increasing siltation. A substantial decrease in the abundance of a diurnal cichlid predator (Crenicichla frenata) was associated with quarry presence, while a nocturnal erytherinid predator (Hoplias malabaricus) was equally as abundant in streams with or without quarries. The density of their shared prey, the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) remained unchanged.
- In mesocosm trials, Crenicichla were less successful predators with turbidity, whereas Hoplias performed equally across turbidities. These foraging success results help explain differences in demographic shifts in response to turbidity for both predators.
- By relating short-term effects of an anthropogenically altered visual environment on species interactions to abundance patterns of predators and prey, this study helps to identify an important mechanism whereby changes to species’ visual ecology may have long-term effects on population biology.
Diane Webb Marthe Monique Gagnon 《Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery (Formerly Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health)》2002,9(4):259-269
The estuarine portion of the Swan–Canning riversystem runs through the centre of Perth,Western Australia's capital city, with apopulation of approximately 1.4 million people. Little is known about impact of chemicalsentering the estuary via road runoff andstormwater drains on biota inhabiting thesystem. Black bream (Acanthopagrusbutcheri) were collected from seven sites inthe Swan–Canning estuary during August andSeptember 2000, at the end of the winter (wet)season. Serum sorbitol dehydrogenase (s-SDH)was unaffected by the sex of the fish and nosignificant differences were observed betweenthe sites indicating that the measuredethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD)activity was not hindered by hepatic tissuedamage. The black bream were in an advancedstage of gonad maturation, which affected ERODhepatic activity with lower EROD activity infemale compared to male fish. EROD activityand bile metabolite levels were significantlyhigher at the site closest to the Perth CentralBusiness District, while most downstream sitewas the least impacted, which may be due totidal flushing of the lower estuary by marinewaters. The ratio of naphthalene-type tobenzo(a) pyrene (B(a)P)-typemetabolites suggests that the source ofpetroleum hydrocarbons within the river systemis a mixture polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) from pyrolytic origin and from unburntfuels. Biomarker levels in the black breamindicate that major roads and drains aresignificant contributors of mixed functionoxygenase (MFO) inducing chemicals includingpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) into theSwan–Canning estuary and that there is noupstream or downstream gradient in biomarkerresponse. 相似文献