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1. Disturbance is a strong driver of community assembly and fire has long been recognised as one of the main disturbances of terrestrial ecosystems. This study tested the resilience of dung beetles to fire events in campos rupestres, which is a tropical savanna ecosystem that evolved under a frequent fire regime, by assessing the resistance and recovery of their communities. 2. Dung beetles were sampled before and after a fire event and the effect of fire on dung beetle richness, abundance, mean community biomass and composition was tested. The effects of time since last fire and fire frequency on the community were also tested. 3. No effect of fire occurrence, time since last fire and fire frequency on any community variable was found. 4. Some non‐mutually exclusive mechanisms promoting the resistance and recovery of dung beetles in campos rupestres could be acting in synergy. One potential mechanism is the mismatched seasonality between fire events and dung beetle occurrence, as fires occur during the dry season and dung beetles are present above ground during the rainy season. Furthermore, dung beetles are insects that remain buried during most of their lifetime, which could protect individuals from being burned. Another potential mechanism is the replacement of species in burned areas by the movement of individuals from unburned areas, attracted by resources and/or by metacommunity dynamics. 5. It is concluded that in this ‘fire‐dependent’ ecosystem, dung beetle communities are resilient to fire and seem not to be structured by this disturbance.  相似文献   

Tad A. Dallas  Luca Santini 《Ecography》2020,43(9):1341-1351
Species have been commonly hypothesized to have high population densities in geographic areas which correspond to either the centre of the species geographic range or climatic niche (abundant–centre hypothesis). However, there is mixed empirical support for this relationship, and little theoretical underpinning. We simulate a species spreading across a set of replicated artificial landscapes to examine the expected level of support for abundant–centre relationships in geographic and niche space. Species niche constraints were modeled as a single axis which was related directly to population growth rates. We found strong evidence for abundant–centre relationships when populations follow deterministic growth, dispersal is high, environmental noise is absent and intraspecific competition is low. However, the incorporation of ecological realism reduced the detectability of abundant–centre relationships considerably. Our results suggest that even in carefully constructed artificial landscapes designed to demonstrate abundant–centre dynamics, the incorporation of small amounts of demographic stochasticity, environmental heterogeneity or landscape structure can strongly influence the relationship between species population density and distance to species geographic range or niche centre. While some simulated relationships were of comparable strength to common empirical support for abundant–centre relationships, our results suggest that these relationships are expected to be fairly variable and weak.  相似文献   

The “dehesa” is a traditional Iberian agrosilvopastoral ecosystem characterized by the presence of old scattered trees that are considered as “keystone-structures”, which favor the presence of a wide range of biodiversity. We show the high diversity of saproxylic beetles and syrphids (Diptera) in this ecosystem, including red-listed species. We analyzed whether saproxylic species distribution in the “dehesa” was affected by tree density per hectare, dominant tree species or vegetation coverage. Species diversity did not correlate with tree density; however, it was affected by tree species and shrub coverage but in a different way for each taxon. The highest beetle diversity was linked to Quercus pyrenaica, the most managed tree species, with eight indicator species. In contrast, Q. rotundifolia hosted more species of saproxylic syrphids. Regarding vegetation coverage, shrub coverage was the only variable that affected insect richness, again in a different way for both taxa. In contrast, beetle species composition was only affected by dominant tree species whereas syrphid species composition was not affected by tree species or shrub coverage. We concluded that the high diversity of saproxylic insects in the “dehesa” is related to its long history of agrosilvopastoral management, which has generated landscape heterogeneity and preserved old mature trees. However, the richness and composition of different taxa of insects respond in different ways to tree species and vegetation coverage. Consequently, conservation strategies should try to maintain traditional management, and different saproxylic taxa should be used to monitor the effect of management on saproxylic diversity.  相似文献   

The expansion of large-scale plantations has a major impact on landscapes in the Tropics and Subtropics. Crops like soy bean, oil palm and rubber have led to drastic changes in land cover over the past decades, thereby altering ecosystem functions and services (ESS). Associated shifts in ESS such as climate regulation, erosion and water cycles, biodiversity as well as soil fertility or the provisioning of raw materials have been assessed through several models and software solutions (InVEST, ARIES, MIMES). However, suitable methods for the integration of a range of biodiversity assessments in agricultural landscapes are scarce.With this study, we introduce a methodology for incorporating multiple levels of species diversity into models to allow an integrated evaluation of ESS. We collected data sets from both published and unpublished sources on the distribution of vascular plants, selected pollinator groups, ground beetles, ungulates as well as amphibians, mammals, reptiles and birds in rubber-dominated landscapes, with a focus on our study sites in Southwest China and Thailand. Based on this information, we developed a common classification scheme that enables the integration of different facets of biodiversity (species diversity and functional diversity) to complement an interdisciplinary ESS assessment.Species diversity data were normalized against the most divers habitats reported (using habitat scores) to assess the impact of rubber cultivation on multiple levels of biodiversity. This resulted in a comparable matrix of different land use types and their suitability as habitat for the respective species groups allowing the aggregation of very diverse indicators. The findings were applied to two alternative land use scenarios in southern China to highlight the potential effects of land use and management decisions on species and functional diversity. Our results highlighted that the conservation oriented scenario did score higher for habitat suitability in both total species (+5%) as well as IUCN Red List species (+6%) assessments compared to the current state or business as usual scenarios (-2% and −3% compared to current state).The process presented here allows for an application within established ESS software programs, in our case InVEST, using aggregated indices while additionally providing enhanced opportunities for comparable, spatially explicit assessments of the expected impact of the analyzed scenarios on specific species groups.  相似文献   

Coastal dunes provide a variety of cultural and ecological ecosystem services to local communities. However, most of these ecosystems are globally threatened by anthropic factors. Chile is home to important dune ecosystems such as the emblematic Ritoque coastal dunes located in the hotspot for biodiversity conservation in central Chile where there is a delicate relationship between conservation and human development interests, among local communities and authorities. Here, we performed a choice experiment study to determined willingness to implement conservation measures in the Ritoque dunes. In particular, we assessed residents’ preferences for improvements of the current state of local ecosystem services such as scenic beauty, biodiversity and archaeological sites. Residents showed preferences for improvements in Ritoque coastal dunes’ ecosystem services, and a high willingness to pay for protecting biodiversity and archeological sites, rather than for recreational infrastructure. Our study highlights the importance of place-based research that specifically addresses residents and stakeholders’ conservation priorities, which could be used to design and implement effective conservation management strategies for coastal ecosystems and coastal cities near them.  相似文献   

Vegetation complexity is characterized by two major traits, i.e., plant chemical and plant structural complexity. Plant species diversity strongly determines these traits. Furthermore, plant structures affect microclimatic conditions, which in turn influence the emission and dispersion of plant volatiles (e.g., chemical complexity). Plant volatile chemical complexity may significantly affect orientation of herbivorous and carnivorous arthropods. Therefore, the way in which plant chemical and plant structural complexity act “in concert” may influence foraging and mating success of arthropods, and thus, finally, community composition. This review emphasizes an integrative view on the relationship between plant species diversity, plant structural complexity, plant volatiles (chemical complexity) and their effects on arthropods. Three new hypotheses are raised, which predict possible relations between plant volatile complexity and plant species diversity: (1) saturation-, (2) step-by-step, (3) incoherence-hypothesis. We conclude that arthropod orientation in natural environments is strongly determined by the relationship between plant volatile diversity and plant species diversity. Furthermore, we emphasize that structural complexity of the vegetation affects plant volatile diversity and thus, arthropod orientation.We review available information on how insects actually respond to complexity during olfactory and visual search and ask for both laboratory and field studies to further unravel the mechanisms of interactions between vegetation traits and their impact on arthropod orientation.  相似文献   

The use of Ecosystem Services (ES) indicators can help designing, implementing and monitoring public environmental policies. Such indicators may be used as a support tool for natural resources management, like in forest areas, which are important ES providers. In this context, military areas are particularly challenging due to the nature of the activities conducted and the need to conciliate them with ecological protection, without undermining military readiness. It is argued that in addition to technical issues, considering stakeholders’ opinions is beneficial for the selection and design of ES indicators. The main aim of this research is to develop forest ES indicators supported by a participatory indicator selection process. A case study is made of an Atlantic Forest area in the Northeast of Brazil, under the jurisdiction of the Brazilian Army. To accomplish that aim, a questionnaire survey was sent to a group of stakeholders in order to evaluate an initial set of proposed 44 indicators for several forest ES. Through a weighting of stakeholders’ scores, 25 ES indicators for the Atlantic forest were obtained. The selected indicators portray the study area mainly as a provider of regulating, cultural and habitat services and less of provisioning services, which can be related with military and nature protection restrictions on the use of provisioning ES. Nevertheless, the three top-rated indicators dealt with water availability, regulation and quality (for human consumption). Together with the predominance of water-related ES that was observed (ten out of 25 indicators), this points out the relevance of forest water-related ES in the study area. On the other hand, the specificity of the military context was not clearly reflected by the indicators selected, since most of them are applicable in areas or contexts other than a military one. Alongside indicators expressing the benefits provided by nature, stakeholders’ scorings reveal recognition of the importance of biodiversity and resilience of the area. This stresses the importance of biodiversity and resilience to support ES supply, but is also linked with one of the major challenges for managing a military area with high natural value: that of conciliating military activities (that support military readiness) with nature protection. Other forest areas under military or similar particular jurisdiction, often representing a major fraction of national forests, could learn from this approach and identify areas for priority response measures. These indicators could be also a driver to increase and improve environmental management of military training activities and safeguarding natural resources in important ES providing areas like Atlantic forests.  相似文献   

Although the strong relationship between vegetation and climatic factors is widely accepted, other landscape composition and configuration characteristics could be significantly related with vegetation diversity patterns at different scales. Variation partitioning was conducted in order to analyse to what degree forest landscape structure, compared to other spatial and environmental factors, explained forest tree species richness in 278 UTM 10 × 10 km cells in the Mediterranean region of Catalonia (NE Spain). Tree species richness variation was decomposed through linear regression into three groups of explanatory variables: forest landscape (composition and configuration), environmental (topography and climate) and spatial variables. Additionally, the forest landscape characteristics which significantly contributed to explain richness variation were identified through a multiple regression model. About 60% of tree species richness variation was explained by the whole set of variables, while their joint effects explained nearly 28%. Forest landscape variables were those with a greater pure explanatory power for tree species richness (about 15% of total variation), much larger than the pure effect of environmental or spatial variables (about 2% each). Forest canopy cover, forest area and land cover diversity were the most significant composition variables in the regression model. Landscape configuration metrics had a minor effect on forest tree species richness, with the exception of some shape complexity indices, as indicators of land use intensity and edge effects. Our results highlight the importance of considering the forest landscape structure in order to understand the distribution of vegetation diversity in strongly human-modified regions like the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The diversity in different groups of obligate saproxylic beetles was related to ecological variables at three levels of spatial scale in mature spruce-dominated forest. The variables were connected to: (i) decaying wood, (ii) wood-inhabiting fungi, (iii) the level of disturbance, (iv) landscape ecology, and (v) vegetational structure. Several strong relationships were found at medium (1 km2) and large scales (4 km2), while only weak relationships were found at a small scale (0.16 ha; 1 ha=104 m2). This may be explained by the local variations in habitat parameters and the high mobilities of many beetle species. Factors connected to decaying wood and wood-inhabiting fungi were clearly the most important factors at all scale levels. In particular, the variables diversity of dead tree parts, number of dead trees of large diameter and number of polypore fungi species increased the species richness of many groups and increased the abundance of many species. Eight species were absent below a certain density of decaying wood per 1 or 4 km2. Former extensive cutting was a negative factor at large scale, probably because of decreasing recolonization with increasing distance to the source habitats. Thinning reduced the diversity of species associated with birch. The development of guidelines favouring the diversity of saproxylic beetles are discussed below.  相似文献   

This study aimed to (i) investigate the congruence among the species composition and diversity of bryophytes and vascular plants in forests; (ii) test if site prioritization for conservation aims by the maximization of the pooled number of vascular plant species is effective to maximize the pooled number of bryophyte species. The study was performed in six forests in Tuscany, Italy. Four-hundred and twenty vascular plant species (61 of which were woody) and 128 bryophyte species were recorded in 109 plots. Despite the good predictive value of the compositional patterns of both woody plants and total vascular with respect to the compositional pattern of bryophytes, the species richness of the latter was only marginally related to the species richness of the former two. Bryophyte rare species were not spatially related to rare plant species and neither coincided with the sites of highest plant species richness. The species accumulation curves of bryophytes behaved differently with respect to those of woody plants or total vascular plants. Reserve selection analysis based on the maximization of the pooled species richness of either woody plants or total vascular plants were not effective in maximizing the pooled species richness of bryophytes. This study indicates that species diversity of vascular plants is not likely to be a good indicator of the bryophyte species diversity in Mediterranean forests.  相似文献   

The influence of spatial location and density of beech snags on species diversity and distribution patterns of saproxylic beetles was studied in a 2,400 ha forest landscape in southern Sweden. Complete snag surveys were combined with a beetle survey using small window traps directly attached to the beech snags. The density of beech snags ≥30 cm dbh varied between one and seven snags per ha within the study area, corresponding to 1.1–5.1 m3/ha. A total of 2,610 specimens of 180 saproxylic beetles species were trapped, of which 19 species were red-listed. Within the study area, the number of red-listed and formerly red-listed species was highest around traps in old-growth stands, intermediate in managed stands contiguous with old-growth and lowest in managed stands isolated from old-growth by a two km-wide zone without beech forest. Logistic regressions revealed negative relationships between distance to old-growth forest and occurrence of eleven species, among them six red-listed or formerly red-listed species. The number of non red-listed species was not correlated with isolation from old-growth forest. The number of red-listed species also increased with snag density within 200–300 m around the traps. Our results suggest that red-listed species generally have a lower dispersal capacity than other saproxylic beetles. We conclude that retention of dead wood close to existing populations is more beneficial for red-listed species than an even distribution of snags across the forest landscape.  相似文献   

Microsporidia are a large group of obligate intracellular eukaryotic parasites related to Fungi. Recent studies suggest that their diversity has been greatly underestimated and little is known about their hosts other than metazoans, and thus about their impact on the communities at the base of the food web. In this work, we therefore studied the diversity of Microsporidia over one year and identified potential new hosts in small-sized fractions (<150 μm) in a lake ecosystem using a metabarcoding approach coupled with co-occurrence networks and tyramide signal amplification-fluorescent in situ hybridization. Our analysis shows a great Microsporidia diversity (1 472 OTUs), with an important part of this diversity being unknown. Temporal variations of this diversity have been observed, which might follow temporal variations of their potential hosts such as protists and microzooplankton. New hosts among them were identified as well as associations with phytoplankton. Indeed, repeated infections were observed in Kellicottia (rotifers) with a prevalence of 38% (infected individuals). Microsporidia inside a Stentor (ciliate) were also observed. Finally, potential infections of the diatom Asterionella were identified (prevalence <0.1%). The microsporidian host spectrum could be therefore even more important than previously described, and their role in the functioning of lake ecosystems is undoubtedly largely unknown.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activity, such as conversion and degradation of habitats, is causing global biodiversity declines. However, our understanding of how local ecological communities are responding to these changes taxonomically and functionally is still limited. The effects of the replacement of native by introduced pastures on biodiversity are some of those examples with limited understanding. Here, we sampled dung beetles in native and introduced pastures using standardised sampling protocols during the dry and rainy seasons in the Brazilian Pantanal. We used multifaceted β-diversity partitioning of taxonomy-, abundance- and trait-based approaches to evaluate spatial (i.e. between pasture types) and temporal (i.e. between seasons) patterns of dung beetle changes in composition, abundance and species traits. Spatially, we found no effects of pasture type, season and their interaction on taxonomy-based β-diversity and its components. For abundance-based β-diversity and its components, pasture type had effects on both Bray-Curtis dissimilarity and balanced variation in abundance. Higher values of both metrics were found in native pastures. For functional-based β-diversity, Sorensen dissimilarity with higher values in the dry season, while pasture type also had an effect on functional nestedness, where higher values of functional nestedness were found in introduced pastures. Seasonally, we also found no effects of pasture type, season and their interaction on taxonomy-based β-diversity and its components. However, pasture type had effects on Bray-Curtis dissimilarity, with higher values found in introduced pastures. No effects on balanced variation in abundance and abundance gradients were found. Pasture type influenced the functional turnover, but not functional dissimilarity or nestedness. Higher values of functional turnover were found in native pastures. In summary, we demonstrate that the type of pastures and climatic seasonality have effects on abundance- and functional- but not on taxonomy-based β-diversity patterns of dung beetles in the Brazilian Pantanal.  相似文献   

In the Atlantic Forest in Brazil, where no more primary forests exist, the value of secondary forests for biodiversity conservation is becoming more and more important. We studied the spiders in a relatively well-preserved region of the Mata Atlântica, where the matrix of the landscape is still forest. We addressed the contribution of different spatial levels including forest stages to total diversity and analyzed the patterns by additive partitioning of beta diversity on genus and morphospecies level and for different sampling methods. Beta diversity was strongly based on turnover, not on gain/loss. All spatial levels (sample, stage, area, locality) contributed more to beta diversity than expected, without stronger influence of stage. Patterns were consistent for both identification levels and all methods. We conclude that in this landscape the protection of large areas encompassing all forest stages, without special attention to old-growth, is the best way to conserve the regional species richness.  相似文献   

Kurt Jax 《Hydrobiologia》1996,333(3):201-208
The sulfate reduction rate was measured for almost four years in the profundal sediments of Lake Kizaki, a mesotrophic lake in central Japan. The rate was generally highest in the surface layer and decreased with depth. Seasonally, sulfate reduction tended to be high in spring and summer, and then to decrease until the end of stratification (December) in spite of a constant in situ temperature of around 6 °C, although fluctuations were found in every year. The rate also fluctuated greatly according to year. The maximum rate of sulfate reduction was 0.33 mmol m−2 d−1 in May, 1990, and the minimum was 0.004 mmol m−2 d−1 in March, 1993. These relatively low rates, compared with those reported for freshwater sediments, seem to be due to low concentrations of sulfate in the sediments (5–23 μmol l−1 in the surface layer). The rate was highly correlated with the concentration of sulfate in the sediments. The addition of sulfate stimulated sulfate reduction in all sediment samples tested, but adding lactate did not. Therefore, sulfate reduction should be limited mainly by the supply of sulfate. Measurements of sulfate reduction rates at different concentrations of added sulfate revealed a low concentration of half-saturation constant as low as 12 μmol l−1.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the discussion on integrating societal considerations, stakeholders' perceptions and laymen knowledge into ecosystem services (ES) assessments. The paper illustrates how social mapping of perceived ES supply (or alternatively demand) can contribute to integrated ES assessment. Based on sketched locations of the, according to 38 respondents, most important ES at the local scale, we describe the perceived ES distribution with social landscape metrics (abundance, diversity, richness, risk, rarity) based on traditional landscape ecology indicators. We illustrate how social landscape metrics can inform ES management and planning and describe how synergies between ES as stated by the respondents differ from calculated synergies (the latter based on correlation coefficients between perceived ES abundance). We present indicators pointing to locations where (multiple) ES synergies are perceived by stakeholders (stated synergy index), and to conflicting ES and ES perceived to be at risk (risk index). Overlapping social ES hotspots based on the social landscape metrics with ES hotspots based on more traditional biophysical modelling (biophysical hotspots) and ecological inventories (ecological hotspots) results in social–ecological or social–biophysical hotspots, coldspots and warmspots relevant for nature and landscape planning, management and governance. Based on an analysis of the overlaps between social, biophysical and ecological hotspots on the one hand, and the contribution of ecological quality, land zoning categories and conservation statuses on the other hand, we discuss the added value of integrating social ES mapping in integrated ES assessment, above ES assessments based on biophysical or ecological attributes. Given the limited overlap between social hotspots and ecological or biophysical hotspots, we conclude that integrating stakeholders' mapping of perceived ES supply (or demand) into ES assessments is necessary to reflect the societal aspects of ES in ES assessments. However, with a limited sample of respondents, there is a risk of collectivisation of respondents' viewpoints as a common, societal stance. Moreover, the social landscape metrics are not suitable for describing the distribution of ES with low perceived abundance. Finally, we explain how social ES assessment can result in mainstreaming ES in planning, policy and practice.  相似文献   

The effects of habitat fragmentation may include the loss of species from isolated fragments or changes in species abundances among habitats that differ in area, structure, or edge characteristics. We measured the species richness and abundance of ground‐dwelling insects in a 1.14‐ha old field that was mowed to produce patches of unmowed vegetation which differed in size, degree of isolation, and the amount of habitat edge. Four treatments – ranging from unfragmented (169‐m2) to highly fragmented (1‐m2) patches – were replicated four times in a Latin square design, and insects were sampled twice during 1995 using 177 pitfall traps. Species richness showed a non‐monotonic response to fragmentation, with the fewest species occurring in the slightly fragmented treatment. Responses of rove beetles and ants, the most species‐rich and abundant taxa, respectively, were similar to the overall insect community but ants had a stronger and more consistent treatment effect in both sample months. Ordinations of ant and rove‐beetle assemblages using nonmetric multidimensional scaling showed that the slightly fragmented treatment differed from other treatments in species occurrence and abundance. The lower species richness in the slightly fragmented treatment was primarily due to a subset of ant and rove beetle species that showed a lower abundance than in other treatments, possibly because this treatment had the greatest amount of habitat edge. We hypothesize that the non‐monotonic species response to fragmentation was due to the differential effects of habitat edge on species movements across the habitat boundary between unmowed patches and mowed areas. A greater effect due to the amount of habitat edge rather than total patch area, at least among the range of patch sizes studied, suggests that the length of habitat edge may be quite important to the distribution and abundance of ground‐dwelling animals in fragmented habitats.  相似文献   

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