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Early atherosclerotic lesions localize preferentially, in arterial regions exposed to low flow, oscillatory flow, or both; however, the cellular basis of this observation remains to be determined. Atherogenesis involves dysfunction of the vascular endothelium, the cellular monolayer lining the inner surfaces of blood vessels. How low flow, oscillatory flow, or both may lead to endothelial dysfunction remains unknown. Over the past two decades, fluid mechanical shear (or frictional) stress has been shown to intricately regulate the structure and function of vascular endothelial cells (ECs). Furthermore, recent data indicate that beyond being merely responsive to shear stress, ECs are able to distinguish among and respond differently to different types of shear stress. This review focuses on EC differential responses to different types of steady and unsteady shear stress and discusses the implications of these responses for the localization of early atherosclerotic lesions. The mechanisms by which endothelial differential responsiveness to different types of flow may occur are also discussed.  相似文献   

It is well known that interactions between epithelial components and mesenchymal components are essential for tooth development. Therefore, it has been postulated that both types of stem cells might be involved in the regeneration of dental hard tissues. Recently, mesenchymal dental pulp stem cells that have odontogenic potential were identified from human dental pulp. However, the existence of epithelial cells has never been reported in human dental pulp. In the present study, we isolated and characterized epithelial cell-like cells from human deciduous dental pulp. They had characteristic epithelial morphology and expressed epithelial markers. Moreover, they expressed epithelial stem cell-related genes such as ABCG2, Bmi-1, ΔNp63, and p75. Taken together, our findings suggest that epithelial stem cell-like cells might exist in human deciduous dental pulp and might play a role as an epithelial component for the repair or regeneration of teeth.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide production by bone cells is fluid shear stress rate dependent   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Shear stress due to mechanical loading-induced flow of interstitial fluid through the lacuno-canalicular network is a likely signal for bone cell adaptive responses. Moreover, the rate (determined by frequency and magnitude) of mechanical loading determines the amount of bone formation. Whether the bone cells' response to fluid shear stress is rate dependent is unknown. Here we investigated whether bone cell activation by fluid shear stress is rate dependent. MC3T3-E1 osteoblastic cells were subjected for 15 min to fluid shear stress of varying frequencies and amplitudes, resulting in peak fluid shear stress rates ranging from 0 to 39.6 Pa-Hz. Nitric oxide production, a parameter for bone cell activation, was found to be linearly dependent on the fluid shear stress rate; the slope was steepest at 5 min (0.11 Pa-Hz(-1)) and decreased to 0.03 Pa-Hz(-1) at 15 min. We conclude that the fluid shear stress rate is an important parameter for bone cell activation.  相似文献   

Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is a viral product recognized by Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3), and it is a potent activator of dendritic cells (DC). We compared Langerhans cells (LC) and splenic CD11c(+) DC and investigated the responsiveness to dsRNA. We prepared highly purified LC (> 95%) using the panning method. TLR3 mRNA was expressed in LC, splenic DC, and keratinocytes (KC). The expression of IFN-beta mRNA was enhanced in LC and splenic DC by Poly(I:C) stimulation. However, cytokine/chemokine production in response to Poly(I:C) by LC was much lower than that by splenic DC. In addition, Poly(I:C) induced further maturation in splenic DC, but not in LC. Finally, we found that the mouse KC cell line, PAM212, produced a great amount of IL-1alpha by Poly(I:C) stimulation, and that IL-1alpha promoted the maturation of LC. These data altogether indicate that LC exhibit low responsiveness to dsRNA. It is possible that KC may primarily trigger anti-viral immune responses in the skin via cytokine production such as IL-1alpha.  相似文献   

Fluid flow has been shown to be a potent physical stimulus in the regulation of bone cell metabolism. In addition to membrane shear stress, loading-induced fluid flow will enhance chemotransport due to convection or mass transport thereby affecting the biochemical environment surrounding the cell. This study investigated the role of oscillating fluid flow induced shear stress and chemotransport in cellular mechanotransduction mechanisms in bone. Intracellular calcium mobilization and prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) production were studied with varying levels of shear stress and chemotransport. In this study MC3T3-E1 cells responded to oscillating fluid flow with both an increase in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) and an increase in PGE(2) production. These fluid flow induced responses were modulated by chemotransport. The percentage of cells responding with an [Ca(2+)](i) oscillation increased with increasing flow rate, as did the production of PGE(2). In addition, depriving the cells of nutrients during fluid flow resulted in an inhibition of both [Ca(2+)](i) mobilization and PGE(2) production. These data suggest that depriving the cells of a yet to be determined biochemical factor in media affects the responsiveness of bone cells even at a constant peak shear stress. Chemotransport alone will not elicit a response, but it appears that sufficient nutrient supply or waste removal is needed for the response to oscillating fluid flow induced shear stress.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the effects of sequential exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and heat stress on dental pulp cells. LPS induced the proliferation of pulp cells through the activation of p38 MAPK. HSP27 was expressed in cells with or without LPS during the entire period of heat stress, while transiently phosphorylated by short-term heat stress. In LPS-treated cells, short-term heat stress also induced the phosphorylation of HSF1. The immediate phosphorylation of HSF1 and HSP27 in LPS-treated cells by short-term heat stress occurred dependent on the activation of p38 MAPK. However, with long-term heat stress, the activation of HSF1 and induction of HSP27 occurred independent of p38 MAPK. Further, full activation of Akt in LPS-treated cells was immediately induced by short-term heat stress and lasted during the entire period of heat stress. IkappaB alpha was induced and phosphorylated throughout sequential exposure to LPS and heat stress. These results suggest that LPS has the unique effects on the cytoprotection and the cell death of pulp cells during heat stress through the modification and the activation of heat stress responsive molecules, HSF1 and HSP27, and cell survival molecules, Akt and NF-kappaB/IkappaB alpha.  相似文献   

Drosophila imaginal discs, the primordia of the adult fly appendages, are an excellent system for studying developmental plasticity. Cells in the imaginal discs are determined for their disc-specific fate (wingness, legness) during embryogenesis. Disc cells maintain their determination during larval development, a time of extensive growth and proliferation. Only when prompted to regenerate do disc cells exhibit lability in their determined identity. Regeneration in the disc is mediated by a localized region of cell division, known as the regeneration blastema. Most regenerating disc cells strictly adhere to their disc-specific identity; some cells however, switch fate in a phenomenon known as transdetermination. Similar regeneration and transdetermination events can be induced in situ by misexpression of the signaling molecule wingless. Recent studies indicate that the plasticity of disc cells during regeneration is associated with high morphogen activity and the reorganization of chromatin structure. Here we provide both a historical perspective of imaginal disc transdetermination, as well as discuss recent findings on how imaginal disc cells acquire developmental plasticity and multipotency. We also highlight how an understanding of imaginal disc transdetermination can enhance an understanding of developmental potency exhibited by stem cells.  相似文献   

Functional and morphological responses of endothelial cells (ECs) to fluid shear stress are thought to be mediated by several mechanosensitive molecules. However, how the force due to fluid shear stress applied to the apical surface of ECs is transmitted to the mechanosensors is poorly understood. In the present paper, we performed an analysis of an intracellular mechanical field by observation of the deformation behaviors of living ECs exposed to shear stress with a novel experimental method. Lateral images of human umbilical vein ECs before and after the onset of flow were obtained by confocal microscopy, and image correlation and finite element analysis were performed for quantitative analyses of subcellular strain due to shear stress. The shear strain of the cells changed from 1.06 ± 1.09% (mean ± SD) to 4.67 ± 1.79% as the magnitude of the shear stress increased from 2 to 10 Pa. The nuclei of ECs also exhibited shear deformation, which was similar to that observed in cytoplasm, suggesting that nuclei transmit forces from apical to intracellular components, as well as cytoskeletons. The obtained strain-stress relation resulted in a mean shear modulus of 213 Pa for adherent ECs. These results provide a mechanical perspective on the investigation of flow-sensing mechanisms of ECs.  相似文献   

Stromal stem cells from human dental pulp (SBP-DPSCs) were used to study osteogenic differentiation in vitro and in vivo. We previously reported that SBP-DPSCs are multipotent stem cells able to differentiate into osteoblasts, which synthesize three-dimensional woven bone tissue chips in vitro. In this study, we followed the temporal expression pattern of specific markers in SBP-DPSCs and found that, when differentiating into osteoblasts, they express, besides osteocalcin, also flk-1 (VEGF-R2). In addition, 30% of them expressed specific antigens for endothelial cells, including CD54, von-Willebrand (domain 1 and 2), CD31 (PECAM-1) and angiotensin-converting enzyme. Interestingly, we found endotheliocytes forming vessel walls, observing that stem cells synergically differentiate into osteoblasts and endotheliocytes, and that flk-1 exerts a pivotal role in coupling osteoblast and endotheliocyte differentiation. When either SBP-DPSCs or bone chips obtained in vitro were transplanted into immunocompromised rats, they generated a tissue structure with an integral blood supply similar to that of human adult bone; in fact, a large number of HLA-1+ vessels were observed either within the bone or surrounding it in a periosteal layer. This study provides direct evidence to suggest that osteogenesis and angiogenesis mediated by human SBP-DPSCs may be regulated by distinct mechanisms, leading to the organization of adult bone tissue after stem cell transplantation.  相似文献   

Summary Vascular endothelial cells modulate their structure and functions in response to changes in hemodynamic forces such as fluid shear stress. We have studied how endothelial cells perceive the shearing force generated by blood flow and the substance(s) that may mediate such a response. We identify cytoplasmic-free calcium ion (Ca++), a major component of an internal signaling system, as a mediator of the cellular response to fluid shear stress. Cultured monolayers of bovine aortic endothelial cells loaded with the highly fluorescent Ca++-sensitive dye Fura 2 were exposed to different levels of fluid shear stress in a specially designed flow chamber, and simultaneous changes in fluorescence intensity, reflecting the intracellular-free calcium concentration ([Ca++] i ), were monitored by photometric fluorescence microscopy. Application of shear stress to cells by fluid perfusion led to an immediate severalfold increase in fluorescence within 1 min, followed by a rapid decline for about 5 min, and finally a plateau somewhat higher than control levels during the entire period of the stress application. Repeated application of the stress induced similar peak and plateau levels of [Ca++] i but at reduced magnitudes of response. These responses were observed even in Ca++-free medium. Thus, a shear stress transducer might exist in endothelial cells, which perceives the shearing force on the membrane as a stimulus and mediates the signal to increase cytosolic free Ca++. This work was partly supported by a grant-in-aid, for Special Project Research no. 61132008, from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and a research fund from the Atherosclerosis Study Association.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial cells (ECs) respond to temporal and spatial characteristics of hemodynamic forces by alterations in their adhesiveness to leukocytes, secretion of vasodilators, and permeability to blood-borne constituents. These physiological and pathophysiological changes are tied to adaptation of cell mechanics and mechanotransduction, the process by which cells convert forces to intracellular biochemical signals. The exact time scales of these mechanical adaptations, however, remain unknown. We used particle-tracking microrheology to study adaptive changes in intracellular mechanics in response to a step change in fluid shear stress, which simulates both rapid temporal and steady features of hemodynamic forces. Results indicate that ECs become significantly more compliant as early as 30 s after a step change in shear stress from 0 to 10 dyn/cm2 followed by recovery of viscoelastic parameters within 4 min of shearing, even though shear stress was maintained. After ECs were sheared for 5 min, return of shear stress to 0 dyn/cm2 in a stepwise manner did not result in any further rheological adaptation. Average vesicle displacements were used to determine time-dependent cell deformation and macrorheological parameters by fitting creep function to a linear viscoelastic liquid model. Characteristic time and magnitude for shear-induced deformation were 3 s and 50 nm, respectively. We conclude that ECs rapidly adapt their mechanical properties in response to shear stress, and we provide the first macrorheological parameters for time-dependent deformations of ECs to a physiological forcing function. Such studies provide insight into pathologies such as atherosclerosis, which may find their origins in EC mechanics. viscoelasticity; atherosclerosis; cell mechanics; particle tracking; mechanotransduction  相似文献   

Background information. Although adult bone‐marrow‐derived cell populations have been used to make teeth when recombined with embryonic oral epithelium, the differences between dental and non‐dental stem‐cell‐mediated odontogenesis remain an open question. Results. STRO‐1+ (stromal precursor cell marker) DPSCs (dental pulp stem cells) and BMSSCs (bone marrow stromal stem cells) were isolated from rat dental pulp and bone marrow respectively by magnetic‐activated cell‐sorting techniques. Their odontogenic capacity was compared under the same inductive microenvironment produced by ABCs (apical bud cells) from 2‐day‐old rat incisors. Co‐cultured DPSCs/ABCs in vitro showed more active odontogenic differentiation ability than mixed BMSSCs/ABCs, as indicated by the accelerated matrix mineralization, up‐regulated alkaline phosphatase activity, cell‐cycle modification, and the expression of tooth‐specific proteins and genes. After cultured for 14 days in the renal capsules of rat hosts, recombined DPSC/ABC pellets formed typical tooth‐shaped tissues with balanced amelogenesis and dentinogenesis, whereas BMSSC/ABC recombinants developed into atypical dentin—pulp complexes without enamel formation. DPSC and BMSSC pellets in vivo produced osteodentin‐like structures and fibrous connective tissues respectively. Conclusions. DPSCs presented more striking odontogenic capability than BMSSCs under the induction of postnatal ABCs. This report provides critical insights into the selection of candidate cells for tooth regeneration between dental and non‐dental stem cell populations.  相似文献   

Stem cells are pluripotent cells, having a property of differentiating into various types of cells of human body. Several studies have developed mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from various human tissues, peripheral blood and body fluids. These cells are then characterized by cellular and molecular markers to understand their specific phenotypes. Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) are having a MSCs phenotype and they are differentiated into neuron, cardiomyocytes, chondrocytes, osteoblasts, liver cells and β cells of islet of pancreas. Thus, DPSCs have shown great potentiality to use in regenerative medicine for treatment of various human diseases including dental related problems. These cells can also be developed into induced pluripotent stem cells by incorporation of pluripotency markers and use for regenerative therapies of various diseases. The DPSCs are derived from various dental tissues such as human exfoliated deciduous teeth, apical papilla, periodontal ligament and dental follicle tissue. This review will overview the information about isolation, cellular and molecular characterization and differentiation of DPSCs into various types of human cells and thus these cells have important applications in regenerative therapies for various diseases. This review will be most useful for postgraduate dental students as well as scientists working in the field of oral pathology and oral medicine.  相似文献   

Any clinician dreams to obtain the regeneration of the destroyed organ for his patient. In the human being, the regeneration of complex structures is not possible, except the liver and the bone marrow, which can be regenerated because of the presence of adult stem cells in these tissues. The stem cells have two principal properties: they ensure their self-renewal and they have the ability to differentiate into several cellular types. Using specific markers allowing the identification of the stem cells in bone marrow, stem cells were observed in dental pulp tissues. Although the origin, the identification, and the localization of these stem cells of dental pulp remain under consideration, the optimism in research on stem cells permits to believe that the knowledge on dental stem cells will lead to their use in therapeutics.  相似文献   

Improper fluid shear stress (FSS) can cause serious damages to bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Mechano-growth factor (MGF) E peptide pretreatment was proposed to protect MSCs against FSS damage in this study. MSCs were exposed to FSS for 30 min after they were pretreated with MGF E peptide for 24 h. Then, the effects of MGF E peptide on the viability, proliferation and cell apoptosis of MSCs were investigated. MGF E peptide pretreatment could recover the cellular metabolic activity of MSCs reduced by 72 dyne cm?2 FSS and had a synergistic effect with FSS on the cellular metabolic viability of MSCs under 24 and 72 dyne cm?2 FSS. These results suggested that MGF E peptide pretreatment could be an effective method for the protection of FSS damage in bone tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells exposed to shear stress realigned and elongated in the direction of flow through the coordinated remodeling of their adherens junctions and actin cytoskeleton. The elaborate networks of VE-cadherin complexes in static cultures became more uniform and compact in response to shear. In contrast, the cortical actin present in static cultures was reorganized into numerous stress fiber bundles distributed parallel to the direction of flow. Exposure to shear did not significantly alter the expression of the junctional proteins VE-cadherin, beta-catenin, and alpha-catenin, but the composition of the junctional complexes did change. We detected a marked decrease in the alpha-catenin associated with VE-cadherin complexes in endothelial monolayers subjected to shear. This loss of alpha-catenin, the protein that links beta-catenin-bound cadherin to the actin cytoskeleton, was not due to decreased quantities of beta-catenin associated with VE-cadherin. Instead, the loss of alpha-catenin from the junctional complexes coincided with the increased tyrosine phosphorylation of beta-catenin associated with VE-cadherin. The change in beta-catenin phosphorylation closely correlated with the shear-induced loss of the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2 from VE-cadherin complexes. Thus, the functional interaction of alpha-catenin with VE-cadherin-bound beta-catenin is regulated by the extent of tyrosine phosphorylation of beta-catenin. This, concomitantly, is regulated by SHP-2 associated with VE-cadherin complexes.  相似文献   

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