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Food and water resources are limiting factors for animals in desert ecosystems. Fleshy fruits are a rare water source in deserts and when available they tend to attract a wide variety of organisms. Here we show that two congeneric rodent species, Acomys cahirinus and A. russatus, employ different fruit eating strategies that result in either dispersal or predation of the small seeds of the desert plant Ochradenus baccatus. The nocturnal A. cahirinus leaves intact seeds when consuming O. baccatus fruits and thus, acts mainly as a seed disperser; whereas the diurnal A. russatus consumes the whole fruit and digests the seeds and thus, acts mainly as a seed predator. Acomys russatus is subjected to the toxic products of the glucosinolates-myrosinase system found in O. baccatus fruits. Acomys cahirinus avoids the toxic compounds by consuming the pulp only, which contains glucosinolates but not the seeds that contain the enzyme that activates them. We suggest that the behavioral responses exhibited by A. russatus are the result of physiological adaptations to whole fruit consumption that are absent in A. cahirinus. Our results shed new light on the ecological divergence of the two congeneric species.  相似文献   

The two most important ant–plant attractions are extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) and hemipteran honeydew. In both cases, ants may offer an effective protection against natural enemies of plants, in exchange for its sugar-rich exudates. The aim of this paper was to compare the efficiency of ant protection between plants with EFNs and with hemipteran honeydew. The study was carried out in the Amazonian Rain Forest Reserve at km 41 (02º 24′S, 59º 44′W), located 80 km from Manaus. We recorded 24 ant species in 25 plants species in the forest understory along two line transects of 5 km. The efficiency of ants in protecting plants was measured by an experiment of prey removal using isopteran workers. It was found that ants are more effective and faster in attacking termites when using honeydew rather than EFNs, probably due to the larger resource monopolization. This study further underlines the importance of experimental studies to elucidate the ecological and evolutionary importance of EFNs and honeydew in ant–plant defense against herbivores.  相似文献   

Abstract  Interactions between plants and animals are analyzed starting from the advantages gained by animals and proceeding to those gained exclusively by plants. These interactions are essentially of five types: 1. predation of plants by animals; 2. benevolence of plants towards certain animals to prevent or reduce predation; 3. predation by plants (carnivorous plants); 4. symbiosis and mutualism; 5. seduction and deception of animals by plants for dispersal of plant reproductive structures. All types of plants are preyed on by animals, though from as far back in evolution as algae, certain plant molecules reduce or prevent predation. In the most primitive land plants, other types of interactions beneficial for plants are encountered. More evolved land plants (angiosperms) show all facets of the five types of interaction, whereas in prokaryotic and eukaryotic algae there is only predation and in some cases countermeasures to avoid it. An evolutionary path leading from predation, the original condition, to seduction, deception and carnivory, is also postulated. Keywords Plants, Animals, Predation, Benevolence, Symbiosis, Mutualism, Pollination, Seed dispersal Subject codes: Animal Ecology, Plant Ecology, Evolutionary Biology  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Plants display a wide range of traits that allow them to use animals for vital tasks. To attract and reward aggressive ants that protect developing leaves and flowers from consumers, many plants bear extrafloral nectaries (EFNs). EFNs are exceptionally diverse in morphology and locations on a plant. In this study the evolution of EFN diversity is explored by focusing on the legume genus Senna, in which EFNs underwent remarkable morphological diversification and occur in over 80 % of the approx. 350 species.


EFN diversity in location, morphology and plant ontogeny was characterized in wild and cultivated plants, using scanning electron microscopy and microtome sectioning. From these data EFN evolution was reconstructed in a phylogenetic framework comprising 83 Senna species.

Key Results

Two distinct kinds of EFNs exist in two unrelated clades within Senna. ‘Individualized’ EFNs (iEFNs), located on the compound leaves and sometimes at the base of pedicels, display a conspicuous, gland-like nectary structure, are highly diverse in shape and characterize the species-rich EFN clade. Previously overlooked ‘non-individualized’ EFNs (non-iEFNs) embedded within stipules, bracts, and sepals are cryptic and may represent a new synapomorphy for clade II. Leaves bear EFNs consistently throughout plant ontogeny. In one species, however, early seedlings develop iEFNs between the first pair of leaflets, but later leaves produce them at the leaf base. This ontogenetic shift reflects our inferred diversification history of iEFN location: ancestral leaves bore EFNs between the first pair of leaflets, while leaves derived from them bore EFNs either between multiple pairs of leaflets or at the leaf base.


EFNs are more diverse than previously thought. EFN-bearing plant parts provide different opportunities for EFN presentation (i.e. location) and individualization (i.e. morphology), with implications for EFN morphological evolution, EFN–ant protective mutualisms and the evolutionary role of EFNs in plant diversification.  相似文献   

BVOCs: plant defense against climate warming?   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Plants emit a substantial amount of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) into the atmosphere. These BVOCs represent a large carbon loss and can be up to approximately 10% of that fixed by photosynthesis under stressful conditions and up to 100gCm(-2) per year in some tropical ecosystems. Among a variety of proven and unproven BVOC functions in plants and roles in atmospheric processes, recent data intriguingly link emission of these compounds to climate. Ongoing research demonstrates that BVOCs could protect plants against high temperatures. BVOC emissions are probably increasing with warming and with other factors associated to global change, including changes in land cover. These increases in BVOC emissions could contribute in a significant way (via negative and positive feedback) to the complex processes associated with global warming.  相似文献   

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are the major defense compounds of plants in the Senecio genus. Here I will review the effects of PAs in Senecio on the preference and performance of specialist and generalist insect herbivores. Specialist herbivores have evolved adaptation to PAs in their host plant. They can use the alkaloids as cue to find their host plant and often they sequester PAs for their own defense against predators. Generalists, on the other hand, can be deterred by PAs. PAs can also affect survival of generalist herbivores. Usually generalist insects avoid feeding on young Senecio leaves, which contain a high concentration of alkaloids. Structurally related PAs can differ in their effects on insect herbivores, some are more toxic than others. The differences in effects of PAs on specialist and generalists could lead to opposing selection on PAs, which may maintain the genetic diversity in PA concentration and composition in Senecio species.  相似文献   

Structured host-choice and no-choice tests were conducted to help clarify the host plant interactions of an insect herbivore that is simultaneously seen as broadly polyphagous and pestiferous (in Africa) and host restricted/beneficial (in Australia). The research reported here involves specification of the host range of the invasive population of Scirtothrips aurantii found on Bryophyllum in Australia and included tests involving three separate lists of plant species considered to have the potential for thrips attack (plants of horticultural concern, native species at risk of attack and species listed for screening in the search for specialist B. delagoense biocontrol agents). This procedure was developed specifically to deal with the S. aurantii situation in Australia. Because the test species is already present in the field, the conclusions from the tests could be evaluated independently against field sampling results. Host testing revealed that the fundamental host range of the Bryophyllum population of S. aurantii includes Macadamia integrifolia, Mangifera indica and Kalanchoe blossfeldianna. However, the choice tests (involving B. delagoense) and a field survey of Man. indica demonstrated conclusively that the realised host range of S. aurantii in the field is restricted to Crassulaceae. We recommend that host testing of generalist insects not be discounted out of hand (for biological control) because of their perceived polyphagy. Any evidence of populations being strongly associated with the weed species of interest (through quantified host association studies in the native range) suggests further scrutiny of that population is warranted, by means of the host testing methods developed here and in conjunction with appropriate tests of the population’s species status.  相似文献   

We hypothesize interactions among plants for pollination may depend on pollinator abundance, which always varies among years and habitats and has different effects on plant reproductive success. Honeybee-pollinated plants, Lotus corniculatus, and its commonly coflowering neighbor, Potentilla reptans var. sericophylla, were used in a two-year project. We designed six types of plant combinations with different conspecific and interspecific flower densities in 2011 and repeated this in the same site in 2012. Meanwhile, we artificially increased pollinator abundance by hiring beehives only in 2011. Pollinator abundance as well as flower density significantly affected pollination of L. corniculatus plants from both the conspecific and interspecific plots. Total number of bees visiting a plot was enhanced by an increase in both the conspecific and interspecific flower densities regardless of high or low pollinator abundance. However, changes in visitation rates and fruit sets in the focal plants when flower densities were increased depended on pollinator abundance. Under high pollinator abundance, an increase in both the conspecific and interspecific flower densities significantly enhanced pollinator visits to L. corniculatus. However, under low pollinator abundance, the pollinator visitation rate remained unchanged as conspecific flower density increased, but decreased when there was an increase in interspecific flower density. Coflowering plants enhanced fruit sets of L. corniculatus only when the pollinator abundance was high. The findings suggest that the interactions among plants for pollination are influenced not only by a plant density threshold, but also by a pollinator abundance threshold.  相似文献   

Plant interactions with mutualists and antagonists vary remarkably across space, and have played key roles in the ecology and evolution of flowering plants. One dominant form of spatial variation is human modification of the landscape, including urbanization and suburbanization. Our goal was to assess how suburbanization affected plant–animal interactions in Gelsemium sempervirens in the southeastern United States, including interactions with mutualists (pollination) and antagonists (nectar robbing and florivory). Based on differences in plant–animal interactions measured in multiple replicate sites, we then developed predictions for how these differences would affect patterns of natural selection, and we explored the patterns using measurements of floral and defensive traits in the field and in a common garden. We found that Gelsemium growing in suburban sites experienced more robbing and florivory as well as more heterospecific but not conspecific pollen transfer. Floral traits, particularly corolla length and width, influenced the susceptibility of plants to particular interactors. Observational data of floral traits measured in the field and in a common garden provided some supporting but also some conflicting evidence for the hypothesis that floral traits evolved in response to differences in species interactions in suburban vs. wild sites. However, the degree to which plants can respond to any one interactor may be constrained by correlations among floral morphological traits. Taken together, consideration of the broader geographic context in which organisms interact, in both suburban and wild areas, is fundamental to our understanding of the forces that shape contemporary plant–animal interactions and selection pressures in native species.  相似文献   

The restoration community continues to discuss what constitutes good environmental stewardship. One area of tension is the extent to which the well‐being of wild animals should inform restoration efforts. We discuss three ways that the perspective of wild animal welfare can augment restoration ecology: strengthening people's relationship with nature, reinforcing biotic integrity, and reducing mechanistic uncertainty. The animal welfare movement elevates sentient animals as stakeholders and explores how environmental context directly impacts the well‐being of individuals. Viewing wild animals through this lens may encourage people to think and act with empathy and altruism. Second, we incorporate animal welfare into the concept of biotic integrity for ecological and ethical reasons. Restoring ecosystem processes may enhance animal welfare, and vice versa. Alternatively, there may be a trade‐off between these factors, requiring local decision‐makers to prioritize between restoring ecosystem function and promoting individuals' well‐being. We conclude by discussing how welfare can impact population recovery, thereby adding insights about mechanisms underpinning restoration objectives. Ultimately, restoration ecologists and proponents of wild animal welfare could enjoy a productive union.  相似文献   

A number of research groups in various areas of plant biology as well as computer science and applied mathematics have addressed modelling the spatiotemporal dynamics of growth and development of plants. This has resulted in development of functional–structural plant models (FSPMs). In FSPMs, the plant structure is always explicitly represented in terms of a network of elementary units. In this respect, FSPMs are different from more abstract models in which a simplified representation of the plant structure is frequently used (e.g. spatial density of leaves, total biomass, etc.). This key feature makes it possible to build modular models and creates avenues for efficient exchange of model components and experimental data. They are being used to deal with the complex 3-D structure of plants and to simulate growth and development occurring at spatial scales from cells to forest areas, and temporal scales from seconds to decades and many plant generations. The plant types studied also cover a broad spectrum, from algae to trees. This special issue of Annals of Botany features selected papers on FSPM topics such as models of morphological development, models of physical and biological processes, integrated models predicting dynamics of plants and plant communities, modelling platforms, methods for acquiring the 3-D structures of plants using automated measurements, and practical applications for agronomic purposes.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging provides a noninvasive, non-destructive method with which to measure heterogenous changes in photosynthetic metabolism in plants infected by pathogens. The availability of commercial imaging fluorimeters has helped make this technique available to the wider scientific community, but considerable care is needed, both in experimental design and in the interpretation of results, to make the most of this powerful analytical tool. The origins of changes in chlorophyll fluorescence yield are discussed and the use of conventional and novel combinatorial imaging approaches explored, together with complementary techniques such as thermal imaging. This review examines the use of chlorophyll fluorescence imaging as a method for the early detection of viral, bacterial and fungal infection, before symptoms are visible by eye, and also as a means with which to probe underlying pathogen-induced changes in host physiology in both compatible and incompatible interactions. The use of chlorophyll fluorescence imaging to study host physiology is greatly enhanced when the atmosphere around the leaf is manipulated and simultaneous measurements of gas exchange made: The cost to the host plant of different resistance mechanisms can be calculated, the fate of the products of photosynthetic electron transport determined and localised alterations in the source–sink status of host tissue visualised.  相似文献   

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