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The aim of the paper is to present two independent approaches to the issue of preservation of former meander loops based on examples of hydrotechnical works undertaken along meandering sections of the Drw?ca and ?yna Rivers (N Poland) in the 20th century. Except for significant changes in morphology of both rivers (shortened lengths, decrease in sinuosities and increase in channel slopes), the direct effect of their straightening is numerous cut-off channels. Hydrotechnical works performed along the middle section of the ?yna River maintained the connections between the active river channel and downstream arms of former meander loops. Thanks to that connection, the new water bodies successfully function as biogeochemical filters in the river valley and create favorable conditions for biodiversity. The consequence of the channelization of the Drw?ca River is numerous cut-offs separated from the river channel and characterized by advanced processes of eutrophication.The water quality data collected within the period of 2004–2006 showed significant consequences of the performed works for the man-made ecosystems. The comparison of water quality in semi-lotic and lentic cut-offs in relation to water in their parent rivers showed statistical differences. Significantly high concentrations of orthophosphates, total phosphorus and sulphates as well as the lowest concentrations of nitrates characterized lentic environments along the Drw?ca River. Besides hydrological connectivity, an important factor responsible for transformation processes of the man-made ecosystems is hydrological regime. It influences ecological integrity in floodplain ecosystems during high water levels and largely controls their chemical characteristics and aeration. Flood disturbances for lentic water bodies may renew connectivity and reset succession, can hold up the trend towards terrestrialization and disappearance of man-made water bodies in the floodplain. However, in light of the conducted studies, the maintenance of the connection between the downstream arm of the cut-off channel and the river is highly recommended.  相似文献   

Tkachenko  K. N. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(8):1424-1433
Biology Bulletin - The diet of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes L. 1758) was studied in the years 1990–1993, 1996–2000, and 2005–2013 in Bol’shekhekhtsirskii State Nature Reserve...  相似文献   

2006-2010年期间,对太统—崆峒山国家级自然保护区的蝶类进行了研究.采集到蝶类标本共计4800余号,经过整理鉴定出蝶类230种及亚种,隶属10科24亚科126属.其中36属71种为优势类群,占总种数的30.87%;眼蝶科有46种,占20.0%;灰蝶科有37种,占16.1%,为次优势类群;喙蝶科、蚬蝶科为单属单种,属于罕见类群;其他各科为常见类群.在230种蝶类中,属于古北界的种类占总种数的26.5%,属于东洋界的种类占总种数的5.7%,两界兼有种类和广布种类占总种数的67.8%,即广布种类成分最多,东洋界成分最少.230种蝶类隶属126属,其中单种属有75个,占总属的59.5%,包含的种类占总种数的32.6%;多种属有51个,占总属的40.5%,包含的种类数有155种,占总种数的67.4%;属种比值系数为0.548.结果表明,该地区蝶类区系以单种属为主.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial resistance is a serious threat to public health that dramatically undermines our ability to treat bacterial infections. Microorganisms exhibit resistance to different drug classes by acquiring resistance determinants through multiple mechanisms including horizontal gene transfer. The presence of drug resistance genotypes is mostly associated with corresponding phenotypic resistance against the particular antibiotic. However, bacterial communities harbouring silent antimicrobial resistance genes—genes whose presence is not associated with a corresponding resistant phenotype do exist. Under suitable conditions, the expression pattern of such genes often revert and regain resistance and could potentially lead to therapeutic failure. We often miss the presence of silent genes, since the current experimental paradigms are focused on resistant strains. Therefore, the knowledge on the prevalence, importance and mechanism of silent antibiotic resistance genes in bacterial pathogens are very limited. Silent genes, therefore, provide an additional level of complexity in the war against drug-resistant bacteria, reminding us that not only phenotypically resistant strains but also susceptible strains should be carefully investigated. In this review, we discuss the presence of silent antimicrobial resistance genes in bacteria, their relevance and their importance in public health.  相似文献   

High Pinaceae pollen concentrations in the air and on the surface of puddles before the main pollen season started were observed in Kraków (southern Poland) in May 2013. The paper presents the results of detailed studies of the composition and source of the “yellow rain” in 2013, and as a comparison, the Pinaceae pollen concentrations and samples collected from the ground surface in 2014 were considered. The air samples were collected using the volumetric method (Hirst-type device), while pollen grains sampled from the ground surface were processed using a modified Erdtman acetolysis method. Finally, all samples were studied using a light microscope. In 2013, the period of higher Abies, Picea and Pinus pollen concentrations was observed from the 5 to 12 of May, earlier than the main pollen season occurred. The presence of rainfall on the 12 and 13 of May 2013 caused the pollen deposition on the ground surface, where the prevalence of Pinaceae pollen was found. The synoptic situation and the analysis of the back-trajectories and air mass advection at the beginning of May 2013 indicated that Pinaceae pollen grains could have been transported from Ukraine, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia. In contrast, Pinaceae pollen grains deposited on the ground surface as a “yellow” film in May 2014, originated from local sources.  相似文献   

An Attempt is made to define the nature of the barégine, a whitish mucilaginous complex found in the thermal waters of the village of Barèges, Hautes-Pyrénées, France, and the organisms responsible for its formation. In sulfurated waters, a Thiobacterium-like micro-organism produces this substance. It uses reduced sulfur as a source of energy. Filamentous species of Thiothrix, often indicated as the main element of barégine, are only part of an accompanying flora in this medium.  相似文献   

Pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs, charcoal and geochemical analyses of sediments from Lake Sal?t (NE Poland) were used to reconstruct vegetation changes related to the activity of the West Balt tribes during the Iron Age, in the period between the second half of the 7th century bc and the beginning of the 10th century ad. We distinguished five phases of human impact on environment. Woodland clearing around the studied lake started at the end of the 7th century bc. The most characteristic feature of this area during the whole Iron Age was a very high representation of semi-natural Betula woodlands, which was probably linked to a shifting agriculture. This type of land use lasted for over 1,500 years, until the second half of the 9th century ad. The greatest reduction in Betula woodlands took place between cal. years 650 and 450 bc. Its regeneration took place after ca. ad 830 when human activity decreased.  相似文献   

The Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) has a greater impact on local ecosystems than other herbivores, and the affected area exceeds the range of its presence. Its activity may change or create new habitats by modifying the availability of the biotic and abiotic resources available not only to beavers, but also to other groups of animals. Our aim was to study how beaver activity affects the benthos composition in a small river and in a beaver pond. The way in which beavers function in the case of small rivers has received little attention. The study showed a lower density of benthos above the dam (beaver pond - 1467 ind./m2) compared to the river (3147 ind./m2). Below the dam, the diversity of Trichoptera and Coleoptera was greater, while Diptera were more abundant in the beaver pond. Betidae were a constant component in the benthos assemblages and were most abundant in the beaver pond. Collectors-gatherers and predators were the most numerous in the beaver pond. Decreasing percentages of collectors-gatherers were observed with an increased abundance of collectors-filterers and shredders in the river. All of the ratio values except the P/T FFG (Predators to total of all other groups) were lower in the beaver pond compared to the river. The % EPT (Ephemeroptera Plecoptera and Trichoptera) was also greater in the beaver pond. Small differences in the physicochemical properties of the water and organic matter content in the bottom sediments were found both above and below the beaver dam.  相似文献   

The purpose of keeping animals in schools and the main problems encountered in their maintenance are summarised. Many teachers prefer animals which are kept typically in research laboratories over animals which can be collected from the student's environment. However, small animals of economic importance can combine some of the advantages of both of these groups of animals. Chickens, bees, plant pests and their natural enemies have been tried out in the Agriculture as Environmental Science Curriculum Project and can be used for observation and measurement as well as to stress the aspect of relevance to real life problems. In their maintenance, standard equipment and methods can often be used and help the teacher to solve some of the main problems of keeping animals.

Two curriculum units, on a fruit fly and on honey bees, are described. Reasons for a widespread negative image of rural studies are discussed, and positive, effective outcomes, reported in the evaluation of an environmental science course, are used to substantiate the advantages of keeping animals of economic importance in schools.  相似文献   

Three sites, two in the tailwater and one upstream of the backwater of a large man-made reservoir in the middle course of the 808 km long lowland Warta River (Oder catchment), were studied. The pre-impoundment study lasted one (1985), the post-impoundment one 10 yr (1986–1995). The dam contributed to the extinction of the anadromous Vimba vimba, and of the rheophilous Chondrostoma nasus, both cyprinids. A number of directly or indirectly negative changes related to the construction of the reservoir were recorded in the tailwater. These changes affected the species number, spawning groups, diversity, density, standing crop, mean body weight, ABC index, and proportional stock density – PSD. Numerous impacts related to engineering, water chemistry and climate were more negative for fish at the tailwater than at the backwater sites. The hydrology of the site upstream of the backwater continued to be dependent on natural factors. Fish populations there suffered only from accidental impacts of the construction of the dam, such as bank revetment or the clearance of trees and shrubs. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Freshwater releases to restore degraded wetlands are a globally recognized way to maintain the biodiversity and enhance the health of wetland ecosystems. To better understand the efficacy of freshwater releases in the northern part of China’s Yellow River Delta Wetlands, we used macrobenthos functional groups in spring (before freshwater releases), summer (during), and autumn (after) as indicators of the ecological responses. We also created abundance–biomass comparison curves and analyzed secondary production of each trophic level to evaluate the magnitude of the disturbance of the macrobenthos community. Abundance, biomass, and biodiversity of macrobenthos functional groups generally improved after the freshwater releases. In contrast with an intertidal (reference) area, the macrobenthos community in the ecological restoration area tended to be freshwater species. In the ecological restoration area, strong and moderate ecological disturbance of the macrobenthos community was evident during and after freshwater releases because the abundance curve remained above the biomass curve. Secondary production was in the order trophic level III > II  IV in the summer, which indicates fragility of the macrobenthos community. The ecological restoration area had the highest sediment total organic carbon and moisture contents, but the lowest salinity and median particle size, and these differences were statistically significant. Our results suggest that adaptive freshwater releases, including a long-term freshwater release plan that more closely emulates natural flows and increasing the efficiency of freshwater utilization, will be necessary to achieve sustainable management of the wetland’s ecosystem and reduce the disturbance caused by the freshwater releases.  相似文献   

Stringent response is a pleiotropic physiological response of cells caused by deficiency of aminoacetylated tRNAs and, correspondingly, by the arrest of protein synthesis. This response can experimentally be induced by amino acid deficiency in a culture medium and limitation of the aminoacylation capacity of tRNA molecules even in the presence of the respective amino acids in the cell. Many traits of this response indicate its dependence on the accumulation of ppGpp molecules. There are links between the growth rate of actinomycetes and the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites by the bacteria. In particular, it has been established that the introduction of additional relA gene copies of the ppGpp synthetase can affect the production of antibiotics in streptomycetes. The survey presents the authors’ own experimental data obtained in the studies on the effect of heterologous relA gene expression in Streptomyces nogalater, the nogalamycin producer.  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to compare the alder pollen seasons in the years 1997–2017 in Sosnowiec. The measurements of pollen concentration were taken with the volumetric method using Burkard’s apparatus. The impact of atmospheric conditions on the daily alder pollen grain concentration, the annual totals, and the duration of pollen seasons were studied. The dependency between each meteorological condition and different features of the alder pollen season was determined by using Pearson’s correlation coefficients, variance analysis with multiple comparison tests, and the linear regression model using backward elimination. It was proven that the temperatures directly preceding the pollination, i.e. the January and February temperatures as well as those from the period from 210 to 180 days preceding the beginning of the season, have the greatest impact on the beginning of the alder pollen season. The value of the daily alder pollen concentration in Sosnowiec showed a positive statistically significant correlation with the air temperature and sunshine duration and a negative correlation with the thickness of the snow cover and air relative humidity. The daily concentration also depended on the type of the weather front, direction of air mass inflow, and the type of the inflowing air mass. The season temperatures and the thermal conditions which were present in the summer of the preceding year impacted the annual totals (SPI) of the alder pollen grains.  相似文献   

The EU Biodiversity Strategy stipulates in Target 2, Action 5 that the member states must map and assess the state of the ecosystems and their services and promote the integration into the reporting systems at the EU and national level by 2020. Therefore indicators for capturing and assessing ecosystem services (ES) are needed. In this paper we report for which ES class types currently ES indicators are being developed for Germany in the context of an ongoing research project. Additionally, we provide the indicator specifications, which are based on underlying framework concept. By way of the example of the provisioning service ‘raw wood production’ and the development of the main-indicator ‘annual wood accrual’ and six sub-indicators, we illustrate the concrete procedure, including discussion of results and target values. The indicators for the ES wood provision are not only suitable for an exemplary illustration of procedure, data selection and data basis in Germany. Furthermore, it shows that indicators for provisioning ES can eminently conflict with biodiversity and other ES.  相似文献   

The first data on the composition and quantitative development of meiobenthos in the small tropical Cái River (Central Vietnam) at the end of the “small rainy season” (early June) have been obtained. In the community composition, 101 taxa out of 15 systematic groups have been documented. Specimens which are new for science (Acari), new for the fauna of Vietnam (Nematoda, etc.), and rare representatives of surface waters (Syncarida) are found. The largest part of taxonomic diversity is formed by Nematoda (38 taxa), Annelida (18), and Chironomidae (22). The same groups dominated in abundance. The taxonomic richness, abundance, and biomass of the community varied within 4–45 taxa, 3.8–161.9 thousand ind/m2, and 0.05–2.2 g/m2. In general, the type of changes of all parameters along the river profile was classical: the values increased from the upper mountain sections to the lower plain parts. The revealed pattern testifies to the important role that hydrodynamics play in the macroscale distribution of meiobenthos in the river during the period under study. The dependence that the community characteristics have on the local features of biotopes (microdistribution) is not as definite and requires an additional study of more extensive material.  相似文献   

Stenolaemate bryozoans with their stable calcitic skeletons play a significant role in reef building. In the Middle Devonian Sabkhat Lafayrina reef complex (Western Sahara), bryozoans are abundant and diverse. Although they do not form part of the principal framework of reefs, bryozoans are involved significantly in reef growth, especially in the initial stage. In this way, bryozoans are important with respect to initiating reef growth. They contribute greatly to sediment stabilization, making it possible for principal reef builders to grow on hardened and stabilized substrates, and also play sediment-baffling and sediment-filling roles. The aim of this study is to document the diversity of bryozoans in a Middle Devonian reef complex and to estimate their potential for initiation and contribution to reef structures.  相似文献   

Several species of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) biting midges serve as biological vectors for the bluetongue virus (BTV) and the recently described Schmallenberg virus (SBV) in northern Europe. Since their recent emergence in this part of the continent, these diseases have caused considerable economic losses to the sheep and cattle industries. Much data is now available that describe the distribution, population dynamics, and feeding habits of these insects. However, little is known regarding the presence of Culicoides in unusual habitats such as peaty marshes, nor their potential vector capacity. This study evaluated Culicoides biting midges present in the bogs of a Belgian nature reserve compared to those residing at a nearby cattle farm. Culicoides were trapped in 2011 at four different sites (broadleaved and coniferous forested areas, open environments, and at a scientific station) located in the Hautes Fagnes Nature Reserve (Belgium). An additional light trap was operated on a nearby cattle farm. Very high numbers of biting midges were captured in the marshy area and most of them (70 to 95%) were Culicoides impunctatus, a potential vector of BTV and other pathogens. In addition, fewer numbers of C. obsoletus/C. scoticus species, C. chiopterus, and C. dewulfi were observed in the bogs compared to the farm. The wet environment and oligotrophic nature of the soil were probably responsible for these changes in the respective populations. A total of 297,808 Culicoides midges belonging to 27 species were identified during this study and 3 of these species (C. sphagnumensis, C. clintoni and C. comosioculatus) were described in Belgium for the first time.  相似文献   

The Warta River (795 km long) is the largest, right side tributary of the Odra (Oder) River. The study presents results from one of the best-documented long-term monitoring projects in Poland based on four terms of electrofishing: 1963–66, 1986–88, 1996–98 and 2011–12, conducted in the upper Warta. The Warta River underwent human-induced modifications typical for most European lowland rivers (damming, regulation, water pollution), of which the most destructive for fish was point-source water pollution. In the late 1980s, pollution reached its highest level and stopped increasing as the former political system collapsed and many industrial plants went bankrupt. Surprisingly, recovered fish assemblages were not recorded during the sampling in 1996–98, but in 2011–12. This is why we believe that in large degraded rivers, it takes about 10–20 years before a considerable improvement in fish fauna can be observed. Ichthyofauna recovered to a good status, but was qualitatively different compared to the good status observed in the 1960s. On the one hand, in 2011–12, high species richness and high assemblage diversity were observed, and many species, including seven rheophils, were more common than earlier. On the other hand, the populations of catadromous eel and anadromous vimba have not recovered, and these species were absent in the 2011–12 samples. Because water quality has improved, the most important factor seems to be the impact of the Jeziorsko dam reservoir which is located downstream of the study area and has no fish pass.The above patterns were recognised in this paper with a Kohonen artificial neural network, which is a tool methodically correct for analysing complex non-linear relations. Additionally, indicator species analysis allowed for the identification of significant associations of taxa with specific environmental states and was helpful in determination of ecological statuses of the river stretches. We therefore recommend the combined use of Kohonen artificial neural networks and indicator species analysis in long-term monitoring analyses.  相似文献   

In Morozova Gora tract, Galich’ya Gora Nature Reserve, 33 973 beetles of 542 species from 66 families were collected with the help of a 100-W light trap between 1996 and 2008. The structure of the beetle complex attracted by light is studied, as are the seasonal and annual dynamics of abundance and species composition of this group. The structure of the beetle complex attracted by light is unraveled based on the data on their daily activity. The influence of weather conditions in various seasons on beetles flight towards the light source is studied.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has now emerged as a global public health crisis, requiring the discovery of new and novel antimicrobial compounds, that may be precursors of future therapeutic antibiotics. Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) comes with a rich pedigree of holistic and empirical usage in Asia for the last 5000 years. Extracts of Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bunge, Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels, Dianthus superbus L. Forsythiae fructus (Lian Qiao), Lonicerae flos (Jin Yin Hua), Naemorhedi cornu, Platycladus orientalis Franco, Polygonum aviculare, Polygonum cuspidatum, Poria cocos (Schw.), Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn.) DC, Rheum palmatum, Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge, Scutellaria barbata, Scutellariae radix (Huang Qin) and Ursi fel (Xiong Dan) have shown to have antimicrobial properties against clinically significant Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial pathogens, as well as the mycobacteria (TB and non-tuberculous mycobacteria). Evidence is now beginning to emerge through systematic reviews of the outcomes of clinical studies employing CHM to treat infections. Of the 106 Cochrane systematic reviews on CHM, 16 (ca 15%) reviews examine CHM in the context of treating a specific infection disease or state. This update examines direct antimicrobial effect of CHM on bacterial pathogens, as well as synergistic effects of combining CHM with conventional antibiotics.  相似文献   

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