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Abstract. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential use of epiphytic corticolous lichens as indicators of fire history in the cerrado (savannas) of central Brazil. Work was carried out at the Reserva Ecológica do IBGE and the Jardim Botânico de Brasilia, 33 km outside Brasilia D.F., in ten plots of cerrado denso within the ‘Fire Project’ area. Each plot was subjected to a specific prescribed burning regime, with study sites varying from a plot protected from fire for over 20 years to a plot burned every 2 years. Research was carried out in two stages: (1) a preliminary survey of plots with different fire histories, measuring variables about the lichen habitat and the lichen communities present in the habitats; (2) lichen sampling in plots with different fire histories, where collection and identification of lichen species took place. Field techniques used included plotless sampling, and identification of lichens was carried out using taxonomic keys, both in the field and in the laboratory. The results show that fire is a major determinant of epiphytic corticolous lichen communities in cerrado denso vegetation. The abundance, distribution and recolonization of lichen communities can clearly be correlated with the frequency and behaviour, in terms of homogeneity and flame heights, of the fires that have occurred in each of the plots surveyed. Particular lichen species also show differential sensitivities to fire frequency and behaviour. This study shows that responses of corticolous lichens, at both the community and species level, can be used as bioindicators of fire history in areas of cerrado denso vegetation in central Brazil.  相似文献   

Lichen epiphytes are applied as excellent environmental indicators worldwide. However, very little is known about epiphytic lichen communities and their response to forest dynamics in subtropical China. This paper proposes the applications of the cover, diversity, and functional traits of epiphytic lichens to assess environmental changes associated with succession in subtropical forests of southwest China. Bole lichens were sampled from 120 plots of eight representative forest types in the Ailao Mountains. Total cover, species richness, diversity and community structure of bole lichens differed significantly among forest types, and the highest cover and diversity occurred in the Populus bonatii secondary forest (PBSF). Sixty-one indicator species were associated with particular forest types and more than 50% occurred in the PBSF. Both cover and diversity of most lichen functional groups varied regularly during forest succession. Lichen pioneer species were not displaced by competitively superior species as succession proceeds and cyanolichens were more prevalent in secondary forests. The results also highlight the importance of habitat variables such as canopy openness, host diversity, forest age, tree size, the size of the largest tree, tree density, and basal area on the lichen community. Consequently, our findings support the notion that epiphytic lichens, in terms of cover, diversity, species composition and functional traits can be used as effective indicators for large-scale and long-term forest monitoring. More importantly, the narrowly lobed foliose group was the best candidate indicator of environmental conditions in this region. The combined application of lichen indicator species and functional groups seemed to be a more reliable and more powerful method for monitoring forest dynamics in subtropical montane ecosystems.  相似文献   

As urban areas expand due to increasing human populations, natural habitats are diminishing in quantity and quality. We conducted a study to examine the response of diurnal acoustic communities along a gradient of environments, ranging from native to dense urban areas. We hypothesized that acoustic indices would decline with urbanization, transitioning from natural and rural areas to urban environments. We conducted the research in and around Brasília, Central Brazil. We deployed 24 digital recorders in native, rural, low-density and high-density urban areas. We employed five commonly used acoustic indices (ADI, ACI, NDSI, H and BI) to characterize the acoustic communities and represent the existing biodiversity numerically. We initially compared the index values across different land use types using a non-parametric rank sum test. Subsequently, we selected eight landscape metrics and performed a principal component analysis to summarize the surrounding matrix at each sampling point. We then employed generalized linear models to determine if the acoustic indices exhibited the anticipated variations. The results indicated significant variations in all indices among the different land use types, indicating their responsiveness to distinct acoustic communities and environmental characteristics. ADI, H and NDSI exhibited declining values from native to urban areas, while ACI and BI displayed the opposite trend. These findings underscore the influence of landscape structure on acoustic indices. Consequently, we concluded that adopting appropriate landscape planning, mainly through integrating natural and urban areas, could help preserve biodiversity in tropical urban regions.  相似文献   

Riparian forests provide important habitat for many wildlife species and are sensitive to landscape change. Among terrestrial invertebrates, dung beetles have been used to investigate the effects of environmental disturbances on forest structure and diversity. Since many studies demonstrated a negative response of dung beetle communities to increasing forest fragmentation, and that most dung beetle species had a more pronounced occurrence during warmest seasons, three hypotheses were tested: (1) Scarabaeinae richness, abundance, diversity and evenness are lower in thinner riparian zone widths than in wider widths during the warmest seasons; (2) Scarabaeinae richness and abundance are positively influenced by leaf litter coverage and height and canopy cover; and (3) Scarabaeinae composition varies with the reduction in riparian vegetation and among annual seasons. We selected four fragments with different riparian zone widths in three secondary streams in southern Brazil. In each fragment, four sampling periods were carried out seasonally between spring 2010 and winter 2011. We collected dung beetles using pitfall traps with two types of bait. We collected 1289 specimens distributed among 29 species. In spring and summer, dung beetle richness was higher in fragments with the widest riparian zone than in those with a thinner riparian zone, and it did not vary between fragments in fall and winter seasons. Dung beetle abundance did not differ among fragments with different riparian zone widths, but it was higher in spring and summer than fall and winter. Richness and abundance were positively influenced by leaf litter. While dung beetle diversity was higher in fragments with wider riparian zone widths than in those with thinner widths, the evenness was similar among fragments. Dung beetle composition differed between the fragments with the widest and thinnest riparian zones, and it also varied among the seasons. Our results suggest that decreased riparian zones affect negatively to dung beetle community structure in southern Brazil. Fragments with thinner riparian zones had lower beetle richness in warmest seasons and an altered community composition. In this sense, the dung beetles are potentially good indicators of riparian forest fragmentation since some species were indicators of a particular riparian zone width. From a conservation perspective, our results demonstrate that the new Brazilian Forest Code will greatly jeopardize not only the terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity of these ecosystems, but also countless other ecological functions.  相似文献   

The crustose lichen flora of fifteen areas in boreal coniferous forests from southern Sweden to Lapland was surveyed. Many of these areas are included in a national programme for monitoring long-term environmental change, the PMK programme. In all 190 species were recorded, 129 of them occurring on bark of conifers and lignum. Some species were found exclusively in forests with a long continuity. By using ordination and hierarchical classifications further species with similar habitat requirements were identified. An Indicator Species Index of Forest Continuity (ISIFC) was designed. Only two of the twenty index species occur on deciduous trees. The ISIFC was highly correlated with forest continuity and also with occurrence of species listed as threatened. Correlations with macroclimatic variables are considered sampling artifacts, and microclimatic factors are suggested to be of primary importance for species occurring in forests with a long continuity.  相似文献   

Information about forest biodiversity has so far been collected mostly by using field inventories, but it is desirable to find other methods that can cover large areas at a lower cost. In a forest landscape covering 2000 ha in southern Sweden we tested if colour-infrared (CIR) aerial photographs on the scale of 1:30000 can be used to interpret forest stand characteristics correlated to the occurrence of epiphytic lichens that are Red-listed or otherwise indicate high nature conservation value (signal species). Using logistic regression we found that the interpreted stand variables tree height and crown structure class were significantly correlated to the occurrence of Red-listed species. For signal species, the variables tree height, percentage of southern deciduous trees and crown structure class were significantly correlated to the occurrence. The logistic regression models successfully predicted a significantly higher probability to find Red-listed species in the stands that actually contained such species compared to stands without Red-listed species. The same was true for stands with signal species. We conclude that interpretation of CIR aerial photographs could be a useful method to find certain groups of epiphytic lichens in surveys covering large areas.  相似文献   

The ecological impact of the traditional land use by pastoral nomads on forest ecosystems is little studied. We analyzed the influence of livestock density on epiphytic lichen diversity in larch forests of the Mongolian forest-steppe, which we selected as a case example because pastoral nomadism is here most widespread within Central Asia. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that the epiphytic lichen vegetation was strongly influenced by the livestock density within a radius of 1 km around the sampled forests. Goats together with horses were most significant at shaping lichen vegetation in the forest edges as were horses alone in the forest interiors. This result matches with the results of interviews with 169 herder families and own field observations, which substantiate that goats preferably graze at the edges, whereas horses often browse the interiors. The livestock impact is thought to be primarily exerted through fertilization by the animals and mechanical abrasion. Based on an indicator species analyses, we propose to use epiphytic lichens as indicators of the grazing impact at different livestock densities in the Mongolian forest-steppe. The proposed indication system can be used as a tool for the rapid assessment of the livestock grazing impact. It has the advantage that it is thought to average the livestock impact of several years, which is important with regard to the nomadic style of livestock husbandry. The use of lichens as indicator species can at least partly substitute the time-consuming interviewing of the herder families to assess livestock densities and their impact on forest biodiversity. The proposed indicator system could thus be used as a planning tool for purposes of nature conservation.  相似文献   

We report the results of an investigation of natural larval sand fly habitats in the Recanto Marista, Doutor Camargo municipality, Paraná state, Brazil, from May, 2010 to August, 2012. We used Alencar emergence traps (AT), experimental traps (ET), and soil samples incubated in a biochemical oxygen demand incubator. Eight sand flies were collected with ATs. One specimen was collected with an ET and 21 were collected in soil samples. The collected species were Brumptomyia brumpti, Micropygomyia ferreirana, Migonemyia bursiformis, Migonemyia migonei, Nyssomyia neivai, Nyssomyia whitmani, and Pintomyia pessoai. The laval habitats of sand flies were located in the Recanto Marista, especially between tree roots, but the number of adults that emerged in the traps and soil samples was small despite the high density of sand flies that has been recorded in the Recanto Marista.  相似文献   

Aral Sea Ostracoda as environmental indicators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fluctuations in the level and chemistry during its history have played a major part in shaping the floral and faunal communities of the Aral Sea. Of the eleven species of Ostracoda (Crustacea) known to have been living in the Aral Sea in 1960, only one survives today due to the anthropogenically induced salinity increase of the past three decades. The origins of a mixed fresh- and brackish-water ostracod fauna are discussed, and it is concluded that some of the major faunal elements must have reached the Aral Sea Basin during a past high water level phase when connection existed with the Caspian Sea. The taxonomic position of key taxa is clarified, and the major elements of the pre-1960 Aral Sea ostracod fauna are illustrated from Holocene sequences. Aral Sea, Ostracoda, Holocene, palaeolimnology.  相似文献   

Algae as indicators of environmental change   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Despite an increased awareness by governments and the general public of the need for protecting all types of aquatic habitats, human impacts continue to impair the services that these ecosystems provide. Increased monitoring activities that locus on all major biological compartments are needed to quantify the present condition of Earth's aquatic resources and to evaluate the effectiveness of regulations designed to rehabilitate damaged ecosystems. Algae are an ecologically important group in most aquatic ecosystems but are often ignored as indicators of aquatic ecosystem change. We attribute this situation both to an underappreciation of the utility of algal indicators among non-phycologists and to a lack of standardized methods for monitoring with algae.Because of their nutritional needs and their position at the base of aquatic foodwebs, algal indicators provide relatively unique information concerning ecosystem condition compared with commonly used animal indicators. Algae respond rapidly and predictably to a wide range of pollutants and, thus, provide potentially useful early warning signals of deteriorating conditions and the possible causes. Algal assemblages provide one of the few benchmarks for establishing historical water quality conditions and for characterizing the minimally impacted biological condition of many disturbed ecosystems. Preliminary comparisons suggest that algal indicators are a cost-effective monitoring tool as well.Based on available evidence from field studies, we recommend development of taxonomic indicators based on diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) as a standardized protocol for monitoring ecosystem change. Both population- and community-level indices have inherent strengths, and limitations and information from both levels of biological organization should be utilized in tandem. However, further information concerning species tolerances to a variety of anthropogenic stressors is needed if autecological indices are to be used routinely for monitoring purposes. While functional measures (e.g. productivity) may also prove useful as monitoring tools, further investigation is required to characterize the reliability of alternative methodologies and to assess the consistency of these indicators under varying field conditions.Author for correspondence  相似文献   

As yet, certain aspects of the Africanization process are not well understood, for example, the reproductive behavior of African and European honeybees and how the first Africanized swarms were formed and spread. Drone congregation areas (DCAs) are the ideal place to study honeybee reproduction under natural conditions since hundreds of drones from various colonies gather together in the same geographical area for mating. In the present study, we assessed the genetic structure of seven drone congregations and four commercial European-derived and Africanized apiaries in southern Brazil, employing seven microsatellite loci for this purpose. We also estimated the number of mother-colonies that drones of a specific DCA originated from. Pairwise comparison failed to reveal any population sub-structuring among the DCAs, thus indicating low mutual genetic differentiation. We also observed high genetic similarity between colonies of commercial apiaries and DCAs, besides a slight contribution from a European-derived apiary to a DCA formed nearby. Africanized DCAs seem to have a somewhat different genetic structure when compared to the European.  相似文献   

A dense population, global connectivity and frequent human–animal interaction give southern China an important role in the spread and emergence of infectious disease. However, patterns of person-to-person contact relevant to the spread of directly transmitted infections such as influenza remain poorly quantified in the region. We conducted a household-based survey of travel and contact patterns among urban and rural populations of Guangdong, China. We measured the character and distance from home of social encounters made by 1821 individuals. Most individuals reported 5–10 h of contact with around 10 individuals each day; however, both distributions have long tails. The distribution of distance from home at which contacts were made is similar: most were within a kilometre of the participant''s home, while some occurred further than 500 km away. Compared with younger individuals, older individuals made fewer contacts which tended to be closer to home. There was strong assortativity in age-based contact rates. We found no difference between the total number or duration of contacts between urban and rural participants, but urban participants tended to make contacts closer to home. These results can improve mathematical models of infectious disease emergence, spread and control in southern China and throughout the region.  相似文献   

Modern pollen assemblages as climate indicators in southern Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim and Location Our aim is to develop pollen–climate inference models for southern Europe and to test their performance and inference power by cross‐validation with modern climate data. Surface sediments collected from lakes along a climate gradient from the winter‐cold/summer‐wet Alps to winter‐wet/summer‐dry Sicily were analysed for modern pollen assemblages. Methods For each lake, mean monthly temperatures, seasonal precipitation and site‐specific climate uncertainties have been estimated. Pollen–climate relationships were studied using numerical analyses, and inference models were derived by partial least squares (PLS) and weighted‐averaging PLS (WA‐PLS) regressions for January and July temperatures (T), and for winter, spring and summer precipitation (P). In order to assess whether these variables are also of ecological importance for vegetation in the subregions, we split the data set into an Alpine and a Mediterranean subset. Results Low bootstrap cross‐validated root mean square errors of prediction (RMSEP) for January T (1.7 °C), July T (2.1 °C) and summer P (38 mm), as well as low RMSEPs expressed as a percentage of the gradient length (8–9%), indicate a good inference power. Models revealed excellent to good performance statistics for January T, July T and summer P (r2= 0.8), and for winter and spring P (r2=c. 0.5). We show that the variables with the highest explanatory power differ between the two subregions. These are summer T and P for the Alpine set, and January T, winter P and July T for the Mediterranean set. Main conclusions The study reveals the influence of climatic conditions during the growing season on modern pollen assemblages and indicates the potential of pollen data for long‐term climate reconstructions of parameters such as winter precipitation and temperature, which seem to be the main factors having an influence on the variability of Mediterranean climate. These models may therefore provide important information on past regional climate variability in southern Europe.  相似文献   

Soil-inhabiting arthropods such as Collembola, Cryptostigmata and termites as indicators of various environmental gradients and air pollution, being considered both as biotic indices and bioassay monitors, are reported and discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. External and internal examinations of otoliths in fishes for macrostructure and microstructure has demonstated yearly, daily and population rhythmic patterns.
  • 2.2. Chemical analyses (atomic absorption) of otolith carbonate from reared Fundulus heteroclitus for strontium-calcium concentration ratios demonstrated changes in chemistry related to temperature.
  • 3.3. Microprobe analyses made it feasible to interpret almost daily changes in temperature to provide the temperature history of an individual fish.
  • 4.4. A combination of microprobe analyses and daily increment analyses of otoliths can provide a life history profile for individual fish and can provide information on the environmental history of each fish.
  • 5.5. Such information is vital to our understanding of the processes underlying recruitment and growth rates, and would make it possible to link growth and mortality rates to environmental occurrences.

A rapid and inexpensive quantitative method was developed for evaluating the physiological condition of intact lichens and cultured symbionts. Formation of the colored product triphenyl formazan (TPF), which is produced after reduction of triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC), was used as an indication of dehydrogenase activity. Low pH, exposure to copper, supplemental UV and temperature extremes significantly reduced the capacity of cultured lichens and bionts to produce formazan, suggesting each of these treatments may produce physiological damage. It is projected that this method may also be suitable for monitoring impact of various environmental stresses on field-collected lichens.  相似文献   

The distribution of lichens in lowland deciduous and evergreen forests in Thailand is used to interpret recent changes in the distribution of these forests. The role of fire in changing the forest structure, microclimate and species content is discussed. Characteristic corticolous lichen communities of dry deciduous and moist evergreen forests are described, as well as changes in the composition of the flora following fire events. Where frequent fires have altered the forest rates of change in forest type are suggested using lichen data from randomly selected trees in forest plots, and growth rates of sampled species in quadrats. The disjunct nature of the lichen floras in lowland deciduous and evergreen forests is discussed, their origin and use in interpreting changes in forest types in monsoon climates over long periods of time.  相似文献   

Rupert Wimmer   《Dendrochronologia》2002,20(1-2):21-36

The main aim of this paper was to study the responses of mountain plants in relation to the time of snowmelt. Three mountain areas situated along an oceanic–continental gradient were selected as study sites, and the sample plots ranged from 182 m below to 473 m above the climatic forest limit. In total, 185 quadrats (2 m × 2 m), stratified to include only oligotrophic and mesotrophic mountain vegetation types, were selected to represent a topographic range along altitudinal gradients. In each quadrat, the percentage groundcover of the species was recorded. From the beginning of April until July 2004, snow thickness was monitored, and the Julian day when the snow had completely melted was determined for all plots. The relationship between species abundances and Julian day of snowmelt were analysed by two different numerical methods: (1) relative values for species optimum and tolerance were given by Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis (DCCA) with Julian day of snowmelt as the constraining variable. (2) Species responses were modelled by Generalized Linear Models (GLM). For species with significant unimodal responses, optimum and tolerance were calculated. For species with significant linear models, different species response models were identified by the regression intercepts. One hundred and twenty six species (taxa) were tested, and 103 evidenced statistically significant (p < 0.05) distribution responses. Several common alpine plants had a distribution that appeared to be independent of snow. On the basis of the results of the numerical methods, the species were separated into nine Snow Indicator (SI) classes, as a parallel to the Ellenberg indicator values. The species’ SI values were used to calculate weighted average SI values to examine the relationships between previously described plant communities and vegetation transects which experience different snow conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract—The article presents results of ecological, chemical, and bioindication assessment of the urban ecosystem of an industrial city in the South of Ukraine. The dynamics of physical and chemical parameters of soil, surface water, and air in various functional areas of the city was analyzed. The complex pollution index for environmental components was determined. Bioindicative assessment of the ecological condition of the urban ecosystem was performed based on vitality parameters of epiphytic lichen flora, soil mesofauna, and freshwater mollusk fauna. Based on bioindicators’ vitality, zones with different ecological conditions were demarcated. Toxic effects of various pollutants on living organisms and tolerance of some bioindicator species under anthropogenic pressure were analyzed. It was found that the amount of zoophages increases and homogenization of anamorphoscope composition of major mesopedobionts groups with the dominance of individual species is observed in anthropogenically transformed areas. In alkaline soils of functional areas of the urban ecosystem, prevalence of calcicole species—millipedes, pill bugs, and gastropods—was noted, which allows them to be used as soils’ alkalization level indicators. The degree of correlation between the viability of bioindicator groups and complex pollution index of basic components of the urban environment was determined. For instance, an inverse correlation between the vitality of epiphytic lichen flora (G, %) and the complex atmospheric air environmental contamination index (Pa) (–0.80, p < 0.05); and a direct correlation between the decline in the vitality of soil mesofauna (\(\overline G \), %) and complex soil contamination index (Zs) (0.84, p < 0.05) were discovered. Therefore, biomorphs of epiphytic lichen flora and some groups of mesopedobionts can be used as pollution indicators for urban environments. Based on the study results, an algorithm for complex ecological, chemical, and bioindication assessment of ecological condition of an urban ecosystem in an industrial city was proposed.  相似文献   

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