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A method is described for calculating r.b.e. values for normal tissues at risk in clinical neutron beam therapy. This is based on the assumption that with high l.e.t. radiations the slope of the cell survival curve is steeper, mainly in the initial or low-dose region. This effect is quantified by using two coefficients, one (epsilon) to produce a proportionate increase in the initial slope, and a second (eta) determining the change in the terminal slope (D0) of the survival curve. Analysis of published experimental data shows epsilon to be a variable quantity, different for different tissues; epsilon is larger when the survival curve has a large shoulder or slope ratio (rho). By contrast, eta is relatively constant (for a given beam) and less dependent on the tissue or end-point studied. For low doses, the r.b.e. approaches epsilon, which can be calculated given eta (characteristic of the beam) and rho (characteristic of the relevant tissue) [epsilon = eta + rho(eta - 1)]. This provides a useful approximation to the clinical r.b.e. for specific tissues relative to conventionally fractionated low-l.e.t. photons.  相似文献   

The effect of sodium bisulfite, a specific inhibitor of chromatin proteolysis, on radiation damage in rat thymocytes in vitro was examined. Rat thymocytes irradiated with 1 kR X rays in vitro were incubated at 37 degrees C with 10 mM glucose for 4 to 6 hr. During that time development of interphase death as judged by erythrosin B uptake, release of low molecular weight DNA (free DNA), and reduction in cell size was measured. Sodium bisulfite added to the cells at the beginning of incubation exerted a marked preventive effect on radiation damage. The effect was enhanced with increasing concentration of bisulfite from 0.25 to 2 mM. The effect of bisulfite was reversible; i.e., removal of bisulfite from the cells resulted in the reappearance of the radiation damage.  相似文献   

Thymocytes are highly radiosensitive and show 'interphase death' within a few hours after low doses of irradiation. However, the mechanisms responsible for this type of death remain ill-defined. Separation of the dead thymocyte fraction from irradiated thymocyte suspensions by centrifugation on Percoll gradients provided homogeneous populations of dead cells suitable for detailed study. Using this method, radiation-induced interphase death of thymocytes was found to involve a sharp but transient increase in buoyant density, concomitant with the appearance of distinctive morphologic changes which included disappearance of microvilli and blistering of the cell surface. The chromatin in the dead cells had a molecular weight sufficiently low to resist sedimentation, and consisted of short oligonucleosome chains. We were unable to detect populations of cells intermediate between the dead and normal in the above characteristics. Interphase death thus involves a discrete, abrupt transition from the normal state and is not merely the consequence of progressive and degenerative changes. Furthermore, immediate cessation of development of interphase death by cycloheximide suggested a possible involvement of protein synthesis on this transition step.  相似文献   

The effect of X-rays and different-energy neutrons on human bone-marrow cells was studied using two different cell-culture techniques--diffusion chamber (DC) growth and colony formation in vitro (CFU-C). Based on the survival of proliferative granulocytes in DC on day 13, the D0 value was 80 rad with X-rays, and 117 rad as measured by the CFU-C assay. The D0 values for neutrons depended on the radiation source and the energy level. The r.b.e. values, which dropped with increasing energy levels of mono-energetic neutrons, were (i) 0.44 MeV; DC 3.7, CFU-C 4.1; (ii) 6 MeV; DC 1.8, CFU-C 2.0; (iii) 15 MeV; DC 1.6, CFU-C 1.6; (iv) fission neutrons; DC 2.6, CFU-C 2.4.  相似文献   

Activity of intracellular alkaline proteinases increased and that of the trypsin-like proteinase inhibitors decreased in thymocytes at early times following whole-body X-irradiation of rats with a dose of 4 Gy. Pro-oxidant mechanisms of intracellular proteolysis activation are discussed.  相似文献   

The spleen-colony technique has been used for determining the relative biological effectiveness (r.b.e.) for several energies of neutron radiation. Donor mice were exposed for fission and accelerator-generated neutrons at a variety of doses and energies. Immediately after exposure, donor bone-marrow was removed from the hind legs, and standard amounts were injected intravenously into lethally X-irradiated recipients. After 7 days the recipients spleens were evaluated for surface colonies. Dose-response curves were obtained for each type of radiation and the Do was determined. The neutron r.b.e. values from the Do compared with 250kVp X-rays were: reactor 1.58, 252Cf 1:59, and accelerator varied from 2.85 at 1.0 Mev to 0.85 at 13.4 MeV.  相似文献   

The influence of different cells on death and pycnosis of thymocyte nuclei after in vitro irradiation has been investigated. It has been shown that the removal from the thymocyte suspension of cells, having the activity of natural killers, medullar thymocytes, and macrophages, does not influence the radiation-induced damage to cortical thymocytes. The injury of exposed thymocytes decreases, however, after incubation them with nonirradiated thymocytes or cultured cells, the efficiency of the latter being dependent on the type of cells. The data obtained may indicate that the exposed thymocytes interact with each other and exchange some factors that promote their injury.  相似文献   

Late damage in the rectum of rats was studied after local irradiation with 2 MeV fast fission neutrons and the results were compared with those for 300 kV X-rays. A similarity between latency times, and between clinical, gross pathological and histological appearances of the rectal obstruction after the two types of radiation was observed. The r.b.e. evaluated from ED 50/200 days values was 1.8 for single doses, 2.1 for two fractions and 3 for five fractions and these are similar to r.b.e.s from other investigations of chronic intestinal radiation damage. Using linear quadratic analysis, a limiting r.b.e. of 5 was obtained. The beta-values are similar for both radiation qualities. Because of the high gamma-contamination (25 per cent) in the RENT I beam a possible correction of the r.b.e. for neutrons only, assuming interaction, is discussed.  相似文献   

Yang M  Kim JS  Son Y  Kim J  Kim JY  Kim SH  Kim JC  Shin T  Moon C 《Radiation research》2011,176(3):303-310
This in vitro study compared the detrimental effect and relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of high-linear energy transfer (LET) fast neutrons on rat immature hippocampal cultured cells with those of low-LET γ rays. Immature hippocampal cells were exposed to fast neutrons or γ rays. Cytotoxicity and cell viability were analyzed using a lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)-release assay and a 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, respectively. The cytotoxicity and cell viability with fast neutrons or γ rays varied in a dose-dependent pattern. In the LDH release and MTT assay indices, the RBEs of fast neutrons were approximately 2.35 and 2.42, respectively. Fast neutrons markedly induced apoptotic changes in immature hippocampal cells with increased expression of active caspase-3 and cleaved poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. Increased cytotoxicity and decreased cell viability in immature hippocampal cells were seen in a dose-dependent pattern after fast-neutron and γ irradiation. Fast neutrons have a higher RBE for cell death indices than γ rays.  相似文献   

Biological results, including statistical features, are described for the irradiation of Tradescantia occidentalis with 250 kVp X-rays, cobalt-60 gamma-radiation and monoenergetic neutrons with energies between 0-08 and 15 MeV. The effect studied was that of the induction of pink sectors in the otherwise blue staminal hairs of the flowers at low doses of radiation. Statistical aspects of the results suggest that a fraction of the asynchronous cell population in the hairs is very sensitive to neutron radiation, but not necessarily to lower LET radiations. All the results were fitted by a least-squares method by polynomials of different degrees. Best fits to X- and gamma-ray data were provided by second-degree polynomials, and to the neutron data by either second- or third-degree polynomials. Limiting r.b.e. and o.e.r. values at low doses are derived. Some computed microdosimetric parameters are presented in comparison with the r.b.e. values. It is concluded that the effect studied is complex and may not provide a critical test of bio-physical theories of radiation effects.  相似文献   

In experiments with irradiated cells of Chinese hamster and Ehrlich ascites tumor a study was made of the influence of energy provision on their interphase death rate. The presence of the uncoupler of respiration and oxidative phosphorylation--carbonyl cyanide-3-chlorophenylhydrazone--in a medium without glucose was shown to drastically increase the interphase death rate of cells of both types, whereas this effect was not observed in a medium with glucose.  相似文献   

Rats were exposed under aerobic or hypoxic conditions to 200-1200 rads of 60Co gamma-rays or extended-Bragg-peak helium ions on the eighth day of gestation. Uterine contents were examined on the twentieth day of gestation. At the 50 per cent embryonic survival level, helium ion r.b.e. was 1(.0) (aerobic) and 1(.2) (hypoxic). Maximum attainable gamma-ray and helium-ion o.e.r.s. were 2(.2) and 1(.7) respectively, indicating an oxygen-effect gain (o.e.g.) of 1(.2). At the 10 per cent survival level helium ion r.b.e. was 1(.1) (aerobic) and 1(.4) (hypoxic). Gamma-ray and helium-ion 0.e.r.s. were 2(.0) and 1(.5) respectively, indicating a helium ion o.e.g. of 1(.3). These data demonstrate that the small fraction of high-LET radiation present in this helium ion beam has a neglible effect on the aerobic r.b.e., but lowers the effective o.e.r. of the beam approximately 25 per cent relative to that of gamma-rays. Helium ions were significantly more effective than gamma-rays in killing embryos under hypoxic conditions, in producing congenital abnormalities under aerobic conditions, and in stunting foetal growth under both conditions.  相似文献   

The skin reactions in aerated and hypoxic mouse tails after single or fractionated doses of 250 kV X-rays or fast neutrons (6 MeV deuterons on beryllium) have been measured. The o.e.r. for one to sixteen fractions of X-rays remains constant, while that for one to ten fractions of neutrons decreases with increasing neutron fractionation and decreasing neutron dose/fraction. The o.e.r. for X-rays was 1.7, for single-neutron doses 1.4, and for ten fractions of neutrons 1.25. It was anticipated that the o.e.r. for neutron-induced damage would decrease further as neutron fractionation is increased because the contribution to damage from the highest LET components of dose, the alpha and heavy recoil particles, would increase relative to the lowe LET components. The r.b.e. values obtained for skin damage were higher at all neutron doses/fraction examined in this study on tails than all those previously obtained in studies on skin at other sites on four species. This may be due to the influence of hypoxia on the r.b.e. measurements in the mouse tail.  相似文献   

A study was made of the influence of cytosol and conditioned medium, obtained at different times of incubation of irradiated thymocytes, on native thymocytes, as well as of the influence of mixing the suspension and changing the medium and the enzyme inhibitors, involved in metabolism of arachidonic acid, on the radiation injury to thymocytes. Cytosol of thymocytes, incubated for 60 min after irradiation, was shown to exert an insignificant toxic effect on native thymocytes. The conditioned medium of irradiated thymocytes is virtually ineffective. The mixing of the suspension upon incubation and the changing of the medium reduced the damage to exposed thymocytes while inhibitors of phospholipase A2 and lipoxygenase prevented completely the radiation-induced pyknosis of nuclei, whereas a inhibitor of cyclooxygenase did not influence it. It is inferred from the data obtained that unstable lipoxygenase products may serve as mediators of intercellular interactions of exposed thymocytes.  相似文献   

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