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SYNOPSIS. Following electroshock-induced extrusion of its inserted trichocysts, Paramecium tetraurelia rapidly begins replacement of the population of lost organelles. Light microscopy of the cortical insertion of new trichocysts reveals a series of characteristic motility activities. An uninserted trichocyst in the cyclotic flow of the cell appears to be “captured” and removed to the noncyclotic, subcortical regions. The trichocyst then makes a series of saltatory motions which apparently serve to transport it to the cortex, with proper orientation (tip first) for insertion. Trichocyst saltations end with either cortical insertion of the organelle, or return to cyclosis. If the trichocyst is inserted, it makes a series of unique pivoting movements around the motionless tip. This form of motility, termed “wobble,” continues for a short period of time. After cessation of wobble, the insertion of the trichocyst is apparently complete, since no further motility is observed. With the aid of these observations it was possible to identify saltatory motility as the means for transporting trichocysts to the cortex for insertion, and also to observe a motility of unknown significance (wobble) apparently associated with the process of cortical insertion.  相似文献   

The odd (O) or even (E) mating type in Paramecium tetraurelia is determined during the first cell cycle after new macronuclear development. The present paper demonstrates that mating type E is irreversibly determined at the end of the first cell cycle. Direct evidence comes from transplanting O macronuclear karyoplasm containing O-determining factor into E autogamous cells during a new postzygotic macronuclear development. Transplantation of O macronuclear karyoplasm into E autogamous cells at 7–8 hr after the origin of the macronucleus from a product of the synkaryon produces nearly 100% O mating type among the exautogamous cell lines but almost none 10–11 hr after the origin of the macronucleus (around the end of the first cell cycle). The macronuclear anlagen at the stage at which mating type E seems to be fixed contains about 20 times as much DNA as the vegetative G1 micronucleus. The O-determining factor shifting E cells toward O mating type by transplanting O macronuclear karyoplasm is also produced by the newly developed macronucleus in an effective concentration at 10–11 hr after the sensitive period and produced at full levels by the third cell cycle. The level of O factor in the macronucleus then gradually declines with subsequent repeated rounds of DNA synthesis and is finally lost by the eighth cell cycle.  相似文献   

Regulation of macronuclear DNA content in Paramecium tetraurelia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The macronucleus of Paramecium divides amitotically, and daughter macronuclei with different DNA contents are frequently produced. If no regulatory mechanism were present, the variance of macronuclear DNA content would increase continuously. Analysis of variance within cell lines shows that macronuclear DNA content is regulated so that a constant variance is maintained from one cell generation to the next. Variation in macronuclear DNA content is removed from the cell population by the regulatory mechanism at the same rate at which it is introduced through inequality of macronuclear division. Half of the variation in macronuclear DNA content introduced into the population at a particular fission by inequality of division is compensated for during the subsequent period of DNA synthesis. Half of the remaining variation is removed during each subsequent cell cycle. The amount of variation removed in one cell cycle is proportional to the postfission variation. The cell's power to regulate DNA content is substantially greater than that required to compensate for the small differences that arise during division of wild-type cells. For example, a constant variance was still maintained when the mean difference between sister cells was increased to ten times its normal level in a mutant strain. The observations are consistent with a replication model that assumes that each cell synthesizes an approximately constant amount of DNA which is independent of the initial DNA content of the macronucleus. It is suggested that the amount of DNA synthesized may be largely determined by the mass of the cell.  相似文献   

Gene mutations that interfere with macronuclear development in Paramecium were obtained by selecting lines that failed to produce normal macronuclear anlagen following the second autogamy after mutagenesis. The mutants fell into several complementation groups. There was one case of apparent intragenic noncomplementation among the eight mutants examined. In the stronger mutants, macronuclear anlagen were not formed, and all four mitotic products of the posfzygotic divisions of the synkaryon remained as micronuclei. Under semirestrictive conditions, cells often contained a single anlage, suggesting that determination of anlagen was a discrete event for each nucleus. The missing anlagen trait was recessive and associated with a strong maternal effect. The phenocritical period of one of the stronger alleles, aala, began at the second postzygotic division and ended with the first morphological differentiation of macronuclear anlagen. Nuclear migration in this mutant was abnormal. Under restrictive conditions, the posterior products of the second postzygotic division reached a posterior-most position, which was 8% of cell length more anterior than that of the most posterior nuclei in wild-type cells. Under permissive conditions, the pattern of migration was intermediate between that of wild-type cells and mutants under fully restrictive conditions. The patterns of nuclear migration were consistent with the nuclear growth kinetics.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Aberrant discharge of trichocysts in response to picric acid occurs in 8 of the 28 wild stocks of Paramecium tetraurelia. There are at least 4 distinguishable phenotypes: nondischarge, stocks 139, 163, 169, and 242; temperature-sensitive nondischarge, stock 126; leaky nondischarge, stock 203; and a clonally unstable phenotype, stocks 146 and 148. From each of these stocks a single recessive gene causing nondischarge has been isolated by backcrosses to stock 51. The original stocks 126, 146, and 148 possess other genes which affect the extracted genes. The copper resistance locus is ~ 10 centiMorgans from nd169 and nd242, but none of the other nondischarge genes are linked to 6 marker loci. The genes nd169 and nd242 are only 0.5 centiMorgans apart making them the closest known pair of loci in P. tetraurelia. The genes nd126 and nd242 are distinguishable alleles at the same locus and the genes nd146 and nd148 are apparently identical alleles. The large number of loci involved in producing a similar phenotype in different stocks supports the idea that mutation is much more important than gene flow in this highly inbreeding species.  相似文献   

A previously isolated mutant cell line called d48 contains a complete copy of the A surface antigen gene in the micronuclear genome, but the gene is not incorporated into the macronucleus. Previous experiments have shown that a cytoplasmic factor made in the wild-type macronucleus can rescue the mutant. Recently, S. Koizumi and S. Kobayashi (Mol. Cell. Biol. 9:4398-4401, 1989) observed that injection of a plasmid containing the A gene into the d48 macronucleus rescued the cell line after autogamy. It is shown here that an 8.8-kb EcoRI fragment containing only a portion of the A gene coding region is sufficient for the rescue of d48. The inability of other A gene fragments to rescue the mutant shows that this effect is dependent upon specific Paramecium DNA sequences. Rescue results in restoration of the wild-type DNA restriction pattern in the macronucleus. These results are consistent with a model in which the macronuclear A locus normally makes an additional gene product that is required for correct processing of the micronuclear copy of the A gene.  相似文献   

Matsuda A  Takahashi M 《Genetics》2005,169(1):137-147
A genetic investigation of strain d4-95, which carries a recessive mutant allele (pwB(95)) of pawn-B, one of the controlling elements of voltage-dependent calcium channels in Paramecium tetraurelia, revealed a non-Mendelian feature. Progeny of the cross between d4-95 and wild type often expressed a clonally stable mutant phenotype, even when they had a wild-type gene. The mutant phenotype was also expressed after self-fertilization of theoretical wild-type homozygotes recovered from the cross. Our molecular analysis demonstrated that the copy number of the mutant pwB gene in the micro- and macronucleus of d4-95 was much greater than that of the wild type. Most of the amplified, extra pwB gene copies in d4-95 were heritable independently from the original pwB locus. Repeated backcrossing of d4-95 with the wild type to dilute extra pwB genes in the strain produced segregants with a completely normal Mendelian trait in testcrosses. These results strongly suggest that a non-Mendelian inheritance of d4-95 was induced by gene amplification in the micronucleus.  相似文献   

Mutant strain d48 of Paramecium tetraurelia lacks the gene for antigen A in the macronucleus, whereas this gene is present in the micronucleus. Transfer of macronucleoplasm from the wild type to strain d48 caused d48 to revert to the wild type after autogamy. Transfer of cytoplasm was not as effective as transfer of macronucleoplasm. It was also found that the micronucleus of d48 developed normally when it was transplanted to wild-type cells, whereas the micronucleus of the wild type formed a macronucleus that lacked the antigen A gene when this micronucleus was transplanted into d48. It was concluded that the micronucleus of d48 has a normal antigen A gene and that the hereditary determinants responsible for the d48 trait are located in the macronucleus. Molecular analysis of d48 clones that had been induced to revert to the wild type revealed that they possessed the antigen A gene in the macronucleus.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A method is described for obtaining trichocyst discharge in Paramecium using an extract of geranium leaves. The extract is easily prepared, gives readily reproducible results, and is only slightly toxic to the cells. Using this method, large quantities of trichocysts can be obtained for a variety of analyses. Preliminary evidence suggests that the component of the extract active in causing trichocyst discharge is geranium tannic acid.  相似文献   

M Prajer  F Iftode 《Folia biologica》2001,49(1-2):13-27
The run of autogamy in temperature sensitive mutant ts401, carrying also the mutation of trichocysts nd3a, at permissive (26 degrees C) and non-permissive temperature (35 degrees C) was studied and compared with this process in wild d4-2 stock of Paramecium tetraurelia. The effect of heat treatment on programmed nuclear and cortical events was investigated using cytological silver impregnation Fernandez-Galiano method and immunofluorescence technique with the application of two anti-alpha-tubulin antibodies. The appearance of cells with some large macronuclear fragments and an excess number of micronuclei suggests that nuclear differentiation is inhibited at restrictive temperature and that macronuclear regeneration takes place in this thermosensitive mutant. In such cells impaired oral reorganization was observed. After slight refeeding at the late autogamy, cells stopped at first postautogamous division were induced by heat treatment. The most striking feature of these abnormal divisions was the lack of a basal body duplication wave, which suggests that production of gamma-tubulin, structural protein being the essential component of the microtubule organizing centres, is disturbed at high temperature.  相似文献   

Uptake rates of a variety of 14C-labeled fatty acids and complex lipids by Paramecium tetraurelia during 48 h of log-phase growth varied. Fatty acid uptake was maximal during lag phase of growth when phagosome (food vacuole) formation was minimal. Food vacuole formation was shown to be suppressed by the presence of exogenous lipids and by starvation. The rates of uptake of lipids were significantly greater than those of small organic compounds such as amino acids, cyclitols, fatty acid precursors and metabolic intermediates. Significant amounts of radioactivity from 14C-labeled fatty acids were metabolized to 14CO2. The uptake rates of different saturated, straight-chain fatty acids of even carbon numbers were different and were not correlated with chain length, results suggesting that the primary mechanism for uptake of these compounds was neither by bulk transport nor simple diffusion and that carrier-mediated processes could possibly be involved.  相似文献   

Paramecium requires oleate for growth. The phospholipids of the ciliate contain high concentrations of palmitate and 18- and 20-carbon unsaturated fatty acids. We previously showed that radiolabeled oleate is desaturated and elongated to provide these 18- and 20-carbon unsaturated acids. We now report on saturated fatty acid (SFA) metabolism in Paramecium. Radiolabeled palmitate and stearate were incorporated directly into cellular phospholipids with little or no desaturation and/or elongation. Radiolabeled acetate, malonate, pyruvate, citrate, or glucose added to cultures were not incorporated into cellular phospholipid fatty acids indicating that these exogenously supplied putative precursors were not utilized for fatty acid synthesis by Paramecium. Radiolabel from octanoate or hexanoate appeared in fatty acyl groups of phospholipids, possibly by partial beta-oxidation and reincorporation of the label. Under oleate-free conditions in which cultures do not grow, radiolabel from these shorter chain SFA were beta-oxidized and preferentially used for the formation of arachidonate, the major end-product of fatty acid synthesis in Paramecium. Cerulenin inhibited culture growth apparently by inhibiting de novo fatty acid synthesis. Cerulenin-treated cells did not incorporate radioactivity from [1-14C]octanoate into esterified palmitate. However, total saponifiable phospholipid fatty acids, including SFA, per cell increased under these conditions.  相似文献   

Approximately 1/2 of the macronucleoplasm of wild-type cells of Paramecium tetraurelia was transplanted into d4-84 mutant recipient homozygous for mutations nd3a (non-discharging trichocysts) and ts401 (temperature sensitive). After injection, 30% of surviving cells shifted from mutant to wild-type phenotype. Among the remaining cell lines 29% were unable to eject any trichocysts, and 41% discharged less than 10 of them per cell, when tested with picric acid. Observations were made through two successive vegetative fissions. These results showed that 30% of d4-84 cells contained foreign gene responsible for trichocyst discharge and produced cell lines of the wild-type phenotype, in which the expression as well as replication of this gene appeared normal.  相似文献   

In the sexual reproduction of Paramecium tetraurelia, the somatic nucleus (macronucleus) undergoes massive genomic rearrangement, including gene amplification and excision of internal eliminated sequences (IESs), in its normal developmental process. Strain d4-662, one of the pawn mutants, is a behavioral mutant of P. tetraurelia that carries a recessive allele of pwB662. ThepwB gene in the macronucleus of the strain has an insertion of the IES because a base substitution within the IES prevents its excision during gene rearrangement. Cultures of this strain frequently contain cells reverting to the wild type in the behavioral phenotype. The mutant and revertant cells maintained stable clonal phenotypes under the various environmental conditions examined unless they underwent sexual reproduction. After sexual reproduction, both mutant and revertant produced 2.7-7.1% reverted progeny. A molecular analysis performed on the macronuclear DNA of the mutant and revertant of d4-662 showed that much less than 1% of the mutant IES was precisely excised at every sexual reproduction of the strain. Therefore, the alternative phenotype of strain d4-662 seems to be caused by an alternative excision of the mutant IES.  相似文献   

Organization of ribosomal genes in Paramecium tetraurelia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The macronuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of the ciliated protozoan Paramecium tetraurelia (stock 51) was analyzed by digestion with restriction endonucleases. The fragments which contained ribosomal RNA (rRNA) coding sequences and spacer sequences were identified. The spacer sequences exhibited some heterogeneity in size. The genes coding for 5.8S RNA, but not for 5S RNA, are linked to the 17S and 25S rRNA genes. Complementary RNA, synthesized from rDNA of stock 51, was hybridized with restriction digests of whole cell DNA from six other allopatric stocks of this species. The restriction patterns of the rDNA from these seven stocks were, in general, very similar, and the sizes of the coding sequences were identical in all seven stocks. Only the restriction pattern of rDNA from stock 127 differed significantly from that of stock 51. The rDNA from stock 127 was isolated and characterized, and with the exception of the restriction pattern of its spacer, it resembled the rDNA from stock 51. It is concluded that the rDNA repeat in Paramecium, including the spacer, has, in general, been conserved during the course of evolution. It is suggested that in some species, even in the absence of genetic exchange among geographically separated populations, selection pressure may act to conserve spacers of tandemly repeated rDNA. The conservation may be related to the number of rDNA copies in the germinal nucleus.  相似文献   

Methods for mass transformation of Paramecium tetraurelia were established using plasmids bearing neomycin-resistance or calmodulin gene fragments. Phenotypic and molecular analyses showed that, although variable, up to 5% transformation can be achieved by electroporation. Concentrations of divalent cations Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the electroporation medium were crucial for efficient transformation. Strong neomycin-resistance transformation using bioballistic particle bombardment with gold particles was observed. For both methods, hybridization to transformant DNA revealed plasmid signals consistent with macronuclear transformation and correlated with transformed phenotypes. Complementation of a known calmodulin gene mutation was also achieved by mass transformation. Possible sources of variation and the general utility of these methods are discussed.  相似文献   

Removal of the micronuclei of Paramecium tetraurelia and Paramecium jenningsi by micropipetting generates amicronucleate cell lines. These cell lines go through a period of growth depression for several dozen fissions, but they gradually recover. Amicronucleate cells in the depression period characteristically exhibit abnormal oral development, particularly reduction in the length of the buccal cavity and an abnormal pattern of the oral membranelles. To test the notion that the macronucleus is involved in the recovery of amicronucleate cell lines, DNA demethylation drugs were administered to amicronucleates in the depression period. After at least 4 fissions, the treated amicronucleates were assessed for their progress in recovery by scoring the proportion of cells with normal oral membranelles. Cvtidine analogues which demethylate cytosine specifically at the 5 position, namely 5-azacytidine, 5-aza-2'- deoxycytidine and 5-fluoro-2'-deoxycytidine. promoted recovery of the amicronucleates. Cytidine, 6-azacytidine, 2'-fluoro-2'-deoxy-cytidine and cytosine-β-D-arabinofuranoside did not. These results suggest that (i) 5-methylcytosine is present in the macronucleus of these Paramecium species, probably in small amounts and (ii) recovery of amicronucleates involves demethylation of macronuclear DNA. This implies that in normal cells the micronuclei are involved in maintaining the macronuclear DNA in a methylated state and hence the inactivation of the macronuclear sequences that are to be employed for stomatogenic recovery. A general mechanism for the control of gene expression may therefore be employed for the regulation of specific sequences.  相似文献   

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