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Cytogenetic studies were carried out on samples of Parapteronotus hasemani, Sternarchogiton preto and Sternarchorhamphus muelleri (Apteronotidae, Gymnotiformes) from the Amazon basin. The first two species exhibited both a 2n = 52 karyotype, but differed in their karyotypic formulae, distribution of constitutive heterochromatin, and chromosomal location of the NOR. The third species, Sternarchorhamphus muelleri, was found to have a 2n = 32 karyotype. In all three species the DAPI and chromomycin A3 staining results were consistent with the C-banding results and nucleolar organizer region (NOR) localization. The 18S rDNA probe confirmed that there was only one pair of ribosomal DNA cistron bearers per species. The telomeric probe did not reveal interstitial telomeric sequences (ITS). The karyotypic differences among these species can be used for taxonomic identification. These data will be useful in future studies of these fishes and help understanding the phylogenetic relationships and chromosomal evolution of the Apteronotidae.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analyses were performed on three Gymnotus species, Gymnotus paraguensis , Gymnotus sylvius and Gymnotus pantanal , collected in sympatry in the region of Guaíra, Paraná State (Brazil). Gymnotus paraguensis presented 54 chromosomes (52m-sm + 2st) in both sexes, G. sylvius presented 40 chromosomes (36m-sm + 4a) in both sexes and G. pantanal presented 40 chromosomes (14m-sm + 26a) in females and 39 (15m-sm + 24a) in males, with an X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y multiple sex chromosome system. All three species had single nucleolar organizing regions and heterochromatin in the centromeric region of most chromosomes. Gymnotus pantanal , previously collected only in the Lower Paraná and Paraguay River basins, was confirmed for the first time in the Upper Paraná River basin. This species constitutes one of several examples of species that have colonized the region after flooding of the great Sete Quedas waterfalls by the construction of the Itaipu hydroelectric dam. The probable absence or infertility of hybrids is indicated by the high level of chromosome differentiation between these species.  相似文献   

Gymnotus cylindricus LaMonte, a poorly studied Central American electric fish primarily observed in the Rio Motagua basin (Guatemala) and north-western Honduras, is redescribed in detail. A clear diagnosis of this species is provided, with new information on overall morphology, osteology, and colour pattern. In a separate section, comments on character ambiguity within the Ostariophysi are made, which led to a reinterpretation of seven homoplastic characters proposed by Fink & Fink (1981) in their work on interrelationships among five major lineages of the superorder. Although the topology of their cladogram remains unchanged, the present view is that alternative explanations regarding evolution of those characters are possible, and the new ones here offered agree with initial hypotheses of primary homologies.  相似文献   

The present study describes the life history of Gymnotus refugio, a species classified as Endangered in the last published list of threatened species of the Brazilian fauna. The study was conducted at a conservation unity that protect one of the last remaining semideciduous forests in the region. The reproductive period was estimated as occurring from the end of winter to the last summer months. Gymnotus refugio exibited fractional spawning, the lowest relative fecundity registered among the Gymnotifomes species studied at the present, and male parental care behavior. The analyses showed a seasonal pattern on the species diet, associating different food categories to winter, autumn, and spring. According to food items analysis and estimated intestinal quotient, G. refugio was classified as invertivorous, feeding mainly on autochthonous insects. The results obtained herein suggest that the position of G. refugio as an Endangered species might be influenced by its territoriality, habitat specificity, parental care behavior, and low fecundity, reinforcing the importance of swampy forest environment conservation as the only means of the species maintenance.  相似文献   

Archolaemus, one of the five genera of Neotropical freshwater fish of the family Sternopygidae (Gymnotiformes), was long considered a monotypic genus represented by Archolaemus blax. Currently, it consists of six species, most of them occurring in the Amazon region. There are no cytogenetic data for species of this genus. In the present study, we used classical cytogenetics (conventional staining and C‐banding) and molecular cytogenetics (probes of telomeric sequences and multigenic families 18S rDNA, 5S rDNA, and U2 snDNA) to study the karyotype of Archolaemus janeae from Xingu and Tapajós rivers in the state of Pará (Brazil). The results showed that the two populations have identical karyotypes with 46 chromosomes: four submetacentric and 42 acrocentric (2n = 46; 4m/sm + 42a). Constitutive heterochromatin occurs in the centromeric region of all chromosomes, in addition to small bands in the interstitial and distal regions of some pairs. The 18S rDNA occurs in the distal region of the short arm of pair 2; the 5S rDNA occurs in five chromosome pairs; and the U2 snDNA sequence occurs in chromosome pairs 3, 6, and 13. No interstitial telomeric sequence was observed. These results show karyotypic similarity between the studied populations suggesting the existence of a single species and are of great importance as a reference for future cytotaxonomic studies of the genus.  相似文献   

Mormyrid fishes produce and sense weak electric organ discharges (EODs) for object detection and communication, and they have been increasingly recognized as useful model organisms for studying signal evolution and speciation. EOD waveform variation can provide important clues to sympatric species boundaries between otherwise similar or morphologically cryptic forms. Endemic to the watersheds of Gabon (Central Africa), Ivindomyrus marchei and Ivindomyrus opdenboschi are morphologically similar to one another. Using morphometric, electrophysiological and molecular characters [cytochrome b sequences and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genotypes], we investigated to what extent these nominal mormyrid species have diverged into biological species. Our sampling covered the known distribution of each species with a focus on the Ivindo River, where the two taxa co-occur. An overall pattern of congruence among datasets suggests that I. opdenboschi and I. marchei are mostly distinct. Electric signal analysis showed that EODs of I. opdenboschi tend to have a smaller initial head-positive peak than those of I. marchei, and they often possess a small third waveform peak that is typically absent in EODs of I. marchei. Analysis of sympatric I. opdenboschi and I. marchei populations revealed slight, but significant, genetic partitioning between populations based on AFLP data (F(ST) approximately 0.04). Taken separately, however, none of the characters we evaluated allowed us to discriminate two completely distinct or monophyletic groups. Lack of robust separation on the basis of any single character set may be a consequence of incomplete lineage sorting due to recent ancestry and/or introgressive hybridization. Incongruence between genetic datasets in one individual, which exhibited a mitochondrial haplotype characteristic of I. marchei but nevertheless fell within a genetic cluster of I. opdenboschi based on AFLP genotypes, suggests that a low level of recent hybridization may also be contributing to patterns of character variation in sympatry. Nevertheless, despite less than perfect separability based on any one dataset and inconclusive evidence for complete reproductive isolation between them in the Ivindo River, we find sufficient evidence to support the existence of two distinctive species, I. opdenboschi and I. marchei, even if not 'biological species' in the Mayrian sense.  相似文献   

The first chromosomal data in Hoplosternum littorale from an isolated South American drainage in north-eastern Brazil are presented. All specimens were characterized by a diploid number (2n) of 60 chromosomes divided into three metacentric, one submetacentric and 26 acrocentric pairs; single nucleolar organizer regions (NOR) on the sixth pair; centromeric and interstitial heterochromatin; GC-rich sites on four large acrocentric chromosomes, including the NOR-bearing pair, and 5S ribosomal genes at terminal region on short arms of two acrocentric pairs. These data are invariably similar to previous reports in H. littorale from distant localities throughout South America, which contrasts with the chromosomal diversity of Callichthyidae and reinforces the role of human activities on the dispersal and colonization of this fish.  相似文献   

Despite their ecological and economical importance, fishes of the family Ariidae are still genetically and cytogenetically poorly studied. Among the 133 known species of ariids, only eight have been karyotyped. Cytogenetic analyses performed on Genidens barbus and Sciades herzbergii revealed that both species have 2n = 56 chromosomes and Cathorops aff. mapale has 2n = 52 chromosomes: Genidens barbus has 10 Metacentrics (M), 14 Submetacentrics (SM), 26 Subtelocentrics (ST), and 6 Acrocentrics (A), Sciades herzbergii has 14M, 20SM, 18ST and 4A, whereas Cathorops aff. mapale has 14M, 20SM, and 18ST. The nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) were found in a single chromosome pair on the short arm of a large-sized ST pair in Genidens barbus and on the short arm of a middle-size SM pair in Cathorops aff. mapale. Multiple NORs on the short arms of two large-sized ST pairs were found in Sciades herzbergii. The occurrence of diploid numbers ranging from 2n = 52 through 56 chromosomes and the presence of different karyotypic compositions, besides the number and position of NORs suggest that several numeric and structural chromosome rearrangements were fixed during the evolutionary history of this fish family.  相似文献   

Although Astyanax bimaculatus is the most representative species of the genus in the Amazon region, there are no cytogenetic studies of A. bimaculatus species in Amazon region. Thus, we aimed to analyse the chromosome complements of specimens from this area using classic and molecular cytogenetic approaches. The results revealed the existence of a distinct cytotype and this is the first report of the occurrence of a B microchromosome in the species. Overall, these data indicate that the karyotypic evolution of this species is complex, involving the occurrence of chromosomal rearrangements.  相似文献   

Nomimoscolex guillermoi n. sp. and N. dechambrieri n. sp. are described from the gymnotiform fish Gymnotus carapo from Argentina. The new species are placed into Nomimoscolex based on the cortical position of the vitelline follicles, and medullary position of the testes, ovary, and uterus. Both species were compared to the 13 species considered valid in the genus. The combination of features distinguishing N. guillermoi from N. dechambrieri is (1) the position of the vagina to cirrus pouch (anterior or posterior vs always anterior respectively), (2) the total number of testes (41-85 vs 108-130 respectively), (3) the distribution of the vitelline follicles (arranged in dorso-lateral and ventro-lateral bands vs lateral bands respectively), (4) the length of the uteroduct (ending 58% vs 35% from posterior margin of mature proglottis respectively), and (5) the presence of gland cells in the scolex (unicellular glands in the apical region and the external margin of suckers vs the presence of unicellular glands in the apex and other grouped in a cluster medially to the suckers respectively).  相似文献   

Sternopygus castroi n. sp. is described as a new species of sternopygid Neotropical freshwater fish from the Rio Cuieiras, tributary of Rio Negro, Amazonas State, Brazil. It differs from the other species of the genus by a combination of characters. Three new synapomorphies for Sternopygus are reported. Only Sternopygus species present a membranous integumental subopercular fold originating postero-ventrally in the opercular region, running anteriorly to the isthmus region. In Sternopygus, the membranous opercular opening is wide and S-shaped (wide but fleshy in Gymnotus). In Sternopygus there is also a medial cephalic fleshy fold at the ventral margin of the opercular membrane, directed forward and ventrally to the isthmus, surrounding the anal pore anteriorly, just behind the subopercular flap.  相似文献   

The frequency of spontaneous micronucleus (MN) formation in fish species needs to be determined to evaluate their usefulness for genotoxic biomonitoring. The definition of a good bioindicator takes into account the current knowledge of its metabolic traits as well as other factors including its feeding behavior and relationship to the environment. In this study, we compared the basal frequencies of micronucleated erythrocytes and nuclear abnormalities (NA) among different species of the fish Order Gymnotiformes (Rhamphichthys marmoratus, Steatogenys elegans, Sternopygus macrurus, Parapteronotus hasemani, Gymnotus mamiraua, Gymnotus arapaima, Brachyhypopomus beebei, Brachyhypopomus n. sp. BENN) sampled in several localities of the Eastern Amazon. A baseline of MN and NA frequency in these fish was determined, enabling the identification of potentially useful species as models for genotoxicity studies. Only one impacted sample collected at a site in the River Caripetuba showed a significant number of NAs, which may be due to the release of wastewater by neighbouring mining industries and by the burnt fuel released by the small boats used by a local community. Our results may provide support for further studies in areas of the Eastern Amazon affected by mining, deforestation and other anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

The location of 18S and 5S rDNA sites was determined in eight species and populations of the fish genus Triportheus by using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The males and females of all species had 2n = 52 chromosomes and a ZZ/ZW sex chromosome system. A single 18S rDNA site that was roughly equivalent to an Ag-NOR was detected on the short arms of a submetacentric pair in nearly all species, and up to two additional sites were also observed in some species. In addition, another 18S rDNA cluster was identified in a distal region on the long arms of the W chromosome; this finding corroborated previous evidence that this cluster would be a shared feature amongst Triportheus species. In T. angulatus, a heterozygotic paracentric inversion involving the short arms of one homolog of a metacentric pair was associated with NORs. The 5S rDNA sites were located on the short arms of a single submetacentric chromosomal pair, close to the centromeres, except in T. auritus, which had up to ten 5S rDNA sites. The 18S and 5S rDNA sites were co-localized and adjacent on the short arms of a chromosomal pair in two populations of T. nematurus. Although all Triportheus species have a similar karyotypic macrostructure, the results of this work show that in some species ribosomal genes may serve as species-specific markers when used in conjunction with other putatively synapomorphic features.  相似文献   

Sterility barriers, ranging from incomplete to fully developed, were recently demonstrated within taxonomic species of the genus Draba, suggesting the existence of numerous, cryptic biological species. Because these taxa are predominately selfers and of Pleistocene origin, it was concluded that hybrid sterility evolved quickly and possibly by genetic drift. Here we used genetic mapping and QTL analyses to determine the genetic basis of hybrid sterility between geographically distant populations of one of these taxonomic species, Draba nivalis. Fifty microsatellite loci were mapped, and QTL analyses identified five loci underlying seed fertility and two underlying pollen fertility. Four of five seed fertility QTLs reduced fertility in heterozygotes, an observation most consistent with drift-based fixation of underdominant sterility loci. However, several nuclear-nuclear interactions were also found, including two that acted like reciprocal translocations with lowest fitness in double heterozygotes, and two that had a pattern of fitness consistent with Bateson-Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities. In contrast, pollen fertility QTLs exhibited additive inheritance, with lowest fertility associated with the paternal allele, a pattern of inheritance suggestive of cytonuclear incompatibilities. The results imply that multiple genetic mechanisms underlie the rapid evolution of reproductive barriers in Draba.  相似文献   

In this study, genetic differentiation between karyomorphs A (2n = 42) and D (2n = 39/40) of the wolf fish Hoplias malabaricus, which is comprised of several cryptic species that present a wide variety of diploid chromosome numbers and sex chromosome systems, resulting in the identification of seven distinct karyomorphs (A–G), was investigated using a combination of molecular and cytogenetic tools. Deep sequence divergences for both karyomorphs were observed and indicate a long period of reproductive isolation between karyomorphs A and D. Additionally, one individual with 61 chromosomes was identified, which, as far as is known, is the first case of natural triploidy resulting from the hybridization between these highly differentiated karyomorphs of H. malabaricus. Molecular and cytogenetic analyses revealed that this allotriploid specimen carries two sets of maternal chromosomes from karyomorph D (2n = 40) and one set of chromosomes from karyomorph A (n = 21). Moreover, ribosomal sites and active nucleolus organizer regions from both parental contributors were found in the triploid hybrid. Considering the significant genetic distances between karyomorphs A and D, one of the primary reasons for the lack of recurrent reports of hybridization in the H. malabaricus species complex may be due to post‐zygotic barriers, such as hybrid sterility or unviability.  相似文献   

A recent substantial rearrangement of the 882 described eleutherodactyline frog species has considerably improved the understanding of their systematics. Nevertheless, many taxonomic aspects of the South American eleutherodactyline species remain unknown and require further investigation using morphological, cytogenetic and molecular approaches. In this work, the karyotypes of the Brazilian species Ischnocnema juipoca (Atibaia and Campos do Jordão, SP), Barycholos cf. ternetzi (Uberlândia, MG, and Porto Nacional, TO), and Pristimantis crepitans (Chapada dos Guimarães and São Vicente, MT) were analyzed using Giemsa staining, Ag-NOR labeling, and C-banding techniques. All individuals had a diploid number of 22 chromosomes, but the Fundamental Numbers were different among species. The herein described low chromosome number of Pristimantis crepitans is unique within this genus, suggesting that cytogenetically this species is not closely related either to its congeneric species or to Ischnocnema. In addition, karyotype differences, mainly in the NOR position, clearly distinguished the two Barycholos populations, besides indicating the existence of a so far undescribed species in this genus. A taxonomic review could clarify the systematic position of P. crepitans and verify the hypothetic new Barycholos species.  相似文献   

Stenophylla lobivertex, a new species of Stenophyllinae from Ecuador and Peru, where this genus has never been found before, is described. This new species differs from Stenophylla cornigera Westwood, the only species known for this genus, by the remarkable size of the median process of the vertex and by the shape of the male genitalia. The systematic position and some biogeographical remarks about the genus are made.  相似文献   

The karyotype and major ribosomal sites as revealed using silver staining of Anatolian leuciscine cyprinid fish Acanthobrama marmid were studied. The diploid chromosome number was invariably 2n = 50. Karyotype consisted of eight pairs of metacentric, 13 pairs of submetacentric and four pairs of subtelocentric to acrocentric chromosomes. The largest chromosome pair of the complement was subtelo-to acrocentric characteristically, which is a characteristic cytotaxonomic marker for representatives of the cyprinid lineage Leuciscinae. The nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) were detected in the telomeres of two pairs of medium sized submeta-to subtelocentric chromosomes. No heteromorphic sex chromosomes were found. The karyotype pattern of A. marmid is nearly identical to that found in most other representatives of the Eurasian leuciscine cyprinids, while the multiple NOR phenotype appears to be more derived as opposed to a uniform one, ubiquitous in this group.  相似文献   

Anchoviella hernanni sp. nov. is described from the upper Amazon River basin, in tributaries of the Marañon, Ucayali and Madre de Dios river drainages that drain the Peruvian Andes. The new taxon can be distinguished from all congeners except Anchoviella jamesi, Anchoviella manamensis and Anchoviella perezi, by having 12–15 gill rakers in the lower branch of the first gill arch (16–35) and from those species by the distance between verticals through the posterior margin of the orbit to the posterior margin of the upper jaw 9·5–14·8% head length; LH (v. up to 6·0% LH). An updated identification key of all freshwater species of Anchoviella and morphological comparisons between all species of the genus occurring in Peru are provided.  相似文献   

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