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This study investigated the significance of the genetic differences between assemblages A, B and E on intestinal growth and virulence. Intestinal growth and virulence were studied in 2 laboratory (A(I): WB and B: GS/M-83-H7) and 6 field isolates of assemblage subtype A(I), A(II), B and E(III). Intestinal trophozoite burdens, body weight and faecal consistency were monitored until day 29 post-infection (p.i.), morphological (mucosal architecture and inflammation) and functional (disaccharidase and alkaline phosphatase enzyme activity) damage to the small intestine were evaluated on days 7 and 18 p.i. The assemblage subtypes A(I) and B were more infectious and produced higher trophozoite loads for a longer period compared to the subtypes A(II) and E(III). The body weight of infected gerbils was significantly reduced compared to uninfected controls, but did not differ between the assemblage subtypes. Consistent softening of the faeces was only observed with assemblage B. Assemblage B next to assemblage subtype A(I) elicited relatively higher pathogenicity, characterized by more extensive damage to mucosal architecture, decreased brush-border enzyme function and infiltration of inflammatory cells. Assemblage E(III) and A(II) isolates showed relatively low virulence. The Giardia assemblage subtypes exhibit different levels of growth and virulence in the gerbil model.  相似文献   

Giardia duodenalis is a widespread parasite of mammalian species, including humans. Due to its invariant morphology, investigations of aspects such as host specificity and transmission patterns require the direct genetic characterisation of parasites from faecal samples. We performed a sequence analysis of four genes (ssrRNA, β-giardin, glutamate dehydrogenase and triose phosphate isomerase) of 61 human isolates and 29 animal isolates. The results showed that multilocus genotypes (MLGs) can be readily defined for G. duodenalis isolates of assemblage A but not for assemblage B. Indeed, for assemblage A isolates, there was no evidence of intra-isolate sequence heterogeneity, and congruent genotyping results were obtained at the four genetic loci investigated. Sequence comparison and phylogenetic analysis showed that human-derived and animal-derived MLGs are different, and further indicated the presence of a new sub-assemblage (referred to as “AIII”), which was found exclusively in wild hoofed animals. On the other hand, there were variable levels of intra-isolate sequence heterogeneity (i.e., the presence of two overlapping nucleotide peaks at specific positions in the chromatograms, or “heterogeneous templates”) in assemblage B isolates from humans and animals, and this prevented the unambiguous identification of MLGs. Furthermore, in five human isolates and one non-human primate isolate, the assignment to assemblage B was problematic, given that one of the four markers supported an assignment to assemblage A. These findings raise concerns about the interpretation of genotyping data based on single markers, and indicate the need to understand the mechanisms that are responsible for the differences between G. duodenalis assemblages A and B.  相似文献   

A molecular epidemiological study was conducted on 100 dairy (499 calves) and 50 beef (333 calves) farms in Belgium to estimate the prevalence of different Giardia duodenalis assemblages in calves younger than 10 weeks of age. Positive samples from the epidemiological study and from a previous clinical study were selected and genotyped based on the amplification of the beta-giardin gene. To investigate the occurence of mixed assemblage A and E infections in calves, a novel assemblage-specific PCR was developed based on the triose-phosphate isomerase gene. The prevalence was 22% (95% Probability Interval (PI): 12-34%) in dairy calves and 45% (95% PI: 30-64%) in beef calves. In total, 120 Giardia-positive samples from dairy and beef calves collected in the epidemiological study and from clinically affected calves were identified based on the amplification of the beta-giardin gene. Overall G. duodenalis assemblage E was more prevalent (in 64% of the samples), although the majority (59%) of the dairy calves were infected with G. duodenalis assemblage A. Furthermore, mixed G. duodenalis assemblage A and E infections were identified in 31% of the calf samples (n=101) using the assemblage-specific PCR. We believe this is the first report of mixed infections in calves, and the results of the present study indicate that calves, although mainly infected with the host-specific G. duodenalis assemblage E, are frequently infected with the zoonotic assemblage A, either as a mixed or mono-infection, suggesting that calves might be underestimated as a potential zoonotic reservoir for human infections.  相似文献   

Giardiasis is a communicable gastrointestinal disease caused by Giardia duodenalis and two genetic assemblages, A and B, cause human infection. In remote Indigenous communities of Australia, giardiasis is highly prevalent among children but disease transmission is poorly understood. This study investigated the prevalence of Giardia and genetic subtypes contributing to human disease in a remote Indigenous community, in the Northern Territory of Australia. Eighty-seven faecal samples were collected from 74 children (<15 years) over an 18 month period, and the distribution of positive cases relative to participant age and gender were examined. Screening by microscopy and 18S rRNA PCR amplification showed 66.7% (58/87) of faecal samples were positive for Giardia. Both males and females were equally affected and high detection rates were obtained for participants aged 0–<5 years and 5–<10 years (66.0 and 60.0% respectively). For 58.6% of the positive samples, Giardia was only detected by 18S rRNA PCR. Approximately 75% of cases were assemblage B, and subassemblage analyses using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism of the glutamate dehydrogenase gene demonstrated that a variety of genetic variants were present. The high proportion of positive cases that were not detectable by microscopy, and dominance of assemblage B cases highlights the need for further research in this community, to assess the contribution of Giardia to chronic gastrointestinal disease among children, and to understand conditions conductive to assemblage B transmission.  相似文献   

The in vitro growth behaviour of the intestinal protozoan Giardia duodenalis was studied in detail and comparisons were made between two genetically and biologically distinct cloned isolates. Replicates of each clone were grown at six different initial cell concentrations and in culture media at four different pH values. Significant differences in in vitro growth were found between the two isolates, BAH12 and P1. BAH12 had a specific narrow pH requirement, with satisfactory growth only obtained at pH 6. The mean generation time of BAH12 at pH 6 between days 1 and 3 was 10.8 h, compared to an average of 6 h for the same period for P1, both at pH 6 and pH 7. Comparative health of cultures was assessed during both the pH and growth experiments using a suite of six variables. Consistent changes in the health of cultures over time were found to reflect growth behaviour over time. These results provide the first detailed evidence that genetically different isolates of Giardia may differ in such fundamental biological parameters as growth rate and pH requirements. These differences may have important epidemiological and taxonomic implications.  相似文献   

The flagellated protozoan Giardia duodenalis is a common gastrointestinal parasite of mammals, including humans. Molecular characterizations have shown the existence of eight genetic groups (or assemblages) in the G. duodenalis species complex. Human infections are caused by assemblages A and B, which infect other mammals as well. Whether transmission routes, animal reservoirs and associations with specific symptoms differ for assemblage A and assemblage B is not clear. Furthermore, the occurrence and clinical significance of mixed (A+B) infections is also poorly understood. To date, the majority of PCR assays has been developed to identify all G. duodenalis assemblages based on the use of primers that bind to conserved regions, yet a reliable identification of specific assemblages is better achieved by ad hoc methods. The aim of this work was to design simple PCR assays that, based on the use of assemblage-specific primers, produce diagnostic bands of different lengths for assemblage A and B. We first generated novel sequence information from assemblage B, identified homologous sequences in the assemblage A genome, and designed primers at six independent loci. Experiments performed on DNA extracted from axenic cultures showed that two of the six assays can detect the equivalent of a single cyst and are not negatively influenced by disproportions between DNA of each assemblage, at least up to a 9∶1 ratio. Further experiments on DNAs extracted from feces showed that the two assays can detect both assemblages in single tube reactions with excellent reliability. Finally, the robustness of these assays was demonstrated by testing a large collection of human isolates previously typed by multi-locus genotyping.  相似文献   

Giardia intestinalis is a complex species divided into 7 assemblages (A - G). Two of them (A and B) are infective for both humans and animals. In cats four assemblages can occur: A, B, D, and F Assemblages A and B infect either cats, dogs and humans, assemblage D infects cats and dogs and assemblage F only cats. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and genotypes of G. intestinalis in cats from Warsaw. From November 2006 to March 2007 a hundred sixty samples of stool were collected and examined by light microscopy. G. intestinalis cysts were detected in 3.75% of samples. DNA extracted from positive samples was used as template for PCR-RFLP using Giardia specific primers and the amplicons were sequenced. A comparison of the obtained DNA sequences with the Giardia sequences in the GeneBank database revealed assemblage A in 1.25% of the investigated cats, assemblage B in 1.25% and D in 1.25%.  相似文献   

Giardia duodenalis is an important zoonotic pathogen, causes diarrhea in humans and animals worldwide. To date, few data are available on the prevalence of G. duodenalis in rabbits in China. In total, 955 fecal samples were collected from rabbits during 2008–2011 in Henan Province, Central China. The overall prevalence of G. duodenalis was 8.4% (80/955) on microscopic analysis, with the highest infection rate (11.3%) in rabbits aged 91–200 d. All G. duodenalis‐positive isolates were characterized at the small subunit ribosomal RNA, β‐giardin (bg), glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh), and triosephosphate isomerase genes. Two assemblages and a mixed assemblage were detected in the rabbits: assemblage B (n = 26), assemblage E (n = 2), and a mixed assemblage of B and E (n = 4). Assemblage B isolates showed variability at the nucleotide sequences belonging to the so‐called subtype BIV, based on analysis of multiple genes. This is the first report of G. duodenalis assemblage E in rabbits, and one novel subtype of assemblage E was identified through sequence analysis of gdh and bg genes, respectively. Our data suggest that rabbits may be reservoirs of G. duodenalis cysts potentially infectious to humans.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasites Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium parvum are common causes of diarrhoea, worldwide. Effective drug treatment is available for G. duodenalis, but with anecdotal evidence of resistance or reduced compliance. There is no effective specific chemotherapeutic intervention for Cryptosporidium. Recently, there has been renewed interest in the antimicrobial properties of berries and their phenolic compounds but little work has been done on their antiparasitic actions. The effect of various preparations of blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) extract on G. duodenalis trophozoites and C. parvum oocysts were investigated. Pressed blueberry extract, a polyphenolic-rich blueberry extract, and a commercially produced blueberry drink (Bouvrage) all demonstrated antigiardial activity. The polyphenol-rich blueberry extract reduced trophozoite viability in a dose dependent manner. At 167 microgml(-1), this extract performed as well as all dilutions of pressed blueberry extract and the Bouvrage beverage (9.6+/-2.8% live trophozoites remaining after 24h incubation). The lowest dilution of blueberry extract tested (12.5% v/v) contained >167 microgml(-1) of polyphenolic compounds suggesting that polyphenols are responsible for the reduced survival of G. duodenalis trophozoites. The pressed blueberry extract, Bouvrage beverage and the polyphenolic-rich blueberry extract increased the spontaneous excystation of C. parvum oocysts at 37 degrees C, compared to controls, but only at a dilution of 50% Bouvrage beverage, equivalent to 213 microgml(-1) gallic acid equivalents in the polyphenolic-rich blueberry extract. Above this level, spontaneous excystation is decreased. We conclude that water soluble extracts of blueberries can kill G. duodenalis trophozoites and modify the morphology of G. duodenalis and C. parvum.  相似文献   

Recent research concerning Giardia duodenalis has focused on resolving possible sub-assemblages within Assemblages A and B to better understand host-specific and zoonotic relationships. In the present study nine cloned, cultured, Assemblage B isolates were used to investigate the intra-Assemblage B substitution patterns of conserved (ssrDNA, ef, h2b, h4) and variable (tpi, gdh, bg) genes to assess their suitability for further application to sub-assemblage analyses. The resolution of each gene was found to be proportional to its substitution rate and for the genetically narrow sample set examined, the variable genes best represented the consensus phylogeny while the conserved genes only established fractions. However it was demonstrated that the spectra of conserved and variable genes were required to ensure accuracy of inferred phylogeny and it was therefore concluded that further research into sub-Assemblage B groups would require a mixture of conserved and variable genes for the multi-locus analyses of this genetically broad assemblage.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium and Giardia are protozoan parasites capable of causing gastrointestinal illness in humans and animals. The purpose of this research was to determine the occurrence, genetic characteristics, and zoonotic potential of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia duodenalis in captive mammals at the Bangladesh National Zoo. A total of 200 fresh fecal samples from 32 mammalian species were collected and examined for Cryptosporidium spp. using nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene and G. duodenalis targeting the β-giardin (bg), glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh), and triosephosphate isomerase (tpi) genes. The overall infection rates of Cryptosporidium and G. duodenalis among captive mammals in the zoo were 3.5% (7/200) and 5.5% (11/200), respectively. Five species/genotypes of Cryptosporidium (C. hominis, C. andersoni, C. muris, C. felis, and Cryptosporidium deer genotype) were identified. C. hominis was subtyped as IbA12G3 by sequence analysis of the glycoprotein 60 (gp60) gene. Multilocus genotyping of G. duodenalis revealed assemblages A, B, and D. Mixed infections of assemblages B and D and A and B were found in an Asiatic jackal and a Nilgiri langur, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the occurrence and genetic identity of the two parasites among zoo animals in Bangladesh. The results suggest that zoonotic Cryptosporidium spp. and G. duodenalis are maintained in and transmitted between captive mammals. Therefore, washing, cleaning, and disinfection measures should be implemented to reduce the spread of Cryptosporidium and G. duodenalis infections.  相似文献   



Giardia duodenalis infects humans and other mammals by ingestion of cysts in contaminated water or food, or directly in environments with poor hygiene. Eight assemblages, designated A–H, are described for this species.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We investigated by microscopy or by direct immunofluorescence technique the occurrence of G. duodenalis in 380 humans, 34 animals, 44 samples of water and 11 of vegetables. G. duodenalis cysts present in samples were genotyped through PCR-RFLP of β giardin and glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh) genes and sequencing of gdh. The gdh gene was amplified in 76.5% (26/34) of the human faeces samples with positive microscopy and in 2.9% (1/34) of negative samples. In 70.4% (19/27) of the positive samples were found BIV assemblage. In two samples from dogs with positive microscopy and one negative sample, assemblages BIV, C, and D were found. Cysts of Giardia were not detected in water samples, but three samples used for vegetable irrigation showed total coliforms above the allowed limit, and Escherichia coli was observed in one sample. G. duodenalis BIV was detected in two samples of Lactuca sativa irrigated with this sample of water. BIV was a common genotype, with 100% similarity, between different sources or hosts (humans, animals and vegetables), and the one most often found in humans.


This is the first study in Brazil that reports the connection among humans, dogs and vegetables in the transmission dynamics of G. duodenalis in the same geographic area finding identical assemblage. BIV assemblage was the most frequently observed among these different links in the epidemiological chain.  相似文献   

A study on chloroquine resistance of falciparum malaria was conducted in the Solomon Islands. Both in vitro and clinical tests were performed. In our regular studies of in vitro chloroquine susceptibility tests on Plasmodium falciparum from non-immuners in Japan, the threshold point to differentiate resistant and susceptible isolates was set at a 0. 114 microM chloroquine in the semi-micro culture system, and this point was also applicable in the study of the malaria parasite taken in the highly endemic malarious area with good coincidence with clinical observation. Variation in the incubation time (24-63) to reach the schizont stage of the isolated parasites were noted. It appeared that chloroquine resistant P. falciparum showed traits to reach the schizont stage within a shorter incubation period.  相似文献   

The stages of Cryptosporidium parvum asexual exogenous development were investigated at high ultra-structural resolution in cell-free culture using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Early C. parvum trophozoites were ovoid in shape, 1.07 × 1.47 μm2 in size, and contained a large nucleus and adjacent Golgi complex. Dividing and mature meronts containing four to eight developing merozoites, 2.34 × 2.7 μm2 in size, were observed within the first 24 h of cultivation. An obvious peculiarity was found within the merozoite pellicle, as it was composed of the outer plasma membrane with underlying middle and inner membrane complexes. Further novel findings were vacuolization of the meront's residuum and extension of its outer pellicle, as parasitophorous vacuole-like membranes were also evident. The asexual reproduction of C. parvum was consistent with the developmental pattern of both eimerian coccidia and Arthrogregarinida (formerly Neogregarinida). The unique cell-free development of C. parvum described here, along with the establishment of meronts and merozoite formation, is the first such evidence obtained from in vitro cell-free culture at the ultrastructural level.  相似文献   

The fibroblast growth factor's (FGF) influence on the growth and differentiation of 8- and 9- day-old rat foetus has been studied, whereas foetuses were grown in an in vitro culture model. Proliferation was analysed by the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). It was established that the usage of FGF in the first period of the culture lowers the growth no matter the foetus age at the moment of culturing and no matter whether it is a medium with or without a serum. If FGF is applied in the second culture period, it also lowers the growth, however younger foetuses in the in vitro culture model are more sensible to FGF negative influence. When FGF was applied in a lower concentration the growth of whole foetuses was improved in the in vitro culture model, which shows that the FGF influence on growth depends on the concentration. Stereological analyses have been done and showed that, in the in vitro culture model, FGF has no influence on proliferating cartilage tissue, but it stimulates the survival of nervel tissue cells. It has been shown that the quantitative research of growth processes in cultivated foetuses can precisely be done by combining classic methods of measuring whole foetus diameters and analysing the expression of proliferating antigen.  相似文献   

The mycalamides belong to a family of protein synthesis inhibitors noted for antifungal, antitumour, antiviral, immunosuppressive, and nematocidal activities. Here we report a systematic analysis of the role of drug efflux pumps in mycalamide resistance and the first isolation of mycalamide E. In human cell lines, neither P-glycoprotein overexpression nor the use of efflux pump inhibitors significantly modulated mycalamide A toxicity in the systems tested. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it appears that mycalamide A is subject to efflux by the principle mediator of xenobiotic efflux, Pdr5p along with the major facilitator superfamily pump Tpo1p. Mycalamide E showed a similar efflux profile. These results suggest that future drugs based on the mycalamides are likely to be valuable in situations where efflux pump-based resistance leads to failure of other chemotherapeutic approaches, although efflux may be a mediator of resistance in antifungal applications.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium ulcerans is the causative agent of Buruli ulcer, one of the most common mycobacterial diseases of humans. Recent studies have implicated aquatic insects in the transmission of this pathogen, but the contributions of other elements of the environment remain largely unknown. We report here that crude extracts from two green algae added to the BACTEC 7H12B culture medium halved the doubling time of M. ulcerans and promoted biofilm formation. Using the 7H12B medium, modified by the addition of the algal extract, and immunomagnetic separation, we also demonstrate that M. ulcerans is associated with aquatic plants in an area of the Ivory Coast where Buruli ulcer is endemic. Genotype analysis showed that plant-associated M. ulcerans had the same profile as isolates recovered in the same region from both aquatic insects and clinical specimens. These observations implicate aquatic plants as a reservoir of M. ulcerans and add a new potential link in the chain of transmission of M. ulcerans to humans.  相似文献   

 Radial growth responses to drought were examined in the tree-ring records of six species growing within two locations of differing land-use history and soil moisture characteristics, and in overstory and understory canopy positions in northern Virginia. Tree species experienced differential ring-width reductions during or immediately following four severe drought periods occurring from 1930 to 1965 and were influenced by climatic variables including annual and summer temperatures, annual precipitation, and annual Palmer Drought Severity Index. Relative growth comparisons averaged across species before and after drought years indicated that understory trees on dry-mesic sites grew 11% faster after drought compared to pre-drought rates while mesic site trees in both canopy positions grew approximately 4% slower. Superposed epoch analysis indicated that Liriodendron tulipifera growing on mesic sites experienced greater ring-width reductions associated with drought than co-occurring, more drought-tolerant Quercus alba and Q. velutina. On dry-mesic sites, L. tulipifera also experienced greatly reduced growth as a result of drought but exhibited significant growth increases following individual drought events. Quercus alba was the only species that exhibited a consistent, significant ring-width decrease associated with all droughts on dry-mesic sites. In contrast, Pinus virginiana was least impacted by drought on dry-mesic sites but was much more impacted by drought on mesic sites, indicating a drought×site interaction for this species. Overstory Carya glabra and Q. alba experienced larger growth decreases during drought on dry-mesic versus mesic sites. Understory tree growth reductions did not differ between site types but were often significantly larger than overstory responses of the same species on mesic sites. Following drought, most trees exhibited growth reductions lasting 2–3 years, although several species experienced reductions lasting up to 6 years. The results of this study suggest that tree rings represent an important long-term proxy for leaf-level ecophysiological measurements of growth responses to drought periods. Received: 31 July 1996 / Accepted: 16 April 1997  相似文献   

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