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The PCR-RFLP technique was used to detect chloroplast DNA diversity in wild populations of Prunus avium from five European deciduous forests and some cultivars. A study of 10.8% of the total chloroplast genome detected eight insertion-deletion (indel) mutations, distributed over 12 haplotypes. Six haplotypes (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6) were found in wild populations and eight (H2, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11 and H12) in the cultivars. Only two haplotypes (H2 and H6) are shared by the wild populations and the cultivars. The most-abundant and frequent haplotype in wild populations is H2 (frequency=78%). The wider geographical distribution along with the high frequency reflects its ancient origin. Of the five populations, three are polymorphic. Populations GA (Scotland) and KE (Germany) have unique haplotypes. The total cpDNA diversity in wild populations is hT=0.40, and a major portion of it is within populations (hS=0.37). The genetic differentiation among populations was low (GSTC=0.08) and no genetic structure among wild populations was observed. A minimum-length spanning tree, demonstrating relationships among the haplotypes in wild populations, indicated two possible chloroplast lineages. The ten identified cultivars were represented by seven haplotypes; this result proposes the possible utilisation of the PCR-RFLP technique for the characterisation of sweet cherry cultivars. The cpDNA diversity in P. avium should be considered carefully for phylogenetic studies involving this species. Received: 10 July 2000 / Accepted: 19 October 2000  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were studied in 24 populations of Prunus spinosa sampled across Europe. The cpDNA and mtDNA fragments were amplified using universal primers and subsequently digested with restriction enzymes to obtain the polymorphisms. Combinations of all the polymorphisms resulted in 33 cpDNA haplotypes and two mtDNA haplotypes. Strict association between the cpDNA haplotypes and the mtDNA haplotypes was detected in most cases, indicating conjoint inheritance of the two genomes. The most frequent and abundant cpDNA haplotype (C20; frequency, 51 %) is always associated with the more frequent and abundant mtDNA haplotype (M1; frequency, 84 %). All but two of the cpDNA haplotypes associated with the less frequent mtDNA haplotype (M2) are private haplotypes. These private haplotypes are phylogenetically related but geographically unrelated. They form a separate cluster on the minimum-length spanning tree.  相似文献   

Local germplasm of onion (Allium cepa L.) in West Africa is threatened by extinction. Sixteen populations of onion collected in five countries in West Africa were investigated for isozyme polymorphism using four polymorphic enzyme systems (ADH, MDH, 6-PGDH and PGI) among nine enzyme systems assayed. This is the first report on the genetic diversity of local landraces of onion. The inheritance of two dimeric enzyme systems PGI and MDH was demonstrated using F2 progeny arrays. The PGI system revealed a single locus with three alleles, and the MDH system revealed three loci with four alleles. Four polymorphic systems revealed nine alleles (adh-a1 and a2, mdh-c1 and c2, 6-pgdh-a1 and a2, and pgi-a1, a2 and a3) in the 16 local populations observed. The mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 2.25, and 67% of the alleles were present in all populations. Allele 6-pgdh-a2 was present in only two landraces (from Niger and Nigeria); it is considered to be a rare allele (frequency approximately 2%). Among the 16 populations, within-population diversity was greater (90%) than between-population diversity (10%). Genetic distance analyses showed an aggregate of all populations except for two, which originated from Nigeria, an English-speaking country. Received: 24 August 1995 / Accepted: 26 February 2001  相似文献   

 Previous studies have established that chloroplasts are inherited paternally in Actinidia interspecific crosses. However, fertilisation problems in interspecific crosses may affect the transmission of organelles. Six female clones, i.e. ‘Abbott’, ‘Bruno’, ‘Greensill’, ‘Hayward’, ‘Jones’, ‘Monty’, and four male clones were used to identify cpDNA polymorphisms within the cultivated kiwifruit species A. deliciosa. The restriction patterns by HpaII of a chloroplast fragment amplified by PCR with a pair of universal primers revealed a polymorphism at the intraspecific level. The inheritance of cpDNA in 143 seedlings from three intraspecific crosses in kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) was studied. All offspring displayed the restriction pattern of the paternal parent, indicating that maternal inheritance of cpDNA in kiwifruit is rare at best. Strict maternal inheritance of mtDNA was confirmed in the same crosses used to investigate cpDNA transmission. Studies of cytoplasmic inheritance in the Actinidia genus represent to date the best documented report of differential organelle inheritance of cpDNA and mtDNA in angiosperms. Received: 10 November 1998 / Accepted: 14 December 1998  相似文献   

The diversity and maternal lineage in wild and cultivated soybeans have previously been assayed using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and sequencing analyses of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA). Here we describe a method based on PCR-RFLP for the identification of nucleotides at four mutation sites in non-coding regions of cpDNA. Of the four sites, two were located in restriction enzyme sites and two were not. For the latter two sites, new primers were designed to artificially create restriction sites that spanned them. The PCR-RFLP method enabled us to identify nucleotides at each of the four mutation sites easily and reliably. Fifty-seven wild and sixty-seven cultivated soybeans of different origins and different cpDNA types (types I, II, and III) were assayed. All of the samples tested could be classified into four haplotypes. All of the type-I and -II accessions had the same nucleotides at each of the four mutation sites, while all of the type-III accessions, except for 3 wild ones, had nucleotides that were different from those of types I and II. A sequencing analysis revealed that the 3 wild accessions possessed other single-base variations in the non-coding regions of trnH-psbA and trnT-trnL. The results of this study suggest that the type-I and type-II chloroplast genomes form a group that is distinct from the type-III chloroplast genome. Received: 14 April 2000 / Accepted: 11 July 2000  相似文献   

 Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) restriction site diversity was assessed by 21 enzyme/probe combinations in 30 accessions of six Lens species, including the recently recognized L. lamottei and L. tomentosus. A total of 118 fragments were scored and 26 restriction site mutations were identified. The cpDNA restriction pattern supports circumscribing L. lamottei and L. tomentosus as independent species. The value of the data for reconstructing phylogeny in the genus is discussed. The cpDNA of all 13 accessions of the lentil’s wild progenitor, L. culinaris subsp. orientalis, differed from that of the single lentil cultivars used in this study. This diversity indicates that other populations of this subspecies from Turkey and Syria examined by Mayer and Soltis (1994) are potentially the founder members of lentil. Examination of L. lamottei×L. nigricans hybrids between accessions having different restriction patterns showed paternal plastid inheritance in L. nigricans. Received: 2 July 1996 / Accepted: 19 July 1996  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA phylogeography of the argan tree of Morocco   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Polymorphisms in the chloroplast genome of the argan tree (Sapotaceae), an endemic species of south-western Morocco, have been detected by restriction site studies of PCR-amplified fragments. A total of 12 chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and two mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragments were amplified and digested with a single restriction enzyme ( Hin fI). Polymorphisms were identified in six of the cpDNA fragments, whereas no mtDNA polymorphisms were detected in a survey of 95 individuals from 19 populations encompassing most of the natural range of the species. The cpDNA polymorphisms allowed the identification of 11 haplotypes. Two lineages, one in the south-east and the other in the north-west, divide the range of the argan tree into two distinct areas. The level of genetic differentiation measured at the haplotype level ( G STc= 0.60) (i.e. with unordered haplotypes) was smaller than when phylogenetic relationships were taken into account ( N STc= 0.71–0.74) (ordered haplotypes), indicating that population history must be considered in the study of the geographical distribution of cpDNA lineages in this species. If contrasted with the level of nuclear genetic differentiation measured in a previous study with isozymes ( G STn= 0.25), the results indicate a relatively high level of gene flow by seeds, or conversely a relatively low level of gene flow by pollen, as compared with other tree species. Goats and camels could have played an important role in disseminating the fruits of this tree.  相似文献   

青藏高原地区刺山柑解剖特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用石蜡切片法对分布于海拔4 000 m的西藏札达的刺山柑解剖结构进行研究,进一步探讨青藏高原植物独特生理结构及其与环境的适应性。结果表明刺山柑具有适应高山荒漠草原环境的典型结构特征: 次生根周皮发达,具有较厚的木栓层和发达的次生木质部;茎具表皮毛和角质层,皮层较厚,厚角组织发达,髓较小;叶具角质层,气孔密集,栅栏组织多层,为双栅型等面叶;花冠较大,白色花瓣,适于虫媒传粉;侧膜胎座,子房多室,胚珠多数,花粉外壁较厚,具较强的抗腐蚀及抗酸碱性能。刺山柑形成上述结构特征是青藏高原特殊综合生态环境长期作用的结果。同时也是刺山柑对高原环境的高度适应。  相似文献   

 In order to compare the potential of enzyme and DNA markers to investigate genetic diversity within and among populations, ten maize populations were characterized for (1) 20 isozyme loci and (2) restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) for 35 probe-enzyme combinations. Each population was represented by a sample of at least 30 individuals. The average number of alleles detected per locus was clearly higher for RFLPs (6.3) than for isozymes (2.4). Similarly, total diversity was higher for RFLPs (0.60) than for isozymes (0.23). This difference is consistent with observations on inbred-line collections and can be related to the fact that many variations at the DNA level do not change the amino-acid composition or the global charge of proteins. By contrast, the magnitude of population differentiation, relative to the total diversity, was similar for isozymes (23%) and RFLPs (22%). This suggests that the isozyme and RFLP loci considered in this study are subject to similar evolutionary forces, and that both are mostly neutral. However, RFLPs proved clearly superior to isozymes both to (1) identify the origin of a given individual and (2) reveal a relevant genetic structure among populations. The higher polymorphism observed for RFLP loci and the greater number of these loci contributed to the superior discriminative ability of the RFLP data. Received: 1 June 1997 / Accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

Polymorphism in the lengths of restriction fragments of the whole cpDNA molecule were studied in 15 taxa (species or subspecies) of the genus Olea. From restriction analysis using nine endonucleases, 28 site mutations and five length polymorphisms were identified, corresponding to 12 distinct chlorotypes. From a phenetic analysis based on a Nei’s dissimilarity matrix and a Dollo parsimony cladistic analysis using, as an outgroup, a species of the genus Phillyrea close to Olea, the ten taxa of section Olea were distinguished clearly from the five taxa of section Ligustroides which appear to posses more ancestral cpDNA variants. Within the section Ligustroides, the tropical species from central-western Africa, Olea hochtetteri, showed a chlorotype which differed substantially from those of the other four Olea taxa growing in southern Africa, supporting a previous assessment according to which O. hochtetteri may have been subjected to a long period of geographical isolation from the other Olea taxa. Within the Olea section, three phyla were identified corresponding to South and East Africa taxa, Asiatic taxa, and a group including Saharan, Macaronesian and Mediteranean taxa, respectively. On the basis of cpDNA variation, the closest Olea taxa to the single Mediterranean species, Olea europaea, represented by its very predominant chlorotype, observed in both wild and cultivated olive, were found to be Olea laperrinei (from the Sahara), Olea maroccana (from Maroccan High Atlas) and Olea cerasiformis (from Macaronesia). These three taxa, which all share the same chlorotype, may have a common maternal origin. Received: 5 December 1999 / Accepted: 30 December 1999  相似文献   

With the recent technical advances in molecular biology, chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) has become a marker used for the study of cytoplasmic differentiation of natural populations of plants. As chloroplasts are maternally inherited in most plant species, the seed component of gene flow is thus made accessible. We present here a study of cpDNA polymorphism within the maritima subspecies of the gynodioecious Beta vulgaris in which we try to assess the impact of such a reproductive system on seed flow. One hundred and eighty-eight wild beets were sampled from 20 hermaphroditic and 20 gynodioecious (i.e. containing both hermaphroditic and female plants) populations from the Atlantic coast of Europe. cpDNA variability in these populations was characterized with a rapid restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method. Eight cpDNA haplotypes were found. Strong differentiation among populations was observed ( F ST = 0.43) and was consistent with isolation by distance, although most of the cpDNA haplotypes were ubiquitous. Gynodioecy seems to affect the distribution of cpDNA diversity: gynodioecious populations of Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima contained a greater number of cpDNA types but were less differentiated among themselves than hermaphroditic ones.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation in Quercus robur, Quercus petraea and Quercus pubescens was studied in 1036 trees from 181 locations throughout the Swiss Alps and adjacent regions in order to gain a deeper insight into the postglacial history of these species. A total of ten different cpDNA types (haplotypes) were identified, six of which are described for the first time. The genetic variation was mainly found between collection sites (G ST =0.881). Spatial autocorrelation indicated that the two dominant haplotypes had a structured, non-random distribution. The spatial pattern of these two haplotypes, which are associated with different ice-age refugia, reveals: (1) that oaks did not immigrate into regions of the Swiss Alps together, rather they immigrated separately in space and/or time, and (2) that the spatial mixing of haplotypes as a consequence of seed dispersal was low. Furthermore, the geographic distribution of the haplotypes suggests that the Alps only partially blocked the re-colonisation of oaks: Quercus species, which originated after range expansion from a refugium in Italy, have most likely crossed the Swiss Alps. Previously proposed postglacial migration pathways are reviewed and possible re-colonisation routes are discussed. Received: 1 March 2000 / Accepted: 14 April 2000  相似文献   

 We have investigated the genetic diversity of 11 natural populations of C. japonica using 13 polymorphic STS markers. The average unbiased heterozygosities (H e ), the average number of alleles per locus (N a ) and the proportion of polymorphic loci (Pl) were 0.281, 1.93 and 76.92%, respectively. Coefficients of linkage disequilibrium were calculated, and no significant deviation was found except in four combinations – which might have occurred by chance alone. The fixation index (F IS ) for 3 loci showed statistically significant values at the 1% level. The genetic differentiation between populations was only 0.047, and there were no clear geographical tendencies in the allele frequencies or the heterozygosities among populations. Consequently, the results from STS-based co-dominant DNA marker analysis were very similar to those from a previous allozyme study. However, the resolution of the technique is greater than allozyme analysis because many loci with high heterozygosities can be evaluated, and it is very simple. Therefore, the STS-based marker approach is very useful and convenient for population genetics and genome mapping of C. japonica. Received: 18 July 1998 / Accepted: 13 August 1998  相似文献   

 Isoenzymes were used to evaluate gene diversity and genetic differentiation among six populations of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) in France. We contrast the genetic characteristics of a population resulting from a recent colonization with those of a much older population of the same species. No significant genetic structure was observed among populations; in this respect wild cherry does not differ from other forest trees. No founder effects could be detected in the newly colonized population. To explain the results, we discuss classic explanations for the lack of genetic differentiation among populations, including balancing selection and neutral drift/migration. In order to account for the absence of founder effects, we propose a hypothesis based on the life cycle of forest trees, namely that the length of the juvenile phase reduces the impact of small numbers of initial founders. Received : 26 November 1996 / Accepted : 20 December 1996  相似文献   

本文研究了不同外植体及激素对刺山柑愈伤组织诱导的影响,不同激素配比对愈伤组织增殖培养以及悬浮细胞的生长与代谢特征.结果表明:以刺山柑叶片作为诱导愈伤组织的材料,效果较佳;愈伤组织诱导和继代的适宜培养条件是分别是MS+0.5 mg/L 2,4-D+1.0mg/L6-BA和MS+1.0mg/L2,4-D+1.5mg/L6-BA.刺山柑悬浮培养细胞的生长周期为30天左右,细胞生长曲线呈"S"形,生物量增长2.8倍左右;细胞生长周期内,碳源消耗规律表现为蔗糖和可溶性总糖的浓度持续降低,而还原糖则表现为先升高后降低;过氧化物酶活测定显示酶活水平与蔗糖浓度的高低呈一定程度的正相关.  相似文献   

RAPD and isozyme analyses based on numerous markers have been used for the first time to investigate patterns of phenetic and genetic differentiation among and within nine wild populations of the genus Chaenomeles represented by the species C. japonica, C. speciosa, C. cathayensis and C. thibetica. Highly significant correlations were found between the two different marker systems for both phenetic distances and gene diversity estimates. In agreement with previous studies on cultivated Chaenomeles material, C. japonica was clearly differentiated from C. speciosa and C. cathayensis. The recently recognised species C. thibetica appeared to be rather closely related to C. cathayensis. Populations of C. japonica and C. speciosa were considerably more diverse than populations of C. cathayensis and C. thibetica. Correspondingly, most of the total variability could be attributed to the within-population differentiation in the case of C. japonica and C. speciosa, and to the between-population differentiation in the case of C. cathayensis. Differences in mating systems among the species can be suggested as a possible explanation of the results. A discordant pattern was found between RAPDs and isozymes in the analyses of population structure within C. japonica. This may be explained by a higher proportion of non-neutral markers for isozymes than for RAPDs. This finding also shows the importance of using multiple molecular marker systems in studies of population structure. Received: 23 December 1999 / Accepted: 17 January 2000  相似文献   

利用trnL intron、trnL-trnF、trnS-psbC和accD-psa I等4个叶绿体DNA片段对来自湖北省的88份梨属种质资源进行系统进化和遗传多样性分析。结果表明,4个cpDNA片段共检测到变异位点11个,其中单一突变位点6个,插入/缺失(Indel)位点5个。acc D-psa I多态性最高,其变异位点数、核苷酸多态性和单倍型多样性均为最高。供试梨种质的核苷酸多样性和单倍型多样性分别为0.00112和0.769;Tajima's D检验值在P0.10水平上均不显著,表明所检测的4个区域以及合并后的片段均遵循中性进化模型;4个序列合并共检测到叶绿体单倍型10个,其中兴山梨种质中检测到的单倍型最多,荆门其次;Hap2和Hap5是2个主要单倍型,分别占总样本数的31.82%和30.68%;中介邻接网络图显示东方梨和西洋梨独立进化,而较为原始的稀有单倍型Hap8和Hap9均位于荆门,暗示该地区可能为砂梨的起源中心或多样性中心之一。  相似文献   

 In order to investigate the variability of the polymorphic Capparis spinosa L., a comparative study was carried out in Sicily on subsp. spinosa and subsp. rupestris. Autecology, phenology, quantitative morphology, plant architecture and leaf development of several populations were examined. These data reveal a parapatric distribution of the two subspecies and support their present taxonomic treatment. Subsp. spinosa is widespread on clay soils and shows remarkable intrapopulational variation. It is characterized by shortened reproductive and vegetative periods, high shoot growth rate, winter-desiccating shoot system and stipular thorns. Subsp. rupestris, less variable and linked with carbonatic and volcanic outcrops, shows prolonged phenological patterns, slow growth rate, woody habit and caducous stipules. A noteworthy phenotypic convergence with subsp. rupestris was observed in individuals of subsp. spinosa growing in rocky habitats. The evolutionary trends of Capparis spinosa in the Mediterranean region are discussed. Received March 29, 2000 Accepted April 6, 2001  相似文献   

Molecular marker diversity among current and historical maize inbreds   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Advanced-cycle pedigree breeding has caused maize (Zea mays L.) inbreds to become more-elite but more-narrow genetically. Our objectives were to evaluate the genetic distance among current and historical maize inbreds, and to estimate how much genetic diversity has been lost among current inbreds. We selected eight maize inbreds (B14, B37, B73, B84, Mo17, C103, Oh43 and H99) that largely represented the genetic background of current elite inbreds in the U.S. seed industry. A total of 32 other inbreds represented historical inbreds that were once important in maize breeding. Cluster analysis of the inbreds, using data for 83 SSR marker loci, agreed well with pedigree information. Inbreds from Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic (BSSS), Reid Yellow Dent, and Lancaster clustered into separate groups with only few exceptions. The average number of alleles per locus was 4.9 among all 40 inbreds and 3.2 among the eight current inbreds. The reduction in the number of alleles per locus was not solely due to sample size. The average genetic distance (D ij ) was 0.65 among the eight current inbreds, 0.67 among the 32 historical inbreds, and 0.67 among all 40 inbreds. These differences were statistically insignificant. We conclude that genetic diversity among current inbreds has been reduced at the gene level but not at the population level. Hybrid breeding in maize maintained, rather than decreased, genetic diversity, at least during the initial subdivision of inbreds into BSSS and non-BSSS heterotic groups. We speculate, however, that exploiting other germplasm sources is necessary for sustaining long-term breeding progress in maize. Received: 21 August 2000 / Accepted: 5 January 2001  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) is most often maternally inherited and highly conserved leading to previous observation of little to no sequence variation. Comparing cpDNA haplotypes have provided valuable insight into the establishment and migration of polyploid populations. However, to use chloroplast haplotypes to their full potential intrapopulational variation needs to be addressed. In this study, cpDNA haplotype variation was surveyed within 16 natural populations of prairie cordgrass (Spartina pectinata Link) located east of the 100th west meridian and north of the 35th north parallel in the U.S.A. using two non-coding, polymorphic chloroplast regions. Two main clades were defined with subclades as follows: haplotype 1 and haplotype 2A and 2B. It was discovered that seven populations showed intrapopulational chloroplast genome variation. Of the total amount of variation, 95.5% occurred within the octoploid populations and 4.5% occurred within the tetraploid populations. Both variant haplotypes, 2A and 2B, were found in a larger sampling of one of the natural populations, but no variation was found in a mixed ploidy population. The intrapopulational cpDNA variation we found in this study cannot directly be related to mechanisms of introduction of the non-native populations into native populations. Therefore, this cpDNA variation could be novel natural variation that has been fixed as the octoploid populations were established and moved northwest. This analysis provides insight into determining the usefulness of indels and single nucleotide polymorphisms for population identification and may provide information in regards to the origin of chloroplast variation and its subsequent fixation and establishment in natural prairie cordgrass populations.  相似文献   

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