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Studies of human-mediated rates of introduction of organisms to islands are few, results fall into two models (linear and exponential), and relationships with human population and activities are obscure. Owing to their late settlement and good scientific record, data from Galapagos may be exceptionally informative. The rate of introduction of vascular plant species to Galapagos has been suggested to be exponential, paralleling the rise in human population. However, detailed reconstruction of growth in numbers of introduced plant species, based on historical and recent records, reveals changes in study criteria over the last two centuries, which obscure the true introduction rate. At first, cultivated species were deliberately excluded from most studies. From the 1960s, naturalized cultivated species were included more consistently, but non-naturalized species were still excluded. From the mid-1980s, the latter were deliberately included. Accidental introductions increased linearly from 1807 (the first records) to the present. Escapes from cultivation show increases in rate around 1906 and in the period 1970–1990, the latter coinciding with the first studies directed at areas affected by human activities. Non-naturalized cultivated species rose abruptly from the late 1980s, as they became deliberately studied. There seems to be no direct link with human population size. Data represent rate of discovery rather than true introduction rate, and the changing overall rate reflects changing botanical interests and research effort. Data from other islands also suggest that linear increases in naturalized plants are the norm. Galapagos data do not permit confident statements about the introduction rate of cultivated species, but suggest that this may depend more on human activities than human population size.  相似文献   

The medium and large ground finches of the Galapagos archipelago Geospiza fortis and G. magnirostris are distinguished by their different body size and bill dimensions on most of the islands where they both occur. On the island of Indefatigable this distinction is not complete and a group of birds with intermediate bill dimensions is present. The origin of this group could be explained by sympatric divergence of G. fortis or by hybridization, between this species and G. magnirostris . Although the conditions for sympatric divergence are severe it seems likely that strong disruptive selection for different optimal bill sizes may be operating on G. fortis , due to the presence of several ecological niches, separate categories of size and hardness of seeds the birds eat. It is suggested that islands in the Galapagos archipelago, and perhaps other oceanic islands, may provide conditions extremely conducive to sympatric divergence, or even sympatric speciation.  相似文献   

Cats are generalist predators that have been widely introduced to the world's ~179 000 islands. Once introduced to islands, cats prey on a variety of native species many of which lack evolved defenses against mammalian predators and can suffer severe population declines and even extinction. As islands house a disproportionate share of terrestrial biodiversity, the impacts of invasive cats on islands may have significant biodiversity impacts. Much of this threatened biodiversity can be protected by eradicating cats from islands. Information on the relative impacts of cats on different native species in different types of island ecosystems can increase the efficiency of this conservation tool. We reviewed feral cat impacts on native island vertebrates. Impacts of feral cats on vertebrates have been reported from at least 120 different islands on at least 175 vertebrates (25 reptiles, 123 birds, and 27 mammals), many of which are listed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. A meta‐analysis suggests that cat impacts were greatest on endemic species, particularly mammals and greater when non‐native prey species were also introduced. Feral cats on islands are responsible for at least 14% global bird, mammal, and reptile extinctions and are the principal threat to almost 8% of critically endangered birds, mammals, and reptiles.  相似文献   

Anchialine podocopid Ostracoda of the Galapagos Islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Water-filled fissures and lava tubes on Isla Santa Cruz and Isla Isabela provide anchialine habitats for 11 species of podocopid and platycopid Ostracoda, most with Atlantic and West Indian affinities. Their ancestors may have been carried to earlier islands in the Galapagos system by trans-Isthmian currents, on vegetation or larger animals, or by migrating waterfowl. None are derived from present-day Pacific coastal faunas of North, Central or South America. Two species of Cytheracea, a new species of Anchistrocheles (Bairdiacea), and one of Cytherella (Platycopida) are described.  相似文献   

Abstract Evolutionary radiations of colonists on archipelagos provide valuable insight into mechanisms and modes of speciation. The apparent diversification of Galapagos mockingbirds (Nesomimus) provoked Darwin's initial conception of adaptive radiation, but the monophyly of this historically important exemplar has not been evaluated with molecular data. Additionally, as with most Galapagos organisms, we have a poor understanding of the temporal pattern of diversification of the mockingbirds following colonization(s) from source populations. Here we present a molecular phylogeny of Galapagos and other mockingbird populations based on mitochondrial sequence data. Monophyly of Galapagos mockingbirds was supported, suggesting a single colonization of the archipelago followed by diversification. Our analyses also indicate that Nesomimus is nested within the traditional genus Mimus, making the latter paraphyletic, and that the closest living relatives of Galapagos mockingbirds appear to be those currently found in North America, northern South America, and the Caribbean, rather than the geographically nearest species in continental Ecuador. Thus, propensity for over‐water dispersal may have played a more important role than geographic proximity in the colonization of Galapagos by mockingbirds. Within Galapagos, four distinct mitochondrial DNA clades were identified. These four clades differ from current taxonomy in several important respects. In particular, mockingbirds in the eastern islands of the archipelago (Española, San Cristóbal, and Genovesa) have very similar mitochondrial DNA sequences, despite belonging to three different nominal species, and mockingbirds from Isabela, in the west of the archipelago, are more phylogenetically divergent than previously recognized. Consistent with current taxonomy is the phylogenetic distinctiveness of the Floreana mockingbird (N. trifasciatus) and close relationships among most mockingbirds from the central and northern region of the archipelago (currently considered conspecific populations of N. parvulus). Overall, phylogeographic patterns are consistent with a model of wind‐based dispersal within Galapagos, with colonization of more northerly islands by birds from more southern populations, but not the reverse. Further radiation in Galapagos would require coexistence of multiple species on individual islands, but this may be prevented by relatively limited morphological divergence among mockingbirds and by lack of sufficient habitat diversity in the archipelago to support more than one omnivorous mimid  相似文献   

The question we address in this article is how hybridization in the recent past can be detected in recently evolved species. Such species may not have evolved genetic incompatibilities and may hybridize with little or no fitness loss. Hybridization can be recognized by relatively small genetic differences between sympatric populations because sympatric populations have the opportunity to interbreed whereas allopatric populations do not. Using microsatellite DNA data from Darwin's finches in the Galapagos archipelago, we compare sympatric and allopatric genetic distances in pairs of Geospiza and Camarhynchus species. In agreement with the hybridization hypothesis, we found a statistically strong tendency for a species to be more similar genetically to a sympatric relative than to allopatric populations of that relative. Hybridization has been studied directly on two islands, but it is evidently more widespread in the archipelago. We argue that introgressive hybridization may have been a persistent feature of the adaptive radiation through most of its history, facilitating evolutionary diversification and occasionally affecting both the speed and direction of evolution.  相似文献   

Cats are among the most successful and damaging invaders on islands and a significant driver of extinction and endangerment. Better understanding of their ecology can improve effective management actions such as eradication. We reviewed 72 studies of insular feral cat diet from 40 islands worldwide. Cats fed on a wide range of species from large birds and medium sized mammals to small insects with at least 248 species consumed (27 mammals, 113 birds, 34 reptiles, 3 amphibians, 2 fish and 69 invertebrates). Three mammals, 29 birds and 3 reptiles recorded in the diet of cats are listed as threatened by the IUCN. However, a few species of introduced mammals were the most frequent prey, and on almost all islands mammals and birds contributed most of the daily food intake. Latitude was positively correlated with the predation of rabbits and negatively with the predation of reptiles and invertebrates. Distance from landmass was positively correlated with predation on birds and negatively correlated with the predation of reptiles. The broad range of taxa consumed by feral cats on islands suggests that they have the potential to impact almost any native species, even the smallest ones under several grams, that lack behavioral, morphological or life history adaptations to mammalian predators. Insular feral cat??s reliance on introduced mammals, which evolved with cat predation, suggests that on many islands, populations of native species have already been reduced.  相似文献   

Galapagos giant tortoises (Chelonoidis spp.) are a group of large, long-lived reptiles that includes 14 species, 11 of which are extant and threatened by human activities and introductions of non-native species. Here, we evaluated the phylogenetic relationships of all extant and two extinct species (Chelonoidis abingdonii from the island of Pinta and Chelonoidis niger from the island of Floreana) using Bayesian and maximum likelihood analysis of complete or nearly complete mitochondrial genomes. We also provide an updated phylogeographic scenario of their colonization of the Galapagos Islands using chrono-phylogenetic and biogeographic approaches. The resulting phylogenetic trees show three major groups of species: one from the southern, central, and western Galapagos Islands; the second from the northwestern islands; and the third group from the northern, central, and eastern Galapagos Islands. The time-calibrated phylogenetic and ancestral area reconstructions generally align with the geologic ages of the islands. The divergence of the Galapagos giant tortoises from their South American ancestor likely occurred in the upper Miocene. Their diversification on the Galapagos adheres to the island progression rule, starting in the Pleistocene with the dispersal of the ancestral form from the two oldest islands (San Cristóbal and Española) to Santa Cruz, Santiago, and Pinta, followed by multiple colonizations from different sources within the archipelago. Our work provides an example of how to reconstruct the history of endangered taxa in spite of extinctions and human-mediated dispersal events and provides a framework for evaluating the contribution of colonization and in situ speciation to the diversity of other Galapagos lineages.  相似文献   

Many bird species were extirpated or became extinct when prehistoric man reached oceanic islands We list > 200 species of extinct island birds only recorded as sub-fossils and which probably vanished due to prehistoric man In addition we list c 160 cases where an extant species has been found as subfossil on islands where it no longer occurs Several species today considered endemic to single islands of island groups had a much wider distribution in the past Biogeographic analyses of insular avifaunas are almost meaningless it the extensive prehistoric extinctions are not taken into account
Most extinct species belong to Anatidae Rallidae and Drcpanididae while local extirpations are numerous among doves and seabirds Smaller birds are rare mainly due to sampling bias and taphonomic factors The bird populations were depleted mainly by overhunting predation by introduced vertebrates and alteration of the original vegetation
Prehistoric humans on islands although dependent on limited animal resources regularly failed to exploit these in a sustainable way Several cases where human populations disappeared from islands in the Pacific may have been due to over-exploitation of native animals
Prehistoric man reached most tropical and temperate islands and most of the few remaining island faunas have been severely depleted in historic times The prehistoric extinctions emphasize the extreme vulnerability and value of the very few pristine island faunas that still remain  相似文献   

The domestic cat has been introduced on most islands worldwide, where it has established feral populations and is currently known to be one of the worst invasive mammalian predators. Predation is the strongest deleterious effect of cats on wildlife, inducing a direct negative impact on population size and dynamics, breeding success and changes in species assemblages. Direct predation is not the only damaging impact on native wildlife, since cats can be responsible for other poorly-documented underlying ecological impacts, like competition, hybridization, disease transmission, ecological process alteration, and behavioral change. Here, we pinpoint relevant examples of these ecological impacts, by searching for accurate data from published literature. We used electronic databases covering most of the world islands where the effects of cats were documented. Knowledge of these impacts can be of great importance to preserve insular ecosystem functions and persistence of endangered native species. We emphasize that direct predation processes should not be the only factor considered in the management of invasive cats on islands.  相似文献   

Guava (Psidium guajava) is an aggressive invasive plant in the Galapagos Islands. Determining its provenance and genetic diversity could explain its adaptability and spread, and how this relates to past human activities. With this purpose, we analyzed 11 SSR markers in guava individuals from Isabela, Santa Cruz, San Cristobal, and Floreana islands in the Galapagos, as well as from mainland Ecuador. The mainland guava population appeared genetically differentiated from the Galapagos populations, with higher genetic diversity levels found in the former. We consistently found that the Central Highlands region of mainland Ecuador is one of the most likely origins of the Galapagos populations. Moreover, the guavas from Isabela and Floreana show a potential genetic input from southern mainland Ecuador, while the population from San Cristobal would be linked to the coastal mainland regions. Interestingly, the proposed origins for the Galapagos guava coincide with the first human settlings of the archipelago. Through approximate Bayesian computation, we propose a model where San Cristobal was the first island to be colonized by guava from the mainland, and then, it would have spread to Floreana and finally to Santa Cruz; Isabela would have been seeded from Floreana. An independent trajectory could also have contributed to the invasion of Floreana and Isabela. The pathway shown in our model agrees with the human colonization history of the different islands in the Galapagos. Our model, in conjunction with the clustering patterns of the individuals (based on genetic distances), suggests that guava introduction history in the Galapagos archipelago was driven by either a single event or a series of introduction events in rapid succession. We thus show that genetic analyses supported by historical sources can be used to track the arrival and spread of invasive species in novel habitats and the potential role of human activities in such processes.  相似文献   

Introduced species present the greatest threat to the unique terrestrial biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands. We assess the current status of plant invasion in Galapagos, predict the likelihood of future naturalizations and invasions from the existing introduced flora, and suggest measures to help limit future invasions. There has been a 1.46 fold increase in plant biodiversity in Galapagos due to alien plant naturalizations, reflecting a similar trend on islands elsewhere. There are 870 alien plant species recorded in the archipelago. Of evaluated species, 34% species have naturalized. Within this group are the invasive species (16% of evaluated) and the transformers (3.3% of evaluated). We show that, as expected, naturalized species have been present in the archipelago longer than non-naturalized species. We also find that a higher human-mediated propagule pressure is associated with a greater human population and with properties that have been settled longer. This, combined with the relatively recent introduction of most species, leads us to the conclusion that Galapagos is at an early stage of plant invasion. We predict that more species from the existing alien flora will find an opportunity to naturalize and invade as propagule pressure increases alongside rapid human population growth associated with immigration to serve the booming tourism industry. In order to reduce future invasion risk, we suggest reviewing inter-island quarantine measures and continuing community education efforts to reduce human-mediated propagule pressure.  相似文献   

People have moved species around the world for millenia, sometimes by accident, but often with considerable enthusiasm. English garden birds in New Zealand are merely quaint curiosities introduced by settlers wanting the familiar species of their former homes. Some introductions have been devastating - goats or rabbits on various islands, for example. Other introductions, such as those of genetically engineered organisms, present potential problems yet to be considered in any detail. What should we expect the impact of introduced species to be?  相似文献   

Trichomonas gallinae in columbiform birds from the Galapagos Islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Domestic pigeons were introduced into the Galapagos Islands in 1972 or 1973. There is a high prevalence of Trichomonas gallinae among them and some evidence of canker. Trichomonas gallinae can be found also in endemic Galapagos doves in the vicinity of Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz Island. Doves examined on pigeon-free islands were not found infected.  相似文献   

Galapagos Hawks (Buteo galapagoensis), the only endemic, diurnal raptor species in Galapagos, are currently distributed on eight Galapagos Islands having been extirpated from three of the human-inhabited islands. In January 2009, we performed health assessments of 89 Galapagos Hawks on Santiago Island, Galapagos. Four of the 89 Galapagos Hawks (4%) evaluated had physical abnormalities. Blood parameters did not differ between males and females, except for aspartate transaminase values, which were significantly higher in females than males. No Galapagos Hawks tested positive for antibodies to avian encephalitis virus, Marek virus, and paramyxovirus-1 or to haemosporidian antigen. Chlamydophila psittaci antigen was detected in 2 of 86 Galapagos Hawks (2%), with 24 of 43 Galapagos Hawks (56%) antibody-positive for avian adenovirus-1 and 1 of 48 Galapagos Hawks (2%) antibody positive for Toxoplasma gondii. There were no significant differences in infectious disease results based on sex. This study contributes to the understanding of the health status of the Galapagos Hawk and to the establishment of baseline information for the species.  相似文献   

The role of disease in regulating populations is controversial, partly owing to the absence of good disease records in historic wildlife populations. We examined birds collected in the Galapagos Islands between 1891 and 1906 that are currently held at the California Academy of Sciences and the Zoologisches Staatssammlung Muenchen, including 3973 specimens representing species from two well-studied families of endemic passerine birds: finches and mockingbirds. Beginning with samples collected in 1899, we observed cutaneous lesions consistent with Avipoxvirus on 226 (6.3%) specimens. Histopathology and viral genotyping of 59 candidate tissue samples from six islands showed that 21 (35.6%) were positive for Avipoxvirus, while alternative diagnoses for some of those testing negative by both methods were feather follicle cysts, non-specific dermatitis, or post mortem fungal colonization. Positive specimens were significantly nonrandomly distributed among islands both for mockingbirds (San Cristobal vs. Espanola, Santa Fe and Santa Cruz) and for finches (San Cristobal and Isabela vs. Santa Cruz and Floreana), and overall highly significantly distributed toward islands that were inhabited by humans (San Cristobal, Isabela, Floreana) vs. uninhabited at the time of collection (Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Espanola), with only one positive individual on an uninhabited island. Eleven of the positive specimens sequenced successfully were identical at four diagnostic sites to the two canarypox variants previously described in contemporary Galapagos passerines. We conclude that this virus was introduced late in 1890's and was dispersed among islands by a variety of mechanisms, including regular human movements among colonized islands. At present, this disease represents an ongoing threat to the birds on the Galapagos Islands.  相似文献   

Summary The Hamilton-Rubinoff model of evolution in the avifauna of the Galapagos Islands suggests that speciation occurs on small outlying islands, and that new species invade the central island region, where ecological differentiation takes place. I present an alternative model in which both speciation and ecological differentiation leading to origin of actively colonizing taxa occur on the large islands, with colonization of small and outlying islands being primarily one way. Although forms on outlying islands may differentiate to the level of new species, their fate is postulated to be extinction rather than re-invasion of central islands. Data on species with expanding, differentiating, fragmenting, and relict distributions support this second model. Polytypy and incompleteness of distributions on the large islands indicate that isolation is adequate for differentiation to occur. Distributions of expanding taxa centre on the large islands, and their distributions show sequences leading from large islands to smaller and more outlying islands. Curves of occupancy of large islands versus total islands also agree with the prediction that expansions begin in the large islands.  相似文献   

Patterns of colonization and diversification on islands provide valuable insights into evolutionary processes. Due to their unique geographic position and well known history, the Galapagos Islands are an important model system for evolutionary studies. Here we investigate the evolutionary history of a winged grasshopper genus to infer its origin and pattern of colonization in the Galapagos archipelago. The grasshopper genus Sphingonotus has radiated extensively in the Palaearctic and many species are endemic to islands. In the New World, the genus is largely replaced by the genus Trimerotropis. Oddly, in the Caribbean and on the Galapagos archipelago, two species of Sphingonotus are found, which has led to the suggestion that these might be the result of anthropogenic translocations from Europe. Here, we test this hypothesis using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences from a broad sample of Sphingonotini and Trimerotropini species from the Old World and New World. The genetic data show two distinct genetic clusters representing the New World Trimerotropini and the Old World Sphingonotini. However, the Sphingonotus species from Galapagos and the Caribbean split basally within the Old World Sphingonotini lineage. The Galapagos and Caribbean species appear to be related to Old World taxa, but are not the result of recent anthropogenic translocations as revealed by divergence time estimates. Distinct genetic lineages occur on the four investigated Galapagos Islands, with deep splits among them compared to their relatives from the Palaearctic. A scenario of a past wider distribution of Sphingonotus in the New World with subsequent extinction on the mainland and replacement by Trimerotropis might explain the disjunct distribution.  相似文献   

Long-distance dispersal (LDD) promotes the colonization of isolated and remote habitats, and thus it has been proposed as a mechanism for explaining the distributions of many species. Birds are key LDD vectors for many sessile organisms such as plants, yet LDD beyond local and regional scales has never been directly observed nor quantified. By sampling birds caught while in migratory flight by GPS-tracked wild falcons, we show that migratory birds transport seeds over hundreds of kilometres and mediate dispersal from mainland to oceanic islands. Up to 1.2% of birds that reached a small island of the Canary Archipelago (Alegranza) during their migration from Europe to Sub-Saharan Africa carried seeds in their guts. The billions of birds making seasonal migrations each year may then transport millions of seeds. None of the plant species transported by the birds occurs in Alegranza and most do not occur on nearby Canary Islands, providing a direct example of the importance of environmental filters in hampering successful colonization by immigrant species. The constant propagule pressure generated by these LDD events might, nevertheless, explain the colonization of some islands. Hence, migratory birds can mediate rapid range expansion or shifts of many plant taxa and determine their distribution.  相似文献   

Migratory behavior varies extensively between bird taxa, from long distance migration to purely sedentary behavior. Variability in migratory behavior also occurs within taxa, where individuals within some species, or even populations, show mixed strategies. The same variability occurs in seabird species. We examined the migratory behavior of distinct populations of great frigatebirds Fregata minor in three distant oceanographic basins. Great frigatebird populations showed extensive variation in post‐breeding migratory behavior. Birds from Europa Island (Mozambique Channel) made long‐distance migration to numerous distinct roosting sites in the Indian Ocean, New Caledonia birds made shorter distance migrations to roosting sites in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, and Galapagos birds were resident within the archipelago year round. Juvenile birds from Europa Is. and New Caledonia dispersed widely whereas Galapagos juveniles were resident year round. The migratory behavior of Europa Is. and New Caledonia resulted in complete separation of foraging grounds between breeding adults, non‐breeding adults, and juveniles, whereas in the Galapagos the overlap was complete. We suggest that population variability in migratory behavior may have arisen because of different environmental conditions at sea, and also depends on the availability of suitable roosting sites on oceanic islands. The results also highlight the capacity of frigatebirds to remain airborne most of the time even outside the breeding season when they have to molt.  相似文献   

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