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Materials on the situation in quarantine natural focal infections (anthrax, plague, tularemia, brucellosis, leptospirosis, etc.) in the Southern Federal District are presented. Experience in the provision of the epidemic safety in the above-mentioned diseases, based on the systematic surveillance on the activity of epizootological factors on the territory of the natural foci of infections, are described. The causes of the possible aggravation of the epidemiological situation in a number of nosological forms in connection with changes in natural and socio-economic factors are given. The results of the realization of regional programs, making it possible to improve the system interaction between the administrative territories, services and departments aimed at ensuring the epidemiological safety of the region, are shown.  相似文献   

The factors affecting the environment of servicemen doing their duties in connection with the task of guarding the state frontier of the Russian Federation are presented. The main trends in the activity of the sanitary and epidemiological service, carried out under regular conditions and the period of the liquidation of the consequences of high floods in the Southern Federal District in 2002 with the aim of preventing the aggravation of the epidemical situation, were shown to be determined, and the corresponding measures taken, in due time, thus making it possible to prevent the growth of morbidity in enteric and other infections among the personnel of the units and formations of the North Caucasian Regional Command of the Federal Frontier-Guard Service of the Russian Federation.  相似文献   

At the end of the 20th--the beginning of the 21st century activation of a natural focus of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) in southern Russia was noted. As a consequence, in 2002 outbreaks and sporadic cases of this disease were registered on the territory of 6 out of 13 administrative units of the Southern Federal District. To minimize the epidemiological consequences of the aggravating epidemiological situation considerable efforts and means were required from health care organs and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service, including essential financial expenditures. The results of natural foci of CCHF survey, obtained by 2002, as well as main trends of prophylactic and antiepidemic interventions are presented. Scientific research and practical observations made it possible to work out a number of methodological regulations concerning the diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis of CCHF.  相似文献   

The data on the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the Southern Federal District are presented. The analysis of morbidity in tuberculosis, measles, HIV infection, viral hepatitis A, typhoid fever, cholera and quarantine infections, Crimean hemorrhagic fever, West Nile fever, rabies, malaria has been carried out. Special attention has been given to "new and newly returning infections", and among them to the spread of SARS ("atypical pneumonia"). The role of regional epidemiological safety programs, in particular such program as "The prophylaxis of quarantine and natural focal infections and the sanitary protection of the territory of the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation from the import and spread infectious diseases in 2003-2005", has been substantiated.  相似文献   

Data on the epidemiological situation in anthrax in the regions of the Southern Federal District, situated in the zone of inundation, are presented. In 2002 no epidemic complications in anthrax were noted in the affected territories. The causes contributing to the appearance of anthrax cases among humans and animals are presented. Recommendations on the improvement of anti-epidemic measures are given.  相似文献   

The bacteriological provision of the prophylactic and anti-epidemic measures, taken under the conditions of the unstable sanitary and epidemiological situation which arose as the result of the emergency situation due to the high flood in the Southern Federal District, was carried out by the efforts and means of microbiological laboratories forming a part of the territorial system of observation and laboratory control. On the whole, more than 20,000 samples of water supplied to the population for drinking and household use, more than 10,000 samples of foodstuffs and cooking raw materials were examined in the Southern Federal District during the period of the liquidation of the medico-sanitary consequences of the emergency situation (June-August). To study the epidemic potential of the natural foci of quarantine infections and the probability of the spread of Bacillus anthracis from burial grounds for sick animals, the laboratory capacities of plague-control institutions were used.  相似文献   

The system of organizational and prophylactic measures, carried out with a view to prevent epidemiological aggravations in connection with the natural calamity in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation in 2003, is described. Proposals on the improvement of the system of preventive measures, including the monitoring of the epidemiological, sanitary and hygienic situation, personnel training, technical provision, the cooperation of different services and departments, capable of ensuring the liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations of the natural character, are made.  相似文献   

The data on leptospirosis morbidity in the Krasnodar Territory, one of the most epidemiologically unsafe areas in this infectious disease in the Russian Federation, are presented. High morbidity registered in this territory greatly depends on the epidemic outbreaks appearing due to defects in the realization of a complex of sanitary and veterinary measures. The Krasnodar Territory is liable to be affected by natural calamities. In 1997 a severe outbreak of leptospirosis took place here in connection with the high flood. Due to timely prophylactic measures the epidemiological consequencies of the similar calamity occurring in 2002 were brought to a minimum.  相似文献   

The Republic of Daghestan is at present one of the most unsafe territories in the Russian Federation with respect to brucellosis morbidity among humans. The figures of human morbidity in brucellosis grew from 3.4 per 100,000 of the population in 1999 to 10.5 per 100,000 of the population in 2002, thus exceeding the figures for the whole of Russia 15- to 20-fold. The analysis of human morbidity in the Kizlyar region (where the interregional regrouping of the cattle was made) after the natural calamity, as well a in other regions where live-stock was evacuated, indicated that by the end of 2002 an essential deterioration of the epidemiological situation took place in these regions. In view of grave epizootological situation and the absence of epidemiological safety in brucellosis in the Republic of Daghestan the sanitary, epidemiological and veterinary services should, together with other priority tasks in their work aimed at the liquidation of the emergency situation, pay greater attention to measures for the prevention of the spread of brucellosis.  相似文献   

Materials dealing with the specific features of the territory of Southern Russia, appearing as a consequence of natural, technogenic and some other factors, are presented. These materials indicate that, due to the high flood in summer of 2002, a real danger of a sharp aggravation of the epidemiological situation in acute enteric infections, as well as other infections, arose on a vast territory. As the result of the timely evaluation and analysis of changes in the factors of the natural and social environment, occurring as the consequence of the high flood, prophylactic measures were urgently carried out, thus making it possible to prevent the aggravation of the epidemiological situation.  相似文献   

Materials characterizing the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the Republic of Daghestan which arose as the consequence of the emergency situation caused by the high flood and inundation in summer 2002 are presented. The work of the sanitary and epidemiological service, carried out in cooperation with the relevant departments, on the organization and realization of measures aimed at preventing the deterioration of the epidemiological situation on the territories of the republic, affected by the natural calamity, is described. As shown in the presented materials, all these measures made it possible to ensure the effective control on the sanitary, hygienic and epidemiological situation in the republic and to prevent the appearance and spread of the outbreaks of infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Information on the sanitary and epidemiological situation and water supply in the Republic of Ingushetia during the period before and after the emergency situation (high flood) is presented. The results of epidemiological observations on the territory of the Republic of Ingushetia for the period of June 22 to the end of the year 2002 indicate that no considerable rise in infectious morbidity, as well as outbreaks of natural focal infections, was noted. This suggests that, in spite of the complicated sanitary and epidemiological situation before the emergency situation (due to the vicinity of the conflict in the Chechen Republic, the intensive migration of the population and the presence of a large of refugees on the territory of the Republic of Ingushetia) and its sharp deterioration caused by the high flood, the timely realization of a complex of sanitary and prophylactic measures made it possible to avoid the wide spread of infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Materials on the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the Krasnodar Territory in connection with emergency situations (intensive snowfalls, heavy showers, high floods) in 2002 are presented. The scope of the destruction of the systems ensuring the life provision of the population in the affected regions of the territory is shown. To carry out the epidemiological surveillance on acute enteric infections, to make corrections of the planned prophylactic measures, as well as the timely solutions of problems connected with controlling the epidemiological situation, the daily monitoring of the level and dynamics of infectious morbidity in individual settlements among different age and professional groups, as well as the foci of infections, was established. 65 cases of acute enteric infection and 4 cases of viral hepatitis A were registered in the affected areas, which did not exceed the average morbidity figures for many years. A complex of sanitary, hygienic and prophylactic measures was carried out by the sanitary and epidemiological service of the territory, which made it possible to maintain human morbidity in acute enteric infections and viral hepatitis A in the affected areas on the sporadic level.  相似文献   

The data on the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the Republic of Daghestan during the period of high flood in 2002. The scope of sanitary, hygienic and prophylactic measures carried out during this period with a view to prevent the appearance of the outbreaks of acute enteric infections and viral hepatitis A in the Republic of Daghestan is shown.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of leptospirosis in the Kirov region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dynamics of leptospirosis morbidity in the Kirov region for many years is presented. The wide spread of leptospirosis foci, both natural and formed as the result of human activities, in the region is shown. The main role in infecting humans with leptospires belonged to the latter foci in a number of districts in the region was established. The etiological structure of leptospirosis cases among humans was represented, primarily, by leptospires of serogroup Grippotyphosa, following by serogroup Canicola and then serogroups Pomona, Tarassovi, Sejroe, Australis, Javanica. The dominating serogroups of leptospires were Grippotyphosa in wild rodents and Sejroe in agricultural animals. Persons belonging to the age group constituting the mainstay of work force (20-49 years) prevailed among the patients: town dwellers, factory and office workers. The main role in the transmission of infection to the population was played by the water factor.  相似文献   

The purposes of the current study were: (1) to describe growth and physical development and establish norms for schoolchildren from Rostov region in Russia; (2) to compare major characteristics of development between urban and rural children by sex and age.Nearly 200,000 children (198,712) aged between 7 and 17 years from 232 urban and rural schools of Rostov region (Southern Federal District of Russia) participated in the study. School age is a period of intensive growth and physiological and psychological development. Irregularities of personal development are caused by a multitude of factors, such as sex differences, heredity, socio-economic status of a family, standard of living, particular environmental conditions, and lifestyle.It has been established that children from the Southern Federal District of Russia had body mass index values higher than age-appropriate norms for all Russians (Total Russian, Rudnev et al., 2014) and World Health Organization charts. Children from urban settings were taller and heavier than children from rural settings.Sex is one of the most influential factors which play key role in determining specific characteristics of growth and personal development. According to our results, boys and girls both had similar age-related changes in weight and height, but their respective dynamics differed. Girls’ height and weight values accelerated at the age 10 to 12 years and plateaued after the age fourteen, whereas in boys height and weight steadily increased with age, showing slight acceleration at the age 12 to 13 years, and reached a plateau by the age of seventeen.  相似文献   

Experience in the collaboration of the Center of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in the Karachai-Chercassian Republic with mass media at the period of the emergency situation in summer 2002 and in the use of the possibilities given by television, radio and the press, depending on their technical potential and audience, is presented. The necessity of raising the status of the sanitary and epidemiological service in modern society is pointed out, which should be achieved by elucidating the activity of this service to a wide public and explaining the importance of prophylactic medicine.  相似文献   

Materials on the epidemiological characterization of pseudotuberculosis at the Khabarovsk Territory taken as a whole and in individual settlements, as well as on the evaluation of epizootic situation in natural foci of infection and foci created by human activities, are presented. The results of laboratory studies of vegetables, washings from environmental objects, soil specimens, material taken from rodents are demonstrated and the characterization of the virulent properties of isolated Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains is given. Two periods (1976-1982 and 1983-1989) were distinguished by their main epidemiological features. The most important feature of the second period is the shift of the seasonal morbidity rise to the middle of summer, which is explained by activation of the mechanism of transmission of this infection due to the supply of early vegetables infected in local vegetable stores. An essential role of wild and synanthropic Muridae as the reservoir of infection is shown; these rodents and the soil maintain the circulation of the infective agent accumulating in the most favorable habitat, vegetable stores. The regularities established in this work contribute to the improvement of epidemiological surveillance.  相似文献   

The epidemiological and epizootic situation in Leptospira infections at the Maritime [correction of Primorski] Territory is evaluated on the basis of complex studies carried out in 1984-1989. As revealed in these studies, cases of leptospirosis among humans have a sporadic character and are mainly registered among professional high risk groups of the population. In the immunological structure of persons covered by the survey L. hebdomadis, L. pomona and L. javanica prevail. The anthropourgic foci of leptospirosis caused by L. pomona are of the leading epidemiological importance. Swine serves as the main source of infection in these foci. The study revealed the epidemic danger of the natural foci of leptospirosis caused by L. grippotyphosa and L. javanica in rice fields where the decisive factors of leptospirosis proved to be reed voles and striped field mice serving as reservoirs of this infection, as well as the synanthropic foci of leptospirosis caused by L. hebdomadis with house mice serving as the main carriers.  相似文献   

The work deals with the epidemiological situation with respect to Leptospira infections in the Krasnodar territory. The work demonstrates that, in comparison with 1960-ies characterized by the prevalence of diseases caused by L. pomona and L. grippotyphosa, in 1970-ies the increase of the specific proportion of infections caused by L. icterohaemorrhagiae was registered. In recent 5 years (1980-1984) this leptospirosis constituted 73.5-94.8% of the total morbidity rate in the territory. Such situation was caused by active prophylactic measures in cattle breeding, as well as by the increase of the number of leptospirosis foci, appearing as the result of human activities and providing favorable conditions for the life and multiplication of Norway rats, the main source of infection caused by L. icterohaemorrhagiae as indicated by the fact that up to 23.9% of the Norway rats examined in this study proved to be contaminated. The detection of cases of leptospirosis among febrile patients and mistakes in clinical diagnosis confirm the necessity of the serological examination of febrile patients with the acute onset of the disease with temperature reaching 38 degrees C and higher for 3-5 days and the clinical picture of the disease being unclear in order to find out patients presenting with the atypical clinical picture of leptospirosis.  相似文献   

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