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Celiac disease is a wheat gliadin-promoted disorder that displays a complex genetic susceptibility associated with HLA-DQ2, and one or more unknown factor(s), possibly gliadin-like. The presence of mammalian proteins with partial gliadin similarity was suggested by transglutaminase-independent multi-tissue reactivity of gliadin-immunopurified antibodies from celiac patients. No non-plant sequence, however, was identified in gliadin peptide epitope searches of non-redundant and EST databanks via TBLASTN, BLASTP and FASTA, even at E values as high as 20. Therefore, an alpha-gliadin cDNA screen of human cDNA and genomic libraries was undertaken, an approach in keeping with positive human Northern and Southern analyses with the same probe. Four distinct cDNA clones were obtained, the most stringent of which (3.2 and 5.1 kb) were novel, and featured potential open reading frames with high gliadin domain II and domain IV homologies (BestFit quality scores >/=295 and 322, respectively, versus random value 126-127). Both were also homologous to ESTs. An additional 5' gliadin oligonucleotide screen identified the widely distributed cytoplasmic protein acyl coA hydrolase whose homology was restricted to the oligonucleotide probe (BestFit quality=215 versus 100 for random); and achaete-scute homologous protein, which displays particularly high gliadin domain II homology (BestFit quality 316 versus 111 for random). Genomic screening uncovered 16 positives, one of which was the ALR gene, whose similarity to three of gliadin's five domains (I, II and IV; BestFit quality 322-473 versus 121-154 for random) was remarkable. More extensive was novel genomic clone 2, with fragments hybridizing to cDNA probes approximating gliadin domains I, II+IV, V and the gliadin 5' untranslated region, and mapping by FISH to 19q13.11-13. 12. Two fragments were sequenced; one was exonic, as predicted by four different programs; and test oligonucleotides suggested widespread 4 and/or 2 kb mRNA expression, even at high stringency (t(m)-8.8 deg. C). Taken together, it is apparent that several genes with partial gliadin homology exist in the human genome. Many bear gliadin-like T-cell epitopes, are expressed in intestine and, like transglutaminase, are cytoplasmic. Glutamine to glutamic acid or other mutation within such epitopes followed by injury or infection-related release could explain enhanced disease susceptibility in affected families.  相似文献   

Celiac Sprue is an HLA DQ2 (or DQ8)-associated autoimmune disorder of the human small intestine that is induced by dietary exposure to wheat gliadin and related proteins from barley, rye, and possibly other food grains. Recently, tissue transglutaminase (tTGase)-catalyzed deamidation of gliadin peptides has been shown to increase their potency for activating patient-derived, gliadin-specific T cells, suggesting that tTGase plays a causative role in the onset of an inflammatory response to toxic food grains. To dissect the molecular recognition features of tTGase for gluten derived peptides, the regioselectivity and steady-state kinetics of tTGase-catalyzed deamidation of known immunogenic peptides were investigated. The specificity of recombinant human tTGase for all immunogenic peptides tested was comparable to and, in some cases, appreciably higher than the specificity for its natural substrate. Although each peptide was glutamine-rich, tTGase exhibited a high degree of regioselectivity for a particular glutamine residue in each peptide. This selectivity correlated well with Q --> E substitutions that have earlier been shown to enhance the immunogenicity of the corresponding gliadin peptides. The specificity of tTGase toward homologues of PQPQLPY, a sequence motif found in immunodominant gliadin peptides, was analyzed in detail. Remarkably, the primary amino acid sequences of wheat-, rye-, and barley-derived proteins included many single-residue variants of this sequence that were high-affinity substrates of tTGase, whereas the closest homologues of this sequence found in rice, corn, or oat proteins were much poorer substrates of tTGase. (Rice, corn, and oats are nontoxic ingredients of the Celiac diet.) No consensus sequence for a high-affinity substrate of tTGase could be derived from our data, suggesting that the secondary structures of these food-grain peptides were important in their recognition by tTGase. Finally, under steady-state turnover conditions, a significant fraction of the tTGase active site was covalently bound to a representative high-affinity immunogenic gliadin peptide, suggesting a common mechanism by which cells responsible for immune surveillance of the intestinal tract recognize and generate an antibody response against both gliadin and tTGase. In addition to providing a quantitative framework for understanding the role of tTGase in Celiac Sprue, our results lay the groundwork for the design of small molecule mimetics of gliadin peptides as selective inhibitors of tTGase.  相似文献   

A peptidomics approach was developed to identify transglutaminase-susceptible Q residues within a pepsin-trypsin gliadin digest. Based on tagging with a monodansylcadaverine fluorescent probe, six alpha/beta-, gamma-gliadin, and low molecular weight glutenin peptides were identified by nanospray tandem mass spectrometry. In functioning as an acyl acceptor, tissue transglutaminase was able to form complexes with the glutamine-rich gliadin peptides, whereas by lowering pH, the peptides were deamidated by transglutaminase at the same Q residues, which were previously transamidated. The main common feature shared by the peptides was the consensus sequence Q-X-P. Our findings offer relevant information for the understanding of how dietary peptides interact with the host organism in celiac disease.  相似文献   

Sporadic inclusion body myositis (SIBM) is characterized by vacuolar degeneration of muscle fibers and intrafiber clusters of paired helical filaments with abnormal amyloid deposition. Because of their potential involvement in other degenerative disorders, we have examined the expression of transglutaminases (TGases) in normal and SIBM tissues. We report that at least two different enzymes, the ubiquitous TGase 2 as well as the TGase 1 enzyme, are present in muscle tissues. However, in comparison with normal tissue, the expression of TGases 1 and 2 was increased 2.5- and 4-fold in SIBM, accompanied by about a 20-fold higher total TGase activity. By immunohistochemical staining, in normal muscle, TGase 2 expression was restricted to some endomysial connective tissue elements, whereas TGase 1 and beta-amyloid proteins were not detectable. In SIBM muscle, both TGases 1 and 2 as well as amyloid proteins were brightly expressed and co-localized in the vacuolated muscle fibers, but none of these proteins colocalized with inflammatory cell markers. Next, we isolated high molecular weight insoluble proteins from SIBM muscle tissue and showed that they were cross-linked by about 6 residues/1000 residues of the isopeptide bond. Furthermore, by amino acid sequencing of solubilized tryptic peptides, they contain amyloid and skeletal muscle proteins. Together, these findings suggest that elevated expression of TGases 1 and 2 participate in the formation of insoluble amyloid deposits in SIBM tissue and in this way may contribute to progressive and debilitating muscle disease.  相似文献   

Celiac disease is caused by an uncontrolled immune response to gluten, a heterogeneous mixture of wheat storage proteins, including the α-gliadins. It has been shown that α-gliadins harbor several major epitopes involved in the disease pathogenesis. A major step towards elimination of gluten toxicity for celiac disease patients would thus be the elimination of such epitopes from α-gliadins. We have analyzed over 3,000 expressed α-gliadin sequences from 11 bread wheat cultivars to determine whether they encode for peptides potentially involved in celiac disease. All identified epitope variants were synthesized as peptides and tested for binding to the disease-associated HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 molecules and for recognition by patient-derived α-gliadin specific T cell clones. Several specific naturally occurring amino acid substitutions were identified for each of the α-gliadin derived peptides involved in celiac disease that eliminate the antigenic properties of the epitope variants. Finally, we provide proof of principle at the peptide level that through the systematic introduction of such naturally occurring variations α-gliadins genes can be generated that no longer encode antigenic peptides. This forms a crucial step in the development of strategies to modify gluten genes in wheat so that it becomes safe for celiac disease patients. It also provides the information to design and introduce safe gluten genes in other cereals, which would exhibit improved quality while remaining safe for consumption by celiac disease patients.  相似文献   

IL-23 has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several tissue-specific autoimmune diseases. Currently, celiac disease (CD) is the only autoimmune disease in which both the major genetic (95% HLA-DQ2(+)) and etiologic factors (dietary glutens) for susceptibility are known. We demonstrate that wheat gliadin induces significantly greater production of IL-23, IL-1beta, and TNF-alpha in PBMC from CD patients compared with HLA-DQ2(+) healthy controls, strongly advocating a role for IL-23 in the pathogenesis of CD. Moreover, IL-1beta alone triggered IL-23 secretion and the IL-1R antagonist inhibited this response in PBMC and purified monocytes. This sequence of events was replicated by beta-glucan, another substance known to induce IL-23 production. Our results suggest that gliadin and beta-glucan stimulate IL-23 secretion through induction of the IL-1 signaling pathway and reveal for the first time that the IL-1 system regulates IL-23 production. These findings may provide therapeutic targets for this disease and other inflammatory conditions mediated by IL-23.  相似文献   

《Nitric oxide》2006,14(2):144-151
Hydrolytic deamidation of asparagine (Asn) and glutamine (Gln) residues to aspartate (Asp) and glutamate (Glu), respectively, can have significant biological consequences. We hypothesize that a wholly different mechanism of deamidation might occur in the presence of aerobic nitric oxide (NO). Accordingly, we examined the deamidating ability of aerobic NO toward three model peptides, 2,4-dinitrophenyl (DNP)-Pro-Gln-Gly, Lys-Trp-Asp-Asn-Gln, and Ser-Glu-Asn-Tyr-Pro-Ile-Val, incubating them with the NO-generating compound, Et2N[N(O)NO]Na (DEA/NO, 30–48 mM), in aerobic, pH 7.4, buffer at 37 °C. DNP-Pro-Glu-Gly was detected after 2 h, while Lys-Trp-Asp-Asp-Gln, Lys-Trp-Asp-Asn-Glu, and Ser-Glu-Asp-Tyr-Pro-Ile-Val were detected within 10 min, accumulating in apparent yields of up to ∼10%. In the latter case, tyrosine nitration was also observed, producing the expected nitrotyrosine residue. DEA/NO solutions preincubated to exhaust the NO before the peptides were added did not induce detectable deamidation. The data demonstrate that aerobic NO exposures can lead to nitrosative deamidation of peptides, a pathway that differs from the established hydrolytic deamidation mechanism in several key respects: the by-products of the former are molecular nitrogen and an acid (HONO) while that of the latter is a base (NH3); the nitrosative path can in principle proceed in the absence of water molecules; Asn is much more easily deamidated than Gln in the hydrolytic pathway, while the two amino acid residues were deamidated to a similar extent by exposure to NO in the presence of oxygen.  相似文献   

The effects of certain fractions of a peptic-tryptic-pancreatinic (PTP) digest of wheat gliadin of synthetic peptides on the production of gamma interferon (γ-IFN) in cultures of whole blood from adult patients with coeliac disease (CD) have been studied using a sandwich enzyme immunoassay. The most active peptides were fraction 9, its two principal sub-fractions (sub-fractions 1 and 2) and a synthetic peptide of sequence RPQQPYPQPQPQ (peptide V) corresponding to the principal peptide obtained from reversed-phase HPLC of fraction 9. Results with blood from the control group of subjects also indicated some response to these antigens, in most cases at similar levels to those observed with the coeliacs. Fraction 1 of the PTP digest and the other nine synthetic peptides tested were inactive with both coeliacs and controls. These results are in agreement with the results of in vivo and in vitro toxicity tests. They provide evidence of a link between toxicity and cell-mediated immune response in CD, and suggest that peptide V represents one of the active parts of the gliadin molecule.  相似文献   

A fracation of a peptide-tryptic-pancreatinic digest of wheat gliadin (fraction 9), known to be toxic to individuals with coeliac disease, together with synthetic peptides containing key gliadin sequences, were tested for their effects on foetal chick intestine and on rat liverr lysosomes. Fraction 9 and a dodecapeptide corresponding to residues 75–86 of A-gliadin (RPQQPYPQPQPQ) were the only peptides to display appreciable activity in both assays. A synthetic hexapeptide corresponding to residues 76–85 was non-toxic in both assays. Two serine-containing peptides containing the key sequence PSQQ were also tested but were found to be non-toxic, as was the hexapeptide PSQQQP. The results suggest that the key sequences QQQP and PSQQ are not sufficient by themselves to cause activity. Further tests on synthetic peptides will be necessary to define the sequence of highest toxicity.  相似文献   

Two recently identified immunodominant epitopes from alpha-gliadin account for most of the stimulatory activity of dietary gluten on intestinal and peripheral T lymphocytes in patients with celiac sprue. The proteolytic kinetics of peptides containing these epitopes were analyzed in vitro using soluble proteases from bovine and porcine pancreas and brush-border membrane vesicles from adult rat intestine. We showed that these proline-glutamine-rich epitopes are exceptionally resistant to enzymatic processing. Moreover, as estimated from the residual peptide structure and confirmed by exogenous peptidase supplementation, dipeptidyl peptidase IV and dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase I were identified as the rate-limiting enzymes in the digestive breakdown of these peptides. A similar conclusion also emerged from analogous studies with brush-border membrane from a human intestinal biopsy. Supplementation of rat brush-border membrane with trace quantities of a bacterial prolyl endopeptidase led to the rapid destruction of the immunodominant epitopes in these peptides. These results suggest a possible enzyme therapy strategy for celiac sprue, for which the only current therapeutic option is strict exclusion of gluten-containing food.  相似文献   


Celiac disease (CeD) is a T-cell-dependent enteropathy with autoimmune features where tissue transglutaminase (TG2)-mediated posttranslational modification of gliadin peptides has a decisive role in the pathomechanism. The humoral immune response is reported to target mainly TG2-deamidated γ-gliadin peptides. However, α-gliadin peptides, like p57-68, playing a crucial role in the T-cell response, and p31-43, a major trigger of innate responses, also contain B-cell gliadin epitopes and γ-gliadin like motifs. We aimed to identify if there are anti-gliadin-specific antibodies in CeD patients targeting the p31-43 and p57-68 peptides and to examine whether deamidation of these peptides could increase their antigenicity. We explored TG2-mediated deamidation of the p31-43 and p57-68 peptides, and investigated serum antibody reactivity toward the native and deamidated α and γ-gliadin peptides in children with confirmed CeD and in prospectively followed infants at increased risk for developing CeD. We affinity-purified antibody populations utilizing different single peptide gliadin antigens and tested their binding preferences for cross-reactivity in real-time interaction assays based on bio-layer interferometry. Our results demonstrate that there is serum reactivity toward p31-43 and p57-68 peptides, which is due to cross-reactive γ-gliadin specific antibodies. These γ-gliadin specific antibodies represent the first appearing antibody population in infancy and they dominate the serum reactivity of CeD patients even later on and without preference for deamidation. However, for the homologous epitope sequences in α-gliadins shorter than the core QPEQPFP heptapeptide, deamidation facilitates antibody recognition. These findings reveal the presence of cross-reactive antibodies in CeD patients recognizing the disease-relevant α-gliadins.


 Celiac disease (CD) patients usually express a DQ2 heterodimer, whose chains DQα1*0501/DQβ1*0201, are encoded by the genes HLA-DQA1*0501 and DQB1*0201, respectively. Among the DQ2 carriers, the risk of developing disease was shown to correlate with the number of DQβ1*0201 chains encoded. Studying two separate cohorts of Italian and Tunisian patients, we now show a significant association of celiac disease with expression of either the DQ2 or DR53 heterodimers. The risk is maximal for individuals that carry both DQ2 and DR53 heterodimers. When twenty synthetic peptides overlapping most of A-gliadin sequence were tested for the binding to various purified DR molecules, it was found that DR53 molecules bind selectively and with high affinity (IC50<1 μM) to A-gliadin-derived peptides. These data suggest that both HLA DQ2 and DR53 molecules are associated with increased genetic risk for CD, and provide a possible biochemical basis for this complex association. Received: 1 August 1998 / Revised: 24 February 1999  相似文献   

Two celiac-active synthetic peptides derived from the A-gliadin structure corresponding to residues 8–19 (LQPQNPSQQQPQ) and to 11–19 were digestedin vitro with small intestinal mucosa from children with celiac disease in remission and from normal children. The products of digestion were separated into two fractions on the basis of Mr<400 and Mr>400 by gel permeation chromatography and subjected to amino acid analysis. After digestion of the dodecapeptide with celiac mucosa, 71±14% (molar) of the total digestion products remained in the Mr>400 fraction. Glutamine, proline, serine, and asparagine were the major amino acids present. Glutamine, proline, and leucine were the major amino acids in the Mr<400 fraction. The Mr>400 fraction from the celiac mucosal digestion of the nonapeptide was of similar composition to the corresponding fraction from the dodecapeptide and represented 78±15% of the total products. Digestion of the two peptides with normal mucosa gave lower amounts of products in the Mr>400 fraction, but they were of similar composition to the corresponding fractions from the celiac mucosal digestion. Peptides such as NPSQQQP and QNPSQQQ may be present in the Mr>400 fractions since glutamine and proline are present in the approximate ratio of 2∶1, respectively. The results indicate a defect in the mucosal digestion of peptides which are active in an animal model of celiac disease.  相似文献   

Celiac disease is an HLA-DQ2-associated disorder characterized by intestinal T cell responses to ingested wheat gluten proteins. A peptide fragment of 33 residues (alpha(2)-gliadin 56-88) produced by normal gastrointestinal proteolysis contains six partly overlapping copies of three T cell epitopes and is a remarkably potent T cell stimulator after deamidation by tissue transglutaminase (TG2). This 33-mer is rich in proline residues and adopts the type II polyproline helical conformation in solution. In this study we report that after deamidation, the 33-mer bound with higher affinity to DQ2 compared with other monovalent peptides harboring gliadin epitopes. We found that the TG2-treated 33-mer was presented equally effectively by live and glutaraldehyde-fixed, EBV-transformed B cells. The TG2-treated 33-mer was also effectively presented by glutaraldehyde-fixed dendritic cells, albeit live dendritic cells were the most effective APCs. A strikingly increased T cell stimulatory potency of the 33-mer compared with a 12-mer peptide was also seen with fixed APCs. The 33-mer showed binding maximum to DQ2 at pH 6.3, higher than maxima found for other high affinity DQ2 binders. The 33-mer is thus a potent T cell stimulator that does not require further processing within APC for T cell presentation and that binds to DQ2 with a pH profile that promotes extracellular binding.  相似文献   

Intestinal celiac disease (CD) is triggered by peptic-tryptic digest of gluten, known as Frazer's Fraction (FF), in genetically predisposed individuals. Here, we investigate the immediate effects of FF on the actin cytoskeleton and the subsequent trafficking of actin-dependent and actin-independent proteins in COS-1 cells. Morphological alterations in the actin filaments were revealed concomitant with a drastic reduction in immunoprecipitated actin from cells incubated with FF. These alterations elicit impaired protein trafficking of intestinal sucrase–isomaltase, a glycoprotein that follows an actin-dependent vesicular transport to the cell surface. However, the actin-independent transport of intestinal lactase phlorizin hydrolase remains unaffected. Moreover, the morphological alteration in actin is induced by direct interaction of this protein with gliadin peptides carrying the QQQPFP epitope revealed by co-immunoprecipitation utilizing a monoclonal anti-gliadin antibody. Finally, stimulation of cells with FF directly influences the binding of actin to Arp2. Altogether, our data demonstrate that FF directly interacts with actin and alters the integrity of the actin cytoskeleton thus leading to an impaired trafficking of intestinal proteins that depend on an intact actin network. This direct interaction could be related to the endocytic segregation of gliadin peptides as well as the delayed endocytic vesicle trafficking and maturation in gliadin-positive intestinal epithelial cells and opens new insights into the pathogenesis of CD.  相似文献   

Celiac disease (CD) is a complex inflammatory disorder of the small intestine, induced by dietary gluten in genetically susceptible individuals. CD is strongly associated with HLA-DQ2 and it has recently been established that gut-derived DQ2-restricted T cells from patients with CD predominantly recognize gluten-derived peptides in which specific glutamine residues are deamidated to glutamic acid by tissue transglutaminase. Recently, intestinally expressed human genes with high homology to DQ2-gliadin celiac T-cell epitopes have been identified. Single or double point mutations which would increase the celiac T-cell epitope homology, and mutation in these genes, leading to the expression of glutamic acid at particular positions, could hypothetically be involved in the initiation of CD in HLA-DQ2-positive children. Six gene regions with high celiac T-cell epitope homology were investigated for single-nucleotide polymorphisms using direct sequencing of DNA from 20 CD patients, 27 type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients with associated CD, 24 patients with T1DM without CD and 110 healthy controls, all of Caucasian origin. No variants in any of these genes in any of the investigated groups were found. We conclude that gut-expressed human celiac epitope homologous peptides are unlikely to represent non-HLA risk factors in the development of celiac disease in Caucasians.  相似文献   

In this study, pioneering results on specific chemical modifications of wheat gluten gliadins and the corresponding impact on mechanical and water barrier properties of derived films are presented. Films were prepared from gliadins chemically treated with formaldehyde and subsequently mixed with different concentrations of glycerol as a plasticizing agent. Water vapor barrier and mechanical properties of the films were evaluated as a function of relative humidity and glycerol concentration. Formaldehyde treatment led to enhanced mechanical properties and, to a lesser extent, improved water barrier of the films, effects which point to the formation of new intermolecular bonds between monomeric gliadins. The occurrence of cross-linking was supported by SDS-PAGE analysis. Cross-linked films maintained their integrity after immersion in water and had similar optical properties to control films. The effect of glycerol and humidity on water vapor permeability and the mechanical properties of films was less acute when proteins were treated with formaldehyde. Thus, chemical treatment of proteins is shown to be a very effective route for optimizing the use of these films in packaging applications.  相似文献   

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