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The Cretaceous (Early Aptian, uppermost Bedoulian, Dufrenoyia furcata Zone) Zamaia Formation is a carbonate unit, up to 224 m thick and 1.5 km wide, which formed on a regional coastal sea bordering the continental Iberian craton. A high-resolution, facies-based, stratigraphic framework is presented using facies mapping and vertical-log characterization. The depositional succession consists of a shallow estuarine facies of the Ereza Fm overlain by shallow-water rudist limestones (Zamaia Fm) building relief over positive tectonic blocks and separated by an intraplatform depression. The margins of these shallow-water rudist buildups record low-angle transitional slopes toward the adjacent surrounding basins. Syn-depositional faulting is responsible for differential subsidence and creation of highs and lows, and local emplacement of limestone olistoliths and slope breccias. Two main carbonate phases are separated by an intervening siliciclastic-carbonate estuarine episode. The platform carbonates are composed of repetitive swallowing-upward cycles, commonly ending with a paleokarstic surface. Depositional systems tracts within sequences are recognized on the basis of facies patterns and are interpreted in terms of variations of relative sea level. Both Zamaia carbonate platform phases were terminated by a relative sea-level fall and karstification, immediately followed by a relative sea-level rise. This study refines our understanding of the paleogeography and sea-level history in the Early Cretaceous Aptian of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin. The detailed information on biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy provides a foundation for regional to global correlations.  相似文献   

The Taulanne Limestone Formation of the Castellane region (South Alpine Foreland Basin of France) represents an Oligocene lake depositional system developed above the marine Nummulitic succession. A sedimentological analysis of the Taulanne limestone allows the identification of nine marine, lacustrine, and palustrine facies. The spatial and temporal distribution of these facies records five depositional sequences that are correlated between the Sant Peire section (edge of the lake) and the Prés section (central lake). Water-level variations highlight the high-frequency balance between drying and wetting periods under fluctuating climatic conditions. Lacustrine facies developed during more humid periods while palustrine facies correspond to more arid conditions and longer lake shoreline exposure. At the basin scale, the lateral changes in accommodation space are attributed to differential subsidence between the Prés and the Sant Peire sections, which permitted the deposition of a thicker succession in the central part of the lake (Prés section). The Taulanne limestone records a marine to continental transition. The progressive filling of the basin is related to the regional tectonic activity, namely the emplacement of the Embrun-Ubaye nappes to the northeast of the study area at about 30–32 Ma. This final regressive trend represents the transition between the underfilled flysch stage (marine Nummulitic succession) of a foreland-basin cycle to the overfilled stage (alluvial Red Molasse deposits) during the primary exhumation of the Internal Alps.  相似文献   

Due to a long-term transgression since the Early Cambrian, an extensive shallow-water carbonate platform was developed in the entire Tarim Basin (NW China). During the deposition of the Yingshan Formation (Early-Middle Ordovician), a carbonate ramp system was formed in the intrashelf basin in the Bachu-Keping area of the western basin. Four well-exposed outcrop sections were selected to investigate their depositional facies, cycles, and sequences, as well as the depositional evolution. Detailed facies analyses permit the recognition of three depositional facies associations, including peritidal, semi-restricted subtidal, and open-marine subtidal facies, and eleven types of lithofacies. These are vertically arranged into meter-scale, shallowing-upward peritidal, semi-restricted subtidal, and open-marine subtidal cycles, in the span of Milankovitch frequency bands, suggesting a dominant control of Earth’s orbital forcing on the cyclic sedimentation on the platform. On the basis of vertical facies (or lithofacies) and cycle stacking patterns, as well as accommodation changes illustrated graphically by Fischer plots at all studied sections, six third-order depositional sequences are recognized and consist of lower transgressive and upper regressive parts. In shallow depositional settings, the transgressive packages are dominated by thicker-than-average, shallow subtidal cycles, whereas the regressive parts are mainly represented by thinner-than-average, relatively shallow subtidal to peritidal cycles. In relatively deep environments, however, the transgressive and regressive successions display the opposite trends of cycle stacking patterns, i.e., thinner-than-average subtidal cycles of transgressive packages. Sequence boundaries are mainly characterized by laterally traceable, transitional zones without apparent subaerial exposure features. Good correlation of the long-term changes in accommodation space inferred from vertical facies and cycle stacking patterns with sea-level fluctuations elsewhere around the world suggests an overriding eustatic control on cycle origination, platform building-up and evolution during the Early-Middle Ordovician, although with localized influences of syndepositional faulting and depositional settings.  相似文献   

From the later part of the Devonian through the Permian, calcareous foraminifers became abundant and evolved rapidly. This rapid evolution of taxa forms the basis of a detailed zonation through the Carboniferous and Permian. Comparison of this evolutionary history of foraminifers, their biostratigraphic zonation, and the depositional sequences in which they occur suggests that sea-level events in late Paleozoic depositional history contributed significantly in subdividing a fairly continuous evolutionary record into a succession of about 75 identifiable foraminiferal zones during a 100–125 Myr time span. Although variable in terms of duration and vertical occurrences, the more completely recorded high-stand intervals give brief histories of the foraminiferal evolutionary record and are sandwiched between the poorly recorded or unrecorded low-stand intervals. Many of the individual foraminiferal zones are confined to a single depositional sequence.The late Paleozoic carbonate foraminiferal fossil record, as with the rest of the fossil record, is strongly affected by sediment deposition-nondeposition as a result of major changes in sea level. This incomplete fossil record is the result of repeated depositional breaks because of the way that depositional sequences form. It is not possible to ascribe macromutations, ‘punctuated’ evolution or ‘punctuated gradualism’ as the cause of this evolutionary pattern of the shelf-carbonate fossil record. This pattern is distinctive and we refer to it as ‘sequence evolution’ and ‘sequence extinction’. In the later part of the Middle Permian and in the Late Permian, the fossil record clearly illustrates that a series of faunal losses through ‘sequence extinctions’ progressively exceeded faunal replacements and new species through ‘sequence evolution’, but not a ‘mass extinction’ as is commonly ascribed to the end of the Permian Period. Most Permian faunas became extinct in the interval of 8 to 4 million years before the end of the Late Permian.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines unsolved problems concerning the relationships between skeletal benthic communities, the skeletal carbonate sediments they produce and how these are preserved in the subsurface. Recent work based on shelf-wide datasets of modern shallow-marine carbonate sediments of South Florida suggest that the boundaries between facies occur randomly and that facies occurrence bears little relation to water depth. This is at variance with earlier work from the region that indicated facies occurrence related to different environments and which helped establish the basis for palaeoenvironmental analysis of ancient limestones.A windward-facing depositional margin of a carbonate mound in the back-reef area of the Florida Keys is used as a small-scale, case study to examine whether surface peritidal facies occur in an ordered or random fashion and whether they are depth related. Lateral facies transition analysis along transects from the shoreline to the shallow subtidal indicates that peritidal facies occur in a very well-ordered (i.e. non-random) arrangement of zones and patches. Surface facies are generally well-preserved and recognisable in the shallow subsurface and in cores through the Holocene carbonates and shoreline mangrove peats. Analysis of upward facies transitions in cores also indicates common facies trends reflecting the evolution of the sediment mound in response to rising Holocene sea level. However, even though the modern facies occur in an ordered and depth-related pattern, subsurface facies do not show a simple relation to the known sea-level curve in the area. Rather, they relate to a complex of different rates of sea-level rise, sea-floor topography, carbonate production rates, wave/storm energy input, and bioturbation.  相似文献   

Summary The Middle Ordovician Duwibong Formation (about 100 m thick), Korea, comprises various lithotypes deposited across a carbonate ramp. Their stacking patterns constitute several kinds of meter-scale, shallowing-upward carbonate cycles. Lithofacies associations are grouped into four depositional facies: deep- to mid-ramp, shoal-complex, lagoonal, and tidal-flat facies. These facies are composed of distinctive depositional cycles: deep subtidal, shallow subtidal, restricted marine, and peritidal cycles, respectively. The subtidal cycles are capped by subtidal lithofacies and indicate incomplete shallowing to the peritidal zone. The restricted marine and peritidal cycles are capped by tidal flat lithofacies and show evidence of subaerial exposure. These cycles were formed by higher frequency sea-level fluctuations with durations of 120 ky (fifth order), which were superimposed on the longer term sea-level events, and by sediment redistribution by storm-induced currents and waves. The stratigraphic succession of the Duwibong Formation represents a general regressive trend. The vertical facies change records the transition from a deep- to mid-ramp to shoal, to lagoon, into a peritidal zone. The depositional system of the Duwibong Formation was influenced by frequent storms, especially on the deep ramp to mid-ramp seaward of ooid shoals. The storm deposits comprise about 20% of the Duwibong sequence.  相似文献   

Based on their lithologic characteristics and stratal geometries, the Middle Cambrian Fasham and Deh-Sufiyan Formations of the lower Mila Group in the Central Alborz, northern Iran, exhibit 39 lithofacies representing several supratidal to deep subtidal facies belts. The siliciclastic successions of the Fasham Formation are divided into two facies associations, suggesting deposition in a tide-dominated, open-mouthed estuarine setting. The mixed, predominantly carbonate successions of the Deh-Sufiyan Formation are grouped into ten facies associations. Four depositional zones are recognized on the Deh-Sufiyan ramp: basinal, outer ramp (deep subtidal associations), mid ramp (shallow subtidal to lower intertidal associations), and inner ramp (shoal and upper intertidal to supratidal associations). These facies associations are arranged in small-scale sedimentary cycles, i.e., peritidal, shallow subtidal, and deep subtidal cycles. These cycles reflect spatial differences in the reaction of the depositional system to small-scale relative sea-level changes. Small-scale cycles are stacked into medium-scale cycles that in turn are building blocks of large-scale cycles. Systematic changes in stacking pattern (cycle thickness, cycle type, and facies proportion) allow to reconstruct long-term changes in sea-level. Six large-scale cycles (S1–S6) have been identified and are interpreted as depositional sequences showing retrogradational (transgressive systems tract) and progradational (highstand systems tract) packages of facies associations. The six depositional sequences provide the basis for inter-regional sequence stratigraphic correlations and have been controlled by eustatic sea-level changes.  相似文献   

Carbonate deposits from Zrin in the Mt. Zrinska Gora were deposited in the SW part of the Central Paratethys Sea during the Middle Badenian (Middle Miocene). The studied section contains a rich fossil community of non-geniculate coralline red algae (Subfamily Melobesioideae), bryozoans, benthic and planktonic foraminifera, echinoderms, ostracods, molluscs, and calcareous nannoplankton. Based on lithological variations and changes in the biogenic components, four facies associations (FA) are distinguished. Their distribution points to skeletal production and sedimentation on a middle to proximal outer carbonate ramp. The main lithological feature of the section is an alternation of two lithofacies: fully lithified grainstone–rudstone and packstone, and semi-lithified rudstone–floatstone with a carbonate sandy matrix. Depositional environments on the ramp were periodically influenced by minor high-frequency sea-level changes and/or changes of hydrodynamic conditions, which are suggested as the driving mechanisms causing the alternation of the two lithofacies. Vertically in the succession, the two lithofacies alternate to give three thinning- and fining-upward units. The lower part of each unit is formed of a rhodolith and coralline algal FA, which passes upwards into a bryozoan-coralline algal FA and/or FA of bioclastic packstone-grainstone. Based on the vertical upward change in FAs, each unit can be interpreted as a deepening-upward sequence. Patterns in the relative abundance of bryozoan colony growth form (vinculariiform, cellariiform, adeoniform, membraniporiform, celleporiform, and reteporiform), size and abundance of rhodoliths and coralline branches, and benthic foraminifera are interpreted by comparison with data from modern and fossil environments. Based on these data, a water depth range for each FA is interpreted, providing evidence of low-frequency relative sea-level changes. It is hypothesized that relative sea-level fluctuated in the water depth range from 30 to 80 m, and in the uppermost part of the section, rich in planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton, possibly deeper. Causes of the low-frequency relative sea-level fluctuations and the general deepening trend observed within the succession cannot be interpreted based on one section; however, they may be related to the subsidence of the depositional basin. The benthic biotic communities are a vertical alternation of rhodalgal and bryorhodalgal associations, and this is attributed to relative sea-level fluctuations. These biotic associations gave rise to warm-temperate carbonates of the Middle Badenian N9 planktonic Zone (Orbulina suturalis, O. universa) and NN4–NN5 nannoplankton Zones (Sphenolithus heteromorphus).  相似文献   

The Moravo-Silesian Basin (MSB; eastern Czech Republic and southern Poland) hosted an extensive shallow-water carbonate platform in the Middle Devonian to Frasnian interval. The platform drowned in a stepwise fashion from the Palmatolepis hassi to the Pa. linguiformis zone. Three types of drowning successions were revealed from conodont biostratigraphy, facies, microfacies and gamma-ray spectrometry data: (A) drowning to periplatform turbidite setting; (B) drowning to (hemi)pelagic seamount setting and (C) drowning associated with the stratigraphical gap. In the lower Pa. hassi zone, rapid subsidence caused the platform to drown locally along the N–S to NW–SE trending faults (type A drowning). In the upper Pa. rhenana to the Pa. linguiformis zone, the drowning accelerated in the western part of the MSB due to locally higher subsidence rates combined with the Late Frasnian biotic crisis (type B). In the southern part of the basin, the platform emerged shortly before the Frasnian/Famennian (F/F) boundary and drowned in the Early to Late Famennian (type C). The primary cause of drowning was differential subsidence at the Laurussian passive margin. Eustatic sea-level fluctuations, if any, contributed only to a minor extent to the Late Frasnian drowning, but were effective in type C drowning during the Famennian. The drowning boundaries are associated with increased contents of K and Th, reflecting the deceleration of carbonate production. Uranium contents display isolated peaks that roughly correlate with the drowning boundaries or the stratigraphic gaps associated with the F/F boundary. The uranium contents are considered to reflect local depositional conditions and are not suitable for stratigraphic correlation. On the other hand, from the K and Th contents, we can infer Late Frasnian sea-level fluctuations with duration on the order of 1 Myr. These cyclic variations in K and Th contents proved to be useful in platform-to-basin stratigraphic correlation.  相似文献   

Based on microfacies analyses and sedimentological data, 17 facies are identified within the Middle Miocene carbonates at Siwa Oasis in the northern Western Desert of Egypt. These facies are attributed to five main facies belts. Within these facies and facies belts, five foraminiferal assemblages are recognized. A depositional model relates the reported facies and biofacies to a down-dip depositional profile of an inner to middle carbonate ramp. The facies of the peritidal to restricted lagoon (facies belt 1) and the less-restricted lagoon (facies belt 2) were deposited in the inner ramp behind the barrier/beach shoal facies belt 3. Basinward, lime mudstone of facies belts 4 and 5 accumulated in a proximal to distal middle ramp, respectively. The depositional evolution involved three stages, which are strongly controlled by tectonics and eustatic sea-level changes. The first stage comprises the transgressive Lower Miocene clastic-dominated fluvial facies of the Moghra Formation. The second stage heralds the deposition of the Langhian inner-ramp carbonate and shale facies of the basal Oasis Member of the Marmarica Formation under a relatively high stand of sea level, constrained clastic influx and climate warming. The final stage is represented by Langhian to Serravallian mid-ramp carbonate-dominated facies of the Siwa Escarpment and El Diffa Plateau members under fluctuating sea level, and a westward restriction in clastic supply and water turbidity.  相似文献   

Clastic sediments of Middle–Late Eocene age were studied on the Island of Rab (northern Adriatic Sea, Croatia) in order to reconstruct their depositional history, depositional environments, and geometry of sandstone bodies. Detailed outcrop logging and mapping revealed the response of depositional systems to frequent relative sea-level changes, which initiated significant basinward and landward shifts of facies, respectively. Tidal sandstones are commonly underlain by shoreface sandstones, and overlain by offshore sandy marls, whereas the latter are again overlain by shoreface sandstones. Major relative sea-level falls initiated basinward shift of depositional systems and the incision of incised valleys or estuaries, and consequently truncated the underlying shelf sediments. In some cases, the accelerated sea-level fall caused rapid shoreface progradation which is interpreted as a forced regression. Relative sea-level rise caused flooding of the incised relief, and deposition of tidal sandstone bodies which overlie type-I sequence boundaries. The coarse lag sediment of these sequence boundaries locally disappears laterally, and the boundary is granulometrically less prominent. All of the major bounding surfaces have been recognized in the sections studied, although the maximum flooding surface is recognized as a thin “zone” instead of a single surface. Altogether, 28 complete sequences, and 15 parasequences are recognized in the informal unit of the Lopar sandstones, documenting the depositional response to high-frequency relative sea-level oscillations. They have so far not been recognized in the Eocene of the eastern Adriatic region.  相似文献   

Sea-level fluctuations and changes in sediment grain size are widely thought to be the main factors controlling carbonate platform slope geometries. Two successive clinoform bodies from the Upper Miocene Cariatiz carbonate platform (SE Spain) were selected to analyze geometry and facies distribution in relation to sea-level oscillations. Facies occurring in these clinoform bodies are from top to bottom reef-framework, reef-framework debris, Halimeda breccia, Halimeda rudstone, and bioclastic packstone, as well as siltstone and marl. Slope geometry and facies, composition, and distribution, are significantly different in each clinoform body. These differences are the result of the interaction of several factors such as coral growth, in situ slope carbonate production, rockfalls and sediment gravity flows, hemipelagic rain, reworking of reef-slope facies and siliciclastic input. Changes in accommodation were related to sea-level fluctuations and controlled the relative impact of these factors. A sea-level fall took place in the time between deposition of the selected clinoform bodies and changed the hydrographical conditions of the basin. These changes influenced the presence of Halimeda and the grain-size distribution, and consequently the slope geometries. Reef-slope geometry is not exclusively controlled by changes in grain size. The stabilization by organic binding is proposed to be a significant factor controlling the slope deposition.  相似文献   

Summary Factors controlling grain composition and depositional environments of upper Cenomanian—Santonian limestones of Sinai are discussed. The mainly shallow-water, inner-platform setting investigated is subdivided into five major facies belts, each represented by several microfacies types (MFTs). Their lateral distribution patterns and their composition underline aclear relation between depositional environment and platform position. The facies belts include sandstones and quartzose packstones of siliciclastic shorefaces, mudstones and bioclastic wackestones of restricted lagoons, shallow-subtidal packstones with diverse benthic foraminifera and calcareous algae, bioclastic and/or oolitic grainstones of inner-platform shoals, and wackestones of deep open-marine environments. The microfacies distribution patterns of the Cenomanian-Santonian strata are evaluated with respect to local and regional large-scale environmental changes. While protected shallow-subtidal environments with only subordinate ooids and oncoids prevail during the late Cenomanian, high-energy oolithic shoals and carbonate sands occur locally during the middle and late Turonian. They were probably related to a change of the platform morphology and a reorganisation of the platform after a late Cenomanian drowning. In the Coniacian-Santonian, the lack of ooids, oncoids, and the decrease of calcareous algae versus an increase in siliciclastics indicate a shift to lower water temperature and to a more humid climate. Especially in the Turonian, the interplay between sea-level changes, accommodation, hydrodynamics, and siliciclastic input is reflected by lithofacies and biofacies interrelation-ships that are elaborated within individual systems tracts. In particular, increasing accommodation intensified circulation and wave-agitation and controlled the distribution of high-energy environments of the middle and upper Turonian trans-gressive systems tracts. During highstands protected innerplatform environments prevailed.  相似文献   

The Asmari Formation in Marun oilfield (south-west Iran), is about 440 m-thick marine carbonate succession with subordinate siliciclastic rocks, characterized by abundant benthic foraminifera (perforate and imperforate). Foraminiferal biostratigraphy indicates that this unit is Oligocene–Miocene in age. The distribution of benthic foraminifera and other components have led to the recognition of three siliciclastic and ten carbonate facies that were deposited in inner ramp (shoreline, tidal flat, restricted and open lagoon and shoal), middle and outer ramp sub-environments. Based on vertical facies trends, three third-order sequences in the Oligocene and three third-order sequences in the Miocene sediments have been identified. These depositional sequences are bounded by both type 1 and type 2 sequence boundaries. The transgressive systems tracts (TST) of sequences show deepening-upward facies trend with a gradual upward increase in perforate foraminifera, whereas the highstand systems tracts (HST) have a shallowing-upward facies trend and contain predominantly imperforate foraminifera. Deposition of these depositional sequences (DS) were controlled by both eustasy and tectonic subsidence.  相似文献   

The Upper Ordovician (Sandbian; late Whiterockian to Mohawkian) Bromide Formation of south-central Oklahoma was deposited along a distally steepened ramp that descended into the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen (SOA). It provides an unparalleled opportunity to examine a spectrum of marine facies that extended from back ramp peritidal settings to the center of the basin. The depositional history and environmental context of the unit are reconsidered using lithofacies analysis and the characterization of sequence stratigraphic patterns at a variety of hierarchical scales. Inner-ramp (above fair weather wavebase; FWWB) lithofacies suggest deposition in a range of environments: tidal flat, lagoon, shoreface, semi-restricted shallow subtidal, and bioclastic shoal. Middle-ramp environments between FWWB and storm wavebase (SWB) are thick and faunally diverse, and consist of rhythmically bedded marls, wackestone, packstone, and shales. Outer-ramp environments (below SWB) are represented by either fissile tan-green shale or thin-bedded carbonate mudstone and shale. Ramp stratigraphy, facies associations, and bounding surfaces suggest that three third-order depositional sequences are present in the Bromide. They demonstrate the transition from a clastic-dominated ramp in the late Whiterockian to a carbonate-dominated ramp in the Mohawkian, and show that the deposition of the Bromide was considerably more complex than the simple transgressive–regressive cycle traditionally used to describe accommodation dynamics in the basin. Meter and decameter-scale cycles (high-frequency sequences) are a common motif within the depositional sequences, and the Corbin Ranch Submember records an important peritidal succession prior to a major sequence boundary with the overlying Viola Springs Formation. New correlations based on measured sections, outcrop gamma-ray profiles, and subsurface well-logs document a novel pattern where the middle Bromide depositional sequence 2 (Mountain Lake Member) expanded down-ramp, whereas the succeeding carbonate-dominated sequence 3 (Pooleville Member) was progressively removed down-ramp. This demonstrates the existence of a major, regionally angular unconformity at the base of the Viola Springs Formation that has implications for basin evolution. Other implications include the validation of high-frequency sequences as a model for elementary cycles in mixed carbonate-siliciclastic systems and, more regionally, documentation of a new depositional sequence at the Turinian–Chatfieldian stage boundary.  相似文献   

Framebuilders of Cenozoic coral reefs are limited by their photic requirements to the contemporaneous sea-level, and therefore shallow water reef facies are reliable paleo sea-level indicators. Sea-level lowstands leave no record on coral reefs in areas subject to tectonic uplift, such as the Huon Peninsula, New Guinea, but are recorded by coral reefs in areas subject to tectonic subsidence. A eustatic sea-level fall which exceeds the rate of subsidence subaeriallyexposes the upper section of the reef complex, creating a meteoric ground water system whose diagenetic imprint on the reef carbonates offers a good indicator of a sea-level stillstand. Cenozoic reef platforms thus may contain records of sea-level fluctuations, whether eustatic and global, or tectonic and local. Those reef platforms which developed on seamounts formed in mid-oceanic plate settings are particularly useful for the study of eustatic sea-level changes because their subsidence history is relatively simple, and the tectonic factor can be accounted for when estimating the eustatic sea-level component. Conventional petrographic and biostratigraphic methods used to delineate erosional unconformities in Cenozoic carbonate sections are often deficient. We demonstrate here that stable oxygen and carbon isotopes of the carbonates can reveal the location of both the exposure surface and the paleo water table with greater confidence on account of the specific imprint of meteoric diagenesis. In addition, the87Sr/86Sr isotope technique offers a promising dating tool of disconformities linked to sea-level lowstands with a resolution superior to the conventional biostratigraphic techniques. Although oxygen, carbon, and strontium isotopes monitor different aspects of global sea-level changes, when used in conjunction they provide deeper insights into the past than either one could achieve alone. Examples from previous and ongoing studies of Pacific mid-oceanic carbonate platforms illustrate the potential of the isotope techniques to unravel sea-level changes. At Midway Atoll, stable carbon and oxygen isotopes along with lithologic and biostratigraphic data suggest a sharp eustatic sealevel fall during the Early Miocene and a series of rapid, brief eustatic fluctuations during the Pliocene-Quaternary. The frequency and timing of the latter is supported by sea-level data from Enewetak Atoll obtained on the basis of detailed strontium isotopes and lithology. The Enewetak data also indicate a series of rapid, brief eustatic fluctuations around the Early-Middle Miocene boundary. At Niue, a carbonate platform about 500 km south of Samoa, oxygen, carbon, and strontium isotope records cover the critical interval of the Miocene-Pliocene boundary and show two distinct disconformities. The mid-oceanic carbonate platforms offer a testing ground of Vail-Haq type eustatic sea-level curves derived primarily from sections along passive continental margins and continental interiors. We show that Neogene sea-level data obtained from Midway, Enewetak, and Niue differ from Vail and Hardenbol's contemporaneous sea-level curve and support Haq et al.'s version.  相似文献   

Luigi Spalluto 《Facies》2012,58(1):17-36
The “mid”-Cretaceous carbonate succession of the Apulia Carbonate Platform cropping out in northern Murge area (Apulia, southern Italy) is composed of shallow-water carbonate rocks and is over 400 m in thickness. This paper focuses on the lithofacies analysis of this carbonate succession, its paleoenvironmental interpretation, and its sequence-chronostratigraphic architecture. Lithofacies analysis permitted to identify deposits which can be grouped into the following three facies belts: (1) terrestrial facies belt formed by: intraclast-supported paleosoils; solution-collapse breccias; (2) restricted facies belt made up of lithofacies deposited in protected peritidal environments; (3) normal-marine facies belt made up of lithofacies formed in moderate- to high-energy subtidal environments. The detailed study both in outcrops and in thin-sections revealed that, at the bed scale, lithofacies are cyclically arranged and form shallowing-upward small-scale depositional sequences comparable to parasequences and/or simple sequences. The following three small-scale sequence types have been distinguished: (1) subtidal sequences mostly made up of lithofacies formed in the normal-marine open subtidal domain; (2) peritidal sequences made up of lithofacies formed in the restricted peritidal domain; (3) peritidal sequences showing a cap formed by paleosoils. Small-scale sequences are not randomly arranged in the compiled succession but form discrete packages, or sets, that alternate in the sedimentary record. The repetition of such small-scale sequence packages in the succession has been the key to recognize large-scale sequences comparable to third-order depositional sequences. Although sedimentological data are often fragmentary due to late dolomitization, four large-scale sequences have been distinguished. The data support a generalized landward-backstepping of facies belts during transgression, which implies a gradual gain of accommodation culminating with the deposition of a package of small-scale sequences formed by normal-marine subtidal deposits. These mark periods of maximum accommodation space and form the maximum-flooding zones of large-scale sequences. A gradual seaward progradation of facies belts is recorded during highstand conditions, which implies a gradual loss of accommodation culminating with the deposition of a package of peritidal small-scale sequences capped by paleosoils or by solution-collapse breccias. The occurrence of terrestrial deposits marks periods of minimum accommodation on the platform and determines the sequence boundary of large-scale sequences. The large-scale sequences identified in this study fit with the main transgressive/regressive cycles published in the sequence-chronostratigraphic chart of European basins. As a consequence, it is interpreted that changes of the sea level recorded at the scale of European basins played an important role in determining the sequence-stratigraphic architecture of the studied succession. In spite of this, the occurrence of solution-collapse breccias, which implies a significant gap in carbonate sedimentation in between Early and Middle Cenomanian times, may also have an alternative interpretation. In particular, this deposit may represent the local fingerprint of the well-known tectonic phase which, during Late Albian-Early/Middle Cenomanian times, determined the subaerial exposure of large parts of Periadriatic carbonate platforms producing a marked regional unconformity.  相似文献   

Two pigeons played Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma (IPD) against a simulated opponent pre-programmed to play ‘Tit-For-Tat’ (TFT) and ‘Random’ (RND) strategies. Each pigeon received differential amounts of access to food following choices of either ‘cooperate’ or ‘defect’ on a trial. After 1000 trials against TFT and 500 trials against RND, results indicated that choice allocation was optimal when the birds played against RND but was sub-optimal when the birds played against TFT. In order to determine why the pigeons responded suboptimally against TFT, a trial-by-trial analysis of the data was conducted. The analysis revealed that once a pigeon had received the ‘Sucker's’ payoff (S), it was more likely to defect and receive the ‘Temptation’ payoff (T) than to cooperate and receive the ‘Reward’ (R) payoff. Local reinforcement contingencies appear to determine suboptimal responding against TFT in the iterated Pigeon's Dilemma.  相似文献   

The depositional geometry and facies distribution of an Early Miocene (Burdigalian) carbonate system in the Perfugas Basin (NW Sardinia) comprise a well-exposed example of a transition from a ramp to a steep-flanked platform. The carbonate succession (Sedini Limestone Unit) is composed of two depositional sequences separated by a major erosional unconformity. The lower (sequence 1) records a ramp dominated by heterozoan producers and the upper (sequence 2) is dominated by photozoan producers and displays a gradual steepening of the depositional profile into a steep-flanked platform. This paper shows the process of creating a digital outcrop model including a facies model. This process consists of combining field data sets, including 17 sedimentary logs, and a spatial dataset consisting of differential global positioning system data points measured along key stratigraphic surfaces and sedimentary logs, with the goal of locking traditional field observations into a 3D spatial model. Establishing a precise geometrical framework and visualizing the overall change in the platform geometry and the related vertical and lateral facies variations of the Sedini carbonate platform, allows us to better understand the sedimentary processes leading to the geometrical turn-over of the platform. Furthermore, a detailed facies modeling helps us to gain insight into the detailed depositional dynamics. The final model reproduces faithfully the depositional geometries observed in the outcrops and helps in understanding the relationships between facies and architectural framework at the basin scale. Moreover, it provides the basis to characterize semiquantitatively regional sedimentological features and to make further reservoir and subsurface analogue studies.  相似文献   

Drowning unconformities and their related strata are important records of key tectonic and environmental events throughout Earth’s history. In the eastern Bird’s Head region of West Papua, Indonesia, Middle Miocene strata record a drowning unconformity present over much of western New Guinea, including several offshore basins. This study records platform carbonate strata overlain by mixed shallow- and deep-water units containing benthic and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages in several outcrop locations across the eastern Bird’s Head region. These heterolithic beds are interpreted as drowning successions that are terminated by a drowning unconformity. We define a succession exposed along the Anggrisi River in the eastern Bird’s Head as a stratotype for carbonate platform drowning in the Bird’s Head, analogous to similar faunal turnovers identified in its offshore basins. Detailed facies analyses, biostratigraphic dating, and paleoenvironmental interpretations using larger benthic and planktonic foraminifera collected from the Anggrisi River succession help to constrain the drowning event recorded onshore as beginning in the Burdigalian and ending in the Serravallian. The cause of platform drowning in the Bird’s Head is attributed to a reduction in the rates of carbonate accumulation due to the presence of excess nutrients in the depositional environment. Already foundering carbonate platforms due to environmental deterioration were left vulnerable to submergence and eventually succumbed to drowning. Low rates of carbonate production were outpaced by the rate of relative sea-level rise caused by high-amplitude oscillations in global glacio-eustatic sea-level change and/or regional tectonic subsidence. The duration of the drowning event across the entire Bird’s Head region is interpreted to have lasted a duration of approximately 9.5 My, between 18.0 and 8.58 Ma. This has implications when interpreting timings of sedimentary basin fill across western New Guinea and in other basins where carbonate platform drowning is recorded.  相似文献   

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