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The complete nucleotide sequence of a woodchuck hepatitis virus genome cloned in Escherichia coli was determined by the method of Maxam and Gilbert. This sequence was found to be 3,308 nucleotides long. Potential ATG initiator triplets and nonsense codons were identified and used to locate regions with a substantial coding capacity. A striking similarity was observed between the organization of human hepatitis B virus and woodchuck hepatitis virus. Nucleotide sequences of these open regions in the woodchuck virus were compared with corresponding regions present in hepatitis B virus. This allowed the location of four viral genes on the L strand and indicated the absence of protein coded by the S strand. Evolution rates of the various parts of the genome as well as of the four different proteins coded by hepatitis B virus and woodchuck hepatitis virus were compared. These results indicated that: (i) the core protein has evolved slightly less rapidly than the other proteins; and (ii) when a region of DNA codes for two different proteins, there is less freedom for the DNA to evolve and, moreover, one of the proteins can evolve more rapidly than the other. A hairpin structure, very well conserved in the two genomes, was located in the only region devoid of coding function, suggesting the location of the origin of replication of the viral DNA.  相似文献   

We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of an infectious cloned genome of ground squirrel hepatitis virus (GSHV), a nonpathogenic member of the hepadnavirus group. The genome is 3,311 base pairs long and contains the major open reading frames described for the related human and woodchuck hepatitis B viruses (HBV and WHV, respectively). These reading frames include genes for the major structural proteins (the surface and core antigens), unassigned open reading frames (A and B), the longer of which is presumed to encode the viral DNA polymerase, and an open reading frame preceding and continuous with the surface antigen gene. The arrangement of these open reading frames is similar to that encountered in the genomes of HBV and WHV: all of the reading frames are encoded on the same strand, they are positioned in the same fashion with respect to each other, and a large portion (at least 51%) of the genome can be translated in two reading frames. Comparisons of the predicted translational products of the three mammalian hepadnaviruses reveal 78% amino acid homology between the proteins of GSHV and WHV and 43% homology between those of GSHV and HBV. In addition, a perfect direct repeat of 10 to 11 base pairs, separated by ca. 46 to 223 base pairs, is present in the three mammalian viruses and in duck hepatitis B virus; the position of the repeats near the 5' termini of the two strands of virion DNA suggests a role in viral replication.  相似文献   

Cultured cells were cotransfected with a fully sequenced 1,679-base cDNA clone of human hepatitis delta virus (HDV) RNA genome and a cDNA for the genome of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV). The HDV particles released were able to infect a woodchuck that was chronically infected with WHV. The HDV so produced was passaged a total of six times in woodchucks in order to determine the stability of the HDV nucleotide sequence. During a final chronic infection with such virus, liver RNA was extracted, and the HDV nucleotide sequence for the 352-base region, positions 905 to 1256, was obtained. By means of PCR, we obtained double-stranded cDNA both for direct sequencing and also for molecular cloning followed by sequencing. By direct sequencing, we found that a consensus sequence existed and was identical to the original sequence. From the sequences of 31 clones, we found 32% (10 of 31) to be identical to the original single nucleotide sequence. For the remainder, there were neither insertions nor deletions but there was a small number of single-nucleotide changes. These changes were predominantly transitions rather than transversions. Furthermore, the transitions were largely of just two types, uridine to cytidine and adenosine to guanosine. Of the 40 changes detected on HDV, 35% (14 of 40) occurred within an eight-nucleotide region that included position 1012, previously shown to be a site of RNA editing. These findings may have significant implications regarding both the stability of the HDV RNA genome and the mechanism of RNA editing.  相似文献   

Two antigenic systems of the woodchuck hepatitis virus have been identified. The relationship between viral antigens of the woodchuck hepatitis virus and the human hepatitis B virus was determined by using immunoprecipitation, hemagglutination, and immune electron microscopy techniques. Antigens found on the cores of the two viruses were cross-reactive. Lack of cross-reactivity between the surface antigens of the two viruses in immunodiffusion experiments suggested that the major antigenic determinants of the viral surfaces are different; however, results of passive hemagglutination tests indicated that there are common minor determinants. Nucleic acid homology, as measured by liquid hybridization, was found to be 3 to 5% of the viral genomes. The results of this study provide further evidence that woodchuck hepatitis virus is the second member of a new class of viruses represented by human hepatitis B virus. Since virus-infected woodchucks may acquire chronic hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma, these antigens and their respective antibodies will be useful markers for following the course of virus infection in investigations of the oncogenic potential of this class of viruses. The nucleocapsid antigen described may be a class-specific antigen of these viruses and, thus, may be useful in discovering new members of the group.  相似文献   

S Forss  K Strebel  E Beck    H Schaller 《Nucleic acids research》1984,12(16):6587-6601
A continuous 7802 nucleotide sequence spanning the 94% of foot and mouth disease virus RNA between the 5'-proximal poly(C) tract and the 3'-terminal poly(A) was obtained from cloned cDNA, and the total size of the RNA genome was corrected to 8450 nucleotides. A long open reading frame was identified within this sequence starting about 1300 bases from the 5' end of the RNA genome and extending to a termination codon 92 bases from its polyadenylated 3' end. The protein sequence of 2332 amino acids deduced from this coding sequence was correlated with the 260 K FMDV polyprotein. Its processing sites and twelve mature viral proteins were inferred from protein data, available for some proteins, a predicted cleavage specificity of an FMDV encoded protease for Glu/Gly(Thr, Ser) linkages, and homologies to related proteins from poliovirus. In addition, a short unlinked reading frame of 92 codons has been identified by sequence homology to the polyprotein initiation signal and by in vitro translation studies.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of rice dwarf virus genome segment 3.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

A cDNA library was constructed from the liver of a woodchuck chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV). A clone, pWS23, encompassing the entire surface and X genes of WHV was isolated. Comparison of the complete nucleotide (nt) sequence of pWS23 with those of genomic DNAs from two different WHV isolates showed that it contained a nearly full-length copy of the major mRNA encoding the viral surface antigen (5 mRNA). It was colinear with the WHV genome over 1858 nt and terminated 22 nt downstream from the variant polyadenylation signal within the core gene. Evidence for heterogeneity of the 5′ -terminal region of the S mRNA came from direct sequencing of the 5′ extremities of 20 cDNA inserts, similar to that of pWS23, isolated from a second cDNA library of the same woodchuck liver. In agreement with previous mapping studies of hepadnaviruses, two main initiation regions of S mRNA were localized 27–30 nt upstream and 22–49 nt downstream from the pre-S2 initiation codon. Further analysis of the amino acid sequences of the surface, polymerase and X genes of WHV showed a high conservation among three WHY isolates and a similar distribution of conserved and variable regions in woodchuck and human hepatitis B viruses.  相似文献   

Partial sequence analysis of cloned dengue virus type 2 genome   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the human endogenous retrovirus genome HERV-K10 isolated as the sequence homologous to the Syrian hamster intracisternal A-particle (type A retrovirus) genome. HERV-K10 is 9,179 base pairs long with long terminal repeats of 968 base pairs at both ends; a sequence 290 base pairs long, however, was found to be deleted. It was concluded that a composite genome having the 290-base-pair fragment is the prototype HERV-K provirus gag (666 codons), protease (334 codons), pol (937 codons), and env (618 codons) genes. The size of the protease gene product of HERV-K is essentially the same as that of A- and D-type oncoviruses but nearly twice that of other retroviruses. A comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences encoded by the pol region showed HERV-K to be closely related to types A and D retroviruses and even more so to type B retrovirus. It was noted that the env gene product of HERV-K structurally resembles the mouse mammary tumor virus (type B retrovirus) env protein, and the possible expression of the HERV-K env gene in human breast cancer cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the glycoprotein hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) gene of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain Clone-30 has been determined. The open reading frame of the HN gene contains 1731 nucleotides and encodes a protein of 577 amino acids. Three highly conserved patterns among all paramyxovirus HN glycoproteins, and one additional conserved species-specific region are present. The protein contains five potential N-glycosylation sites, all but one located in the C-terminal external domain. The secondary structure prediction shows that the C-terminal external domain is mostly arranged in -sheets, while -helices are predominantly located in the N-terminal domain. The nucleotide sequence data of the HN gene reported in this paper has been deposited in the GenBank database, under accession number AF098289.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of cloned cDNA of human apolipoprotein A-I.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
P Cheung  L Chan 《Nucleic acids research》1983,11(11):3703-3715
ApoA-I is the major human HDL apoprotein. By oligonucleotide hybridization, we have isolated 5 dscDNA clones to human hepatic apo A-I mRNA. One of these clones (pA1-3) was completely sequenced. It has 878 bp plus a poly A tail of 48 and includes all the coding and 3'-untranslated regions of the mRNA and part of the 5'-untranslated region. It predicts a peptide sequence of 267 amino acids (including the 24 amino acid prepropeptides) which is very similar to the sequence reported by Brewer et al., (1978) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 80:623-630. The predicted signal peptide sequence is highly homologous to the rat apoA-I signal peptide. There is no evidence for any internally repeated segments in apoA-I either at the amino acid or at the DNA level. Using pA1-3 as a probe, we have detected on Northern gels apo A-I mRNA sequences of approximately 1100 nucleotides in human hepatic and baboon hepatic and intestinal RNAs, but not in RNAs from baboon skeletal muscle, kidney or spleen. The demonstration of apo A-I mRNA sequences in specific organs is important to our concept of "reverse cholesterol transport".  相似文献   

Woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) infection is known to be endemic in areas of the mid-Atlantic states but is apparently absent from populations in New York and much of New England. Blood samples of 40 woodchucks (Marmota monax) from New York and from Delaware were examined by starch gel electrophoresis, and 18 monomorphic and six polymorphic protein-coding genetic systems were identified. Mendelian inheritance of variants of the six polymorphic systems was confirmed in 52 laboratory offspring of the original samples. Average heterozygosity of 0.066 in New York woodchucks and 0.039 in Delaware woodchucks were high values for mammals, although similar to those of other sciurids. Significant heterogeneity between samples from New York and Delaware woodchucks was observed at two loci (peptidase with glycyl leucine-4 and phosphogluconate dehydrogenase), suggesting that these populations were genetically distinct. Whether there are genetically determined differences in response to WHV infection remains to be determined experimentally.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection causes chronic liver diseases and is a global public health problem. Detailed analyses of HCV have been hampered by the lack of viral culture systems. Subgenomic replicons of the JFH1 genotype 2a strain cloned from an individual with fulminant hepatitis replicate efficiently in cell culture. Here we show that the JFH1 genome replicates efficiently and supports secretion of viral particles after transfection into a human hepatoma cell line (Huh7). Particles have a density of about 1.15-1.17 g/ml and a spherical morphology with an average diameter of about 55 nm. Secreted virus is infectious for Huh7 cells and infectivity can be neutralized by CD81-specific antibodies and by immunoglobulins from chronically infected individuals. The cell culture-generated HCV is infectious for chimpanzee. This system provides a powerful tool for studying the viral life cycle and developing antiviral strategies.  相似文献   

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