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HOX11 is a homeobox-containing oncogene of specific T-cell leukemias. We determined the DNA binding specificity of the Hox11 protein by using a novel technique of random oligonucleotide selection developed in this study. The optimal Hox11 binding sequence, GGCGGTAAGTGG, contained a core TAAGTG motif that is consistent with a prediction based on the residues at specific positions that potentially make DNA base contacts and models of homeodomain-DNA interaction proposed from studies with other homeodomains. The specific interaction between Hox11 and the selected optimal binding sequence was further confirmed by band-shift and DNA competition assays. Given that the Hox11 homeodomain shares low homology with other well studied homeodomains, the presence of a predictable recognition core motif in its optimal binding sequence supports the notion that different homeodomains interact with DNA in a similar manner, through highly conserved residues at specific positions that allow contact with DNA.  相似文献   

Hox proteins play fundamental roles in generating pattern diversity during development and evolution, acting in broad domains but controlling localized cell diversification and pattern. Much remains to be learned about how Hox selector proteins generate cell-type diversity. In this study, regulatory specificity was investigated by dissecting the genetic and molecular requirements that allow the Hox protein Abdominal A to activate wingless in only a few cells of its broad expression domain in the Drosophila visceral mesoderm. We show that the Dpp/Tgfbeta signal controls Abdominal A function, and that Hox protein and signal-activated regulators converge on a wingless enhancer. The signal, acting through Mad and Creb, provides spatial information that subdivides the domain of Abdominal A function through direct combinatorial action, conferring specificity and diversity upon Abdominal A activity.  相似文献   

The interaction of coactivators with the ligand-binding domain of nuclear receptors (NRs) is mediated by amphipathic alpha-helices containing the signature motif LXXLL. TRAP220 contains two LXXLL motifs (LXM1 and LXM2) that are required for its interaction with NRs. Here we show that the nuclear receptor interaction domain (NID) of TRAP220 interacts weakly with Class I NRs. In contrast, SRC1 NID binds strongly to both Class I and Class II NRs. Interaction assays using nine amino acid LXXLL core motifs derived from SRC1 and TRAP220 revealed no discriminatory NR binding preferences. However, an extended LXM1 sequence containing amino acids -4 to +9, (where the first conserved leucine is +1) showed selective binding to thyroid hormone receptor and reduced binding to estrogen receptor. Replacement of either TRAP220 LXXLL motif with the corresponding 13 amino acids of SRC1 LXM2 strongly enhanced the interaction of the TRAP220 NID with the estrogen receptor. Mutational analysis revealed combinatorial effects of the LXM1 core and flanking sequences in the determination of the NR binding specificity of the TRAP220 NID. In contrast, a mutation that increased the spacing between TRAP220 LXM1 and LXM2 had little effect on the binding properties of this domain. Thus, a 13-amino acid sequence comprising an extended LXXLL motif acts as the key determinant of the NR binding specificity of TRAP220. Finally, we show that the NR binding specificity of full-length TRAP220 can be altered by swapping extended LXM sequences.  相似文献   

Many of the membrane-bound protein complexes of respiratory and photosynthetic systems are reactive with quinones. To date, no clear structural relationship between sites that bind quinone has been defined, apart from that in the homologous family of "type II" photosynthetic reaction centres. We show here that a structural element containing a weak sequence motif is common to the Q(A) and Q(B) sites of bacterial reaction centres and the Q(i) site of the mitochondrial bc(1) complex. Analyses of sequence databases indicate that this element may also be present in the PsaA/B subunits of photosystem I, in the ND4 and ND5 subunits of complex I and, possibly, in the mitochondrial alternative quinol oxidase. This represents a first step in the structural classification of quinone binding sites.  相似文献   

Numerous genes contain promoter elements that are nuclease hypersensitive. These elements frequently possess polypurine/polypyrimidine stretches and are usually associated with altered chromatin structure. We have previously isolated a clone that binds a class of CT-rich promoter elements. We have further characterized this clone, termed the nuclease-sensitive element protein-1, or NSEP-1. NSEP-1 binds both duplex CT elements and the CT-rich strand of these elements in a 'generic' sequence specific manner and has overlapping but distinct single-and double-strand DNA binding domains. The minimal peptide region sufficient for both duplex and single-strand DNA binding includes two regions rich in basic amino acids flanking an RNP-CS-1 like octapeptide motif. Deletion analysis shows that the single-strand DNA binding activity is mediated by the RNP-CS-1 like octapeptide motif and is the key peptide region necessary for single-strand binding. NSEP-1's affinity for CT rich promoter elements with strand asymmetry in addition to its double- and single-strand DNA binding properties suggests that it may be a member of a class of DNA binding proteins that modulate gene expression by their ability to recognize DNA with unusual secondary structure.  相似文献   

The proteins that regulate developmental processes in animals have generally been well conserved during evolution. A few cases are known where protein activities have functionally evolved. These rare examples raise the issue of how highly conserved regulatory proteins with many roles evolve new functions while maintaining old functions. We have investigated this by analyzing the function of the ;QA' peptide motif of the Hox protein Ultrabithorax (Ubx), a motif that has been conserved throughout insect evolution since its establishment early in the lineage. We precisely deleted the QA motif at the endogenous locus via allelic replacement in Drosophila melanogaster. Although the QA motif was originally characterized as involved in the repression of limb formation, we have found that it is highly pleiotropic. Curiously, deleting the QA motif had strong effects in some tissues while barely affecting others, suggesting that QA function is preferentially required for a subset of Ubx target genes. QA deletion homozygotes had a normal complement of limbs, but, at reduced doses of Ubx and the abdominal-A (abd-A) Hox gene, ectopic limb primordia and adult abdominal limbs formed when the QA motif was absent. These results show that redundancy and the additive contributions of activity-regulating peptide motifs play important roles in moderating the phenotypic consequences of Hox protein evolution, and that pleiotropic peptide motifs that contribute quantitatively to several functions are subject to intense purifying selection.  相似文献   

The RFX DNA binding domain is a novel motif that has been conserved in a growing number of dimeric DNA-binding proteins, having diverse regulatory functions, in eukaryotic organisms ranging from yeasts to humans. To characterize this novel motif, we have performed a detailed dissection of the site-specific DNA binding activity of RFX1, a prototypical member of the RFX family. First, we have performed a site selection procedure to define the consensus binding site of RFX1. Second, we have developed a new mutagenesis-selection procedure to derive a precise consensus motif, and to test the accuracy of a secondary structure prediction, for the RFX domain. Third, a modification of this procedure has allowed us to isolate altered-specificity RFX1 mutants. These results should facilitate the identification both of additional candidate genes controlled by RFX1 and of new members of the RFX family. Moreover, the altered-specificity RFX1 mutants represent valuable tools that will permit the function of RFX1 to be analyzed in vivo without interference from the ubiquitously expressed endogenous protein. Finally, the simplicity, efficiency, and versatility of the selection procedure we have developed make it of general value for the determination of consensus motifs, and for the isolation of mutants exhibiting altered functional properties, for large protein domains involved in protein-DNA as well as protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

PUF proteins comprise a highly conserved family of sequence-specific RNA binding proteins that regulate target mRNAs via binding directly to their 3'UTRs. The Caenorhabditis elegans genome encodes several PUF proteins, which cluster into four groups based on sequence similarity; all share amino acids that interact with the RNA in the cocrystal of human Pumilio with RNA. Members of the FBF and the PUF-8/9 groups bind different but related RNA sequences. We focus here on the binding specificity of representatives of a third cluster, comprising PUF-5, -6, and -7. We performed in vivo selection experiments using the yeast three-hybrid system to identify RNA sequences that bind PUF-5 and PUF-6, and we confirmed binding to optimal sites in vitro. The consensus sequences derived from the screens are similar for PUF-5 and PUF-6 but differ from those of the FBF or PUF-8/-9 groups. Similarly, neither PUF-5 nor PUF-6 bind the recognition sites preferred by the other clusters. Mutagenesis studies confirmed the unique RNA specificity of PUF-5/-6. Using the PUF-5 consensus derived from our experiments, we searched a database of C. elegans 3'UTRs to identify potential targets of PUF-5, several of which indeed bind PUF-5. Therefore the consensus has predictive value and provides a route to finding genuine targets of these proteins.  相似文献   

Vinblastine, at concentrations above approximately 1 to 2 microM, causes depolymerization of steady-state bovine brain microtubules in vitro by a fraying of microtubule ends into protofilament-like spirals. Microtubule depolymerization is associated with the binding of vinblastine in approximately molar stoichiometry to tubulin in microtubules with apparent low affinity, as determined by binding experiments with radiolabeled vinblastine and by the ability of vinblastine to inhibit DEAE-dextran decoration of microtubule surfaces. Our data suggest that depolymerization occurs by a propagated mechanism, initially involving binding of vinblastine to a limited number of available sites on microtubule surfaces. This appears to cause loosening of protofilament associations which results in the exposure of new vinblastine-binding sites. Additional vinblastine binding in turn results in further loosening of protofilament associations. Such loosening, when it occurs at microtubule ends, results in protofilament-like splaying and end-wise depolymerization. Microtubule depolymerization appears mechanistically distinct from inhibition of microtubule polymerization by the drug, which is associated with the binding of vinblastine to small numbers of high-affinity binding sites on tubulin at one or both microtubule ends.  相似文献   

We have used a binding site selection strategy to determine the optimal binding sites for Pbx proteins by themselves and as heterodimeric partners with various Hox gene products. Among the Pbx proteins by themselves, only Pbx3 binds with high affinity, as a monomer or as a homodimer, to an optimal binding site, TGATTGATTTGAT. An inhibitory domain located N terminal of the Pbx1 homeodomain prevents intrinsic Pbx1 binding to this sequence. When complexed with Hoxc-6, each of the Pbx gene products binds the same consensus sequence, TGATTTAT, which differs from the site bound by Pbx3 alone. Three members of the Antennapedia family, Hoxc-6, Hoxb-7, and Hoxb-8, select the same binding site in conjunction with Pbx1. The affinities of these proteins as heterodimeric partners with Pbx1 for the selected optimal binding site are similar. However, the binding specificity of Hox proteins for optimal binding sites is increased, compared to nonspecific DNA, in the presence of Pbx proteins. Thus, while cooperative DNA binding involving heterodimers of Pbx and Hox gene products derived from members within the Antennapedia family does not increase binding site selectivity, DNA binding specificity of the Hox gene products is significantly enhanced in the presence of Pbx.  相似文献   

Agonist binding to the CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) induces the phosphorylation of four distinct serine residues that are located in the CCR5 C terminus. We established a series of clonal RBL-2H3 cell lines expressing CCR5 with alanine mutations of Ser(336), Ser(337), Ser(342), and Ser(349) in various combinations and explored the significance of phosphorylation sites for the ability of the receptor to interact with beta-arrestins and to undergo desensitization and internalization upon ligand binding. Receptor mutants that lack any two phosphorylation sites retained their ability to recruit endogenous beta-arrestins to the cell membrane and were normally sequestered, whereas alanine mutation of any three C-terminal serine residues abolished both beta-arrestin binding and rapid agonist-induced internalization. In contrast, RANTES (regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted) stimulation of a S336A/S349A mutant triggered a sustained calcium response and enhanced granular enzyme release. This mutational analysis implies that CCR5 internalization largely depends on a beta-arrestin-mediated mechanism that requires the presence of any two phosphorylation sites, whereas receptor desensitization is independently regulated by the phosphorylation of distinct serine residues. Surface plasmon resonance analysis further demonstrated that purified beta-arrestin 1 binds to phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated C-tail peptides with similar affinities, suggesting that beta-arrestins use additional receptor sites to discriminate between nonactivated and activated receptors. Surface plasmon resonance analysis revealed beta-arrestin 1 binding to the second intracellular loop of CCR5, which required an intact Asp-Arg-Tyr triplet. These results suggest that a conserved sequence motif within the second intracellular loop of CCR5 that is known to be involved in G protein activation plays a significant role in beta-arrestin binding to CCR5.  相似文献   

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