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乌桕化学成分研究进展   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
本文综述了大戟科植物乌桕的化学成分和生物活性研究的进展。  相似文献   

Soil fertility and precipitation are major factors regulating transitions from grasslands to forests. Biotic regulation may influence the effects of these abiotic drivers. In this study, we examined the effects of extreme rainfall events, anthropogenic nutrient loading and insect herbivory on the ability of Chinese tallow tree ( Sapium sebiferum ) to invade coastal prairie to determine how these factors may influence woody invasion of a grassland. We manipulated soil fertility (NPK addition) and simulated variation in frequency of extreme rainfall events in a three growing season, full factorial field experiment. Adding water to or pumping water out of plots simulated increased and decreased rainfall frequencies. We added Sapium seeds and seedlings to each plot and manipulated insect herbivory on transplanted Sapium seedlings with insecticide. We measured soil moisture, Sapium performance, vegetation mass, and carbon and nitrogen in vegetation and soils (0–10 cm deep, 10–20 cm deep). Fertilization increased Sapium invasion intensity by increasing seedling survival, height growth and biomass. Insect damage was low and insect suppression had little effect in all conditions. Recruitment of Sapium from seed was very low and independent of treatments. Vegetation mass was increased by fertilization in both rainfall treatments but not in the ambient moisture treatment. The amount of carbon and nitrogen in plants was increased by fertilization, especially in modified moisture plots. Soil carbon and nitrogen were independent of all treatments. These results suggest that coastal tallgrass prairies are more likely to be impacted by nutrient loading, in terms of invasion severity and nutrient cycling, than by changes in the frequency of extreme rainfall events.  相似文献   

修剪强度对乌桕产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄惠坤   《广西植物》1988,(1):101-104+107
对乌桕Sapium sebiferum(L.)Roxb.林进行四种不同强度的修剪试验,结果表明,以中度修剪产量最高,结实性状最好。  相似文献   

通过柱层析、薄层层析等化学方法,从乌桕桕脂中分离得到甾醇及脂肪酸酯类化合物。经气相色谱和气-质联用分析,鉴定出下列化合物:β-谷甾醇、菜油甾醇、Δ~7-豆甾烯醇、肉豆蔻酸甲酯、肉豆蔻酸乙酯、棕榈酸甲酯、硬酯酸甲酯和硬酯酸乙酯。  相似文献   

利用植物他感作用灭螺效果的研究   总被引:56,自引:4,他引:56  
通过调查有螺滩地林下植被的演变和乌柏(Sapiumsebiperum)、枫杨(Pterocaryastenoptera)等滩地造林树种的灭螺效果发现,鸡矢藤(Paederiascandens)、水芹(Oenanthejavanica)的个体数量与钉螺的数量呈正相关关系,X2分别为12.8和11.2(a<0.02),而益母草(Leonurusartemisia)、问荆(Equisetumarvense)、酸模叶蓼(Rumexacetosa)、打碗花(Calystegiahederacea)、紫云英(Astragalussinicus)等与钉螺的数量呈负相关关系(a<0.02)经过一个汛期,枫杨、乌柏叶片使钉螺死亡率从草滩对照的2%升至43.3%和44.1%  相似文献   

枫杨,乌桕对钉螺毒性的研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
在自然条件下,研究了枫杨、乌桕叶对钉螺生理生化功能的影响,结果表明,与草滩生态系统相比,枫杨和乌桕生态系统中钉螺糖原含量、总蛋白含量分别下降36.3、55.7和27.5、54.5%,谷草转氨酸(GOT)和谷丙转氨酶(GPT)比活增高2.7和2.6倍,死亡率升高62和41%。本文对抑螺化合物结构与作用关系进行了讨论.  相似文献   

环境因子与乌桕种子产量、品质的相关性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对全国11个省21个市(县)74个乌桕种子样品的各种成分含量的分析,分别以纬度的升高、经度的东移、年积温和年降水量的增加为横坐标,以其种子各成分的含量为纵坐标,用计算机进行数据分析,以直观图解的方式探索乌桕种子各成分与环境因子相的规律以及各主要成分之间的相关性。  相似文献   

中国乌桕品种资源的调查研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文报道对我国16省82县乌桕主产区进行乌桕品种资源调查的结果。通过性状比较研究划分为44个农家品种和11个无性系品种,并描述了这些品种的分布和性状。  相似文献   

We present six polymorphic microsatellite loci for Chinese tallow tree (Triadica sebifera, Euphorbiaceae), which is native to East Asia and is an aggressive, invasive species in the southeastern USA, particularly along the Coastal Plain. Microsatellite loci were tested for polymorphism across a total of 79 individuals from populations across the native range of China and in introduced populations of the southeastern USA, California, Hawaii, and Australia. Across these samples, we found a high level of polymorphism, suggesting they will be useful for deducting the introduction history of this invasive species.  相似文献   

夹竹桃、鱼藤、乌桕对锈同心舟蛾的毒杀活性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
林同  黎荣彬  陆宁将 《昆虫知识》2006,43(4):517-519
为有效控制锈同心舟蛾HomocentridiapictaHampson对木荷(SchimasuperdaGardn.etChamp.)的危害,用索氏提取法获得夹竹桃(NeriumindicumMill.)叶、鱼藤(DerristrifoliateLour.)叶和乌桕(Sapiumsebiferum(L.)Roxb.)皮的乙醇提取物,在室内分别测定3种植物提取物对锈同心舟蛾3龄幼虫的防治效果。实验结果和方差分析表明,3种植物提取物为锈同心舟蛾都具有防治效果,3.5d后,受试昆虫的校正死亡率都达到60%以上;其中以夹竹桃和乌桕的提取物对受试昆虫的影响最为明显,6d后,受试昆虫的校正死亡率都达到90%以上。3种植物对锈同心舟蛾的毒杀作用由大到小的顺序依次是乌桕、夹竹桃和鱼藤。  相似文献   

对全国11个省16个市(县)19个鸡爪桕[Sapium sebiferum(L.)Roxb.var.laxicarpum Hu]种子样品进行分析,以探讨乌桕种子的外种皮、内种皮、种仁的比率及皮油、梓油的含量和种子总含油率、百粒重与纬度、经度、年积温和年降水量的相关性,结果表明,乌桕种子外种皮、种仁的比率和皮油含量与纬度、经度、年积温和年降水量呈正相关;梓油的含量与经度、年积温和年降水量呈正相关,内种皮的比率与上述环境因子均呈负相关;种子的百粒重与经度和年积温呈正相关,与纬度和年降水量的相关性不明显;种子的总含油量与经度、年积温及年降水量呈较明显的相相关,而与纬度没有明显的正相关。  相似文献   

本文报道对8年生乌柏人工林内的光照、温度、湿度进行初步观测的结果:在夏目林内行间的相对照度为52.3%,株间的相对照度为22.7%;日平均气温林内比林外降低0.2—0.4℃,日平均相对湿度增加3.3—6.1%。  相似文献   

Invasive plants are often more vigorous in their introduced ranges than in their native ranges. This may reflect an innate superiority of plants from some habitats or an escape from their enemies. Another hypothesis proposes that invasive plants evolve increased competitive ability in their introduced range. We present the results of a 14-year common garden experiment with the Chinese Tallow Tree ( Sapium sebiferum ) from its native range (Asia), place of introduction to North America (Georgia) and areas colonized a century later (Louisiana and Texas). Invasive genotypes, especially those from recently colonized areas, were larger than native genotypes and more likely to produce seeds but had lower quality, poorly defended leaves. Our results demonstrate significant post-invasion genetic differences in an invasive plant species. Post-introduction adaptation by introduced plants may contribute to their invasive success and make it difficult to predict problem species.  相似文献   

Models that project introduced species distributions based on the climates in native and potential introduced ranges can provide valuable insights on the extent of a species' future spread. Yet, the lack of direct field evaluation of these range projections remains a major limitation. We evaluated results from the climex model in conjunction with results from seed and plant field trials in assessing environmental constraints to spread of the invasive tree Triadica sebifera (Chinese tallow tree) in the southeastern USA. climex incorporates key climatic parameters to generate large‐scale projections of potential distributions based on the climate across the species' current distribution. By employing field trials within microhabitats within and beyond the tree's current range, we were able to determine seed and young plants' response to the heterogeneity of the environment at regional scales. Based on projections of the climex model, T. sebifera has the potential to spread 500 km northward beyond its current distribution in the southeastern USA; minimum temperature and limited precipitation are the key climatic constraints in the eastern and western USA, respectively. climex results correlate strongly with seed germination across sites in the southeastern USA. These results do not however correlate with plant growth rates, which were often higher in sites with low projected climatic suitability. Competition and herbivory were not constraints on the growth of T. sebifera in our field trials and were therefore not responsible for the lack of correlation between model results and plant growth rates. If the minimum and maximum temperatures were to rise by 2 °C, the range of T. sebifera could extend northward 700 km beyond its current distribution. While both climex and the field trials indicate that T. sebifera is capable of extensive northward spread in the eastern USA, results of field trials indicate that the patterns of invasion within the region are likely to vary substantially with local site conditions.  相似文献   

涝渍胁迫对不同树种生长和能量代谢酶活性的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了解涝渍条件下不同树种的耐涝性和适应性,通过田间模拟试验,分析了涝渍胁迫对1年生落羽杉、美国山核桃和乌桕实生苗生长及能量代谢酶的影响.试验分为对照、渍水和淹水3个处理,处理时间为60 d.结果表明:在渍水和淹水条件下,3种树种的相对生长率均表现为落羽杉>美国山核桃>乌桕,落羽杉耐涝性最强,乌桕耐涝性最弱.涝渍条件下,3种树种的根冠比显著增加,更多的光合产物被分配到根系.3树种乙醇脱氢酶和乳酸脱氢酶活性显著升高,其中耐涝性强的落羽杉增加幅度不大,但一直维持在较高水平;而乌桕和美国山核桃在处理初期增幅较大,在处理后期呈下降趋势.3种树种的苹果酸脱氢酶、磷酸己糖异构酶和葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶-6-磷酸葡萄糖酸脱氢酶的活性均低于对照,其中落羽杉降幅最低,淹水条件下分别下降35.6%、21.0%和22.7%.耐涝性强的树种能够通过自身的调节,维持各种能量代谢途径的强度,为树种在低氧条件下的生命活动提供能量,进而维持一定的生长量.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Introduced plants generally have lower generalist herbivore loads than native plants. Herbivores may be avoiding a potentially edible food source (Behavioural Constraint Hypothesis) or defences of introduced plants may be unusually toxic (Novel Defence Hypothesis).
2. To examine these hypotheses, acridid grasshoppers ( Melanoplus angustipennis and Orphullela pelidna ) were enclosed in a Texas grassland. Each enclosure contained native prairie vegetation and a seedling of either introduced Sapium sebiferum (Chinese tallow tree) or native Celtis laevigata (hackberry). Sapium invades many ecosystems in the south-east U.S.A. Celtis seedlings also establish in these ecosystems.
3. Although grasshoppers usually feed sparingly on Sapium , in field enclosures they fed heavily on this introduced tree species, supporting a role for behavioural avoidance. In laboratory feeding trials, M. angustipennis grasshoppers preferred Sapium foliage over the foliage of three native tree species. In a greenhouse experiment, M. angustipennis individuals fed more on Sapium in prairie mesocosms if they were conditioned on Sapium .
4. In another field experiment with single seedlings in enclosures, grasshoppers consumed similar amounts of Sapium from its introduced (Texas, U.S.A.) and native (China) ranges, suggesting that Sapium may have been a suitable host plant since it was introduced. Behavioural avoidance by generalist herbivores may contribute to Sapium 's low herbivore load in its introduced range.  相似文献   

环境因子对乌桕内生真菌生长及脂肪酸的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
为探讨内生菌和植物的生态关系,以生物量和脂肪酸组分作为主要指标,研究了乌桕韧皮部分离获得的5种内生真菌(丝核菌、小菌核菌、小单头孢、毛壳菌、拟盘多毛孢)在不同环境因子下的生长.与合成培养基相比,在液体马铃薯培养基上发酵,生物量较高,脂肪酸不饱和指数较低;其脂肪酸主要为棕榈酸、油酸、亚油酸.与未添加乌桕汁的合成培养基相比,添加乌桕浸汁对小菌核菌生长有促进作用,对其余4种菌有抑制作用;脂肪酸不饱和指数均进一步增加.在合成培养基中添加NaCl培养小菌核菌,生物量均无显著差异;在0~0.5mol·L-1 NaCl时,脂肪酸不饱和指数无显著差异;在0.6~1.0mol·L-1 NaCl时随着盐浓度增加,脂肪酸不饱和指数却下降;表明该菌有较强的耐盐能力.添加植物油对小菌核菌菌丝生长有促进作用,其中在添加1.5%的植物油时,生物量最大;其脂肪酸随添加植物油而改变.以上特点均和二者的共生关系有关.  相似文献   

The triglycerides of fats from several varieties of Sapium sebiferum (L.) Roxb. were determined by means of pancreatic lipase hydrolysis technigue. Triglycerides of the fats. are composed of 9–14 kinds of triglycerides. They are similar to Cocoa butter. Fatty acid composition in 2-position of glycerides is oleic acid in more than 82%. The disaturated glycerides account for 81-88%, in which POP is in the majority (74–81%); the proportion of monosaturated glycerides is 1.8–6.0%; the trisaturated glycerides hold 9.6–15.6%, in which the main one is PPP (8.5–14.0%). The fats can be used for making Cocoa butter substitute by proper processing. Fat contents of the four varieties (“Da Li Ji Zhao”, “Wu Gong”, “Tong Chui” and “Xiao Li Ji Zhao”) cultivated in Guangxi province are richer (32.0–34.3%) than that of the wild species of the same plant. The proportion of disaturated glycerides is the highest (88.0%) and that of trisaturated glycerides is the lowest (9.6%) in fat from \"Da Li Ji Zhao\".  相似文献   

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