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The development of strategies to measure plasma membrane osmotic water permeability (Pf) in epithelial cells has been motivated by the identification of a family of molecular water channels. A general approach utilizing interferometry to measure cell shape and volume was developed and applied to measure Pf in cell layers. The method is based on the cell volume dependence of optical path length (OPL) for a light beam passing through the cell. The small changes in OPL were measured by interferometry. A mathematical model was developed to relate the interference signal to cell volume changes for cells of arbitrary shape and size. To validate the model, a Mach-Zehnder interference microscope was used to image OPL in an Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cell layer and to reconstruct the three-dimensional cell shape (OPL resolution < lambda/25). As predicted by the model, a doubling of cell volume resulted in a change in OPL that was proportional to the difference in refractive indices between water and the extracellular medium. The time course of relative cell volume in response to an osmotic gradient was computed from serial interference images. To measure cell volume without microscopy and image analysis, a Mach-Zehnder interferometer was constructed in which one of two interfering laser beams passed through a flow chamber containing the cell layer. The interference signal in response to an osmotic gradient was analyzed to quantify the time course of relative cell volume. The calculated MDCK cell plasma membrane Pf of 6.1 x 10(-4) cm/s at 24 degrees C agreed with that obtained by interference microscopy and by a total internal reflection fluorescence method. Interferometry was also applied to measure the apical plasma membrane water permeability of intact toad urinary bladder; Pf increased fivefold after forskolin stimulation to 0.04 cm/s at 23 degrees C. These results establish and validate the application of interferometry to quantify cell volume and osmotic water permeability in cell layers.  相似文献   

Total internal reflection (TIR) microfluorimetry was established as a method to measure continuously the volume of adherent cells and applied to measure membrane permeabilities in cells transfected with water channel homologs. Cytosol was labeled with the membrane-impermeant fluorophore calcein. Fluorescence was excited by the TIR evanescent field in a thin section of cytosol (approximately 150 nm) adjacent to the cell-substrate interface. Because cytosolic fluorophore number per cell remains constant, the TIR fluorescence signal should be inversely related to cell volume. For small volume changes in Sf-9 and LLC-PK1 cells, relative TIR fluorescence was nearly equal to inverse relative cell volume; deviations from the ideal were modeled theoretically. To measure plasma membrane osmotic water permeability, Pf, the time course of osmotically induced cell volume change was inferred from the TIR fluorescence signal. LLC-PK1 cells expressing the CHIP28 water channel had an HgCl2-sensitive, threefold increase in Pf compared to nontransfected cells (Pf = 0.0043 cm/s at 10 degrees C). Solute permeability was measured from the TIR fluorescence time course in response to solute gradients. Glycerol permeability in Sf-9 cells expressing the water channel homolog GLIP was (1.3 +/- 0.2) x 10(-5) cm/s (22 degrees C), greater than that of (0.36 +/- 0.04) x 10(-5) cm/s (n = 4, p < 0.05) for control cells, indicating functional expression of GLIP. Water and urea permeabilities were similar in GLIP-expressing and control cells. The TIR method should be applicable to the study of water and solute permeabilities and cell volume regulation in cells of arbitrary shape and size.  相似文献   

Black pigment cells, melanophores, e.g. located in the epidermis and dermis of frogs, are large flat cells having intracellular black pigment granules, called melanosomes. Due to a large size, high optical contrast, and quick response to drugs, melanophores are attractive as biosensors as well as for model studies of intracellular processes; e.g. organelle transport and G-protein coupled receptors. The geometry of melanosomes from African clawed toad, Xenopus laevis, has been measured using scanning force microscopy (SFM). Three-dimensional images from SFM were used to measure height, width, and length of the melanosomes (100 from aggregated cells and 100 from dispersed cells). The volumes of melanosomes isolated from aggregated and dispersed melanophores were significantly different (P < 0.05, n=200). The average ellipsoidal volume was 0.14+/-0.01 (aggregated) and 0.17+/-0.01 microm3 (dispersed), a difference of 18%. The average major diameter was 810+/-20 and 880+/-20 nm for aggregated and dispersed melanosomes, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first time SFM has been used to study melanosomes. This may provide an alternative non-destructive technique that may be particularly suitable for studying morphological aspects of various melanin granules.  相似文献   

The state of crosslinking of microfilaments and the state of myosin-driven contraction are the main determinants of the mechanical properties of the cell cortex underneath the membrane, which is significant for the mechanism of shaping cells. Therefore, any change in the contractile state of the actomyosin network would alter the mechanical properties and finally result in shape changes. The relationship of microtubules to the mechanical properties of cells is still obscure. The main problem arises because disruption of microtubules enhances acto-myosin-driven contraction. This reaction and its impact on cell shape and elasticity have been investigated in single XTH-2 cells. Microtubule disruption was induced by colcemid, a polymerization inhibitor. The reaction was biphasic: a change in cell shape from a fried egg shape to a convex surface topography was accompanied by an increase in elastic stiffness of the cytoplasm, measured as longitudinal sound velocity revealed by scanning acoustic microscope. Elasticity increases in the cell periphery and reaches its peak after 30 min. Subsequently while the cytoplasm retracts from the periphery, longitudinal sound velocity (elasticity) decreases. Simultaneously, a two- to threefold increase of F-actin and alignment of stress fibers from the cell center to cell-cell junctions in dense cultures are induced, supposedly a consequence of the increased tension.  相似文献   

Lung epithelial cells are subjected to large cyclic forces from breathing. However, their response to dynamic stresses is poorly defined. We measured the complex shear modulus (G(*)(omega)) of human alveolar (A549) and bronchial (BEAS-2B) epithelial cells over three frequency decades (0.1-100 Hz) and at different loading forces (0.1-0.9 nN) with atomic force microscopy. G(*)(omega) was computed by correcting force-indentation oscillatory data for the tip-cell contact geometry and for the hydrodynamic viscous drag. Both cell types displayed similar viscoelastic properties. The storage modulus G'(omega) increased with frequency following a power law with exponent approximately 0.2. The loss modulus G"(omega) was approximately 2/3 lower and increased similarly to G'(omega) up to approximately 10 Hz, but exhibited a steeper rise at higher frequencies. The cells showed a weak force dependence of G'(omega) and G"(omega). G(*)(omega) conformed to the power-law model with a structural damping coefficient of approximately 0.3, indicating a coupling of elastic and dissipative processes within the cell. Power-law behavior implies a continuum distribution of stress relaxation time constants. This complex dynamics is consistent with the rheology of soft glassy materials close to a glass transition, thereby suggesting that structural disorder and metastability may be fundamental features of cell architecture.  相似文献   

Interstitium contains a matrix of fibrous molecules that creates considerable resistance to water and solutes in series with the microvessel wall. On the basis of our preliminary studies, by using laser-scanning confocal microscopy and a theoretical model for interstitial transport, we determined both microvessel solute permeability (P) and solute tissue diffusion coefficient (D) of alpha-lactalbumin (Stokes radius 2.01 nm) from the rate of tissue solute accumulation and the radial concentration gradient around individually perfused microvessel in frog mesentery. P(alpha-lactalbumin) is 1.7 +/- 0.7(SD) x 10(-6) cm/s (n = 6). D(t)/D(free) for alpha-lactalbumin is 27% +/- 5% (SD) (n = 6). This value of D(t)/D(free) is comparable to that for small solute sodium fluorescein (Stokes radius 0.45 nm), while p(alpha-lactalbumin) is only 3.4% of p(sodium fluorescein). Our results suggest that frog mesenteric tissue is much less selective to solutes than the microvessel wall.  相似文献   

Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) has been employed to investigate the Ca(2+)-dependent membrane-binding characteristics of fluorescein-labeled bovine prothrombin-fragment 1 (F-BF1). Light scattering measurements demonstrated that F-BF1 bound to small unilamellar phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine (25/75, mol/mol) vesicles with an apparent dissociation constant (1.5 +/- 0.2 microM) similar to that of unlabeled protein (1.1 +/- 0.1 microM). Negatively charged supported planar membranes were constructed by fusing small unilamellar vesicles at quartz surfaces. TIRFM measurements under equilibrium conditions showed that F-BF1 bound to planar membranes with an apparent dissociation constant (0.9 +/- 0.2 microM) approximately equal to that on vesicles. Total internal reflection/fluorescence photobleaching recovery (TIR/FPR) curves for F-BF1 on 25 mol% PS planar surfaces were diffusion-influenced at F-BF1 solution concentrations less than or equal to 5 microM. Fluorescence recovery rates from samples of high F-BF1 concentrations were slowed by increasing the solution viscosity with glycerol, thus providing further support for a diffusion-limited effect at low F-BF1 concentrations. Analysis of the reaction-limited fluorescence recovery curves at F-BF1 solution concentrations greater than or equal to 10 microM gave average association and dissociation kinetic rates of approximately 10(5) M-1 s-1 and approximately 0.1 s-1, respectively. Kinetic association rates increased significantly with increasing PS, whereas kinetic dissociation rates increased only slightly. Fluorescence recovery curves were nonmonoexponential; possible mechanisms for this behavior are described.  相似文献   

High-resolution confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) is a powerful tool for in situ observation and analysis of protein crystal growth kinetics. Because the resolution of CLSM is not diffraction-limited by the object, it is possible to visualize, under certain conditions, objects in molecular dimensions. A modified batch technique is applied which allows the growth kinetics of sufficiently small crystallites fixed at the lower side of a cover glass, within a hanging drop, to be studied in reflected light near the total reflection angle. A gap, or cavity, filled with solution is formed between the cover glass and the upper crystal face, which acts to fix small crystallites by hydrodynamic friction forces. The cavity height enables the propagation of molecular steps across the upper crystal face without constraint, so that the propagation velocity and geometrical parameters can be measured by CLSM. The layer growth kinetics of monoclinic crystallites of a long-acting insulin derivative (Insulin Glargine) is investigated. For a twofold supersaturation of the solution, the growth is governed by 2D nucleation at the edges of the crystallites followed by a spreading of molecular steps. The layer growth kinetics are well fitted by the simple cubic kinetic lattice model. We find that only about one of a thousand solute (protein) molecules which push a kink place due to their Brownian motion becomes really incorporated into the growing crystal.  相似文献   

 A novel method has been developed to visualize and follow the temporal course of lanthanide transport across the membrane into a single living erythrocyte. By means of confocal scanning microscopy and the optical section technique, the entry of lanthanide ions was followed by the fluorescence quenching of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled membrane and cytosol. From the difference of the quenching kinetics of the whole section and the central area, the time for diffusion through the membrane and the diffusion in the extracellular and intracellular media can be deduced. To clarify the mechanism of lanthanide-induced fluorescence quenching of FITC-labeled erythrocytes and to ensure that this reaction can be used in this method, the reaction was investigated by steady-state fluorescence techniques. The results showed that the lanthanides strongly quenched the florescence emitted by FITC covalently bound to membrane proteins and cytosolic proteins. The static quenching mechanism is responsible for the fluorescence quenching of FITC-labeled proteins by Ln species. The quenching mechanism is discussed on the basis of complex formation. The dependence of fluorescence quenching on both ion size and the total orbital angular momentum L supports the complexation mechanism. The transport time across the membrane is strikingly correlated with Ln species and extracellular concentration. For a given concentration, the transport time of [Ln(cit)2]3– is much shorter than that of Ln3+, since they enter the cells via the anion channel. This is supported by the inhibition effect of 4,4′-diisothiocyanato-2,2′-stilbenendisulfonate on the transport of [Ln(cit)2]3–. On the other hand, the transport of free Ln3+ might be attributed to the enhanced permeability of erythrocytes owing to Ln3+ binding. These findings strongly demonstrate the existence of the non-internalization mechanism of Ln species uptake by erythrocytes. Received: 7 January 1999 / Accepted: 7 May 1999  相似文献   

Osteoclasts are multinuclear bone-resorbing cells which contain abundant mitochondria. Morphological studies have suggested that a correlation may exist between mitochondrial concentration and bone resorption by osteoclasts. However, investigation of mitochondrial transmembrane potential (Delta rho) and volume has been hampered by the difficulty in obtaining a sufficient number of osteoclasts for assessing these characteristics by flow cytometric analysis. In this study, we have used confocal laser scanning microscopy after loading the cells with Rhodamine 123 and 10-nonyl Acridine Orange to record mitochondrial Delta rho and volume, respectively, in isolated rat osteoclasts cultured on bovine bone slices. Optimal staining conditions were found to be 10 mu g ml-1 for 40 min for Rhodamine, and 1 mu S mD for 10 min for the 10-nonyl Acridine Orange derivative. Two osteoclast populations, whose shape seemed to reflect bone resorption and migratory functions, were identified depending on their shape and on the distribution of the two dye probes. ‘Round-shaped’ osteoclasts had significantly higher mitochondrial Delta rho and volume in the apical regions than in the basolateral portions (p 0.00001). In contrast, mitochondrial Delta rho and volume in ‘irregular- shaped’ osteoclasts were rather evenly distributed in both these regions (p > 0.05). Our results indicate that there is an apical polarization of mitochondria in osteoclasts corresponding to the energy demands associated with bone resorption. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The simultaneous determination of the cell cycle phase of individual adherent Chinese hamster ovary cells using a fluorescence microscope after staining with 4′,6-diamidine-2′-phenylindole dihydrochloride and bromodeoxyuridine and the laser phase shift by a phase-shifting laser microscopy revealed that the laser phase shift of cells in the G2/M phase was markedly higher than that of cells in the G1 and S phases.  相似文献   

Summary Organizational changes in the microtubules of isolated generative cells of Allemanda neriifolia during mitosis were examined using anti--tubulin and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Due to an improved resolution and a lack of out-of-focus interference, the images of the mitotic cytoskeleton obtained using the confocal microscope are much clearer than those obtained using the non-confocal fluorescence systems. In the confocal microscope one can see clearly that the spindle-shaped interphase cells contain a cage-like cytoskeleton consisting of numerous longitudinally oriented microtubule bundles and some associated smaller bundles. At prophase, the shape of the cells invariably becomes spherical. The microtubule cytoskeleton inside the cells concomitantly changes into a less organized form — consisting of thick bundles, patches, and dots. This structural form is not very stable, and soon afterwards the cytoskeleton changes into a reticulate network. Then the nuclear envelope breaks down, and the microtubules become randomly dispersed throughout the cell. Afterwards, the microtubules reorganize themselves into a number of half-spindle-like structures, each possessing a microtubule-nucleating center. The locations of these centres mark out the positions of the presumptive spindle poles. Numerous microtubules radiate from these centres toward the opposite pole. At metaphase, the microtubules form a number of bipolar spindles. Each spindle has two half-spindles, and each half-spindle has a sharply focused microtubule centre at the pole region. From the centres, kinetochore and non-kinetochore microtubules radiate toward the opposite half-spindle. At anaphase A, sister chromatids separate, the cells elongate, and the kinetochore microtubules disappear; the non-kinetochore microtubules, however, remain, and a new array of microtubules, in the form of a cage, appears. The peripheral cage bundles and the non-kinetochore bundles coverge into a sharp point at the pole region. Later, at anaphase B the microtubule cytoskeleton undergoes reorganization giving rise to a new array of longitudinally oriented microtubule bundles in the cell centre and a cage-like cytoskeleton in the periphery. At telophase, some of the cells elongate further, but some become spherical. The microtubules in the central region of the elongated cell become partially disrupted due to the formation of a phragmoplast-junction-like structure in the mid-interzone region. The microtubule bundles at the periphery are spirally organized, and they appear not to be disrupted by the phragmoplast-like junction. The microtubules in the spherical telophase cells (unlike those seen in the elongated telophase cells) are arranged differently, and no phragmoplast-junction-like structure forms in the spherical cells. The structural and functional significances of some of these new features of the organization of the microtubule cytoskeleton as revealed by the confocal microscope are discussed.  相似文献   

We have previously established a method of detecting intracellular chelatable iron in viable cells based on digital fluorescence microscopy. To quantify cellular chelatable iron, it was crucial to determine the intracellular indicator concentration. In the present study, we therefore adapted the method to confocal laser scanning microscopy, which should allow the determination of the indicator concentration on the single-cell level. The fluorescent heavy-metal indicator phen green SK (PG SK), the fluorescence of which is quenched by iron, was loaded into cultured rat hepatocytes. The hepatocellular fluorescence increased when cellular chelatable iron available to PG SK was removed from the probe by an excess of the membrane-permeable transition metal chelator 2,2'-dipyridyl (2, 2'-DPD, 5 mM). We optimized the scanning parameters for quantitatively recording changes in fluorescence and determined individual intracellular PG SK concentrations from the unquenched cellular fluorescence (after 2,2'-DPD) compared with PG SK standards in a "cytosolic" medium. An ex situ calibration method based on laser scanning microscopy was set up to determine the concentration of cellular chelatable iron from the increase of PG SK fluorescence after addition of 2,2'-DPD (5 mM). As the stoichiometry of the PG SK:Fe(2+) complex was 3:1 as long as PG SK was not limiting, cellular chelatable iron was calculated directly from absolute changes in cellular fluorescence. Using this method, we found 2.5 +/- 2.2 microM chelatable iron in hepatocytes. This method makes it possible to determine the pool of chelatable iron in single vital cells independently of cellular differences (e.g., dye loading, cell volume) in heterogeneous cell populations.  相似文献   

The basement lamella of Xenopus tadpole skin has been viewed in situ by scanning microscopy, then isolated by trypsin treatment and used as a substrate for cell culture. The basal lamina may also be viewed after EDTA treatment. Responses of epithelial and mesenchymal cells to the lamella have been compared. Mesenchymal cells from chick skin and heart ventricle flatten and attach between the plies of the lamella, then infiltrate it. Myoblasts appear to move less readily within the lamella. Embryonic Xenopus skin epithelium spreads over the surface. Isolated chick skin epithelial cells first begin to spread, then round up and eventually attach to each other in clusters which form a flat basal surface above the lamella. Thus epithelial and mesenchymal cells cultured on this isolated extracellular material mimic aspects of normal tissue organization.  相似文献   

 Previous immunohistochemical and in situ hybridisation studies have shown that, in tubulitis associated with acute cellular rejection of human renal allografts, intratubular T cells proliferate and are fully activated in situ. In the immunohistochemical study reported here we have attempted to establish some understanding of the involvement of the β-chemokines RANTES, MCP-1, MIP-1α and MIP-1β in recruiting T cells to the intratubular site. Paraffin-embedded routine biopsy sections were treated for conventional indirect immunofluorescence to detect the selected chemokines. Scanning laser confocal microscopy was used to provide a measure of fluorescence intensity resulting from binding of FITC-labelled secondary antibody. Cells expressing chemokines could be identified and, within the limits of the staining method, it was possible to obtain a semi-quantitative assessment of individual chemokine activity at different points in biopsy sections by constructing a profile of fluorescence intensity. High concentrations of chemokines (especially RANTES, MIP-1β and/or MIP-1α) were localised to the basolateral surface of tubular epithelial cells (TEC). MCP-1 was also consistently present but at a lower level than RANTES except in one case identified as BANFF category 3. There was diffuse distribution of chemokines in the interstitial matrix and low intensity fluorescence outlined some endothelial cells of peritubular venules and interstitial fibroblast-like cells. Our results suggest a mechanism for specific chemotactic recruitment of inflammatory cells by TEC-produced chemokines. Accepted: 22 January 1998  相似文献   

6-Lauroyl-2-dimethylaminonaphtalene (laurdan) shows a spectral sensitivity to the lipid phase state with a 50 nm red shift of the emission maximum when passing from the gel to the liquid crystalline phase. This spectral sensitivity allows one to determine the membrane physical state using Generalized Polarization (GP). In the present experiments, we used fluorescence ratio imaging microscopy to determine the laurdan GP in living kidney cells. Two renal epithelial cells lines, MDCK and LLC-PK1 cells, and CV-1 cells, a fibroblast-like renal cell line were investigated. In these cells, laurdan labels both the plasma membrane and intracellular membranes. Comparison of spectrofluorimetry and fluorescence ratio imaging data obtained from liposomes and cells suspensions labeled with laurdan demonstrates that the GP can be accurately determined using common fluorescence microscopy equipment. The GP mean values determined from individual cells varied from 0.2 to 0.4 for the epithelial cells as compared to 0.0 – 0.1 for CV1 cells. Using living MDCK cells grown as a monolayer, the GP maps indicated that, within a single cell, the intracellular GP values varied from 0.0 to 0.6, i. e., from the equivalent of a liquid-crystalline state to a gel or a lipid-ordered state, and that there was a marked heterogeneity in the spatial distribution of the GP values. To further characterize this intracellular heterogeneity, co-localization experiments with specific organelle markers were undertaken. The results strongly suggest that in intact cells at physiological temperature, GP values decrease in the following order: plasma membranes > endosomes > mitochondria > Golgi apparatus. Received: 3 June 1997 / Revised version: 6 March 1998 / Accepted: 7 March 1998  相似文献   

Summary. Successive visualisation of identical plant cells by light and electron microscopy is reported. For this purpose segments of pea and barley leaves were prepared by high-pressure freezing, freeze-substitution, and low-temperature embedding. The use of Safranin O during low-temperature dehydration allowed, on one hand, staining of all cellular components as investigated by confocal laser scanning microscopy and, on the other hand, excellent ultrastructural and antigenic preservation. A newly constructed specimen holder enabled precise relocation of the target cells for electron microscopic investigations. Transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry revealed that during the whole procedure the ultrastructure of the cells as well as the antigenicity of cell constituents were preserved.Correspondence and reprints: Central Microscopy, Center of Biology, University of Kiel, Am Botanischen Garten 5, 24098 Kiel, Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

It is necessary to understand liposomal uptake mechanisms and intracellular distribution in order to design more efficient gene (drug) carrier systems. Until now, a few studies have been carried out using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) to investigate the cellular uptake and transfection mediated with liposomes. So, by CLSM, we demonstrated that artificial virus-like envelope (AVE) vesicles labeled with rhodamine-PE (Rh-PE), carbocyanine (DiI) and carboxyfluorescein (CF) were investigated into the cytoplasm of two human cell lines, Mewo (human melanoma cell line) and HepG2 (human hepatoma cell line) cells grown in DMEM medium supplemented with different percentages (0%, 30%, and 100%) fetal calf serum (FCS). The liposome uptake was dependent on the cell line, in view that the whole process of liposomes associated with cells (uptake) is a two-step process involving binding and endocytosis. Based upon the various assays used to measure cellular uptake of liposomes, we conclude the efficacy of cytoplasmic delivery by AVE-liposomes to cells in culture.  相似文献   

Aquaporin-5 (AQP5), a major water channel in lung epithelial cells, plays an important role in maintaining water homeostasis in the lungs. Cell surface expression of AQP5 is regulated by not only mRNA and protein synthesis but also changes in subcellular distribution. We investigated the effect of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the subcellular distribution of AQP5 in a mouse lung epithelial cell line (MLE-12). LPS caused significant increases in AQP5 in the plasma membrane at 0.5-2 h. Immunofluorescence and Western blotting strongly suggested that LPS altered AQP5 subcellular distribution from an intracellular vesicular compartment to the plasma membrane. The specific p38 MAP kinase inhibitor SB 203580 apparently prevented LPS-induced changes in AQP5 distribution. Furthermore, LPS increased the osmotic water permeability of MLE-12 cells. These findings demonstrate that LPS increases cell surface AQP5 expression by changing its subcellular distribution and increases membrane osmotic water permeability through activation of p38 MAP kinase.  相似文献   

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