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Balb/c/nu nude mice that had been transplanted with a moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma were injected i.p. with different doses of epidermal chalone, and control animals were injected with saline. The labelling indices (H3TdR) and the mitotic rate (stathmokinetic method with vinblastine sulphate) were determined. In the untreated animals, both the labelling index and the mitotic rate of the tumor were considerably higher than in the epidermis, and the rate of cell birth was almost twice that of the epidermis. Higher doses of chalone were needed to reduce the labelling index for the tumour than for the epidermis, and there was generally a less pronounced dose/response relationship in the tumours than in the epidermis. The same was true of the mitotic rate but here the results were not as obvious as for the labelling index. A possible explanation of the results may be that the tumour cells are less sensitive than epidermal cells to the injected chalones, or that reduced vascularization of the transplanted tumour may lead to reduced access of chalone, or that tumour necrosis may pay a role. However, it is evident that the tumour cells react less than the epidermis to both the G1 and the G2 chalone, and thus the findings of this study do not provide any evidence against the theory that epidermoid transplanted tumours are less sensitive to epidermal chalones than normal tissue of the same histogenetic origin.  相似文献   

In order to test the mitosis-inhibiting effect and the tissue specificity of the epidermal G2 chalone for tumour cells, extracts from hairless mouse epidermis were tested in short-term tissue cultures of cells from human respiratory tract epidermoid carcinomas and adenocarcinomas. The chalone inhibited strongly the mitotic activity in two cases of histologically proven epidermoid carcinoma, and had no effect in two cases of adenocarcinoma. In one case of a supposed epidermoid carcinoma, the chalone had no effect. Revision of the histology, and the result of autopsy 11 months later, showed that in this case the lesion in the lung had been a poorly differentiated metastasis from an adenocarcinoma of the ovary. Liver extracts produced in the same way as the epidermal extracts showed no mitotic inhibition in any of the cultures. These results indicate that epidermal G2 chalone produced from mouse skin is tissue specific for human epidermoid tumour cells, and also indicate that a chalone test might be used as a diagnostic tool for poorly differentiated carcinomas to see whether they are of epidermoid origin or not.  相似文献   

Extracts of hairless mouse skin were tested for their content of epidermal G1 inhibitor and G2 inhibitor at daily intervals after X-irradiation with 4 500 or 2 250 rad. After either dose the skin extracts lacked G1 inhibitory activity on days 5 and 6 respectively after irradiation. This coincided with the time when the epidermal mitotic rate again became normal and started a period of over-shoot. The time interval of 5-6 days corresponds to the turnover time of the differentiating cells in hairless mouse back epidermis. The findings indicate that the proliferating cells in epidermis can respond to changes in local chalone concentration, even after X-irradiation at the tested doses, and that the irradiated epidermal cell population still retains some important properties inherent in a cybernetically regulated system. The local G2-inhibitory activity also varied after irradiation, but these variations could not be directly related to the corresponding mitotic rates.  相似文献   

In order to test the mitosis-inhibiting effect and the tissue specificity of the epidermal G2 chalone for tumour cells, extracts from hairless mouse epidermis were tested in short-term tissue cultures of cells from human respiratory tract epidermoid carcinomas and adenocarcinomas. the chalone inhibited strongly the mitotic activity in two cases of histologically proven epidermoid carcinoma, and had no effect in two cases of adenocarcinoma. In one case of a supposed epidermoid carcinoma, the chalone had no effect. Revision of the histology, and the result of autopsy 11 months later, showed that in this case the lesion in the lung had been a poorly differentiated metastasis from an adenocarcinoma of the ovary. Liver extracts produced in the same way as the epidermal extracts showed no mitotic inhibition in any of the cultures. These results indicate that epidermal G2 chalone produced from mouse skin is tissue specific for human epidermoid tumour cells, and also indicate that a chalone test might be used as a diagnostic tool for poorly differentiated carcinomas to see whether they are of epidermoid origin or not.  相似文献   

A cut was made on the ear conch of mouse and an extract containing epidermal chalone was injected subcutaneously 2 days later. The time changes after the chalone administration in the number of cells labeled with 3H-thymidine, in the number of grains on labeled cells and in the number of mitoses within the regenerating epidermis surrounding the wound were investigated by means of autoradiography (ARG). Grain counts decreased temporarily in early phase (0–2 h) after chalone injection. This decrease in grain count resulted in a decrease in the number of labeled cells on the ARG of a short exposure but not in that on the ARG of a long exposure. A decrease in the number of labeled cells on the ARG of a long exposure was evident at 6 h when the grain counts reverted to a level similar to the control without chalone. The number of mitoses reached a minimum at 2 h and then recovered quickly, indicating a rapid disappearance of the inhibition of cells in G 2 from entering M phase. Mitoses decreased again thereafter, presumably as a result caused by inhibition of cells in the preceding S phase from completing DNA synthesis. The extract made similarly from liver or kidney affected neither the mitotic nor the DNA synthetic activities.These results indicate that the epidermal chalone or chalones inhibit the epidermal cell proliferation in, at least, 3 different processes of the cell cycle; the DNA synthesis in S phase, the transition from G 1 to S phase and the transition from G 2 to M phase.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Chalones,inhibitors of cell dmsion have been isolatedand studied from a number of mammalian tissues, most notably,the epidermis The epidermal rhalone is a glycoprotein It exhibitsconsiderable, but not complete specificity The epidermal chalone decreases mitotic activity by inhibitingcells in the G 2 phase of the cell cycle from entering mitosis,and probably also by inhibiting ceils in the G 1 phase of thecell cycle from entering mitosis To inhibit cells in G 2 fromentering mitosis the chilone requnes adrenalin, and for maximalactivity hydrocortisone It is not known if idrenalin and hydrocortisoneare required for chalone inhibition of cells in G 1 In addition to inhibiting cell division in normal epidermalcells the epidermal chalone can inhibit cell division in regeneratingepidermal cells induced to proliferate by chemical damage Thephase of the cell cycle in which the chalone inhibits legeneratingepidermal cells from entering mitosis is not known Epidermal tumors contain a decreased amount of chalone Mitosisin epidermal tumors is inhibited by treatment with epidermalchalone Tumor cells are inhibitedfrom entering mitosis fromeither the G 1 or G 2 phases of the cell cycle Chalones are said to inhibit mitosis by a negative feedbackmechanism However, experiments which presumably result in adecrease in chalone concentration do not result in an increasein mitotic activity It is suggested that if chalones are physiological controllers of cell division they do not act by a simplenegative feedback mechanism but require the action of a substanceto decrease their concentration  相似文献   

Chalone from Ehrlich's ascites tumour exerts a short-lived and reversible inhibitory effect on cell proliferation in the tumour both after a single and two-fold administration. 10 hours following single and two-fold injection of chalone (second injection was given at 6 p.m.), the mitotic index in tumour cells rises as compared to controls an evidence of chalone action on G(2) cell population of the mitotic cycle and synchronization of cell division. Repeated injection of chalone at 9 p.m. results in a more prolonged effect on the cells and in a more pronounced synchronization wave of G(2) cell population comparatively to its injection at 6 p.m. Thus the duration of cell inhibition in G(2) phase of the mitotic cycle depends with repeated administration of chalone, on the condition of cell population affected by chalone.  相似文献   

Mechanical stimulation of dorsal mouse skin by skin massage or removal of the horny layer results in a mutually comparable increase in DNA-labelling and mitotic activity. However, only after injury such as removal of the horny layer hyperplasia develops. This phenomenon, called "hyperplastic transformation" is characterized by a transient abolition of the epidermal G1 chalone responsiveness. There is some indication that the susceptibility to a heat labile factor, probably the epidermal G2 chalone, is not affected. Skin massage neither interferes with the responsiveness to epidermal G1 chalone nor induces "hyperplastic transformation". Mouse tail epidermis shows a "functional hyperplasia" and responds to the G1 chalone. To explain these observations, it is assumed that the epidermal stem cell population is heterogeneous consisting of G1 chalone-sensitive and G1 chalone-insensitive cells.  相似文献   

Epidermal DNA synthesis, the epidermal mitotic rate, and the responsiveness to the epidermal G1 and G2 inhibitors were examined in newborn mice at different times after birth. The rate of epidermal cell renewal was in general low during the first two weeks of life. Later the two growth parameters increased and reached very high values at 32-33 days after birth. The rate of epidermal cell proliferation then decreased to a level comparable with that found in adult hairless mouse epidermis at 40-45 days. A single i.p. injection of skin extract containing the two epidermal growth inhibitors induced varying types of responses. The epidermal G2 inhibitor stimulated the mitotic rate on day 2 and day 10, but inhibited it on all other days. The epidermal G1 inhibitor brought about an increase in epidermal DNA synthesis on day 6 and possibly on the following days. No response at all seen at 2, 4, 17, and 32 days after birth. At the other examined times the inhibition was similar to that found in adult mice. These findings differed from those made in vitro on separated newborn mouse epidermal cells (our own unpublished data), and we suggest that the variability of newborn mouse epidermis could be an expression of the immaturity of the skin as a whole, and that dermis in some way modifies the response of epidermis to exogenous epidermal chalone. Our study did not support the theory that the nonresponsiveness of newborn mouse epidermal at certain times could be due to the presence of nonresponsive stem cells in epidermis.  相似文献   

Mitotic homeostasis: Mitotic control is maintained by the interaction of a tissue-specific mitosis-inhibiting chalone, which permeates the whole tissue, and a non-tissue-specific mitosis-promoting mesenchymal factor, which originates in the connective tissue and acts only on connective-tissue-adjacent cells. In the basal layer of the epidermis the mitotic rate is determined by the relative concentrations of these two substances; in the distal layers the chalone is dominant so that all cells must become post-mitotic, age, and die. Thus the perfect balance between cell gain and cell loss that is maintained equally in hypoplasia, normality, and hyperplasia is ensured by the fact that all cells forced distally by mitotic pressure enter a chalone concentration that is high enough to direct them into post-mitosis and so to their deaths. The mitotic rate of the basal epidermal cells and the ageing rate of the distal cells are both inversely related to the chalone concentration. A change in the mitotic rate is matched by an equal change in the ageing rate so that, within limits, epidermal thickness (or mass) remains constant. Epidermal thickness is determined by the tissue-specific ratio, mitotic rate: ageing rate; it is influenced by the mitotic rate only when this exceeds a certain critical level. Evidently all epithelial tissues, even when these form solid masses (e.g. liver hepato-cytes), have a similar control mechanism, the ‘basal cells’ being those that are connective-tissue-adjacent and the ‘distal cells' those that are not. Tissues that are not connective-tissue-based (e.g. erythrocytes and granulocytes) have specialized mechanisms involving differentiation from relatively undifferentiated stem cell populations, as also do the connective tissues themselves. Local tissue damage leads via local chalone loss to a temporarily and locally increased mitotic rate; chronic damage leads via chronic chalone loss to hyperplasia, the increase in tissue mass being limited by the reduced life-span of the post-mitotic cells. Compensatory hypertrophy When a tissue mass is so large (e.g. the hepatocytes) in relation to the total body mass that the escaping chalone forms a significant systemic concentration, extensive damage leads to compensatory hypertrophy. The reduced tissue mass (e.g. after partial hepatectomy) produces less chalone, leading to a reduced systemic concentration, and therefore a higher chalone loss from the surviving tissue. This results in a general mitotic response in that tissue, as the relative power of the mesenchymal factor increases, and thus to an increase in tissue mass. Growth ceases when the normal tissue mass is attained. When a large tissue suffers chronic damage (e.g. liver cirrhosis) the chronic chalone lack results in hypertrophy, which is limited by the reduced life-span of the post-mitotic cells. Tumour growth Mitotic control is lost when the chalone concentration falls so low that the ‘distal cells’ remain mitotic; cell gain then exceeds cell loss and a tumour appears. Such chalone loss is related to permanent membrane damage, which may be the central event in carcinogenesis. The evidence is that a tumour continues to produce and to respond to the chalone of its tissue of origin. As a tumour grows the systemic concentration of its chalone rises steadily so that there is an increasing mitotic inhibition, first, in the parent tissue, and second, in the tumour itself. Thus tumour growth may be described as an exponential process limited by an exponential retardation. This means that, if the host survives, the tumour growth will cease and the tumour mass will reach a plateau. This is a negative feedback mechanism which differs from compensatory hypertrophy only in that, at the plateau, the mass attained is greater than normal, and also in that, at any time, further cell damage may cause the tumour to ‘progress’. When this happens the new and higher plateau may be unattainable before the host is killed. Tumour growth is normally slower than would be expected if the mitotic advantage were the only factor involved; clearly tumour growth is usually inhibited by factors other than the chalone, in particular perhaps by the immune response to the altered cell membrane. It is an especial pleasure to acknowledge the constant help and encouragement that has been given by Johanna U. R. Deol.  相似文献   

Hairless mice were given 5 mg hydroxyurea (HU) intraperitoneally (i.p.) followed by 0.15 mg Colcemid at various times after HU. The animals were killed at 2 and 4 hr after Colcemid, the epidermal mitotic counts in dorsal skin were determined and the mitotic rates calculated. These were compared with the normal mitotic rates, and the ratios between the results from HU-treated and -untreated animals were calculated. Hydroxyurea caused a considerable reduction in the mitotic rate with a trough at 6 hr, followed by a wave of increased mitotic rate with a peak at 14 hr, followed by a secondary drop at 20 hr, and then a return to normal. Another group of mice were given HU only, and the fraction of epidermal cells in G2 was measured by flow cytometry. From these animals, without previous injection of Colcemid, we also determined the mitotic counts and calculated the mitotic durations. Cells piled up in G2 for the first 6 hr after HU injection, then the G2 compartment was emptied. The results are discussed in relation to previous results from this department showing the effect of the same dose of HU on DNA synthesis in the same mouse strain. It is concluded that HU not only blocks or retards DNA synthesis in epidermal cells, but also affects the movement of cells through G2 and M. The cell kinetic effects of HU thus seem to be very complex.  相似文献   

Median S-phase lengths of pinna epidermis and sebaceous glands, and of epithelia from the oesophagus and under surface of the tongue of Albino Swiss S mice were estimated by the percentage labelled mitoses method (PLM). The 18.4 and 18,8 hr for the median length of S-phase for pinna epidermis and sebaceous glands respectively made it possible for these two tissues to be used experimentally for testing tissue specificity in chalone assay experiments. The 10.0 and 11.5 hr for oesophagus ang tongue epithelium respectively made experimental design for chalone assay difficult when pinna epidermis was the target tissue. The results of the Labelling Index measured each hour throughout a 24-hr period showed no distinct single peaked diurnal rhythm for pinna epidermis and sebaceous glands. Instead a circadian rhythm with several small peaks occurred which would be expected if an S-phase of approximately 18 hr was imposed on the diurnal rhythm. This indicates that there may be very little change in the rate of DNA synthesis. The results are given for the assay in vivo of purified epidermal G1 and G2 chalones, and the 72--81% ethanol precipitate of pig skin from which they could be isolated. These experiments were performed over a time period which took into account the diurnal rhythm of activity of the mice as well as the S-phase lengths. Extrapolating the results with time of action of the chalone shows that the G1 chalone acts at the point of entry into DNA synthesis and that the S-phase length was approximately 17 hr for both the pinna epidermis and sebaceous glands. This may be a more correct value since the PLM method overestimates the median S-phase length as it is known that in pinna skin the [3H]TdR is available to the tissues for 2 hr and true flash labelling does not take place. The previous reports that epidermal G1 chalone acts some hours prior to entry into S-phase resulted from experiments on back skin where the S-phase is shorter and there is a pronounced diurnal rhythm which could mask the chalone effect. The epidermal G2 chalone had no effect on DNA synthesis even at different times in the circadian rhythm. Thus the circadian rhythms and S-phase lengths of the test tissues need to be considered when experiments are performed with chalones. Ideally, the target tissues selected for cell line specificity tests should have the same cell kinetics for the easier and more accurate assessment and interpretation of results. When the tissues have markedly different cell kinetics, experimental procedures and results need to be evaluated accordingly. The point of action of G1 chalone can only be assessed if the effect is measured over the peak of incorporation of [3H]TdR into DNA. The results of the effects of skin extracts are analysed in relation to changes in the availability of [3H]TdR for the incorporation into DNA and to the possibility of there being two distinct populations of proliferating cells.  相似文献   

A high-molecular glycoprotein (epidermal G2 chalone) shown to be homogeneous by electrophoresis and immunochemistry was isolated from rat skin. It exerts a strong tissue-rather than species-specific antimitotic effect on the keratinizing epithelium. The paper is concerned with its quantitative immunodiffusion determination in some tissues by means of monospecific antiserum. A clear-cut correlation between the mitotic index and the epidermal G2 chalone level in the mucosa is shown with special reference to vaginal epithelium of rats during the estrual cycle.  相似文献   

The specific action of a pig skin fraction enriched in epidermal G1-chalone, a tissue-specific inhibitor of epidermal DNA synthesis, was investigated by means of flow cytofluorometry. The results indicate that G1-chalone inhibits progression of partially synchronized rat tongue epithelial cells (line RTE-2) through the cell cycle at a point 2 h prior to the beginning of the S-phase. Approximately 8 h after chalone addition, the cells can overcome the inhibition and begin to enter the S-phase. The duration of this delay is concentration-independent, but the fraction of cells affected is proportional to the chalone concentration. The progression of cells which already have entered S-phase is not affected. In contrast to the G1-chalone preparation, aphidicolin, a potent inhibitor of DNA polymerase alpha, clearly shows S-phase-specific inhibition. These results indicate that the epidermal G1-chalone inhibits epidermal cell proliferation in a fully reversible manner by a highly specific effect on cell cycle traverse.  相似文献   

A pig-skin preparation enriched in epidermal G1-chalone when administered to cells of the rat tongue epithelial line RTE2 at concentrations of 3-300 micrograms/ml (dry mass) caused a 60% reduction in cell number. Three other cell lines showed essentially no growth inhibition during chalone treatment. The kinetics of chalone inhibition were similar to those observed in mouse epidermis in vivo. Five hours after the addition of chalone preparation in fresh medium a decrease in the rate of DNA synthesis was observed. Maximum inhibition at 12 h was followed by a subsequent increase in DNA synthesis, reaching control values again after 30 h. The inhibitory effect was dose-dependent up to 3 micrograms/ml. At higher concentrations the degree of inhibition remained constant at about 50% of the control up to 300 micrograms/ml. Removal of added chalone by changing the medium at the time of maximum inhibition gave rise to a complete recovery within 9 h. These results indicate a cell-line specific, non-toxic and reversible inhibitory effect of the chalone preparation which resembles that observed in the living animal. The RTE2 cell line may thus be considered to provide a highly sensitive experimental system suitable for more detailed studies on the mechanism of action of epidermal G1-chalone.  相似文献   

Mechanical stimulation of dorsal mouse skin by skin massage or removal of the horny layer results in a mutually comparable increase in DNA-labelling and mitotic activity. However, only after injury such as removal of the horny layer hyperplasia develops. This phenomenon, called ‘hyperplastic transformation’ is characterized by a transient abolition of the epidermal G1 chalone responsiveness. There is some indication that the susceptibility to a heat labile factor, probably the epidermal G2 chalone, is not affected. Skin massage neither interferes with the responsiveness to epidermal G1 chalone nor induces ‘hyperplastic transformation’. Mouse tail epidermis shows a ‘functional hyperplasia’ and responds to the G1 chalone. To explain these observations, it is assumed that the epidermal stem cell population is heterogeneous consisting of G1 chalone-sensitive and G1 chalone-insensitive cells.  相似文献   

Hairless male mice were given 2 mg Bleomycin i.p. on two successive days. At different time intervals from 1 to 10 days after the last Bleomycin injection, groups of animals were killed and water extracts of hemogenized skin were made. These extracts, supposed to contain the epidermal G1 and G2 chalones, were injected into female hairless mice, and their growth inhibitory potency determined by two methods. 5 mg of lyophilized crude skin extract were injected i.p. together with Colcemid, and the animals killed 4 hr later. The number of Colcemid-arrested mitoses was determined, and was considered to be a measure of the G2 inhibitor present in the skin extracts. 10 mg of the same extracts were injected i.p., and these animals also got 3H-TdR i.p. 12 hr later, and were killed after a subsequent 30 min. The epidermal LI was determined, and was considered to be a measure of the epidermal G1 factor in the skin extracts. The results obtained were compared to the effect of Bleomycin alone and to the effects of skin extracts from non-Bleomycin-treated animals. The results show that Bleomycin provoked slight alterations in the growth-inhibitory potency of the G1 chalone, whereas significant effects were seen in the G2 chalone, There was an increased amount of growth-inhibiting factors on days 2 and 3, and on days 8-10. The results are discussed and it is concluded that the most probable hypothesis is that Bleomycin, in addition to its known inhibition by accumulation of cells with high growth inhibitory potency. An initial, additional direct effect of Bleomycin on the chalone system cammot be excluded.  相似文献   

The time course of induction of epidermal ornithine decarboxylase (E.C. 4.1.117) (ODC) activity following a single topical application of 17 nmoles of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) on hairless mouse skin was established. Prior intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of a crude epidermal extract prepared from hairless mouse epidermis led to a time-dependent, 50% inhibition of the peak level of TAP-induced ODC activity. Maximum inhibition was observed when the extract was injected 1.5 h before TPA treatment. The crude epidermal extract did not affect ODC activity in vitro. Following the administration of epidermal extracts, the inhibition of the TPA-induced ODC-response correlated positively with the presence of epidermal G2-chalone activity (determined by a stathmokinetic method) whereas myocardial, skeletal muscle, or heat-inactivated epidermal extracts with no epidermal G2-chalone activity, had no effect on TPA-induced ODC activity. These results indicate a possible relationship between ODC-activity and the control of mitotic rate by G2-chalone.  相似文献   

It has previously been established that the epidermal chalone inhibits epidermal mitotic activity more powerfully in the presence of adrenalin, although adrenalin itself is not a mitotic inhibitor. It is now shown that in low concentrations hydrocortisone has little if any antimitotic activity, that when it is present together with chalone and adrenalin it does not markedly increase their antimitotic activity, but that it does act to prolong the mitotic depression which they induce. It is known that, without hydrocortisone, adrenalin rapidly escapes from epidermal cells so that the chalone action is weakened. It appears that the role of hydrocortisone may be to reduce the rate of adrenalin loss and thus to prolong the chalone-adrenalin activity. It is also shown that the rate of loss of adrenalin from epidermal cells is inhibited, though to a much lesser extent, in the presence of excess chalone.  相似文献   

Proliferation characteristics of basal cells in the pilary canal of resting hair follicles were investigated and compared with corresponding parameters in interfollicular epidermis of hairless mice. The mitotic rates had similar 24-h means at both locations. Distinct circadian rhythms which showed phasing and amplitudes similar to that in interfollicular epidermis, were demonstrated by the 3H-TdR labelling index, the mitotic rate and the mitotic index. Influx of cells to and efflux of cells from the S phase were measured in the early morning and in the evening by a 3H-TdR double labelling method. The influx values were similar at both times of both locations. The efflux values recorded in the morning were more than twice the values seen in the evening in both the pilary canal and in interfollicular epidermis. The epidermal motitic rate in the pilary canal was depressed by epidermal extracts, and increased after adhesive tape stripping in the same way as in interfollicular epidermis. The results indicate no heterogeneity in cell proliferation characteristics between the two locations, and suggest that similar mechanisms are responsible for maintainance of growth equilibrium at both sites.  相似文献   

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