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Time-resolved fluorescence measurements were performed on isolated core and intact Photosystem I (PS I) particles and stroma membranes from Arabidopsis thaliana to characterize the type of energy-trapping kinetics in higher plant PS I. Target analysis confirms the previously proposed “charge recombination” model. No bottleneck in the energy flow from the bulk antenna compartments to the reaction center has been found. For both particles a trap-limited kinetics is realized, with an apparent charge separation lifetime of ∼6 ps. No red chlorophylls (Chls) are found in the PS I-core complex from A. thaliana. Rather, the observed red-shifted fluorescence (700-710 nm range) originates from the reaction center. In contrast, two red Chl compartments, located in the peripheral light-harvesting complexes, are resolved in the intact PS I particles (decay lifetimes 33 and 95 ps, respectively). These two red states have been attributed to the two red states found in Lhca 3 and Lhca 4, respectively. The influence of the red Chls on the slowing of the overall trapping kinetics in the intact PS I complex is estimated to be approximately four times larger than the effect of the bulk antenna enlargement.  相似文献   

To gain a better understanding of the light-induced reduction of protochlorophyllide (PChlide) to chlorophyllide as a key regulatory step in chlorophyll synthesis, we performed transient infrared absorption measurements on PChlide in d4-methanol. Excitation in the Q-band at 630 nm initiates dynamics characterized by three time constants: τ1 = 3.6 ± 0.2, τ2 = 38 ± 2, and τ3 = 215 ± 8 ps. As indicated by the C13′=O carbonyl stretching mode in the electronic ground state at 1686 cm−1, showing partial ground-state recovery, and in the excited electronic state at 1625 cm−1, showing excited-state decay, τ2 describes the formation of a state with a strong change in electronic structure, and τ3 represents the partial recovery of the PChlide electronic ground state. Furthermore, τ1 corresponds with vibrational energy relaxation. The observed kinetics strongly suggest a branched reaction scheme with a branching ratio of 0.5 for the path leading to the PChlide ground state on the 200 ps timescale and the path leading to a long-lived state (>>700 ps). The results clearly support a branched reaction scheme, as proposed previously, featuring the formation of an intramolecular charge transfer state with ∼25 ps, its decay into the PChlide ground state with 200 ps, and a parallel reaction path to the long-lived PChlide triplet state.  相似文献   

Time-resolved infrared spectroscopy with 0.5-ps resolution is used to track the evolution of the CO stretching vibration after visible photoexcitation of carboxyhemoglobin in water at room temperature. Polarization measurements determine that the iron-complexed CO is oriented nearly perpendicular to the porphyrin plane. The dissociation appears to proceed via a metastable excited state with 2 +/- 1 ps lifetime. The dissociated CO binds weakly in the heme pocket for at least 500 ps. This state correlates with the internally bound state observed by Frauenfelder et al. at low temperatures in myoglobin.  相似文献   

The infrared spectra of photosystem II (PS II) enriched submembrane fractions isolated from spinach are obtained in water and in heavy water suspension Other spectra are obtained after a photooxidation reaction was performed on PS II to bleach the pigments. The water bands are removed by computer subtraction and the amide bands (A, B, I, II, and III) of the protein are identified. Computer enhancement techniques are used to narrow the bandwidth of the bands that the weak chlorophyll bands, buried in the much stronger protein bands, can be observed. Comparing the spectra of native and photooxidized PS II pr in water and in heavy water, we determine that three polypeptide domains are present in the native material. The first domain, which contains 22% of th is situated in the peripheral region of the PS II system. The polypeptides in this region are unfolded and devoid of chlorophyll. The second domain con of the polypeptides, is more organized, and contains the chlorophylls. The third domain has an alpha-helix configuration, does not contain chlorophyll, a affected by the photooxidation reaction or by the proton/deuteron exchange. Three different types of chlorophyll organisation are identified: two have carbonyl groups non-bonded, differing from one another only in their hydrophobic milieux; the third is weakly bonded to another unidentified group. Other forms of chlorophyll organisation are present but could not be observed because their absorption is buried in the protein amide I band.  相似文献   

The ultrafast (< 100 fs) conversion of delocalized exciton into charge-separated state between the primary donor P700 (bleaching at 705 nm) and the primary acceptor A0 (bleaching at 690 nm) in photosystem I (PS I) complexes from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 was observed. The data were obtained by application of pump-probe technique with 20-fs low-energy pump pulses centered at 720 nm. The earliest absorbance changes (close to zero delay) with a bleaching at 690 nm are similar to the product of the absorption spectrum of PS I complex and the laser pulse spectrum, which represents the efficiency spectrum of the light absorption by PS I upon femtosecond excitation centered at 720 nm. During the first ∼ 60 fs the energy transfer from the chlorophyll (Chl) species bleaching at 690 nm to the Chl bleaching at 705 nm occurs, resulting in almost equal bleaching of the two forms with the formation of delocalized exciton between 690-nm and 705-nm Chls. Within the next ∼ 40 fs the formation of a new broad band centered at ∼ 660 nm (attributed to the appearance of Chl anion radical) is observed. This band decays with time constant simultaneously with an electron transfer to A1 (phylloquinone). The subtraction of kinetic difference absorption spectra of the closed (state P700+A0A1) PS I reaction center (RC) from that of the open (state P700A0A1) RC reveals the pure spectrum of the P700+A0 ion-radical pair. The experimental data were analyzed using a simple kinetic scheme: An* [(PA0)*A1 P+A0A1] P+A0A1, and a global fitting procedure based on the singular value decomposition analysis. The calculated kinetics of transitions between intermediate states and their spectra were similar to the kinetics recorded at 694 and 705 nm and the experimental spectra obtained by subtraction of the spectra of closed RCs from the spectra of open RCs. As a result, we found that the main events in RCs of PS I under our experimental conditions include very fast (< 100 fs) charge separation with the formation of the P700+A0A1 state in approximately one half of the RCs, the ∼ 5-ps energy transfer from antenna Chl* to P700A0A1 in the remaining RCs, and ∼ 25-ps formation of the secondary radical pair P700+A0A1.  相似文献   

The energy transfer and charge separation kinetics of a photosystem I (PS I) core particle of an antenna size of 100 chlorophyll/P700 has been studied by combined fluorescence and transient absorption kinetics with picosecond resolution. This is the first combined picosecond study of transient absorption and fluorescence carried out on a PS I particle and the results are consistent with each other. The data were analyzed by both global lifetime and global target analysis procedures. In fluorescence major lifetime components were found to be 12 and 36 ps. The shorter-lived one shows a negative amplitude at long wavelengths and is attributed to an energy transfer process between pigments in the main antenna Chl pool and a small long-wavelength Chl pool emitting around 720 nm whereas the longer-lived component is assigned to the overall charge separation lifetime. The lifetimes resolved in transient absorption are 7-8 ps, 33 ps, and [unk]1 ns. The shortest-lived one is assigned to energy transfer between the same pigment pools as observed also in fluorescence kinetics, the middle component of 33 ps to the overall charge separation, and the long-lived component to the lifetime of the oxidized primary donor P700+. The transient absorption data indicate an even faster, but kinetically unresolved energy transfer component in the main Chl pool with a lifetime <3 ps. Several kinetic models were tested on both the fluorescence and the picosecond absorption data by global target analysis procedures. A model where the long-wave pigments are spatially and kinetically connected with the reaction center P700 is favored over a model where P700 is connected more closely with the main Chl pool. Our data show that the charge separation kinetics in these PS I particles is essentially trap limited. The relevance of our data with respect to other time-resolved studies on PS I core particles is discussed, in particular with respect to the nature and function of the long-wave pigments. From the transient absorption data we do not see any evidence for the occurrence of a reduced Chl primary electron acceptor, but we also can not exclude that possibility, provided that reoxidation of that acceptor should occur within a time <40 ps.  相似文献   

S Buchanan  H Michel  K Gerwert 《Biochemistry》1992,31(5):1314-1322
Static FTIR light-induced difference spectra have been recorded for reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas viridis in the following charge-separated states: P+QA(-)-PQA, P+QB(-)-PQB, I(-)-I, I-QA(-)-IQA, and I-QA(2-)-IQA. A comparison of the I(-)-I difference spectra with the I-QA(-)-IQA difference spectra reveals new bands which can be assigned to QA- vibrations; these vibrations are also observed in the P+QA(-)-PQA and P+QB(-)-PQB difference spectra. Through an analysis of all of the static difference spectra, the electron-transfer pathway can be monitored in the infrared from the primary donor, P, to the secondary acceptor, QB, via the intermediate acceptor, I, and the primary acceptor, QA. The difference spectra are dominated by absorbance changes of prosthetic groups, with very few identifiable contributions from amino acids and little overall structural change in the protein backbone, involving only one or two residues for the various charge-separated states. Oxidation of the primary donor in the reaction center shows the characteristic absorbance changes of the 9-keto and 10-ester carbonyl groups observed upon oxidation of bacteriochlorophyll b in a non-hydrogen-bonded environment [Ballschmiter, K. H., & Katz, J. J. (1969) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 91, 2661-2677]. Reduction of the quinones in the reaction center yields absorbance changes of the carbonyls observed during reduction of quinones in a hydrogen-bonded environment [Bauscher, M., Nabedryk, E., Bagley, K., Breton, J., & M?ntele, W. (1990) FEBS Lett. 261, 191-195].(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Kumazaki S  Abiko K  Ikegami I  Iwaki M  Itoh S 《FEBS letters》2002,530(1-3):153-157
Primary photochemistry in photosystem I (PS I) reaction center complex from Acaryochloris marina that uses chlorophyll d instead of chlorophyll a has been studied with a femtosecond spectroscopy. Upon excitation at 630 nm, almost full excitation equilibration among antenna chlorophylls and 40% of the excitation quenching by the reaction center are completed with time constants of 0.6(±0.1) and 4.9(±0.6) ps, respectively. The rise and decay of the primary charge-separated state proceed with apparent time constants of 7.2(±0.9) and 50(±10) ps, suggesting the reduction of the primary electron acceptor chlorophyll (A0) and its reoxidation by phylloquinone (A1), respectively.  相似文献   

We have performed time-resolved fluorescence measurements on photosystem II (PSII) containing membranes (BBY particles) from spinach with open reaction centers. The decay kinetics can be fitted with two main decay components with an average decay time of 150 ps. Comparison with recent kinetic exciton annihilation data on the major light-harvesting complex of PSII (LHCII) suggests that excitation diffusion within the antenna contributes significantly to the overall charge separation time in PSII, which disagrees with previously proposed trap-limited models. To establish to which extent excitation diffusion contributes to the overall charge separation time, we propose a simple coarse-grained method, based on the supramolecular organization of PSII and LHCII in grana membranes, to model the energy migration and charge separation processes in PSII simultaneously in a transparent way. All simulations have in common that the charge separation is fast and nearly irreversible, corresponding to a significant drop in free energy upon primary charge separation, and that in PSII membranes energy migration imposes a larger kinetic barrier for the overall process than primary charge separation.  相似文献   

Sivakumar V  Wang R  Hastings G 《Biochemistry》2005,44(6):1880-1893
Time-resolved step-scan Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy, with 5 mus time resolution, has been used to produce P700(+)A(1)(-)/P700A(1) FTIR difference spectra in intact photosystem I particles from Synechococcus sp. 7002 and Synechocystis sp. 6803 at 77 K. Corresponding spectra were also obtained for fully deuterated photosystem I particles from Synechococcus sp. 7002 as well as fully (15)N- and (13)C-labeled photosystem I particles from Synechocystis sp. 6803. Static P700(+)/P700 FTIR difference spectra at 77 K were also obtained for all of the unlabeled and labeled photosystem I particles. From the time-resolved and static FTIR difference spectra, A(1)(-)/A(1) FTIR difference spectra were constructed. The A(1)(-)/A(1) FTIR difference spectra obtained for unlabeled trimeric photosystem I particles from both cyanobacterial strains are very similar. There are some mode frequency differences in spectra obtained for monomeric and trimeric PS I particles. However, the spectra can be interpreted in an identical manner, with the proposed band assignments being compatible with all of the data obtained for labeled and unlabeled photosystem I particles. In A(1)(-)/A(1) FTIR difference spectra obtained for unlabeled photosystem I particles, negative bands are observed at 1559 and 1549-1546 cm(-)(1). These bands are assigned to amide II protein vibrations, as they downshift approximately 86 cm(-)(1) upon deuteration and approximately 13 cm(-)(1) upon (15)N labeling. Difference band features at 1674-1677(+) and 1666(-) cm(-)(1) display isotope-induced shifts that are consistent with these bands being due to amide I protein vibrations. The observed amide modes suggest alteration of the protein backbone (possibly in the vicinity of A(1)) upon A(1) reduction. A difference band at 1754(+)/1748(-) cm(-)(1) is observed in unlabeled spectra from both strains. The frequency of this difference band, as well as the observed isotope-induced shifts, indicate that this difference band is due to a 13(3) ester carbonyl group of chlorophyll a species, most likely the A(0) chlorophyll a molecule that is in close proximity to A(1). Thus A(1) reduction perturbs A(0), probably via a long-range electrostatic interaction. A negative band is observed at 1693 cm(-)(1). The isotope shifts associated with this band are consistent with this band being due to the 13(1) keto carbonyl group of chlorophyll a, again, most likely the 13(1) keto carbonyl group of the A(0) chlorophyll a that is close to A(1). Semiquinone anion bands are resolved at approximately 1495(+) and approximately 1414(+) cm(-)(1) in the A(1)(-)/A(1) FTIR difference spectra for photosystem I particles from both cyanobacterial strains. The isotope-induced shifts of these bands could suggest that the 1495(+) and 1414(+) cm(-)(1) bands are due to C-O and C-C modes of A(1)(-), respectively.  相似文献   

Kitajima Y  Noguchi T 《Biochemistry》2006,45(6):1938-1945
The oxidation pathway of chlorophyll Z (ChlZ) in photosystem II (PSII) at cryogenic temperatures was studied by means of light-induced Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy. To examine the involvement of redox-active beta-carotene (Car) in the pathway, two Car molecules in Mn-depleted PSII membranes of spinach were selectively bleached by illumination at 250 K in the presence of ferricyanide and silicomolybdate. Successful bleaching of Car was demonstrated by disappearance of the light-induced FTIR signals of Car+ at 1465, 1440, and 1147 cm(-1) at 80 K under an oxidative condition. Even in the Car-bleached PSII, the ChlZ+/ChlZ signal at 1713/1687 cm(-1), which is attributed to the upshift of the 9-keto C=O band of ChlZ upon its oxidation, was induced by illumination at 80 K retaining about 80% of the intensity of the control PSII sample. The concomitant appearance of shoulders at 1727/1699 cm(-1) may indicate that both of the two ChlZ molecules on the D1 and D2 sides are photooxidized. The multiphasic kinetics of formation of the ChlZ+/ChlZ signal by continuous illumination at 80 K were mostly unchanged by Car depletion, while the formation rates at 210 K were appreciably reduced in Car-bleached PSII. These results indicate that there are electron-transfer pathways from ChlZ to P680+ that do not involve Car, and they are indeed dominant at 80 K. Although the pathways via Car are mostly blocked at this temperature, the contribution of such pathways to ChlZ oxidation becomes significant at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

The charge separation P700*A(0) --> P700(+)A(0)(-) and the subsequent electron transfer from the primary to secondary electron acceptor have been studied by subtracting absorption difference profiles for cyanobacterial photosystem I (PS I) complexes with open and closed reaction centers. Samples were excited at 660 nm, which lies toward the blue edge of the core antenna absorption spectrum. The resulting PS I kinetics were analyzed in terms of the relevant P700, P700(+), A(0), and A(0)(-) absorption spectra. In our kinetic model, the radical pair P700(+)A(0)(-) forms with 1.3 ps rise kinetics after creation of electronically excited P700*. The formation of A(1)(-) via electron transfer from A(0)(-) requires approximately 13 ps. The kinetics of the latter step are appreciably faster than previously estimated by other groups (20--50 ps).  相似文献   

The applications of electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy to study paramagnetic centers in photosystem I (PSI) are reviewed with special attention to the novel spectroscopic techniques applied and the structural information obtained. We briefly summarize the physical principles and experimental techniques of ESEEM, the spectral shapes and the methods for their analysis. In PSI, ESEEM spectroscopy has been used to the study of the cation radical form of the primary electron donor chlorophyll species, P(700)(+), and the phyllosemiquinone anion radical, A(1)(-), that acts as a low-potential electron carrier. For P(700)(+), ESEEM has contributed to a debate concerning whether the cation is localized on a one or two chlorophyll molecules. This debate is treated in detail and relevant data from other methods, particularly electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR), are also discussed. It is concluded that the ESEEM and ENDOR data can be explained in terms of five distinct nitrogen couplings, four from the tetrapyrrole ring and a fifth from an axial ligand. Thus the ENDOR and ESEEM data can be fully accounted for based on the spin density being localized on a single chlorophyll molecule. This does not eliminate the possibility that some of the unpaired spin is shared with the other chlorophyll of P(700)(+); so far, however, no unambiguous evidence has been obtained from these electron paramagnetic resonance methods. The ESEEM of the phyllosemiquinone radical A(1)(-) provided the first evidence for a tryptophan molecule pi-stacked over the semiquinone and for a weaker interaction from an additional nitrogen nucleus. Recent site-directed mutagenesis studies verified the presence of the tryptophan close to A(1), while the recent crystal structure showed that the tryptophan was indeed pi-stacked and that a weak potential H-bond from an amide backbone to one of the (semi)quinone carbonyls is probably the origin of the to the second nitrogen coupling seen in the ESEEM. ESEEM has already played an important role in the structural characterization on PSI and since it specifically probes the radical forms of the chromophores and their protein environment, the information obtained is complimentary to the crystallography. ESEEM then will continue to provide structural information that is often unavailable using other methods.  相似文献   

PSI-K is a subunit of photosystem I. The function of PSI-K was characterized in Arabidopsis plants transformed with a psaK cDNA in antisense orientation, and several lines without detectable PSI-K protein were identified. Plants without PSI-K have a 19% higher chlorophyll a/b ratio and 19% more P700 than wild-type plants. Thus, plants without PSI-K compensate by making more photosystem I. The photosystem I electron transport in vitro is unaffected in the absence of PSI-K. Light response curves for oxygen evolution indicated that the photosynthetic machinery of PSI-K-deficient plants have less capacity to utilize light energy. Plants without PSI-K have less state 1-state 2 transition. Thus, the redistribution of absorbed excitation energy between the two photosystems is reduced. Low temperature fluorescence emission spectra revealed a 2-nm blue shift in the long wavelength emission in plants lacking PSI-K. Furthermore, thylakoids and isolated PSI without PSI-K had 20-30% less Lhca2 and 30-40% less Lhca3, whereas Lhca1 and Lhca4 were unaffected. During electrophoresis under mildly denaturing conditions, all four Lhca subunits were partially dissociated from photosystem I lacking PSI-K. The observed effects demonstrate that PSI-K has a role in organizing the peripheral light-harvesting complexes on the core antenna of photosystem I.  相似文献   

The core of photosystem II (PSII) of green plants contains the reaction center (RC) proteins D1D2-cytb559 and two core antennas CP43 and CP47. We have used time-resolved visible pump/midinfrared probe spectroscopy in the region between 1600 and 1800 cm(-1) to study the energy transfer and charge separation events within PSII cores. The absorption difference spectra in the region of the keto and ester chlorophyll modes show spectral evolution with time constants of 3 ps, 27 ps, 200 ps, and 2 ns. Comparison of infrared (IR) difference spectra obtained for the isolated antennas CP43 and CP47 and the D1D2-RC with those measured for the PSII core allowed us to identify the features specific for each of the PSII core components. From the presence of the CP43 and CP47 specific features in the spectra up to time delays of 20-30 ps, we conclude that the main part of the energy transfer from the antennas to the RC occurs on this timescale. Direct excitation of the pigments in the RC evolution associated difference spectra to radical pair formation of PD1+PheoD1- on the same timescale as multi-excitation annihilation and excited state equilibration within the antennas CP43 and CP47, which occur within approximately 1-3 ps. The formation of the earlier radical pair ChlD1+PheoD1-, as identified in isolated D1D2 complexes with time-resolved mid-IR spectroscopy is not observed in the current data, probably because of its relatively low concentration. Relaxation of the state PD1+PheoD1-, caused by a drop in free energy, occurs in 200 ps in closed cores. We conclude that the kinetic model proposed earlier for the energy and electron transfer dynamics within the D1D2-RC, plus two slowly energy-transferring antennas C43 and CP47 explain the complex excited state and charge separation dynamics in the PSII core very well. We further show that the time-resolved IR-difference spectrum of PD1+PheoD1- as observed in PSII cores is virtually identical to that observed in the isolated D1D2-RC complex of PSII, demonstrating that the local structure of the primary reactants has remained intact in the isolated D1D2 complex.  相似文献   

The protein conformation and orientation of Photosystem I (PS I) particles have been investigated by a combination of ultraviolet circular dichroism and polarized infrared spectroscopies. These PS I particles have been studied before and after reconstitution in phosphatidylcholine vesicles. The native state of the pigments of PS I was characterized by monitoring the low-temperature fluorescence emission spectra as well as the visible CD and linear dichroism spectra at room temperature. Computed analysis of the ultraviolet CD spectra of PS I complex indicates that the secondary structure of the protein is largely α-helical (52 ± 4%) with a very low amount of β-structure. Polarized infrared difference spectra of oriented PS I show a significant orientation of these α-helical segments with the α-helix axes tilted on the average at approx. 35° from the membrane normal.  相似文献   

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