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We have used electron-microscopic studies, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation and antibody labeling to characterize the development of the Drosophila larval photoreceptor (or Bolwig's) organ and the optic lobe, and have investigated the role of Notch in the development of both. The optic lobe and Bolwig's organ develop by invagination from the posterior procephalic region. After cells in this region undergo four postblastoderm divisions, a total of approximately 85 cells invaginate. The optic lobe invagination loses contact with the outer surface of the embryo and forms an epithelial vesicle attached to the brain. Bolwig's organ arises from the ventralmost portion of the optic lobe invagination, but does not become incorporated in the optic lobe; instead, its 12 cells remain in the head epidermis until late in embryogenesis when they move in conjunction with head involution to reach their final position alongside the pharynx. Early, before head involution, the cells of Bolwig's organ form a superficial group of 7 cells arranged in a rosette pattern and a deep group of 5 cells. Later, all neurons move out of the surface epithelium. Unlike adult photoreceptors, they do not form rhabdomeres; instead, they produce multiple, branched processes, which presumably carry the photopigment. Notch is essential for two aspects of the early development of the visual system. First, it delimits the number of cells incorporated into Bolwig's organ. Second, it is required for the maintenance of the epithelial character of the optic lobe cells during and after its invagination.  相似文献   

The task of the visual system is to translate light into neuronal encoded information. This translation of photons into neuronal signals is achieved by photoreceptor neurons (PRs), specialized sensory neurons, located in the eye. Upon perception of light the PRs will send a signal to target neurons, which represent a first station of visual processing. Increasing complexity of visual processing stems from the number of distinct PR subtypes and their various types of target neurons that are contacted. The visual system of the fruit fly larva represents a simple visual system (larval optic neuropil, LON) that consists of 12 PRs falling into two classes: blue-senstive PRs expressing Rhodopsin 5 (Rh5) and green-sensitive PRs expressing Rhodopsin 6 (Rh6). These afferents contact a small number of target neurons, including optic lobe pioneers (OLPs) and lateral clock neurons (LNs). We combine the use of genetic markers to label both PR subtypes and the distinct, identifiable sets of target neurons with a serial EM reconstruction to generate a high-resolution map of the larval optic neuropil. We find that the larval optic neuropil shows a clear bipartite organization consisting of one domain innervated by PRs and one devoid of PR axons. The topology of PR projections, in particular the relationship between Rh5 and Rh6 afferents, is maintained from the nerve entering the brain to the axon terminals. The target neurons can be subdivided according to neurotransmitter or neuropeptide they use as well as the location within the brain. We further track the larval optic neuropil through development from first larval instar to its location in the adult brain as the accessory medulla.  相似文献   

The recently discovered LIM motif is found in a set of homeodomain-containing proteins thought to mediate the generation of particular cell types. Of the four LIM domain family members described to date, mec-3 and lin-11 determine cell lineages in C. elegans. Isl-1 and Xlim-1 may play similar roles in vertebrates. We have identified a Drosophila member of this class, the product of the apterous (ap) gene. During embryogenesis, ap is expressed in a small subset of fusing mesodermal precursors that give rise to 6 muscles in each abdominal hemisegment and in 5 neurons within each corresponding CNS hemisegment. Lack of ap function results in loss of ap-expressing muscles, while misexpression of ap using a heterologous promoter produces ectopic muscles.  相似文献   

We used confocal microscopy in conjunction with specific antibodies and enhancer trap strains to investigate the development of specific neuronal connections in a simple model system, the larval visual system of Drosophila. We find that the establishment of axonal projections from the larval photoreceptor neurons to their central nervous system targets involves a series of discrete steps. During embryogenesis, the larval optic nerve contacts several different cell types, including optic lobe pioneer (OLP) neurons and a number of glial cells. We demonstrate that OLP neurons are present and project normally in glass (gl) mutant embryos in which the larval optic nerve fails to develop, suggesting that they do not depend on interactions with the larval optic nerve for differentiation and proper axonal projection. The OLPs fail to differentiate properly in disconnected (disco) mutant embryos, where appropriate connections between the larval optic nerve and its targets in the brain are not formed. The disco gene is expressed in the OLPs and may therefore act autonomously to direct the differentiation of these cells. Taken together, our results suggest that the OLPs act as an intermediate target required for the establishment of normal optic nerve projection and connectivity. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) negatively regulates Wingless (Wg)/Wnt signal transduction by helping target the Wnt effector beta-catenin or its Drosophila homologue Armadillo (Arm) for destruction. In cultured mammalian cells, APC localizes to the cell cortex near the ends of microtubules. Drosophila APC (dAPC) negatively regulates Arm signaling, but only in a limited set of tissues. We describe a second fly APC, dAPC2, which binds Arm and is expressed in a broad spectrum of tissues. dAPC2's subcellular localization revealed colocalization with actin in many but not all cellular contexts, and also suggested a possible interaction with astral microtubules. For example, dAPC2 has a striking asymmetric distribution in neuroblasts, and dAPC2 colocalizes with assembling actin filaments at the base of developing larval denticles. We identified a dAPC2 mutation, revealing that dAPC2 is a negative regulator of Wg signaling in the embryonic epidermis. This allele acts genetically downstream of wg, and upstream of arm, dTCF, and, surprisingly, dishevelled. We discuss the implications of our results for Wg signaling, and suggest a role for dAPC2 as a mediator of Wg effects on the cytoskeleton. We also speculate on more general roles that APCs may play in cytoskeletal dynamics.  相似文献   



The aim of the study is to generate a spherical three-dimensional (3D) aggregate of hepatocyte-like cells (HLCs) differentiated from human embryonic stem cells and to investigate the effect of the 3D environment on hepatic maturation and drug metabolism.


Quantitative real-time PCR analysis indicated that gene expression of mature hepatocyte markers, drug-metabolizing enzymes, and hepatic transporters was significantly higher in HLCs cultured in the 3D system than in those cultured in a two-dimensional system (p < 0.001). Moreover, hepatocyte-specific functions, including albumin secretion and bile canaliculi formation, were increased in HLCs cultured in the 3D system. In particular, 3D spheroidal culture increased expression of CES1 and BCHE, which encode hepatic esterases (p < 0.001). The enhanced activities of these hepatic esterases were confirmed by the cholinesterase activity assay and the increased susceptibility of HLCs to oseltamivir, which is metabolized by CES1.


3D spheroidal culture enhances the maturation and drug metabolism of stem cell-derived HLCs, and this may help to optimize hepatic differentiation protocols for hepatotoxicity testing.

The D. melanogaster transposon P[35UZ] contains a lacZ reporter gene fused to 35 kb of Ubx upstream sequences which drive a Ubx-like expression in embryos and in metathoracic imaginal discs. Transposition of P[35UZ] followed by analysis of different lines in wild-type and mutant backgrounds allowed us to analyze the interplay between Ubx regulatory elements, including the Polycomb response element (PRE), located inside the transposon and cis-acting regulatory elements, located outside. We found that all lines show a Ubx-like beta-galactosidase expression pattern in the embryo, but proximity to strong imaginal enhancers can change this pattern drastically. These data illustrate how maintenance of gene expression depends on the chromosomal environment and on dynamic interactions between all developmentally regulated enhancers located close to a promoter under PcG control.  相似文献   

The majority of human embryonic stem cell lines depend on a feeder cell layer for continuous growth in vitro, so that they can remain in an undifferentiated state. Limited knowledge is available concerning the molecular mechanisms that underlie the capacity of feeder cells to support both the proliferation and pluripotency of these cells. Importantly, feeder cells generally lose their capacity to support human embryonic stem cell proliferation in vitro following long-term culture. In this study, we performed large-scale gene expression profiles of human foreskin fibroblasts during early, intermediate and late passages using a custom DNA microarray platform (NeuroStem 2.0 Chip). The microarray data was validated using RT-PCR and virtual SAGE analysis. Our comparative gene expression study identified a limited number of molecular targets potentially involved in the ability of human neonatal foreskin fibroblasts to serve as feeder cells for human embryonic stem cell cultures. Among these, the C-KIT, leptin and pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) genes were the most interesting candidates.  相似文献   

Reimann JD  Freed E  Hsu JY  Kramer ER  Peters JM  Jackson PK 《Cell》2001,105(5):645-655
We have discovered an early mitotic inhibitor, Emi1, which regulates mitosis by inhibiting the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC). Emi1 is a conserved F box protein containing a zinc binding region essential for APC inhibition. Emi1 accumulates before mitosis and is ubiquitylated and destroyed in mitosis, independent of the APC. Emi1 immunodepletion from cycling Xenopus extracts strongly delays cyclin B accumulation and mitotic entry, whereas nondestructible Emi1 stabilizes APC substrates and causes a mitotic block. Emi1 binds the APC activator Cdc20, and Cdc20 can rescue an Emi1-induced block to cyclin B destruction. Our results suggest that Emi1 regulates progression through early mitosis by preventing premature APC activation, and may help explain the well-known delay between cyclin B/Cdc2 activation and cyclin B destruction.  相似文献   

Protein-dependent group II intron splicing provides a forum for exploring the roles of proteins in facilitating RNA-catalyzed reactions. The maize nuclear gene crs1 is required for the splicing of the group II intron in the chloroplast atpF gene. Here we report the molecular cloning of the crs1 gene and an initial biochemical characterization of its gene product. Several observations support the notion that CRS1 is a bona fide group II intron splicing factor. First, CRS1 is found in a ribonucleoprotein complex in the chloroplast, and cofractionation data provide evidence that this complex includes atpF intron RNA. Second, CRS1 is highly basic and includes a repeated domain with features suggestive of a novel RNA-binding domain. This domain is related to a conserved free-standing open reading frame of unknown function found in both the eubacteria and archaea. crs1 is the founding member of a gene family in plants that was derived by duplication and divergence of this primitive gene. In addition to its previously established role in atpF intron splicing, new genetic data implicate crs1 in chloroplast translation. The chloroplast splicing and translation functions of crs1 may be mediated by the distinct protein products of two crs1 mRNA forms that result from alternative splicing of the crs1 pre-mRNA.  相似文献   

A hallmark of the systemic antimicrobial response of Drosophila is the synthesis by the fat body of several antimicrobial peptides which are released into the hemolymph in response to a septic injury. One of these peptides, drosomycin, is active primarily against fungi. Using a drosomycin-green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene, we now show that in addition to the fat body, a variety of epithelial tissues that are in direct contact with the external environment, including those of the respiratory, digestive and reproductive tracts, can express the antifungal peptide, suggesting a local response to infections affecting these barrier tissues. As is the case for vertebrate epithelia, insect epithelia appear to be more than passive physical barriers and are likely to constitute an active component of innate immunity. We also show that, in contrast to the systemic antifungal response, this local immune response is independent of the Toll pathway.  相似文献   

The double-stranded RNA binding domain (dsRBD) is an approximately 65 amino acid motif that is found in a variety of proteins that interact with double-stranded (ds) RNA, such as Escherichia coli RNase III and the dsRNA-dependent kinase, PKR. Drosophila staufen protein contains five copies of this motif, and the third of these binds dsRNA in vitro. Using multinuclear/multidimensional NMR methods, we have determined that staufen dsRBD3 forms a compact protein domain with an alpha-beta-beta-beta-alpha structure in which the two alpha-helices lie on one face of a three-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet. This structure is very similar to that of the N-terminal domain of a prokaryotic ribosomal protein S5. Furthermore, the consensus derived from all known S5p family sequences shares several conserved residues with the dsRBD consensus sequence, indicating that the two domains share a common evolutionary origin. Using in vitro mutagenesis, we have identified several surface residues which are important for the RNA binding of the dsRBD, and these all lie on the same side of the domain. Two residues that are essential for RNA binding, F32 and K50, are also conserved in the S5 protein family, suggesting that the two domains interact with RNA in a similar way.  相似文献   

P W Ingham 《Cell》1984,37(3):815-823
Loss-of-function mutations of a new homeotic gene, sxc, in Drosophila cause transformations of body segments, suggesting inappropriate expression of BX-C and ANT-C genes. I present evidence that sxc+ is required during embryogenesis for the selective repression of the BX-C in different larval segments and show that this requirement may be met entirely by maternally derived gene product. sxc+ is also required later in development to ensure the appropriate expression of ANT-C and BX-C genes in adult thoracic and abdominal segments. Absence of sxc+ in the mesothorax apparently results in the ectopic expression of the bx+ (or Ubx+) function in both the anterior and posterior compartments; this suggests that pbx mutations may define a regulatory rather than a structural function.  相似文献   

Forward genetic screens in model organisms are an attractive means to identify those genes involved in any complex biological process, including neural circuit assembly. Although mutagenesis screens are readily performed to saturation, gene identification rarely is, being limited by the considerable effort generally required for positional cloning. Here, we apply a systematic positional cloning strategy to identify many of the genes required for neuronal wiring in the Drosophila visual system. From a large-scale forward genetic screen selecting for visual system wiring defects with a normal retinal pattern, we recovered 122 mutations in 42 genetic loci. For 6 of these loci, the underlying genetic lesions were previously identified using traditional methods. Using SNP-based mapping approaches, we have now identified 30 additional genes. Neuronal phenotypes have not previously been reported for 20 of these genes, and no mutant phenotype has been previously described for 5 genes. The genes encode a variety of proteins implicated in cellular processes such as gene regulation, cytoskeletal dynamics, axonal transport, and cell signalling. We conducted a comprehensive phenotypic analysis of 35 genes, scoring wiring defects according to 33 criteria. This work demonstrates the feasibility of combining large-scale gene identification with large-scale mutagenesis in Drosophila, and provides a comprehensive overview of the molecular mechanisms that regulate visual system wiring.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence that the neural crest participates in tooth development in any osteichthyan fish has so far been lacking. Using vital dye cell-lineage tracking, we demonstrate that trigeminal stream neural crest cells contribute to the dental papilla of developing teeth in the Australian lungfish. Trigeminal neural crest cells labeled before migration have been traced during the earliest stages of tooth development. Neural crest cells from a single midbrain locus were relocated as ectomesenchyme in all developing teeth of the lungfish regardless of their topographical position in the dentition. These cells remain at the dental papilla interface and become cells committed to dentine production. Our findings provide the first cell-lineage evidence that cranial neural crest is fated to ectomesenchyme for tooth development and dentine production in the living sister-group to tetrapods. This shows that cranial neural crest contribution to teeth is conserved from this node on the tetrapod phylogeny.  相似文献   

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