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In a previous publication a monoclonal antibody (B16G) which appeared to recognize T suppressor cells and a T-suppressor factor (TsF) in the spleens of DBA/2 mice was described. B16G appears to be directed to a public specificity of DBA/2 TsF and therefore has been shown to inhibit a variety of immunological reactions. The present study involves preliminary characterization of the material with which B16G reacts. It was found that the B16G-reactive protein (putative TsF) could be absorbed and eluted specifically from a B16G immunoadsorbent column. Material eluting from the B16G column reacted with B16G in an ELISA and appeared to run as two or more bands of 40-45 kDa in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The eluted material was biologically active (i.e., suppressive) in the standard assay (mixed leukocyte reaction of DBA/2 splenocytes with B10.BR targets), and its suppressive activity was abrogated by the addition of B16G to the mixed leukocyte reaction cultures. Sephadex G-150 chromatography of the B16G-reactive material showed that under these conditions, its native molecular mass was between 80-90 kDa, indicating that it might occur as a dimer under natural conditions.  相似文献   

We have developed a monoclonal antibody to a T cell-derived suppressor factor (TsF) found in the serum of C57BL/6 mice hyperimmune to sheep red blood cells (SRBC). The antibody binds to the SRBC-specific TsF as well as to a TsF (TNP-TsF) from another system differing in both antigen specificity and MHC. It does not bind to unrelated proteins. The antibody inhibits the activity of the SRBC-specific TsF in vitro. By using the monoclonal anti-TsF, we can isolate sufficient quantities of TsF to demonstrate that it fulfills several properties that have been attributed to TsF, namely, MHC restriction, antigen specificity, and the requirement for a second chain. Also, the purified TsF gives a single 68,000 dalton band upon SDS-PAGE gel analysis under reducing conditions. We conclude, therefore, that we have a method of the isolation of pure TsF, as well as a probe for the genetic, biochemical, and biologic analysis of TsF.  相似文献   

By fusing Con A-activated BALB/c mice spleen cells with AKR thymoma BW5147 cells, we prepared a hybridoma producing a monoclonal nonspecific suppressor factor (MNSF). This factor inhibits a generation of LPS-induced immunoglobulin-secreting cells. We used ELISA for the bioassay of MNSF activity. With this method, a stable E17 hybridoma clone was selected, and its product in culture medium was isolated and characterized. MNSF fractionated on Sephadex G-100 in saline buffer shows a form with multiple m.w., but fractionated in 0.4 M pyridine-acetic buffer, it is limited to two species of approximately 24Kd and 16Kd. The MNSF was purified by hydroxyapatite chromatography, with marked effectiveness. MNSF activity was found exclusively in the 0.35 M sodium phosphate elution, and the content was further fractionated on subsequent gel filtration in the high ionic strength buffer described above. The purified factor exhibited two forms, of 24Kd and 16Kd, and showed peaks of pI 5.3 and 5.7, respectively, on isoelectric focusing. The MNSF preparation described here is stable at 56 degrees C and unaffected by 2-mercaptoethanol, but is unstable at pH 2.0 and is sensitive to tryptic proteolysis. We injected the hybridoma cells into the peritoneal cavity of pristane-primed F1 (AKR/J X BALB/c) mice, and a large amount of pure MNSF was obtained from the ascites, the characteristics of which were similar to those in the culture supernatant. Thus, the MNSF obtained from the E17 hybridoma consists of functionally identical but physicochemically different discrete proteins. This simple method of purification can serve as a probe for further characterization of MNSF and its application in in vivo experiments.  相似文献   

The human glioblastoma cell line 308 constitutively secretes a soluble factor with biologic and biochemical characteristics of human monocyte-derived interleukin 1 (IL 1). The 308 cells also produce a 97,000 m.w. factor that inhibits the effects of IL 1 and interleukin 2 (IL 2) on T lymphocytes. By using sequential chromatography on Blue Affigel, hydroxyapatite, and Ultrogel AcA54, the inhibitory factor, termed glioblastoma-derived T cell suppressor factor (G-TsF), was separated from IL 1 and purified 2000-fold with respect to the protein present in the crude 308 cell supernatant. This G-TsF preparation was sensitive to tryptic proteolysis, showed a peak of pI 4.6 on isoelectric focusing, and when labeled with 125I, revealed six protein bands in the range of 30 to 100 kdaltons on SDS gel.  相似文献   

In the present study, the contribution of IFN-gamma to the generation of helper activity in mice was investigated by use of anti-mouse IFN-gamma rat mAB (AN 18.17.24). This mAb was alum precipitated and injected i.p. before or after carrier priming. Results show that spleen cell helper activity is markedly inhibited by anti-IFN-gamma mAb injection. This inhibition is time and dose dependent, and counteracted by IFN-gamma administration. Thus, the anti-IFN-gamma mAb appears to inhibit helper cell activity by neutralization of the IFN-gamma required for the antibody response. Moreover, AN 18.17.24 mAb injection results in increased activation of Lyt-2+ T cells which markedly suppress Th activity. These findings altogether indicate that besides the activation of macrophages and Th, IFN-gamma seems to exert a negative interference in suppressor T lymphocyte circuits and, as a consequence, to inhibit immunosuppression.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the OKTA+ T cell subset in man, defined by a monoclonal hybridoma antibody, provides help for B lymphocyte differentiation in a PWM driven system. Both B cell proliferation and intracytoplasmic immunoglobulin synthesis are facilitated by OKT4+ and not by OKT4- T cells. Given earlier studies demonstrating that OKT4+ T cells were necessary for generation of T cytotoxic cells and the present study that OKT+ T cells are necessary for the differentiation of B cells, it would appear that the OKT+ population is the major human T helper (inducer) subset.  相似文献   

Murine contact photosensitivity (CPS) to 3,3',4',5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCSA) is a highly specific, T-cell-mediated delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH). Preexposure of the photosensitizing site to low doses of ultraviolet B(UVB) rendered mice unresponsive to challenge reaction. This unresponsiveness was associated with the generation of antigen-specific, afferent limb-acting, Lyt-1+2-,L3T4+ suppressor T cells (Ts-cps) in the spleen, thymus, and lymph node. Cell-free extract(s) obtained by freezing and thawing of these cells contained T-cell-suppressor factor (TsF) that inhibited the development of the induction phase of the CPS response to TCSA in vivo in an antigen-specific fashion. The treatments of TsF both with immunoadsorbent columns and with reduction and alkylation showed that the factor bore photoantigen-binding site(s), was reactive with monoclonal anti-I-Jd, anti-I-E alpha but not anti-I-Ad, and behaved as a single-chain factor containing both photoantigen binding and I-J molecules. By gel chromatography the majority of the suppressive activity was eluted in the fractions corresponding to molecular weights of 60-80 and 100-200 kDa. Our present study demonstrated clearly that UVB-induced unresponsiveness in the DTH reaction was mediated by a soluble suppressive factor derived from T cells.  相似文献   

In our laboratory we have described a monoclonal antibody, B16G, which has been shown to bind to suppressive T cell factors (TsF) in DBA/2 mice. Therefore, B16G was used as a probe to identify T cell hybridomas secreting putative TsF. Hybridomas were obtained by the fusion of DBA/2 thymocytes stimulated in vivo by P815 tumor membrane extracts with the thymoma BW5147. One such hybridoma, A10, was selected and used for additional studies. From both the supernatants and ascites fluid of this hybrid a factor could be obtained that could specifically bind to both B16G and P815 antigen immunoadsorbent columns, and that scored positively with B16G in an ELISA after elution. Such reactivity could not be obtained from A10 supernatants or ascites absorbed over irrelevant columns, nor was it obtained from supernatants or ascites from other T cell hybrids that had scored B16G nonreactive in the original screening. In vivo studies indicated that affinity-purified A10 material injected into DBA/2J mice enhanced significantly the growth of P815 tumor cells, but not the growth of other DBA/2 syngeneic tumor lines such as L1210 or M-I. Additionally, this material did not inhibit the in vitro mixed leukocyte reaction (MLR) between DBA/2 splenocytes and allogeneic B10.BR target cells (unlike B16G purified material from whole DBA/2 spleens, which has been demonstrated to be suppressive in this type of MLR). Biochemical analysis of this tumor-specific TsF from A10 was undertaken; the native m.w. was found to be in the region of 80,000 and 90,000. Under reducing conditions, affinity-purified A10 TsF was found to resolve in SDS-PAGE as what appeared to be a heterodimer of 45,000 and 43,000. In most preparations, an associated molecule resolving at about 25,000 was observed. The implications of these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

The secretion of immunoglobulin (Ig) from cultured mononuclear cells by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation is inhibited by monoclonal nonspecific suppressor factor (MNSF), a lymphokine produced by murine T cell hybridoma. In an attempt to develop a murine monoclonal antibody (MAb) with specific reactivity against MNSF, a cell fusion technique that incorporated immune murine splenocytes and HAT-sensitive murine myeloma cells was used. Cross-reactivity experiments confirmed that the MAb (MO6) does not bind to unrelated proteins such as bovine serum albumin, mouse IgG, and murine interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). There are no effects when anti-IFN-gamma antibodies are used with MNSF. As far as biological activity is concerned, MO6 inhibits in vitro the activity of MNSF in terms of the Ig secretion from cultured lymphocytes. By using MO6, affinity chromatography and immunoblotting were performed. The MNSF on the SDS-PAGE showed a band with m.w. of approximately 70,000, indicating the formation of an aggregate in saline; but after treatment with 0.4 M pyridine-acetic acid buffer, separate bands of 24,000 and 16,000 daltons were evident. Therefore MO6 recognizes 70,000 and both 24,000 and 16,000 daltons. Thus we confirmed by using this MAb and affinity chromatography, the existence of human counterpart, human nonspecific suppressor factor (hNSF), in supernatant from concanavalin A-stimulated T cells. When hNSF was fractionated by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), the activity was found in a region corresponding to 70,000 daltons. However, when fractionated in pyridine-acetic acid buffer, hNSF activity was distributed in a slightly wider range of 15,000 to 30,000 daltons. Physicochemical analysis showed that the purified hNSF is resistant to either heating at 56 degrees C or to 2-mercaptoethanol treatment; however, it is labile to acidification at pH 2.0 and is also sensitive to protease treatment, the characteristics of which were similar to those of murine MNSF. Thus MO6 was confirmed to be a pertinent tool for isolation of hNSF, as well as for murine MNSF.  相似文献   

The hybridization of spleen cells from mice immunized with mononuclear leukocytes with the HAT-sensitive nonsecreting myeloma, NS1, resulted in the production of hybrid cell lines secreting monoclonal antibodies to lymphocyte surface antigens. One of these, anti-Ta, was shown by fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis to be specific for a subpopulation of peripheral human T cells. Anti-Ta did not react with peripheral human B cells. Immunoprecipitation followed by two-dimensional gel analysis demonstrated that the T cell subpopulation-specific antigen recognized by this monoclonal antibody is part of, or firmly associated with, a protein of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Thymic (T) or bursal (B) lymphocytes from chicks sensitized to Mycobacterium tuberculosis produce an avian lymphocyte inhibitory factor (LyIF). The physiochemical properties of both T and B LyIF were established by ultrafiltration which yielded four fractions with molecular weight ranges of greater than 100,000; 50,000-100,000; 10,000-50,000; and less than 10,000; enzymatic treatment with chymotrypsin and neuraminidase; varying pH; and heat exposure. These studies demonstrated that the maximum activity for both T and B LyIF was within a molecular weight range of 10,000-50,000. Both were sensitive to chymotrypsin and neuraminidase treatment. Both were stable at 56 degrees C for 30 min and resistant to changes in pH from 5 to 9. T-Cell migration was inhibited equally by B or T LyIF, while B-cell migration was inhibited to a lesser extent by T LyIF and B LyIF. Further experiments should establish the reasons for these observed differences in cross-reactivity.  相似文献   

The cellular and molecular characteristics of anti-idiotype-induced suppression have been investigated. We have shown that i.v. immunization of A/J or C.AL-20 mice with rabbit antibodies against the major cross-reactive idiotype on A/J anti-ABA antibodies induces splenic suppressor T cells (Ts) able to suppress T cell-mediated cytolytic and delayed-type hypersensitivity responses to ABA. In these studies, we compare the T suppressor activity manifested by anti-Id-induced suppressor cells with that described previously after conventional antigen priming. Results indicate that i.v. injection of anti-idiotypic antibodies primes for efferent level Ts; in contrast, i.v. administration of ABA-coupled cells induces afferent level suppressor cells. Soluble cell lysates, containing suppressor factor(s) derived from these anti-idiotype-induced Ts, can also mediate suppression of T cell immune responses in an efferent manner. Factor-mediated suppression is MHC-unrestricted and is also observed in mice pretreated with cyclophosphamide, suggesting that this activity is analogous to third-order suppression. Furthermore, this factor suppresses the T cell-mediated DTH and CTL responses in an antigen-nonspecific but Igh-restricted manner. These latter results suggest that the cellular elements conferring antigen specificity and Igh restriction are separate. The implications of these findings to the relationship between idiotypic elements, antigen-binding structures, and Igh restriction elements on immunoregulatory T cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Cloned Ts cells specific for the Ag, human monoclonal (myeloma) IgG, were derived from spleen cells of mice that had been immunosuppressed by treatment with a tolerogenic conjugate of HIgG and monomethoxypolyethylene glycol. The cloned Ts cells (clone 23.32) suppressed in vitro antibody responses in an Ag-specific and MHC-restricted manner. By FMF with appropriate antibody reagents, these cells were shown to be Thy-1+, CD4-, CD5-, and CD8+ and to express CD3 and the alpha beta-TCR. These results are consistent with the view that Ts cells use Ag recognition structures similar to those reported for Th cells and CTL. A soluble factor (TsF) extracted from the cloned Ts cells also suppressed in vitro antibody responses in an Ag-specific and H-2Kd-restricted manner, i.e., restricted to MHC class I molecules. The suppressive activity of this TsF could be abrogated by addition of mAb H28-710 that reacts with a determinant on the alpha-chain of TCR. Moreover, the TsF bound to and could be recovered from an immunosorbent consisting of the anti-alpha-TCR mAb H28-710 coupled to Sepharose 4B. In contrast, the TsF was not bound by immunosorbents consisting of mAb to the beta-chain of TCR (H57-597) or to V beta 8 (F23.1). It was, therefore, concluded that the TsF of clone 23.32 is serologically related to the alpha-chain of the TCR; however, it is not identical to TCR, because it lacks the determinants expressed on the TCR beta-chain that are recognized by the two anti-beta mAbs used in this study.  相似文献   

OKT3, a monoclonal antibody reactive with a surface antigen shared by all human T lymphocytes, was found to act as a potent interferon (IFN) inducer in cultures of human mononuclear white blood cells. Two other monoclonal antibodies reactive with T-cell subpopulations failed to induce IFN. IFN-inducing activity of OKT3 was similar to that of phytohemagglutinin (PHA). The phorbol ester, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) had a strong potentiating effect on IFN production stimulated with OKT3 or PHA. IFN produced after stimulation with OKT3, like PHA-induced IFN, had properties characteristic for “immune” IFN (IFN-γ).  相似文献   

Thyroglobulin (Tg)-binding peripheral blood T cells from a normal individual were fused with a T cell leukemia cell line (Jurkat-AG9) treated by emetine and actinomycin D. Several cell lines were established from thus-prepared human T cell hybridomas. The culture supernatant from one of these lines (Tg-Ts47) whose phenotype was OKT3- 11+ 4+ 8- suppressed the generation of Tg-specific antibody-forming cells from the lymphocytes of patients with Hashimotos' chronic thyroiditis, but not anti-SRBC and anti-ovalbumin antibody production from both autologous and patient lymphocytes. Tg-Ts47-derived factors also bore Tg antigen-binding sites. The suppressive activity of the supernatants was shown in almost all patients lymphocytes tested. This indicated that the supernatants of Tg-Ts47 line contain a suppressive factor specific for Tg antigen and capable of acting across allogeneic barriers.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody specific for a polymorphic antigen on human B cells (33.2.1) was produced and characterized. By flow cytometry, 33.2.1 was found to react with peripheral blood B cells, monocytes, and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed B-cell lines, but not with peripheral blood T cells, mitogen-activated T cells, or allo- or autoactivated T cells. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis showed that 33.2.1 recognizes a noncovalently bound bimolecular complex composed of an alpha chain of about 32 kDa and a beta chain of about 28 kDa. The failure of anti-HLA-DR, anti-Leu-10, and anti-HLA-DC1 to remove the 33.2.1 antigen by sequential immunoprecipitation suggests that 33.2.1 recognizes a distinct molecule rather than a different epitope on either HLA-DR or DS/DC/MB. In T-cell-independent B-cell activation systems, preincubation with 33.2.1 markedly inhibited RNA and DNA synthesis as well as polyclonal Ig production. In contrast, anti-HLA-DR was inhibitory only when it was present throughout the culture, but not when it was used for preincubation. Anti-Leu-10 led to only moderate inhibition. These results suggest that 33.2.1 recognizes a unique Ia-like antigen critical for B-cell activation.  相似文献   

TA-1 is a monoclonal antibody identifying a cell surface molecule with a broad distribution on normal and malignant human leukocytes. Preliminary structural studies performed by using radioimmunoprecipitation and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that TA-1 recognizes a two-chain polypeptide of approximately 170 kilodaltons (KD) and 95 KD under reducing conditions. The same experiment conducted under nonreducing conditions yielded bands of approximately 155 KD and 110 KD, suggesting the existence of intrachain disulfide bonds in both subunits. Both polypeptide chains were labeled with tritiated sodium borohydride after treatment of cells with neuraminidase and galactose oxidase, thereby demonstrating that both were glycosylated. Tryptic peptide mapping indicated that the 170-KD and 95-KD subunits did not have significant homology in peptide composition. We are designating this newly defined human leukocyte bimolecular complex gp 170/95.  相似文献   

A hybridoma-secreting monoclonal antibody was produced from the spleen cells of a mouse immunized with human thymocytes. This hybridoma antibody, termed OKT5, was reactive by indirect immunofluorescence with 80% of human thymocytes but only 20% of peripheral blood T cells. Moreover, OKT5 was unreactive with normal B cells, null cells, and macrophages at any dilution tested. A similar pattern of reactivity was seen with an equine antiserum to human thymocytes termed anti-TH2. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting demonstrated that the OKT5 antibody reactivity on peripheral T cells was restricted to the majority of the previously defined TH2+ subpopulation. In functional studies, the OKT5+ subset, like the TH2+ subset, proliferated well to the mitogen Con A and to alloantigens, and contained cytotoxic effector cells after sensitization in MLC, and suppressor effector cells after activation with Con A. In addition, like the TH2+ T cell, the OKT+ T cell was virtually unresponsive to soluble antigen. Thus, the OKT5 monoclonal antibody is reactive with the cytotoxic/suppressor T cell subset. OKT5 should provide an important probe to assess the status of suppressor cells in human disease.  相似文献   

The results in this report indicate that the OKT3 monoclonal antibody, which is specific for a human T cell differentiation antigen present on 90 to 95% of peripheral T cells, can exert several effects that regulate the generation and expression of human influenza virus-immune cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). The OKT3 antibody, but not OKT1 or OKT11 (which bind to all peripheral T cells), is able to inhibit anti-influenza CTL effector cell activity. An F(ab')2 preparation of OKT3 IgG were as effective as whole IgG for the inhibition of CTL effectors, indicating that the inhibitory activity of the antibody was not a function of the Fc portion of the molecule. OKT3 IgG and OKT3 F(ab')2 fragments (but not OKT4, OKT8, or OKI were able to inhibit the generation of anti-influenza CTL. The culture of human lymphoid cells with OKT3 in the presence or absence of influenza virus induced radioresistant cells that could suppress the CTL response of fresh autologous lymphocytes to influenza. These results suggest that T cell functions can be regulated by signals that are initiated by the binding of antibody to cell surface molecules that may not be related to the T cell antigen-specific receptor(s).  相似文献   

We isolated a protein, from a cell line of human origin, which exhibits extensive differentiation inducing activity toward Friend leukemia cells. The protein, called Erythroid Differentiation Factor (EDF), was found in a 4 day culture of THP-1 cells performed in the presence of 4 beta-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate(PMA). EDF is a homodimer of a molecular weight of 25,000, with an NH2-terminal sequence identical to that of the beta A-chain of porcine Inhibin. It was suggested that a single protein species is responsible for the activities of both EDF and FRP, a FSH releasing protein isolated from porcine ovarian follicular fluid.  相似文献   

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