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When new individuals from a pest species are detected after an eradication programme, it is important to determine if these individuals are survivors from the eradication attempt or reinvaders from another population, as this enables managers to adjust and improve the methodologies for future eradications and biosecurity. Rangitoto/Motutapu Islands in the Hauraki Gulf (New Zealand) had a multispecies mammalian pest eradication conducted in 2009. A year after this eradication a single stoat was trapped on the island. Using genetic population assignment we conclude that this individual was a reinvader, which probably swam a minimum distance of 3 km from the adjacent mainland. This swimming distance is greater than any previously known stoat incursions. Our results suggest that the original population on these islands was from natural dispersal rather than anthropogenic introduction and that it had some limited ongoing mixing with the mainland population. These findings highlight the invasion/reinvasion potential of stoats across large stretches of water, and will necessitate ongoing biosecurity indefinitely for these islands. The study also highlights the utility of genetic assignment techniques for assessing reinvasion, and emphasizes the need for pre-eradication genetic sampling of all pest species to enable such analyses to be carried out.  相似文献   

Determining the origin of individuals caught during a control/eradication programme enables conservation managers to assess the reinvasion rates of their target species and evaluate the level of success of their control methods. We examine how genetic techniques can focus management by distinguishing between hypotheses of ‘reinvasion’ and ‘survivor’, and defining kin groups for invasive stoats (Mustela erminea) on Secretary Island, New Zealand. 205 stoats caught on the island were genotyped at 16 microsatellite loci, along with 40 stoats from the opposing mainland coast, and the age and sex were determined for each individual. Using these data, we compare and combine a variety of genetic techniques including genetic clustering, population assignment and kinship‐based techniques to assess the origin of each stoat. The population history and individual movement could be described in fine detail, with results indicating that both in‐situ survival and breeding, and reinvasion are occurring. Immigration to the island was found to be generally low, apart from in 1 year where around 8 stoats emigrated from the mainland. This increased immigration was probably linked to a stoat population spike on the mainland in that year, caused by a masting event of southern beech forest (Nothofagus sp.) and the subsequent rodent irruption. Our study provides an example of some of the ways genetic analyses can feed directly into informing management practices for invasive species.  相似文献   

Invasive species are often favoured in fragmented, highly-modified, human-dominated landscapes such as urban areas. Because successful invasive urban adapters can occupy habitat that is quite different from that in their original range, effective management programmes for invasive species in urban areas require an understanding of distribution, habitat and resource requirements at a local scale that is tailored to the fine-scale heterogeneity typical of urban landscapes. The common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is one of New Zealand’s most destructive invasive pest species. As brushtail possums traditionally occupy forest habitat, control in New Zealand has focussed on rural and forest habitats, and forest fragments in cities. However, as successful urban adapters, possums may be occupying a wider range of habitats. Here we use site occupancy methods to determine the distribution of brushtail possums across five distinguishable urban habitat types during summer, which is when possums have the greatest impacts on breeding birds. We collected data on possum presence/absence and habitat characteristics, including possible sources of supplementary food (fruit trees, vegetable gardens, compost heaps), and the availability of forest fragments from 150 survey locations. Predictive distribution models constructed using the programme PRESENCE revealed that while occupancy rates were highest in forest fragments, possums were still present across a large proportion of residential habitat with occupancy decreasing as housing density increased and green cover decreased. The presence of supplementary food sources was important in predicting possum occupancy, which may reflect the high nutritional value of these food types. Additionally, occupancy decreased as the proportion of forest fragment decreased, indicating the importance of forest fragments in determining possum distribution. Control operations to protect native birds from possum predation in cities should include well-vegetated residential areas; these modified habitats not only support possums but provide a source for reinvasion of fragments.  相似文献   

Climatic cooling and substantial tectonic activity since the late Miocene have had a pronounced influence on the evolutionary history of the fauna of New Zealand's South Island. However, many species have recently experienced dramatic range reductions due to habitat fragmentation and the introduction of mammalian predators and competitors. These anthropogenic impacts have been particularly severe in the tussock grasslands of the Otago region. The Otago skink (Oligosoma otagense), endemic to the region, is one of the most critically endangered vertebrates in New Zealand. We use mitochondrial DNA sequence data to investigate the evolutionary history of the Otago skink, examine its population genetic structure, and assess the level of genetic diversity in the individuals in the captive breeding program. Our data indicate that the Otago skink diverged from its closest relatives in the Miocene, consistent with the commencement of tectonic uplift of the Southern Alps. However, there is evidence for past introgression with the scree skink (O. waimatense) in the northern Otago-southern Canterbury region. The remnant populations in eastern Otago and western Otago are estimated to have diverged in the mid-Pliocene, with no haplotypes shared between these two regions. This divergence accounts for 95% of the genetic diversity in the species. Within both regions there is strong genetic structure among populations, although shared haplotypes are generally evident between adjacent localities. Although substantial genetic diversity is present in the captive population, all individuals originate from the eastern region and the majority had haplotypes that were not evident in the intensively managed populations at Macraes Flat. Our data indicate that eastern and western populations should continue to be regarded as separate management units. Knowledge of the genetic diversity of the breeding stock will act to inform the captive management of the Otago skink and contribute to a key recovery action for the species.  相似文献   

Colonists undergo non-equilibrium processes such as founder effects, inbreeding and changing population size which influence the mating system and demography of a population. Understanding these processes in colonising populations informs management and helps prevent further invasions. We sampled and genotyped most individuals of a Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) reinvasion on Moturemu island (5 ha) in New Zealand. Population size was most likely between 30 and 33 rats. Genetic methods detected a clear bottleneck signal from the founding population. Parentage assignment revealed promiscuous mating dominated by a few individuals with increasing inbreeding, both putatively a result of small island size. Combining ecological and genetic data from a single sample allowed inferences on population structure and functioning. Invading Norway rats rapidly achieve population structure similar to established island populations despite a small number of colonists and associated inbreeding. Overcoming these initial obstacles to population establishment contributes to the global success of invasive rats.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic microbes are key ecosystem drivers; however, we have little theory and few data elucidating the processes influencing their observed population patterns. Here we provide an in-depth quantitative analysis of population separation and similarity in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae with the aim of providing a more detailed account of the population processes occurring in microbes. Over 10 000 individual isolates were collected from native plants, vineyards and spontaneous ferments of fruit from six major regions spanning 1000 km across New Zealand. From these, hundreds of S. cerevisiae genotypes were obtained, and using a suite of analytical methods we provide comprehensive quantitative estimates for both population structure and rates of gene flow or migration. No genetic differentiation was detected within geographic regions, even between populations inhabiting native forests and vineyards. We do, however, reveal a picture of national population structure at scales above ∼100 km with distinctive populations in the more remote Nelson and Central Otago regions primarily contributing to this. In addition, differential degrees of connectivity between regional populations are observed and correlate with the movement of fruit by the New Zealand wine industry. This suggests some anthropogenic influence on these observed population patterns.  相似文献   

Reinvasions provide prime examples of source-sink population dynamics, and are a major reason for failure of eradications of invasive rats from protected areas. Yet little is known about the origins and population structure of the replacement population compared with the original one. We eradicated eight populations of ship rats from separate podocarp-broadleaved forest fragments surrounded by open grassland (averaging 5.3 ha, scattered across 20,000 ha) in rural landscapes of Waikato, New Zealand, and monitored the- re-establishment of new populations. Rats were kill-trapped to extinction during January to April 2008, and then again after reinvasion in April–May (total n = 517). Rats carrying Rhodamine B dye (n = 94), available only in baits placed 1–2 months in advance in adjacent source areas located 170–380 m (average 228 m edge to edge) away, appeared in 7 of the 8 fragments from the first day of the first eradication. The distribution of age groups, genders and proportions of reproductively mature adults (more immature juvenile males and fewer fully mature old females) was different among marked rats compared with all other rats (P = 0.001, n = 509); in all rats caught on days 7+ of the first eradication compared with on days 1–6 (P = 0.000); and in the total sample collected in fragments by trapping to and after local extinction compared with in brief, fixed-schedule sampling of populations in continuous forests (P = 0.000). Genotyping of 493 carcases found no significant population-level differentiation among the 8 fragments, confirming that the rats in all fragments belonged to a single dynamic metapopulation. Marked rats of both genders travelled up to 600 m in a few days. Conservation of forest fragments is compromised by the problem that ship rats cannot be prevented from rapidly reinvading any cleared area after eradication.  相似文献   

Because invasive species are often opportunistic and behaviourally flexible, they tend to be successful in urban landscapes, where they may use space differently than in their more traditional habitats. Consequently, control strategies developed for invasive pest species in non-urban areas may not succeed in an urban context. Using GPS tracking, we examined habitat use by an invasive pest, the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) in residential New Zealand habitats; these habitats comprise a large proportion of the urban landscape and are currently not targeted for pest control. We predicted that home ranges of possums in residential areas would be larger than those in non-urban habitats due to lower densities of their primary food resource, plant material; that possums would prefer forest fragment habitat; and that they would avoid roads due to the mortality risk. Home range sizes estimated using mechanistic Brownian bridges and 100 % minimum convex polygons were smaller or similar in size to those recorded in rural and forest habitats. Resource utilization functions and the regression of utilization distribution probabilities against environmental variables showed that possums selected forest fragments primarily, followed by residential habitat characterised by large gardens with a degree of vegetative structural complexity. Roads were not avoided. Control operations should expand their scope to include residential areas containing mature, diverse vegetation rather than only focussing on forest fragments, a strategy that ignores biodiversity values in residential habitats, and is likely to be unsuccessful due to reinvasion potential from neighbouring residential areas.  相似文献   

为发展毛皮工业,新西兰19世纪中叶从澳大利亚引入刷尾负鼠(Trichosurus vulpecula),后成为新西兰一大害兽,刷尾负鼠不仅因破坏当地植被,捕食鸟蛋等而严重影响了新西兰的生物多样性,而且因其传播结核病菌对当地畜牧业造成了很大损失,新西兰每年花费巨额资金来控制这一害兽,虽然刷尾负鼠在一些孤立的岛屿和重复自然保护区已完全被消灭或得到有交和的控制,但在新西兰大部分地区其分布却还在扩展,依然威胁着新西兰的生物多样性和农牧业生产,传统的控制方法包括兽夹捕杀,射杀和药物灭杀,其效果不佳的主要原因是:1)受资金的限制;2)小面积控制后因为种群密度减小,负鼠的生育率,存活率随之增高,加上新个体从周围迁入,种群数量迅速恢复,生物防治特别是免疫绝育法被认为是经济,人道及有效的方法,新的研究结果证明刷尾负鼠具有一雄多雌的繁殖方式,而且在雌兽被绝育后,种群中雄兽与雌兽之比率反而增高,因此雌兽绝育可能不会降低雌雄负鼠之间的接触频率,这些研究结果表明免疫绝育控制刷尾负鼠是很有前景的。  相似文献   

Brushtail possums are controlled extensively in New Zealand because they are a livestock disease vector and have an impact on native biodiversity. Reinvasion of controlled areas and subsequent population recovery is a significant management problem but little attention has been paid to what influences the settlement of possums in depopulated areas. To address this gap we trapped possums out of an area of about 24?ha in native podocarp–hardwood forest and studied reinvasion and settlement in the central c. 14?ha over 22 months. Most new possums were young males, but adults were also trapped. Many of the new possums caught on the study site post-depopulation did not settle there, most likely because they continued to disperse, but some may have returned to their ranges nearby or were residents with a very low probability of capture. This finding highlights the need for better information about the origins and settlement of possums in depopulated areas to improve management of population recovery and long-term sustained control of possums.  相似文献   

Invasive alien vertebrates (IAVs) pose a significant threat to island biodiversity worldwide, and their removal is an important nature conservation management goal. As methods advance, eradications from larger islands and of multiple species simultaneously are increasingly undertaken. Effective targeting to maximise conservation gain is important given limited resources. We build on existing prioritisation methods and use the islands of the UK and Crown Dependencies (UK) as an example of how vertebrate eradications might be prioritised and invasive-free status maintained through biosecurity. For each of the 9688 UK islands, we assessed ecological importance for native vertebrates and the anticipated impacts of the IAVs present to estimate the benefit of restoration based on the feasibility and sustainability of IAV eradications in relation to island size, human population and risk of unassisted reinvasion by swimming. As reinvasion poses a threat to the long-term benefits of eradication, we incorporated species-specific swimming distances and explored the effects of varying reinvasion probability from risk-averse to higher-risk strategies. The 25 islands that would benefit most from eradications were in Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands. Our prioritisation method should be seen as an initial guide to identify islands that might benefit from intervention when faced with a large list of potential sites. Feasibility studies taking account of factors such as interspecific interactions, anthropogenic reinvasion, views of residents or ‘social feasibility’ and cost need to be undertaken before planning any eradication. We prioritised biosecurity for rat-free islands to highlight where comprehensive measures might be most beneficial.  相似文献   


Blue penguins, Eudyptula minor, breeding on Penguin Island, Western Australia are considerably larger than other blue penguins in Australia. If genetic isolation is the cause, it may have implications for the conservation status of some blue penguin populations. We compared the sequences of two mitochondrial gene regions (cytochrome‐b and the control region) from Western Australian blue penguins with other populations of blue penguins from Australia and New Zealand. We found few differences between sequences from Western Australia, Phillip Island, Victoria and Otago, New Zealand, although all three differed considerably from other New Zealand blue penguins. Sequences for the control region from the Western Australian blue penguins and 30 more birds breeding at various Australasian sites provided further support for two major clades within Eudyptula; an Australian clade (including Otago) and a New Zealand clade.  相似文献   

Jacobaea vulgaris (Asteraceae) is a species of Eurasian origin that has become a serious non-indigenous weed in Australia, New Zealand, and North America. We used neutral molecular markers to (1) test for genetic bottlenecks in invasive populations and (2) to investigate the invasion pathways. It is for the first time that molecular markers were used to unravel the process of introduction in this species.The genetic variation of 15 native populations from Europe and 16 invasive populations from Australia, New Zealand and North America were compared using the amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP's). An analysis of molecular variance showed that a significant part (10%) of the total genetic variations between all individuals could be explained by native or invasive origin.Significant among-population differentiation was detected only in the native range, whereas populations from the invasive areas did not significantly differ from each other; nor did the Australian, New Zealand and North American regions differ within the invasive range. The result that native populations differed significantly from each other and that the amount of genetic variation, measured as the number of polymorphic bands, did not differ between the native and invasive area, strongly suggests that introductions from multiple source populations have occurred. The lack of differentiation between invasive regions suggests that either introductions may have occurred from the same native sources in all invasive regions or subsequent introductions took place from one into another invasive region and the same mix of genotypes was subsequently introduced into all invasive regions.An assignment test showed that European populations from Ireland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom most resembled the invasive populations.  相似文献   

Eradication is the most difficult management goal for exotic species, and successes are rare and even more rarely published. The lack of publication of the methodology and outcomes of eradication programs severely limits the transfer of knowledge to programs elsewhere that target the same or similar species. Here I detail the successes and failures of eradication efforts on six populations of African big headed ant Pheidole megacephala in northern Australia, covering a combined area of almost 9 ha. Two years post-treatment, assessment criteria for successful eradication were met for four of the six populations, whereas eradication failed in the remaining two, resulting in the need for ongoing management. Positive outcomes are attributed to eight criteria being met: (1) a single line of project management authority; (2) over-arching legal authority; (3) susceptibility of the target organism to control procedures; (4) sufficient resources; (5) detectibility of the target organism at low densities; (6) early intervention; (7) prevention of reinvasion; and (8) prevention of invasive succession. Reasons for one of the failures remain unclear, but eradication failed in the other because a part of the population was not treated. In both cases, the eradication failures could have been detected and managed much earlier than was the case. The successes and lessons documented here, coupled with the now large number of small-scale eradications of this ant, warrant the implementation of larger and more ambitious management programs against this significant invader, especially within areas of high conservation value.  相似文献   

Molara is a small island belonging to the Marine protected Area Tavolara—Punta Coda Cavallo, in Sardinia. During 2006–2007, a bio-monitoring program reported a strong presence of the black rat, Rattus rattus, on Molara island. Rat predation has detrimentally affected the unique biodiversity of this island, thus, in 2008 an eradication campaign was conducted. Our eradication protocol included a pre-eradication genetic investigation, using 8 microsatellite loci, on a rat population of Molara as well as on neighbour islands within the Marine Protected Area (MPA). The main goal of this genetic investigation was to establish the correct borders of the eradication unit of Molara island. As several recent eradication campaigns have been unsuccessful, due to incomplete and unstable eradication, we also aimed to assess possible hidden sources of reinvasion. Specimens were also collected during post- eradication monitoring on Molara for genetic screening to establish their origin, and thus validate the effectiveness of our eradication campaign. According to our genetic analysis, within the MPA there are four different eradication units, corresponding to the islands of Molara, Tavolara, Piana and to the Sardinia mainland. Gene flow among these four units is more or less absent. The assignment and clustering tests performed on pre and post-eradication samples seem to indicate that the population of Sardinia mainland is a possible source of re-invasion for the Piana and Molara populations.  相似文献   

The kukupa or New Zealand pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) is gradually declining on the New Zealand mainland, due mostly to predation by introduced pest mammals including ship rats (Rattus rattus) and brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). We report on a co-operative project between Maori landowners, the Department of Conservation, and Manaaki Whenua–Landcare Research researchers to restore a Northland kukupa population and to examine kukupa nesting success in relation to pest abundance. Ship rats and possums were targeted by trapping and poisoning throughout Motatau Forest (350 ha) from 1997 to 1999; only possums were targeted in 2000. All 13 kukupa nests located before pest control started in late 1997 failed at the egg stage, but all seven nests located in 1998–99 successfully fledged young when trapping and tracking indices of possums and ship rats were less than 4%. After pest control, counts of kukupa and some other bird species increased at Motatau compared with counts in a nearby non-treatment block, suggesting numbers of adult kukupa can be increased in small forest areas by intensive pest control. This increase is due at least partly to increased nest success. Evidence from time-lapse video cameras, sign remaining at nests, and nest success rates under different pest control regimes suggest both ship rats and possums are important predators at kukupa nests.  相似文献   



The light brown apple moth (LBAM), Epiphyas postvittana (Walker), is native to Australia but invaded England, New Zealand, and Hawaii more than 100 years ago. In temperate climates, LBAM can be a major agricultural pest. In 2006 LBAM was discovered in California, instigating eradication efforts and quarantine against Hawaiian agriculture, the assumption being that Hawaii was the source of the California infestation. Genetic relationships among populations in Hawaii, California, and New Zealand are crucial to understanding LBAM invasion dynamics across the Pacific.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We sequenced mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 1293 LBAM individuals from California (695), Hawaii (448), New Zealand (147), and Australia (3) to examine haplotype diversity and structure among introduced populations, and evaluate the null hypothesis that invasive populations are from a single panmictic source. However, invasive populations in California and New Zealand harbor deep genetic diversity, whereas Hawaii shows low level, shallow diversity.


LBAM recently has established itself in California, but was in Hawaii and New Zealand for hundreds of generations, yet California and New Zealand show similar levels of genetic diversity relative to Hawaii. Thus, there is no clear relationship between duration of invasion and genetic structure. Demographic statistics suggest rapid expansion occurring in California and past expansions in New Zealand; multiple introductions of diverse, genetically fragmented lineages could contribute to these patterns. Hawaii and California share no haplotypes, therefore, Hawaii is not the source of the California introduction. Paradoxically, Hawaii and California share multiple haplotypes with New Zealand. New Zealand may be the source for the California and Hawaii infestations, but the introductions were independent, and Hawaii was invaded only once. This has significant implications for quarantine, and suggests that probability of invasion is not directly related to geographic distance. Surprisingly, Hawaiian LBAM populations have much lower genetic diversity than California, despite being older.  相似文献   

Non‐native invasive species are threatening ecosystems and biodiversity worldwide. High genetic variation is thought to be a critical factor for invasion success. Accordingly, the global invasion of a few clonal lineages of the gastropod Potamopyrgus antipodarum is thus both puzzling and has the potential to help illuminate why some invasions succeed while others fail. Here, we used SNP markers and a geographically broad sampling scheme (N = 1617) including native New Zealand populations and invasive North American and European populations to provide the first widescale population genetic assessment of the relationships between and among native and invasive P. antipodarum. We used a combination of traditional and Bayesian molecular analyses to demonstrate that New Zealand populations harbour very high diversity relative to the invasive populations and are the source of the two main European genetic lineages. One of these two European lineages was in turn the source of at least one of the two main North American genetic clusters of invasive P. antipodarum, located in Lake Ontario. The other widespread North American group had a more complex origin that included the other European lineage and two New Zealand clusters. Altogether, our analyses suggest that just a small handful of clonal lineages of P. antipodarum were responsible for invasion across continents. Our findings provide critical information for prevention of additional invasions and control of existing invasive populations and are of broader relevance towards understanding the establishment and evolution of asexual populations and the forces driving biological invasion.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Invasive mammals are premier drivers of extinction and ecosystem change, particularly on islands. In the 1960s, conservation practitioners started developing techniques to eradicate invasive mammal populations from islands. Larger and more biologically complex islands are being targeted for restoration worldwide. We conducted a feral goat (Capra hircus) eradication campaign on Santiago Island in the Galápagos archipelago, which was an unprecedented advance in the ability to reverse biodiversity impacts by invasive species. We removed >79,000 goats from Santiago Island (58,465 ha) in <4.5 years, at an approximate cost of US$6.1 million. An eradication ethic combined with a suite of techniques and technologies made eradication possible. A field-based Geographic Information System facilitated an adaptive management strategy, including adjustment and integration of hunting methods. Specialized ground hunting techniques with dogs removed most of the goat population. Aerial hunting by helicopter and Judas goat techniques were also critical. Mata Hari goats, sterilized female Judas goats induced into a long-term estrus, removed males from the remnant feral population at an elevated rate, which likely decreased the length and cost of the eradication campaign. The last 1,000 goats cost US$2.0 million to remove; we spent an additional US$467,064 on monitoring to confirm eradication. Aerial hunting is cost-effective even in countries where labor is inexpensive. Local sociopolitical environments and best practices emerging from large-scale, fast-paced eradications should drive future strategies. For nonnative ungulate eradications, island size is arguably no longer the limiting factor. Future challenges will involve removing invasive mammals from large inhabited islands while increasing cost-effectiveness of removing low-density populations and confirming eradication. Those challenges will require leveraging technology and applying theory from other disciplines, along with conservation practitioners working alongside sociologists and educators.  相似文献   

When new individuals from a pest species are detected following eradication, identifying whether the new individuals are survivors from the eradication attempt, or reinvaders from another population, is important for management practices. Pearl Island (512 ha) in New Zealand was the first island in the world on which simultaneous eradication of all three invasive rat species was attempted. Rats were detected again 9 months after the eradication operation. We use genetic assignment methods to discriminate between survivor and reinvader hypotheses. All rats found on Pearl Island after eradication were likely to be reinvaders from an adjacent population on much larger Stewart Island (174,600 ha), suggesting that rats were swimming to the island at a rate much greater than anticipated, but that the original eradication was successful. Adequate genetic signal was obtained from opportunistically collected samples, making the method feasible for conservation managers with limited time and resources.  相似文献   

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