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Thy-1 is an abundant neuronal glycoprotein of poorly defined function. We recently provided evidence indicating that Thy-1 clusters a beta3-containing integrin in astrocytes to induce tyrosine phosphorylation, RhoA activation and the formation of focal adhesions and stress fibers. To date, the alpha subunit partner of beta3 integrin in DI TNC1 astrocytes is unknown. Similarly, the ability of neuronal, membrane-bound Thy-1 to trigger astrocyte signaling via integrin engagement remains speculation. Here, evidence that alphav forms an alphavbeta3 heterodimer in DI TNC1 astrocytes was obtained. In neuron-astrocyte association assays, the presence of either anti-alphav or anti-beta3 integrin antibodies reduced cell-cell interaction demonstrating the requirement of both integrin subunits for this association. Moreover, anti-Thy-1 antibodies blocked stimulation of astrocytes by neurons but not the binding of these two cell types. Thus, neuron-astrocyte association involved binding between molecular components in addition to the Thy-1-integrin; however, the signaling events leading to focal adhesion formation in astrocytes depended exclusively on the latter interaction. Additionally, wild-type (RLD) but not mutated (RLE) Thy-1 was shown to directly interact with alphavbeta3 integrin by Surface Plasmon Resonance analysis. This interaction was promoted by divalent cations and was species-independent. Together, these results demonstrate that the alphavbeta3 integrin heterodimer interacts directly with Thy-1 present on neuronal cells to stimulate astrocytes.  相似文献   

Direct cell-cell communication in the blood-forming system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In mammals, bone marrow is the principal tissue where blood is formed during adult life. Paracrine factors are generally considered to control this process but there is considerable evidence that gap junctions are present in haemopoietic tissues. Gap junctions have been implicated in developmental and patterning roles, and we set out to characterize the cells which are coupled, and to provide evidence for their role(s) in blood cell formation. Direct cell-cell communication, shown by dye-transfer, occurs between haemopoietic cells and certain stromal cells. In culture these stromal cells form a mat in which they retain their dye-coupling properties. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy confirms that this coupling is via gap junctions. When haemopoietic cells are cultured on top of these mats dye spreads upwards from the stromal cells into the haemopoietic cells above. Experiments in which haemopoietic cells were cultured alone, with stromal cell conditioned medium, or in direct contact with stromal cell underlays, were therefore carried out. The results of these experiments provide evidence that gap junctional communication may be playing a vital role in maintaining populations of precursor cells which would otherwise differentiate into end cells, leading to the ultimate demise of the system.  相似文献   

Direct repeats of the F plasmid incC region express F incompatibility   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
A Tolun  D R Helinski 《Cell》1981,24(3):687-694
The nucleotide sequence of the incompatibility region incC, located at 45.8--46.4 kb on the F plasmid map, was determined. This region consists of 543 bp and contains sufficient information to code for only two small polypeptides of 34 and 30 amino acids each. Deletion of the ATG start codons for these two polypeptides has no effect on expression of incC incompatibility. A prominent feature of this sequence is the presence of five 22 bp direct repeats. A 58 bp segment of the incC region that contains two of these direct repeats was inserted into plasmid pACYC184, which is compatible with the F plasmid. The pACYC184 plasmid containing the direct-repeat sequences now expresses incompatibility with the F'lac plasmid and replication-proficient derivatives of the mini-F plasmid.  相似文献   

目的:比较急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死(STEMI)使用半量瑞替普酶溶栓后行转运经皮冠脉介入治疗(PCI)与直接转运两种救治策略的临床效果。方法:回顾性分析2015年6月~2018年2月我院收治的100例STEMI患者的病历资料,根据救治方案不同分为易化PCI组(先在基层医院经半量瑞替普酶溶栓后再转运至我院行PCI,58例)、直接转运PCI组(拒绝在基层医院接受溶栓治疗而要求直接转运PCI,42例)。比较两组PCI前后血管再通率、PCI后无复流发生率和ST段回落率(STR)、住院期间主要不良心脏事件(MACE)及治疗期间出血并发症的发生情况及随访1年主要终点事件的发生情况。结果:入院后首次冠脉造影显示易化PCI组PCI前TIMI 3级血流者占32.7%(19/59),显著高于直接转运PCI组[14.3%(6/42),P0.05]。PCI后14 d时,易化PCI组TIMI 3级血流者占93.1%(54/58),较直接转运PCI组[90.5%(38/42)]差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。PCI后即刻冠脉造影显示易化PCI组无复流发生率为6.9%(4/58),较直接转运PCI组[21.4%(9/42)]显著降低(P0.05)。PCI后24 h时,易化PCI组STR值为(61.53±11.27)%,显著高于直接转运PCI组[(52.40±12.63)%,P0.05]。住院期间,易化PCI组MACE发生率为10.3%(6/58),较直接转运PCI组[14.3%(6/42)]差异无统计意义(P0.05)。治疗期间,易化PCI组出血并发症总发生率为19.0%(11/58),与直接转运PCI组的14.3%(6/42)相比差异亦无统计学意义(P0.05)。随访1年,易化PCI组主要终点事件发生率为19.0%(11/58),显著低于直接转运PCI组[40.5%(17/42),P0.05]。结论:与直接转运PCI相比,STEMI患者应用半量瑞替普酶溶栓后行转运PCI有利于早期开通梗死血管,提高介入干预效果,PCI后获得优异的心肌灌注水平,从而改善远期预后,且安全性相当。  相似文献   

The transfer of 6-carboxyfluorescein between islet cells in monolayer culture was observed by fluorescence microscopy, and the endocrine cells involved in this transfer were identified by immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. The results show that carboxyfluorescein was directly exchanged between homologous B-cells and also between B- and A- or D-cells. Successive microinjections of the probe into different cells of the same cluster showed the existence of separate territories, each formed by 2-8 communicating cells. Intercellular communication was not observed after every dye microinjection, and communicating and noncommunicating islet cells were found to coexist within the same cluster. The data indicate that the exchange of exogenous cytoplasmic molecules occurs between different types of endocrine islet cells. However, within a single cluster, all islet cells are not metabolically coupled to one another, at a given time.  相似文献   

The large quantities of data now being transferred via high-speed networks have made deep packet inspection indispensable for security purposes. Scalable and low-cost signature-based network intrusion detection systems have been developed for deep packet inspection for various software platforms. Traditional approaches that only involve central processing units (CPUs) are now considered inadequate in terms of inspection speed. Graphic processing units (GPUs) have superior parallel processing power, but transmission bottlenecks can reduce optimal GPU efficiency. In this paper we describe our proposal for a hybrid CPU/GPU pattern-matching algorithm (HPMA) that divides and distributes the packet-inspecting workload between a CPU and GPU. All packets are initially inspected by the CPU and filtered using a simple pre-filtering algorithm, and packets that might contain malicious content are sent to the GPU for further inspection. Test results indicate that in terms of random payload traffic, the matching speed of our proposed algorithm was 3.4 times and 2.7 times faster than those of the AC-CPU and AC-GPU algorithms, respectively. Further, HPMA achieved higher energy efficiency than the other tested algorithms.  相似文献   

Efficient ethanol producing yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cannot produce ethanol from raw starch directly. Thus the conventional ethanol production required expensive and complex process. In this study, we developed a direct and efficient ethanol production process from high-yielding rice harvested in Japan by using amylase expressing yeast without any pretreatment or addition of enzymes or nutrients. Ethanol productivity from high-yielding brown rice (1.1g/L/h) was about 5-fold higher than that obtained from purified raw corn starch (0.2g/L/h) when nutrients were added. Using an inoculum volume equivalent to 10% of the fermentation volume without any nutrient supplementation resulted in ethanol productivity and yield reaching 1.2g/L/h and 101%, respectively, in a 24-h period. High-yielding rice was demonstrated to be a suitable feedstock for bioethanol production. In addition, our polyploid amylase-expressing yeast was sufficiently robust to produce ethanol efficiently from real biomass. This is first report of direct ethanol production on real biomass using an amylase-expressing yeast strain without any pretreatment or commercial enzyme addition.  相似文献   

The formation of dental caries is a complex process that ultimately leads to damage of the tooth enamel from acids produced by microbes in attached biofilms. The bacterial interactions occurring within these biofilms between cariogenic bacteria, such as the mutans streptococci, and health-associated commensal streptococci, are thought to be critical determinants of health and disease. To better understand these interactions, a Streptococcus mutans reporter strain that actively monitors cell–cell communication via peptide signaling was cocultured with different commensal streptococci. Signaling by S. mutans, normally highly active in monoculture, was completely inhibited by several species of commensals, but only when the bacteria were in direct contact with S. mutans. We identified a novel gene expression pattern that occurred in S. mutans when cultured directly with these commensals. Finally, mutant derivatives of commensals lacking previously shown antagonistic gene products displayed wild-type levels of signal inhibition in cocultures. Collectively, these results reveal a novel pathway(s) in multiple health-associated commensal streptococci that blocks peptide signaling and induces a common contact-dependent pattern of differential gene expression in S. mutans. Understanding the molecular basis for this inhibition will assist in the rational design of new risk assessments, diagnostics, and treatments for the most pervasive oral infectious diseases.Subject terms: Biofilms, Microbial ecology, Bacteriology, Bacterial genetics  相似文献   

Communication between nerves and mast cells is a prototypic demonstration of neuroimmune interaction. However, whether mast cell activation occurs as a direct response to neuronal activation or requires an intermediary cell is unclear. Addressing this issue, we used an in vitro coculture approach comprising cultured murine superior cervical ganglia and rat leukemia basophilic cells (RBLs; possesses properties of mucosal-type mast cells). Following loading with the calcium fluorophore, Fluo-3, neurite-RBL units (separated by <50 nm) were examined by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Addition of bradykinin, or scorpion venom, dose-dependently elicited neurite activation (i.e., Ca2+ mobilization) and, after a lag period, RBL Ca2+ mobilization. Neither bradykinin nor scorpion venom had any direct effect on the RBLs in the absence of neurites. Addition of a neutralizing substance P Ab or a neurokinin (NK)-1 receptor antagonist, but not an NK-2 receptor antagonist, dose-dependently prevented the RBL activation that resulted as a consequence of neural activation by either bradykinin or scorpion venom. These data illustrate that nerve-mast cell cross-talk can occur in the absence of an intermediary transducing cell and that the neuropeptide substance P, operating via NK-1 receptors, is an important mediator of this communication. Our findings have implications for the neuroimmune signaling cascades that are likely to occur during airways inflammation, intestinal hypersensitivity, and other conditions in which mast cells feature.  相似文献   

The cAMP-signaling pathway has been under intensive investigation for decades. It is a wonder that such a small simple molecule like cAMP can modulate a vast number of diverse processes in different types of cells. The ubiquitous involvement of cAMP-signaling in a variety of cellular events requires tight spatial and temporal control of its generation, propagation, compartmentalization, and elimination. Among the various steps of the cAMP-signaling pathway, G-protein-coupled receptors, adenylate cyclases, phosphodiesterases, the two major cAMP targets, i.e., protein kinase A and exchange protein activated by cAMP, as well as the A-kinase anchoring proteins, are potential targets for drug development. Herein we review the recent progress on the regulation and manipulation of different steps of the cAMP-signaling pathway. We end by focusing on the emerging role of cAMP-signaling in modulating protein degradation via the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway. New discoveries on the regulation of the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway by cAMP-signaling support the development of new therapeutic approaches to prevent proteotoxicity in chronic neurodegenerative disorders and other human disease conditions associated with impaired protein turnover by the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway and the accumulation of ubiquitin–protein aggregates.  相似文献   

Ischemia-induced brain damage leads to apoptosis like delayed neuronal death in selectively vulnerable regions, which could further result in irreversible damages. Previous studies have demonstrated that neurons in the CA1 area of hippocampus are particularly sensitive to ischemic damage. Atorvastatin (ATV) has been reported to attenuate cognitive deficits after stroke, but precise mechanism for neuroprotection remains unknown. Therefore, the aims of this study were to investigate the neuroprotective mechanisms of ATV against ischemic brain injury induced by cerebral ischemia reperfusion. In this study, four-vessel occlusion model was established in rats with cerebral ischemia. Rats were divided into five groups: sham group, I/R group, I/R+ATV group, I/R+ATV+LY, and I/R+SP600125 group. Cresyl violet staining was carried out to examine the neuronal death of hippocampal CA1 region. Immunoblotting was used to detect the expression of the related proteins. Results showed that ATV significantly protected hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons against cerebral I/R. ATV could increase the phosphorylation of protein kinase B (Akt1) and nNOS, diminished the phosphorylation of JNK3 and c-Jun, and further inhibited the activation of caspase-3. Whereas, all of the aforementioned effects of ATV were reversed by LY294002 (an inhibitor of Akt1). Furthermore, pretreatment with SP600125 (an inhibitor of JNK) diminished the phosphorylation of JNK3 and c-Jun, and further inhibited the activation of caspase-3 after cerebral I/R. Taken together, our results implied that Akt-mediated phosphorylation of nNOS is involved in the neuroprotection of ATV against ischemic brain injury via suppressing JNK3 signaling pathway that provide a new experimental foundation for stroke therapy.  相似文献   

This report describes a protocol for the regeneration of fertileplants from mesophyll protoplasts of Arabidopsis thaliana raceColumbia (C24). Regeneration was rapid and reproducible. Theprotocol is especially novel in that a large proportion of regeneratingprotoplasts regenerated via direct somatic embryogenesis. Protoplastsisolated from in vitro-grown plants entered sustained divisionafter 3–5 d in culture medium and over a period of severaldays 6–22% of protoplasts underwent at least one celldivision. Approximately 2–16% of these protoplasts continuedto divide and after 3 weeks in culture had formed macroscopiccolonies, of which 70–80% were regular embryo-like structures.Four weeksafter release from the alginate culture matrix andtransfer to solid medium in the light, 68–88% of thesestructures had produced well-developed shoots. Shoots couldbe maintained in culture or established in peat blocks. Theregenerated plants were fertile. Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, protoplast, regeneration, embryogenesis, dicamba  相似文献   

Phosphacan is a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan representing the secreted extracellular part of a transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase (RPTP-). These isoforms have been implicated in cell-extracellular matrix signaling events associated with myelination, axon growth, and cell migration in the developing central nervous system and may play critical roles in the context of brain pathologies. Recently, we have reported the identification of a new isoform of phosphacan, the phosphacan short isoform (PSI), the expression of which peaks in the second postnatal week. PSI interacts with the neuronal receptors L1 and F3/contactin and can promote neurite growth of cortical neurons. In this study, we have assessed, by in situ hybridization, the expression profile of PSI in the rat brain at postnatal day 7. PSI is largely expressed in the gray matter of the developing cerebral cortex in which it colocalizes with phosphacan, whereas the expression of RPTPbeta receptor forms is restricted to the ventricular area in which PSI has not been observed. Neurons from all layers of the cortex express PSI. In the cerebellum, on the other hand, no expression of PSI has been detected, although the other phosphacan/RPTP-beta isoforms show strong PSI expression here. Overall, our study suggests that PSI is expressed during the postnatal period in differentiated neurons of the cortex but is absent from structures in which proliferation and migration occur. The significance of these observations is discussed in the context of previous models of phosphacan/RPTP-beta functions.The authors thank the German Research Council (DFG) for grant support (SFB 509 and SPP 1048 to A.F.) and for a graduate training grant to Alice Klausmeyer (GK 736).  相似文献   

Evidence has accumulated that murine haematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) share several markers with the germline, a connection supported by recent reports that pituitary and gonadal sex hormones (SexHs) regulate development of murine HSPCs. It has also been reported that human HSPCs, like their murine counterparts, respond to certain SexHs (e.g. androgens). However, to better address the effects of SexHs, particularly pituitary SexHs, on human haematopoiesis, we tested for expression of receptors for pituitary SexHs, including follicle‐stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and prolactin (PRL), as well as the receptors for gonadal SexHs, including progesterone, oestrogens, and androgen, on HSPCs purified from human umbilical cord blood (UCB) and peripheral blood (PB). We then tested the functionality of these receptors in ex vivo signal transduction studies and in vitro clonogenic assays. In parallel, we tested the effect of SexHs on human mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). Finally, based on our observation that at least some of the UCB‐derived, CD45 very small embryonic‐like stem cells (VSELs) become specified into CD45+ HSPCs, we also evaluated the expression of pituitary and gonadal SexH receptors on these cells. We report for the first time that human HSPCs and VSELs, like their murine counterparts, express pituitary and gonadal SexH receptors at the mRNA and protein levels. Most importantly, SexH if added to suboptimal doses of haematopoietic cytokines and growth factors enhance clonogenic growth of human HSPCs as well as directly stimulate proliferation of MSCs.  相似文献   

Obata K  Furuno T  Nakanishi M  Togari A 《FEBS letters》2007,581(30):5917-5922
Using an in vitro co-culture approach comprising cultured murine superior cervical ganglia and MC3T3-E1 osteoblast-like cells, we found that the addition of scorpion venom (SV) elicited neurite activation via intracellular Ca2+ mobilization and, after a lag period, osteoblastic Ca2+ mobilization. SV did not have any direct effect on the osteoblastic cells in the absence of neurites. The addition of an alpha1-adrenergic receptor (AR) antagonist, prazosin, dose-dependently prevented the osteoblastic activation that resulted as a consequence of neural activation by SV. These results demonstrate that osteoblastic activation occurred as a direct response to neuronal activation, which activation was mediated by alpha1-ARs in the osteoblastic cells.  相似文献   

The present work is reporting on the fabrication of localized surface plasmonic resonant (LSPR) gold nano-structures on glass substrate by using different high annealing temperatures (500 °C, 550 °C, 600 °C) of initially created semi-continue gold films (2 nm and 5 nm) by the electron beam evaporation technique. Interestingly, well-defined gold nano-structures were also obtained from continuous 8 nm evaporated gold film - known as the value above gold percolated thickness - once exposed to high temperatures. The surface morphology and plasmonic spectroscopy of “annealed” nano-structures were controlled by key experimental parameters such as evaporated film thickness and annealing temperature. By using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) characterization of annealed surface it was noticed that the size and inter-particle distance between nano-structures were highly dependent on the evaporated thin film thickness, while the nanoparticle shape evolution was mainly affected by the employed annealing temperature. Due to the well-controlled morphology of gold nano-particles, prominent and stable LSPR spectra were observed with good plasmon resonance tunability from 546 nm to 780 nm that recommend the developed protocol as a robust alternative to fabricate large scale LSPR surface. An example of a LSPR-immunosensor is reported. Thus, the monoclonal anti-atrazine antibodies immobilizion on the “annealed” gold nano-structures, as well as the specific antigen (atrazine) recognition were monitored as variations of the resonance wavelength shifts and optical density changes in the extinction measurements.  相似文献   

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