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Summary When stomates of Zea mays open K and Cl migrate from the subsidiary cells into the guard cells; when the stomates close both elements return to the subsidiary cells. Subsidiary cells function as reservoirs for K and Cl. Import of K and Cl into the guard cells and loss of both elements from the guard cells become observable 1 or 2 min after light is turned on or off, both when histochemical methods and the electron-probe microanalyzer are used for detection. Each stomatal complex of maize contains on the average 10±3×10-13 gram equivalents (eq) of K and 4±1×10-13 eq of Cl. Guard cells accumulate K in the light and CO2-free air at an average rate of 10×10-15 eq K per minute, and Cl at approximately half that rate.  相似文献   

K. Raschke  U. Kühl 《Planta》1969,87(1-2):36-48
Summary Leaf sections were exposed to CO2-free air, thus excluding interference by the CO2-sensitive system in the guard cells. Stomates did not close in response to change from moist to dry air, whether it passed over the leaf or was forced through the intercelluar spaces. In contrast, the stomatal apertures became narrower if the water potential in the liquid supplying the leaf was lowered. Of solutions with the same osmolality, those with the higher viscosity produced the larger responses.Transient stomatal movements in the opposite direction to the final response were observed upon any sudden change in the water status of the leaf sections, whether caused by varying the moisture content of the air passing around or through the leaf sections, or by varying the water supply. Increased load on the water supply caused temporary opening movements, while improvements in water supply led to closing movements of varying duration. When dry air was forced through the leaf sections, non-sinusoidal oscillations with large amplitudes were sometimes observed.It is concluded that the guard cells are tightly coupled to the water-supply system of the leaf and only indirectly to the conditions in the atmosphere by a negative feedback of transpiration on the water potential in the water-conducting system.  相似文献   

Nitrate transport characteristics of an amino acid-grown Zeamays P3377 cell culture line were studied. Age (days after subculturing)of the cells was shown to have a significant effect on transport; older stationary phasecultures did not absorb nitrate from the medium as rapidly asyounger growing cultures. Solution composition had a pronouncedimpact on induction of accelerated nitrate transport and transportrates. Maximum uptake rates required fresh culture media ratherthan simple solutions. Differences in ionic strength among uptakesolutions of equal concentration were shown to affect the apparent uptake rates by changing theactivity coefficient of . The uptake kinetics were established by following uptake for 24h in a wide range of nitrate concentrations. Uptake patternsof cells in solutions ranging from 0.02 to 2 mM were as typicallyreported for plants. The kinetic constants for the Zea mayscell suspension cultures concurred with reports of other solution-culturedcells. When cells were placed in solutions containing greater than 2 mM, uptake patternssuggested a significant passive uptake component. Passive diffusionof was estimated by Nernst analysis and indicated to be an important component of nitrateuptake in maize cell suspension cultures grown in the absenceof nitrate then transferred into nitrate-containing media. Key words: Cell suspension culture, nitrate, passive uptake, Zea mays  相似文献   

Epidermal differentiation in primary roots of Zea mays was divided into six cell types based on cellular shape and cytoplasmic appearance. These six cell types are: 1) apical protoderm, located at the tip of the root pole and characterized by periclinally flattened cells; 2) cuboidal protoderm, located approximately 230 microns from the root pole and characterized by cuboidal cells; 3) tabular epidermis, located approximately 450 microns from the root pole and characterized by anticlinally flattened cells; 4) cuboidal epidermis, located approximately 900 microns from the root pole and characterized by cuboidal cells having numerous small vacuoles; 5) vacuolate cuboidal epidermis, located approximately 1,500 microns from the root pole and characterized by cuboidal cells containing several large vacuoles; and 6) columnar epidermis, located approximately 2,200 microns from the root pole (i.e., at the beginning of the zone of elongation) and characterized by elongated cells. We also used stereology to quantify the cellular changes associated with epidermal differentiation. The quiescent center and the apical protoderm have significantly different ultrastructures. The relative volume of dictyosomes increases dramatically during the early stages of epidermal differentiation. This increase correlates inversely with the amount of coverage provided by the root cap and mucilage.  相似文献   

The introduction of a more efficient means of measuring leaf photosynthetic rates under field conditions may help to clarify the relationship between single leaf photosynthesis and crop growth rates of commercial maize hybrids. A large body of evidence suggests that gross photosynthesis (AG) of maize leaves can be accurately estimated from measurements of thylakoid electron transport rates (ETR) using chlorophyll fluorescence techniques. However, before this technique can be adopted, it will first be necessary to determine how the relationship between chlorophyll fluorescence and CO2 assimilation is affected by the non-steady state PPFD conditions which predominate in the field. Also, it must be determined if the relationship is stable across different maize genotypes, and across phenological stages. In the present work, the relationship between ETR and AG was examined in leaves of three maize hybrids by making simultaneous measurements of leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence, both under controlled environment conditions and in the field. Under steady-state conditions, a linear relationship between ETR and AG was observed, although a slight deviation from linearity was apparent at low AG. This deviation may arise from an error in the assumption that respiration in illuminated leaves is equivalent to respiration in darkened leaves. The relationship between chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic CO2 assimilation was not stable during fluctuations in incident PPFD. Since even minor (e.g. 20%) fluctuations in incident PPFD can produce sustained ( > 20 s) departures from the mean relationship between ETR and AG, chlorophyll fluorometry can only provide an accurate estimate of actual CO2 assimilation rates under relatively stable PPFD conditions. In the field, the mean value of ETR / AG during the early part of the season (4.70 ± 0.07) was very similar to that observed in indoor-grown plants in the vegetative stage (4.60 ± 0.09); however, ETR / AG increased significantly over the growing season, reaching 5.00 ± 0.09 by the late grain-filling stage. Differences in ETR / AG among the three genotypes examined were small (less than 1% of the mean) and not statistically significant, suggesting that chlorophyll fluorometry can be used as the basis of a fair comparison of leaf photosynthetic rates among different maize cultivars.  相似文献   

Klaus Raschke 《Planta》1970,91(4):336-363
Summary CO2 exchange and air flow through the stomata were measured in leaf sections of Zea mays at temperatures between 7 and 52° and under optimal water supply. The results were summarized in polynomials fitted to the data.In leaf samples brought from 16° and darkness into different experimental temperatures and light, CO2 assimilation has a maximum near 30°. Above 37° (in other experiments above 41°), net CO2 uptake stops abruptly and is replaced by CO2 evolution in light. If a 1-hr treatment with 25° and light is inserted between darkness and the experimental temperatures, the threshold above which the assimilatory system collapses shifts 3 degrees upwards, to 40° (or 44°); the decline of CO2 assimilation with high temperatures is less steep than without pretreatment; and the upper compensation point moves upscale by as much as 5 degrees.Stomatal conductance for CO2 does not, in general, follow an optimum curve with temperature. Between 15 and 35° it is approximately proportional to net CO2 assimilation, indicating control by CO2; but above 35°, stomatal aperture increases further with temperature (and so does stomatal variability): the stomata escape the control by CO2 and above 40° may be wide open even if CO2 is being evolved. Stomatal conductance for CO2 below 15° may also be larger than would be proportional to CO2 assimilation.Net CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance at 25° were reduced if the leaf samples were pretreated with temperatures below approximately 20° and above 30°. Stomata were more sensitive to past temperatures than was CO2 assimilation.  相似文献   

Important gas exchange characteristics of C4 plants depend on the properties of phophoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), the enzyme catalysing the primary fixation of CO2 during C4 photosynthesis. In this study, the relationship between intracellular resistance for CO2 fixation (ri) at high photosynthetically active photon flux densities (PPFD) and maximum PEPC activity in vitro (Vpm) was examined in leaves of Zea mays L. The analysis allowed the estimation of the Michaelis constant Kp of the enzyme for CO2 (or the equivalent number for bicarbonate) in vivo. At low PPFD (below 100 mol m-2 s-1) the initial slopes of the curves describing net CO2 uptake rate A as a function of intercellular CO2 concentration ci increased with increasing PPFD. The increase (i. e. a decrease in ri) was interpreted as due to a reversible activation of PEPC by light. Including this assumption into a model of C4 photosynthesis enabled us to reproduce A(ci) response curves measured at low levels of PPFD. Fitting the model to experimental data resulted in values for KI, the PPFD at which PEPC reaches half of its full activation, of about 200 mol m-2 s-1. Similar results were derived from the dependence of ri on PPFD. The analysis of the relationships between ri and Vpm and between ri and PPFD, as well as fitting of the model to gas exchange data all gave rise to estimates for the resistance for CO2 transfer within mesophyll cells that are comparable with those known from C3 plants.  相似文献   

Summary The present report is based on tests using antigenic analysis of inbred lines and their hybrids for the prognosis of heterosis (hybrid vigour) in Zea mays.Inbred lines, whose hybrid vigour has been proved under field conditions, and their hybrids were characterized by the method of Grabar and Williams.The results of the electrophoretic and immunoelectrophoretic investigations show that the extracts from maize seeds of the inbred lines C-103, N-6 and WF-9 contain four protein fractions, while those of the hybrids N-6 x C-103 and WF-9 x N-6 also contain a fifth fraction.The immunoelectrophoretic pattern of the extracts from the hybrid seeds N-6 x C-103 shows that, with their homologous serum, they give a precipitation line (arc X) which is not obtained by the interaction of the parent line extracts with homologous and heterologous serums.In this case we probably have a protein synthesis in the hybrid which is caused by the deblocking of some links in the biosynthetic apparatus of the inbred lines.It was established that the extracts from the hybrid N-6 x C-103 gave a larger number of precipitation arcs with the heterologous serum anti C-103.The characterization of the antigenic structure of the inbred lines enables one to determine not only the fractions common to them but also the number of those fractions by which they differ from one another. Proceeding in this manner, one could accomplish an immunoelectrophoretic prognosis of heterosis and penetrate deeper into its essence.
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Mitteilung basiert auf Versuchen, die Antigenanalyse von Inzuchtlinien und ihren Hybriden für eine Vorhersage des Auftretens von Heterosis bei Zea mays zu verwenden. Inzuchtlinien und ihre Hybriden, deren Heterosis unter Feldbedingungen erwiesen ist, wurden nach der Methode von Grabar und Williams geprüft.Die elektrophoretischen und immunelektrophoretischen Untersuchungen ergaben, daß die Extrakte von Maiskörnern der Inzuchtlinien C-103, N-6 und WF-9 vier Proteinfraktionen enthalten, während die Extrakte der Hybriden N-6 x C-103 und WF-9 x x N-6 noch eine fünfte Fraktion aufweisen.Das immunelektrophoretische Muster der Extrakte aus den Hybridkörnern von N-6 x C-103 zeigt, daß mit dem homologen Serum eine Präzipitationslinie, arc X, gebildet wird, die bei Reaktion der Extrakte aus den Elternlinien mit homologen und heterologen Seren nicht auftritt. Wahrscheinlich handelt es sich um eine zusätzliche Synthese von Protein, die auftritt, nachdem die Blockierung einiger Glieder im biosynthetischen Apparat der Inzuchtlinien aufgehoben worden ist.Es wurde festgestellt, daß die Extrakte der Hybride N-6 x C-103 mit heterologem Serum anti C-103 eine größere Anzahl Präzipitationslinien ergeben.Die Charakterisierung der Antigenstruktur der Inzuchtlinien ermöglicht nicht nur die Ermittlung von gemeinsamen, sondern auch von unterschiedlichen Fraktionen. Auf diese Weise könnten eine immunelektrophoretische Diagnose hinsichtlich Heterosis erreicht und Möglichkeiten zur eingehenderen Erforschung des Heterosisphänomens erschlossen werden.

Epidermal strips from well-watered faba-bean plants were subjected to a range of abscisic acid (ABA) and indolyl-3-acetic acid (IAA) concentrations (10-5 to 1 mM) in the presence or absence of CO2 in light or dark. ABA had inhibitory effect on abaxial stomatal apertures in all the concentrations studied and retained them closed even after addition of KCl (SO and 100 mM) to the incubation medium. It also influenced stomatal responses to CO2. In the presence of CO2 apertures were greater than in its absence in light as well as in darkness. This relationship remained unchanged also after addition of KCl. The action of ABA inhibited accumulation of potassium in the guard cells. IAA stimulated stomatal opening and its effect was quite opposite to ABA; in the presence of CO2 the apertures were smaller than in its absence. IAA, however, was able to inhibit the closing effect of darkness, CO2, and ABA, and stimulated potassium accumulation in the guard cells. Simultaneous action of ABA+IAA manifested effects of both substances.  相似文献   

The system consisting of a few proportional detectors with appropriate electronic components was earlier developed for in vivo studies of long distance transport in whole maize seedlings. 14CO2 assimilation rate (Pa), time of radioactivity appearing in the loading region (AT), transport speed in the leaf (TSl), transport speed between the leaf and the roots (TSr), the maximum radioactivity values detected in the leaf below the feeding area (Rl) and in the mesocotyl (Rr) from leaves to roots in maize seedlings were calculated from the obtained temporal profiles of radioactivity. The study was undertaken to follow the changes in separate steps of long distance transport in maize seedlings as affected by two light irradiances and application of p-chloromercuribenzenesulphonic acid and fusicoccin, with the aim to investigate different steps of long distance transport, particularly phloem loading. The method used allows to study in vivo the different aspects of long distance transport in maize seedlings, both qualitatively and quantitatively. It was shown that the characteristics obtained from the radioactivity profiles corresponded to different steps of long distance transport, as assimilate synthesis, phloem loading, and phloem translocation. It was also demonstrated that although active phloem loading participate in assimilate export from the leaves, assimilate transport along the maize seedling might undergo accordingly to assimilate gradient, particularly under light irradiance higher than during the growth.  相似文献   

The effect of blue light on energy levels in epidermal strips   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Red light applied together with blue enhanced stomatal opening in epidermal strips of Commelina communis L. more than red light alone. In red light, stomatal opening was enhanced by exogenously applied ATP and was inhibited by 3-(3,4-dichlorophe-nyl)-l,l-dimethylurea (DCMU), while in the presence of blue light external ATP was almost without effect, and DCMU stimulated stomatal opening. Blue light increased the ATP levels in the epidermal strips. DCMU diminished the amount of ATP in both red light and red + blue light treatments, but did not abolish the stimulatory effect of blue light. Blue light also stimulated the respiration rate of the epidermal strips. Rotenone, which inhibited stomatal opening and respiration rate, abolished the effect of blue light in both processes. These results imply that blue light increases the ATP levels by stimulation of oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The effect of various ions on stomatal opening was studied in isolated epidermal strips of Vicia faba L. Stomata in strips floating on 10 mm KCl and in CO2-free air opened in light, closed in subsequent darkness, then opened fully again when illuminated. A light-activated highly specific effect of K- (and Rb+) on opening was found. When strips were floated on high concentrations (50 or 100 meq/liter) of Li+, Na+ or Cs+, stomata opened but light had very little effect on the concentrations required for opening. With K+, the opening produced in the dark was the same as with the other alkali ions. Light, however, lowered more than 100-fold the concentration of K+ required for maximal opening. Thus only the effect of K+ (and Rb+) was greatly accentuated by light. NH4+ and Mg2+ did not produce opening.  相似文献   

The intensity of an ABA (abscisic acid) signal as a root-to-shoot signal, as well as its action on root hydraulic conductivity, strongly depends on the distribution of ABA during its radial transport across roots. Therefore ABA was visualized by immunolocalization with monoclonal ABA antibodies under conditions of lateral water flow induced by the application of a pressure gradient to the cut surface of the mesocotyl of maize seedlings. From the labelling of rhizodermis, hypodermis, cortical cells, and endodermis of roots of hydroponically (no exodermis) and aeroponically (with exodermis) grown seedlings it is concluded that the exodermis acts as a barrier to apoplastic transport that controls ABA uptake and efflux, but that the endodermis can easily be overcome via an apoplastic bypass. In longitudinal sections the strongest ABA signals originated from the root cap and the meristematic root tip, which is in agreement with the non-vacuolated cells of these tissues being an effective anion trap for ABA.  相似文献   

P. W. Barlow 《Planta》1976,131(3):235-243
Summary Ethylene at a concentration of 100 l l–1 causes a slight increase in the duration of the mitotic cycle in the primary root meristems of both Pisum sativum L. and Zea mays L. This is due to a lengthening of the G 1 phase; other phases of the cycle are unaffected. Autoradiography and microdensitometry show that the rate of 3H-thymidine incorporation into nuclei of Pisum is maximal when about half the DNA has been replicated, and that ethylene has no effect upon this rate. Ethylene causes a reduction of the number of dividing cells in the root meristem, particularly in Pisum.Abbreviations Duration of the S phase, the G 1 phase, the G 2 phase of the mitotic cell cycle, respectively - T C Duration of the complete mitotic cell cycle - QC Quiescent centre - LI, MI Labelling index, Mitotic index (i.e. fraction of the population labelled or in mitosis, respectively) - PF Proliferative fraction (i.e. fraction of the population making progress towards mitosis) - [3H]dT tritiated thymidine  相似文献   

Agronomic plant species may display physiological and biochemical responses to oxidative stress caused by heavy metals and metalloids. Zea mays plants were grown hydroponically for eight days at different concentrations of As (0, 134 and 668 μM) and at different pH (4, 7 and 9). Metabolic variations in response to As toxicity were measured using physiological parameters and antioxidant enzymatic activities. A significant decrease in SOD activity was observed in the leaves and roots of Z. mays with the majority of As treatments. As decreased G-POX activity less in leaves than in roots. An increase in the concentration of As increased APX activity in leaves and roots, except As(V) at pH 4 and pH 9 in the leaves and As(III) at pH 9 in the roots, when there was a significant decrease in APX activity at low As concentrations. After exposure to As(V), CAT activity was the same as in the control. As(III) led to an increase in CAT activity in leaves and to a decrease in roots. With increasing concentrations of As(III), CAT activity increased in both leaves and roots whatever the pH. To obtain more detailed knowledge on the effects of arsenate and arsenite exposure on Vicia faba and Z. mays, root meristems were also examined. Roots were fed hydroponically with 134, 334, 534 and 668 μM arsenate or arsenite and 4 × 10(-3)M of maleic hydrazide as positive control, at three different pH. Physiological parameters, the mitotic index and micronuclei frequencies were evaluated in root meristems. At all three pH, the highest As(V) and As(III) concentrations induced a substantial modification in root colour, increased root thickness with stiffening, and reduced root length. High concentrations also caused a significant decrease in the mitotic index, and micronucleus chromosomic aberrations were observed in the root meristems of both species.  相似文献   

Raschke K 《Plant physiology》1970,45(4):415-423
Stomata of Zea mays L. respond to changes in hydrostatic pressure in the water supply of the leaves almost instantaneously and in all leaf parts simultaneously. Therefore, the leaf is a hydraulic unit. The stomata are part of it and their aperture is controlled by the water potential in the water-conducting system. Stomatal aperture is not uniquely related to the relative water content of a leaf. The relation depends also on the humidity in the air and is different for the upper and the lower epidermis.  相似文献   

Ribulosediphosphate carboxylase, partially purified from corn leaves, demonstrates a low Km(CO2) of 19 μM if stabilized with ribose-5-phosphate during extraction. It also exhibits a ribulosediphosphate dependent uptake of oxygen, similar to that observed with spinach carboxylase. The low Km(CO2) is similar to the apparent Km(CO2) for photosynthesis by intact corn tissue and requires reconsideration of the hypothesis that CO2 is concentrated in the bundle sheath cell by the C4 pathway during photosynthesis.  相似文献   

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