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We have proposed a mathematical model for the transmission of Plasmodium vivax malaria quantitatively, which is adjusted to the infected region, Guadalcanal, in the Solomon Islands. The simulation of a transmission model will be instrumental in planning the malaria control strategy. A characteristic of the life cycle of P. vivax is that a sporozoite injected into the blood stream by a mosquito bite may sometimes stay in a hepatocyte as a hypnozoite. Therefore, we have incorporated a phenomenon of renewed infections caused by a relapse into the transmission model. Also through the simulations we have attempted to evaluate the decline in prevalence caused by the programs of selective mass drug administration (MDA) and vector control such as the distribution of permethrin-treated bednets. The simulations have indicated that the concentrated repetition of MDA at 1-week intervals would reduce the prevalence of vivax malaria swiftly in the beginning and would keep the parasite rate below 1% for a few years but the prevalence would increase thereafter. In contrast, the parasite rate would remain below 1% for a long time if a trial of 1 or 2 times MDA is accompanied with some reduction of the vectorial capacity by the enforcement of vector control. In any case, it is important to beware of relapse cases because even after the execution of MDA it takes a long time to decrease the proportion of hypnozoite carriers.  相似文献   



Mathematical modeling has become a tool used to address many emerging diseases. One of the most basic and popular modeling frameworks is the compartmental model. Unfortunately, most of the available compartmental models developed for Zika virus (ZIKV) transmission were designed to describe and reconstruct only past, short-time ZIKV outbreaks in which the effects of seasonal change to entomological parameters can be ignored. To make an accurate long-term prediction of ZIKV transmission, the inclusion of seasonal effects into an epidemic model is unavoidable.


We developed a vector-borne compartmental model to analyze the spread of the ZIKV during the 2015–2016 outbreaks in Bahia, Brazil and to investigate the impact of two vector control strategies, namely, reducing mosquito biting rates and reducing mosquito population size. The model considered the influences of seasonal change on the ZIKV transmission dynamics via the time-varying mosquito biting rate. The model was also validated by comparing the model prediction with reported data that were not used to calibrate the model.


We found that the model can give a very good fit between the simulation results and the reported Zika cases in Bahia (R-square?=?0.9989). At the end of 2016, the total number of ZIKV infected people was predicted to be 1.2087 million. The model also predicted that there would not be a large outbreak from May 2016 to December 2016 due to the decrease of the susceptible pool. Implementing disease mitigation by reducing the mosquito biting rates was found to be more effective than reducing the mosquito population size. Finally, the correlation between the time series of estimated mosquito biting rates and the average temperature was also suggested.


The proposed ZIKV transmission model together with the estimated weekly biting rates can reconstruct the past long-time multi-peak ZIKV outbreaks in Bahia.

Many long skeletal muscles are comprised of fibers that terminate intrafascicularly. Force from terminating fibers can be transmitted through shear within the endomysium that surrounds fibers or through tension within the endomysium that extends from fibers to the tendon; however, it is unclear which pathway dominates in force transmission from terminating fibers. The purpose of this work was to develop mathematical models to (i) compare the efficacy of lateral (through shear) and longitudinal (through tension) force transmission in intrafascicularly terminating fibers, and (ii) determine how force transmission is affected by variations in the structure and properties of fibers and the endomysium. The models demonstrated that even though the amount of force that can be transmitted from an intrafascicularly terminating fiber is dependent on fiber resting length (the unstretched length at which passive stress is zero), endomysium shear modulus, and fiber volume fraction (the fraction of the muscle cross-sectional area that is occupied by fibers), fibers that have values of resting length, shear modulus, and volume fraction within physiologic ranges can transmit nearly all of their peak isometric force laterally through shearing of the endomysium. By contrast, the models predicted only limited force transmission ability through tension within the endomysium that extends from the fiber to the tendon. Moreover, when fiber volume fraction decreases to unhealthy ranges (less than 50%), the force-transmitting potential of terminating fibers through shearing of the endomysium decreases significantly. The models presented here support the hypothesis that lateral force transmission through shearing of the endomysium is an effective mode of force transmission in terminating fibers.  相似文献   

 We consider a two-dimensional model of cell-to-cell spread of HIV-1 in tissue cultures, assuming that infection is spread directly from infected cells to healthy cells and neglecting the effects of free virus. The intracellular incubation period is modeled by a gamma distribution and the model is a system of two differential equations with distributed delay, which includes the differential equations model with a discrete delay and the ordinary differential equations model as special cases. We study the stability in all three types of models. It is shown that the ODE model is globally stable while both delay models exhibit Hopf bifurcations by using the (average) delay as a bifurcation parameter. The results indicate that, differing from the cell-to-free virus spread models, the cell-to-cell spread models can produce infective oscillations in typical tissue culture parameter regimes and the latently infected cells are instrumental in sustaining the infection. Our delayed cell-to-cell models may be applicable to study other types of viral infections such as human T-cell leukaemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1). Received: 18 November 2000 / Published online: 28 February 2003 RID="*" ID="*" Research was partially supported by the NSERC and MITACS of Canada and a start-up fund from the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Miami. On leave from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Current address: Department of Mathematics, Clarke College, Dubuque, Iowa 52001, USA Key words or phrases: HIV-1 – Cell-to-cell spread – Time delay – Stability – Hopf bifurcation – Periodicity  相似文献   

A temporally continuous and spatially discrete stochastic model for the spread of an epidemic within some set of holdings is constructed. A recursion formula is given for the probability that a certain set of holdings is infected at a certain moment. Moreover, under an additional condition (which will always be satisfied in practice) a formula for the expected value and the variance of the moment when a certain holding is infected the first time is given.  相似文献   

We propose a model for the dynamics of the immune system by considering the subpopulations of virgin and memory T lymphocytes on a time scale corresponding to the human life span. In the deterministic balance equation we introduce a fluctuating term in order to take into account the chronic antigenic stress. Starting from the hypothesis that the depletion of virgin cells with cytotoxic properties (CD8+) is a mortality marker, the model provides survival curves quite similar to the demographic curves.  相似文献   

A mathematical function describing the various kinds of survivorship curve is formulated with the useful parameter, environmental capacity. Three types of the survivorship curve illlustrated byDeevey can be obtained from changing the value of this function. When a cohort is large and the competition occurs in the scramble type, this function shows the third type ofDeevy 's and this to the first type in the case of low density and the contest type of competition. But the second type would rather be obtained by the action of density independent agencies.  相似文献   

A mathematical neural net model based on our previous studies (Anninos et al, 1970; Anninos, 1972) is proposed here to show that the short-term memory of events decays with man age. In particular, in this work we try to explain why recent memories die out with age before the establishment of permanent memory. As it was shown we lose some connections due to the loss of a large number of neurons with age, and in our model this corresponds to a smaller hysteresis loop which, according to our assumption, represents the short-term memory of an event. Thus we showed that if we decrease the number of connections even further the hysteresis loop will vanish to a single curve which, according to Katchalsky & Oplatka (1969), corresponds to a memory-less system.  相似文献   

Mathematical or computational models of activity–dependent neural competition typically impose competition in anatomically fixed networks by the use of synaptic normalisation, for which there is very little experimental support. Recent experimental evidence, however, strongly implicates neurotrophic factors in neural plasticity and competition, in addition to their well–known potent effects on neurite outgrowth and synaptogenesis. We therefore present a simple, mathematical model of anatomical segregation induced by activity–dependent competition for a limited supply of a neurotrophic factor provided by target cells to afferents. We extract the behaviour of the model in various regimes, in which the neurotrophic factor is either in critical supply or in abundant supply, by a combination of analytical and numerical methods, and study the effects of correlations in afferent inputs on competition. We apply the model to three different systems: ocular dominance column formation; elimination of polyneuronal innervation at the vertebrate neuromuscular junction; trigeminal brain stem whisker–related structure formation. Several classes of related predictions emerge, including the prediction that kittens reared with strabismus should require a higher concentration of neurotrophic factor infusion into their primary visual cortex than normally reared cats in order to induce the anatomical desegregation of ocular dominance columns. We also speculate on the mechanisms of support of inhibitory rather than excitatory neurons, and suggest the existence of a separate, Cl–mediated activity–dependent pathway for their neurotrophic support. Received: 17 May 1996 / Accepted in revised form: 27 July 1996  相似文献   

Responses to an anonymous postal survey concerning scrapie are analysed. Risk factors associated with farms that have had scrapie are identified as size, geographical region, lambing practices and holding of certain breeds. Further analysis of farms that have scrapie only in bought-in animals reveals that such farms tend to breed a smaller proportion of their replacement animals than farms without scrapie. Farms that have had scrapie in home-bred animals have attributes associated with breeding many animals: large numbers of rams bought, few ewes bought, and many animals that are home-bred. The demography of British sheep farms as described by size, breeds, purchasing behaviour, age structure and proportion of animals that are home-bred is summarized. British farms with scrapie reveal certain special features: they have more sheep that are found dead, more elderly ewes and more cases of scab.  相似文献   

We generalise the model of [21] in which the author considered a predator-prey system with predators eating only the young ones (or eggs) of the prey species. The prime assumption of the present paper is that the birth rate (per unit individual per unit time) of predators depends not only on the current prey egg-level but also on all previous prey egg-levels. It is seen that under this assumption an otherwise stable system may be stable as well as unstable leading to the conclusion that young predation with time delay is less stable than without it. Finally for the model of [21] we prove a result which shows that large predation rates help in the co-existence of both predator and prey species.  相似文献   

A deterministic model for the spread of infectious disease in a plant population consisting of N interacting groups with periodic removals of the infected plants is considered. In the case of two interacting groups with low infection levels, the problem is solved analytically. In the case of N interacting groups arranged in line, where the interaction between the groups decreases exponentially with distance, the mathematical model consists of N nonlinear equations. Numerical solution of these equations for some values of the parameters shows a pattern similar to the solution for the two interacting groups.Contributed from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 1067-E, 1984 series  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a mathematical model for Chagas disease with infection-age-dependent infectivity. The effects of vector and blood transfusion transmission are considered, and the infected population is structured by the infection age (the time elapsed from infection). The authors identify the basic reproduction ratio R0 and show that the disease can invade into the susceptible population and unique endemic steady state exists if R0 > 1, whereas the disease dies out if R0 is small enough. We show that depending on parameters, backward bifurcation of endemic steady state can occur, so even if R0 < 1, there could exist endemic steady states. We also discuss local and global stability of steady states.  相似文献   

On the mathematical theory of rumor spread   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The applicability of the theory of random nets to the theory of rumor spread is shown. In particular the “weak connectivity” of the net appears as the saturation fraction of “knowers” in a thoroughly mixed population through which a message diffuses where each knower tells the message to a finite average number of individuals. Further it is shown how the time course equation of rumor spread, where time is measured by the number of “removes” from the starters, can be translated into an ordinary continuous time course equation if the distribution of the telling intervals is known.  相似文献   

A mathematical analysis of the growth and spread of breast cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The interactions between rods and cones in the retina have been the focus of innumerable experimental and theoretical biological studies in previous decades yet the understanding of these interactions is still incomplete primarily due to the lack of a unified concept of cone photoreceptor organization and its role in retinal diseases. The low abundance of cones in many of the non-primate mammalian models that have been studied make conclusions about the human retina difficult. A more complete knowledge of the human retina is crucial for counteracting the events that lead to certain degenerative diseases, in particular those associated with photoreceptor cell death (e.g., retinitis pigmentosa). In an attempt to gain important insight into the role and interactions of the rods and the cones we develop and analyze a set of mathematical equations that model a system of photoreceptors and incorporate a direct rod-cone interaction. Our results show that the system can exhibit stable oscillations, which correspond to the rhythmic renewal and shedding of the photoreceptors. In addition, our results show the mathematical necessity of this rod-cone direct interaction for survival of both and gives insight into this mechanism.  相似文献   

In vivo control of calcium is analysed under the assumption that hormonal influences via plasma levels of parathormone and calcitonin are of prime (but not absolutely dominating) importance. A brief review concerning the physiological significance of body calcium and the mode of action of these two hormones is presented as an introduction to the basic philosophy of the study. A theoretical quasi-linear lumped-parameter model is developed to describe variations in ionic calcium, parathormone and calcitonin plasma concentrations to specific input stimuli. Formal evaluation of the system response requires the determination of ten constants, together with quantitation of ingested calcium entry into the plasma compartment which isindependent of hormonal influences. Values for various parameters are deduced from published data and experimental procedures are outlined to facilitate determination of the remaining unknowns. It is suggested that the proposed model should prove useful for investigations concerning general hormonal actions on calcium homeostatic mechanisms in both normal and diseased states, with particular reference to calcitonin.  相似文献   

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