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Oxidative stress is a probable cause of aging and associated diseases. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) originate mainly from endogenous sources, namely the mitochondria.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We analyzed the effect of aerobic metabolism on oxidative damage in Schizosaccharomyces pombe by global mapping of those genes that are required for growth on both respiratory-proficient media and hydrogen-peroxide-containing fermentable media. Out of a collection of approximately 2700 haploid yeast deletion mutants, 51 were sensitive to both conditions and 19 of these were related to mitochondrial function. Twelve deletion mutants lacked components of the electron transport chain. The growth defects of these mutants can be alleviated by the addition of antioxidants, which points to intrinsic oxidative stress as the origin of the phenotypes observed. These respiration-deficient mutants display elevated steady-state levels of ROS, probably due to enhanced electron leakage from their defective transport chains, which compromises the viability of chronologically-aged cells.


Individual mitochondrial dysfunctions have often been described as the cause of diseases or aging, and our global characterization emphasizes the primacy of oxidative stress in the etiology of such processes.  相似文献   

Most grape juice fermentation takes place when yeast cells are in a nondividing state called the stationary phase. Under such circumstances, we aimed to identify the genetic determinants controlling longevity, known as the chronological life span. We identified commercial strains with both short (EC1118) and long (CSM) life spans in laboratory growth medium and compared them under diverse conditions. Strain CSM shows better tolerance to stresses, including oxidative stress, in the stationary phase. This is reflected during winemaking, when this strain has an increased maximum life span. Compared to EC1118, CSM overexpresses a mitochondrial rhodanese gene-like gene, RDL2, whose deletion leads to increased reactive oxygen species production at the end of fermentation and a correlative loss of viability at this point. EC1118 shows faster growth and higher expression of glycolytic genes, and this is related to greater PKA activity due to the upregulation of the adenylate cyclase gene. This phenotype has been linked to the presence of a δ element in its promoter, whose removal increases the life span. Finally, EC1118 exhibits a higher level of protein degradation by autophagy, which might help achieve fast growth at the expense of cellular structures and may be relevant for long-term survival under winemaking conditions.  相似文献   

Rapamycin is an antibiotic that stimulates autophagy in a wide variety of eukaryotes, including the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Low concentrations of rapamycin extend yeast chronological life span (CLS). We have recently shown that autophagy is required for chronological longevity in yeast, which is attributable in part to a role for autophagy in amino acid homeostasis. We report herein that low concentrations of rapamycin stimulate macroautophagy during chronological aging and extend CLS.  相似文献   

We have explored the role of mitochondrial function in aging by genetically and pharmacologically modifying yeast cellular respiration production during the exponential and/or stationary growth phases and determining how this affects chronological life span (CLS). Our results demonstrate that respiration is essential during both growth phases for standard CLS, but that yeast have a large respiratory capacity, and only deficiencies below a threshold (~40% of wild-type) significantly curtail CLS. Extension of CLS by caloric restriction also required respiration above a similar threshold during exponential growth and completely alleviated the need for respiration in the stationary phase. Finally, we show that supplementation of media with 1% trehalose, a storage carbohydrate, restores wild-type CLS to respiratory-null cells. We conclude that mitochondrial respiratory thresholds regulate yeast CLS and its extension by caloric restriction by increasing stress resistance, an important component of which is the optimal accumulation and mobilization of nutrient stores.  相似文献   

The chronological life span of Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Simple model systems have played an important role in the discovery of fundamental mechanisms of aging. Studies in yeast, worms and fruit flies have resulted in the identification of proteins and signalling pathways that regulate stress resistance and longevity. New findings indicate that these pathways may have evolved to prevent damage and postpone aging during periods of starvation and may be conserved from yeast to mammals. We will review the yeast S. cerevisiae model system with emphasis on the chronological life span as a model system to study aging and the regulation of stress resistance in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The chronological life span of yeast, the survival of stationary (G0) cells over time, provides a model for investigating certain of the factors that may influence the aging of non-dividing cells and tissues in higher organisms. This study measured the effects of defined defects in the base excision repair (BER) system for DNA repair on this life span. Stationary yeast survives longer when it is pre-grown on respiratory, as compared to fermentative (glucose), media. It is also less susceptible to viability loss as the result of defects in DNA glycosylase/AP lyases (Ogg1p, Ntg1p, Ntg2p), apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonucleases (Apn1p, Apn2p) and monofunctional DNA glycosylase (Mag1p). Whereas single BER glycosylase/AP lyase defects exerted little influence over such optimized G0 survival, this survival was severely shortened with the loss of two or more such enzymes. Equally, the apn1delta and apn2delta single gene deletes survived as well as the wild type, whereas a apn1delta apn2delta double mutant totally lacking in any AP endonuclease activity survived poorly. Both this shortened G0 survival and the enhanced mutagenicity of apn1delta apn2delta cells were however rescued by the over-expression of either Apn1p or Apn2p. The results highlight the vital importance of BER in the prevention of mutation accumulation and the attainment of the full yeast chronological life span. They also reveal an appreciable overlap in the G0 maintenance functions of the different BER DNA glycosylases and AP endonucleases.  相似文献   

Here we show that yeast strains with reduced target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling have greater overall mitochondrial electron transport chain activity during growth that is efficiently coupled to ATP production. This metabolic alteration increases mitochondrial membrane potential and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, which we propose supplies an adaptive signal during growth that extends chronological life span (CLS). In strong support of this concept, uncoupling respiration during growth or increasing expression of mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase significantly curtails CLS extension in tor1Δ strains, and treatment of wild-type strains with either rapamycin (to inhibit TORC1) or menadione (to generate mitochondrial ROS) during growth is sufficient to extend CLS. Finally, extension of CLS by reduced TORC1/Sch9p-mitochondrial signaling occurs independently of Rim15p and is not a function of changes in media acidification/composition. Considering the conservation of TOR-pathway effects on life span, mitochondrial ROS signaling may be an important mechanism of longevity regulation in higher organisms.  相似文献   



The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of the most widely studied model organisms in aging-related science. Although several genetic modifiers of yeast longevity have been identified, the utility of this system for longevity studies has been limited by a lack of high-throughput assays for quantitatively measuring survival of individual yeast cells during aging.  相似文献   

An increasing number of researchers are using the Saccharomyces cerevisiae chronological aging model to gain insight into the post-mitotic cellular aging. Recently, an alternative approach to the traditional cellular viability assay by colony-forming unit (CFU) counts, based on the propidium iodide (PI) staining combined with flow cytometry (PI-FCM), was proposed for the assessment of yeast chronological aging. Since the chronological aging assessment shows variations particularly concerning the aging media, in this work, the influence of the most common aging media (exhausted media or water) on the assessment of chronological aging by PI staining was studied. Our results show that this methodology is highly affected by the aging media. Indeed, a correlation between CFU counts and the percentage of PI-stained cells is only achieved with the exhausted media. As such, the assessment of yeast chronological aging by PI-FCM water should not be used.  相似文献   

Studies in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans have shown increased longevity with the increased free radical scavenging that accompanies overexpression of oxidant-scavenging enzymes. This study used yeast, another model for aging research, to probe the effects of overexpressing the major activity protecting against superoxide generated by the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) overexpression increased chronological life span (optimized survival of stationary (G0) yeast over time), showing this is a survival ultimately limited by oxidative stress. In contrast, the same overexpression dramatically reduced the replicative life span of dividing cells (the number of daughter buds produced by each newly born mother cell). This reduction in the generational life span by MnSOD overexpression was greater than that generated by loss of the major redox-responsive regulator of the yeast replicative life span, NAD+-dependent Sir2p histone deacetylase. It was also independent of the latter activity. Expression of a mitochondrially targeted green fluorescent protein in the MnSOD overexpressor revealed that the old mother cells of this overexpressor, which had divided for a few generations, were defective in segregation of the mitochondrion from the mother to daughter. Mitochondrial defects are, therefore, the probable reason that MnSOD overexpression shortens replicative life span.  相似文献   

A model for replicative life span extension by calorie restriction (CR) in yeast has been proposed whereby reduced glucose in the growth medium leads to activation of the NAD+–dependent histone deacetylase Sir2. One mechanism proposed for this putative activation of Sir2 is that CR enhances the rate of respiration, in turn leading to altered levels of NAD+ or NADH, and ultimately resulting in enhanced Sir2 activity. An alternative mechanism has been proposed in which CR decreases levels of the Sir2 inhibitor nicotinamide through increased expression of the gene coding for nicotinamidase, PNC1. We have previously reported that life span extension by CR is not dependent on Sir2 in the long-lived BY4742 strain background. Here we have determined the requirement for respiration and the effect of nicotinamide levels on life span extension by CR. We find that CR confers robust life span extension in respiratory-deficient cells independent of strain background, and moreover, suppresses the premature mortality associated with loss of mitochondrial DNA in the short-lived PSY316 strain. Addition of nicotinamide to the medium dramatically shortens the life span of wild type cells, due to inhibition of Sir2. However, even in cells lacking both Sir2 and the replication fork block protein Fob1, nicotinamide partially prevents life span extension by CR. These findings (1) demonstrate that respiration is not required for the longevity benefits of CR in yeast, (2) show that nicotinamide inhibits life span extension by CR through a Sir2-independent mechanism, and (3) suggest that CR acts through a conserved, Sir2-independent mechanism in both PSY316 and BY4742.  相似文献   

Calorie restriction slows aging and increases life span in many organisms. In yeast, a mechanistic explanation has been proposed whereby calorie restriction slows aging by activating Sir2. Here we report the identification of a Sir2-independent pathway responsible for a majority of the longevity benefit associated with calorie restriction. Deletion of FOB1 and overexpression of SIR2 have been previously found to increase life span by reducing the levels of toxic rDNA circles in aged mother cells. We find that combining calorie restriction with either of these genetic interventions dramatically enhances longevity, resulting in the longest-lived yeast strain reported thus far. Further, calorie restriction results in a greater life span extension in cells lacking both Sir2 and Fob1 than in cells where Sir2 is present. These findings indicate that Sir2 and calorie restriction act in parallel pathways to promote longevity in yeast and, perhaps, higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Deficiencies in superoxide dismutases (Cu,ZnSOD or Mn-SOD) strongly shorten the life span of yeast cells. The effects of these deficiencies are additive. In contrast, deficiencies in catalases do not influence life span. Our results confirm that free radical processes may be involved in aging.  相似文献   

Extrachromosomal rDNA circles (ERCs) and recombinant origin-containing plasmids (ARS-plasmids) are thought to reduce replicative life span in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae due to their accumulation in yeast cells by an asymmetric inheritance process known as mother cell bias. Most commonly used laboratory yeast strains contain the naturally occurring, high copy number 2-micron circle plasmid. 2-micron plasmids are known to exhibit stable mitotic inheritance, unlike ARS-plasmids and ERCs, but the fidelity of inheritance during replicative aging and cell senescence has not been studied. This raises the question: do 2-micron circles reduce replicative life span? To address this question we have used a convenient method to cure laboratory yeast strains of the 2-micron plasmid. We find no difference in the replicative life spans of otherwise isogenic cir+ and cir0 strains, with and without the 2-micron plasmid. Consistent with this, we find that 2-micron circles do not accumulate in old yeast cells. These findings indicate that naturally occurring levels of 2-micron plasmids do not adversely affect life span, and that accumulation due to asymmetric inheritance is required for reduction of replicative life span by DNA episomes.  相似文献   

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