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Sialic acids are essential components of membrane glycoconjugates. They are responsible for the interaction, structure, and functionality of all deuterostome cells and have major functions in cellular processes in health and diseases. The key enzyme of the biosynthesis of sialic acid is the bifunctional UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase that transforms UDP-N-acetylglucosamine to N-acetylmannosamine (ManNAc) followed by its phosphorylation to ManNAc 6-phosphate and has a direct impact on the sialylation of cell surface components. Here, we present the crystal structures of the human N-acetylmannosamine kinase (MNK) domain of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase in complexes with ManNAc at 1.64 Å resolution, MNK·ManNAc·ADP (1.82 Å) and MNK·ManNAc 6-phosphate·ADP (2.10 Å). Our findings offer detailed insights in the active center of MNK and serve as a structural basis to design inhibitors. We synthesized a novel inhibitor, 6-O-acetyl-ManNAc, which is more potent than those previously tested. Specific inhibitors of sialic acid biosynthesis may serve to further study biological functions of sialic acid.  相似文献   

Ginkgotoxin (4'-O-methylpyridoxine) occurring in the seeds and leaves of Ginkgo biloba, is an antivitamin structurally related to vitamin B(6). Ingestion of ginkgotoxin triggers epileptic convulsions and other neuronal symptoms. Here we report on studies on the impact of B(6) antivitamins including ginkgotoxin on recombinant homogeneous human pyridoxal kinase (EC It is shown that ginkgotoxin serves as an alternate substrate for this enzyme with a lower K(m) value than pyridoxal, pyridoxamine or pyridoxine. Thus, the presence of ginkgotoxin leads to temporarily reduced pyridoxal phosphate formation in vitro and possibly also in vivo. Our observations are discussed in light of Ginkgo medications used as nootropics.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of human pyridoxal kinase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pyridoxal kinase, a member of the ribokinase superfamily, catalyzes the ATP-dependent phosphorylation reaction of vitamin B6 and is an essential enzyme in the formation of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate, a key cofactor for over 100 enzymes. Pyridoxal kinase is thus regarded as a potential target for pharmacological agents. In this paper, we report the 2.8 angstroms crystal structure of human pyridoxal kinase (HPLK) expressed in Escherichia coli. The diffraction data revealed unexpected merohedral perfect twinning along the crystallographic c axis. Taking perfect twinning into account, the structure in dimeric form was well refined according to the CNS program. Structure comparison reveals that the key 12-residue peptide over the active site in HPLK is a beta-strand/loop/beta-strand flap, while the corresponding peptide in sheep brain enzyme adopts a loop conformation. Moreover, HPLK possesses a more hydrophobic ATP-binding pocket. This structure will facilitate further biochemical studies and structure-based design of drugs related to pyridoxal kinase.  相似文献   

Pyridoxal kinase (PDXK) catalyzes the phosphorylation of pyridoxal, pyridoxamine, and pyridoxine in the presence of ATP and Zn2+. This constitutes an essential step in the synthesis of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP), the active form of vitamin B6, a cofactor for over 140 enzymes. (R)-Roscovitine (CYC202, Seliciclib) is a relatively selective inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), currently evaluated for the treatment of cancers, neurodegenerative disorders, renal diseases, and several viral infections. Affinity chromatography investigations have shown that (R)-roscovitine also interacts with PDXK. To understand this interaction, we determined the crystal structure of PDXK in complex with (R)-roscovitine, N6-methyl-(R)-roscovitine, and O6-(R)-roscovitine, the two latter derivatives being designed to bind to PDXK but not to CDKs. Structural analysis revealed that these three roscovitines bind similarly in the pyridoxal-binding site of PDXK rather than in the anticipated ATP-binding site. The pyridoxal pocket has thus an unexpected ability to accommodate molecules different from and larger than pyridoxal. This work provides detailed structural information on the interactions between PDXK and roscovitine and analogs. It could also aid in the design of roscovitine derivatives displaying strict selectivity for either PDXK or CDKs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Arginase is a manganese-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of L-arginine to L-ornithine and urea. In ureotelic animals arginase is the final enzyme of the urea cycle, but in many species it has a wider role controlling the use of arginine for other metabolic purposes, including the production of creatine, polyamines, proline and nitric oxide. Arginase activity is regulated by various small molecules, including the product L-ornithine. The aim of these structural studies was to test aspects of the catalytic mechanism and to investigate the structural basis of arginase inhibition. RESULTS: We report here the crystal structures of arginase from Bacillus caldovelox at pH 5.6 and pH 8.5, and of binary complexes of the enzyme with L-arginine, L-ornithine and L-lysine at pH 8.5. The arginase monomer comprises a single compact alpha/beta domain that further associates into a hexameric quaternary structure. The binary complexes reveal a common mode of ligand binding, which places the substrate adjacent to the dimanganese centre. We also observe a conformational change that impacts on the active site and is coupled with the occupancy of an external site by guanidine or arginine. CONCLUSIONS: The structures reported here clarify aspects of the active site and indicate key features of the catalytic mechanism, including substrate coordination to one of the manganese ions and an orientational role for a neighboring histidine residue. Stereospecificity for L-amino acids is found to depend on their precise recognition at the active-site rim. Identification of a second arginine-binding site, remote from the active site, and associated conformational changes lead us to propose a regulatory role for this site in substrate hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Zhang C  Liu L  Xu H  Wei Z  Wang Y  Lin Y  Gong W 《Journal of molecular biology》2007,366(5):1437-1446
Type I isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP): dimethylally diphosphate (DMAPP) isomerase is an essential enzyme in human isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway. It catalyzes isomerization of the carbon-carbon double bonds in IPP and DMAPP, which are the basic building blocks for the subsequent biosynthesis. We have determined two crystal structures of human IPP isomerase I (hIPPI) under different crystallization conditions. High similarity between structures of human and Escherichia coli IPP isomerases proves the conserved catalytic mechanism. Unexpectedly, one of the hIPPI structures contains a natural substrate analog ethanol amine pyrophosphate (EAPP). Based on this structure, a water molecule is proposed to be the direct proton donor for IPP and different conformations of IPP and DMAPP bound in the enzyme are also proposed. In addition, structures of human IPPI show a flexible N-terminal alpha-helix covering the active pocket and blocking the entrance, which is absent in E. coli IPPI. Besides, the active site conformation is not the same in the two hIPPI structures. Such difference leads to a hypothesis that substrate binding induces conformational change in the active site. The inhibition mechanism of high Mn(2+) concentrations is also discussed.  相似文献   

Members of the FemABX protein family are novel therapeutic targets, as they are involved in the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall. They catalyze the addition of amino acid(s) on the peptidoglycan precursor using aminoacylated tRNA as a substrate. We report here the high-resolution structure of Weissella viridescens L-alanine transferase FemX and its complex with the UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide. This is the first structure example of a FemABX family member that does not possess a coiled-coil domain. FemX consists of two structurally equivalent domains, separated by a cleft containing the binding site of the UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide and a long channel that traverses one of the two domains. Our structural studies bring new insights into the evolution of the FemABX and the related GNAT superfamilies, shed light on the recognition site of the aminoacylated tRNA in Fem proteins, and allowed manual docking of the acceptor end of the alanyl-tRNAAla.  相似文献   

Cytosolic 5'(3')-deoxyribonucleotidase (cdN) and mitochondrial 5'(3')-deoxyribonucleotidase (mdN) catalyze the dephosphorylation of deoxyribonucleoside monophosphates and regulate dTTP formation in cytosol and mitochondria, protecting DNA replication from imbalanced precursor pools. They can also interfere with the phosphorylation-dependent activation of nucleoside analogues used in anticancer and antiviral treatment. To understand the relatively narrow substrate specificity of these two enzymes and their ability to use nucleotide analogues as substrates, we determined the crystal structures of human cdN in complex with deoxyuridine, murine cdN in complex with dUMP and dGMP, and human mdN in complex with the nucleotide analogues AZTMP and BVdUMP. Our results show that the active site residues Leu45 and Tyr65 in cdN form a more favorable binding surface for purine nucleotides than the corresponding Trp75 and Trp76 in mdN, explaining why cdN has higher activity for purine nucleotides than does mdN. The molecular interactions of mdN with AZTMP and BVdUMP indicate why these nucleotide analogues are poorer substrates as compared with the physiological substrate, and they provide a structural rationale for the design of drugs that are less prone to inactivation by the deoxyribonucleotidases. We suggest that introduction of substituents in the 3'-position may result in nucleoside analogues with increased resistance to dephosphorylation.  相似文献   

Cellulase Cel48F from Clostridium cellulolyticum was described as a processive endo-cellulase. The active site is composed of a 25 A long tunnel which is followed by an open cleft. During the processive action, the cellulose substrate has to slide through the tunnel to continuously supply the leaving group site with sugar residues after the catalytic cleavage. To study this processive action in the tunnel, the native catalytic module of Cel48F and the inactive mutant E55Q, have been cocrystallized with cellobiitol, two thio-oligosaccharide inhibitors (PIPS-IG3 and IG4) and the cello-oligosaccharides cellobiose, -tetraose and -hexaose. Seven sub-sites in the tunnel section of the active center could be identified and three of the four previously reported sub-sites in the open cleft section were reconfirmed. The sub-sites observed for the thio-oligosaccharide inhibitors and oligosaccharides, respectively, were located at two different positions in the tunnel corresponding to a shift in the chain direction of about a half sugar subunit. These two positions have different patterns of stacking interactions with aromatic residues present in the tunnel. Multiple patterns are not observed in nonprocessive endo-cellulases, where only one sugar position is favored by aromatic stacking. It is therefore proposed that the aromatic residues serve as lubricating agents to reduce the sliding barrier in the processive action.  相似文献   

Muscle-specific kinase (MuSK) is a receptor tyrosine kinase expressed selectively in skeletal muscle. During neuromuscular synapse formation, agrin released from motor neurons stimulates MuSK autophosphorylation in the kinase activation loop and in the juxtamembrane region, leading to clustering of acetylcholine receptors. We have determined the crystal structure of the cytoplasmic domain of unphosphorylated MuSK at 2.05 A resolution. The structure reveals an autoinhibited kinase domain in which the activation loop obstructs ATP and substrate binding. Steady-state kinetic analysis demonstrates that autophosphorylation results in a 200-fold increase in k(cat) and a 10-fold decrease in the K(m) for ATP. These studies provide a molecular basis for understanding the regulation of MuSK catalytic activity and suggest that an additional in vivo component may contribute to regulation via the juxtamembrane region.  相似文献   

Cysteine biosynthetic genes are up-regulated in the persistent phase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and the corresponding enzymes are therefore of interest as potential targets for novel antibacterial agents. cysK1 is one of these genes and has been annotated as coding for an O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase. Recombinant CysK1 is a pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of O-acetylserine to cysteine. The crystal structure of the enzyme was determined to 1.8A resolution. CysK1 belongs to the family of fold type II PLP enzymes and is similar in structure to other O-acetylserine sulfhydrylases. We were able to trap the alpha-aminoacrylate reaction intermediate and determine its structure by cryocrystallography. Formation of the aminoacrylate complex is accompanied by a domain rotation resulting in active site closure. The aminoacrylate moiety is bound in the active site via the covalent linkage to the PLP cofactor and by hydrogen bonds of its carboxyl group to several enzyme residues. The catalytic lysine residue is positioned such that it can protonate the Calpha-carbon atom of the aminoacrylate only from the si-face, resulting in the formation of L-cysteine. CysK1 is competitively inhibited by a four-residue peptide derived from the C-terminal of serine acetyl transferase. The crystallographic analysis reveals that the peptide binds to the enzyme active site, suggesting that CysK1 forms an bi-enzyme complex with serine acetyl transferase, in a similar manner to other bacterial and plant O-acetylserine sulfhydrylases. The structure of the enzyme-peptide complex provides a framework for the design of strong binding inhibitors.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli Exonuclease I (ExoI) digests single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in the 3′-5′ direction in a highly processive manner. The crystal structure of ExoI, determined previously in the absence of DNA, revealed a C-shaped molecule with three domains that form a central positively charged groove. The active site is at the bottom of the groove, while an extended loop, proposed to encircle the DNA, crosses over the groove. Here, we present crystal structures of ExoI in complex with four different ssDNA substrates. The structures all have the ssDNA bound in essentially the predicted manner, with the 3′-end in the active site and the downstream end under the crossover loop. The central nucleotides of the DNA form a prominent bulge that contacts the SH3-like domain, while the nucleotides at the downstream end of the DNA form extensive interactions with an ‘anchor’ site. Seven of the complexes are similar to one another, but one has the ssDNA bound in a distinct conformation. The highest-resolution structure, determined at 1.95 Å, reveals an Mg2+ ion bound to the scissile phosphate in a position corresponding to MgB in related two-metal nucleases. The structures provide new insights into the mechanism of processive digestion that will be discussed.  相似文献   

Human NUDT5 (hNUDT5) is an ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase (ADPRase) belonging to the Nudix hydrolase superfamily. It presumably plays important roles in controlling the intracellular level of ADP-ribose (ADPR) to prevent non-enzymatic ADP-ribosylation by hydrolyzing ADPR to AMP and ribose 5'-phosphate. We report here the crystal structures of hNUDT5 in apo form, in complex with ADPR, and in complex with AMP with bound Mg2+. hNUDT5 forms a homodimer with substantial domain swapping and assumes a structure more similar to Escherichia coli ADPRase ORF209 than human ADPRase NUDT9. The adenine moiety of the substrates is specifically recognized by the enzyme via hydrogen-bonding interactions between N1 and N6 of the base and Glu47 of one subunit, and between N7 of the base and Arg51 of the other subunit, providing the molecular basis for the high selectivity of hNUDT5 for ADP-sugars over other sugar nucleotides. Structural comparisons with E. coli ADPRase ORF209 and ADPXase ORF186 indicate that the existence of an aromatic residue on loop L8 in ORF186 seems to be positively correlated with its enzymatic activity on APnA, whereas hNUDT5 and ORF209 contain no such residue and thus have low or no activities on APnA.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a fully active form of human protein kinase CK2 (casein kinase 2) consisting of two C-terminally truncated catalytic and two regulatory subunits has been determined at 3.1 A resolution. In the CK2 complex the regulatory subunits form a stable dimer linking the two catalytic subunits, which make no direct contact with one another. Each catalytic subunit interacts with both regulatory chains, predominantly via an extended C-terminal tail of the regulatory subunit. The CK2 structure is consistent with its constitutive activity and with a flexible role of the regulatory subunit as a docking partner for various protein kinases. Furthermore it shows an inter-domain mobility in the catalytic subunit known to be functionally important in protein kinases and detected here for the first time directly within one crystal structure.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structure of human prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) in complex with a phosphate ion has been determined at 2.4 A resolution. This structure offers a snapshot of the final intermediate in the catalytic mechanism and does not support the role of Asp 258 as a proton donor in catalysis. A total of eight hydrogen bonds serve to strongly bind the phosphate ion within the active site. Bound PEG molecules from the crystallization matrix have allowed the identification of a channel within the molecule that likely plays a role in molecular recognition and in macromolecular substrate selectivity. Additionally, the structure of PAP in complex with a phosphate derivative, alpha-benzylaminobenzylphosphonic acid, a potent inhibitor (IC(50) = 4 nM), has been determined to 2.9 A resolution. This structure gives new insight into the determinants of binding hydrophobic ligands within the active site and allows us to explain PAP's preference for aromatic substrates.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which DNA polymerase I enzymes function has been the subject of extensive biochemical and structural studies. We previously determined the structure of a ternary complex of the large fragment of DNA polymerase I from Thermus aquaticus (Klentaq1) bound to a primer/template DNA and a dideoxycytidine 5'-triphosphate (ddCTP). In this report, we present the details of the 2.3-A resolution crystal structures of three additional ternary complexes of Klentaq1 bound to a primer/template DNA and a dideoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate (ddGTP), a dideoxythymidine 5'-triphosphate (ddTTP), or a dideoxyadenosine 5'-triphosphate (ddATP). Comparison of the active site of the four ternary complexes reveals that the protein residues around the nascent base pair (that formed between the incoming dideoxynucleoside triphosphate [ddNTP] and the template base) form a snug binding pocket into which only a correct Watson-Crick base pair can fit. Except in the ternary complex bound to dideoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate, there are no sequence specific contacts between the protein side chains and the nascent base pair, suggesting that steric constraints imposed by the protein onto the nascent base pair is the major contributor to nucleotide selectivity at the polymerase active site. The protein around the polymerase active site also shows plasticity, which may be responsible for the substrate diversity of the enzyme. Two conserved side chains, Q754 and R573, form hydrogen bonds with the N3 atom in the purine base and O2 atom in the pyrimidine base at the minor groove side of the base pair formed by the incorporated ddNMP and the corresponding template base in all the four ternary complexes. These hydrogen-bonding interactions may provide a means of detecting misincorporation at this position.  相似文献   

GSTs (glutathione transferases) are a family of enzymes that primarily catalyse nucleophilic addition of the thiol of GSH (reduced glutathione) to a variety of hydrophobic electrophiles in the cellular detoxification of cytotoxic and genotoxic compounds. GSTks (Kappa class GSTs) are a distinct class because of their unique cellular localization, function and structure. In the present paper we report the crystal structures of hGSTk (human GSTk) in apo-form and in complex with GTX (S-hexylglutathione) and steady-state kinetic studies, revealing insights into the catalytic mechanism of hGSTk and other GSTks. Substrate binding induces a conformational change of the active site from an 'open' conformation in the apo-form to a 'closed' conformation in the GTX-bound complex, facilitating formations of the G site (GSH-binding site) and the H site (hydrophobic substrate-binding site). The conserved Ser(16) at the G site functions as the catalytic residue in the deprotonation of the thiol group and the conserved Asp(69), Ser(200), Asp(201) and Arg(202) form a network of interactions with γ-glutamyl carboxylate to stabilize the thiolate anion. The H site is a large hydrophobic pocket with conformational flexibility to allow the binding of different hydrophobic substrates. The kinetic mechanism of hGSTk conforms to a rapid equilibrium random sequential Bi Bi model.  相似文献   

Hible G  Daalova P  Gilles AM  Cherfils J 《Biochimie》2006,88(9):1157-1164
Guanosine monophosphate kinases (GMPK), by catalyzing the phosphorylation of GMP or dGMP, are of dual potential in assisting the activation of anti-viral prodrugs or as candidates for antibiotic strategies. Human GMPK is an obligate step for the activation of acyclic guanosine analogs, such as ganciclovir, which necessitate efficient phosphorylation, while GMPK from bacterial pathogens, in which this enzyme is essential, are potential targets for therapeutic inhibition. Here we analyze these two aspects of GMPK activity with the crystal structures of Escherichia coli GMPK in complex with ganciclovir-monophosphate (GCV-MP) and with a bi-substrate inhibitor, Ap5G. GCV-MP binds as GMP to the GMP-binding domain, which is identical in E. coli and human GMPKs, but unlike the natural substrate fails to stabilize the closed, catalytically-competent conformation of this domain. Comparison with GMP- and GDP-bound GMPK structures identifies the 2'hydroxyl of the ribose moiety as responsible for hooking the GMP-binding domain onto the CORE domain. Absence of this hydroxyl in GCV-MP impairs the stabilization of the active conformation, and explains why GCV-MP is phosphorylated less efficiently than GMP, but as efficiently as dGMP. In contrast, Ap5G is an efficient inhibitor of GMPK. The crystal structure shows that Ap5G locks an incompletely closed conformation of the enzyme, in which the adenine moiety is located outside its expected binding site. Instead, it binds at a subunit interface that is unique to the bacterial enzyme, which is in equilibrium between a dimeric and an hexameric form in solution. This suggests that inhibitors could be designed to bind at this interface such as to prevent nucleotide-induced domain closure. Altogether, these complexes point to domain motions as critical components to be evaluated in therapeutic strategies targeting NMP kinases, with opposite effects depending on whether efficient phosphorylation or inhibition is being sought after.  相似文献   

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