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植物细胞间液中的蛋白在植物生长发育和抗病抗逆反应及其信号传导过程中发挥着重要作用,是植物学研究的新热点.由于细胞间液含量低,容易因组织细胞损伤性受到胞内成分污染,高纯度的细胞间液蛋白的提取相对困难,参考相关文献报道,建立了一种简易高效的小麦叶片细胞间液蛋白的提取方法.选取小麦品种“铭贤169”幼苗叶片为材料,用50mmol/L NaAc缓冲液充分浸润,负压处理20 min后,30 × g离心5 min除去叶片表面缓冲液,随后2 000×g离心15 min,收集小麦叶片胞间液.将获得的小麦叶片胞间液冷冻干燥后,进行SDS-PAGE分离分析.电泳胶图上显示出细胞间液提取物与叶片组织提取物的蛋白质组成有极显著差异,使用MALD-TOF/TOF MS技术分析SDS胶上的细胞间液蛋白条带,共鉴定到9种非高丰度或假定的蛋白,其中有两种是已报道过的植物细胞间液蛋白.试验结果表明,本方法简易高效,适用于小麦蛋白质组学研究中高纯度的细胞间液蛋白的提取.  相似文献   

为研究增强的UV-B辐射对植物的影响,选取了生长于中国北方的经济作物冬小麦为研究对象,采用双向电泳的方法,分析了经UV-B辐射后小麦叶片蛋白的变化。结果显示,经UV-B辐射后,第4天、第8天的小麦叶片蛋白变化明显,双向电泳图谱显示发现15个蛋白差异点;通过质谱鉴定了3个蛋白差异点,分别为铜/锌过氧化物歧化酶、钙调素、Rubiso大亚基结合蛋白α亚基。结果表明增强的UV-B辐射可以通过调节小麦叶片基因编码蛋白而调节植物生长。  相似文献   

小麦条锈菌胞间菌丝的超微结构和细胞化学研究   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:10  
康振生庄.  J 《真菌学报》1993,12(3):208-213

烟草叶片衰老期过程中的蛋白质组学分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大田烟叶生产过程中因打顶打叉的处理,改变了烟叶正常的衰老模式。为研究这一特殊的衰老机制,我们自旺长期开始,对‘云烟87’不同发育阶段烟株的中部叶片,进行形态观测、生理生化分析及蛋白质组学检测。结果显示:随着烟叶的逐渐成熟和衰老,烟草的叶色逐渐变黄,叶片逐渐变短、变窄,厚度减少;解剖结构清晰看到栅栏组织和海绵组织从最初的整齐排列到逐渐排列紊乱,组织细胞间轮廓不明显,细胞间隙明显增大;亚显微观测表明,淀粉粒在叶绿体中逐渐积累,类囊体片层结构被挤散,叶绿体膜被撑破。生理与生化分析表明衰老过程伴随着光合作用速率下降,光合色素降解加速,呼吸代谢的增加,这可能与衰老叶片中叶绿体逐渐崩塌和细胞膜透性增加相一致。iTRAQ标记方法共检测到不同发育阶段432个差异表达蛋白质,其中注释到308个与多种生命过程相关。蛋白差异富集分析表明,烟草叶片衰老过程中与光合作用等合成代谢相关蛋白多下调表达,而逆境反应及呼吸作用等分解代谢相关蛋白多上调表达。  相似文献   

小麦类根瘤胞间根瘤菌对分生细胞核的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在小麦类根瘤中,分生细胞核很大,而且较圆整,一般为一个核仁,有的核仁还有核仁泡,但通常一个核仁只有一个核仁泡,染色质较少,呈团块状分布。若胞间根瘤菌离分生细胞核较远,分生细胞核变化不大,只是染色质开始由团块状变为长条形,但仍有核仁。当胞间根瘤菌靠近分生细胞核时,细胞核变小,染色质密度增加并形成网状,而且无核仁出现。在上述这些无核仁的分生细胞核内有一种特殊的管状内含体,它们位于网状染色质附近的核基质中。本文还讨论了分生细胞核的变化规律及其与胞间根瘤菌存在的关系。  相似文献   

适于小麦叶片蛋白质组分析的样品提取方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以‘铭贤169'小麦苗期叶片为材料,分别采用传统的TCA/丙酮沉淀法、酚提取-甲醇/醋酸铵沉淀法以及改进的TCA/丙酮沉淀-酚/SDS联合抽提法提取叶片总蛋白,进行双向电泳分离和胶体考染,以建立适用于小麦蛋白质组分析的样品制备方法.结果表明:TCA/丙酮沉淀法较酚提取-甲醇/醋酸铵沉淀法获得的蛋白杂质较少,在二维电泳图谱中的蛋白点较酚抽提-甲醇/醋酸铵沉淀法提取的蛋白点清晰且多.相比于以上2种提取蛋白样品方法,改进的TCA/丙酮沉淀-酚/SDS联合抽提法提取的小麦叶片蛋白杂质少、二维电泳图谱上的点明显增多、分辨率较高.所选小麦的代表性蛋白点能获得成功鉴定.该方法可推广应用于水稻叶片蛋白质组分析的样品提取.  相似文献   

不同生态区烟草叶片蛋白质组学的比较   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
崔红  冀浩  张华  邵惠芳  李东宵  陈亮 《生态学报》2008,28(10):4873-4880
为探讨不同生态区烟叶香气风格形成的机理,应用蛋白质双向电泳联用质谱技术,对河南平顶山(浓香型烟叶的典型生态区)和福建龙岩(清香型烟叶的典型生态区)的烟草(Nicotina tobaccum L.cv.K326)叶片蛋白质组成进行了比较研究。结果发现,51个蛋白质在两个生态区发生了差异表达,其中在河南表达量上升的有15个,在福建表达量上升的有25个。另外,还分别有2个和9个蛋白点为在河南和在福建样品中特异表达。采用MALDI-TOF/MS进行肽质量指纹图谱分析,经MSDB、NCBInr和SwissPort数据库查询,共鉴定出25种蛋白质,其中参与叶绿体发育、色素代谢、光合作用相关的蛋白在福建烟区高表达,与糖酵解途径相关的蛋白质在河南烟区中高表达。另外,在两生态区烟叶中都发现有相当数量的特异表达的抗逆和防御蛋白。首次在蛋白质组学水平对不同香气风格烟叶的形成机理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

小麦条锈菌胞间菌丝的超微结构和细胞化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用电镜技术和细胞化学方法,对小麦条锈菌寄主胞间菌丝的超微结构进行了研究。观察发现:小麦条锈菌胞间菌丝有两种类型,即具隔膜菌丝和无隔膜菌丝。在胞间菌丝中,多核现象极为普遍。常规染色和细胞化学染色结果表明:胞间菌丝的细胞壁由四层组成,隔膜由三层构成,细胞壁的内层与隔膜的外层相连,细胞壁和隔膜中含有蛋白质和多糖物质。隔膜的发育可分三个阶段,即隔膜突的形成,隔膜壁的延伸和隔膜孔结构的形成。本研究中还观察到胞间菌丝间的融合现象。本文的研究结果表明:小麦条锈菌胞间菌丝的一些特征显然不同于其它锈菌。  相似文献   

用电子显微镜和光学显微镜观察了小麦类根瘤,以探讨小麦类根瘤中胞间细菌的运动及其对细胞壁的影响.结果表明:(1)小麦类根瘤由薄壁细胞、分生细胞和侵染细胞组成,它们中有许多胞间隙,其中一些还含有大量细菌;它们的胞间层常常彼此分离,形成间隙,间隙中有时也有细菌存在;(2)小麦类根瘤中没有侵入线,细菌运动主要在胞间进行;具有细菌的胞间隙和胞间层大小不等、形状各异,其细胞壁还常常出现不同程度的变化,变化的大小一般与它们中的细菌有关,且随细菌数量的增加而增加.  相似文献   

用异硫氰酸 鬼笔环肽 (FITC Ph)标记和共聚焦激光扫描显微镜 (CLSM )观察发现 ,以具有激发子活性的接种叶锈菌的小麦叶片的胞间洗脱液 (IWF)处理叶肉细胞原生质体一定时间后 ,抗病小麦品种洛夫林 10的原生质体内微丝骨架保持完整的网络状结构 ,而感病品种 5 389的大部分微丝骨架处于解聚状态。同时 ,抗病品种因IWF处理诱发的防卫反应———H2 O2 突发和HR反应的程度 (用原生质体活力下降的程度表示 )也大大高于感病品种。用细胞松弛素D(CD)预处理抗病品种原生质体可以明显抑制IWF处理诱发的H2 O2突发和HR反应 ,表明微丝骨架的状态可能与抗病性有密切的关系 ,完整的微丝骨架是H2 O2 突发和HR反应的一个重要条件。  相似文献   

Protoplasts from 8- to 9-day-old wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves were used to isolate organelles which were examined for their contents of peptide hydrolase enzymes and, in the case of vacuoles, other acid hydrolases. High yields of intact chloroplasts were obtained using both equilibrium density gradient centrifugation and velocity sedimentation centrifugation on sucrose-sorbitol gradients. Aminopeptidase activity was found to be distributed, in approximately equal proportions, between the chloroplasts and cytoplasm. Leucyltyrosine dipeptidase was mainly found in the cytoplasm, although about 27% was associated with the chloroplasts. Vacuoles shown to be free from Cellulysin contamination contained all of the protoplast carboxypeptidase and hemoglobin-degrading activities. The acid hydrolases, phosphodiesterase, acid phosphatase, α-mannosidase, and β-N-acetylglucosamidase were found in the vacuole to varying degrees, but no β-glucosidase was localized in the vacuole.  相似文献   

Methionine sulphoximine, an inhibitor of glutamine synthetase,caused ammonia accumulation in detached wheat leaves. The ratewas increased by increased oxygen in the atmosphere and by simultaneouslysupplying glycine or giving extra nitrate; it was decreasedby isonicotinyl hydrazide. Ammonia production was light-dependentand continued at a constant rate in air for at least 2 h. Photosynthesiswas progressively inhibited after the first hour; this inhibitionwas not because of increased stomatal resistance. Leaves suppliedwith 30 mol m–3 ammonium chloride, without methioninesulphoximine, accumulated more ammonia than leaves treated withthe inhibitor but showed less inhibition of photosynthesis.The inhibitor decreased synthesis of [14C] amino acids from14CO2 in the light but increased the synthesis of [14C] malateand, relatively, the incorporation of 14C into sugar phosphates.In the absence of inhibitor, nitrate increased and ammoniumion decreased synthesis of malate. Methionine sulphoximine,by causing a shortage of amino acids, probably inhibited photosynthesisin part by decreasing the recycling of carbon from the photorespiratorycycle back to the Calvin cycle. Key words: Photosynthetic 14CO2 assimilation, Methionine sulphoximine, Detached wheat leaves  相似文献   

The intercellular distribution of assimilatory sulfate reduction enzymes between mesophyll and bundle sheath cells was analyzed in maize (Zea mays L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves. In maize, a C4 plant, 96 to 100% of adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate sulfotransferase and 92 to 100% of ATP sulfurylase activity (EC was detected in the bundle sheath cells. Sulfite reductase (EC and O-acetyl-l-serine sulfhydrylase (EC were found in both bundle sheath and mesophyll cell types. In wheat, a C3 species, ATP sulfurylase and adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate sulfotransferase were found at equivalent activities in both mesophyll and bundle sheath cells. Leaves of etiolated maize plants contained appreciable ATP sulfurylase activity but only trace adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate sulfotransferase activity. Both enzyme activities increased in the bundle sheath cells during greening but remained at negligible levels in mesophyll cells. In leaves of maize grown without addition of a sulfur source for 12 d, the specific activity of adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate sulfotransferase and ATP sulfurylase in the bundle sheath cells was higher than in the controls. In the mesophyll cells, however, both enzyme activities remained undetectable. The intercellular distribution of enzymes would indicate that the first two steps of sulfur assimilation are restricted to the bundle sheath cells of C4 plants, and this restriction is independent of ontogeny and the sulfur nutritional status of the plants.  相似文献   

The substrate-specific induction of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Fenman) leaf cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD, EC was examined in relation to its role in regulating the composition of defensive lignin induced at wound margins. Treatment of wounds with a partially acetylated chitosan hydrolysate or spores of the nonpathogen Botrytis cinerea elicited lignification at wound margins and invoked significant increases in phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (EC, peroxidase (EC, and CAD activities. The substrate-specific induction of CAD with time was determined in elicitor-treated leaves and in excised lignifying wounds. In whole leaf extracts no significant increases in p-cou-maryl and coniferyl alcohol dehydrogenase activities were detectable, but a significant 5-fold increase in sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase activity was evident 32 h after elicitor treatment. Similarly, fungal challenge resulted in elevated levels of only sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase in whole-leaf extracts. In excised lignifying tissues p-coumaryl alcohol dehydrogenase levels were similar to those observed in healthy tissue. A small yet significant increase in coniferyl alcohol dehydrogenase was apparent, but the most dramatic increase occurred in sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase activity, which increased to values approximately 10 times higher than the untreated controls. Our results show for the first time that CAD induction in lignifying tissues of wheat is predominantly attributable to highly localized increases in sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Mikola L 《Plant physiology》1986,81(3):823-829
Extracts of resting and germinating (3 days at 20°C) wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Ruso) grains rapidly hydrolyzed various benzyloxycarbonyldipeptides (Z-dipeptides) at pH 4 to 6. Similar activities were present in extracts of mature flag leaves. Fractionation by chromatography on CM-cellulose and on Sephadex G-200 showed that the activities in germinating grains were due to five acid carboxypeptidases with different and complementary substrate specificities. The wheat enzymes appeared to correspond to the five acid carboxypeptidases present in germinating barley (L Mikola 1983 Biochim Biophys Acta 747: 241-252). The enzymes were designated wheat carboxypeptidases I to V and their best or most characteristic substrates and approximate molecular weights were: I, Z-Phe-Ala, 120,000; II, Z-Ala-Arg, 120,000; III, Z-Ala-Phe, 40,000; IV, Z-Pro-Ala, 165,000; and V, Z-Pro-Ala, 150,000. Resting grains contained carboxypeptidase II as a series of three isoenzymes and low activities of carboxypeptidases IV and V. During germination the activity of carboxypeptidase II decreased, those of carboxypeptidases IV and V increased, and high activities of carboxypeptidases I and III appeared. The flag leaves contained high activity of carboxypeptidase I and lower activities of carboxypeptidases II, IV, and V, whereas carboxypeptidase III was absent.  相似文献   

细胞间隙液中存在许多与植物的生长发育相关的物质,对于研究植物生理生化反应很重要。介绍一种提取棉花叶片的细胞间隙液的方法,操作简单,节省时间和材料。利用改造的对6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶的硝基四氮唑蓝定性法对提取的细胞间隙液进行鉴定,结果显示得到了比较纯的细胞间隙液。  相似文献   

A short-term regeneration system from leaf-base-derived callus of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was developed. Embryogenic callus formation and shoot regeneration were achieved from the first basal segments of 3–4-day-old seedlings. Callus formation frequency as well as plantlet regeneration frequency was dependent on the composition of basal medium and the concentration of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). MS medium with 2,4-D 4.5–9.0 mol l–1 was optimal for the culture of wheat leaf base. Effects of different combinations of plant growth regulators, which were added in either callus induction medium or shoot regeneration medium, were tested. Adding of BAP in callus induction medium shortened the time of shoot emergence but could not improve the producing of embryogenic calli and green plantlets. Optimal ratio of 2,4-D, BAP and NAA gave similar regeneration frequency to control. Existence of cytokinins in regeneration medium had no effect on increasing the regeneration frequency. The regenerants could grow to normal, fertile plants after they were transferred into soil.  相似文献   

黄瓜叶片胞间隙蛋白质双向电泳体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黄瓜种质‘PI088’幼苗为材料,提取胞间隙液,制备蛋白样品,通过对不同IPG胶条、等电聚焦条件、分离胶浓度、上样量等条件的探索,建立适合黄瓜叶片胞间隙蛋白质组的双向电泳体系.结果显示:(1)用pH 3~10的非线性IPG胶条,等电聚焦时间为70 000 Vh,分离胶浓度为10%,上样量为800 μg时,能够得到较好的2-DE图谱.(2)利用所建立的双向电泳体系找到了对照及接种霜霉菌后2d的黄瓜叶片胞间隙差异蛋白,其中的12个上调表达点和10个下调表达点的表达量变化在1.5倍以上.并选取一个差异点成功进行了质谱分析.(3)质谱分析结果显示,所找的差异点为一种酸性的几丁质酶,等电点为4.27.可见,采用所建立的双向电泳体系可获得分辨率高、重复性好的2-DE图谱并能很好地用于质谱分析.  相似文献   

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