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为了解樟科植物雌雄异熟的繁育系统特点,对3种樟科植物阴香(Cinnamomum burmannii)、紫楠(Phoebe sheareri)和浙江楠(Phoebe chekiangensis)雌雄异熟花的开花动态进行了比较研究.结果表明,3种植物雌性功能期的开始时间、雌性功能期和雄性功能期的时间分配有差异.3种植物的主...  相似文献   

植物功能性状反映了植物对生长环境的响应和适应, 是连接植物与环境的桥梁, 研究植物功能性状特征及其随坡向的变化规律, 对认识不同微地形生境下植物群落空间格局形成及适应机制具有重要意义。本文以五大连池不同历史年代的8座火山共有树种色木槭(Acer mono)为研究对象, 测定了9类叶功能性状, 研究了植物叶功能性状在火山间及火山坡向间(阴坡-阳坡)的变化规律, 以期揭示生境对火山植物主要叶功能性状的影响, 以及阴阳坡植物生存策略的变化, 初步探讨了植物对环境的适应机制。结果表明: (1)坡向的变化是造成色木槭叶功能性状差异的重要原因; (2)火山间叶功能性状的差异反映了它们具有不同的资源环境, 色木槭生长主要受氮元素的限制; (3)南北坡向及火山间叶片厚度与叶面积均呈极显著的正相关关系, 叶片厚度与比叶面积在不同火山间均呈显著的正相关关系, 这与色木槭在火山土壤条件下的自我保护密切相关, 色木槭通过这些指标间的功能调节来适应环境的变化, 并形成最佳功能组合。五大连池不同历史年代火山的色木槭采用增加植物叶片叶干物质浓度、叶面积、叶片厚度、叶氮和叶磷浓度提高固碳能力, 通过降低比叶面积和氮磷比来适应干旱、土壤养分贫瘠的环境。  相似文献   

镉对茶条槭和五角槭光合作用和叶绿素荧光特性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以北方阔叶树种茶条槭(Acer ginnala)和五角槭(Acer mono)2年生苗木为材料,采用土壤和风化砂混合物作为盆栽基质,设置0(CK)、10、50、100、200 mg·kg-1 5种土壤镉浓度,研究了土壤镉胁迫对苗木叶片光合作用和叶绿素荧光特性的影响.结果表明:随着土壤镉胁迫浓度增加,茶条槭净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)先升后降,胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)则先降后升,且均在10 mg·kg-1 Cd2+时达到峰值或谷值;同时五角槭的Pn逐渐降低,Ci持续升高,Gs和Tr则先升后降且均在10 mg·kg-1 Cd2+时达到峰值.随土壤镉处理浓度的增加,茶条槭和五角槭的Fv/Fm、Fv/F0和qN均呈先升后降趋势,ΦPSⅡ则均持续下降;qP在茶条槭表现为先升后降,而在五角槭则逐渐下降.所有指标(除Ci外)在随镉浓度的变化过程中,其上升幅度均为茶条槭大于五角槭,而下降幅度则为五角槭大于茶条槭.研究发现,重金属镉通过破坏或抑制光合作用过程来影响茶条槭和五角槭的生长,高浓度镉导致的Pn下降是由非气孔限制因素所致;茶条槭对土壤镉的耐性大于五角槭,100和50 mg·kg-1 Cd2+可能分别是茶条槭和五角槭对土壤镉污染的耐受极限.  相似文献   

East Asia has the most diverse temperate flora in the world primarily due to the lack of Pleistocene glaciation and the geographic heterogeneity. Although increasing phylogeography studies in this region provided more proofs in this issue, discrepancies and uncertainty still exist, especially in northern temperate deciduous broad‐leaved and coniferous mixed forest region (II). And a widespread plant species could reduce the complexity to infer the relationship between diversity and physiographical pattern. Hence, we studied the evolution history of a widespread temperate tree, Acer mono, populations in region II and the influence of physiographic patterns on intraspecific genetic diversity. Analyses of chloroplast sequences and nuclear microsatellites indicated high levels of genetic diversity. The diversity distribution was spatially heterogeneous and a latitudinal cline existed in both markers. The spatial distribution pattern between genetic diversity within A. mono and the diversity at species level was generally consistent. Western subtropical evergreen broad‐leaved forest subregion (IVb) had a unique ancient chloroplast clade (CP3) and a nuclear gene pool (GP5) with dominance indicating the critical role of this area in species diversification. Genetic data and ecological niche model results both suggested that populations in region II disappeared during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and recovered from south of Changbai Mt. and the Korean Peninsula. Two distribution centers were likely during the LGM, one in the north edge of warm temperate deciduous broad‐leaved forest region (III) and another in the south edge of region III. This was reflected by the genetic pattern with two spatially independent genetic groups. This study highlights the key role of region III in sustaining genetic diversity in the northern range and connecting diversity between southern and northern range. We elucidated the diversity relationship between vegetation regions which could facilitate the understanding of biodiversity origin and maintenance in East Asia.  相似文献   

Although cavitation is common in plants, it is unknown whether the cavitation resistance of xylem is seasonally constant or variable. We tested the changes in cavitation resistance of Acer mono before and after a controlled cavitation–refilling and freeze–thaw cycles for a whole year. Cavitation resistance was determined from ‘vulnerability curves’ showing the percent loss of conductivity versus xylem tension. Cavitation fatigue was defined as a reduction of cavitation resistance following a cavitation–refilling cycle, whereas frost fatigue was caused by a freeze–thaw cycle. A. mono developed seasonal changes in native embolisms; values were relatively high during winter but relatively low and constant throughout the growing season. Cavitation fatigue occurred and changed seasonally during the 12‐month cycle; the greatest fatigue response occurred during summer and the weakest during winter, and the transitions occurred during spring and autumn. A. mono was highly resistant to frost damage during the relatively mild winter months; however, a quite different situation occurred during the growing season, as the seasonal trend of frost fatigue was strikingly similar to that of cavitation fatigue. Seasonality changes in cavitation resistance may be caused by seasonal changes in the mechanical properties of the pit membranes.  相似文献   

Thirteen polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for Acer mono Maxim., one of the major components of deciduous forests in Japan. An average of 13.8 alleles were found, with expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.140 to 0.945 in 34 A. mono individuals from the Ogawa Forest Reserve in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. This set of microsatellite markers can be used to analyse mating patterns and gene flow in A. mono populations.  相似文献   

Aims Exploring the characteristics and function of a flower color polymorphism contributes to our understanding of floral evolution in angiosperms. However, little information is available on stigma color polymorphisms in flowering plants despite their important functional role in plant reproduction.Methods We studied a stigma color polymorphism at the individual level in Acer pictum subsp. mono (aka A. mono) by investigating stigma-color morph proportion and comparing stigma performance and components of female fitness (pollen adhesion, pollen germination, fruit set, seed set and fruit weight) between the two morphs (red and greenish-yellow stigma) within natural populations at Dongling Mountain in the north of China. In the flowering period, we conducted hand pollination in natural populations and then made microscopic observations using the aniline blue fluorescence method.Important findings Individuals in the studied populations did not change their stigma color between years, and flowers produced by a single tree were uniform in their stigma color. This strongly suggests that stigma color variation is genetically controlled. The percentage of the red stigma flowers with germinated pollen grains was significantly higher than that of the greenish-yellow stigma flowers when hand pollination was conducted in the early flowering period, but not so in the late flowering period. There was no significant difference in the percentage of flowers with pollen adhesion to the stigma between the two morphs. Fruit set of the red morph was significantly higher than that of the greenish-yellow morph. Our findings suggest that the red morph may be more advantageous for pollen germination and fruit set than the greenish-yellow morph, which may provide a functional explanation for the high incidence of the red stigma morph in the studied populations. Alternative explanations for the stigma color polymorphism are discussed to stimulate further work.  相似文献   

以天目山自然保护区人工栽培的濒危树种羊角槭(Acer yangjuechi Fang et P.L.Chiu)为研究对象,于花期观察了花部形态特征、单株与群体水平开花动态,分析开花与结实的关系,结果表明:1.羊角槭花杂性、顶生花序着生有雄花和两性花,两性花多位于花轴顶端,雄花位于侧生轴顶端或下部,花序雄花与两性花数量比为三角槭的2.6倍,羊角槭枝条两性花偏少;2.观察到两种形态雄花,Ⅰ型雄花子房微型、柱头极度短缩呈黑点状、花盘较平,Ⅱ型雄花子房退化成一团白色绒毛,2裂柱头隐现,花盘较厚、辐射状凹裂;两性花子房成扁球状突出,柱头显著伸出,花丝长度短于雄花;3.单株两性花早于雄花开放,两性花集中于3日以内开放,呈集中开放模式,而对应此时同株上只有极个别雄花(7%以下)处于散粉阶段;4.群体两性花开放时期略早于雄花,二者间存在相对的间隔期。由此对羊角槭开花与种胚发育影响因素进行了探讨。  相似文献   

张风娟  金幼菊 《生态学报》2007,27(7):2990-2996
茉莉酸甲酯喷施和光肩星天牛(Anoplophora glabripennis(Motschulsky)咬食后五角枫(Acer mono Maxim.)植株均诱导产生了乙酸丁酯、2-壬醇、乙酸己酯、3-甲基-2-丁醇、1-辛烯、里那醇、3-蒈烯、1-丁醇、(Z)-2-己烯醛9种正常植株中没有检测到的挥发物。两种处理均诱导或促进了萜烯类、醇类和醛类挥发物的大量释放,且乙酸-3-己烯酯、乙酸乙酯、己醇、反-2-己烯醇、乙基己醇、1-辛烯、石竹烯、法尼烯等挥发物的时序变化趋势也非常相似。因而推测光肩星天牛咬食五角枫后在植物体内诱导产生了茉莉酸信号传导途径。  相似文献   

利用SRAP分子标记分析山西霍山不同海拔五角枫种群的遗传多样性和遗传结构。11对引物组合共得到88个重复性好的位点;Nei基因多样性指数( h)在0.1996~0.3163之间,平均为0.2373;Shannon多样性指数( I)范围为0.2995~0.4936,平均为0.3535;在物种水平上,多态位点百分率( PPB)为98.86%,表现出较高地遗传多样性。 ANOVA分析表明,遗传变异主要存在于五角枫种群内(79%),21%的分子变异分布在种群间。基于遗传距离进行UPGMA聚类分析,5个五角枫种群聚为明显的2支。相关分析显示:五角枫的多样性指数与地理梯度均无显著或极显著相关。  相似文献   

广西野生毛葡萄雌雄株花粉形态学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过电镜扫描,对原产于广西石山地区的野生毛葡萄雌、雄株花粉形态进行比较研究。结果表明,野生毛葡萄花粉粒为小型花粉粒,雌、雄株花粉粒形状及纹饰、萌发孔特征均有较大差异:雄株花粉粒萌发孔为三孔沟类型,长球形,花粉粒P/E=1.20(P极轴值,E赤道轴值);雌株花粉粒无萌发孔,近球形,花粉粒P/E=1.12。  相似文献   

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