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章素芬  唐俊伟  刘俊 《生物磁学》2011,(20):3968-3971
住院医师培养制度现已逐步在中国各城市开始实施,住院医师培养最主要的目标是培养临床能力合格的医师。对住院医师临床能力的评估,最好的方式应该是在临床的实践工作中的给予评估。Mini—CEX(Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise)是在传统的CEX基础上,发展出的一套用来评估住院医师临床技能并具有教学功能的测评工具,包括观察和评价住院医师的知识、技能、态度和主治医师的适时反馈。Mini-CEX为一种迷你型的多次重点式评估,在门诊、急诊或住院等临床例行工作中均可以开展,具备相当可靠的信效度和极好的便利性。Mini—CEX具有一个参与双方的信息及时反馈。应用Mini.CEX能增强评估的科学性,并能促进学习和培训。Mini-CEX作为目前医学教育体系中应用最广泛的一种评估手段之一,受到了国内外医学教育工作者的关注,并开始逐渐引入我国。Mini-CEX将在中国住院医师培养制度中发挥非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

医学影像诊断报告是正确行使医疗行为和保证医疗质量的依据,书写高质量的医学影像学诊断报告是医学生及住院医师必须掌握的一项基本功和基本技能。本文将结合我院长期的医学生及住院医师临床教学经验和实际,以神经系统影像报告为例,从医学影像诊断报告的重要性、医学生及住院医师医学影像诊断报告技能教学的现状、规范化医学影像报告书写技能的培养、评估、反馈和评价进行探讨,以期在医学生和住院医师的培养中提高其临床技能,供广大同道在医学教育与实践中借鉴和改进。  相似文献   

文章从PBL实践步骤、核心课程制度、临床实践中的正性反馈制度、硬件支持和科研实践五个方面详细介绍了PBL应用于血管外科住院医师培训的实践经验,同时介绍了教学效果评估和应用展望,以期切实提高血管外科住院医师综合素质。  相似文献   

住院医师规范化培训是培养具有独立执业能力和高超临床技能的专业医学人才的重要环节。通过对3年来口腔颌面外科住院医师规范化培训教学工作经验的总结,根据现代医学素质教育理念,结合口腔颌面外科的学科特点,探讨更加适合口腔住院医师规范化受训人员的教学方法,以促进受训住院医师临床实践综合能力的提高。我们在规范化培训中按纲施训,从转变临床思维模式、强调学习自主性、加强临床基本技能训练、注重人文思想的渗透等多方面入手,针对临床实践中的薄弱环节进行培训,为培养高素质医学人才奠定了基础,取得了教与培的满意效果。  相似文献   

住院医师规范化培训作为毕业后医学教育的重要组成部分,对于住院医师良好的职业道德、扎实的医学理论知识和临床技能的培养起着不可或缺的作用。如何保障培训质量、提高培训效果是工作中亟待解决的问题。文章结合安徽医科大学第二附属医院住院医师规范化培训工作实践,探索构建住院医师规范化培训考核体系,为提高住院医师规范化培训质量提供有力抓手。  相似文献   

目的 研究临床型研究生培养与住院医师培训相结合的可能性。方法 对上海某三级甲等医院临床型研究生和部分临床带教老师进行问卷调查。结果 对于临床型研究生培养纳入住院医师培训,对其临床能力培养是否有帮助和对就业是否有帮助,带教老师和学生之间看法具有显著差异(P <0.05);临床型研究生医师资格被带教老师和学生认为是存在的障碍第一位;带教老师认为临床型研究生培养纳入住院医师规范化培训有必要的比例明显高于学生。结论 从经济上、技术上、组织管理和社会影响进行分析,临床型研究生培养与住院医师培训相结合有其可行性,两条途径的临床能力培训并轨后,将利于统一的专科医师准入制度的建立。  相似文献   

住院医师是医院人才梯队建设的基础。完善临床住院医师规范化培训工作,是提高青年医师综合素质的重要途径,对培养高层次的医学人才起着承上启下的作用。针对住院医师规范化培训与在职研究生教育中的衔接不畅、评估考核机制不善、政策落实不力以及软硬件设施急需提高等问题,提出了实现二者的有效衔接,通过完善评估机制、配套设施和服务体系,以期探索出完善医师培养方法并提高青年医师综合素质的新途径。  相似文献   

当前医学生临床实践活动在时间上不能保证,质量上又明显下滑的情况下,增加住院医师/专科医师通科培训是十分必要的。不仅能弥补临床实践的不足,而且也能为医学生向住院医师平稳顺利过度作铺垫。住院医师/专科医师培养是医学生向临床医师角色转换的一个重要的过度阶段,因此,培训时间、学习内容安排的科学、合理与否将直接影响培养效果。住院医师/专科医师通科培训应为培养具有较高临床综合能力的医学人才奠定基础。  相似文献   

住院医师规范化培训是培养医药卫生人才的重要举措,也是医学继续教育的重要组成部分。我院临床病理科专业基地结合本学科特点,逐步建立了临床病理医师规范化培训体系。学员入科前首先进行岗前培训,了解各项工作制度及流程,并明确整个规范化培训过程中的工作目标及工作计划。科室采用"导师负责制",并实施"轮转式"的专业导师带教模式,引导住院医师全面发展。在专业培养及带教模式方面采用渐进式、系统性的分层培养模式,考核突破创新,对考核提前达标的学员,可提前进入下一培养阶段,反之则延长培训时间直至达标为止。推行科研导师制,通过结对帮扶的形式,帮助并指导住院医师将临床科研能力与提高病理诊断水平相结合。制定科研奖励政策,进一步提高科研积极性。在带教管理上,以内在激励为主要的人文理念,在带教过程中融入人文关怀,提高学员的医德医风与人文精神。  相似文献   

李政钊 《蛇志》2016,(2):243-245
目的探讨TBL、CBL整合教学法在急诊电除颤临床技能培训中的应用效果。方法本研究共纳入50名参加住院医师规范化培训的临床医生,随机分为实验组和对照组各25名,实验组采用TBL、CBL整合教学法,对照组采用传统课堂讲授法。两组培训后进行理论知识和技能操作考核,并进行教学方法评价调查。结果经过系统的电除颤临床技能培训,实验组的住院医生在理论知识、综合能力考核等方面的成绩均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。而且实验组教学方面评价指标的优良率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论采用TBL、CBL整合教学法较传统LBL教学法能明显提高急诊科住院医师规划化培训的临床技能水平。  相似文献   

Purpose: Several studies have documented a deficiency in the delivery of preventive services to adolescents during physician visits in the United States. This study sought to assess and compare pediatric, family medicine (FM), and obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) resident perceptions of their responsibility, training, and experience with providing comprehensive health care services to adolescents.Methods: A 57-item, close-ended survey was designed and administered to assess resident perceptions of the scope of their practice, training, and experience with providing adolescent health care across a series of health care categories.Results: Of the 87 respondents (31 OB/GYN, 29 FM, and 27 pediatric), most residents from all three fields felt that the full range of adolescent preventive and clinical services represented in the survey fell under their scope of practice. Residents from all three fields need more training and experience with mental health issues, referring teenagers to substance abuse treatment programs, and addressing physical and sexual abuse. In addition, OB-GYN residents reported deficiencies in training and experience regarding several preventive counseling and general health services, while pediatric residents reported deficiencies in training and experience regarding sexual health services.Conclusions: Our results indicate that at this time, residents from these three specialties are not optimally prepared to provide the full range of recommended preventive and clinical services to adolescents.  相似文献   

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, in collaboration with the Universities of Calgary and Alberta, has developed a program to routinely assess the performance of physicians, intended primarily for quality improvement in medical practice. The Physician Achievement Review (PAR) provides a multidimensional view of performance through structured feedback to physicians. The program will also provide a new mechanism for identifying physicians for whom more detailed assessment of practice performance or medical competence may be needed. Questionnaires were created to assess an array of performance attributes, and then appropriate assessors were designated--the physician himself or herself (self-evaluation), patients, medical peers, consultants and referring physicians, and non-physician coworkers. A pilot study with 308 physician volunteers was used to evaluate the psychometric and statistical properties of the questionnaires and to develop operating policies. The pilot surveys showed good statistical validity and technical reliability of the PAR questionnaires. For only 28 (9.1%) of the physicians were the PAR results more than one standard deviation from the peer group means for 3 or more of the 5 major domains of assessment (self, patients, peers, consultants and coworkers). In post-survey feedback, two-thirds of the physicians indicated that they were considering or had implemented changes to their medical practice on the basis of their PAR data. The estimated operating cost of the PAR program is approximately $200 per physician. In February 1999, on the basis of the operating experience and the results of the pilot survey, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta implemented this innovative program, in which all Alberta physicians will be required to participate every 5 years.  相似文献   

We designed and evaluated an innovative computer-aided-learning environment based on the on-line integration of computer controlled medical diagnostic devices and a medical information system for use in the preclinical medical physics education of medical students. Our learning system simulates the actual clinical environment in a hospital or primary care unit. It uses a commercial medical information system for on-line storage and processing of clinical type data acquired during physics laboratory classes. Every student adopts two roles, the role of ‘patient’ and the role of ‘physician’. As a ‘physician’ the student operates the medical devices to clinically assess ‘patient’ colleagues and records all results in an electronic ‘patient’ record. We also introduced an innovative approach to the use of supportive education materials, based on the methods of adaptive e-learning. A survey of student feedback is included and statistically evaluated.The results from the student feedback confirm the positive response of the latter to this novel implementation of medical physics and informatics in preclinical education. This approach not only significantly improves learning of medical physics and informatics skills but has the added advantage that it facilitates students’ transition from preclinical to clinical subjects.  相似文献   

The use of placebo medication, long recognized by clinicians, often has serious practical implications, such as patient deception. Past evidence has suggested that resident physicians tend to misuse placebo medication. Interns from two consecutive years of a residency program were surveyed anonymously to assess their knowledge and use of placebos. Of the 74 interns surveyed, 44 (59%) were familiar with placebo use in patient care. Fifty percent of these interns familiar with placebo use had learned about placebos from another physician. All interns who had learned about placebos during their internships had learned from another physician, whereas interns who had gained their knowledge of placebos as medical students were as likely to have learned from the medical literature as they were to have learned from a physician (P = 0.027). Interns aware of placebo use were more likely to consider placebo administration for suspected, factitious pain (P = 0.022). The present study uncovered no relationship between interns' estimations of placebo efficacy and the utility they attributed to placebos in assessing a complaint of pain. This suggests that conceptual inconsistencies underlie their use of placebos. Interns often learn of placebos as medical students and are influenced by physician-mentors. Placebo use in patient care is an area of attention for medical educators.  相似文献   

The medical literature is replete with articles about the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education's 2003 resident duty hour restrictions. Most of these papers describe creative and thoughtful responses to the new system. However, others express concern that the "80-hour work week" could hamper continuity of care and educational activities. Nevertheless, if fatigue impairs resident learning and medical care quality, then work hour restrictions seem worthwhile. We add our voices to the critics' for additional reasons. Data support that fatigue occurs even with reasonable work schedules, and residents do not reliably use time off from work to rest. Regulated work schedules can interfere with adequate rehearsal of the physical and mental stamina required in certain specialties, yet patients have a right to expect their physicians to be trained in the particular demands of those specialties. Similarly, residents have a right to a realistic understanding of authentic clinical practice. Further, while self-sacrifice need not be routine, trainees should feel that occasional self-sacrifice is appropriate and acceptable for a physician. We reject uniform, arbitrary duty hour limits for all specialties. Rather, we propose that a subspecialty-based system can foster the development of the endurance, skills, and reasoning that patients and colleagues expect.  相似文献   

The medical examination of persons who have no medical complaints is a procedure that has different purposes than the traditional diagnostic examination. These include not only the detection of incipient disease but the evaluation of the adjustment of the individual to his environment and an assessment of his personal hygiene. It should be concluded by a discussion of what has been found, and by positive, persuasive advice and education which will lead to better health. Interest in such work and competence for it are not found in every physician. Physicians who do not want to acquire such competences should recognize the fact and refer such work to others who are prepared to cope with it. Inept, incomplete health examinations disappoint the patient and make the physician uncomfortable; thorough, constructive examination and counseling is satisfying and profitable to both.  相似文献   

The medical examination of persons who have no medical complaints is a procedure that has different purposes than the traditional diagnostic examination. These include not only the detection of incipient disease but the evaluation of the adjustment of the individual to his environment and an assessment of his personal hygiene. It should be concluded by a discussion of what has been found, and by positive, persuasive advice and education which will lead to better health.Interest in such work and competence for it are not found in every physician. Physicians who do not want to acquire such competences should recognize the fact and refer such work to others who are prepared to cope with it. Inept, incomplete health examinations disappoint the patient and make the physician uncomfortable; thorough, constructive examination and counseling is satisfying and profitable to both.  相似文献   

Telemedicine has evolved into a valuable but underused resource for the delivery of health care to patients at a distance, particularly where patient transport is impractical, expensive, complicated, and/or urgent. Today, over 250,000 telemedicine consults are generated annually, involving various specialties in both military and civilian health delivery systems. The ability to evaluate and triage plastic surgery patients through the use of telemedicine has not been widely explored. We have designed, developed, and tested a "store-and-forward" solution at UMass Memorial Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital whereby the plastic surgery residents who responded to a consult request transmitted digital photographs by means of the Internet to the attending physician on call. The customary telephone call between resident and attending physician benefited from the additional photographic data, and patient management resulted in a clear, concise, and unambiguous treatment plan. The initial management suggested by the resident was modified on some occasions, particularly with complex problems. The use of digital images was especially helpful for evaluation of radiographs and complex wounds of the hand and face. The solution proved to be very valuable for both attending physicians and residents in plastic surgery. The photographs provide rich detail and resolution comparable to high-quality prints. The mechanics of obtaining images and the process of sending them electronically was readily mastered. Images reached their destination in only a few minutes over standard telephone lines. No problems were encountered while sending or viewing images on Macintosh or Windows platforms. Determining course of action with a complete clinical history now includes a level of visual detail previously not available. As this application expands into wider use, data integrity and safety will have to be more formally secured and monitored. Our model of telemedicine has broad-reaching ramifications for the improvement of health-care delivery locally, nationally, and internationally.  相似文献   

The 3-year medical school program at McMaster University encourages an approach to learning a physician can apply throughout his or her career. The program has four phases and provides early exposure to relevant clinical material. In phase 3, the basic science phase, the structure and function of organ systems in health and disease are studied. Understanding the mechanisms of disease in order to be able to relate clinical symptoms and signs to physiologic and pathologic processes is emphasized. The four 10-week units deal with groups of organ systems. The "blood and guts" unit teaches the student hematology and gastroenterology through a variety of problem-based methods. Specialists in the relevant scientific disciplines influence selection and construction of the problems presented. The students are evaluated by the faculty tutor on their accomplishment of specific objectives related to their competence in solving biomedical problems.  相似文献   

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