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蔡艳  李芳  熊鲲 《生物磁学》2011,(18):3598-3600
解剖学是重要的基础医学学科之一。由于解剖学教师常年接触福尔马林,长期在弥散有甲醛的环境中工作,这类人群恶性肿瘤发病率明显高于正常人群。关爱这一特殊战线上默默奉献的的生命,让他们远离肿瘤是我们需要重视的问题。  相似文献   

田娇阳  李玉春  孔庆鹏  张亚平 《遗传》2018,40(10):814-824
东亚是研究解剖学意义上现代人迁徙和演化的重要地带之一,该地区现代人群的起源及形成问题一直都是人类学领域广泛关注的焦点。遗传学研究为重建东亚人群历史提供了新的视角和见解。越来越多的遗传学证据表明,现代人约20万年前起源于非洲的晚期智人,并于10万年前走出非洲,大约在5~6万年前沿海岸线快速到达东亚南部,进而扩散到整个东亚地区。早期智人可能对走出非洲的现代人有一定程度的遗传贡献。早期定居、文化同化、人群迁徙以及基因交流等,对东亚人群的起源和演化起着至关重要的作用。前期的研究对东亚人群的源流历史进行了细致的分析,很大程度上解决了考古学、历史学等领域长期以来存在的分歧,然而这还需通过全基因组学和古DNA研究的进一步验证。本文从遗传学视角梳理和总结了东亚人群起源、迁徙和演化的历史,完善了对东亚人群演变的系统认识,并对未来东亚人群源流历史研究的发展方向做了展望。  相似文献   

解剖学是动物学中一门古老的分科。由于医学实践的需要很早就建立了人体解剖学。在这一基础之上动物解剖学也随之兴起。到本世纪30—40年代除人体解剖学更为完备以外,在家畜家禽方面,常用的实验动物方面,比较解剖学方面,都做出了出色的成绩,为动物学各个分科奠定了稳固的基础。人们于是提出了这样的问题,生物科学已进入分子水平时代,大体解剖学既已完备,有无必要再加研究值得考虑。解剖学是研究动物有机体结构的科学,它是动物学、农业及医学一切分科的基础,在我国,自己的科学  相似文献   

护理专业解剖学教学主要以系统解剖学为主,在当前知识全球化和人民群众日益增长的卫生健康需求背景下,医学护理人才的需求也日益增多,护理专业解剖学教学水平越来越不能满足临床需要。因此,如何提高护理专业解剖学教学水平成为医学院校护理专业解剖学教学中的重要课题。本文针对目前医学院校中护理专业系统解剖学教学现状,提出了教材与临床结合、体表标志教学法、基础学科联系法、运用多媒体教学以及临床实验教学法等教学模式,为进一步改进护理专业解剖学教学模式,提高护理专业解剖学教育水平提供参考。  相似文献   

人体解剖学活体教学法,是解剖学教学中的一种重要的教学方法,它能使课堂教学更生动,学生的学习兴趣和积极性明显提高。解剖学活体教学与其他教学环节有机地结合起来,彰显它在整体教学中的地位,能促进教学质量提高。  相似文献   

本文以皖南医学院2011、2012和2013级临床医学专业学生系统解剖学和局部解剖学的成绩进行对比分析。结果显示,系统解剖学与局部解剖学的成绩有一定的相关性;总体上女生的系统解剖学和局部解剖学成绩优于男生。我们对此进行总结分析,为下一步改进解剖学教学的相关环节及采取相应措施提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

社会的进步时代的发展推动了教育教学的改进。解剖学是医学生最主要的学科之一,在现代医学教学中是非常重要的一部分。对高职院校护理专业的学生来说,学好解剖学是为接下来的学习与工作打下良好的基础,但是由于一些教学方式的比较传统、不能引起学生的重视和兴趣,使得高职院校护理专业解剖学教学的水平不高。如何更好的进行高职院校护理专业的解剖学教学,是我们接下来进行探究的主题。  相似文献   

随着医学教学方式的不断创新,尤其是在解剖学实验教学中,从教学目标以及学生的实验要求和个性发展出发,突出整体的教学效果,教学双方围绕课程教学、实验教学的目标展开各项教学活动,能起到良好的实验效果。并且对于学生在解剖学中学到更多的知识和能力提供广阔的平台。本文将围绕解剖学实验教学中目标教学的概念和运用的重要性进行分析,进而从多方面探讨目标教学在解剖学实验教学中的具体应用。  相似文献   

于鹏辉  伍修宇  曹述铁  易传安 《生物磁学》2011,(12):2365-2366,2323
断层解剖学作为解剖学与医学影像学等学科相结合的交叉学科,对现代化的影像技术及临床应用具有非常重要的意义。要学好断层解剖学:必须明确断层解剖学的重要性;培养学习的兴趣,注意临床针对性;抓好学习的重点,注意学习方法;打好局部解剖学知识的基础,始终贯彻断层标本与影像相结合的原则;并高度重视现代化多媒体资料的应用。  相似文献   

断层解剖学作为解剖学与医学影像学等学科相结合的交叉学科,对现代化的影像技术及临床应用具有非常重要的意义。要学好断层解剖学:必须明确断层解剖学的重要性;培养学习的兴趣,注意临床针对性;抓好学习的重点,注意学习方法;打好局部解剖学知识的基础,始终贯彻断层标本与影像相结合的原则;并高度重视现代化多媒体资料的应用。  相似文献   

The College of Medicine, King Khalid University of Abha, Saudi Arabia currently accepts 100 students a year, up from 50 to 70 students four years ago. The first-year students take four science courses (Biology,Chemistry, Physics, and Statistics) in addition to some general university requirement courses. Biochemistry is offered in the second year, Anatomy in the second and third year and Pharmacology in the fourth year. This study was carried out to determine the correlation between the performance of medical students in Biochemistry and their performance in Anatomy and Pharmacology. Data were obtained from two groups of students (Group 22 and 23) of the years 1995 and 1996 who had already taken Biochemistry, Anatomy and Pharmacology. Performance was equal in Pharmacology but in biochemistry performance of group 23 was clearly lower than group 22. Scores of students in Biochemistry course strongly correlated with the basic Pharmacology course (r=0.714, P<0.0001). Scores in Anatomy also correlated with those in Biochemistry (r=0.616, P<0.001) but much less with scores in Pharmacology (r=0.345, P<0.01).  相似文献   

This study was done on 65 isolated pelvic bones, These cadavers belonged to adult people of mature and old age, and they had no pathological changes. These measurements were performed on osteological collection of Department of Anatomy Drago Perovi?. Many geometrical parameters of facies auricularis were measured, which we considered important for further studies, simulations of joint's action, transfer calculations of the forces from spine to hip joint. We used paper, which partially adapted to the surface of facies auricularis, so the values are closer to real ones than projection values. The results have shown that the average surface of facies auricularis is 13.46 cm(2). There was no statistical significance found between left and right cadavers. For easier orientation we divided surface of facies auricularis into two parts: vertical and horizontal. Height of the vertical part was 3.99 cm, while the width was 2.05 cm. Height of horizontal part was 2.07 cm and the width 3.62 cm.  相似文献   

从形态、解剖、化学等方面对采自陕西秦岭的树花属地衣进行了研究,共报道该属地衣8种。其中,美国树花R.americana和粗糙树花R.aspera为中国新记录种。从形态、解剖和化学方面对两个新记录种作了详细的描述,并提供了外部形态照片。  相似文献   

Rare diseases of the posterior urethra and adjacent structures in adult men are presented. Anatomy and embryology of this segment of urethra, pathologies, diagnosis and therapy are also discussed.  相似文献   

Hymenoptera is an extraordinarily diverse lineage, both in terms of species numbers and morphotypes, that includes sawflies, bees, wasps, and ants. These organisms serve critical roles as herbivores, predators, parasitoids, and pollinators, with several species functioning as models for agricultural, behavioral, and genomic research. The collective anatomical knowledge of these insects, however, has been described or referred to by labels derived from numerous, partially overlapping lexicons. The resulting corpus of information--millions of statements about hymenopteran phenotypes--remains inaccessible due to language discrepancies. The Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology (HAO) was developed to surmount this challenge and to aid future communication related to hymenopteran anatomy. The HAO was built using newly developed interfaces within mx, a Web-based, open source software package, that enables collaborators to simultaneously contribute to an ontology. Over twenty people contributed to the development of this ontology by adding terms, genus differentia, references, images, relationships, and annotations. The database interface returns an Open Biomedical Ontology (OBO) formatted version of the ontology and includes mechanisms for extracting candidate data and for publishing a searchable ontology to the Web. The application tools are subject-agnostic and may be used by others initiating and developing ontologies. The present core HAO data constitute 2,111 concepts, 6,977 terms (labels for concepts), 3,152 relations, 4,361 sensus (links between terms, concepts, and references) and over 6,000 text and graphical annotations. The HAO is rooted with the Common Anatomy Reference Ontology (CARO), in order to facilitate interoperability with and future alignment to other anatomy ontologies, and is available through the OBO Foundry ontology repository and BioPortal. The HAO provides a foundation through which connections between genomic, evolutionary developmental biology, phylogenetic, taxonomic, and morphological research can be actualized. Inherent mechanisms for feedback and content delivery demonstrate the effectiveness of remote, collaborative ontology development and facilitate future refinement of the HAO.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have followed people across significant portions of their lives. Secondary analyses with these studies offer opportunities to study life trajectories across diverse samples. To aid integrative efforts, we introduce The Anatomy of Developmental Predictors of Healthy Lives Study (TADPOHLS), a data base that categorizes items and constructs from 14 prospective longitudinal studies that followed participants from adolescence into adulthood. To classify items and measures, we created an extensive typology that provides a common language for categorizing study concepts. We illustrate the utility of the data base by examining adolescent perseverance and optimism as predictors of physical health outcomes across six studies. Adolescent perseverance and optimism were related to better physical health outcomes 15 to 20 years later. Overall, the data base offers a resource that contributes toward life-span studies of positive psychological and physical health.  相似文献   

The Department of Cell Biology at the Yale University School of Medicine was established in 1983. It was preceded by the Section of Cell Biology, which was formed in 1973 when George E. Palade and collaborators came to Yale from the Rockefeller University. Cell Biology at Yale had its origins in the Department of Anatomy that existed from the beginning of classes at the Medical Institution of Yale College in 1813. This article reviews the history of the Department of Anatomy at Yale and its evolution into Cell Biology that began with the introduction of histology into the curriculum in the 1860s. The formation and development of the Section and Department of Cell Biology in the second half of the 20th century to the present time are described. Biographies and research activities of the chairs and key faculty in anatomy and cell biology are provided.  相似文献   

This article is from a symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS) on June 11, 2000. The presentation was funded under the auspices of a National Science Foundation Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement Program entitled "Development of Active Learning Materials for Physiology and Functional Anatomy: A Cooperative HAPS-APS Initiative." This symposium was part of the first module to be developed on "gradients and conductances: what flows where and why?" This presentation was designed to model the usefulness of the general model of gradients and conductances in the physiology and pathophysiology of the respiratory and renal systems. Thirteen different examples of pressure-flow-resistance and concentration-flux relationships are introduced; several ideas for active-learning activities and simple figures appropriate for undergraduate physiology classes are included. The symposium assumes that undergraduate students have already learned about diffusion, osmosis, and the basic principles of cardiovascular physiology. The presentation was designed to follow a symposium entitled: "Cardiovascular pressure-flow relationships: what should be taught?"  相似文献   

The Conscious Body Donation Program conducted since 2003 by the Department of Human Anatomy, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice was the first innovative project aimed at obtaining informed donors'' bodies for the purpose of teaching anatomy in Poland. The aim of this prospective study was to determine the declared donors'' characteristics and to establish the possible motivation for body donation. A total of 244 application files were reviewed and the following information was analyzed: donor’s age, age at which the decision to donate the body was made, donor’s place of residence and declared nationality, family background, education and profession, family structure and religion. Our results showed that mainly elderly people decided to donate their bodies (68.5 ± 11.84 years), living mostly in large and medium-sized cities. Men - donors often lived in small towns. Most of the donors were of blue-collar parentage, completed secondary education and at the time of taking decision to donate where married and retired. Widows were more likely to make the decision to donate than widowers. Most of our donors were Catholic. Our analysis of the profile of Polish donors may be useful to understand better for which groups of people death is not to be perceived as the end, and may become a value, which can be beneficial to living people.  相似文献   

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