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酵母表达系统是目前应用广泛的真核表达系统之一。本文基于对酵母的相关研究近况,分析了酵母体内的分泌途径,推测了可能影响酵母表达系统表达量的原因,并提出了可能解决的方法,为今后的工作打下基础。  相似文献   

毕赤酵母作为一种重要的表达外源蛋白的宿主,提高其外源蛋白的分泌量非常有必要。近年来很多学者报道了与毕赤酵母外源蛋白分泌相关的基因、蛋白质,同时毕赤酵母基因组的公布加快了这方面的研究进展。文章根据外源蛋白分泌的途径,分步骤地总结了涉及的基因和蛋白,有利于分析控制蛋白分泌效率的具体步骤,为构建更加高效的毕赤酵母表达系统提供参考。  相似文献   

罗宇  牛建军  柏卜鸾  王岱 《微生物学通报》2019,46(11):3124-3132
自提出三型分泌系统的概念以来,相关分子机制的研究让人们对其有了更深入的了解。与依赖信号肽分泌途径形成鲜明对比的是,蛋白通过细菌三型分泌系统分泌或者转运时没有可识别的保守信号序列。近期对三型分泌蛋白的研究发现了多种可以引导其分泌的分泌信号。本文分别介绍了细菌三型分泌系统的种类,分泌系统分泌蛋白的种类,并着重阐述了分泌信号的分子特性及其机制,以期为新型抗菌药物的研发提供新的思路。  相似文献   

真核细胞非经典蛋白分泌途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张楠楠  刘欣  孙晶  吴毓  李庆伟 《遗传》2009,31(1):29-35
在生物体中, 细胞间的信息传递是细胞生长、分化、发育、增殖、凋亡等生命活动的基本保证, 而蛋白分泌是细胞间信息传递的重要方式。大多数分泌蛋白都是通过内质网-高尔基体(ER-Golgi)途径分泌的。然而越来越多的研究表明, 存在着一类无信号肽的分泌蛋白, 这类蛋白不依赖ER-Golgi途径就能分泌到细胞外发挥功能, 被称为非经典分泌蛋白。非经典蛋白的分泌有其特有的机制, 它对ER-Golgi分泌途径是一种必要和有益的补充。非经典分泌与细胞增殖、免疫反应、肿瘤形成、传染病病理学等密切相关。文章旨在对非经典分泌蛋白的特点、分泌机制及生物学意义进行概述。  相似文献   

氯霉素和四环素发挥活性的一个途径就是阻碍细菌蛋白质的分泌,其分泌功能是由其氨基端的信号序列决定的,该序列能将蛋白质引导到由SecY,E,G和A组成的转运蛋白复合体上。蛋白的转运还取决于融合蛋白的折叠特点,蛋白质转运到周质后的错误折叠可导致毒素聚集体形成,快速折叠还会使转运复合体发生拥堵,使所有的蛋白质分泌都受到抑制,导致细胞死亡。抗生素氯霉素和四环素处理细菌后会导致转运复合体中SecY的降解,造成致命的蛋白拥堵。现就抗生素氯霉素和四环素的干扰细菌蛋白质合成的作用机制以及导致SecY的降解来发挥阻碍细菌蛋白质分泌活性的一个新模式进行概述,以期为探讨新的靶向细菌的治疗方法提供科学依据。  相似文献   

细菌表面展示技术已成功应用于生物技术、生物医药等诸多领域。在众多细菌表面展示系统中,基于自转运蛋白构建的细菌表面展示系统因其强大的外源蛋白展示能力,展现出良好的应用潜力和应用前景。本文综述了当前已发现的自转运蛋白的种类、已解析的自转运蛋白的结构及其分泌过程,概述了基于自转运蛋白构建的细菌表面展示系统的优点及其应用情况。  相似文献   

细菌脂肪酶是一类重要的工业用酶,其分泌系统有着严谨的机制。革兰阳性细菌利用Sec-转运系统使脂肪酶跨过质膜完成分泌;革兰氏阴性细菌的外泌蛋白通过Sec-转运系统、Tat-转运系统或其他机制跨越内膜后,还必须利用Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型、Ⅳ型与Ⅴ型分泌系统来完成跨外膜分泌。详细介绍细菌脂肪酶分泌主要依赖的Sec-或Tat-跨内膜的转运系统及革兰氏阴性细菌的Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型与Ⅴ型自分泌系统的3种不同分泌方式。细菌脂肪酶分泌的研究对人们认识其分泌机制,并利用基因工程的手段提高其外泌产量等具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌的分泌蛋白定位于内膜、外膜、周质空间和胞外环境,它们在N端或C端带有一定的结构包含着分泌信号,这两类分泌蛋白在各自特定的一组蛋白因子的协助下跨越内膜,再通过目前尚不清楚的方式实现其最终定位.N端带有信号肽的分子在跨越内膜时得到Sec家族蛋白因子协助,信号肽在跨膜过程中可能被切除,该过程由ATP和电化学势提供能量.C端带分泌信号的分子主要受到Hly家族分子协助,一次穿过内膜和外膜而不经过周质空间.  相似文献   

细胞分泌是一个普遍的现象,是生物细胞的一种基本特征。从50年代中期开始研究分泌机理以来,科学工作者提出了各种说和模型来解释细胞的分泌过程。由于它的复杂性,对它的认识至今仍不深刻。随着分子生物学、分子遗传学以及DNA重组技术的发展。  相似文献   

结构分枝杆菌分泌蛋白研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结构分枝杆菌(MTB)的分泌蛋白是目前发现对MTB感染保护性最好的一组蛋白,对结构病的预防和诊断具有重要意义。本文从其组成、生物学功能、免疫性及其在疫苗研制和MTB诊断中的潜在价值作一概述。  相似文献   

细菌细胞中,三分之一的蛋白质是在合成后被转运到细胞质外才发挥功能的.其中大多数蛋白是通过Sec途径(即分泌途径secretion pathway)进行跨膜运动的.Sec转运酶是一个多组分的蛋白质复合体,膜蛋白三聚体SecYEG及水解ATP的动力蛋白SecA构成了Sec转运酶的核心.整合膜蛋白SecD,SecF和vajC形成了一个复合体亚单位,可与SecYEG相连并稳定SecA蛋白的膜结合形式.SecB是蛋白质转运中的伴侣分子,可以和很多蛋白质前体结合.SecM是由位于secA基因上游的secM基因编码的,可调节SecA蛋白的合成量,维持细胞在不同环境条件下的正常生长.新生肽链的信号肽被高度保守的SRP特异性识别.伴侣分子SecB通过与细胞膜上的SecA二聚体特异性结合将蛋白质前体引导至Sec转运途径,起始转运过程.结合蛋白质前体的SecA与组成转运通道的SecYEG复合体具有较高的亲和性.SecA经历插入和脱离细胞内膜SecYEG通道的循环,为转运提供所需的能量,每一次循环可推动20多个氨基酸的连续跨膜运动.  相似文献   

Summary: Proteolytic cleavage of proteins that are permanently or transiently associated with the cytoplasmic membrane is crucially important for a wide range of essential processes in bacteria. This applies in particular to the secretion of proteins and to membrane protein quality control. Major progress has been made in elucidating the structure-function relationships of many of the responsible membrane proteases, including signal peptidases, signal peptide hydrolases, FtsH, the rhomboid protease GlpG, and the site 1 protease DegS. These enzymes employ very different mechanisms to cleave substrates at the cytoplasmic and extracytoplasmic membrane surfaces or within the plane of the membrane. This review highlights the different ways that bacterial membrane proteases degrade their substrates, with special emphasis on catalytic mechanisms and substrate delivery to the respective active sites.  相似文献   

The sensory transduction pathways between the transducing proteins and the switch on the flagellar motors have been investigated in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. ATP, not GTP, is required for normal chemotaxis. A site of ATP action appears to be the conversion of an inactive form of the CheY protein to an active form, designated CheY*, that binds to the motor switch and initiates clockwise rotation. The methylation-dependent and methylation-independent pathways for chemotaxis have a common requirement for the CheA, CheW, and CheY proteins in addition to the switch and flagellar motor. It is concluded that the receptor/transducing proteins and the adaptation mechanism differ in the two types of pathway, but that other components of the transduction pathway are common to the methylation-dependent and methylation-independent pathways.  相似文献   

Abstract: Previous studies have demonstrated that bovine chromaffin cells cultured in medium with 10 nM insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) secrete about twofold more catecholamine when exposed to secretory stimuli than do cells cultured without IGF-I. The purpose of this study was to determine whether protein kinase C (PKC) is involved in the effect of IGF-I on secretion from these cells. PKC was down-regulated in the cells by 16–18 h of treatment with β-phorbol didecanoate (β-PDD; 100 nM). Such treatment had no effect on high-K+-stimulated secretion from cells cultured without IGF-I; however, secretion from cells cultured with IGF-I was reduced to a level comparable to that in cells cultured without the peptide. The inactive isomer, α-PDD (100 nM), had no effect on secretion from untreated or IGF-I-treated chromaffin cells. The effect of β-PDD was time and concentration dependent, with 100 nM β-PDD producing a maximal effect in 8–10 h. In situ PKC activity measured in permeabilized cells treated with PMA (300 nM) was decreased by~40% by 10 h and was reduced to almost basal levels by 18 h. Immunoblotting experiments demonstrated that both α-and ε-PKC were lost from the cells with time courses similar to that seen in the in situ PKC assay. Overnight treatment with the PKC inhibitor H7 (100 μM) prevented the enhanced secretion normally seen in IGF-l-treated cells, whereas HA1004 had no effect. High-K+-stimulated 45Ca2+ uptake in IGF-I-treated cells was attenuated by long-term treatment with β-PDD (200 nM) or H7 (100 μM). Together these observations suggest that PKC is required for IGF-I-enhanced secretion from chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

We compared the characteristics of secretion stimulated by EGTA-buffered Ba(2+)- and Ca(2+)-containing solutions in digitonin-permeabilized bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Half-maximal secretion occurred at approximately 100 microM Ba2+ or 1 microM Ca2+. Ba(2+)-stimulated release was not due to release of sequestered intracellular Ca2+ because at a constant free Ba2+ concentration, increasing unbound EGTA did not diminish the extent of release due to Ba2+. The maximal extents of Ba(2+)- and Ca(2+)-dependent secretion in the absence of MgATP were identical. MgATP enhanced Ba(2+)-induced secretion to a lesser extent than Ca(2+)-induced secretion. Half-maximal concentrations of Ba2+ and Ca2+, when added together to cells, yielded approximately additive amounts of secretion. Maximal concentrations of Ba2+ and Ca2+ when added together to cells for 2 or 15 min were not additive. Tetanus toxin inhibited Ba(2+)- and Ca(2+)-dependent secretion to a similar extent. Ba2+, unlike Ca2+, did not activate polyphosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C. These data indicate that (1) Ba2+ directly stimulates exocytosis, (2) Ba(2+)-induced secretion is stimulated to a lesser extent than Ca(2+)-dependent secretion by MgATP, (3) Ba2+ and Ca2+ use similar pathways to trigger exocytosis, and (4) exocytosis from permeabilized cells does not require activation of polyphosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C.  相似文献   

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