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Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a life-threatening aortic disease in the elderly. Activation of Notch1 pathway plays a critical role in the development of AAA, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. In the present study, we explored the mechanisms by which Notch1 activation regulates angiotensin II (Ang II)-induced AAA formation and evaluated the therapeutic potential of a new Notch γ-secretase inhibitor, dibenzazepine (DBZ), for the treatment of AAA. Apolipoprotein E knockout (Apo E−/−) mice infused for 4 weeks with Ang II (1000 ng/kg/min, IP) using osmotic mini-pumps were received an intraperitoneal injection of either vehicle or 1 mg/kg/d DBZ. Notch1 signaling was activated in AAA tissue from both Ang II-infused Apo E−/− mice and human undergoing AAA repair in vivo, with increased expression of Notch intracellular domain (NICD) and its target gene Hes1, and this effect was effectively blocked by DBZ. Moreover, infusion of Ang II markedly increased the incidence and severity of AAA in Apo E−/− mice. In contrast, inhibition of Notch activation by DBZ prevented AAA formation in vivo. Furthermore, DBZ markedly prevented Ang II-stimulated accumulation of macrophages and CD4+ T cells, and ERK-mediated angiogenesis, simultaneously reversed Th2 response, in vivo. In conclusion, these findings provide new insight into the multiple mechanisms of Notch signaling involved in AAA formation and suggest that γ-secretase inhibitor DBZ might be a novel therapeutic drug for treating AAAS.  相似文献   

Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a common chronic degenerative disease characterized by progressive aortic dilation and rupture. The mechanisms underlying the role of α-tocopherol and β-carotene on AAA have not been comprehensively assessed. We investigated if α-tocopherol and β-carotene supplementation could attenuate AAA, and studied the underlying mechanisms utilized by the antioxidants to alleviate AAA. Four-months-old Apoe−/− mice were used in the induction of aneurysm by infusion of angiotensin II (Ang II), and were orally administered with α-tocopherol and β-carotene enriched diet for 60 days. Significant increase of LDL, cholesterol, triglycerides and circulating inflammatory cells was observed in the Ang II-treated animals, and gene expression studies showed that ICAM-1, VCAM-1, MCP-1, M-CSF, MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-12 were upregulated in the aorta of aneurysm-induced mice. Extensive plaques, aneurysm and diffusion of inflammatory cells into the tunica intima were also noticed. The size of aorta was significantly (P = 0.0002) increased (2.24±0.20 mm) in the aneurysm-induced animals as compared to control mice (1.17±0.06 mm). Interestingly, β-carotene dramatically controlled the diffusion of macrophages into the aortic tunica intima, and circulation. It also dissolved the formation of atheromatous plaque. Further, β-carotene significantly decreased the aortic diameter (1.33±0.12 mm) in the aneurysm-induced mice (β-carotene, P = 0.0002). It also downregulated ICAM-1, VCAM-1, MCP-1, M-CSF, MMP-2, MMP-9, MMP-12, PPAR-α and PPAR-γ following treatment. Hence, dietary supplementation of β-carotene may have a protective function against Ang II-induced AAA by ameliorating macrophage recruitment in Apoe−/− mice.  相似文献   

Polydatin, a natural component from Polygonum Cuspidatum, has important therapeutic effects on metabolic syndrome. A novel therapeutic strategy using polydatin to improve vascular function has recently been proposed to treat diabetes-related cardiovascular complications. However, the biological role and molecular basis of polydatin’s action on vascular endothelial cells (VECs)-mediated vasodilatation under diabetes-related hyperglycemia condition remain elusive. The present study aimed to assess the contribution of polydatin in restoring endothelium-dependent relaxation and to determine the details of its underlying mechanism. By measuring endothelium-dependent relaxation, we found that acetylcholine-induced vasodilation was impaired by elevated glucose (55 mmol/L); however, polydatin (1, 3, 10 μmol/L) could restore the relaxation in a dose-dependent manner. Polydatin could also improve the histological damage to endothelial cells in the thoracic aorta. Polydatin’s effects were mediated via promoting the expression of endothelial NO synthase (eNOS), enhancing eNOS activity and decreasing the inducible NOS (iNOS) level, finally resulting in a beneficial increase in NO release, which probably, at least in part, through activation of the PPARβ signaling pathway. The results provided a novel insight into polydatin action, via PPARβ-NO signaling pathways, in restoring endothelial function in high glucose conditions. The results also indicated the potential utility of polydatin to treat diabetes related cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

Hallucinations and delusions are the most prominent symptoms of schizophrenia and characterized by impaired reality testing. Representation-mediated taste aversion (RMTA) has been proposed as a potential behavioral assessment of reality testing and has been applied to a neurodevelopmental rat model of schizophrenia. However, the theory underlying this approach has not been generalized yet with any demonstration of impaired reality testing in other animal models of schizophrenia, such as genetically-modified mice. We devised a RMTA procedure for mice that combines a Pavlovian association protocol pairing odor conditioned stimulus (CS) with sugar reward unconditioned stimulus (US), and a conditioned taste aversion (CTA) method. In this RMTA paradigm, we compared performances of wild-type (PLCβ1+/+) mice and phospholipase C β1 knock-out (PLCβ1-/-) mice which are known as one of the genetic models for schizophrenia. With a minimal amount of initial odor-sugar associative training, both PLCβ1+/+ and PLCβ1-/- mice were able to form an aversion to the sugar reward when the odor CS predicting sugar was paired with nausea. With an extended initial training, however, only PLCβ1-/- mice could form a RMTA. This persistent RMTA displayed by PLCβ1-/- mice shows their inability to distinguish real sugar from the CS-evoked representation of sugar at a stage in associative learning where wild-type mice normally could differentiate the two. These results demonstrate an impaired reality testing first observed in a genetic mouse model of schizophrenia, and suggest that RMTA paradigm may, with general applicability, allow diverse biological approaches to impaired reality testing.  相似文献   



Copy number variants have emerged as an important genomic cause of common, complex neurodevelopmental disorders. These usually change copy number of multiple genes, but deletions at 2p16.3, which have been associated with autism, schizophrenia and mental retardation, affect only the neurexin 1 gene, usually the alpha isoform. Previous analyses of neurexin 1α (Nrxn1α) knockout (KO) mouse as a model of these disorders have revealed impairments in synaptic transmission but failed to reveal defects in social behaviour, one of the core symptoms of autism.


We performed a detailed investigation of the behavioural effects of Nrxn1α deletion in mice bred onto a pure genetic background (C57BL/6J) to gain a better understanding of its role in neurodevelopmental disorders. Wildtype, heterozygote and homozygote Nrxn1α KO male and female mice were tested in a battery of behavioural tests (n = 9–16 per genotype, per sex).


In homozygous Nrxn1α KO mice, we observed altered social approach, reduced social investigation, and reduced locomotor activity in novel environments. In addition, male Nrxn1α KO mice demonstrated an increase in aggressive behaviours.


These are the first experimental data that associate a deletion of Nrxn1α with alterations of social behaviour in mice. Since this represents one of the core symptom domains affected in autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia in humans, our findings suggest that deletions within NRXN1 found in patients may be responsible for the impairments seen in social behaviours, and that the Nrxn1α KO mice are a useful model of human neurodevelopmental disorder.  相似文献   

Valsartan has a protective effect against hypertension and atherosclerosis in humans and experimental animal models. This study aimed to determine the effect of prolonged treatment with angiotensin II (Ang II) on atherosclerosis and the effect of valsartan on the activity of CD4+ T lymphocyte subsets. The results showed that prolonged treatment (8 wks) with exogenous Ang II resulted in an increased atherosclerotic plaque size and a switch of stable-to-unstable plaque via modulating on CD4+ T lymphocyte activity, including an increase in the T helper cell type 1 (Th1) and Th17 cells and a decrease in Th2 and regulatory T (Treg) cells. In contrast, valsartan treatment efficiently reversed the imbalance in CD4+ T lymphocyte activity, ameliorated atherosclerosis and elicited a stable plaque phenotype in addition to controlling blood pressure. In addition, treatment with anti-interleukin (IL)-5 monoclonal antibodies weakened the antiatherosclerotic effects of valsartan without affecting blood pressure.  相似文献   

Tien LT  Ma T  Fan LW  Loh HH  Ho IK 《Neurochemical research》2007,32(11):1891-1897
Anatomical evidence indicates that γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic and opioidergic systems are closely linked and act on the same neurons. However, the regulatory mechanisms between GABAergic and opioidergic system have not been well characterized. In the present study, we investigated whether there are changes in GABAA receptors in mice lacking μ-opioid receptor gene. The GABAA receptor binding was carried out by autoradiography using [3H]-muscimol (GABAA), [3H]-flunitrazepam (FNZ, native type 1 benzodiazepine) and [35S]-t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate (TBPS, binding to GABAA-gated chloride channels) in brain slices of wild type and μ-opioid receptor knockout mice. The binding of [3H]-FNZ in μ-opioid receptor knockout mice was significantly higher than that of the wild type controls in most of the cortex and hippocampal CA1 and CA2 formations. μ-Opioid receptor knockout mice show significantly lower binding of [35S]-TBPS than that of the wild type mice in few of the cortical areas including ectorhinal cortex layers I, III, and V, but not in the hippocampus. There was no significant difference in binding of [3H]-muscimol between μ-opioid receptor knockout and wild type mice in the cortex and hippocampus. These data indicate that there are specific regional changes in GABAA receptor binding sites in μ-opioid receptor knockout mice. These data also suggest that there are compensatory up-regulation of benzodiazepine binding site of GABAA receptors in the cortex and hippocampus and down-regulation of GABA-gated chloride channel binding site of GABAA receptors in the cortex of the μ-opioid receptor knockout mice.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle nNOSμ (neuronal nitric oxide synthase mu) localizes to the sarcolemma through interaction with the dystrophin-associated glycoprotein (DAG) complex, where it synthesizes nitric oxide (NO). Disruption of the DAG complex occurs in dystrophinopathies and sarcoglycanopathies, two genetically distinct classes of muscular dystrophy characterized by progressive loss of muscle mass, muscle weakness and increased fatigability. DAG complex instability leads to mislocalization and downregulation of nNOSμ; but this is thought to play a minor role in disease pathogenesis. This view persists without knowledge of the role of nNOS in skeletal muscle contractile function in vivo and has influenced gene therapy approaches to dystrophinopathy, the majority of which do not restore sarcolemmal nNOSμ. We address this knowledge gap by evaluating skeletal muscle function in nNOS knockout (KN1) mice using an in situ approach, in which the muscle is maintained in its normal physiological environment. nNOS-deficiency caused reductions in skeletal muscle bulk and maximum tetanic force production in male mice only. Furthermore, nNOS-deficient muscles from both male and female mice exhibited increased susceptibility to contraction-induced fatigue. These data suggest that aberrant nNOSμ signaling can negatively impact three important clinical features of dystrophinopathies and sarcoglycanopathies: maintenance of muscle bulk, force generation and fatigability. Our study suggests that restoration of sarcolemmal nNOSμ expression in dystrophic muscles may be more important than previously appreciated and that it should be a feature of any fully effective gene therapy-based intervention.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory condition of the arterial wall mediated by cells of both innate and adaptive immunity. T lymphocytes play an important role in orchestrating the pathogenic immune response involved in the acceleration of atherosclerosis. Previously, we have shown that a prenatal methyl-donor supplementation diet (MS), when fed to dams during pregnancy and lactation, decreased the T cell-mediated pro-inflammatory cytokine and chemokine response in F1 mice. In the current study, we report feeding Apolipoprotein E (ApoE−/−) deficient dams with the MS diet during pregnancy reduces atherosclerotic plaques in F1 mice that were fed high fat diet (HFD) after weaning. F1 mice from dams on the MS diet exhibited increased global T cell DNA methylation. T-cell chemokines and their receptors (in particular CCR2, CCR5, and CXCR3) play important roles in the inflammatory cell recruitment to vascular lesions. MS diet significantly reduced Ccr2 mRNA and protein expression in CD3+ T cells but not in CD11b+ monocytes in MS F1 mice relative to controls. F1 litter size, HFD consumption, body weight, and body fat were similar between control and MS diet groups. Moreover, serum thiol metabolite levels were similar between the two groups. However, MS diet is associated with significantly higher serum HDL and lower LDL+VLDL levels in comparison to F1 mice from dams on the control diet. Inflammatory cytokines (IL-17, TNF-α, IL-6) were also lower in MS F1 mice serum and conditioned media from T-cell culture. Altogether, these data suggest that the MS diet ameliorates development of atherosclerosis by inhibiting the T-cell Ccr2 expression, reducing inflammatory cytokines production and increasing serum HDL:LDL ratio.  相似文献   

Carney complex (CNC) is an inherited neoplasia syndrome with endocrine overactivity. Its most frequent endocrine manifestation is primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD), a bilateral adrenocortical hyperplasia causing pituitary-independent Cushing''s syndrome. Inactivating mutations in PRKAR1A, a gene encoding the type 1 α-regulatory subunit (R1α) of the cAMP–dependent protein kinase (PKA) have been found in 80% of CNC patients with Cushing''s syndrome. To demonstrate the implication of R1α loss in the initiation and development of PPNAD, we generated mice lacking Prkar1a specifically in the adrenal cortex (AdKO). AdKO mice develop pituitary-independent Cushing''s syndrome with increased PKA activity. This leads to autonomous steroidogenic genes expression and deregulated adreno-cortical cells differentiation, increased proliferation and resistance to apoptosis. Unexpectedly, R1α loss results in improper maintenance and centrifugal expansion of cortisol-producing fetal adrenocortical cells with concomitant regression of adult cortex. Our data provide the first in vivo evidence that loss of R1α is sufficient to induce autonomous adrenal hyper-activity and bilateral hyperplasia, both observed in human PPNAD. Furthermore, this model demonstrates that deregulated PKA activity favors the emergence of a new cell population potentially arising from the fetal adrenal, giving new insight into the mechanisms leading to PPNAD.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts are critical for wound contraction; a pivotal step in wound healing. They produce and modify the extracellular matrix (ECM) required for the proper tissue remodeling. Reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs (RECK) is a key regulator of ECM homeostasis and turnover. However, its role in wound contraction is presently unknown. Here we describe that Transforming growth factor type β1 (TGF-β1), one of the main pro-fibrotic wound-healing promoting factors, decreases RECK expression in fibroblasts through the Smad and JNK dependent pathways. This TGF-β1 dependent downregulation of RECK occurs with the concomitant increase of β1-integrin, which is required for fibroblasts adhesion and wound contraction through the activation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK). Loss and gain RECK expression experiments performed in different types of fibroblasts indicate that RECK downregulation mediates TGF-β1 dependent β1-integrin expression. Also, reduced levels of RECK potentiate TGF-β1 effects over fibroblasts FAK-dependent contraction, without affecting its cognate signaling. The above results were confirmed on fibroblasts derived from the Reck +/- mice compared to wild type-derived fibroblasts. We observed that Reck +/- mice heal dermal wounds more efficiently than wild type mice. Our results reveal a critical role for RECK in skin wound contraction as a key mediator in the axis: TGF-β1—RECK- β1-integrin.  相似文献   

Chronically elevated serum levels of serum amyloid A (SAA) are linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease. However, whether SAA is directly involved in atherosclerosis development is still not known. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of adipose tissue-derived human SAA on atherosclerosis in mice. hSAA1+/− transgenic mice (hSAA1 mice) with a specific expression of human SAA1 in adipose tissue were bred with ApoE-deficient mice. The hSAA1 mice and their wild type (wt) littermates were fed normal chow for 35 weeks. At the end of the experiment, the mice were euthanized and blood, gonadal adipose tissue and aortas were collected. Plasma levels of SAA, cholesterol and triglycerides were measured. Atherosclerotic lesion areas were analyzed in the aortic arch, the thoracic aorta and the abdominal aorta in en face preparations of aorta stained with Sudan IV. The human SAA protein was present in plasma from hSAA1 mice but undetectable in wt mice. Similar plasma levels of cholesterol and triglycerides were observed in hSAA1 mice and their wt controls. There were no differences in atherosclerotic lesion areas in any sections of the aorta in hSAA1 mice compared to wt mice. In conclusion, our data suggest that adipose tissue-derived human SAA does not influence atherosclerosis development in mice.  相似文献   

11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) mediates glucocorticoid activation and is currently considered as therapeutic target to treat metabolic diseases; however, biomarkers to assess its activity in vivo are still lacking. Recent in vitro experiments suggested that human 11β-HSD1 metabolizes the secondary bile acid 7-oxolithocholic acid (7-oxoLCA) to chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) and minor amounts of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA). Here, we provide evidence from in vitro and in vivo studies for a major role of 11β-HSD1 in the oxidoreduction of 7-oxoLCA and compare its level and metabolism in several species. Hepatic microsomes from liver-specific 11β-HSD1-deficient mice were devoid of 7-oxoLCA oxidoreductase activity. Importantly, circulating and intrahepatic levels of 7-oxoLCA and its taurine conjugate were significantly elevated in mouse models of 11β-HSD1 deficiency. Moreover, comparative enzymology of 11β-HSD1-dependent oxidoreduction of 7-oxoLCA revealed that the guinea-pig enzyme is devoid of 7-oxoLCA oxidoreductase activity. Unlike in other species, 7-oxoLCA and its glycine conjugate are major bile acids in guinea-pigs. In conclusion, the oxidoreduction of 7-oxoLCA and its conjugated metabolites are catalyzed by 11β-HSD1, and the lack of this activity leads to the accumulation of these bile acids in guinea-pigs and 11β-HSD1-deficient mice. Thus, 7-oxoLCA and its conjugates may serve as biomarkers of impaired 11β-HSD1 activity.  相似文献   



Option to attenuate atherosclerosis by depleting B2 cells is currently limited to anti-CD20 antibodies which deplete all B-cell subtypes. In the present study we evaluated the capacity of a monoclonal antibody to B cell activating factor-receptor (BAFFR) to selectively deplete atherogenic B2 cells to prevent both development and progression of atherosclerosis in the ApoE−/− mouse.

Methods and Results

To determine whether the BAFFR antibody prevents atherosclerosis development, we treated ApoE−/− mice with the antibody while feeding them a high fat diet (HFD) for 8 weeks. Mature CD93 CD19+ B2 cells were reduced by treatment, spleen B-cell zones disrupted and spleen CD20 mRNA expression decreased while B1a cells and non-B cells were spared. Atherosclerosis was ameliorated in the hyperlipidemic mice and CD19+ B cells, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were reduced in atherosclerotic lesions. Expressions of proinflammatory cytokines, IL1β, TNFα, and IFNγ in the lesions were also reduced, while MCP1, MIF and VCAM-1 expressions were unaffected. Plasma immunoglobulins were reduced, but MDA-oxLDL specific antibodies were unaffected. To determine whether anti-BAFFR antibody ameliorates progression of atherosclerosis, we first fed ApoE−/− mice a HFD for 6 weeks, and then instigated anti-BAFFR antibody treatment for a further 6 week-HFD. CD93 CD19+ B2 cells were selectively decreased and atherosclerotic lesions were reduced by this treatment.


Anti-BAFFR monoclonal antibody selectively depletes mature B2 cells while sparing B1a cells, disrupts spleen B-cell zones and ameliorates atherosclerosis development and progression in hyperlipidemic ApoE−/− mice. Our findings have potential for clinical translation to manage atherosclerosis-based cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   



Investigating long-term cardiac effects of low doses of ionizing radiation is highly relevant in the context of interventional cardiology and radiotherapy. Epidemiological data report that low doses of irradiation to the heart can result in significant increase in the cardiovascular mortality by yet unknown mechanisms. In addition co-morbidity factor such as hypertension or/and atherosclerosis can enhance cardiac complications. Therefore, we explored the mechanisms that lead to long-term cardiac remodelling and investigated the interaction of radiation-induced damage to heart and cardiovascular systems with atherosclerosis, using wild-type and ApoE-deficient mice.

Methods and Results

ApoE−/− and wild-type mice were locally irradiated to the heart at 0, 0.2 and 2 Gy (RX). Twenty, 40 and 60 weeks post-irradiation, echocardiography were performed and hearts were collected for cardiomyocyte isolation, histopathological analysis, study of inflammatory infiltration and fibrosis deposition. Common and strain-specific pathogenic pathways were found. Significant alteration of left ventricular function (eccentric hypertrophy) occurred in both strains of mice. Low dose irradiation (0.2 Gy) induced premature death in ApoE−/− mice (47% died at 20 weeks). Acute inflammatory infiltrate was observed in scarring areas with accumulation of M1-macrophages and secretion of IL-6. Increased expression of the fibrogenic factors (TGF-β1 and PAI-1) was measured earlier in cardiomyocytes isolated from ApoE−/− than in wt animals.


The present study shows that cardiac exposure to low dose of ionizing radiation induce significant physiological, histopathological, cellular and molecular alterations in irradiated heart with mild functional impairment. Atherosclerotic predisposition precipitated cardiac damage induced by low doses with an early pro-inflammatory polarization of macrophages.  相似文献   

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