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The aim of this research was to discriminate and categorize isolateral stress-strain characteristics of the musculocutaneous compartment (MCC) using the model of the first dorsal interosseous muscle (FDI) in vivo. In our approach the MCC was progressively isokinetically compressed with a solid vertical bar in 0.25 mm steps, the force and deflection being measured and recorded electronically. The subject maintained a constantly relaxed position. Twenty-two strongly right-handed young males each yielded three data acquisition sequences from each hand. The elastic modulus and the specific energy of deformation were determined both for the total MCC and separately for the skin and muscle moieties. No unilateral pattern of dominance could be interpreted from the analysis of the range of indices. There was a highly variable individual pattern of bilateral dominance with no specific indication or predictability; only one subject yielded a data profile confirming the classical approach to right-hand dominance. As the muscle was relaxed and the integument layers were under minimal cortical influence, we think that the classical theory of primary cortical influence in motor lateralization does not adequately explain our recorded patterns of mechanical response of the MCC under study.  相似文献   

Dynamic measurement of the viscoelastic properties of skin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A wave propagation technique was used to measure the dynamic viscoelastic properties of excised skin when subjected to a low incremental strain. The propagation velocity, attenuation, and storage and loss moduli were determined from measured characteristics of a pulse propagating along a strip of skin. Experiments were conducted with the skin subjected to static stresses of 1500 Pa and 20,000 Pa. At low static stresses the skin response was viscoelastic with a loss tangent of approximately 0.6. In the frequency range of 0-1000 Hz, the wave velocity was relatively constant while the attenuation increased roughly linearly with frequency. However, results depended on the static stress. At the higher stress level the velocity was greater and the attenuation less than at the lower stress. At low stresses both the storage and loss moduli were relatively constant over the frequency range tested. The strong viscoelastic behavior of the tissue at higher frequencies is not predicted from models of the tissue determined from quasi-static test methods. In selecting a model to describe the behavior of skin, the test methods used for establishing the model must be consistent with its intended application.  相似文献   

The rat medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscle is composed of the proximal and distal compartments. In this study, morphometric properties of the compartments and their muscle fibres at five levels of the muscle length and the innervation pattern of these compartments from lumbar segments were investigated. The size and number of muscle fibres in the compartments were different. The proximal compartment at the largest cross section (25% of the muscle length) had 34% smaller cross-sectional area but contained a slightly higher number of muscle fibres (max. 5521 vs. 5360) in comparison to data for the distal compartment which had the largest cross-sectional area at 40% of the muscle length. The muscle fibre diameters revealed a clear tendency within both compartments to increase along the muscle (from the knee to the Achilles tendon) up to 46.9?μm in the proximal compartment and 58.4?μm in the distal one. The maximal tetanic and single twitch force evoked by stimulation of L4, L5, and L6 ventral roots in whole muscle and compartments were measured. The MG was innervated from L4 and L5, only L5, or L5 and L6 segments. The proximal compartment was innervated by axons from L5 or L5 and L4, and the distal one from L5, L5 and L6, or L5 and L4 segments. The forces produced by the compartments summed non-linearly. The tetanic forces of the proximal and distal compartments amounted to 2.24 and 4.86?N, respectively, and their algebraic sums were 11% higher than the whole muscle force (6.37?N).  相似文献   

38 male shift workers and former shift workers volunteered to self-measure 4 to 8 times/24 hrs. their oral temperature (OT) as well as right and left hand grip strength (HGS) best performance during a 16 to 30 day span. Time series were analyzed individually according to two methods: day by day circadian acrophase drift and power spectrum. Mainly, but not exclusively, subjects with poor tolerance to shift work exhibited an internal desynchronization with a circadian period tau different from 24 hrs. which was the case for OT as well as right and left HGS; each could be different in tau between one another and from 24 hrs. These results suggest that oscillatory systems may be influenced by the neocortex apparently with difference between right and left side.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine age-related differences in electromyographic (EMG) responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) during functional isometric contractions in left and right hands. EMG responses were recorded from the first dorsal interosseus muscle following TMS in 10 young (26.6 +/- 1.3 yr) and 10 old (67.6 +/- 2.3 yr) right-handed subjects. Muscle evoked potentials (MEPs) and silent-period durations were obtained in the left and right hands during index finger abduction, a precision grip, a power grip, and a scissor grip, while EMG was held constant at 5% of maximum. For all tasks, MEP area was 30% (P < 0.001) lower in the left hand of old compared with young subjects, whereas there was no age difference in the right hand. The duration of the EMG silent period was 14% (P < 0.001) shorter in old (150.3 +/- 2.9 ms) compared with young (173.9 +/- 3.0 ms) subjects, and the age differences were accentuated in the left hand (19% shorter, P < 0.001). For all subjects, the largest MEP area (10-12% larger) and longest EMG silent period (8-19 ms longer) were observed for the scissor grip compared with the other three tasks, and the largest task-dependent change in these variables was observed in the right hand of older adults. These differences in corticospinal control in the left and right hands of older adults may reflect neural adaptations that occur throughout a lifetime of preferential hand use for skilled (dominant) and unskilled (nondominant) motor tasks.  相似文献   

We combine two techniques in order to discuss the time-varying elastic properties of the left ventricular muscle. An analytic model for the shape and forces in the left ventricle is combined with the Fourier series representations of certain of the ventricular dimensions and pressure to derive expressions for the stress and strain in the left ventricle. The strain is thus a function of the elastic material properties, which are then expressed as functions of time by using Fourier series. The only data needed for a numerical study using these techniques are closed-chest determinations of the ventricular dimensions and the ventricular pressure.  相似文献   

Striated muscles across phyla share a highly conserved sarcomere design yet exhibit broad diversity in contractile velocity, force, power output, and efficiency. Insect asynchronous flight muscles are characterized by high-frequency contraction, endurance, and high-power output. These muscles have evolved an enhanced delayed force response to stretch that is largely responsible for their enhanced oscillatory work and power production. In this study we investigated the contribution of flightin to oscillatory work using sinusoidal analysis of fibers from three flightless mutants affecting flightin expression: 1) fln0, a flightin null mutant, 2) Mhc13, a myosin rod point mutant with reduced levels of flightin, and 3) Mhc6, a second myosin rod point mutant with reduced levels of phosphorylated flightin. Fibers from the three mutants show deficits in their passive and dynamic viscoelastic properties that are commensurate with their effect on flightin expression and result in a significant loss of oscillatory work and power. Passive tension and passive stiffness were significantly reduced in fln0 and Mhc13 but not in Mhc6. The dynamic viscous modulus was significantly reduced in the three mutants, whereas the dynamic elastic modulus was reduced in fln0 and Mhc13 but not in Mhc6. Tension generation under isometric conditions was not impaired in fln0. However, when subjected to sinusoidal length perturbations, work-absorbing processes dominated over work-producing processes, resulting in no net positive work output. We propose that flightin is a major contributor to myofilament stiffness and a key determinant of the enhanced delayed force response to stretch in Drosophila flight muscles. flight muscles; muscle mutants; myosin  相似文献   

The skin autoflora on the pad of a forefinger and the back and palm of a hand was studied in 40 healthy males aged 18-60 years by the modified washing and scraping method of P. Williamson and A. Kligman. 638 cultures of aerobic microorganisms, including coccal (55.3%) and bacilliform (44.7%) microbes, were isolated. In 6 persons (15%) coagulase-positive staphylococci were detected. Out of 10 coagulase negative species of this genus, S. epidermidis, S. saprophyticus and S. warneri occurred most frequently on the skin of hands. The highest density of bacterial populations (10.970 +/- +/- 1.845 cells/sq. cm) was registered on the back of hands, the surface of palms was found to have somewhat lower density (8.679 +/- 1.282 cells/sq. sm) and the skin of forefingers, the lowest density of bacterial populations (6.878 +/- +/- 1.137 cells/sq. sm). 17.5% of examined persons were found to be carriers with S. aureus isolated from their nasal mucosa. S. aureus isolated from the skin surface and the nasal cavity of different persons belonged to different phage variants, but S. aureus isolated from the nasal cavity and the skin of the same person belonged to one phage variant.  相似文献   

Maximum handgrip strength and endurance of fatiguing isometric handgrip muscle contraction at 40% of maximum voluntary contraction of the dominant hand were assessed separately for both right and left hands of 99 right-handed men aged 7-73 years. Subjects below 10 years (n = 6) could not follow up the endurance test methods and were excluded. The relationship of handgrip strength and endurance with age and other physical parameters was also assessed. Maximum grip strength and endurance of fatiguing submaximal contraction of the right hand were significantly greater than that of the left hand for most age groups. Grip strength was positively correlated with age from 7-19 years (r = 0.94 for right and r = 0.89 for left) and was negatively correlated with age from 20-73 years (r = -0.74 right and r = -0.69 left). Grip strength was positively correlated with the weight (r = 0.86 right and r = 0.87 left), height (r = 0.88 right and r = 0.87 left) and body surface area (r = 0.9 for both) of the subjects. Endurance of contraction of both hands did not show any relationship with age, different physical parameters or grip strength of the subjects.  相似文献   

A.  K.  P.J.  C.  J.S.  L.L.  H.B.  M.K.  G.  K.   《Journal of electromyography and kinesiology》2009,19(5):896-902
Task-dependent differences in relative activity between “functional” subdivisions within human muscles are well documented. Contrary, independent voluntary control of anatomical subdivisions, termed neuromuscular compartments is not observed in human muscles. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to investigate whether subdivisions within the human trapezius can be independently activated by voluntary command using biofeedback guidance. Bipolar electromyographical electrodes were situated on four subdivisions of the trapezius muscle. The threshold for “active” and “rest” for each subdivision was set to >12% and <1.5% of the maximal electromyographical amplitude recorded during a maximal voluntary contraction. After 1 h with biofeedback from each of the four trapezius subdivisions, 11 of 15 subjects learned selective activation of at least one of the four anatomical subdivisions of the trapezius muscle. All subjects managed to voluntarily activate the lower subdivisions independently from the upper subdivisions. Half of the subjects succeeded to voluntarily activate both upper subdivisions independently from the two lower subdivisions. These findings show that anatomical subdivisions of the human trapezius muscle can be independently activated by voluntary command, indicating neuromuscular compartmentalization of the trapezius muscle. The independent activation of the upper and lower subdivisions of the trapezius is in accordance with the selective innervation by the fine cranial and main branch of the accessory nerve to the upper and lower subdivisions. These findings provide new insight into motor control characteristics, learning possibilities, and function of the clinically relevant human trapezius muscle.  相似文献   

Previous studies have focused on biomechanical and viscoelastic properties of the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) flap and the skin flap lifted in traditional rhytidectomy procedures. The authors compared these two layers with the composite rhytidectomy flap to explain their clinical observations that the composite dissection allows greater tension and lateral pull to be placed on the facial and cervical flaps, with less long-term stress-relaxation and tissue creep. Eight fresh cadavers were dissected by elevating flaps on one side of the face and neck as skin and SMAS flaps and on the other side as a standard composite rhytidectomy flap. The tissue samples were tested for breaking strength, tissue tearing force, stress-relaxation, and tissue creep. For breaking strength, uniform samples were pulled at a rate of 1 inch per minute, and the stress required to rupture the tissues was measured. Tissue tearing force was measured by attaching a 3-0 suture to the tissues and pulling at the same rate as that used for breaking strength. The force required to tear the suture out of the tissues was then measured. Stress-relaxation was assessed by tensing the uniformly sized strips of tissue to 80 percent of their breaking strength, and the amount of tissue relaxation was measured at 1-minute intervals for a total of 5 minutes. This measurement is expressed as the percentage of tissue relaxation per minute. Tissue creep was assessed by using a 3-0 suture and calibrated pressure gauge attached to the facial flaps. The constant tension applied to the flaps was 80 percent of the tissue tearing force. The distance crept was measured in millimeters after 2 and 3 minutes of constant tension. Breaking strength measurements demonstrated significantly greater breaking strength of skin and composite flaps as compared with SMAS flaps (p < 0.05). No significant difference was noted between skin and composite flaps. However, tissue tearing force demonstrated that the composite flaps were able to withstand a significantly greater force as compared with both skin and SMAS flaps (p < 0.05). Stress-relaxation analysis revealed the skin flaps to have the highest degree of stress-relaxation over each of five 1-minute intervals. In contrast, the SMAS and composite flaps demonstrated a significantly lower degree of stress-relaxation over the five 1-minute intervals (p < 0.05). There was no difference noted between the SMAS flaps and composite flaps with regard to stress-relaxation. Tissue creep correlated with the stress-relaxation data. The skin flaps demonstrated the greatest degree of tissue creep, which was significantly greater than that noted for the SMAS flaps or composite flaps (p < 0.05). Comparison of facial flaps with cervical flaps revealed that cervical skin, SMAS, and composite flaps tolerated significantly greater tissue tearing forces and demonstrated significantly greater tissue creep as compared with facial skin, SMAS, and composite flaps (p < 0.05). These biomechanical studies on facial and cervical rhytidectomy flaps indicate that the skin and composite flaps are substantially stronger than the SMAS flap, allowing significantly greater tension to be applied for repositioning of the flap and surrounding subcutaneous tissues. The authors confirmed that the SMAS layer exhibits significantly less stress-relaxation and creep as compared with the skin flap, a property that has led aesthetic surgeons to incorporate the SMAS into the face lift procedure. On the basis of the authors' findings in this study, it seems that that composite flap, although composed of both the skin and SMAS, acquires the viscoelastic properties of the SMAS layer, demonstrating significantly less stress-relaxation and tissue creep as compared with the skin flap. This finding may play a role in maintaining long-term results after rhytidectomy. In addition, it is noteworthy that the cervical flaps, despite their increased strength, demonstrate significantly greater tissue creep as compared with facial flaps, suggesting earlier relaxation of the neck as compared with the face after rhytidectomy.  相似文献   

Rules for the enumeration of the strong components of a graph and for the calculation of its variable adjacency matrix are presented. A new method is given to calculate the transfer function of a graphy by analyzing the strong components of the graph, the elementary paths between two nodes, and the linear subgraphs.  相似文献   

Compartment systems are often used as models for tracer and drug kinetics. The structure of a compartment system is here analyzed by means of theory of graphs methods. In particular the precursor-successor relationship between any two compartments is classified according to the structure of the graph of the system and to the values of the elements of the matrix associated with it. Supported jointly by NASA and AEC.  相似文献   

Rules for the enumeration of the strong components of a graph and for the calculation of its variable adjacency matrix are presented. A new method is given to calculate the transfer function of a graphy by analyzing the strong components of the graph, the elementary paths between two nodes, and the linear subgraphs. This work was supported in part by the United States Atomic Energy Commission and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

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