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1. Historical nutrient changes in Grasmere were investigated using a 300‐year record derived from six sediment cores. One core was investigated at high resolution for diatoms, total sedimentary phosphorus, and loss‐on‐ignition (LOI), and was dated using 210Pb and 137Cs. Six other cores were scanned for magnetic susceptibility, diatoms and LOI to confirm the stratigraphic integrity of the primary record. 2. A rise in nutrient levels occurred after 1855 AD. This event was marked by a shift away from benthic diatom assemblages and a rise in Asterionella formosa. The onset of eutrophication from 1855 corresponds to the expansion of the local and tourist population in the area. 3. The replacement of A. formosa with Cyclotella spp. ca 1945–65 indicates reduced nutrient loads, possibly because of enhanced flushing brought about by the seasonal rainfall distribution. 4. After 1965 a step‐wise increase in both absolute and relative amounts of Asterionella was found. High sedimentary P and diatom inferred TP confirmed the high nutrient loading of the lake. Nutrient increase is attributable to problems with the Grasmere village sewage system and the installation of a wastewater treatment works (WwTW) on the River Rothay in 1971. Modifications to the WwTW in 1982 caused an initial improvement, but have not led to a full recovery to pre‐1965 ecological conditions. 5. The diatom record indicates a further improvement after 1990 by a return toward Achnanthes minutissima. 6. The sedimentary archive of sensitive sites provides important benchmarks against which to judge the attainment of water quality targets.  相似文献   

The potential for nitrogen fixation in the water column and sediment of Grasmere (English Lake District) was investigated using the acetylene reduction technique, with reference to seasonal changes and concentrations of dissolved oxygen and inorganic nitrogen in the epilimnion and hypolimnion. Potential rates of nitrogen fixation and MPN counts of nitrogen-fixing bacteria correlated with each other and with decreases in dissolved oxygen concentration. The results suggested that selective changes in the nitrogen-fixing microflora took place during the period of thermal stratification. Neither light-dependent fixation, nor cyanobacteria could be detected in water column samples, and acetylene reduction was detected, for most of the season, only in samples of water and sediment to which a source of carbon and phosphorus had been added. The possible role of the sewage effluent in suppressing nitrogen fixation is discussed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Denitrification processes in Grasmere were studied using several techniques. Sediments were analysed for nitrate reductase activity and the accumulation of nitrogenous gases in samples incubated in the laboratory. Changes in the concentrations of inorganic nitrogen species in the water column and the release of gas bubbles into gas traps suspended above the sediment were also measured. Sewage effluent entered the lake via the main inflow and faecal bacteria were used as tracers to map the path of the river (and effluent) across the lake. The main river flow was west of the island in the centre of the lake and across the smaller of the two main basins. A preliminary study indicated that this western basin was the site of most active denitrification and this was confirmed in the following year when a seasonal survey showed that deoxygenation, nitrate reduction and ammonium accumulation was more advanced at this site. In addition, this basin was the only area where consistent discharge of nitrogen and methane from the profundal zone was observed. The nitrate reductase assay demonstrated that the sediment was the major site of denitrification, and that activity in the water column was higher in the anoxic hypolimnion than in the euphotic zone. Gas evolution from incubated sediment samples was analysed by gas liquid chromatography (GLC) and indicated that maximum denitrifying activity occurred below the mud surface in oxidized sediments. There was reasonable agreement between the enzyme assay and the GLC technique but neither predicted events in the field satisfactorily. Viable, most probable number (MPN) counts of denitrifying bacteria had similar limitations. A bimodal seasonal pattern of nitrate reductase activity was observed at four sites during thermal stratification, but this could not be explained fully. The major site of denitrification was identified and it was calculated that the nitrogen gas discharged was equivalent to c. 54% of the nitrate removed from the water column.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The abundance and species composition of the phytoplankton of Grasmere were monitored over a 12-year period following the commissioning of a small sewage treatment works, upstream of the lake.
2. Although Grasmere has been subject to increased phosphorus-loading and has quickly developed many features associated with eutrophication, the composition of its plankton has retained the characteristics of a mesotrophic, soft-water lake: a vernal diatom maximum, generally dominated by Asterionella , is followed by summer growths of nanoplanktonic species, of various colonial Chlorophyceae, before a substantial return to Asterionella-dominance in the autumn. In cooler summers there have been episodes of renewed diatom growth. followed by truncated recapitulations of the essential summer sequence. Anabaena solitaria was relatively common in drier summers when dissolved inorganic nitrogen fell to low concentrations, although many of the 'larger' algal species associated with stratified eutrophic lakes (Aphanizomenon, Microcystis, Ceratium spp.) have failed to become abundant in Grasmere.
3. Mean biomass levels (as indicated by chlorophyll concentration) have increased in response to the enrichment, though they do not conform well with most chlorophyll/phosphorus regression-models.
4. The key factor resisting a more complete transition to a typical eutrophic plankton appears to be the efficiency of episodic flushing of the lake during periods of high fluvial discharge sustained by heavy rainfall over the extensive, mountainous catchment. The probabilities that these limnological conditions might fail to deter the development of 'nuisance' blooms are briefly assessed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. In the summer of 1971 the village of Grasmere was converted from septic tank to mains drainage with sewage treatment at an activated sludge plant. The effluent was discharged into the River Rothay, the main inflow of a nearby small lake (Grasmere). This paper describes some of the effects on the lake. The mean areal hypolimnetic oxygen deficit increased from 274 to 434 mg O2 m−2 day−1 with an accompanying marked increase in the degree of deoxygenation in the hypolimnion. Plate counts of bacteria in the surface water increased for 2 years but this increase was not sustained. The mean summer soluble reactive phosphorus concentration did, however, increase significantly ( P = 0.05), but the same was not true of nitrate levels. This paper is particularly concerned with inorganic nitrogen transformations and analyses of the main inflow have shown that 50–98% of the ammonia and 10–40% of the nilrate entering in this river was derived from the sewage effluent. The concentrations in the main body of the lake were usually lower, possibly due to assimilation and denitrification in the shallower reaches of the lake. Seasonal changes in the inorganic nitrogen species in the hypolimnion showed three distinct phases of activity, ammonification, nitrification and denitrification. Nitrification accounted for approximately a quarter of the oxygen uptake in the hypolimnion.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The planktonic rotifers of Grasmere, a small lake in the English Lake District, were studied from August 1969 to December 1972. Twenty-four species were recorded but five were very rare. The remaining species were divided into three groups according to their seasonal occurrence: spring to autumn species ( Keratella quadrata. K. cochlearis, Gastropus stylifer, Asplauduia priodonta. Kellicottia Umgispina, Conochilus hippocrepis )., spring to early summer species ( Polyarthra dolichoptera, Synchaeta tremula, S. pectinata, S. stylata, S. oblonga, C. unicornis ), summer to autumn species ( Polyarthra vulgaris, P. major. Filinia terminalis, S. grandis, Ploesoma hudsoni, Trichocerca capucina, T. similis ). The months in which each species was abundant are given.
Keratella quadrata and Filinia terminalis were most abundant in the deepest stratum, Kellicottia longispina and Conochilus spp. were most abundant in the upper and middle strata. Trichocerca spp. showed no pronounced vertical distribution, and all the remaining species were most abundant in the upper stratum. Keratella cochlearis and Kellicottia longispina attained their highest densities over a wide range of temperature and oxygen concentration. Filinia terminalis, Conchihis spp., Asplanchna priodonta. K. quadrata , and Polyarthra spp., attained their highest densities within a narrow range of temperature and oxygen concentration. Optimum ranges are given for each species.
Major changes occurred between 1971 and 1972 when Asplanchna priodonta. Kellicottia longispina, Conochilus unicornis and Filinia terminalis increased in abundance, whilst Keratella quadrata. Gastropus stylifer, C. hippocrepis, Polyarthra spp., Synchaeta spp. and Ploesoma hudsoni decreased in abundance. These changes are discussed in relation to the temperature and oxygen requirements of each species and also to the probable enrichment of the lake after the opening of a new sewage works in June 1971.  相似文献   

Estimates ofin situ nitrifying activity have been made in the hypolimnetic water column and surface 1.0 cm of profundal sediments at 2 sites in Grasmere, a mesotrophic lake in the English Lake District. Increases of nitrate concentrations were used to estimate nitrification in the water column whereas a mini-core technique, involving the use of a nitrification inhibitor (allylthiourea), was used to estimate the rate in surface sediments. The pattern of oxygen depletion in the water column was used to estimate the maximum depth to which sediments affect the overlying water. Nitrification in the sediment and in the water column made approximately equal contributions to the total areal oxygen deficit and, as a whole, nitrification accounted for 15–20% of the total oxygen depletion. There was no significant difference in oxygen depletion due to nitrification between the 2 sites. Attempts were made, using the nitrification potential technique, to determine the depth distribution of nitrifying activity in the surface 1.0 cm of sediment.  相似文献   

This paper describes an analysis of the plants of Sambalpur district of Orissa, India which have been used medicinally by local people. The families having medicinal values are analysed using Moerman's method of regression analysis. There were 136 plant families recorded from the study area. The analysis of families showed that the Euphorbiaceae family being used most ethnomedicinally by the local people in Sambalpur district of Orissa, whereas Poaceae is used least one. This type of study determines the degree of importance of plant families in the medicinal flora of the region.  相似文献   

This paper describes an analysis of the plants of Sambalpur district of Orissa,India which have been used medicinally by local people. The families having medicinal values are analysed using Moerman's method of regression analysis. There were 136 plant families recorded from the study area. The analysis of families showed that the Euphorbiaceae family being used most ethnomedicinally by the local people in Sambalpur district of Orissa,whereas Poaceae is used least one. This type of study determines the degree of importance of plant families in the medicinal flora of the region.  相似文献   

Abstract: A general account of the lichens of high-level acid habitats in the Lake District is provided. This is followed by detailed studies of base-rich sites in the Helvellyn range, acid outcrops in Langdale, and three upland tarns, one of which is of outstanding importance. The lichen vegetation is richer than in Snowdonia or the Northern Pennines, but its diversity is considerably less than that of certain individual mountains in the Scottish Highlands. The montane element is interpreted as representing the last remnants of communities that have declined gradually through the Postglacial Period. Many species are extremely rare. Current restraints on the alpine lichen flora include the climate, the predominance of wet, acid rock and heavy sheep grazing. Rhizocarpon simillimum is reported as new to the British lichen flora.  相似文献   

High Heterotrophic Bacterial Production in Acidic, Iron-Rich Mining Lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The acidic mining lakes of Eastern Germany are characterized by their extremely low pH and high iron concentrations. Low concentrations of CO2 in the epilimnion due to the low pH and reduced light transmission due to dissolved ferric iron potentially limit phytoplankton primary production (PP), whereas dissolved organic carbon (DOC) may promote heterotrophic production of bacteria (HP). We, therefore, tested whether HP exceeds PP in three lakes differing in pH and iron concentration (mean pH 2.3–3.0, 23–500 mg Fe L−1). Bacterial biomass and HP achieved highest values in the most acidic, most iron-rich lake, whereas PP was highest in the least acidic lake. HP was often higher than PP (ratio HP/PP up to 11), indicating that planktonic PP was not the main carbon source for the bacteria. HP was not related to PP and DOC, but HP as well as bacterial biomass increased with decreasing pH. Light stimulated the formation of ferrous iron, changed the DOC composition, and increased the HP in laboratory experiments, suggesting that iron photoreduction caused DOC degradation. This may explain why we found the highest HP in the most acidic and most rich lake. Overall, the importance of bacteria in the cycling of matter and as a basis for the whole food web seemed to increase in more acidic lakes with higher iron concentrations.  相似文献   

Investigation of the occurrence of mesophilic actinomycetes in the lakes of the English Lake District revealed their widespread distribution in the lacustrine environment. Although only low numbers of actinomycetes occurred in the water, high numbers were recovered from all the lake muds. Total numbers of actinomycetes in the muds correlated quite well with the lakes’ productivity status. High numbers of Micro-monospora, Streptomyces and nocardioform actinomycetes were isolated from all the lakes sampled. Low numbers of Streptosporangium were isolated from all the muds but strains of Actinomadura, Actinoplanes, Dactylosporangium, Microbispora and Thermomonospora were only encountered occasionally. Micromonospora was the numerically dominant genus isolated from all the lakes sampled. This dominance was even more striking in deeper layers of mud and this was thought to reflect a more resistant spore stage in Micromonospora than in either of the other two main genera.  相似文献   

Tubes composed of butyl rubber have been placed in a small English lake in an area where the water is 11-12 m deep. Each tube, when fully distended, contains over 18 000 m3 of water. The tubes are anchored to the shore and lake bottom. A boat can be rowed into them over a specially strengthened portion ofthe margin. The first was installed and its water isolated from that in the lake by the end of July 1970 and the second tube at the beginning of October 1970. The installation, maintenance, and performance of the tubes are described; as are suggested improvements. The temperature regime in the tubes closely follows that in the lake. If the chemical conditions are favourable, the seasonal cycle of Melosira in a tube is similar to that n i the lake. Contamination of the water in the tubes by that in the lake is slight and has a negligible effect on chemical conditions within them. Water can be lost from the tubes under certain conditions. The reverse does not happen. The phytoplankton communities in the tubes are similar in quality to those ofthe lake, even after 2-5 years of separation. The evidence suggests that the tubes are suitable for investigations on certain factors determining the abundance and seasonal cycles of algae in lakes and for other limnological studies.  相似文献   

Studies on mountain streams in the English Lake District   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sodium and potassium in streamwater were measured over a period of 2 years, and concentrations of other major ions were occasionally monitored. The supply of sodium, potassium and calcium in rainfall was measured over a period of 1 year. A tentative budget is given for annual income and output of sodium, potassium and calcium in the Duddon catchment. Sodium and potassium concentrations in streamwater were independent of stream discharge; both ions displayed an annual cycle of high concentrations in winter and low concentrations in summer. The input of sodium was dependent on rainfall, wind direction and wind speed; 40% of the annual supply in rain was precipitated in the autumn. Sodium income in rainfall during the remaining 9 months of the year was insufficient to balance the output in streamwater. Annual income of potassium in rainfall was equal to annual output in streamwater. But potassium was retained on the catchment during spring and summer and was slowly released to the streams in autumn and winter. Only about 10% of the annual calcium output was derived from atmospheric sources.  相似文献   

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